2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology growth and cognitive impairment, limb malformations and occasional multiple organ defects . The NIPBL gene encompasses 47 exons and produces a 9 .5 kb transcript, which appears in several tissues with different level of expression. Besides, the identification of multiple transcripts in this gene suggest the presence of alternative splicing, a feature that has not been yet studied. Here, we report the first systematic analysis of the NIPBL splicing variants in human normal tissues . NIPBL cDNA from adult brain, fetal skeletal muscle and leukocytes was amplified in various overlapping fragments, spanning exons 1 to 47 . PCR products were separated by electrophoresis on agarose gel . Additional bands of different length than expected were sequenced . Several novel splicing variants bearing one or more skipped exons were found, but only the variant with skipped exon 12 was found in all tissues analyzed. This finding was subsequently confirmed by cloning. The variant with deletion of exon 43 was present only in adult brain . Our results provide a basis for more detailed studies of functional significance of these transcripts and might expand our knowledge of CDLS1 . This work is supported by a grant from the Ministry of Health of Spain (Ref. PI061343) and from the Diputación General de Aragón (Ref. B20) . P07.094 NOTCH mutations in young adult patients with a first stroke: The PORTYSTROKE study - screening genetic conditions in PORTuguese Young STROKE patients S. Ferreira 1 , M. Viana-Baptista 2 , I. Costa 3 , J. M. Ferro 4 , J. P. Oliveira 3 , &. POR- TYSTROKE Study Group 5 ; 1 Faculdade de Medicina, Porto, Portugal, 2 Hospital Garcia de Orta, Almada, Portugal, 3 Faculty of Medicine, Porto, Portugal, 4 Hospital Santa Maria, Lisboa, Portugal, 5 (NA), (NA), Portugal. Background Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), a genetic disorder due to mutations in the NOTCH3 gene, is associated with early onset of smallvessel ischaemic cerebrovascular disease . The clinical spectrum of CADASIL varies widely and the disease is probably under-diagnosed in stroke patients . Methods Between 1/November/06 and 31/October/07, all patients aged 18-55 years presenting with a first stroke event to any of 12 major neurology hospital departments in Portugal were offered genetic screening for CADASIL. Strokes were classified according to usual clinical and brain imaging criteria. Mutational analysis was limited to PCR amplification and sequencing of NOTCH3 exons 4, 11, 18/19, as these have been previously shown to contain ~80% of the mutations identified in Portuguese patients with CADASIL . Results Out of a total of 625 eligible patients, 493 (78 .9%) consented to the genetic analysis . Of these, 74% had ischaemic strokes, of which 28 .5% were cryptogenic . Seven different missense mutations in the NOTCH3 gene were found in 8 patients (prevalence=1 .6%; 95%CI: 0 .8-3 .1%): p .R163W; p .P167S; p .T577A; p .G595S; p .S978R (n=2); p .H981Y; p.R1036Q. There was no significant association with any particular type of stroke . None of these patients had a previous diagnosis or family history of CADASIL . Conclusion The minimal estimate for the prevalence of NOTCH3 mutations among Portuguese young adults presenting with first stroke is at least 1000 times higher than the estimated population prevalence of CADASIL . The spectrum of pathogenic NOTCH3 mutations may be more varied than previously recognised . P07.095 Neuropeptide Y gene variation and association with alcohol consumption in a spanish mediterranean population F. Frances, J. V. Sorli, O. Portolés, P. Guillem-Sáiz, J. I. González, D. Corella; Preventive Medicine Dept. and CIBER obn, Valencia, Spain. Background and objective: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a neurotransmitter widely distributed in the central nervous system . Both intraamygdalar injection and overexpression experiments in animals have demonstrated that increases of NPY in the amygdala reduces alcohol intake and anxiety manifestations in anxious rats . In humans, some studies have associated the Leu7Pro polymorphism in the NPY with alcohol consumption, but the evidence is scarce . In the Spanish Mediterranean population, the Leu7Pro variant is not polymorphic . Thus, our aim was to identify novel exonic variants in the NPY as well as the study previously described intronic variants, and their association with alcohol consumption in this population . Methods: 911 subjects (321 men and 590 women) from the Spanish Mediterranean population were recruited . Alcohol consumption and demographic and lifestyle variables were measured . Nucleotide sequence determination and SNP analyses were carried out . Results: Only one exonic SNP was detected by direct sequencing (1258G>A or rs9785023; allele frequency 0 .47) . From the intronic markers chosen (483A>G or rs13235938, 2517A>G or rs4722342 and 7065A>G or rs 4722343), only the last ones were polymorphic (allele frequencies 0 .46 and 0 .40 respectively), and none of them were associated with alcohol consumption . However, the 1258G>A SNP was associated (recessive pattern) with higher alcohol intake in drinkers . This association was particularly relevant in men with a moderate intake (40±9 g/d in GG, 41±8 g/d in GA and 59±5 g/day in AA; pA in the NPY is associated with alcohol consumption in the Mediterranean population . P07.096 splitting of large and complex pedigrees for linkage analysis of quantitative traits A. V. Kirichenko, T. I. Axenovich; Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. Pedigree splitting is applied when large pedigrees are used for linkage analysis . Several algorithms of pedigree splitting have been proposed . They are adapted to MCMC, but not to Lander-Green based methods . The latter methods are sensitive to the pedigree size . None of the existing methods restrict the fragment size, and thus, they do not guarantee that all of the resultant sub-pedigrees can be efficiently analyzed by the Lander-Green algorithm . Earlier we proposed a fast automatic algorithm for splitting large pedigrees for subsequent Lander-Green based analysis (Liu et al, 2008). The algorithm is specifically aimed to deal with pedigrees obtained in disease-oriented studies in genetically isolated populations, where affected individuals are remotely related to each other through multiple lines of descent . In contrast to pedigrees with rare diseases, in the pedigrees collected for quantitative trait analysis many close relatives having measured phenotypes and genotypes are considered as individuals of interest . We present a graph theory based algorithm for automatic splitting such pedigrees on the fragments of restricted size . This algorithm iteratively selects the clique with maximum weight of its edges from the cliques of restricted size. Weight of edge is defined as kinship between two individuals corresponding to clique nodes . The algorithm is implemented in a software package PedStr (http://mga .bionet .nsc .ru/soft/index . html) . We compared our program PedStr and the Greffa (Falchi et al, 2004) program and demonstrated that linkage power calculated on the base of sub-pedigrees obtained by PedStr was higher than for sub-pedigrees obtained by Greffa . P07.097 Association of interleukin-1 polymorphisms with periodontal disease in mentally retarded F. S. Bayoumi, E. H. A. Abouel-Ezz, H. M. Goumaa; National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. Association between Interleukin (IL-1) gene polymorphisms & increased susceptibility to periodontitis were suggested . The intent of this study was determining prevalence of IL- 1 α & β genotype polymorphisms among normal & mentally retarded Egyptian individuals . Thirty normal volunteers(NV) (15-30 y) & 25 mentally retarded individuals (MR) (6-16 y) were subjected to dental examination with recording Gingival index scores (GI). IL -1 α and IL-1β loci were genotyped by standard PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism assay . Ten of (NV) showed good GI scores (70% were healthy & 30% had initial periodontitis); .The remaining (20) had fair GI score (15 % with initial periodontitis, 35% had moderate periodontitis&50% with severe

Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology periodontitis);among these individuals, 30% were genotyped positive for IL-1( 26.6 % were genotyped positive for IL-1 α & 3.3% for IL-1β) .Non of (MR) had good GI score while 13 were fair GI (23 .1% had initial periodontitis,53 .8%with moderate periodontitis&23 .1%with severe periodontitis) & the rest (12) had bad GI score (41 .7 % had moderate periodontitis & 58 .3 % had severe periodontitis) . From all MR 36% were genotyped positive for IL-1( 24 % were genotyped positive for IL-1 α and 12 % for IL-1β). Data concluded the important role of polymorphism in genes of IL-1(IL- 1α (+4845) & IL-1 β(+ 3953)alleles presence with periodontitis either in normal or MR individuals & recommended their detection to determine patient’s susceptibility for periodontitis . . Evaluation of role of other potential candidate genes as contributors to periodontitis are needed . P07.098 Frequency of the R229Q NPHs2 functional variant, associated with increased risk for microalbuminuria, in Bulgarian Roma population O. Beltcheva1 , P. Botev1 , B. Zaharova2 , A. Savov2 , R. Kaneva1 , I. Kremensky2 ; 1 2 Molecular Medicine Center, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, National Genetics Laboratory, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria. The cardio-vascular diseases are one of the leading causes for morbidity and mortality in the Western societies . Their major social and healthcare system impact warrants the extensive efforts for identification of the genetic factors contributing to the predisposition to cardiovascular events. Microalbuminuria, defined as urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of 0 .03 to 0 .299 mg/mg, is one of the recently recognised factors associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular disorders in the general population . Multiple genetic epidemiological studies have shown that there are genetic causes associated with predisposition to the excretion of abnormal amounts of albumin in the urine . One of these is the R229Q functional variant in the podocin gene, NPHS2 . Pereira and co-authors have shown that R229Q is associated with a 2 .77-fold risk for developing microalbuminuric state even after adjustment for age, ethnicity, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes (Pereira et al ., 2004) . Since the distribution of this NPHS2 variant in the general population differs depending on ethnicity, we wanted to evaluate its frequency among Bulgarian Roma - an isolated population, with unique genetic background . We genotyped Roma and Bulgarian population control samples from the collection of the National Genetics Laboratory and the Molecular Medicine Center . Our results indicated that the allele frequency of the R229Q variant in Roma (3 .4%; number of alleles, n=204) was not significantly different from the one we saw in Bulgarians (1 .3%; n=238) and from that previously shown for Caucasians (3%, Franceschini et al . 2006) . P07.099 investigation of the polymorphism of eight genes among Russian population S. E. Khalchitsky 1 , M. O. Mkheidze 2 ; 1 Saint-Petersburg Scientific research institute of physical culture, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2 Medical Academy for postgraduate study, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation. Investigation of the polymorphic human genes sheds light on genetic structure of the different populations . Our study included eight polymorphic genes (CNB, NFATC4, PGC1A, PGC1B, TFAM, VEGF, UCP2, and UCP3) . Well-known standard methods for DNA analysis were used . The study population consisted of 1057 residents of Russian Federation (female individuals - 574 aged from 16 to 19 yr, male individuals - 483 aged from 17 to 20 yr) . Rates of alleles investigated are the following: CNB I - 91 .5 per cent, NFATC4 Gly - 43 .6 per cent, PGC1A Gly - 64 .9 per cent, PGC1B Pro - 4 .9 per cent, TFAM Thr - 