2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Clinical genetics agarose gel . The results showed that two families are carriers for the Asian-Indian inversion and deletion . Genotype-phenotype correlation was performed the same as globin gene server database . P01.006 Genotyping of α-globin genes in Iranian α-thalssemia carriers E. Shafieiyeh, M. Karimipour, Z. Kaini Moghaddam, A. Kordafshari, S. Zeinali; Institute Pasteur, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Introduction: Alpha thalassemia is more often caused by deletions involving one or both of the α-globin genes. A small number of point mutations, usually within the α2, have been characterized . The aim of This study was molecular analysis of α-globin genes in some Iranian people with low MCV, MCH and normal HbA2 and HbF . Materials and Methods: After obtaining informed consent, DNA was extracted from blood samples of 100individuals referred from Primary Health Care (PHC) centers by salting out method. Multiplex Gap-PCR for common α-globin gene deletions was performed . Then for individuals who did not have known deletions, α2 and α1-globin genes were sequenced by chain termination method . The sequences were aligned against Z84721 accession number in GenBank and results were compared with globin gene server database . Results: Among 100 individuals, 47 individuals have had deletions in α-globin gene including: -α3 .7 (27), --Med (8), -α4 .2 (7), -α20 .5 (5) . of the 53 remaining individuals who did not have known deletions in αglobin genes,23 samples had different mutations; including: PolyA (8), 4 PolyA & 5nt (5), C .S(1),hemoglobin Adana,Cd28 . The most common 6 deletions and point mutation were -α3 .7 and PolyA, respectively . Conclusion:Non deletion mutations can interact with each other or α0 -thalassemia deletions to produce severe forms of HbH disease or even Hb hydrops fetalis.Thus screening for α-thalassemia should be considered during genetics counseling of high risk couples of thalassemia for prenatal diagnosis. In addition, α-thalassemia may alter the hematologic parameter in β-thalassemia carriers. P01.007 A new polymorphism causes different restriction pattern by β- RsaI in β-globin cluster: application in PND A. Valaei, F. Bayat, M. Taghavi, M. Karimipoor, S. Zeinali; Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. The β-globin cluster is located at chromosome 11 and contains five functional genes .There are at least nine RFLP markers distributed all over the cluster .These markers are used routinely for carrier testing, prenatal diagnosis and haplotype analysis . Working on the β-globin cluster haplotypes of some Iranian β-thalassemia carriers and their families, we observed a different pattern of digestion by RsaI restriction enzyme in many people .The aim of this study was to find out the cause of this pattern. This study was performed on carriers of β-thalassemia and normal controls . After obtaining informed consent, DNA was extracted from peripheral blood.ARMS-PCR method was exploited for finding the common mutations in β-globin gene.PCR-RFLP was performed on β-RsaI polymorphic site. The primers and PCR conditions are from Weatheral & Cleggs . DNA sequencing was performed on PCR products of β-RsaI marker by the same primers. Some of the carriers of β-thalassemia and their parents had a different digestion pattern in β-RsaI polymorphic site. In the carrier people different mutations were found(IVSII-1, IVSI-110, IVSI-6, -88) .When polymorphic restriction site of RsaI is absent in the sample, after digestion, the 1200 bp PCR product is cut to 694, 411 and 95 bp bands due to two constant restriction sites . In our cases the constant restriction site at position 411 has been changed(GTAC to GCAG)in heterozygous form . Hence, the restriction pattern by this enzyme creates 694 and 506 bp bands. This polymorphism is not associated to a specific mutation in β-globin gene and also was found in normal control people. P01.008 Co-inheritance of Hemoglobin D and β-Thalassemia Trait in three iranian families M. Taghavi, M. Karimipoor, M. Jafarinejad, L. katouzian, A. Valaei, A. Amirian, F. Bayat, A. Kordafshari, N. Saeedi, S. Zeinali; Pasteur Inistitute of Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. β-thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder in Iran, occurring more frequently in Northern and Southern areas . IVSII-I and IVSI-5 are the most common mutations reported in the country . HbD, a hemoglobin variant occurs mainly in north-west India, Pakistan and Iran and differs structurally from normal HbA at 121 positions on β chain. Co-inheritance of HbD and thalassemia minor is not common and may alter the Hb electrophoresis pattern . Here we report three cases with combination of β-thalassemia and Hb D. None of them had symptoms of profound anemia and hematological indices were similar to the βthalassemia heterozygote . Hb variant level in carriers was increased and no HbA was detected electrophoretically . After obtaining informed consent, the blood samples were collected in tubes containing EDTA . Genomic DNA was extracted using the salting out method . The mutation in β-globin gene was revealed by ARMS-PCR technique and confirmed by DNA sequencing. The region containing exon 3 was amplified for HbD and the PCR product of this amplicon was digested by EcoRI . The electrophoresis pattern suggested that all cases were homozygote for HbD. But, molecular analysis confirmed the presence of Cd 121 GAA>CAA in heterozygous form in combination with IVS II-I and IVS I-5 . Hematological family study showed the mutations and HbD are in trans position . These mutations produce an unstable mRNA without any product and almost all of the globin output is from the chromosome carries HbD . P01.009 Analysis of haplotypes associated with iVsi nt 130 of beta-globin gene reveals intriguing results M. Feizpour 1 , P. Fouladi 1 , S. Foroughi 1 , F. Rahiminejad 1 , F. S. Hashemi 1 , R. Vahidi 1 , S. Zeinali 2 ; 1 Kawsar Biotech Research Center, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Pasteur Institute and Kawsar Biotech Research Center, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Prevention of thalassemia is a national program . Premarital screening and prenatal diagnosis (PND) is in effect . For performing PND, we usually use direct mutation detection techniques like ARMS PCR . We routinely screen for more than 42 mutations identified in our center so far . If now mutation is detected we resort to direct DNA sequencing . We also use beta-globin gene linked RFLPs or SNPs for PND to increase the accuracy of PND . Sometimes haplotype analysis can be very helpful as well . We have so far analyzed more that 6394 chromosomes from carriers of beta-thalassemia and in 16 cases the mutation was IVSI nt 130 . This mutation is regarded as rare mutation in Iranian population . The families were mostly from two distinct geographical areas, namely Aghghola in Golestan province, west of Caspian Sea in the north of Iran (6 cases or 37%) and Meshkin shahr in Ardabil province, east of Caspian Sea, in north of Iran (5 cases or 31%) . The other 4 cases were from Khozestan in South West and Gilan in North of Iran equally . Since populations in these two regions do not have much in common we decided to see if they share the same haplotype . We tested Hind III ψβ, AvaII β, and HinfI β RFLP sites for this purpose. All cases from Aghghola were + - + and all cases from Meshkin Shahr were - - + for these sites . This shows that there were two different founder effects for this mutation . P01.010 Non-Invasive prenatal diagnosis of β-thalassaemia by SNP analysis using PNAs and Arrayed Primer Extension(APEX) T. Papasavva 1 , A. Kyrri 2 , L. Cremonesi 3 , S. Galbiatti 3 , M. Kleanthous 1 ; 1 The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 Thalassaemia Center, Archibishop Makarios III Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus, 3 Fondazione Centro San Raffaele del Monte Tabor, Milan, Italy. The recent discovery of relatively abundant quantities of cell free fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum has opened up new possibilities for the non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. β-thalassaemia is one of the most common autosomal recessive single-gene disorders in Cyprus .

