2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Molecular and biochemical basis of disease Cp expressed at PBL membrane is GPI-anchored . Altogether, these data show that human PBL express both sCp, GPI-Cp and Fpn . Studying the expression of these proteins in cells of the immune system (IS) may contribute to understanding the regulation of the Fe homeostasis by the IS and also allow to access Cp isoforms and Fpn activities associated to pathological conditions, often neurological, in cells from peripheral blood . P05.023 Myotonia congenita: identification of eleven new mutations in the cLcN1 gene J. F. Quesada, I. S. Pascual, J. Martiáñez, J. M. Molano; Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Introduction . Myotonia congenita (MC) is a rare autosomal inherited disorder characterized by muscle stiffness and hypertrophy . MC is inherited in two different forms: a dominant form, designated as Thomsen´s myotonia, or a recessive form, designated as Becker´s generalized myotonia . However, both forms are caused by mutations in a unique gene, the CLCN1 gene, which encodes the major chloride channel in skeletal muscle. In this communication, we identified 11 new mutations in Spanish patients . We assumed these are disease-causing mutations and no polymorphisms because the mutated amino-acid residues are conserved through evolution . Our future project is to characterize, using patch-clamp analysis, the effect of these mutations on the clc1 channel function . Patients and Methods . We analyzed DNA extracted from peripheral blood of patients attending to Neurology Services from several tertiary Spanish hospitals . Each CLCN1 exon and boundary intron regions were amplified by the DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and products were DNA sequenced in an ABI Prism® 3130 XL instrument . Results . We analyzed DNA from 103 patients (51 families) with myotonia as major symptom having previously excluded the myotonic dystrophies . We have found 20 different mutations, including 11 mutations that are not described before . Four mutations (F167L, Y302H, M485V and R894X) were recurrent in our serie . Conclusions . Analysis of mutations in CLCN1 gene in 51 Spanish families with myotonia suggest that there are remarkable differences in the mutation profiles between Spanish and other Caucasian populations. P05.024 A silent mutation within protectin (cD59) gene and exon skipping in a family with coeliac disease C. Vidal 1 , J. Borġ 1 , A. Fenech 2 , A. Xuereb-Anastasi 3 , C. Scerri 1 ; 1 Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Msida, Malta, 2 Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, 3 Institute of Health Care, Msida, Malta. Protectin (CD59), which inhibits the assembly of the membrane attack complex following complement activation, was reported to be upregulated in coeliac disease [1] . Its gene is located on chromosome 11p12, to which suggestive linkage was observed in a Maltese family with coeliac disease . Sequencing of CD59, APAF-1 interacting protein and CD44 genes, revealed a number of variants . Two synonymous variants, a C/T transition (rs1071695) in CD44 and a novel G/A change within CD59, were co-segregating with the linked haplotype in all affected individuals . Only one A allele, from 442 chromosomes, was found in the general population (0 .23%)and was completely absent in a group of coeliac patients, showing that this is a rare variant found within this family . Two constructs consisting of normal and mutated exons together with adjacent introns were cloned into pSPL3, and transfected into HeLa and COS-7 . Reverse transcriptase-PCR was performed, followed by agarose gel electrophoresis and sequencing . Both wild-type and mutated constructs for the CD59 variant resulted in a normally and an abnormally spliced transcript lacking the exon involved (coding for signal peptide), which was more pronounced in the presence of the A allele . No abnormally spliced transcripts were observed for the other variant within CD44 . In this study, a novel synonymous variant within the CD59 gene was shown to affect splicing, possibly due to effects on the secondary structure of pre-mRNA, increasing the susceptibility to coeliac disease in this family . 1 . Berstad, AE & Brandtzaeg, P . Gut. 1998; 42: 522 - 529 P05.025 in depth study of hCYP A in spanish General Population: High frequency of gene duplications and sequence variations S. Parajes 1 , B. Giménez 1 , C. Quinteiro 1 , F. Domínguez 1,2 , L. Loidi 1 ; 1 Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2 Dpto. Fisiología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is one of the most common autosomic recessive disorders . The 21-hydroxylase enzyme is encoded by hCYP21A2 gene, which is highly homologous to the hCYP21A1P pseudogene . The high variability of the CYP21A2 locus hinders the characterization of 21OHD alleles and complicates disease carrier detection and genetic counselling . We present the study of hCYP21A2 in 288 Spanish population chromosomes to estimate frequency of 21OHD carriers, hCYP21A2 duplications and hCYP21A2 novel variations . hCYP21A2 was sequenced after PCR amplification in two fragments and hCYP21A2 dosage was done by Real-Time PCR . Haplotype construction was based on a Bayesian method using 20 polymorphisms all over hCYP21A2 . Copy number variations . 3 .5% of alleles carried two copies of hCY- P21A2 associated mostly with p .Gln318X . Frequency of putative disease-causing alleles. 23 hCYP21A2 mutations were found (8% of alleles): 17 are known to allow 30-60 % of the WT activity, 2 completely impairs enzyme activity, and 4 were novel, which effect on the activity is unknown . hCYP21A2 polymorphism. 79 different variations were found distributed all over the gene and its close vicinity . Haplotypes. 75 different haplotypes were identified, most appearing only once, but some recurrent . This study shows the highest frequency of 21OHD carriers reported by genotyping study . Furthermore, it showed a high frequency of hCYP21A2 duplications with one of the copies mutated and also high frequency of novel mutations with unknown effect on the 21OH activity . These novel variations as well as gene duplications should be considered when doing the genetic 21OHD diagnosis and genetic counselling . P05.026 inactivating mutations in the ABcc8 gene in patients with congenital hyperinsulinism of infancy (cHi) A. Benet-Pagès 1 , O. Blankenstein 2 , S. Lösecke 1 , K. Mohnike 3 , T. M. Strom 1 , B. Lorenz-Depiereux 1 ; 1 Institute of Human Genetics, Technical University Munich and Helmholtz Center Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg-Munich, Germany, 2 Department of Pediatrics Endocrinology and Diabetes, Charité Campus Virchow, Berlin, Germany, 3 Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. Congenital Hyperinsulinism of Infancy (CHI) is a genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by severe hypoglycemia due to excessive insulin secretion from pancreatic ß-cells . Two histopathologically and genetically distinct groups are recognized among patients with CHI . A diffuse form, which involves the entire pancreas, arises predominantly from autosomal recessive inheritance . A focal form, which shows localized adenomatosis of islet cells within the normal pancreas, arises from a germline mutation of the paternal allele in addition to somatic loss of the maternal allele in adenomatous pancreatic ß-cells . The most common cause of CHI are inactivating mutations in the genes coding for the two subunits of the ß-cell ATP-sensitive K+ channel, ABCC8/SUR1 (regulatory subunit) and KCNJ11/Kir6 .2 (pore-forming subunit) . We examined 64 children with a diffuse, focal, atypical or unknown form of CHI and sequenced the entire coding region and the exon/intron boundaries of the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes . We found 34 mutations (4 homozygous, 7 compound heterozygous, 23 heterozygous) in the ABCC8 gene (53%) and 2 heterozygous mutations in the KCNJ11 gene (3%) . In 28 patients (43%) no mutations were identified (see table). Three patients with a heterozygous mutation in the ABCC8 gene and diffuse CHI inherited the mutation from the mother . We missed the second paternal mutation with our screening method . Most likely, the low detection rate is caused by missed mutations in ABCC8/KCNJ11 and further locus heterogeneity .

