2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Molecular and biochemical basis of disease mentia with Lewy bodies (DLB) . Alpha-synuclein is the major component of the filamentous Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites that define these diseases at a neuropathological level . The points mutations A30P and A53T in alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) cause familial forms of PD and DLB . Recently, a third missense mutation E46K in SNCA was described in a Spanish family with DLB and parkinsonism . Moreover the A53T alpha-synuclein mutation was found in an elder Greek man with DLB . These cases suggest that E46K and A53T mutations should be considered in the differential diagnosis of DLB . The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of E46K alpha-synuclein mutation as a risk factor in DLB and in familial PD . We analysed the E46K mutation in seventeen sporadic DLB patients and thirty-seven familial PD patients . The clinical diagnosis of DLB was based on the criteria proposed by the International Consortium on DLB . PD patients were diagnosed according to UK Brain Bank criteria . We conducted a genetic analysis by standard PCR and restriction digestion method . None of the subjects examined had the E46K alpha-synuclein mutation . These results do not support a role for this mutation in our patients with DLB or familial PD, in agreement with the emerging consensus that mutations in the SNCA are associated with PD in few families worldwide . P06.014 Associations of Alpha-1 antitrypsin Pi*s allele with cOPD D. Serapinas, B. Sitkauskiene, R. Sakalauskas; Department of Pulmonology and Imunology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by progressive airflow limitation and related to an abnormal inflammatory response of the lung that results from a gene-environment interaction . The best documented genetic risk factor is severe hereditary deficiency of Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) . The presence of Pi*Z allele (Glu 342 → Lys) in homozygote state, that is inherited in autosomal recessive way is already well proven factor for developing COPD . Data about Pi*S allele (Glu 264 → Val) influence for developing COPD are not ascertain yet. Current study analyzed 1000 COPD patients, that clinical diagnosis was confirmed by using GOLD spirometric criteria. AAT serum concentrations were measured by means of nephelometry, and phenotyping was carried out by means of isoelectic-focusing . We found Pi*S allele in 44 patients: 1 in homozygous state SS, 43 in heterozygous state: 40 MS and 3 SZ. AAT concentrations were significantly lower in SS and SZ group compared with normal AAT variant MM (p= 0,035) . Lung function parameter - forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) was also worse in SS and SZ patients (p=0,043) than in MM group . Clinical and biochemical characteristics of COPD patients with MS and MM phenotypes has no statistical differences . In conclusion, the results of the present study support the concept that Pi*S allele is genetic risk factor for COPD for carriers of phenotypes SS and SZ, but not SM . P06.015 Association of iL-6 with Alzheimer in a Brazilian sample F. F. Barbosa1 , R. W. de Labio2 , N. M. dos Reis2,3 , L. T. Rasmussen1,2 , L. Horiguchi2 , C. R. T. Terazaki2 , C. E. M. Kawamata3 , H. Krieger3 , T. Minett4 , P. H. F. Bertolucci4 , M. A. C. Smith4 , S. L. M. Payão4,1,2 ; 1 2 3 USC, Bauru, Brazil, FAMEMA, Marília, Brazil, USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Interleukin-6 is a multifuncional cytokine produced by immune and non immune cells and act as an inflammatory mediator as well as endocrine and metabolic regulator . The IL-6 human gene is located in chromosome 7p21 and present many polymorphisms . The IL-6 rs 1800795 (-174G>C) polymorphism has been associated with Alzheimer´s disease (AD) in some populations, however these findings have not been replicated in other studies . The IL-6 rs 1800796 ( -572G>C) polymorphism has been considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and the IL-6 rs 00797(-597G>A) showed an association with systemic sclerosis, an autoimmune disease . To our knowledge, both polymorphisms have not been investigated in AD . DNA was extracted from blood samples of 302 subjects with similar ethnic origins, being 137 patients with AD, 130 elderly controls and 107 young controls . Subjects were genotyped concerning the three IL-6 polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP technique . AD patients were diagnosed according to NINCDS-ADRDA criteria . Association study was performed using Chi Square tests with p=0.05. No significant genotype distributions related to -174 and -597 