Clinical genetics In Cyprus, the mutation IVSI-110 accounts for 81% of all the cases . Therefore, the development of a non-invasive method for the Cyprus population is based on the detection of paternally inherited Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as well as the direct detection of paternal beta-thal mutations . Eleven SNPs with high degree of heterozygosity in the Cypriot population were selected and analyzed on 34 families and the informative SNPs were determined. In order to find a higher number of informative SNPs, the degree of heterozygosity in the Cypriot population was determined for 130 SNPs on 75 random samples using the Sequenom® MALDI-TOFF Mass Array genotyping analysis . One of the approaches that are being developed is the Arrayed Primer Extension (APEX) method on the Genorama® QuattroImager . We developed a DNA chip called “thalassochip” that contains 60 beta-thal mutations and 10 SNPs linked to the beta-globin locus . The APEX assay was applied on maternal plasma of 7 families using the informative SNPs; paternal allele of the fetus was non-invasively detected in 5 families . Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA) probes are used to suppres amplification of the maternal allele and unmask the fetal allele. The efficiency of PNA-mediated PCR clumping technique was tested on APEX and sequencing analysis . P01.011 Delineation of deletions in beta globin gene cluster causing HPFH in iran M. T. Akbari 1 , M. T. Akbari 2 , B. Keikhaee 3 , S. Zare-Karizi 2 , M. Karimipour 4 , L. Mottaghi 2 ; 1 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Tehran Medical Genetics Laboratory, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 Ahwaz Medical Sciences University, Ahwaz, Islamic Republic of Iran, 4 Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Background: Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and äâ thalassemia are heterogeneous disorders characterized by elevated levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in adult life . The distinction between these conditions is subtle and is made on clinical and hematological grounds . Most HPFHs are caused by large deletions involving a variable extent of DNA segment on the beta-globin gene cluster . There are eight common forms of such deletions reported in different populations . In this study ten unrelated individuals with characteristic HPFH hematological profile were investigated to delineate their betaglobin gene cluster deletions . Aims and objectives: Molecular analysis of 10 Iranian patients with low MCV and MCH, Normal HbA2 and high level of HbF (5%-15%) was carried out . They were referred from primary health care centers involving in the national prevention program for thalassemia . Materials and methods: After obtaining informed consent, genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood . Multiplex gap PCR method was exploited for characterizing of 8 different deletions in beta-globin cluster causing delta-beta thalassemia or HPFH . Results and discussion: Seven individuals from this group were shown to be heterozygous for the 13 .4 kb Sicilian deletion, two were heterozygous for the Asian-Indian form of inversion-deletion Ggama(Agamadelta-beta) 0 thalassemia and mutation for one of them was not identified. So far three types of deletional mutations in Iranian patients have been reported. These results confirm the previous findings. P01.012 Reporting of Beta talassemia mutations frequency by DNA sequencing analysis in iran M. Sajedifar 1,2,3 , M. Moshirazin 1,2 , S. Mousavi 1,2 , Z. Shahab Movahed 1,2 , A. Joodaki 1,2 , S. Zeinali 1,2,4 ; 1 Kawsar Human Genetic Reaserch Center- KGBC, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Medical Genetics Lab of Dr Zeinali, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 Researchers Club of research and science branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 4 Human Genetics Unit, Dept of Biotech Pasteur Institute, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Beta-thalassemia is the most prevalent genetic disorder in Iran . In order to control this autosomal recessive disorder several plans are in effect, including premarital genetic counseling and blood tests . Our unit has been chosen as National Reference Center for Prenatal Diagnosis . We are actively involved in prenatal diagnosis, carrier detection and molecular analysis of mutations in β-globin gene. We have started to perform