2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Cancer genetics P04.131 Familial cancer Database (FacD) online R. H. Sijmons; University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. Cancer is associated with a wide range of hereditary disorders . Recognising these disorders in cancer patients is important for the medical management of both patients and their relatives . The Familial Cancer Database (FaCD) - online is a web-based application aimed at healthcare professionals with at least basic knowledge of clinical cancer genetics . It has been developed to support the clinical genetic differential diagnosis in cancer patients and families . FaCD tries to match the tumour and non-tumour features observed in a particular patient and family with those of the disorders included in its database and provides a clinical synopsis with literature references for each of these disorders . In addition to reported familial clustering of cancer (e.g. familial cases of cervical cancer) and known cancer-associated hereditary disorders (e.g . Lynch syndrome), the database includes patterns of multiple primary tumours and data on the tumours associated with common multifactorial disorders (e.g. diabetes) or exogenic risk factors (e.g. use of OAC). In total, FaCD contains files on more than 400 different disorders . Users can choose from over 900 clinical tumour and non-tumour features to compose a search profile. Links are provided to corresponding OMIM entries, PubMed abstracts and websites of research and support groups . The database can be found at www . facd .info and access is granted free of charge . P04.132 Quantification of CEA mRNA for micrometastases detection in peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens of gastric cancer patients by Real-time PcR L. Dardaei Alghalandis 1,2 , R. Shahsavani 2 , S. H. Ghaffari 2 , E. Aslankoohi 3 , K. Alimoghadam 2 , A. Ghavamzadeh 2 ; 1 Tarbiar Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Hematology,Oncology & BMT resaerch center,Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 Khatam University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Introduction: Gastric adenocarcinoma is the first leading fatal malignancy in Iran . Despite advances in therapeutics approaches for gastric cancer (GC), tumor dissemination to distant organs is still the major cause of death . CEA that is a tumor antigen is abundantly expressed by malignant cells . The aim of our research was to use CEA for detection of micrometastases in peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM) specimens of patients with GC . Materials and Methods: we used CEA as a tumor marker and GAPDH as an internal control to detect and quantify disseminated tumor cells in PB and BM specimens of affected individuals . Total RNA was extracted from AGS cell line and CEA and GAPDH fragments were generated by reverse transcription. The amplified fragments were cloned into T/A vector . Double cloning of these fragments has been done into T/A vector . Serial dilutions of this plasmid are used as standard curve, each containing a known amount of input copy number . Total RNA was extracted from PB and BM specimens of about 30 patients . cDNA of these specimens were synthesized by reverse transcription . Results:We set up quantitative Real-Time PCR for CEA and GAPDH . The assay determined the copy number of disseminated tumor cells in the PB and BM specimens of patients . Conclusion: The quantitative real-time PCR for the CEA can be a useful technique for detection of micrometastases in the PB and BM specimens of GC patients P04.133 DNA methylation οf human telomerase reverse transcriptase (htERt) gene in premalignant cervical lesions P. Oikonomou1 , A. Tsezou1,2 ; 1 2 University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece, Institute of Biomedical Research and Technology, Larissa, Greece. Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA expression seems to play an important role in cervical carcinogenesis . Analysis of the hTERT promoter region revealed the presence of a CpG island and a high overall GC content, suggesting a possible role for methylation in the regulation of hTERT gene expression . In the present study we evaluated the role of hTERT promoter methylation in hTERT regulation in premalignant cervical specimens . The methylation status of hTERT promoter gene, hTERT mRNA quantification and telomerase activity were investigated in 26 normal and 64 specimens of abnormal cytology using the Methylight technique, the Telo TAGGG hTERT Quantification kit and LightCycler technology as well as Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol (TRAP). E6/E7 HPV-16 mRNA expression was also evaluated. No significant correlations were observed between hTERT mRNA expression and hTERT promoter methylation, as well as between telomerase activity and hTERT promoter methylation in normal and in premalignant cervical specimens . E6/E7 HPV-16 mRNA expression was observed in 72% of HPV-16 infected samples and was correlated with hTERT mRNA expression and telomerase activity (p