Molecular and biochemical basis of disease ABCC8 mutations in 64 children with CHI Form of CHI diffuse focal atypical unknown total homozygous 3 0 0 1 4 compound heterozygous 7 0 0 0 7 heterozygous 10 9 0 4 23 no mutation 18 1 1 8 28 total 38 10 1 13 62 P05.027 Homozygousity mapping of congenital hyperinsulinism of infancy (cHi) in italian patients A. Gessi 1 , M. Proverbio 1 , E. Mangano 1 , R. Spinelli 2 , M. Bove 3 , P. Sogno Valin 3 , S. Di Candia 3 , I. Zamproni 4 , S. Mora 4 , L. Bosio 3 , M. Caruso 5 , A. Salvatoni 6 , G. Chiumello 3 , C. Battaglia 1 ; 1 Department of Science and Biomedical Technologies (DiSTeB) , University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 2 Institute of Biomedical Technologies (ITB-CNR), Segrate, Italy, 3 Department of Pediatrics, Endocrine Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy, 4 Laboratory of Pediatric Endocrinology and BoNetwork, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, 5 Department of Pediatrics, University of Catania., Catania, Italy, 6 Department of Clinical and Biological Science (DSCB) , Pediatric Clinic, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. Congenital hyperinsulinism of infancy (CHI) is a heterogeneous disorder due to genetic mutations 80% of which are found in genes encoding both subunits of pancreatic KATP channel ABCC8 and KCNJ11 . Other causative genes have been identified but, up-to-date, in 30% of patients the genetic basis of CHI has yet to be determined, suggesting additional locus heterogeneity . SNP microarrays have improved the possibility for autozygousity mapping of rare disorders with founder mutations, in order to identify disease susceptibility loci . In our study we have performed a genome wide SNP mapping in twenty two CHI probands and their families using Affymetrix GeneChip® 250K Human Mapping arrays . Using a complex computational approach, we identified long contiguous stretches of copy number neutral-homozygous loci (autozygousity) on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, and 8, both in consanguineous and in non consanguineous families . Three patients, two of which carried a causative mutation on ABCC8/KCNJ11 genes, showed a wide common region of homozygousity on chromosome 11p15 . Additionally, two probands shared stretches of homozygousity on chromosomes 4, 6, 10 ,11 and 18 . Moreover, one patient, negative for ABCC8/KCNJ11 gene mutations, showed a homozygous region of 79Mb on chromosome 4 containing the causative gene HADH . Direct sequencing of the coding region of HADH gene showed a homozygous C to T transition in exon 6 leading to a premature stop of the synthetized protein.Further refinement of other candidate regions by microsatellites marker analysis and linkage analysis will be necessary to map other disease loci in CHI families . P05.028 congenital Nephrotic syndrome (cNs) caused by a complex genotype in the Nephrin gene (NPHs1) revealing 2 novel mutations E. Fylaktou 1 , S. Megremis 1 , A. Mitsioni 2 , C. Stefanidis 2 , S. Kitsiou - Tzeli 1 , E. Kanavakis 1 , J. Traeger - Synodinos 1 ; 1 Medical Genetics, Athens University, “Aghia Sofia” Children´s Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2 Department of Pediatrics Nephrology “P. A. Kyriakou” Children´s Hospital, Athens, Greece. Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterized by gross proteinuria, hypoalbumenia, edema and hyperlipidemia, which in CNS manifest in utero or within 3 months after birth . Inherited impairments of the glomerular filtration barrier are an important cause of NS, and in CNS and infantile NS ~60% of cases are caused by mutations in 4 genes: Nephrin (NPHS1), Podocin (NPHS2), Laminin-β2 (LAMB2) and Wilm’s Tumor suppressor gene (WT1). In a newborn with clinical findings compatible with CNS, and his parents, the 27 exons of the NPHS1 gene and 8 exons of the NPHS2 gene were subject to direct DNA sequencing analysis and mutation detection analysis (Surveyor mutation detection kit, Transgenomic, Elancourt, France) . No mutations were found in the NPHS2 gene . However, the proband was found to have three heterozygous mutations in NPHS1: c .1096A>C (p .S366R) in exon9, c .649_ 650delGT (p .Cys217fsX) in exon6 and c .791C>G (p .P264R) in exon7 . The mother was found to be heterozygous for c .1096A>C (p .S366R) while the father was heterozygous for the