DNA sequencing for all samples especially for unknown cases since July of 2005. We find that DNA sequencing is very suitable and informative for screening of mutations except deletions . DNA samples are usually tested for mutations like IVS-II-I, IVSI-5, IVS-I- 110, codon 5, codon 17,codon 41/42(-TTCT) and many common mutations and deletions . We have decided to use a comprhensive mutation screening apprach and sequenced the gene by 3130 Genetic Analyzer . After detection of 2654 sequences in 2 years, we have found very different abundance for these mutations:-28tata box,-29tata box,- 30 tata box,-88,-101,codon 2,codon15,codon36-37,codon39,codon82- 83,codon121,IVS-I-5,IVS-I-110,IVS-II-1,IVS-II-666 and more than 35 other mutations . P01.013 molecular characterization of beta-thalassemia intermedia in Antalya population, turkey I. Keser 1 , A. D. Sanlioglu 1 , E. A. Aydemir 1 , A. Yesilipek 2 , D. Canatan 3 , G. Luleci 1 ; 1 Akdeniz University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Genetics, Antalya, Turkey, 2 Akdeniz University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Antalya, Turkey, 3 The State Hospital, Thalassemia Center, Antalya, Turkey. Beta-thalassemia intermedia (Beta-TI) is a term used to define a group of patients with β-thalassemia in whom the clinical severity of the disease is somewhere between the mild symptoms of the β-thalassemia trait and the severe manifestations of β-thalassemia major. Beta-TI shows both clinic and genetic heterogeneity . The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between the genotype and phenotype in Turkish patients with beta-TI living in Antalya, Turkey . A total of 32 patients with beta-TI were evaluated for mutations and their clinical findings. Eight different mutations [-30 (T-A), Cod 3 (+T), Cod 8(-AA), Cod 39 (C-T), IVS1 .6 (T-C), IVS1 .110 (G-A), IVS2 .1 (G-A), IVS2 .745 (C-G) ] were found in our study . The IVS1 .6 (T-C) was the commonest beta-mutation, occurring in both homozygous state in five patients and compound heterozygous state in eight patients . The IVS2 .1 (G-A) was the second beta-mutation in eight patients as homozygous state in two patients . In a family with beta-thalassemia, two sibs were compound heterozygote for IVS2 .1(G-A) and IVS1 .110 (G-A) . One of them was female with beta-TI, while other was male with beta-thalassemia major. In addition, our findings were compared with literature and the mutation profile in beta-TI patients was differently found in our population than others. In conclusion, our data suggest that modifier genes should be screened together with beta-globin gene mutations in patients with beta-thalassemia intermedia to give correct genetic counseling and to provide the effective treatment . P01.014 Effect of α-gene numbers and XmnI Polymorphism on the phenotype of HbE/β thalassemia patients V. Sharma, B. Kumar, R. Saxena; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. introduction: HbE [β26 (B8) Glu-Lys] with β thalassemia (HbE/β thalassemia) results in a clinically severe condition . HbE/ß thalassemia has a very variable clinical phenotype . Some of the possible explanations for the observed variable clinical severity are coinheritance of α-thalassemia and XmnI polymorphism. Objective: To determine the frequency of XmnI polymorphism, α deletion and triplication in HbE/ β thalassemia patients and to study their effect on the phenotype of Patients . material and methods: Subjects were 85 HbE/ßthalassemia patients .Patients were divided into three subgroups according to a scoring system based on seven clinical criteria as mild (score 0-3 .5), moderate (score 4-7) and severe (score7.5-10). α deletions and XmnI polymorphism were studied by GAP-PCR and PCR-RFLP respectively . Results: α deletion was found in 18 (21.2%) out of these 18 patients 12(11 αα/-α 3 .7 & 1 αα/--SA) were from Gp1 and 6(αα/-α 3 .7 ) were from Gp2 .α triplication was found in 7(8.2%) out of these 7 patients 5 were (αα/ααα anti-3 .7 ) from Gp3 and 2 were (αα/ααα anti-3 .7 )from Gp 2 .XmnI was found in 53(62 .3%), out of which 43 were heterozygous(+/-) &10 were homozygous(+/+) .XmnI +/+ was present in 6 Gp1 & 4 Gp2 patients, while XmnI +/- was present in 8 Gp1 ,15 Gp2 & 20 Gp3 patients . conclusion: Patients with coexisting α deletion, required lesser transfusions and had less severe phenotype while patients with α triplication were on frequent transfusions and had severe phenotype . XmnI poly- 0