polymorphisms were observed among groups . However GG genotype and G allele of rs 1800796 polymorphism occurred more frequently in patients than in young controls (p=0 .045, p=0 .031, respectively) . A tendency to a higher frequency of GG genotype in elderly than in young controls was also detected (p=0 .06) . In our study G allele excess among AD patients of rs 1800796 is due to either a problem of the control sample or associated to a AD susceptibility . Financial Support: FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES P06.016 Association analysis of sNPs in PLAU and iDE genes with lateonset Alzheimer’s disease in a sample of mexican patients C. Venegas 1 , N. Najera 1 , F. Mena 1 , F. Garcia 1 , L. Gutiérrez 2 , M. López 3 , S. Kofman 1 ; 1 Hospital General de Mexico, Servicio de Genética. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico. D.F, Mexico, 2 Servicio de Geriatría, Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición y Ciencias Médicas, Mexico. D.F, Mexico, 3 Secretaria de Enseñanza Clínica Internado y Servicio Social, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico. D.F, Mexico. Background: Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (PLAU) and insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) genes represented strong positional and biologic candidates for late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD) susceptibility . PLAU and IDE are located on chromosome 10q22 .2-23 .3 close to a region of linkage for LOAD . In addition, many studies have identified a possible role of PLAU and IDE genes in the degradation of different forms of Amyloid β-peptide. Several polymorphisms of these genes have been analyzed, however a systematic meta-analysis of this SNPs of previous association studies; suggested that only (PLAU_1=rs2227564) and (IDE_9=rs1887922), are true allele risk with OR>1 .10 . Materials and Methods: A case-control study was design to evaluate the possible association between these SNPs with LOAD of Mexican patients . Data collection was performed from 55 patients with LOAD and 55 sex and age-matched controls subjects . We analyzed alleles and genotype distributions for APOE (ε2/ε3/ε4), one (C/T) polymorphism in exon 6 of the PLAU (rs2227564), and one (C/T) SNP in intron 20 of the IDE (rs887922) . Results: We found different allele and genotype frequencies for all SNPs analyzed between cases and controls. Association was observed for the APOE ε4 allele (OR =2.42), TT genotype of PLAU (OR =2 .20), and CC genotype of IDE (OR =1 .18) . Conclusions: These data suggest a genetic association between APOE (ε4), PLAU (TT), and IDE (CC) genotypes with LOAD in Mexican population . Acknowledgements: This work was supported in part by CONACyT (2004-C01-129) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (SDEI . PTID .05 .5) P06.017 Absence of Association between APOA1 Polymorphism and Alzheimer’s disease M. L. Varlese 1,2 , C. Babalini 1 , C. Patrono 1,3 , Z. Esposito 1,2 , A. Borreca 1,2 , P. Montieri 1,2 , G. Sancesario 2 , A. Orlacchio 3 , G. Bernardi 1,4 , T. Kawarai 5 , A. Orlacchio 1,2 ; 1 Laboratorio Neurogenetica CERC-IRCCS Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy, 2 Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy, 3 Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Scienze Biochimiche, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 4 Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy, 5 Department of Neurology, Hyogo Brain and Heart Center, Himeji City, Japan. Apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1) is the major apolipoprotein of the highdensity lipoprotein, involved in reverse cholesterol transport . Alterations in cholesterol homeostasis influence the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) . Vollbach et al . (2005) suggested that variation in the APOA1 might influence the function of the protein, and thus brain cholesterol metabolism, leading to an increased risk for AD . They identified two polymorphisms, a G/A substitution at position -75bp and a C/T and G/A base substitution at position -83bp or -84bp, or both, in the APOA1 promoter and investigated the effect of these polymorphisms on the risk for AD in 427 AD patients and 500 controls of German and English descent . They found that the A allele of the APOA1 -75bp G/A polymorphism was significantly associated with an increased risk for AD in subjects with an age at onset of 66 years or younger . In order to confirm these data we analysed the presence of this association in the Italian population recruiting 203 patients (n 7566 years old) affected by sporadic AD and 232 controls (n 10066 years old) . In agreement with Vollbach et al . (2005), our analysis didn’t

