2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Cancer genetics a 46,XY karyotype . Conclusion: Biochemical analysis of the amniotic fluid through 7DHC levels is a rapid and efficient prenatal diagnosis test for SLOS and is family relieving before a results of molecular analysis is achieved . Both pre- and post-natally, association of cleft palate, ambiguous genitalia and oligodactyly in a patient should promt the physician to evaluate SLOS . P03.77 Partial monosomy of chromosome 8p and partial trisomy of chromosome 7p associated with a Fryns syndrome-like phenotype: Prenatal diagnosis C. Fourneau, S. Rombout, B. Grisart, C. Verellen-Dumoulin; Centre de Génétique Humaine, Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique, Gossselies, Belgium. We wanted to insist on the importance of a good resolution chromosome analysis for finding subtle chromosomal abnormalities in prenatal diagnosis specially when there are abnormal ultrasound findings. We report a prenatal diagnosis performed following the discovery at ultrasound of a diaphragmatic hernia and a Dandy Walker malformation at 16 weeks of pregnancy . A descision was made to interrupted the pregnancy and the fetal autopsy revealed signs of a Fryns syndrome that is thought to be inherited in an autosomal recessive way : craniofacial dysmorphism (macrocephaly, short webbed neck, coarse face, flat and broad nasal bridge, anteverted nostrils, hypertelorism, microretrognathia, large mouth with thin lips, low-set ears with posterior angulation), Dandy-Walker malformation, diaphragmatic hernia, small penis with hypospadias . Cytogenetic analysis on the amniotic fluid showed a partial monosomy 8p associated with a partial trisomy 7p which was initially interpreted as a duplication 8p . When the parents karyotypes were established, we discovered that the father had a terminal reciprocal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 8 and the short arm of chromosome 7 with karyotype 46,XY,t(7;8)(p21;p23) . The fetus had thus inherited an unbalanced translocation with karyotype 46,XY,der(8)t(7;8)(p21;p23)pat . Array CGH and FISH analysis are under way in order to characterize the break points . P04. Cancer genetics P04.001 the APc gene mutations status in Polish FAP patients A. Plawski 1 , M. Podralska 1 , D. Nowakowska 2 , T. Banasiewicz 3 , J. Paszkowski 3 , P. Krokowicz 3 , E. Czkwanianc 4 , W. Cichy 3 , J. Lubinski 5 , G. Kurzawski 5 , A. Dobrowolska-Zachwieja 3 , J. Steffen 2 , M. Drews 3 , R. Slomski 1 ; 1 Instytitute of Human Genetics, Poznan, Poland, 2 Institute of Oncology, Warszawa, Poland, 3 Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 4 Institute of Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital, Lodz, Poland, 5 Department of Genetics and Pathology, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetically conditioned predisposition to occurrence of numerous adenamatous polyps in colon and rectum . The polyps arises in second decade of life and left untreated develop to the tumor . Other extracolonic features may include polyps in the upper parts of the gastroenterological tract, desmoid tumours, ocular lesions, osteomas, dental abnormalities, and malignancies in other organs . FAP incidence is estimated at 1/10,000 . FAP arises due to germ line mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene, which was first described in 1991. The APC gene mutations are studied at the Institute of Human Genetics in Poznan for last 10 years . The Institute of Human Genetics in Poznan cooperates with medical centers from all country, what permitted us to create the DNA bank for Polish FAP patients . Till now samples from 340 families were collected . Seven hundred DNA samples from Polish FAP families were banked so far . The APC gene we screened for mutation in 300 probands. We identified 74 point mutations in 124 FAP families. The detected mutation can be considered characteristic for Polish population due to 34 types of them has not described in other population . Among detected mutations seven occurred in two or to the greater number of families . Occurrence of the APC gene large rearrangements was studied in 95 families. We identified rearrangements in 24 fami- lies in two cases it were deletion of whole APC gene . This work was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Poland, grant number 2PO5A10728 P04.002 Frequent association of sporadic desmoid tumors with germline APc mutations T. A. Muzaffarova1 , O. V. Novikova2 , I. V. Droshneva2 , E. K. Ginter1 , A. V. Karpukhin1 ; 1 2 Research Centre For Medical Genetics, Moskow, Russian Federation, Moscow Herzen Oncology Institute, Moskow, Russian Federation. As it is known somatic APC mutations are present in desmoid tumors . However there is no information about the role of