Clinical genetics<br />

In Cyprus, the mutation IVSI-110 accounts for 81% <strong>of</strong> all the cases .<br />

Therefore, the development <strong>of</strong> a non-invasive method for the Cyprus<br />

population is based on the detection <strong>of</strong> paternally inherited Single<br />

Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as well as the direct detection <strong>of</strong><br />

paternal beta-thal mutations .<br />

Eleven SNPs with high degree <strong>of</strong> heterozygosity in the Cypriot population<br />

were selected and analyzed on 34 families and the informative<br />

SNPs were determined. In order to find a higher number <strong>of</strong> informative<br />

SNPs, the degree <strong>of</strong> heterozygosity in the Cypriot population was determined<br />

for 130 SNPs on 75 random samples using the Sequenom®<br />

MALDI-TOFF Mass Array genotyping analysis .<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the approaches that are being developed is the Arrayed Primer<br />

Extension (APEX) method on the Genorama® QuattroImager . We<br />

developed a DNA chip called “thalassochip” that contains 60 beta-thal<br />

mutations and 10 SNPs linked to the beta-globin locus . The APEX assay<br />

was applied on maternal plasma <strong>of</strong> 7 families using the informative<br />

SNPs; paternal allele <strong>of</strong> the fetus was non-invasively detected in<br />

5 families .<br />

Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA) probes are used to suppres amplification<br />

<strong>of</strong> the maternal allele and unmask the fetal allele. The efficiency<br />

<strong>of</strong> PNA-mediated PCR clumping technique was tested on APEX and<br />

sequencing analysis .<br />

P01.011<br />

Delineation <strong>of</strong> deletions in beta globin gene cluster causing<br />

HPFH in iran<br />

M. T. Akbari 1 , M. T. Akbari 2 , B. Keikhaee 3 , S. Zare-Karizi 2 , M. Karimipour 4 , L.<br />

Mottaghi 2 ;<br />

1 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 2 Tehran Medical<br />

<strong>Genetics</strong> Laboratory, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 3 Ahwaz Medical Sciences<br />

