2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology HbS in the French population, we studied a cohort of about 150 S/bthal patients and we found 20 different thalassemic traits, 9 of them representing 79% of the patients . Spectrum of mutations vary depending on the patients origin but one interesting finding is that in the group of patients of unidentified origin (n = 31) we found the largest spectrum with 20 different mutations. This finding may be explained by the increasing heterogeneity of the French population and the admixture of thalassemic traits from various parts of the world with the HbS . In France, newborns belonging to populations at risk are screened for SCA by means of IEF and CE-HPLC of Hb eluted from a dried blood spot . In order to know the proportion of incorrectly diagnosed newborns we extracted DNA from blood spot and genotyped the codon 6 . Results obtained with 100 spots diagnosed as “S/S” with Hb study, revealed that 15% of samples displayed one Hb S allele and one normal codon and thus were improperly diagnosed . These data, lead us to develop a fast and simple method which will allow to provide an “one shot” correct diagnosis of SCA and related syndromes in neonates . P07.017 Genetic heterogeneity of β-thalassaemia in Catalonia: molecular characterization of 74 cases M. Mañú-Pereira1 , A. Cabot2 , N. Radó1 , J. Vives-Corrons1 ; 1 2 Hospital Clínic i Provincial, Barcelona, Spain, Hospital de Mataró, Barcelona, Spain. Introduction: A study performed in Catalonia in 1988 showed 8 mutations responsible for the total of β-thalassaemia cases. The objective is to investigate the β-thalassaemia underlying mutations to ensure proper genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis . We also describe a new β-thalassaemia mutation. Methods: 74 patients for β-thalassaemia were studied. The 8 most prevalent mutations (>90%) of β-globin in the Mediterranean: CD39(C>T), IVS1:110(G>A), IVS1:6(T>C), IVS1:1(G>A), IVS2:745(C>G), IVS2:1(G>A), -87(C>G), CD6(-A) were screened by ASO . Negative samples were sequenced for β-globin gene. Results: Distribution of the identified β-gene mutations and data of 1988 are shown in Table 1 . Discussion: Identification of mutation leading to β-thalassaemia by analyzing the most prevalent mutations in the Mediterranean has decreased 15-25% . The 4 mutations most prevalent in our study are common in the West Mediterranean but the last 4 considered prevalent are responsible only for 2 .8% of our cases . In comparison with the 1988 study, analysis of the 8 mutations then identified is responsible for 82 .6% in the recent study, changing the relative percentage . Molecular heterogeneity has increased: 19 mutations, including Chinese and sub-Saharan variants are now responsible for all cases . Since immigration flows and increased rates of rare and even new variants make genetic diagnosis more difficult, this shows the high importance of identifying β-thalassaemia mutations in order to provide appropriate genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis mUtAtiON ORiGiN % 2007 % 1988 Prevalent mutations CD39 C>T 17 Spain 1 Italy 1 Russia 1 Morocco 1 Subsaharian 28 .4 64 .0 IVSI:110 G>A 9 Spain 12 .2 8 .5 IVSI:6 T>C 6 Spain 5 Egypt 14 .9 15 .5 IVSI:1 G>A 10 Spain 1 Russia 1 Morocco 16 .2 3 .5 IVSII:745 C>G 1 Spain 1 .4 1 .7 IVSII:1 G>A - - - -87 C>G - - - CD6 -A 1 Morocco 1 .4 5 mUtAtiON ORiGiN % 2007 % 1988 Other mutations CD8 -AA 1 Spain 3 Morocco 5 .4 1 .7 IVSI:5 G>C 1 Spain 1 Morocco 2 .7 1 .5 CD8/9 +G 1 Spain 1 Morocco 2 .7 - CD41/42 -TTCT 2 China 2 .7 - CD24 T>A 2 Subsaharian 2 .7 - CD6 -AG* 2 Spain 2 .7 - CD37 G>A 1 Spain 1 .4 - IVSI:1 G>T 1 India 1 .4 - IVSII:849 A>C 1 Subsaharian 1 .4 - -29 A>G 1 Subsaharian 1 .4 - -88 C>T 1 Spain 1 .4 - P07.018 Polymorphism in caRs A986s gene and serum or urine concentration of bone mineral related parameters in random selected postmenopausal women . L. Navarro Casado, J. A. Blázquez Cabrera, C. Andrés Fernández, M. Cháfer Rudilla, J. H. Ontañón Rodríguez, M. L. Quintanilla Mata; CHUA, Albacete, Spain. Background. Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a candidate gene for osteoporosis susceptibility . There are only a limited number of studies available regarding the relationship between the CaSR gene A986S polymorphism and serum or urine concentration of bone mineral related parameters . Objectives. To evaluate whether CaSR gene A986S polymorphism affects bone mineral related parameters on serum as: calcium (s-ca), phosphorus (s-ph), alkaline phosphatase (s-alp), acide phosphatase (s-acp), or on urine as calcium creatinine ratio (u-ccr) . Subjects and methods. 158 women with natural menopause were randomly selected (mean age 52 .7±1 .6 yr) . They did not have any diseases to affect bone metabolism . Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes by the Higuchi method . A fragment of exon 7 of CaSR gene containing the A986S polymorphism was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). After amplification, all samples were digested whit Bsa H1 restriction enzymes, and the fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis . The levels of s-ca, s-ph, salp, s-acp or u-ccr were measured by P-module from Roche . Results. Genotype frequencies of CaSR gene A986S polymorphism was: AA, 121 (76 .6%); AS, 34 (21 .5%), and SS, 3 (1 .9%) . We found no association between CaSR polymorphism and s-ca, s-ph, s-alp, s-acp . Women with the AS/SS genotype had higher u-ccr than those with AA genotype, (AS/SS 0 .205 ± 0 .88; AA, 0 .167 ± 0 .76 mg/mg; p=0 .014 ) . Conclusions . 1) We found no association between CaSR gene A986S polymorphism and serum concentration of bone mineral related parameters . 2) We found association between CaSR gene A986S and calcium creatinine ratio . P07.019 BRcA1 and BRcA2 sequence variants in healthy women in croatia M. Levačić Cvok, V. Musani, M. Čretnik, P. Ozretić, S. Levanat; Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the major genes predisposing to breast and ovarian cancer . Mutations in either of these tumor suppressor genes are associated with both sporadic and hereditary forms of breast cancer . In hereditary cancer, a person inherits one mutated copy of either one of these genes . Tumorigenesis occurs when in addition to having a mutated copy individual develops an inactivating mutation of the remaining healthy allele . Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease of female population, and the second most common malignancy-related cause of death . At least ten percent of cases are attributable to familial inheritance . In Croatia, more than 2200 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year, and about 800 women die of this malignancy . The screening was performed by high resolution melting approach, which is based on differences in melting curves caused by variations in nucleotide sequence; detected variants were confirmed by direct sequencing . In total, we analyzed 230 samples for BRCA1 gene and 140 samples

Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology for BRCA2 gene . We found 21 different sequence variants in BRCA1 (2 novel) and 36 variants in BRCA2 gene (7 novel) . We analyzed the distribution and occurrence of sequence variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes on a healthy population of women in Croatia in an attempt to distinguish non-tumorigenic from tumorigenic changes in genomic sequences of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes . This may contribute to easier distinction of potentially dangerous from harmless changes in patients with family history of breast cancer . P07.020 DNA-repair genetic polymorphisms and breast cancer risk among cypriot women M. Loizidou 1 , T. Michael 1 , Y. Marcou 2 , M. Daniel 2 , E. Kakouri 2 , P. Papadopoulos 2 , S. Malas 3 , K. Kyriacou 1 , A. Hadjisavvas 1 ; 1 The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus, 3 Limassol General Hospital, Limassol, Cyprus. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy which affects women worldwide . In an attempt to identify genetic variants which modify breast cancer risk we are contacting a case-control genetic epidemiology study using a cohort of 2286 Cypriot women (1109 breast cancer patients and 1177 age-matched healthy controls) . In the present study we genotyped 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BRCA2, ERCC2, FANCA, MLH1, MRE11A, MSH2, OGG1, p53, RAD51 and RAD52 genes which are all involved in the DNA repair pathway . The prevalence of the 11 SNPs was compared between cases and controls . Genotype frequencies were compared across groups using the chi square test and the Mantel-Haenzel test for linear trend . The association between breast cancer and each SNP was examined using logistic regression with the SNP genotype tested under models of complete dominance and recessive inheritance . Three SNPs showed significant associations with breast cancer. For the most significant SNPs, the estimated ORs were 0 .74 (95%CI 0 .59-0 .93) and 1 .41 (95%CI 1 .08-1 .83) under a dominant inheritance model, with a combined Ptrend 0 .0087 and 0 .0076 respectively . These results suggest that a proportion of the SNPs under study are modifying breast cancer risk . Large numbers of samples will be needed to verify our results in other populations . We are currently expanding our analysis to include a greater number of SNPs and to evaluate potential underlying gene-gene or gene-environment interactions, in order to advance our knowledge on the effect of genetic polymorphisms on breast cancer susceptibility in Cypriot women . P07.021 Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and breast cancer E. Barroso1 , L. P. Fernández1 , R. L. Milne1 , G. Pita1 , P. Zamora2 , J. I. Arias3 , J. Benítez1 , G. Ribas1 ; 1 2 3 CNIO, Madrid, Spain, La Paz Hospital, Madrid, Spain, Monte Naranco Hospital, Oviedo, Spain. Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer among women, constituting 23% of all cancers . 5-10% of all breast cancers are caused by germ-line mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 . Multiple low-risk genes with variants common in the general population are thought to produce a mild susceptibility risk to sporadic breast cancer . The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is a key mediator in the vitamin D pathway, and has been of long interest in breast cancer aetiology, since vitamin D exposure has been reported to reduce breast cancer risk . In the present study we have explored the implication of VDR in sporadic breast cancer, in the Spanish population since previous studies have been done in different populations than South European ones . A total of 576 healthy controls from the Spanish population and 576 consecutive and non-related sporadic breast cancer cases, collected from different hospitals in Spain, were used in this study . Genotyping studies were carried out over four SNPs within the VDR gene, located on exons, in the putative promoter region or in untranslated regions . Genotyping was performed using TaqMan . We detected associations for two of the selected SNPs: rs10735810 with OR=1 .49 (95% C .I . 1 .01-2 .21; p=0 .045), and rs731236 with OR=0 .72 (95% C .I . 0 .51-1 .02; p=0 .064) . We also studied both haplotype and diplotype using PHASE v2 .0, and detected associations with disease that were considered with the genotype results . Additionally, VDR proliferation parameters such as tumor differentiation grade and tumor aggressiveness will be discussed . P07.022 mutations in cARD15 and smoking confer susceptibility to crohn´s disease in the Danish population A. Ernst1 , I. S. Pedersen1 , H. Okkels1 , M. Ostergaard2 , B. A. Jakobsen1 , N. Thorsgaard3 , E. Dagiliene1 , V. Andersen2 , A. M. Drewes1 , H. B. Krarup1 ; 1 2 Aalborg Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark, Viborg Hospital, Viborg, Denmark, 3Herning Hospital, Herning, Denmark. INTRODUCTION: Three mutations in the CAspase Recruitment Domain gene (CARD15) predispose to Crohn´s disease (CD) in Caucasian populations . The frequencies of the three most common CARD15 mutations differ greatly between ethnic groups . Heterogeneity even exists between the European countries . AIMS & METHODS: The aim of this study was to investigate the mutation frequency in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and healthy controls in Denmark . Genotyping of the three CARD15 mutations were performed in 388 patients with Crohn´s disease, 565 patients with ulcerative colitis and 796 healthy controls using Real-Time PCR . A comparison of allele and genotype frequencies in the three groups was made . A possible additive effect of smoking on CARD15 mutations was also examined . RESULTS: CARD15 mutations were significantly more common in CD patients compared with healthy controls (21% vs . 10%; P