Molecular and biochemical basis of disease show any statistically significant association in LOAD group. On the other hand, we didn’t find any association between APOA1 -75bp G/A polymorphism and the EOAD group (χ 2 =0,084, df = 2, p = 0,959) . In opposition to Vollbachet al . (2005) our results show that variants of APOA1 don’t influence the onset and the risk for Italian AD sample. P06.018 Paraoxonase gene polymorphism association with ALs in the French, Quebec and swedish populations P. N. Valdmanis 1,2 , E. Kabashi 2 , J. Bouchard 3 , F. Salachas 4 , V. Meininger 4 , P. Andersen 5 , W. Camu 6 , N. Dupre 3,2 , G. A. Rouleau 2 ; 1 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2 Center of Excellence in Neuromics, University of Montreal, CHUM-Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3 Department of Neurological Sciences, CHAUQ Enfant-Jesus, Quebec City, QC, Canada, 4 Fédération des maladies du système nerveux, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris, France, 5 Department of Neurology, Umeå University hospital, Umea, Sweden, 6 Unité de Neurologie Comportementale et Dégénérative Molecular Unit, Institute of Biology, Montpellier, France. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of upper and lower motor neurons . The disease is 90-95% sporadic in nature which suggests that multiple subtle genetic effects may lead to the development of ALS . One primary threat to motor neurons is oxidative stress . As such, an association has been observed between paraoxonase (PON) gene variants and ALS susceptibility . The PON cluster consists of three adjacent genes on chromosome 7q21.3 that aid in the detoxification of organophosphate insecticide and prevent the oxidation of lipoproteins . We sought to examine the frequency of coding and intronic PON polymorphisms in a set of 1197 ALS case and 1076 control samples from France, Sweden, and the founder French Canadian population of Quebec . Twenty SNPs that span the three paraoxonase genes were selected for Taqman genotype analysis . While individual SNPs were not considered associated on their own, a haplotype of SNPs at the C-terminal portion of PON2 that includes the PON2 C311S amino acid change was significant in the French (p-value 0 .0075) and Quebec (p-value 0 .026) populations as well as all three populations combined (p-value 1 .69x10 -6 ) . Thus, we have identified two populations where susceptibility to ALS is significantly associated with variants in the PON gene cluster. The functional consequence of the variants identified with respect to motor neuron degeneration will provide insight into the role of these genes in susceptibility to ALS . P06.019 Identification of TDP-43 variants in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALs) patients E. Kabashi, P. N. Valdmanis, P. Dion, G. A. Rouleau; Centre de Recherche de l’Universite de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada. Recently, TDP-43 was identified as a major component of ubiquitinated aggregates in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) . We have screened 200 ALS patients, 120 sporadic (SALS) and 80 familial (FALS) cases and we have identified several missense variants in the TDP-43 gene . None of these variants were present in 360 unaffected controls . We are currently aiming to determine the causative effect of TDP-43 mutations in ALS pathogenesis and motor neuron degeneration . We will sequence further ALS cases for mutations, perform functional assays to determine what could be the gain or loss of function of TDP-43 and test whether this leads to selective vulnerability of motor neurons . Finally, we are generating three in vivo models, including transgenic mice, which will determine whether mutations in TDP-43 induce a motor neuron disorder and motor neuron pathology in other species . This project will contribute greatly to our understanding of ALS pathophysiology and the functional role that TDP-43 plays in this disease . P06.020 Analysis of assosiation of Apo E gene with placental insufficiency at habitual non-carrying of pregnancy N. Mamedalieva, G. Svyatova, T. Nurbayeva; Scientific Center of Obstetric, Ginecology and Perinatology, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Both non-carrying of pregnancy and placental insufficiency are the basis of many kinds of heavy obstetrical pathology which causes unfavorable outcome for the fetus . The aim of this research is to study features of distribution of alleles of Apo E Gene at pregnant women of Kazakh population with clinical placental insufficiency and habitual non-carrying of pregnancy in anamnesis . Materials and Methods of Research . By the method of PDRF analysis on the basis of PCR-mediated and site-directed mutagenesis, an analysis of frequencies of alleles of Apo E Gene was held at 12 pregnant Kazakh women with diagnosed placental insufficiency and habitual non-carrying of pregnancy in anamnesis . Examples of DNA, taken from 32 sound non-related pregnant Kazakh women with physiologically going pregnancy, were used as control examples . Results . The analysis of frequency of detecting polymorphism of Apo E Gene made known that favorable genotype E2E3 was really detected more frequently at patients of the control group (75%) than at those of the basic group (50%) . Frequency of genotypes E3E3 and E3E4 was 33 .3% and 8 .3% in the researched pathology group against 6 .25 and 0% in the sound group . The revealed data are in accordance with data taken from publications, and they are proof of its possible genetic relation with unfavorable allele E3E4 of Apo E Gene at development of placental insufficiency during habitual non-carrying of pregnancy. The further research of molecular-and-genetic markers will allow us to get more objective information about the nature and mechanisms for rise of placental insufficiency. P06.021 A second candidate gene causing aniridia? : preliminary results F. Bayrakli 1 , D. Ceyhan 2 , Y. Bayri 3 , I. Guney 4 , T. Cankaya 5 , K. Bilguvar 3 , S. Bayrakli 6 , M. Gunel 3 ; 1 Marmara University, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 Van Military Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Van, Turkey, 3 Yale University, Department of Neurosurgery, New Haven, CT, United States, 4 Marmara University, Department of Medical Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 5 Istanbul Surgery Hospital, Division of Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 6 Istanbul University, Department of Family Practice, Istanbul, Turkey. Aniridia can range from a readily visible, almost complete absence of the iris, through enlargement and irregularity of the pupil mimicking a coloboma, to small slit-like defects in the anterior layer seen only on transillumination with a slit-lamp . Approximately one third of all cases of aniridia are sporadic and these are often found to have cytogenetically detectable deletions involving 11p13, besides balanced chromosomal translocations and single chromosomal breaks . Aniridia can also be caused due to six different categories of PAX6 mutations including nonsense, splicing, frame-shifting insertions or deletions, in-frame insertions or deletions, missense, and run-on mutations . We found a large kindred with aniridia that have 10 live affected patients with autosomal dominant trait . While ophthalmological examinations of the affected patients revealed total aniridia, cranial magnetic resonance imaging studies showed no abnormalities in brain tissue . Karyotype analysis (550 bands) revealed normal male (46, XY) and sequencing of translated and untranslated exons of PAX6 gene were revealed no causative mutation. Chromosome 11 specific array-CGH for micro unbalanced translocation, deletion or amplification detection in or around the PAX6 gene is underway . This preliminary results suggest that there can be another causative gene for aniridia . Whole genome linkage analysis is the next step to identify responsible chromosomal locus . P06.022 APO E epsilon genetic polymorphism and foot ulceration severity in peripheral vascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus V. V. Petrova 1 , M. A. Bogdanova 2 , A. N. Voitovich 2 , Y. A. Spesivcev 2 , V. I. Larionova 2 ; 1 St. Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) includes inflammatory process that leads to cell damage and impaired regeneration within a vessel wall resulting in the formation of foot ulcers . PVD is a common and severe complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus . Many investigations show that polymorphisms in apolipoproteins genes can be associated with PVD .