9 .1 per cent, VEGF C- 24 .5, UCP2 Val -36 .4 per cent and UCP3 T - 23 .8 per cent P07.100 Associations between serotonin transporter gene SLC A polymorphism and level of intellectual development (iQ) of the person O. Gumerova, E. V. Lekontsev, V. Y. Gorbunova; Bashkir State Pedagogical University it. M. Akmulla, Ufa, Russian Federation. INTRODUCTION: Serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 (17q11 .1-12) is one of the basic genes, which define an overall performance of serotoninergic neuromediators system . Its functional condition can be reflected on some aspects of intellectual activity of the person. METHODS: The level of intellectual development (IQ) is certain at 250 unrelated individuals in the age of 18-35 years by nonverbal Kettel test . According to parameters IQ examinees are divided into three groups: with a normal level of intellectual development (IQ within the limits of 90-110 points), high (above 110 points) and low (below 90 points) . The analysis of genetic polymorphism 5-HTTLPR is carried out by a method PCR . RESULTS: Genotypes 1)*L/*L, 2)*L/*S, 3)*S/*S met frequency 1) 28%, 2) 42%, 3) 30% in group of comparison, 1) 21 .4%, 2) 59 .5%, 3) 19 .1% in group with high parameters IQ and 1) 33 .3%, 2) 41 .67%, 3) 25% in group with low level IQ . The analysis of associations has shown statistically significant distinctions in distribution of frequencies genotypes of gene SLC6A4 between group of comparison and group with high parameters IQ (χ2=8.313; P=0.017), owing to increase of frequency of genotype SLC6A4*L/*S (59 .5 % against 42 % in group of comparison; P=0 .030; OR=1 .418; 95%CI 1 .069-1 .836) in group of persons with high parameters IQ . Is known, that the presence in genotype of allele SLC6A4*L provides high level expression of serotonin transporter gene and the high intensity of metabolism of serotonin, that is accelerating the process of pulse transmission through carrying intensification of serotonin from synaptic trough in presinaps . P07.101 Genetic variation at nine stR loci in Russian siberian population O. Odinokova; Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk, Russian Federation. STR loci represent a rich source of highly polymorphic markers for medical, forensic and population studies . There are notable differences in allele frequencies and heterozygosities between population groups . We present here characteristics of the allelic polymorphism for nine STRs loci: D7S820, D3S1358, D5S818, D13S317, HumVWA, HumTHO1, HumF13B, HumLPL and HumCD4 in Russians (Caucasians) living in South-West Siberia . Allele typing was performed using PCR and subsequent high-resolution PAAG electrophoresis . We have analysed 320-378 DNA samples from unrelated individuals for each STR-system . Nine alleles were identified in HumVWA (13-21 repeats, 139-171 bp), D5S818 (7-15 repeats, 134-166 bp) loci; eight alleles were note in D3S1358 (13-20 repeats, 118-146 bp), D13S317 (8-15 repeats, 169-197 bp), HumTHO1 (5-11 and 9 .3 repeats, 179-203 bp), HumCD4 (7-14 repeats, 130-165 bp) loci, and seven alleles - in D7S820 (7-13 repeats, 219-243 bp), HumF13B (6-12 repeats, 169-193 bp) and HumLPL (8-14 repeats, 109-133 bp) loci . The frequency data obtained can be used for comparison to other populations . Genotype frequency distributions were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for every STR-systems . The levels of observed heterozygosity were high: 0,842 (HumTHO1), 0,828 (D13S317), 0,813- 0,812 (HumVWA, D7S820), 0,778-0,770 (D3S1358, D5S818), 0,701 (HumCD4), 0,694 (HumF13B) and 0,666 (HumLPL) . Polymorphism information content (PIC), discrimination power (pD), power of exclusion (W) and marching probability (pM) were performed for each locus as indicators of their discrimination potential in human identification and paternity analysis. Forensic efficiency data suggest that investigated markers are very discriminating in Russian Siberian population .

Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology<br />

periodontitis);among these individuals, 30% were genotyped positive<br />

for IL-1( 26.6 % were genotyped positive for IL-1 α & 3.3% for IL-1β)<br />

.Non <strong>of</strong> (MR) had good GI score while 13 were fair GI (23 .1% had initial<br />

periodontitis,53 .8%with moderate periodontitis&23 .1%with severe<br />

periodontitis) & the rest (12) had bad GI score (41 .7 % had moderate<br />

periodontitis & 58 .3 % had severe periodontitis) . From all MR 36%<br />

were genotyped positive for IL-1( 24 % were genotyped positive for<br />

IL-1 α and 12 % for IL-1β).<br />

Data concluded the important role <strong>of</strong> polymorphism in genes <strong>of</strong> IL-1(IL-<br />

1α (+4845) & IL-1 β(+ 3953)alleles presence with periodontitis either in<br />

normal or MR individuals & recommended their detection to determine<br />

patient’s susceptibility for periodontitis . . Evaluation <strong>of</strong> role <strong>of</strong> other potential<br />

candidate genes as contributors to periodontitis are needed .<br />

P07.098<br />

Frequency <strong>of</strong> the R229Q NPHs2 functional variant, associated<br />

with increased risk for microalbuminuria, in Bulgarian Roma<br />

population<br />

O. Beltcheva1 , P. Botev1 , B. Zaharova2 , A. Savov2 , R. Kaneva1 , I. Kremensky2 ;<br />

1 2 Molecular Medicine Center, Medical University, S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria, National <strong>Genetics</strong><br />

