2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Molecular and biochemical basis of disease and Western blot, the secretion, endoproteolytic processing and extracellular aggregates of wild-type myocilin and 5 glaucoma-associated myocilin mutants (E323K, R346T, Q368X, P370L and D380A) transiently co-expressed in a cell line in culture . Our results show that coexpression affects secretion and proteolytic processing of wild type and mutant myocilins . These phenomena could play a role in the development of glaucoma . P05.058 screening for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism among hypertensive patients in Bulgaria J. A. Matrozova 1 , R. Saraeva 2 , R. Bogeska 2 , R. Kaneva 2 , I. Kremensky 2 , S. Zacharieva 1 ; 1 University Hospital of Endocrinology “Akad. Ivan Pentchev”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 Molecular Medicine Center, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria. Background. Primary aldosteronism (PA) is currently considered the most frequent form of endocrine hypertension . Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA) is a genetic variety of PA, affecting about 1% of patients, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern . GRA is caused by a chimaeric gene with aldosterone synthase activity originating from an unequal crossing-over between the CYP11B1 (11 beta-hydroxylase) and CYP11B2 (aldosterone synthase) genes . Hypertension in GRA can be severe leading to cerebrovascular complications at a young age and female carriers of the mutation have a higher incidence of preeclampsia during pregnancy . On the other hand GRA can be successfully treated by glucocorticoids, which justifies its screening and early diagnosis. Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of GRA among patients with confirmed PA . methods. The study population consisted of 170 hypertensive patients, referred to a specialized Endocrinology department . In order to identify patients with PA we used the aldosterone to renin ratio and the Captopril test. The diagnosis of PA was confirmed in 11 subjects who were investigated for GRA using the long PCR technique . Results. None of our patients was positive for the CYP11B1/CYP11B2 chimaeric gene. coclusions. Our study demonstrated that GRA can be successfully excluded in patients with PA, using the long PCR technique . Further studies in larger groups of patients are needed to evaluate the prevalence of GRA among patients with PA, which is probably lower than previously reported P05.059 the crv mouse model reveals a new role of the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 (Grm ) in the kidney glomerulus A. Puliti 1,2 , V. Conti 1,3 , G. Caridi 4 , A. Corbelli 5 , L. Musante 3,4 , F. Piccardi 6 , J. L. Guenet 7 , G. Candiano 4 , R. Gusmano 3 , M. P. Rastaldi 5 , R. Ravazzolo 1,2 ; 1 Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics Unit, G. Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 2 Dept. of Pediatric Sciences “G. De Toni”, University of Genova, Genova, Italy, 3 RenalChild Foundation, G. Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 4 Laboratory on Pathophysiology of Uremia, Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 5 Renal Immunopathology Laboratory, D’Amico Renal Research Foundation, Milano, Italy, 6 Animal Models Facility, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy, 7 Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. We recently described the crv4 mouse mutant, where a spontaneous mutation causes the lack of the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 (Grm1) . Homozygous crv4 mice exhibit a complex phenotype, mainly characterized by ataxia and by morphological and functional renal anomalies . By PCR screening of a cDNA library of human tissues, we found Grm1 expressed in the kidney . Expression of Grm1 was also evidenced by amplifying and sequencing cDNA obtained from renal tissues of wild type mice. The expression of the receptor was confirmed in wild type renal tissues by western-blot and immunofluorescence analyses, using specific antibodies. Electron microscopy analyses of the crv4 kidneys, compared to the wild type, evidenced major glomerular alterations of the glomerular basement membrane and the podocytes, and immunofluorescence analyses of specific podocyte proteins, such as nephrin, synaptopodin, and ZO1, showed a reduced expression in the mutated mice . Urine analyses by ELISA showed a statistically significant albuminuria in crv4 homozygous relative to wild type mice . These evidences support a recent hypothesis according to which podocytes communicate by neuron-like mechanisms . The