2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Concurrent Sessions doses and long term treatment with lower doses . This was accompanied by functional improvement and improved muscle integrity, without any apparent toxicity. These findings are encouraging for future clinical trials and eventual systemic application of this approach . c15.2 Restoration of aberrant splicing and neurofibromin function in three NF1 deep intronic mutations by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (AmOs) E. Pros 1,2 , J. Fernández 1 , B. Canet 1 , L. Benito 3 , A. Benavides 4 , F. J. Ramos 5 , M. A. López-Ariztegui 6 , G. Capellá 1 , I. Blanco 7 , E. Serra 8 , C. Lázaro 1 ; 1 Laboratori Recerca Translacional, Institut Català d’Oncologia, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 2 Genetics Department, IDIBELL, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Unitat Consell Genètic, Institut Català d’Oncologia, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 4 Genética, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), Oviedo, Spain, 5 Dpto. Pediatría, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 6 Genética, Hospital de Cruces, Bilbao, Vizkaya, Spain, 7 Unitat de Consell Genètic, Institut Català d’Oncologia, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 8 Genetics Department, IDIBELL, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the NF1 gene . Aproximately 2% of the germline mutations identified in our population consists in deep intronic mutations . Such nucleotide changes create new splice sites that produce the insertion of a cryptic exon in the mature mRNA . We used antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (AMOs) to restore normal splicing in three NF1 deep intronic mutations (c .288+2025T>G, c .5749+332A>G and c .7908-321C>G) . All of them generate a cryptic 5’ splice donor site and result in the inclusion of a cryptic exon in the mature RNA by the use of an existent 3’ cryptic splice site . AMOs were designed to target the newly created 5’ splice sites in order to avoid the incorporation of cryptic exons and promote the use of wild-type splice sites, by the splicing machinery . Our results demonstrate that AMOs treatment effectively restore normal NF1 splicing at the mRNA level in primary fibroblast and lymphocyte cell lines derived from different patients carrying the three deep intronic mutations . In addition, we observed a decrease in the ammount of Ras-GTP (equivalent to wild type fibroblast levels) in primary fibroblasts from patients after AMOs treatment, consistent with the restoration of neurofibromin function. To our knowledge this is the first time that an antisense technique is used successfully to restore NF1 mutations, opening the possibility of a therapeutic strategy for this type of NF1 mutations . c15.3 Antisense therapeutics for a new deep intronic variation identified in two Methylmalonic Acidemia patients A. Rincón, L. R. Desviat, M. Ugarte, B. Pérez; Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. CIBERER, Madrid, Spain. Isolated methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is a life threatening organic acidemia caused by defects in the methylmalonylCoA mutase (MCM) or in enzymes involved in the synthesis of the active cofactor adenosylcobalamin. In this work we describe a new point change identified in two MMA affected patients located deep in intron 11 of the MUT gene (IVS11-898A>G) . This change increases the splicing score of a 5´cryptic splice site and provokes the intronic inclusion of 76 bp (r .1957ins76) between exons 11 and 12 . Using a splicing assay we have demonstrated that the change caused exonization of this intronic sequence and by morpholino antisense oligonucleotide transfection we have demonstrated that the insertion is a disease-causing mutation in these two patients . The antisense oligonucleotide was targeted to the 5’ cryptic splice sites to block access of the splicing machinery to the pseudoexonic region in the pre-mRNA . After transfection of the patient’s fibroblasts we have performed RT-PCR analysis and enzymatic assay to determine MCM activity . Using this antisense therapeutics we have obtained correctly spliced mRNA that was effectively translated and methylmalonyl CoA mutase activity was rescued in patient’s fibroblasts close to 100% of control activity . The effect of AMO is sequence and dose dependent and was not effective in patients where the insertion was produced by splicing background noise. These findings add to previous results providing a new therapeutic strategy in this genetic disorder and potentially applicable to large numbers of cases with deep intronic changes that, at the moment, remain undetected by standard mutation-detection techniques c15.4 Rescue of a Lethal murine model of methylmalonic Acidemia using AAV 8 mediated Gene therapy R. J. Chandler, C. Venditti; National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States. Methymalonic acidemia (MMA), a severe organic acidemia, is caused by deficient activity of the ubiquitous mitochondrial enzyme methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT) . MMA patients exhibit increased methylmalonic acid levels in the plasma, urine and CSF and display a clinical phenotype of lethal metabolic decompensation, growth retardation, renal failure and metabolic strokes . To assess the potential of genetic therapy for MUT MMA, we employed a mouse model of MMA that produces no detectable Mut transcript or protein . AAV 8 CBA-Mut was injected directly into the liver of newborn Mut-/- pups . Currently, 28 out of the 29 Mut-/- mice injected with 1 or 2x1011GC of AAV 8 CBA-Mut are alive beyond DOL 90 with some treated Mut-/- mice older than 200 days . All the untreated mutants (n=21) perished before DOL 72 . The treated Mut-/- mice are thriving and indistinguishable from their wild-type (WT) littermates . AAV 8 CBA-Mut treated Mut-/- mice achieved body weights comparable to controls while untreated mutants experienced post-natal growth retardation and reached only 40% of the weight of the WT . Plasma methylmalonic acid levels in the treated mutant mice on an unrestricted diet were significantly reduced compared to uncorrected animals, indicating that substantial Mut enzymatic activity was restored after AAV therapy . At DOL 90 the liver from a treated Mut-/- mouse had WT levels of Mut protein by Western blot analysis . These experiments provide the first evidence that gene therapy has clinical utility in treatment of MMA and support the development of gene therapy for other organic acidemias c15.5 Evaluating suppression of nonsense mutations by aminoglycoside antibiotics as an intervention for vision loss in type i Usher syndrome A. Rebibo Sabbah 1 , I. Nudelman 2 , Z. M. Ahmed 3 , T. B. Friedman 3 , T. Baasov 2 , T. Ben-Yosef 1 ; 1 Genetics Department, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2 Department of chemistry, Institute of Catalysis Science and Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 3 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, NIH, Rockville, MD, United States. Type 1 Usher syndrome (USH1) is a recessively-inherited condition, characterized by profound prelingual deafness, vestibular areflexia, and prepubertal onset of retinitis pigmentosa (RP), which to date has no effective treatment . USH1 can be caused by mutations in each of at least six genes . While truncating mutations of these genes cause USH1, missense mutations of some of the same genes cause nonsyndromic deafness, suggesting that partial or low level activity of the encoded proteins may be sufficient for normal retinal function, although not for normal hearing . Interventions to enable at least some translation of full-length protein, may delay the onset and/or progression of RP in individuals with USH1 due to nonsense mutations . One such possible therapeutic approach is suppression of nonsense mutations by aminoglycosides . We demonstrated up to 91% suppression of PCDH15 nonsense mutations by commercial aminoglycosides in vitro . We also demonstrated ex vivo suppression, by the same aminoglycosides, of the R245X mutation . We are now testing suppression of several CDH23 nonsense mutations . In parallel, we are developing a series of new aminoglycoside-derived compounds, which includes two new promising derivatives, NB30 and NB54 . Based on cell toxicity assays and on acute toxicity measurements in mice, the toxicity of both compounds is significantly reduced, in comparison to commercially available aminoglycosides . Based on in vitro and ex vivo experiments, their suppressive activity is maintained . The research described here will have important implications for development of targeted interventions that are effective for patients with USH1 and nonsyndromic RP caused by various nonsense mutations .