Laboratory, Medical University, S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria.<br />

The cardio-vascular diseases are one <strong>of</strong> the leading causes for morbidity<br />

and mortality in the Western societies . Their major social and healthcare<br />

system impact warrants the extensive efforts for identification <strong>of</strong><br />

the genetic factors contributing to the predisposition to cardiovascular<br />

events. Microalbuminuria, defined as urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio<br />

<strong>of</strong> 0 .03 to 0 .299 mg/mg, is one <strong>of</strong> the recently recognised factors associated<br />

with increased risk <strong>of</strong> developing cardiovascular disorders in<br />

the general population . Multiple genetic epidemiological studies have<br />

shown that there are genetic causes associated with predisposition<br />

to the excretion <strong>of</strong> abnormal amounts <strong>of</strong> albumin in the urine . One <strong>of</strong><br />

these is the R229Q functional variant in the podocin gene, NPHS2 .<br />

Pereira and co-authors have shown that R229Q is associated with a<br />

2 .77-fold risk for developing microalbuminuric state even after adjustment<br />

for age, ethnicity, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes (Pereira et<br />

al ., 2004) . Since the distribution <strong>of</strong> this NPHS2 variant in the general<br />

population differs depending on ethnicity, we wanted to evaluate its frequency<br />

among Bulgarian Roma - an isolated population, with unique<br />

genetic background . We genotyped Roma and Bulgarian population<br />

control samples from the collection <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Genetics</strong> Laboratory<br />

and the Molecular Medicine Center . Our results indicated that the<br />

allele frequency <strong>of</strong> the R229Q variant in Roma (3 .4%; number <strong>of</strong> alleles,<br />

n=204) was not significantly different from the one we saw in Bulgarians<br />

(1 .3%; n=238) and from that previously shown for Caucasians<br />

(3%, Franceschini et al . 2006) .<br />

P07.099<br />

investigation <strong>of</strong> the polymorphism <strong>of</strong> eight genes among<br />

Russian population<br />

S. E. Khalchitsky 1 , M. O. Mkheidze 2 ;<br />

1 Saint-Petersburg Scientific research institute <strong>of</strong> physical culture, St.Petersburg,<br />

Russian Federation, 2 Medical Academy for postgraduate study, St.Petersburg,<br />

Russian Federation.<br />

Investigation <strong>of</strong> the polymorphic human genes sheds light on genetic<br />

structure <strong>of</strong> the different populations . Our study included eight<br />

polymorphic genes (CNB, NFATC4, PGC1A, PGC1B, TFAM, VEGF,<br />

UCP2, and UCP3) . Well-known standard methods for DNA analysis<br />

were used . The study population consisted <strong>of</strong> 1057 residents <strong>of</strong> Russian<br />

Federation (female individuals - 574 aged from 16 to 19 yr, male<br />

individuals - 483 aged from 17 to 20 yr) . Rates <strong>of</strong> alleles investigated<br />

are the following: CNB I - 91 .5 per cent, NFATC4 Gly - 43 .6 per cent,<br />

PGC1A Gly - 64 .9 per cent, PGC1B Pro - 4 .9 per cent, TFAM Thr - 9 .1<br />

per cent, VEGF C- 24 .5, UCP2 Val -36 .4 per cent and UCP3 T - 23 .8<br />

per cent<br />

P07.100<br />

Associations between serotonin transporter gene SLC A<br />

polymorphism and level <strong>of</strong> intellectual development (iQ) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

person<br />

O. Gumerova, E. V. Lekontsev, V. Y. Gorbunova;<br />

Bashkir State Pedagogical University it. M. Akmulla, Ufa, Russian Federation.<br />

INTRODUCTION: Serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 (17q11 .1-12)<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> the basic genes, which define an overall performance <strong>of</strong> serotoninergic<br />

neuromediators system . Its functional condition can be<br />

reflected on some aspects <strong>of</strong> intellectual activity <strong>of</strong> the person.<br />

METHODS: The level <strong>of</strong> intellectual development (IQ) is certain at 250<br />

unrelated individuals in the age <strong>of</strong> 18-35 years by nonverbal Kettel<br />

test .<br />

According to parameters IQ examinees are divided into three groups:<br />

with a normal level <strong>of</strong> intellectual development (IQ within the limits <strong>of</strong><br />