University, Ahwaz, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 4 Pasteur Institute <strong>of</strong> Iran,<br />

Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran.<br />

Background: Hereditary persistence <strong>of</strong> fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and<br />

äâ thalassemia are heterogeneous disorders characterized by elevated<br />

levels <strong>of</strong> fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in adult life . The distinction<br />

between these conditions is subtle and is made on clinical and hematological<br />

grounds . Most HPFHs are caused by large deletions involving<br />

a variable extent <strong>of</strong> DNA segment on the beta-globin gene cluster .<br />

There are eight common forms <strong>of</strong> such deletions reported in different<br />

populations . In this study ten unrelated individuals with characteristic<br />

HPFH hematological pr<strong>of</strong>ile were investigated to delineate their betaglobin<br />

gene cluster deletions .<br />

Aims and objectives: Molecular analysis <strong>of</strong> 10 Iranian patients with<br />

low MCV and MCH, Normal HbA2 and high level <strong>of</strong> HbF (5%-15%)<br />

was carried out . They were referred from primary health care centers<br />

involving in the national prevention program for thalassemia .<br />

Materials and methods: After obtaining informed consent, genomic<br />

DNA was extracted from peripheral blood . Multiplex gap PCR method<br />

was exploited for characterizing <strong>of</strong> 8 different deletions in beta-globin<br />

cluster causing delta-beta thalassemia or HPFH .<br />

Results and discussion: Seven individuals from this group were shown<br />

to be heterozygous for the 13 .4 kb Sicilian deletion, two were heterozygous<br />

for the Asian-Indian form <strong>of</strong> inversion-deletion Ggama(Agamadelta-beta)<br />

0 thalassemia and mutation for one <strong>of</strong> them was not identified.<br />

So far three types <strong>of</strong> deletional mutations in Iranian patients have<br />

been reported. These results confirm the previous findings.<br />

P01.012<br />

Reporting <strong>of</strong> Beta talassemia mutations frequency by DNA<br />

sequencing analysis in iran<br />

M. Sajedifar 1,2,3 , M. Moshirazin 1,2 , S. Mousavi 1,2 , Z. Shahab Movahed 1,2 , A. Joodaki<br />

1,2 , S. Zeinali 1,2,4 ;<br />

1 Kawsar <strong>Human</strong> Genetic Reaserch Center- KGBC, Tehran, Islamic Republic<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iran, 2 Medical <strong>Genetics</strong> Lab <strong>of</strong> Dr Zeinali, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran,<br />

Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 3 Researchers Club <strong>of</strong> research and science<br />

branch <strong>of</strong> Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 4 <strong>Human</strong><br />

<strong>Genetics</strong> Unit, Dept <strong>of</strong> Biotech Pasteur Institute, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong><br />

Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran.<br />

Beta-thalassemia is the most prevalent genetic disorder in Iran . In order<br />

to control this autosomal recessive disorder several plans are in<br />

effect, including premarital genetic counseling and blood tests . Our<br />

unit has been chosen as National Reference Center for Prenatal Diagnosis<br />

. We are actively involved in prenatal diagnosis, carrier detection<br />

and molecular analysis <strong>of</strong> mutations in β-globin gene. We have started<br />

to perform DNA sequencing for all samples especially for unknown<br />

cases since July <strong>of</strong> 2005. We find that DNA sequencing is very suitable<br />

and informative for screening <strong>of</strong> mutations except deletions . DNA<br />

samples are usually tested for mutations like IVS-II-I, IVSI-5, IVS-I-<br />

110, codon 5, codon 17,codon 41/42(-TTCT) and many common mutations<br />

and deletions . We have decided to use a comprhensive mutation<br />

screening apprach and sequenced the gene by 3130 Genetic<br />

Analyzer . After detection <strong>of</strong> 2654 sequences in 2 years, we have found<br />

very different abundance for these mutations:-28tata box,-29tata box,-<br />

30 tata box,-88,-101,codon 2,codon15,codon36-37,codon39,codon82-<br />

83,codon121,IVS-I-5,IVS-I-110,IVS-II-1,IVS-II-666 and more than 35<br />

other mutations .<br />

P01.013<br />

molecular characterization <strong>of</strong> beta-thalassemia intermedia in<br />

Antalya population, turkey<br />

I. Keser 1 , A. D. Sanlioglu 1 , E. A. Aydemir 1 , A. Yesilipek 2 , D. Canatan 3 , G. Luleci<br />

1 ;<br />

1 Akdeniz University, Medical Faculty, Department <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Antalya,<br />

Turkey, 2 Akdeniz University, Medical Faculty, Department <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics, Antalya,<br />