Clinical genetics ESHG POSTERS P01. Clinical genetics P01.001 Most Encountered Genetic Disorders in Egypt: Classification & Registry M. O. Elruby; National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. Diseases with genetic bases have been a major health problem to every society . Heavy economic, social and health burdens are imposed on the afflicted family as well as the society. In general genetic diseases are relatively prevalent among the Arab population . Incidence of congenital malformations among Egyptians ranges from 1,16 to 3,17 % . This is probably due to the high consanguinity rate (20 - 40 %) . Early diagnosis of various genetic disorders with proper intervention will reduce the burdens of genetic disorders at the all levels . A comprehensive classification system is necessary for genetic diseases in order to provide a framework in which to study the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of diseases in an orderly fashion . Such system gives clinical geneticists a way to organize the health care needs of their patients. We revised different classifications to determine which classification to follow. However these classifications were based on the etiological diagnosis, pathological diagnosis, phenotypic diagnosis and / or mode of inheritance . Therefore, we established our own classification, as a modification of the previously mentioned. The main purpose of our classification is to include four major descriptive categories (axes), that geneticists consider to identify the genetic disorders . The Final Report of the study (1/7/2004 - 30/6/ 2007) included 3417 cases. We established an integrated classification for the genetic disorders referred to Genetic Clinic. This classification considers the etiological, phenotypic, differential diagnosis and referral axes& is entitled “Genetic/Diagnostic/Referral Classification P01.002 Genetics Epidemiology study of Bashkortostan Republic S. S. Murzabaeva 1 , Y. I. Grinberg 2 , I. M. Khidiyatova 2 , E. K. Khusnutdinova 2 , R. A. Zinchenko 3 , E. K. Ginter 3 ; 1 Bashkirs state medical university, Ufa, Russian Federation, 2 Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russian Federation, 3 Research Center for Medical Genetics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Моscow, Russian Federation. The results of genetic epidemiological study of five Districts (Burzyansky, Baimaksky, Abzelilovsky, Salavatsky and Archangelsky) of Bashkortostan Republic are reviewed . The total size of the investigated population was 168050 persons, including 135748 southern- east and northern-east ethnographic group the Bashkir . Medical genetic research included all population of five districts, indigently of a nationality and was carried out under the standard report developed in laboratory genetic epidemiology Research Centre for Medical Genetics . Segregation analysis demonstrated good agreement between the observed and expected segregation frequencies for both AR and AD diseases . The prevalence rates of hereditary disorders (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked) for urban and rural, Bashkirs and other ethnic groups were calculated. Significant differences in the prevalence rates were revealed between the prevalence rates AD and AR disorders in rural and urban populations . The prevalence rare for AD and AR disorders was twice lower in the urban populations than those in the rural ones . The prevalence rate of all Mendelian disorders varied in the investigated populations from 1 .54 in Baymak sity from 6 .12 per 1000 persons in Burzyansky District . Spectrum of AD diseases consisted of 83, spectrum of AR diseases - 48 nosological forms, and X-linked - 13 forms . P01.003 the National Register of congenital malformations in moldova: comparative Analysis for Years 2005-2007 V. V. Egorov, V. C. Sacara, A. Varzar, L. P. Rusu; National Center of Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Objectives . Since 1989 conform to Order of Ministry of Health N-129 from 27 .04 .89 was introduced a national system of monitoring of con- genital malformations (CM) . Assistance in creation of modern National register of Congenital malformations and hereditary disorders corresponding to European standards . Methods . Were obtained 747, 598 and 453 questionnaires for the period of 2005 - 2007, respectively . Were used standard methods of statistical analysis . Results . The prevalence of CM per 10000 births decreased from 2005 to 2007 and was 199 .29 in 2005, 160 .00 in 2006 (X2=15 .795, OR=1 .246, p