germline APC mutations in patients with desmoid tumors and without history of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) . We examined 31 patients (17 female and 14 male) with apparently sporadic desmoid tumors and without clinical features or family history of FAP . Peripheral blood lymphocytes from these patients were investigated for the APC gene mutations . Germline APC mutations were found for 6 of 31 the patients (19%) . Four mutations - 1462del5, 1465delAG, 1525insT and R2505Q were found for the first time. The mutation 1465delAG was seen twice. The mutations were located predominantly between 1450 and 1525 codons of the APC gene (4 of 5 mutations) . The age of desmoid diagnosis among patients with the APC mutations was ranged from 1 month to 23 years .Colonoscopy was performed for two patients with germline APC mutations and highest age . There were no polyps in colon of 25 years old female . Another patient, 19 years old female had gastric polyps and no colon polyps . In our sample there were six patients with multiple desmoids tumors and five of them were found with germline APC mutations . One patient with APC mutation had intraabdominal desmoid at age 4 year.Thus for the first time it is shown association of sporadic desmoid tumors with APC germline mutations . The patients with germline APC mutations are characterized by early disease onset and severe desmoid phenotype . P04.003 molecular Analysis of the APC gene in Families Affected by FAP: 2 Novel mutations M. Noruzinia 1 , N. Vasli 2 ; 1 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 Department of genetics, School of Sciences, Azad Olum Tahghighat University, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Introduction: Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominantly inherited susceptibility to colon cancer with high penetrance, characterized by more than 100 adenomatous polyps in the colon and rectum . Additional features may include desmoids tumors, polyps in the upper gastrointestinal tract, osteomas and congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) . APC (Adenomatous Polyposis Coli) gene is mutated in most of these carriers . Presymptomatic genetic diagnosis in this syndrome is obligatory as near 100% of carriers of deleterious mutations will present colon cancer by 40 years . The APC gene has 15 exons and an ORF with 8538 nucleotides which code a protein with 2843 amino acids . Materials & Methods: CSGE on APC was set up and used as screening method to analyze APC alterations . Direct sequencing was used to confirm the presence of mutation or polymorphism. Results: we found deleterious mutations in all patients . Two novel mutations c .3921_3925del AAAAG in MCR and c .1862C>G in exon 14 of APC were found in 2 families with classical FAP Conclusion: Conformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis can be used as a simple, cost-effective and sensitive mutation screening test in complex genes where sequencing as the gold standard of mutation detection techniques is expensive to use in the first line. P04.004 15 years of familial adenomatous polyposis diagnostics in the czech Republic K. Veselá, J. Štekrová, M. Florianová, K. Zídková, J. Kotlas, M. Kohoutová; Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics of the 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant syndrome with almost 100 % risk of colorectal cancer . FAP exists in two

Cancer genetics forms . The typical FAP is characterized by hundreds to thousands of colorectal adenomatous polyps and by extracolonic manifestations . An attenuated form of FAP (AFAP) is characterized by less than 100 adenomas and later onset of the disease . Incidence of FAP/AFAP in the Czech Republic is 1/ 5000 - 7500 . Since 1993 we have detected presence of mutations in adenomatous polyposis gene (APC) and in the last 5 years also mutations in the base excision repair MUTYH gene in FAP families . The mutation in MUTYH gene leads to MUTYH associated polyposis (MAP) . The MAP is an autosomal recessive form of polyposis with manifestation similar to AFAP . We have examined 280 unrelated patients with a suspicion of FAP/ AFAP . By the combination of different molecular genetic tests (DGGE, PTT, MLPA, DHPLC, and sequencing) mutation detection rate was 77 % in classical FAP and 40 % in AFAP for APC gene in case the patients met strict diagnostic criteria . For MUTYH gene was mutation detection rate lower than we supposed . In Czech population we discovered 48 unique APC mutations and 3 large deletion of gene . If the causal mutation is identified, all carriers of the mutation undergo second genetic consultation and the results of molecular genetic testing are used both when stating the predictive diagnosis and in the clinical management of