Cancer genetics Our experience show that it is useful to follow up MRD in the patients bone marrow cells in cases where genetic aberrations were detected before HSCT, in order to be ready for appropriate intervention . In this work we discuss different chimerism status registered in the bone marrow and peripheral blood at the same time point, in cases with complications after HSCT . P04.136 cisplatin inhibits in vivo mouse telomerase activity in melanoma squamous cells B. G. Bumbacila 1 , C. Dragaescu 2 , R. O. Dumache 3 , C. A. Dehelean 4 , D. Ionescu 4 , A. D. Kaycsa 3 ; 1 West University, Faculty of Chemistry-Biology-Geography, Chemistry Department, Timisoara, Romania, 2 Public Health Institute, Timisoara, Romania, 3 ”Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Biochemistry Department, Timisoara, Romania, 4 ”Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Toxicology Department, Timisoara, Romania. Cis-diamminodichloridoplatinum is a platinum (II) complex with chemotherapeutic use in treating neck and head cancers, small cell lung cancer, ovarian and testicular cancers . It is accepted that its mechanism of action relies on the fact that it binds to one DNA chain, by two guanosine residues, modifying DNA’s double-chain structure and capacity to repair . The cell dies from apoptosis . Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase that adds TTAGGG repeating sequences to the 3’ end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of the eukaryotic chromosomes . This way, it protects the genetic information in the DNA molecule by wasting with each replication cycle . Telomerase carries its own RNA molecule, used as a template for elongating telomeres . Cancer cells are expressing telomerase activity, while the most of the somatic normal cells do not . We induced skin cancer in mice, by injecting them with dexamethasone and irradiating them with an UVB lamp . The mice were divided in two groups . One group was not treated . The other group was treated with cisplatin . Telomere lengths were analyzed in squamous cells from the carcinomic tissue of these mice by using the PCR / STELA technique . We found that the cisplatin treatment gradually reduces the telomere lengths in mice treated with this compound vs mice untreated, by decreasing telomerase’s activity. We conclude that our findings support the idea that platinum compounds may have other ways of action in the cell nucleus, beside the classical one accepted . P04.137 Quantification of CK20 mRNA for micrometastases detection in peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens of colorectal cancer patients by Real-time PcR E. Aslankoohi 1,2 , S. H. Ghaffari 3 , L. Dardaei Alghalandis 4,3 , K. Alimoghadam 3 , A. Ghavamzadeh 3 ; 1 Khatam university, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Hematology, Oncology & BMT Research center, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 Hematology, Oncology & BMT research center, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 4 Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Introduction: Colorectal carcinoma is the third cause of cancer related deaths in the world . Despite advances in therapeutic approaches for colorectal cancer , tumor cells dissemination to distant organs is still the major cause of death . Cytokeratins , are abundantly expressed by epithelial cells .The presence of epithelial cells in peripheral blood (PB) or bone marrow (BM) indicates the malignant nature of them . The aim of our research was to use CK20 for detection of micrometastases in PB and BM specimens of patients with colorectal cancer . Materials and Methods:We used CK20 as a marker and GAPDH as an internal control . Total RNA was extracted from Caco2 cell line . CK20 and GAPDH cDNA were synthesized . Double cloning of these fragments has been done into T/A vector . Serial dilutions of this plasmid will be used as standard curve .Total RNA was extracted from PB and BM specimens of 30 patients, and cDNA were synthesized . we are quantifying CK20 mRNA levels and CK20/GAPDH mRNA ratios using a TaqMan real-time PCR system in the specimens . Results: We set up quantitative PCR for CK20 and GAPDH using Real- Time PCR . The assay determined the copy number of disseminated tumor cells in the specimens of patients . Conclusion: The quantitative real-time PCR for the CK20 can be a use- ful technique for detectionof micrometastases in