podocyte, similarly to the neuronal cell, has vesicular structures for the exocy- tosis/endocytosis and release of glutamate . In this view, mutations of molecules involved in such mechanisms may be added to other known genetic causes of glomerulopathies . P05.060 Identification, characterization and regulatory role of a new tFii-i family member, GtF2iRD2, located at the Williams-Beuren syndrome locus A. Antonell 1 , M. I. Tussie-Luna 2 , A. L. Roy 2 , L. A. Pérez-Jurado 1,3 ; 1 Unitat de Genètica, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, U-735 CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain, 2 Dept. of Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, United States, 3 Programa de Medicina Molecular i Genètica, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain. GTF2I, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2IRD2 are three related genes located in the 7q11 .23 Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) locus that encode different members of the TFII-I family of transcription factors, characterized by the presence of several HLH-like domains known as I-repeats . The functions of GTF2I and GTF2IRD1, hemizygously deleted in all typical WBS patients, have been studied in depth . However, little is known about GTF2IRD2, a multicopy gene that is variably deleted in WBS patients, and thus a candidate to influence the variable severity of the phenotype . We have studied the function of the three expressed GTF2IRD2 copies termed medial, telomeric and the chimeric found in some WBS patients . In vitro transfection assays in COS7 cells revealed that all three GTF2IRD2 proteins formed heterodimers with GTF2I, but only the GTF2IRD2-tel copy could interact with GTF2IRD1 . The cellular localization pattern was different among the three proteins . GTF2IRD2tel protein appears mainly nuclear while the GTF2IRD2-chi was found to be mostly cytoplasmatic . The GTF2IRD2-tel and GTF2IRD2-med proteins, but not the GTF2IRD2-chi, changed their distribution pattern when co-transfected with GTF2I and GTF2IRD1 . In addition, the GT- F2IRD2-tel protein was able to activate transcription of the c-fos gene in a synergistic way with GTF2I . In conclusion, GTF2IRD2 proteins appear to act as transcription regulators by virtue of interacting with GTF2I and GTF2IRD1 with different functional outcomes . The variable amount of the different TFII-I family proteins in WBS patients, depending on deletion breakpoints, could contribute to modulate the variable expression of target genes and thus the WBS phenotype . P05.061 investigating Factor V (G1691A), Prothrombin (G20210A) and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (c677t) gene polymorphisms in recurrent pregnancy loss H. Samli 1 , N. Imirzalioglu 1 , G. Koken 2 , A. Ozgoz 1 , G. Ceylaner 3 , S. Ceylaner 3 ; 1 Afyon Kocatepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 2 Afyon Kocatepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 3 Zekai Tahir Burak Women’s Hospital, Department of Genetics, Ankara, Turkey. In 75% of women trying to be pregnant, early pregnancy loss occurs . Habitual abortion is the termination of two or more consecutive pregnancies before 20th gestational week . Various etiologic factors are responsible for recurrent pregnancy loss . In the performed studies these factors are reported to be, 7% chromosomal abnormalities, 10% anatomic problems, 15% hormonal irregularities, 6% unclear reasons and 55-62% coagulation protein/platelet problems. The importance of genetic defects causing defficiency in the coagulation system are better understood recently . Among them the most frequently related ones are some of the mutations take place in the Factor V, Prothrombin and the MTHFR genes . In our study we objected to investigate the existence of the FV Leiden, Prothrombin and MTHFR gene mutations in 110 women with recurrent pregnancy loss and in 30 women with healthy children and no pregnancy loss . Mutation screening was perfomed by PCR-RFLP method using Hind III and Hinf I restriction enzymes for the blood samples of which DNAs were isolated . FV Leiden, Prothrombin, MTHFR mutations were detected to be 13 .6 %, 6 .4%, 55 .5% in the case and 6 .7%, 6 .7%, 53 .3% in the control groups, respectively. No significant differences were detected between the case and the control group according to the mutation frequencies . It is thought that the risk of pregnancy loss is related to the combined augmentation of the thrombophilic mutations rather than a specific mutation . Probably, investigating prevalence of more thrombophilic mutations in women with habitual abortion will be more significant.