Clinical genetics<br />


P01. Clinical genetics<br />

P01.001<br />

Most Encountered Genetic Disorders in Egypt: Classification &<br />

Registry<br />

M. O. Elruby;<br />

National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.<br />

Diseases with genetic bases have been a major health problem to every<br />

society . Heavy economic, social and health burdens are imposed<br />

on the afflicted family as well as the society. In general genetic diseases<br />

are relatively prevalent among the Arab population . Incidence <strong>of</strong><br />

congenital malformations among Egyptians ranges from 1,16 to 3,17<br />

% . This is probably due to the high consanguinity rate (20 - 40 %) .<br />

Early diagnosis <strong>of</strong> various genetic disorders with proper intervention<br />

will reduce the burdens <strong>of</strong> genetic disorders at the all levels .<br />

A comprehensive classification system is necessary for genetic diseases<br />

in order to provide a framework in which to study the etiology,<br />

pathogenesis and treatment <strong>of</strong> diseases in an orderly fashion . Such<br />

system gives clinical geneticists a way to organize the health care<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> their patients. We revised different classifications to determine<br />

which classification to follow. However these classifications were<br />

based on the etiological diagnosis, pathological diagnosis, phenotypic<br />

diagnosis and / or mode <strong>of</strong> inheritance . Therefore, we established our<br />

own classification, as a modification <strong>of</strong> the previously mentioned. The<br />

main purpose <strong>of</strong> our classification is to include four major descriptive<br />

categories (axes), that geneticists consider to identify the genetic disorders<br />