colorectal cancer . P04.138 screening of cYP1B1 alleles shows a less frequency of hyperactive variants Leu432Val and Asn453ser in mexican Population L. M. Gonzalez-Huerta 1 , O. M. Messina-Baas 1 , C. Chima 2 , S. Kofman-Alfaro 1 , R. Rivera-Vega 1 , S. A. Cuevas-Covarrubias 3 ; 1 Hospital General de Mexico, Mexico D.F., Mexico, 2 Hospital 20 de Noviembre, ISSSTE, Mexico D.F., Mexico, 3 Hospital General de Mexico, Fac Medicina, UNAM, Mexico D.F., Mexico. Human cytochrome P4501B1 is an important enzyme in the activation of diverse procarcinogens . CYP1B1 gene is polymorphic and hyperactive variants can lead to a higher susceptibility to estrogen-related cancers . Several single nucleotide polymorphisms have previously been reported in the human CYP1B1 gene . Previous studies have revealed a relation between Ala119Ser allele and breast cancer and between Leu432Val and prostate cancer, two polymorphisms that result in a higher catalytic activity of the enzyme . Mexican population shows a lower incidence of this type of cancers in comparison with other western countries . In the present study we analyzed the frequency of five CYP1B1 polymorphic sites to initially explore the possible relation between the lower incidence of estrogen-related cancer and the presence of these alleles in Mexican population . The genetic distribution of CYP1B1 variants was evaluated in 100 Mexican healthy subjects through genomic DNA sequencing analysis . The frequency of homozygous hyperactive variant Ala119Ser (23%) was higher than those reported in other populations . The frequencies of polymorphic variants 4326C>G (Leu432Val) and 4390A>G (Asn453Ser) (3% and 0%, respectively) were significantly lower than those observed in other populations except for Japanese population . The homozygous variant 4390A>G was not identified in our population. our data demonstrates that the CYP1B1 alleles encoding hyperactive variants, And the silent polymorphism 1347C>T, are significantly less frequent in Mexican population than those observed in western countries . Further studies should focus on the potential interaction of the occurrence of these polymorphisms and the incidence of estrogen-related cancers in Mexican population . P04.139 molecular characterization of patient-derived melanoma cell lines employed in therapeutic vaccine preparation Z. Ogbah 1 , F. Simonetta 1 , J. Puig-Butillé 1 , C. Badenas 1,2 , J. Malvehy 1,2 , D. Benitez 3 , R. Vilella 3 , S. Puig 1,2 ; 1 Melanoma Unit, Department of Dermatology and Genetics Service, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain, 2 Centre of Biomedical Research on Rare diseases (CIBERER), ISCIII, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Melanoma Unit, Department of Immunology, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. We studied eleven human cutaneous melanoma cells lines with the aim to detect the presence of genetic aberrations currently considered to have a role in the pathogenesis of melanoma . By multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification assay (MLPA), mapping the region 9p21, we identified homozygous deletion of CDKN2B region in seven cell lines and homozygous deletion in CDKN2A region in eight cell lines . Sequencing analysis of the three cell lines that presented either loss of heterozygosity or no deletion for all loci tested in the 9p21 region showed deleterious mutations in two of them . NRAS and BRAF sequencing revealed a mutation in NRAS gene in one cell line and V600E change in BRAF in six cell lines . Four of the BRAF mutated cell lines presented one or more changes in MC1R . NRAS and BRAF mutations were mutually exclusive . No mutation affects CDK4 gene . We also have studied gains in several oncogenes by MLPA . NRAS (1p13) was amplified in the cell line carried NRAS mutation; CDK6 (7q21) was amplified in other seven cell lines. Amplifications of the chromosomal region 12p13 (CCND2) and 20q13 (STK15) were the more frequently detected (45% and 45% of cases, respectively) . The region 11q13 (CCND1) was amplified in two cell lines. Finally, punctual amplifications of some oncogenes were identified (p.e. BIRC5). We detect two profiles: CDKN2A alterations with and without NRAS/ BRAF/MC1R changes . Both patterns were associated to oncogenic amplifications. In conclusion, our results constitute a comprehensive molecular characterization of melanoma cell lines, offering important