novel c .649_650delGT, the known c .791C>G (p .P264R) and additionally a novel c .1619C>A (p .A540E) in exon12 . In-silico analysis (SIFT, http://blocks .fhcrc .org/ sift/SIFT .html, polyphen, http://genetics .bwh .harvard .edu/pph) indicated that p.A540E is not pathological, which is confirmed since the unaffected father also carries c .649_650delGT (p .Cys217fsX) in exon6 and c .791C>G (p .P264R) in exon7 . The novel 2bp deletion is predicted to cause a premature termination codon, and since it is apparently incis to the previously described c .791C>G mutation, presumably the deletion mutation has the over-riding impact on the expression of the phenotype . P05.029 Creatine deficiency syndromes in Spain: enzymatic and molecular genetic studies P. Alcaide 1,2 , A. Ribes 3,4 , A. Arias 3,4 , R. Artuch 5,4 , J. Campistol 5,4 , B. Merinero 1,2 , M. Ugarte 1,2 , P. Rodríguez-Pombo 1,2 ; 1 Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. Dpto Biología Molecular . Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2 CIBERER, Madrid, Spain, 3 Instituto de Bioquímica Clínica, Barcelona, Spain, 4 CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain, 5 Hospital San Joan de Deu, Barcelona, Spain. Creatine deficiency syndromes (CDS) are a group of underdiagnosed inborn errors caused by defects in the biosynthesis of creatine or its transporter . The two defects affecting biosynthesis, namely arginineglycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) are autosomal recessive traits, whereas the creatine transporter (CRTR) is an X-linked disorder . We present the results of a collaborative CDS prospective screening based on abnormal metabolite excretion or decreased creatine signal in brain MRS in a cohort of patients with mental retardation (MR) and/ or suspected metabolic disorder . Three GAMT and nine CRTR cases were selected. Confirmatory diagnosis was assessed by measuring GAMT activity or creatine uptake in fibroblasts using MS/MS methods. Direct sequencing analysis of GAMT and SLC6A8 genes was carried out . In two of the three potential GAMT patients, deficient activity was confirmed in fibroblasts (T (p .Q106X) and c .407C>T (p .T136M), both in heterozygous fashion . Four out of the nine CRTR cases selected (two from the same family) presented a deficient creatine transport in fibroblasts. Mutational analysis of SLC6A8 gene led us to identify three nucleotide changes, two of them novel: c .1210G>C (p.A404P); c.1079-1081delTCT (p.F360del). All changes identified in both genes fulfilled several criteria to be considered as pathogenic mutations . Our results confirm the presence of CDS patients in a broad population of neurological patients including those with MR of unknown aetiology highlighting the importance of screening for these potentially treatable disorders . P05.030 two novel mutations in the CYP A gene causing congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and severe Hypertension in a 46,XY Female Patient S. Kofman-Alfaro 1 , N. Nájera 1 , N. Garibay 2 , G. Queipo 1 ; 1 Hospital General de Mexico, Facultad de Medicina Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México SDEIPTID.05-1, Mexico City, Mexico, 2 Endocrinology Department, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Mexico City, Mexico. In the steroidogenic pathway, cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone which can be processed to either mineralocorticoids in adrenal glands or to sex steroids in the gonads. This effect is due to a 17α-hydroxylation and 17, 20-lyase activity respectively . The microsomal enzyme cytochrome 450c17 has a deep impact in the progress of the steroidogenic pathway because it has both 17α-hidroxilase and 17, 20-lyase enzymes activities . Mutations in the CYP17A1 gene cause 17α-hidroxilase deficiency (17OHD), an unusual form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) . This anomaly occurs in 1/50000 newborns and it accounts for nearly 1% of the CAH cases . Classical adrenal and gonadal phenotype of the complete 17OHD includes hypertension and hypokalemia, secondary to massive overproduction of the 17-deoxysteroid, 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and corticosterone in patients with a 46,XY female phenotype . Nevertheless, there is considerable variation in the clinical and biochemical features of 17OHD . Approxi-