. The Final Report <strong>of</strong> the study (1/7/2004 - 30/6/ 2007) included<br />

3417 cases. We established an integrated classification for the genetic<br />

disorders referred to Genetic Clinic. This classification considers the<br />

etiological, phenotypic, differential diagnosis and referral axes& is entitled<br />

“Genetic/Diagnostic/Referral Classification<br />

P01.002<br />

<strong>Genetics</strong> Epidemiology study <strong>of</strong> Bashkortostan Republic<br />

S. S. Murzabaeva 1 , Y. I. Grinberg 2 , I. M. Khidiyatova 2 , E. K. Khusnutdinova 2 , R.<br />

A. Zinchenko 3 , E. K. Ginter 3 ;<br />

1 Bashkirs state medical university, Ufa, Russian Federation, 2 Institute <strong>of</strong> Biochemistry<br />

and <strong>Genetics</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ufa Science Center <strong>of</strong> Russian Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences,<br />

Ufa, Russian Federation, 3 Research Center for Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Russian<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> Medical Sciences, Моscow, Russian Federation.<br />

The results <strong>of</strong> genetic epidemiological study <strong>of</strong> five Districts (Burzyansky,<br />

Baimaksky, Abzelilovsky, Salavatsky and Archangelsky) <strong>of</strong> Bashkortostan<br />

Republic are reviewed . The total size <strong>of</strong> the investigated<br />

population was 168050 persons, including 135748 southern- east and<br />

northern-east ethnographic group the Bashkir . Medical genetic research<br />

included all population <strong>of</strong> five districts, indigently <strong>of</strong> a nationality<br />

and was carried out under the standard report developed in laboratory<br />

genetic epidemiology Research Centre for Medical <strong>Genetics</strong> . Segregation<br />

analysis demonstrated good agreement between the observed<br />

and expected segregation frequencies for both AR and AD diseases .<br />

The prevalence rates <strong>of</strong> hereditary disorders (autosomal dominant,<br />

autosomal recessive and X-linked) for urban and rural, Bashkirs and<br />

other ethnic groups were calculated. Significant differences in the<br />

prevalence rates were revealed between the prevalence rates AD and<br />

AR disorders in rural and urban populations . The prevalence rare for<br />

AD and AR disorders was twice lower in the urban populations than<br />

those in the rural ones . The prevalence rate <strong>of</strong> all Mendelian disorders<br />

varied in the investigated populations from 1 .54 in Baymak sity<br />

from 6 .12 per 1000 persons in Burzyansky District . Spectrum <strong>of</strong> AD<br />

diseases consisted <strong>of</strong> 83, spectrum <strong>of</strong> AR diseases - 48 nosological<br />

forms, and X-linked - 13 forms .<br />

P01.003<br />

the National Register <strong>of</strong> congenital malformations in moldova:<br />

comparative Analysis for Years 2005-2007<br />

V. V. Egorov, V. C. Sacara, A. Varzar, L. P. Rusu;<br />

National Center <strong>of</strong> Reproductive Health and Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Chisinau, Republic<br />

<strong>of</strong> Moldova.<br />

Objectives . Since 1989 conform to Order <strong>of</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health N-129<br />

from 27 .04 .89 was introduced a national system <strong>of</strong> monitoring <strong>of</strong> con-<br />

genital malformations (CM) . Assistance in creation <strong>of</strong> modern National<br />

register <strong>of</strong> Congenital malformations and hereditary disorders corresponding<br />

to <strong>European</strong> standards .<br />

Methods . Were obtained 747, 598 and 453 questionnaires for the period<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2005 - 2007, respectively . Were used standard methods <strong>of</strong> statistical<br />

analysis .<br />

Results . The prevalence <strong>of</strong> CM per 10000 births decreased from 2005 to<br />

2007 and was 199 .29 in 2005, 160 .00 in 2006 (X2=15 .795, OR=1 .246,<br />


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