Molecular and biochemical basis <strong>of</strong> disease<br />

show any statistically significant association in LOAD group. On the<br />

other hand, we didn’t find any association between APOA1 -75bp G/A<br />

polymorphism and the EOAD group (χ 2 =0,084, df = 2, p = 0,959) . In<br />

opposition to Vollbachet al . (2005) our results show that variants <strong>of</strong><br />

APOA1 don’t influence the onset and the risk for Italian AD sample.<br />

P06.018<br />

Paraoxonase gene polymorphism association with ALs in the<br />

French, Quebec and swedish populations<br />

P. N. Valdmanis 1,2 , E. Kabashi 2 , J. Bouchard 3 , F. Salachas 4 , V. Meininger 4 , P.<br />

Andersen 5 , W. Camu 6 , N. Dupre 3,2 , G. A. Rouleau 2 ;<br />

1 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2 Center <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Neuromics,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Montreal, CHUM-Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada,<br />

3 Department <strong>of</strong> Neurological Sciences, CHAUQ Enfant-Jesus, Quebec City,<br />

QC, Canada, 4 Fédération des maladies du système nerveux, Hôpital de la<br />

Salpêtrière, Paris, France, 5 Department <strong>of</strong> Neurology, Umeå University hospital,<br />

Umea, Sweden, 6 Unité de Neurologie Comportementale et Dégénérative Molecular<br />

Unit, Institute <strong>of</strong> Biology, Montpellier, France.<br />

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset neurodegenerative<br />

disease that results in the loss <strong>of</strong> upper and lower motor neurons .<br />