Molecular and biochemical basis of disease P05.062 Duplication of exons 1 to 22 of the F gene: a new mechanism related to multiple copies of the intron 22 int22h sequence? C. Costa 1,2 , E. Bieth 3 , P. Boisseau 4 , S. Letourneau 1 , F. Dastot 1,2 , E. Girodon- Boulandet 1,2 , M. Goossens 1,2 ; 1 AP-HP, Groupe Henri Mondor-Albert Chenevier, Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Créteil, France, 2 INSERM U841, Département de Génétique, équipe 11, Université Paris 12, Créteil, France, 3 Hôpital Purpan, Laboratoire de Génétique Médicale, Toulouse, France, 4 CHU Hotel Dieu, Service de Génétique Médicale, Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Nantes, France. Interspersed repeats account for 56% of the euchromatic X chromosome sequence, compared with a genome average of 45% . Intrachromosomal duplications are estimated to account for 2 .59% of the X chromosome while interchromosomal duplications account for a very small fraction 0 .24% of the X chromosome . Among these duplications are well-described cases that are associated with genomic disorders . Some disorders may result from rearrangements involving duplicated sequences in Xq28, such as in haemophilia A . In severe haemophilia A, mutations are frequently the results of inversions between a sequence in intron 22 (int22h-1) of the F8 gene and one of two more distally located copies (int22h-2, int22h-3) described to be in the same orientation. Recently a novel finding from analysis of the DNA sequence of the human X chromosome (Ross et al, Nature 2005) has revealed that the two distal copies are in opposite orientations . Recombination should then produce deletion or duplication rather than inversion . A deletion consistent with this prediction has been reported in a family in which carrier females are affected by a high spontaneous-abortion rate in pregnancy. We report here the first case of duplication of exons 1 to 22 in a carrier female in a family were none haemophiliac patient was available . The duplication was detected by MP-LC (Multiplex Liquid chromatography) and confirmed by MLPA. We believe this new rearrangement could be linked to the multiple copies of the intron 22 sequences and would confirm the hypothesis that recombination could produce duplication . P05.063 A comparison of quantitative real time PcR (Q-Rt-PcR) and Multiple Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) for molecular diagnosis of deletions in cases of severe haemophilia A A. Venceslá, M. Baena, M. J. Barceló, J. Juan, L. Alias, M. Cornet, M. Domenech, P. Gallano, M. Baiget, E. F. Tizzano; Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain. Haemophilia A (HA) is an X-linked bleeding disorder caused by mutations in coagulation factor VIII. The identification of HA carriers is an essential part of genetic counselling . Large rearrangements frequently occur within the F8 gene in severe haemophiliacs . These include the intron22 inversion (40-45%) the intron1 inversion (2-5%) and gross deletions encompassing one or more exons (5-10%) . Although gross deletions are readily detectable in males, the identification of heterozygosity in possible carriers of these families constitutes a challenge . To identify a deleted allele over the background of the normal allele in these carriers, we previously set up a Q-RT-PCR method employing LightCycler technology . A comparison was performed with the recently described MLPA P178 FVIII probemix that contains probes for each of the 26 exons of the F8 gene . We studied patients with deletions in exon 13, in exons 23-25, in exon 15 and in exons 1-22 . Carrier and non-carrier females from these families previously defined by quantitative or marker analysis were also tested . MLPA results in HA patients revealed the absence of the peak in the corresponding exon(s) . There was a complete correlation with results in the carrier group (one copy of the corresponding exon(s) by Q-RT-PCR and 40- 55% of reduced relative peak area in MLPA) and also in the non carrier group (two copies and 85-100% of peak area) . MLPA may be incorporated into routine molecular diagnosis of severe HA after screening of inversions . Supported by Fundació Catalana d´Hemofilia, CIBERER, Real Fundación Victoria Eugenia. P05.064 investigation of human mitochondrial DNA in iranian Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Hcm) patients M. Montazeri 1 , M. Houshmand 1 , E. V. Zaklyazminskaya 2 ; 1 NRCGEB, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Russian Research Center of Medical Genetics Laboratory of DNA Research, Mosque, Russian Federation. Mitochondrial (mt) DNA defects, both deletions and tRNA point mutations, have been associated with cardiomyopathies . The aim of the study was to determine the mtDNA mutations in Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) Iranian patients. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is widely accepted as a pluricausal or multifactorial disease . Because of the linkage between energy metabolism in the mitochondria and cardiac muscle contraction, it is reasonable to assume that mitochondrial abnormalities may be responsible for some forms of HCM . We analysed the whole mitochondrial genome in a series of 31 patients with HCM for alterations and compared the findings with those of 30 control subjects. A total of X sequence changes could be identified. These sequence changes were distributed among the whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) . An increased number of novel missense mutations could be detected nearly in all genes encoding for protein subunits in HCM patients subjects . Four mutations were found that are unpublished . The c .4384T>C in tRNA glutamin , c .9063A>G in AtPase6 , c .2071 T>C, c .3170C>A, in noncoding MTRNA2 16S . Also 33 polymorphisms were identified in this study which had not been published in the MitoMap database . The c .16189T>C mutation in the D-loop region that is associated with susceptibility to DCM could be detected in 3% of patients as well as in 0% of controls . Furthermore, mtDNA mutations may play an important role in pathogenesis of cardiac arrest which has remained unexplained for long . P05.065 investigation of 69 common mutations in MYH gene in iranian population with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy M. Montazeri1 , M. Houshmand1 , M. Ghani Kakhki1 , G. Estahbanati2 , M. M. Peyghambari3 , E. V. Zaklyazminskaya4 ; 1 2 nrcgeb, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran University of Medical Sciences Shaheed Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical Center, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3Iran University of Medical Sciences Shaheed Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical Center, Tehran, Iran., Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 4Russian Research Center of Medical Genetics Laboratory of DNA Research, Moscow, Russia., Moscow, Russian Federation. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterized by hypertrophy of ventricles and intrventricular septum . Patients could develop serious complications including heart failure, arrhythmias and sudden death . Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a single gene disorder and has autosomal dominant inheritance . In this study we focused on exons 13-15 and 19-21 of MYH7 gene and introns located between them, which contain hotspots for so called “malignant mutations” that increase sudden cardiac death risk . Methods: Fifty unrelated Iranian patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were selected sequentially and informed written consent was obtained from them . Exons 13-15 and 19-21 of MYH7 gene and their related introns were amplified by polymerase chain reaction . Then PCR products were sequenced . Results: Mutations were detected in fourteen (28%) of the patients . We didn’t find any malignant mutation, but three mutations were found in targeted exons . One of them, A10419C (N444T) in exon 14, may be a novel mutation . P05.066 A novel mitochondrial DNA tRNAile (m.4322dupc) mutation associated with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy S. Mahjoub 1 , D. Sternberg 2 , R. Boussaada 3 , S. Filaut 2 , F. Guemira 4 , R. Mechmech 3 , C. Jardel 2 , S. Ben Arab 1 ; 1 Faculté de Médecine de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia, 2 Fédération de génétique-UF Cardio et Myogénétique , Hôpital Pitié-salpétrière, Paris, France, 3 Hôpital La Rabta, Tunis, Tunisia, 4 Hôpital Salah Azaiez, Tunis, Tunisia. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart muscle disease characterized by cardiac dilatation and impaired contraction of the left ventricle (LV) or both ventricles . The age at disease onset is highly variable, ranging from early childhood to late adulthood . Only 50% of patients with DCM survive >5 years after diagnosis . Approximately 20% to 25% of cases seem to have a genetic component . DCM can be transmit-