Turkey, 3 The State Hospital, Thalassemia Center, Antalya, Turkey.<br />

Beta-thalassemia intermedia (Beta-TI) is a term used to define a group<br />

<strong>of</strong> patients with β-thalassemia in whom the clinical severity <strong>of</strong> the disease<br />

is somewhere between the mild symptoms <strong>of</strong> the β-thalassemia<br />

trait and the severe manifestations <strong>of</strong> β-thalassemia major. Beta-TI<br />

shows both clinic and genetic heterogeneity . The purpose <strong>of</strong> this study<br />

was to analyze the relation between the genotype and phenotype in<br />

Turkish patients with beta-TI living in Antalya, Turkey . A total <strong>of</strong> 32<br />

patients with beta-TI were evaluated for mutations and their clinical<br />

findings. Eight different mutations [-30 (T-A), Cod 3 (+T), Cod 8(-AA),<br />

Cod 39 (C-T), IVS1 .6 (T-C), IVS1 .110 (G-A), IVS2 .1 (G-A), IVS2 .745<br />

(C-G) ] were found in our study . The IVS1 .6 (T-C) was the commonest<br />

beta-mutation, occurring in both homozygous state in five patients and<br />

compound heterozygous state in eight patients . The IVS2 .1 (G-A) was<br />

the second beta-mutation in eight patients as homozygous state in two<br />

patients . In a family with beta-thalassemia, two sibs were compound<br />

heterozygote for IVS2 .1(G-A) and IVS1 .110 (G-A) . One <strong>of</strong> them was<br />

female with beta-TI, while other was male with beta-thalassemia major.<br />

In addition, our findings were compared with literature and the mutation<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ile in beta-TI patients was differently found in our population<br />

than others. In conclusion, our data suggest that modifier genes should<br />

be screened together with beta-globin gene mutations in patients with<br />

beta-thalassemia intermedia to give correct genetic counseling and to<br />

provide the effective treatment .<br />

P01.014<br />

Effect <strong>of</strong> α-gene numbers and XmnI Polymorphism on the<br />

phenotype <strong>of</strong> HbE/β thalassemia patients<br />

V. Sharma, B. Kumar, R. Saxena;<br />

All India Institute <strong>of</strong> Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.<br />

introduction: HbE [β26 (B8) Glu-Lys] with β thalassemia (HbE/β thalassemia)<br />

results in a clinically severe condition . HbE/ß thalassemia<br />

has a very variable clinical phenotype . Some <strong>of</strong> the possible explanations<br />

for the observed variable clinical severity are coinheritance <strong>of</strong><br />

α-thalassemia and XmnI polymorphism. Objective: To determine the<br />

frequency <strong>of</strong> XmnI polymorphism, α deletion and triplication in HbE/<br />

β thalassemia patients and to study their effect on the phenotype <strong>of</strong><br />

Patients . material and methods: Subjects were 85 HbE/ßthalassemia<br />

patients .Patients were divided into three subgroups according to<br />

a scoring system based on seven clinical criteria as mild (score 0-3 .5),<br />

moderate (score 4-7) and severe (score7.5-10). α deletions and XmnI<br />

polymorphism were studied by GAP-PCR and PCR-RFLP respectively<br />

. Results: α deletion was found in 18 (21.2%) out <strong>of</strong> these 18 patients<br />

12(11 αα/-α 3 .7 & 1 αα/--SA) were from Gp1 and 6(αα/-α 3 .7 ) were from<br />

Gp2 .α triplication was found in 7(8.2%) out <strong>of</strong> these 7 patients 5 were<br />

(αα/ααα anti-3 .7 ) from Gp3 and 2 were (αα/ααα anti-3 .7 )from Gp 2 .XmnI was<br />

found in 53(62 .3%), out <strong>of</strong> which 43 were heterozygous(+/-) &10 were<br />

homozygous(+/+) .XmnI +/+ was present in 6 Gp1 & 4 Gp2 patients,<br />

while XmnI +/- was present in 8 Gp1 ,15 Gp2 & 20 Gp3 patients . conclusion:<br />

Patients with coexisting α deletion, required lesser transfusions<br />

and had less severe phenotype while patients with α triplication<br />

were on frequent transfusions and had severe phenotype . XmnI poly-<br />


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