The disease is 90-95% sporadic in nature which suggests that multiple<br />

subtle genetic effects may lead to the development <strong>of</strong> ALS . One primary<br />

threat to motor neurons is oxidative stress . As such, an association<br />

has been observed between paraoxonase (PON) gene variants and<br />

ALS susceptibility . The PON cluster consists <strong>of</strong> three adjacent genes<br />

on chromosome 7q21.3 that aid in the detoxification <strong>of</strong> organophosphate<br />

insecticide and prevent the oxidation <strong>of</strong> lipoproteins . We sought<br />

to examine the frequency <strong>of</strong> coding and intronic PON polymorphisms<br />

in a set <strong>of</strong> 1197 ALS case and 1076 control samples from France, Sweden,<br />

and the founder French Canadian population <strong>of</strong> Quebec . Twenty<br />

SNPs that span the three paraoxonase genes were selected for Taqman<br />

genotype analysis . While individual SNPs were not considered<br />

associated on their own, a haplotype <strong>of</strong> SNPs at the C-terminal portion<br />

<strong>of</strong> PON2 that includes the PON2 C311S amino acid change was significant<br />

in the French (p-value 0 .0075) and Quebec (p-value 0 .026) populations<br />

as well as all three populations combined (p-value 1 .69x10 -6 ) .<br />

Thus, we have identified two populations where susceptibility to ALS<br />

is significantly associated with variants in the PON gene cluster. The<br />

functional consequence <strong>of</strong> the variants identified with respect to motor<br />

neuron degeneration will provide insight into the role <strong>of</strong> these genes in<br />

susceptibility to ALS .<br />

P06.019<br />

Identification <strong>of</strong> TDP-43 variants in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis<br />

(ALs) patients<br />

E. Kabashi, P. N. Valdmanis, P. Dion, G. A. Rouleau;<br />

Centre de Recherche de l’Universite de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.<br />

Recently, TDP-43 was identified as a major component <strong>of</strong> ubiquitinated<br />

aggregates in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal<br />

dementia (FTD) . We have screened 200 ALS patients, 120 sporadic<br />

(SALS) and 80 familial (FALS) cases and we have identified several<br />

missense variants in the TDP-43 gene . None <strong>of</strong> these variants were<br />

present in 360 unaffected controls . We are currently aiming to determine<br />

the causative effect <strong>of</strong> TDP-43 mutations in ALS pathogenesis<br />

and motor neuron degeneration . We will sequence further ALS cases<br />

for mutations, perform functional assays to determine what could be<br />

the gain or loss <strong>of</strong> function <strong>of</strong> TDP-43 and test whether this leads to selective<br />

vulnerability <strong>of</strong> motor neurons . Finally, we are generating three<br />

in vivo models, including transgenic mice, which will determine whether<br />

mutations in TDP-43 induce a motor neuron disorder and motor<br />

neuron pathology in other species . This project will contribute greatly<br />

to our understanding <strong>of</strong> ALS pathophysiology and the functional role<br />

that TDP-43 plays in this disease .<br />

P06.020<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> assosiation <strong>of</strong> Apo E gene with placental<br />

insufficiency at habitual non-carrying <strong>of</strong> pregnancy<br />

N. Mamedalieva, G. Svyatova, T. Nurbayeva;<br />

Scientific Center <strong>of</strong> Obstetric, Ginecology and Perinatology, Almaty, Kazakhstan.<br />

Both non-carrying <strong>of</strong> pregnancy and placental insufficiency are the basis<br />

<strong>of</strong> many kinds <strong>of</strong> heavy obstetrical pathology which causes unfavorable<br />

outcome for the fetus .<br />

The aim <strong>of</strong> this research is to study features <strong>of</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> alleles<br />

<strong>of</strong> Apo E Gene at pregnant women <strong>of</strong> Kazakh population with clinical<br />

placental insufficiency and habitual non-carrying <strong>of</strong> pregnancy in<br />

anamnesis .<br />

Materials and Methods <strong>of</strong> Research . By the method <strong>of</strong> PDRF analysis<br />

on the basis <strong>of</strong> PCR-mediated and site-directed mutagenesis,<br />

an analysis <strong>of</strong> frequencies <strong>of</strong> alleles <strong>of</strong> Apo E Gene was held at 12<br />

pregnant Kazakh women with diagnosed placental insufficiency and<br />

habitual non-carrying <strong>of</strong> pregnancy in anamnesis . Examples <strong>of</strong> DNA,<br />

taken from 32 sound non-related pregnant Kazakh women with physiologically<br />

going pregnancy, were used as control examples .<br />

Results . The analysis <strong>of</strong> frequency <strong>of</strong> detecting polymorphism <strong>of</strong> Apo E<br />