90-110 points), high (above 110 points) and low (below 90 points) .<br />

The analysis <strong>of</strong> genetic polymorphism 5-HTTLPR is carried out by a<br />

method PCR . RESULTS: Genotypes 1)*L/*L, 2)*L/*S, 3)*S/*S met frequency<br />

1) 28%, 2) 42%, 3) 30% in group <strong>of</strong> comparison, 1) 21 .4%,<br />

2) 59 .5%, 3) 19 .1% in group with high parameters IQ and 1) 33 .3%,<br />

2) 41 .67%, 3) 25% in group with low level IQ . The analysis <strong>of</strong> associations<br />

has shown statistically significant distinctions in distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

frequencies genotypes <strong>of</strong> gene SLC6A4 between group <strong>of</strong> comparison<br />

and group with high parameters IQ (χ2=8.313; P=0.017), owing to increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> frequency <strong>of</strong> genotype SLC6A4*L/*S (59 .5 % against 42 %<br />

in group <strong>of</strong> comparison; P=0 .030; OR=1 .418; 95%CI 1 .069-1 .836) in<br />

group <strong>of</strong> persons with high parameters IQ .<br />

Is known, that the presence in genotype <strong>of</strong> allele SLC6A4*L provides<br />

high level expression <strong>of</strong> serotonin transporter gene and the high intensity<br />

<strong>of</strong> metabolism <strong>of</strong> serotonin, that is accelerating the process <strong>of</strong><br />

pulse transmission through carrying intensification <strong>of</strong> serotonin from<br />

synaptic trough in presinaps .<br />

P07.101<br />

Genetic variation at nine stR loci in Russian siberian population<br />

O. Odinokova;<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Tomsk, Russian Federation.<br />

STR loci represent a rich source <strong>of</strong> highly polymorphic markers for<br />

medical, forensic and population studies . There are notable differences<br />

in allele frequencies and heterozygosities between population<br />

groups . We present here characteristics <strong>of</strong> the allelic polymorphism<br />

for nine STRs loci: D7S820, D3S1358, D5S818, D13S317, HumVWA,<br />

HumTHO1, HumF13B, HumLPL and HumCD4 in Russians (Caucasians)<br />

living in South-West Siberia .<br />

Allele typing was performed using PCR and subsequent high-resolution<br />

PAAG electrophoresis . We have analysed 320-378 DNA samples<br />

from unrelated individuals for each STR-system . Nine alleles were<br />

identified in HumVWA (13-21 repeats, 139-171 bp), D5S818 (7-15 repeats,<br />

134-166 bp) loci; eight alleles were note in D3S1358 (13-20 repeats,<br />

118-146 bp), D13S317 (8-15 repeats, 169-197 bp), HumTHO1<br />

(5-11 and 9 .3 repeats, 179-203 bp), HumCD4 (7-14 repeats, 130-165<br />

bp) loci, and seven alleles - in D7S820 (7-13 repeats, 219-243 bp),<br />

HumF13B (6-12 repeats, 169-193 bp) and HumLPL (8-14 repeats,<br />

109-133 bp) loci . The frequency data obtained can be used for comparison<br />

to other populations .<br />

Genotype frequency distributions were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg<br />

equilibrium for every STR-systems . The levels <strong>of</strong> observed heterozygosity<br />

were high: 0,842 (HumTHO1), 0,828 (D13S317), 0,813-<br />

0,812 (HumVWA, D7S820), 0,778-0,770 (D3S1358, D5S818), 0,701<br />

(HumCD4), 0,694 (HumF13B) and 0,666 (HumLPL) .<br />

Polymorphism information content (PIC), discrimination power (pD),<br />

power <strong>of</strong> exclusion (W) and marching probability (pM) were performed<br />

for each locus as indicators <strong>of</strong> their discrimination potential in human<br />

identification and paternity analysis. Forensic efficiency data suggest<br />

that investigated markers are very discriminating in Russian Siberian<br />

population .

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