Molecular and biochemical basis <strong>of</strong> disease<br />

ABCC8 mutations in 64 children with CHI<br />

Form <strong>of</strong> CHI diffuse focal atypical unknown total<br />

homozygous 3 0 0 1 4<br />

compound heterozygous 7 0 0 0 7<br />

heterozygous 10 9 0 4 23<br />

no mutation 18 1 1 8 28<br />

total 38 10 1 13 62<br />

P05.027<br />

Homozygousity mapping <strong>of</strong> congenital hyperinsulinism <strong>of</strong><br />

infancy (cHi) in italian patients<br />

A. Gessi 1 , M. Proverbio 1 , E. Mangano 1 , R. Spinelli 2 , M. Bove 3 , P. Sogno Valin 3 ,<br />

S. Di Candia 3 , I. Zamproni 4 , S. Mora 4 , L. Bosio 3 , M. Caruso 5 , A. Salvatoni 6 , G.<br />

Chiumello 3 , C. Battaglia 1 ;<br />

1 Department <strong>of</strong> Science and Biomedical Technologies (DiSTeB) , University <strong>of</strong><br />

Milan, Milan, Italy, 2 Institute <strong>of</strong> Biomedical Technologies (ITB-CNR), Segrate,<br />

Italy, 3 Department <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics, Endocrine Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific<br />

Institute, Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy, 4 Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Pediatric<br />

Endocrinology and BoNetwork, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy,<br />

5 Department <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics, University <strong>of</strong> Catania., Catania, Italy, 6 Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Clinical and Biological Science (DSCB) , Pediatric Clinic, University <strong>of</strong> Insubria,<br />

Varese, Italy.<br />

Congenital hyperinsulinism <strong>of</strong> infancy (CHI) is a heterogeneous disorder<br />

due to genetic mutations 80% <strong>of</strong> which are found in genes encoding<br />

both subunits <strong>of</strong> pancreatic KATP channel ABCC8 and KCNJ11 .<br />