Normal variation, population genetics, genetic epidemiology<br />

HbS in the French population, we studied a cohort <strong>of</strong> about 150 S/bthal<br />

patients and we found 20 different thalassemic traits, 9 <strong>of</strong> them representing<br />

79% <strong>of</strong> the patients . Spectrum <strong>of</strong> mutations vary depending on<br />

the patients origin but one interesting finding is that in the group <strong>of</strong> patients<br />

<strong>of</strong> unidentified origin (n = 31) we found the largest spectrum with<br />

20 different mutations. This finding may be explained by the increasing<br />

heterogeneity <strong>of</strong> the French population and the admixture <strong>of</strong> thalassemic<br />

traits from various parts <strong>of</strong> the world with the HbS . In France,<br />

newborns belonging to populations at risk are screened for SCA by<br />

means <strong>of</strong> IEF and CE-HPLC <strong>of</strong> Hb eluted from a dried blood spot . In<br />

order to know the proportion <strong>of</strong> incorrectly diagnosed newborns we<br />

extracted DNA from blood spot and genotyped the codon 6 . Results<br />

obtained with 100 spots diagnosed as “S/S” with Hb study, revealed<br />

that 15% <strong>of</strong> samples displayed one Hb S allele and one normal codon<br />

and thus were improperly diagnosed . These data, lead us to develop<br />

a fast and simple method which will allow to provide an “one shot” correct<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> SCA and related syndromes in neonates .<br />

P07.017<br />

Genetic heterogeneity <strong>of</strong> β-thalassaemia in Catalonia: molecular<br />

characterization <strong>of</strong> 74 cases<br />

M. Mañú-Pereira1 , A. Cabot2 , N. Radó1 , J. Vives-Corrons1 ;<br />

1 2 Hospital Clínic i Provincial, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain, Hospital de Mataró, <strong>Barcelona</strong>,<br />

Spain.<br />

Introduction: A study performed in Catalonia in 1988 showed 8 mutations<br />

responsible for the total <strong>of</strong> β-thalassaemia cases. The objective<br />

is to investigate the β-thalassaemia underlying mutations to ensure<br />

proper genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis . We also describe a<br />

new β-thalassaemia mutation.<br />

Methods: 74 patients for β-thalassaemia were studied. The 8 most prevalent<br />

mutations (>90%) <strong>of</strong> β-globin in the Mediterranean: CD39(C>T),<br />

IVS1:110(G>A), IVS1:6(T>C), IVS1:1(G>A), IVS2:745(C>G),<br />

IVS2:1(G>A), -87(C>G), CD6(-A) were screened by ASO . Negative<br />

samples were sequenced for β-globin gene.<br />

Results: Distribution <strong>of</strong> the identified β-gene mutations and data <strong>of</strong><br />

1988 are shown in Table 1 .<br />

Discussion: Identification <strong>of</strong> mutation leading to β-thalassaemia by<br />

analyzing the most prevalent mutations in the Mediterranean has<br />

decreased 15-25% . The 4 mutations most prevalent in our study are<br />

common in the West Mediterranean but the last 4 considered prevalent<br />

are responsible only for 2 .8% <strong>of</strong> our cases . In comparison with the<br />

1988 study, analysis <strong>of</strong> the 8 mutations then identified is responsible<br />

for 82 .6% in the recent study, changing the relative percentage . Molecular<br />

heterogeneity has increased: 19 mutations, including Chinese<br />

and sub-Saharan variants are now responsible for all cases . Since<br />

immigration flows and increased rates <strong>of</strong> rare and even new variants<br />

make genetic diagnosis more difficult, this shows the high importance<br />

<strong>of</strong> identifying β-thalassaemia mutations in order to provide appropriate<br />

genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis<br />

mUtAtiON ORiGiN % 2007 % 1988<br />

Prevalent mutations<br />

CD39 C>T<br />

17 Spain 1 Italy 1 Russia<br />

1 Morocco 1 Subsaharian<br />

28 .4 64 .0<br />

IVSI:110 G>A 9 Spain 12 .2 8 .5<br />

IVSI:6 T>C 6 Spain 5 Egypt 14 .9 15 .5<br />

IVSI:1 G>A<br />

10 Spain 1 Russia<br />

1 Morocco<br />

16 .2 3 .5<br />

IVSII:745 C>G 1 Spain 1 .4 1 .7<br />

IVSII:1 G>A - - -<br />

-87 C>G - - -<br />

CD6 -A 1 Morocco 1 .4 5<br />

mUtAtiON ORiGiN % 2007 % 1988<br />

Other mutations<br />

CD8 -AA 1 Spain 3 Morocco 5 .4 1 .7<br />

IVSI:5 G>C 1 Spain 1 Morocco 2 .7 1 .5<br />

CD8/9 +G 1 Spain 1 Morocco 2 .7 -<br />

CD41/42 -TTCT 2 China 2 .7 -<br />

CD24 T>A 2 Subsaharian 2 .7 -<br />

CD6 -AG* 2 Spain 2 .7 -<br />

CD37 G>A 1 Spain 1 .4 -<br />

IVSI:1 G>T 1 India 1 .4 -<br />

IVSII:849 A>C 1 Subsaharian 1 .4 -<br />

-29 A>G 1 Subsaharian 1 .4 -<br />

-88 C>T 1 Spain 1 .4 -<br />

P07.018<br />

Polymorphism in caRs A986s gene and serum or urine<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> bone mineral related parameters in random<br />