Molecular and biochemical basis <strong>of</strong> disease<br />

and Western blot, the secretion, endoproteolytic processing and extracellular<br />

aggregates <strong>of</strong> wild-type myocilin and 5 glaucoma-associated<br />

myocilin mutants (E323K, R346T, Q368X, P370L and D380A)<br />

transiently co-expressed in a cell line in culture . Our results show that<br />

coexpression affects secretion and proteolytic processing <strong>of</strong> wild type<br />

and mutant myocilins . These phenomena could play a role in the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> glaucoma .<br />

P05.058<br />

screening for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism among<br />

hypertensive patients in Bulgaria<br />

J. A. Matrozova 1 , R. Saraeva 2 , R. Bogeska 2 , R. Kaneva 2 , I. Kremensky 2 , S.<br />

Zacharieva 1 ;<br />

1 University Hospital <strong>of</strong> Endocrinology “Akad. Ivan Pentchev”, S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria,<br />

2 Molecular Medicine Center, Medical University <strong>of</strong> S<strong>of</strong>ia, S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria.<br />

Background. Primary aldosteronism (PA) is currently considered the<br />

most frequent form <strong>of</strong> endocrine hypertension . Glucocorticoid-remediable<br />

aldosteronism (GRA) is a genetic variety <strong>of</strong> PA, affecting about<br />

1% <strong>of</strong> patients, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern .<br />

GRA is caused by a chimaeric gene with aldosterone synthase activity<br />

originating from an unequal crossing-over between the CYP11B1<br />

(11 beta-hydroxylase) and CYP11B2 (aldosterone synthase) genes .<br />

Hypertension in GRA can be severe leading to cerebrovascular complications<br />

at a young age and female carriers <strong>of</strong> the mutation have<br />

a higher incidence <strong>of</strong> preeclampsia during pregnancy . On the other<br />

hand GRA can be successfully treated by glucocorticoids, which justifies<br />

its screening and early diagnosis. Objective. The aim <strong>of</strong> this study<br />

was to assess the prevalence <strong>of</strong> GRA among patients with confirmed<br />