Cancer genetics<br />

P04.131<br />

Familial cancer Database (FacD) online<br />

R. H. Sijmons;<br />

University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.<br />

Cancer is associated with a wide range <strong>of</strong> hereditary disorders . Recognising<br />

these disorders in cancer patients is important for the medical<br />

management <strong>of</strong> both patients and their relatives . The Familial Cancer<br />

Database (FaCD) - online is a web-based application aimed at healthcare<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals with at least basic knowledge <strong>of</strong> clinical cancer<br />

genetics . It has been developed to support the clinical genetic differential<br />

diagnosis in cancer patients and families . FaCD tries to match<br />

the tumour and non-tumour features observed in a particular patient<br />

and family with those <strong>of</strong> the disorders included in its database and<br />

provides a clinical synopsis with literature references for each <strong>of</strong> these<br />

disorders . In addition to reported familial clustering <strong>of</strong> cancer (e.g. familial<br />

cases <strong>of</strong> cervical cancer) and known cancer-associated hereditary<br />

disorders (e.g . Lynch syndrome), the database includes patterns<br />

<strong>of</strong> multiple primary tumours and data on the tumours associated with<br />

common multifactorial disorders (e.g. diabetes) or exogenic risk factors<br />

(e.g. use <strong>of</strong> OAC). In total, FaCD contains files on more than 400<br />

different disorders . Users can choose from over 900 clinical tumour<br />

and non-tumour features to compose a search pr<strong>of</strong>ile. Links are provided<br />

to corresponding OMIM entries, PubMed abstracts and websites<br />

<strong>of</strong> research and support groups . The database can be found at www .<br />

facd .info and access is granted free <strong>of</strong> charge .<br />

P04.132<br />

Quantification <strong>of</strong> CEA mRNA for micrometastases detection in<br />

peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens <strong>of</strong> gastric cancer<br />

patients by Real-time PcR<br />

L. Dardaei Alghalandis 1,2 , R. Shahsavani 2 , S. H. Ghaffari 2 , E. Aslankoohi 3 , K.<br />

Alimoghadam 2 , A. Ghavamzadeh 2 ;<br />

1 Tarbiar Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran,<br />

2 Hematology,Oncology & BMT resaerch center,Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Islamic<br />

Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 3 Khatam University, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran.<br />

Introduction: Gastric adenocarcinoma is the first leading fatal malignancy<br />

in Iran . Despite advances in therapeutics approaches for gastric<br />

cancer (GC), tumor dissemination to distant organs is still the major<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> death . CEA that is a tumor antigen is abundantly expressed<br />

by malignant cells . The aim <strong>of</strong> our research was to use CEA for detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> micrometastases in peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow<br />

(BM) specimens <strong>of</strong> patients with GC .<br />

Materials and Methods: we used CEA as a tumor marker and GAPDH<br />

as an internal control to detect and quantify disseminated tumor cells<br />

in PB and BM specimens <strong>of</strong> affected individuals . Total RNA was extracted<br />

from AGS cell line and CEA and GAPDH fragments were generated<br />

by reverse transcription. The amplified fragments were cloned<br />

into T/A vector . Double cloning <strong>of</strong> these fragments has been done into<br />

T/A vector . Serial dilutions <strong>of</strong> this plasmid are used as standard curve,<br />

each containing a known amount <strong>of</strong> input copy number . Total RNA was<br />

extracted from PB and BM specimens <strong>of</strong> about 30 patients . cDNA <strong>of</strong><br />

these specimens were synthesized by reverse transcription .<br />

Results:We set up quantitative Real-Time PCR for CEA and GAPDH .<br />

The assay determined the copy number <strong>of</strong> disseminated tumor cells in<br />

the PB and BM specimens <strong>of</strong> patients .<br />

Conclusion: The quantitative real-time PCR for the CEA can be a useful<br />

technique for detection <strong>of</strong> micrometastases in the PB and BM specimens<br />

<strong>of</strong> GC patients<br />

P04.133<br />

DNA methylation οf human telomerase reverse transcriptase<br />

(htERt) gene in premalignant cervical lesions<br />

P. Oikonomou1 , A. Tsezou1,2 ;<br />

1 2 University <strong>of</strong> Thessaly, Larissa, Greece, Institute <strong>of</strong> Biomedical Research and<br />

Technology, Larissa, Greece.<br />

<strong>Human</strong> Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA expression<br />

seems to play an important role in cervical carcinogenesis . Analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

the hTERT promoter region revealed the presence <strong>of</strong> a CpG island and<br />

a high overall GC content, suggesting a possible role for methylation<br />

in the regulation <strong>of</strong> hTERT gene expression . In the present study we<br />

evaluated the role <strong>of</strong> hTERT promoter methylation in hTERT regulation<br />

in premalignant cervical specimens . The methylation status <strong>of</strong> hTERT<br />

promoter gene, hTERT mRNA quantification and telomerase activity<br />

were investigated in 26 normal and 64 specimens <strong>of</strong> abnormal cytology<br />

using the Methylight technique, the Telo TAGGG hTERT Quantification<br />

kit and LightCycler technology as well as Telomeric Repeat<br />

Amplification Protocol (TRAP). E6/E7 HPV-16 mRNA expression was<br />

also evaluated. No significant correlations were observed between<br />

hTERT mRNA expression and hTERT promoter methylation, as well<br />

as between telomerase activity and hTERT promoter methylation in<br />

normal and in premalignant cervical specimens . E6/E7 HPV-16 mRNA<br />

expression was observed in 72% <strong>of</strong> HPV-16 infected samples and<br />

was correlated with hTERT mRNA expression and telomerase activity<br />


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