selected postmenopausal women .<br />

L. Navarro Casado, J. A. Blázquez Cabrera, C. Andrés Fernández, M. Cháfer<br />

Rudilla, J. H. Ontañón Rodríguez, M. L. Quintanilla Mata;<br />

CHUA, Albacete, Spain.<br />

Background. Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a candidate gene for<br />

osteoporosis susceptibility . There are only a limited number <strong>of</strong> studies<br />

available regarding the relationship between the CaSR gene A986S<br />

polymorphism and serum or urine concentration <strong>of</strong> bone mineral related<br />

parameters .<br />

Objectives. To evaluate whether CaSR gene A986S polymorphism affects<br />

bone mineral related parameters on serum as: calcium (s-ca),<br />

phosphorus (s-ph), alkaline phosphatase (s-alp), acide phosphatase<br />

(s-acp), or on urine as calcium creatinine ratio (u-ccr) .<br />

Subjects and methods. 158 women with natural menopause were randomly<br />

selected (mean age 52 .7±1 .6 yr) . They did not have any diseases<br />

to affect bone metabolism . Genomic DNA was extracted from<br />

peripheral blood leukocytes by the Higuchi method . A fragment <strong>of</strong> exon<br />

7 <strong>of</strong> CaSR gene containing the A986S polymorphism was amplified by<br />

polymerase chain reaction (PCR). After amplification, all samples were<br />

digested whit Bsa H1 restriction enzymes, and the fragments were<br />

separated by agarose gel electrophoresis . The levels <strong>of</strong> s-ca, s-ph, salp,<br />

s-acp or u-ccr were measured by P-module from Roche .<br />

Results. Genotype frequencies <strong>of</strong> CaSR gene A986S polymorphism<br />

was: AA, 121 (76 .6%); AS, 34 (21 .5%), and SS, 3 (1 .9%) . We found no<br />

association between CaSR polymorphism and s-ca, s-ph, s-alp, s-acp .<br />

Women with the AS/SS genotype had higher u-ccr than those with AA<br />

genotype, (AS/SS 0 .205 ± 0 .88; AA, 0 .167 ± 0 .76 mg/mg; p=0 .014 ) .<br />

Conclusions . 1) We found no association between CaSR gene A986S<br />

polymorphism and serum concentration <strong>of</strong> bone mineral related parameters<br />

. 2) We found association between CaSR gene A986S and<br />

calcium creatinine ratio .<br />

P07.019<br />

BRcA1 and BRcA2 sequence variants in healthy women in<br />

croatia<br />

M. Levačić Cvok, V. Musani, M. Čretnik, P. Ozretić, S. Levanat;<br />

Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.<br />

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the major genes predisposing to breast and<br />

ovarian cancer . Mutations in either <strong>of</strong> these tumor suppressor genes<br />

are associated with both sporadic and hereditary forms <strong>of</strong> breast cancer<br />

. In hereditary cancer, a person inherits one mutated copy <strong>of</strong> either<br />

one <strong>of</strong> these genes . Tumorigenesis occurs when in addition to having<br />

a mutated copy individual develops an inactivating mutation <strong>of</strong> the remaining<br />

healthy allele .<br />

Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease <strong>of</strong> female population,<br />

and the second most common malignancy-related cause <strong>of</strong><br />

death . At least ten percent <strong>of</strong> cases are attributable to familial inheritance<br />

. In Croatia, more than 2200 new cases <strong>of</strong> breast cancer are<br />

diagnosed each year, and about 800 women die <strong>of</strong> this malignancy .<br />

The screening was performed by high resolution melting approach,<br />

which is based on differences in melting curves caused by variations<br />

in nucleotide sequence; detected variants were confirmed by direct<br />

sequencing .<br />

In total, we analyzed 230 samples for BRCA1 gene and 140 samples

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