Gene made known that favorable genotype E2E3 was really detected<br />

more frequently at patients <strong>of</strong> the control group (75%) than at those<br />

<strong>of</strong> the basic group (50%) . Frequency <strong>of</strong> genotypes E3E3 and E3E4<br />

was 33 .3% and 8 .3% in the researched pathology group against 6 .25<br />

and 0% in the sound group . The revealed data are in accordance with<br />

data taken from publications, and they are pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> its possible genetic<br />

relation with unfavorable allele E3E4 <strong>of</strong> Apo E Gene at development <strong>of</strong><br />

placental insufficiency during habitual non-carrying <strong>of</strong> pregnancy.<br />

The further research <strong>of</strong> molecular-and-genetic markers will allow us to<br />

get more objective information about the nature and mechanisms for<br />

rise <strong>of</strong> placental insufficiency.<br />

P06.021<br />

A second candidate gene causing aniridia? : preliminary results<br />

F. Bayrakli 1 , D. Ceyhan 2 , Y. Bayri 3 , I. Guney 4 , T. Cankaya 5 , K. Bilguvar 3 , S.<br />

Bayrakli 6 , M. Gunel 3 ;<br />

1 Marmara University, Department <strong>of</strong> Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 Van Military<br />

Hospital, Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology, Van, Turkey, 3 Yale University, Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Neurosurgery, New Haven, CT, United States, 4 Marmara University,<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Istanbul, Turkey, 5 Istanbul Surgery Hospital,<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>, Istanbul, Turkey, 6 Istanbul University, Department <strong>of</strong> Family<br />

Practice, Istanbul, Turkey.<br />

Aniridia can range from a readily visible, almost complete absence <strong>of</strong><br />

the iris, through enlargement and irregularity <strong>of</strong> the pupil mimicking a<br />

coloboma, to small slit-like defects in the anterior layer seen only on<br />

transillumination with a slit-lamp .<br />

Approximately one third <strong>of</strong> all cases <strong>of</strong> aniridia are sporadic and these<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten found to have cytogenetically detectable deletions involving<br />

11p13, besides balanced chromosomal translocations and single chromosomal<br />

breaks .<br />

Aniridia can also be caused due to six different categories <strong>of</strong> PAX6<br />

mutations including nonsense, splicing, frame-shifting insertions or<br />

deletions, in-frame insertions or deletions, missense, and run-on mutations<br />

.<br />

We found a large kindred with aniridia that have 10 live affected patients<br />

with autosomal dominant trait . While ophthalmological examinations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the affected patients revealed total aniridia, cranial magnetic<br />

resonance imaging studies showed no abnormalities in brain tissue .<br />

Karyotype analysis (550 bands) revealed normal male (46, XY) and<br />

sequencing <strong>of</strong> translated and untranslated exons <strong>of</strong> PAX6 gene were<br />

revealed no causative mutation. Chromosome 11 specific array-CGH<br />

for micro unbalanced translocation, deletion or amplification detection<br />

in or around the PAX6 gene is underway .<br />

This preliminary results suggest that there can be another causative<br />

gene for aniridia . Whole genome linkage analysis is the next step to<br />

identify responsible chromosomal locus .<br />

P06.022<br />

APO E epsilon genetic polymorphism and foot ulceration<br />

severity in peripheral vascular complications <strong>of</strong> type 2 diabetes<br />

mellitus<br />

V. V. Petrova 1 , M. A. Bogdanova 2 , A. N. Voitovich 2 , Y. A. Spesivcev 2 , V. I. Larionova<br />

2 ;<br />

1 St. Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2 St.<br />

Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation.<br />

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) includes inflammatory process that<br />

leads to cell damage and impaired regeneration within a vessel wall<br />

resulting in the formation <strong>of</strong> foot ulcers . PVD is a common and severe<br />

complication <strong>of</strong> type 2 diabetes mellitus . Many investigations show that<br />

polymorphisms in apolipoproteins genes can be associated with PVD .

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