PA . methods. The study population consisted <strong>of</strong> 170 hypertensive patients,<br />

referred to a specialized Endocrinology department . In order to<br />

identify patients with PA we used the aldosterone to renin ratio and the<br />

Captopril test. The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> PA was confirmed in 11 subjects who<br />

were investigated for GRA using the long PCR technique . Results.<br />

None <strong>of</strong> our patients was positive for the CYP11B1/CYP11B2 chimaeric<br />

gene. coclusions. Our study demonstrated that GRA can be successfully<br />

excluded in patients with PA, using the long PCR technique .<br />

Further studies in larger groups <strong>of</strong> patients are needed to evaluate the<br />

prevalence <strong>of</strong> GRA among patients with PA, which is probably lower<br />

than previously reported<br />

P05.059<br />

the crv mouse model reveals a new role <strong>of</strong> the metabotropic<br />

glutamate receptor type 1 (Grm ) in the kidney glomerulus<br />

A. Puliti 1,2 , V. Conti 1,3 , G. Caridi 4 , A. Corbelli 5 , L. Musante 3,4 , F. Piccardi 6 , J. L.<br />

Guenet 7 , G. Candiano 4 , R. Gusmano 3 , M. P. Rastaldi 5 , R. Ravazzolo 1,2 ;<br />

1 Molecular <strong>Genetics</strong> and Cytogenetics Unit, G. Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy,<br />

2 Dept. <strong>of</strong> Pediatric Sciences “G. De Toni”, University <strong>of</strong> Genova, Genova, Italy,<br />

3 RenalChild Foundation, G. Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 4 Laboratory on<br />

Pathophysiology <strong>of</strong> Uremia, Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 5 Renal Immunopathology<br />

Laboratory, D’Amico Renal Research Foundation, Milano, Italy, 6 Animal<br />

Models Facility, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy,<br />

7 Pasteur Institute, Paris, France.<br />

We recently described the crv4 mouse mutant, where a spontaneous<br />

mutation causes the lack <strong>of</strong> the metabotropic glutamate receptor<br />

type 1 (Grm1) . Homozygous crv4 mice exhibit a complex phenotype,<br />

mainly characterized by ataxia and by morphological and functional<br />

renal anomalies .<br />

By PCR screening <strong>of</strong> a cDNA library <strong>of</strong> human tissues, we found Grm1<br />

expressed in the kidney . Expression <strong>of</strong> Grm1 was also evidenced by<br />

amplifying and sequencing cDNA obtained from renal tissues <strong>of</strong> wild<br />

type mice. The expression <strong>of</strong> the receptor was confirmed in wild type<br />

renal tissues by western-blot and immun<strong>of</strong>luorescence analyses, using<br />

specific antibodies.<br />

Electron microscopy analyses <strong>of</strong> the crv4 kidneys, compared to the<br />

wild type, evidenced major glomerular alterations <strong>of</strong> the glomerular<br />

basement membrane and the podocytes, and immun<strong>of</strong>luorescence<br />

analyses <strong>of</strong> specific podocyte proteins, such as nephrin, synaptopodin,<br />

and ZO1, showed a reduced expression in the mutated mice .<br />

Urine analyses by ELISA showed a statistically significant albuminuria<br />

in crv4 homozygous relative to wild type mice .<br />

These evidences support a recent hypothesis according to which<br />

podocytes communicate by neuron-like mechanisms . The podocyte,<br />

similarly to the neuronal cell, has vesicular structures for the exocy-<br />

tosis/endocytosis and release <strong>of</strong> glutamate . In this view, mutations <strong>of</strong><br />

molecules involved in such mechanisms may be added to other known<br />

genetic causes <strong>of</strong> glomerulopathies .<br />

P05.060<br />

Identification, characterization and regulatory role <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

tFii-i family member, GtF2iRD2, located at the Williams-Beuren<br />

syndrome locus<br />

A. Antonell 1 , M. I. Tussie-Luna 2 , A. L. Roy 2 , L. A. Pérez-Jurado 1,3 ;<br />

1 Unitat de Genètica, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, U-735 CIBERER, <strong>Barcelona</strong>,<br />

Spain, 2 Dept. <strong>of</strong> Pathology, Tufts University School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Boston, MA,<br />