Other causative genes have been identified but, up-to-date, in 30% <strong>of</strong><br />

patients the genetic basis <strong>of</strong> CHI has yet to be determined, suggesting<br />

additional locus heterogeneity .<br />

SNP microarrays have improved the possibility for autozygousity mapping<br />

<strong>of</strong> rare disorders with founder mutations, in order to identify disease<br />

susceptibility loci .<br />

In our study we have performed a genome wide SNP mapping in twenty<br />

two CHI probands and their families using Affymetrix GeneChip®<br />

250K <strong>Human</strong> Mapping arrays . Using a complex computational approach,<br />

we identified long contiguous stretches <strong>of</strong> copy number neutral-homozygous<br />

loci (autozygousity) on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, and 8,<br />

both in consanguineous and in non consanguineous families . Three<br />

patients, two <strong>of</strong> which carried a causative mutation on ABCC8/KCNJ11<br />

genes, showed a wide common region <strong>of</strong> homozygousity on chromosome<br />

11p15 . Additionally, two probands shared stretches <strong>of</strong> homozygousity<br />

on chromosomes 4, 6, 10 ,11 and 18 .<br />

Moreover, one patient, negative for ABCC8/KCNJ11 gene mutations,<br />

showed a homozygous region <strong>of</strong> 79Mb on chromosome 4 containing<br />

the causative gene HADH . Direct sequencing <strong>of</strong> the coding region <strong>of</strong><br />

HADH gene showed a homozygous C to T transition in exon 6 leading<br />

to a premature stop <strong>of</strong> the synthetized protein.Further refinement <strong>of</strong><br />

other candidate regions by microsatellites marker analysis and linkage<br />

analysis will be necessary to map other disease loci in CHI families .<br />

P05.028<br />

congenital Nephrotic syndrome (cNs) caused by a complex<br />

genotype in the Nephrin gene (NPHs1) revealing 2 novel<br />

mutations<br />

E. Fylaktou 1 , S. Megremis 1 , A. Mitsioni 2 , C. Stefanidis 2 , S. Kitsiou - Tzeli 1 , E.<br />

Kanavakis 1 , J. Traeger - Synodinos 1 ;<br />

1 Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Athens University, “Aghia S<strong>of</strong>ia” Children´s Hospital, Athens,<br />

Greece, 2 Department <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics Nephrology “P. A. Kyriakou” Children´s Hospital,<br />

Athens, Greece.<br />

Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterized by gross proteinuria, hypoalbumenia,<br />

edema and hyperlipidemia, which in CNS manifest in utero<br />

or within 3 months after birth . Inherited impairments <strong>of</strong> the glomerular<br />

filtration barrier are an important cause <strong>of</strong> NS, and in CNS and infantile<br />

NS ~60% <strong>of</strong> cases are caused by mutations in 4 genes: Nephrin<br />

(NPHS1), Podocin (NPHS2), Laminin-β2 (LAMB2) and Wilm’s Tumor<br />

suppressor gene (WT1). In a newborn with clinical findings compatible<br />

with CNS, and his parents, the 27 exons <strong>of</strong> the NPHS1 gene and<br />

8 exons <strong>of</strong> the NPHS2 gene were subject to direct DNA sequencing<br />

analysis and mutation detection analysis (Surveyor mutation detection<br />

kit, Transgenomic, Elancourt, France) . No mutations were found in the<br />

NPHS2 gene . However, the proband was found to have three heterozygous<br />

mutations in NPHS1: c .1096A>C (p .S366R) in exon9, c .649_<br />

650delGT (p .Cys217fsX) in exon6 and c .791C>G (p .P264R) in exon7 .<br />

The mother was found to be heterozygous for c .1096A>C (p .S366R)<br />

while the father was heterozygous for the novel c .649_650delGT,<br />

the known c .791C>G (p .P264R) and additionally a novel c .1619C>A<br />

(p .A540E) in exon12 . In-silico analysis (SIFT, http://blocks .fhcrc .org/<br />

sift/SIFT .html, polyphen, http://genetics .bwh .harvard .edu/pph) indicated<br />

that p.A540E is not pathological, which is confirmed since the unaffected<br />

father also carries c .649_650delGT (p .Cys217fsX) in exon6 and<br />

c .791C>G (p .P264R) in exon7 . The novel 2bp deletion is predicted to<br />

cause a premature termination codon, and since it is apparently incis<br />

to the previously described c .791C>G mutation, presumably the<br />

deletion mutation has the over-riding impact on the expression <strong>of</strong> the<br />

phenotype .<br />

P05.029<br />

Creatine deficiency syndromes in Spain: enzymatic and<br />

molecular genetic studies<br />

P. Alcaide 1,2 , A. Ribes 3,4 , A. Arias 3,4 , R. Artuch 5,4 , J. Campistol 5,4 , B. Merinero 1,2 ,<br />

M. Ugarte 1,2 , P. Rodríguez-Pombo 1,2 ;<br />

1 Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. Dpto Biología Molecular . Universidad<br />

Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2 CIBERER, Madrid, Spain, 3 Instituto<br />

de Bioquímica Clínica, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain, 4 CIBERER, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain, 5 Hospital<br />

San Joan de Deu, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain.<br />

Creatine deficiency syndromes (CDS) are a group <strong>of</strong> underdiagnosed<br />

inborn errors caused by defects in the biosynthesis <strong>of</strong> creatine or its<br />

transporter . The two defects affecting biosynthesis, namely arginineglycine<br />

amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase<br />

(GAMT) are autosomal recessive traits, whereas the creatine<br />

transporter (CRTR) is an X-linked disorder .<br />

We present the results <strong>of</strong> a collaborative CDS prospective screening<br />

based on abnormal metabolite excretion or decreased creatine signal<br />

in brain MRS in a cohort <strong>of</strong> patients with mental retardation (MR) and/<br />

or suspected metabolic disorder . Three GAMT and nine CRTR cases<br />

were selected. Confirmatory diagnosis was assessed by measuring<br />

GAMT activity or creatine uptake in fibroblasts using MS/MS methods.<br />

Direct sequencing analysis <strong>of</strong> GAMT and SLC6A8 genes was carried<br />

out .<br />

In two <strong>of</strong> the three potential GAMT patients, deficient activity was<br />

confirmed in fibroblasts (T (p .Q106X) and c .407C>T<br />

(p .T136M), both in heterozygous fashion . Four out <strong>of</strong> the nine CRTR<br />

cases selected (two from the same family) presented a deficient creatine<br />

transport in fibroblasts. Mutational analysis <strong>of</strong> SLC6A8 gene led<br />

us to identify three nucleotide changes, two <strong>of</strong> them novel: c .1210G>C<br />

(p.A404P); c.1079-1081delTCT (p.F360del). All changes identified in<br />

both genes fulfilled several criteria to be considered as pathogenic<br />

mutations .<br />

Our results confirm the presence <strong>of</strong> CDS patients in a broad population<br />

<strong>of</strong> neurological patients including those with MR <strong>of</strong> unknown aetiology<br />

highlighting the importance <strong>of</strong> screening for these potentially treatable<br />

disorders .<br />

P05.030<br />

two novel mutations in the CYP A gene causing congenital<br />

Adrenal Hyperplasia and severe Hypertension in a 46,XY Female<br />

Patient<br />

S. K<strong>of</strong>man-Alfaro 1 , N. Nájera 1 , N. Garibay 2 , G. Queipo 1 ;<br />

1 Hospital General de Mexico, Facultad de Medicina Universidad Nacional<br />

Autónoma de México SDEIPTID.05-1, Mexico City, Mexico, 2 Endocrinology<br />

Department, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Mexico City, Mexico.<br />

In the steroidogenic pathway, cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone<br />

which can be processed to either mineralocorticoids in adrenal glands<br />

or to sex steroids in the gonads. This effect is due to a 17α-hydroxylation<br />

and 17, 20-lyase activity respectively . The microsomal enzyme<br />

cytochrome 450c17 has a deep impact in the progress <strong>of</strong> the steroidogenic<br />

pathway because it has both 17α-hidroxilase and 17, 20-lyase<br />

enzymes activities . Mutations in the CYP17A1 gene cause 17α-hidroxilase<br />

deficiency (17OHD), an unusual form <strong>of</strong> Congenital Adrenal<br />

Hyperplasia (CAH) . This anomaly occurs in 1/50000 newborns and<br />

it accounts for nearly 1% <strong>of</strong> the CAH cases . Classical adrenal and<br />

gonadal phenotype <strong>of</strong> the complete 17OHD includes hypertension and<br />

hypokalemia, secondary to massive overproduction <strong>of</strong> the 17-deoxysteroid,<br />

11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and corticosterone in patients<br />

with a 46,XY female phenotype . Nevertheless, there is considerable<br />

variation in the clinical and biochemical features <strong>of</strong> 17OHD . Approxi-

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