United States, 3 Programa de Medicina Molecular i Genètica, Hospital Vall<br />

d’Hebron, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain.<br />

GTF2I, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2IRD2 are three related genes located in<br />

the 7q11 .23 Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) locus that encode different<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the TFII-I family <strong>of</strong> transcription factors, characterized<br />

by the presence <strong>of</strong> several HLH-like domains known as I-repeats .<br />

The functions <strong>of</strong> GTF2I and GTF2IRD1, hemizygously deleted in all<br />

typical WBS patients, have been studied in depth . However, little is<br />

known about GTF2IRD2, a multicopy gene that is variably deleted in<br />

WBS patients, and thus a candidate to influence the variable severity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the phenotype . We have studied the function <strong>of</strong> the three expressed<br />

GTF2IRD2 copies termed medial, telomeric and the chimeric found in<br />

some WBS patients . In vitro transfection assays in COS7 cells revealed<br />

that all three GTF2IRD2 proteins formed heterodimers with GTF2I, but<br />

only the GTF2IRD2-tel copy could interact with GTF2IRD1 . The cellular<br />

localization pattern was different among the three proteins . GTF2IRD2tel<br />

protein appears mainly nuclear while the GTF2IRD2-chi was found<br />

to be mostly cytoplasmatic . The GTF2IRD2-tel and GTF2IRD2-med<br />

proteins, but not the GTF2IRD2-chi, changed their distribution pattern<br />

when co-transfected with GTF2I and GTF2IRD1 . In addition, the GT-<br />

F2IRD2-tel protein was able to activate transcription <strong>of</strong> the c-fos gene<br />

in a synergistic way with GTF2I . In conclusion, GTF2IRD2 proteins<br />

appear to act as transcription regulators by virtue <strong>of</strong> interacting with<br />

GTF2I and GTF2IRD1 with different functional outcomes . The variable<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> the different TFII-I family proteins in WBS patients, depending<br />

on deletion breakpoints, could contribute to modulate the variable<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> target genes and thus the WBS phenotype .<br />

P05.061<br />

investigating Factor V (G1691A), Prothrombin (G20210A)<br />

and methylenetetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase (c677t) gene<br />

polymorphisms in recurrent pregnancy loss<br />

H. Samli 1 , N. Imirzalioglu 1 , G. Koken 2 , A. Ozgoz 1 , G. Ceylaner 3 , S. Ceylaner 3 ;<br />

1 Afyon Kocatepe University, School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>,<br />

Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 2 Afyon Kocatepe University, School <strong>of</strong> Medicine,<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynecology, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 3 Zekai Tahir<br />

Burak Women’s Hospital, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>, Ankara, Turkey.<br />

In 75% <strong>of</strong> women trying to be pregnant, early pregnancy loss occurs .<br />

Habitual abortion is the termination <strong>of</strong> two or more consecutive pregnancies<br />

before 20th gestational week .<br />

Various etiologic factors are responsible for recurrent pregnancy loss .<br />

In the performed studies these factors are reported to be, 7% chromosomal<br />

abnormalities, 10% anatomic problems, 15% hormonal irregularities,<br />

6% unclear reasons and 55-62% coagulation protein/platelet<br />

problems. The importance <strong>of</strong> genetic defects causing defficiency in the<br />

coagulation system are better understood recently . Among them the<br />

most frequently related ones are some <strong>of</strong> the mutations take place in<br />

the Factor V, Prothrombin and the MTHFR genes .<br />

In our study we objected to investigate the existence <strong>of</strong> the FV Leiden,<br />

Prothrombin and MTHFR gene mutations in 110 women with recurrent<br />

pregnancy loss and in 30 women with healthy children and no pregnancy<br />

loss . Mutation screening was perfomed by PCR-RFLP method<br />

using Hind III and Hinf I restriction enzymes for the blood samples <strong>of</strong><br />

which DNAs were isolated .<br />

FV Leiden, Prothrombin, MTHFR mutations were detected to be 13 .6<br />

%, 6 .4%, 55 .5% in the case and 6 .7%, 6 .7%, 53 .3% in the control<br />

groups, respectively. No significant differences were detected between<br />

the case and the control group according to the mutation frequencies .<br />

It is thought that the risk <strong>of</strong> pregnancy loss is related to the combined<br />

augmentation <strong>of</strong> the thrombophilic mutations rather than a specific mutation<br />

. Probably, investigating prevalence <strong>of</strong> more thrombophilic mutations<br />

in women with habitual abortion will be more significant.

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