patients, eventually for the prenatal testing . Supported by grant MSM 0021620808 P04.005 molecular analysis of the APC and MYH genes in Galician and catalonian FAP patients: a different spectra of mutations? N. Gomez-Fernandez 1 , S. Castellví-Bel 2 , C. Fernandez-Rozadilla 1 , F. Balaguer 2 , M. Magdalena 1 , O. Lortes 1 , J. Muñoz 2 , I. Madrigal 3 , M. Mila 3 , A. Vega 1 , A. Castells 2 , A. Carracedo 1 , C. Ruiz-Ponte 1 ; 1 Fundacion Publica Galega de Medicina Xenomica-SERGAS, Grupo de Medicina Xenomica-USC, CIBER-ER, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2 Department of Gastroenterology, Institut de Malalties Digestives i Metabòliques, Hospital Clínic, CIBEREHD, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Department, Hospital Clínic, CIBER-ER, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant-inherited colorectal cancer syndrome caused by germline mutations in the APC gene . Recently, patients with multiple colorectal adenomas and also patients with FAP but without detectable germline APC mutations have been found to carry biallelic mutations in MYH . We analysed the mutational spectrum of the APC gene in 80 unrelated patients (46 Galician and 34 Catalonian) with classical FAP or multiple polyposis, and we also investigated the contribution of MYH germline mutations in those APC-negative patients . Germline mutations including large deletions in the APC gene were found in 38% of patients . The two commonest hotspots at codons 1061 and 1309 of the APC gene, account for 15% and 12% respectively of the APC-positive families, but were reported mainly in Catalonian families . Thus, mutation at codon 1061 represents the 23% (5 /13) of the Catalonian positive families whereas was not found in 17 APC-positive Galician families . The same trend was observed for the codon 1309 mutation . Similar results had been already observed in a previous study with Galician families and could be due to the genetic isolation of this population . Haplotype analyses of these recurrrent mutations should be carried out in Catalonian families to investigate the possibility of a common ancestry . Twenty percent of the APC-negative patients carried biallelic MYH germline mutation, and the two most frequent mutations reported (p .Y165C and p .G382D) were observed . Therefore, MYH analysis is recommended for all APC-negative families, although MYH cannot explain all cases of FAP . P04.006 Frequent identification and familial aggregation of hyperplastic polyposis syndrome in the spanish region of Navarra A. Alonso 1 , A. Guerra 2 , M. Montes 3 , S. Moreno 1 , F. Garcia-Amigot 1 , M. Artigas 1 ; 1 Medical Genetics Dpt. Hospital Virgen del Camino, Pamplona. Navarra, Spain, 2 Gastroenterology Dpt. Hospital Virgen del Camino, Pamplona. Navarra, Spain, 3 Pathology Dpt. Hospital Virgen del Camino, Pamplona. navarra, Spain. Background: Hyperplastic polyposis syndrome (HPS) is a rare disorder characterized by multiple hyperplastic polyps (HP), and a limited number of adenomas, serrated adenomas and colorectal cancers . Scarce previous series (1-38 patients) have reported exceptional fa- milial aggregation and unknown prevalence with predilection for European population . Aim: To study the prevalence and characteristics of HPS in our region (600,000 inhabitants) . Methods: Retrospective search of patients from the familial cancer registry, gastroenterology and pathology departments fulfilling WHO criteria, or showing essential traits of HPS . Results: 12 patients from 9 different families fulfilled WHO criteria with a mean of 39 HP per patient (pp), 75% (9/12) mainly right sided; 3 .44 adenomas (pp); 2 .33 serrated adenomas (pp), and an incidence of colon cancer of 33% (4/12) (mean age= 41y) . Remarkably, in two families HPS seemed to be transmitted as a hereditary condition . In the rest, 60% of the patients had at least one 1 st degree relative with colon cancer (mean age=56y) and 30% had relatives with >5 HP . Besides, we have characterized 6 extra individuals from 5 different families not fulfilling WHO criteria but who met more than one of the essential characteristic of HPS . Conclusion: The prominent number of patients with hyperplastic polyposis and the familial aggregation in our series support the hypothesis of a higher prevalence of this condition in our region, suggesting a common genetic background . Furthermore, in specially predisposed populations, a reassessment of WHO criteria is probably needed for the diagnosis of additional cases . P04.007 the study of the mutations of BmPR1A and smAD4 genes in the group of Polish JPs patients M. Podralska 1 , W. Cichy 2 , R. Slomski 1 , M. Teisseyre 3 , P. Mankowski 1 , E. Czkwanianc 4 , D. Nowakowska 5 , B. Kozak-Klonowska 6 , A. Plawski 1 ; 1 Instytitute of Human Genetics, Poznan, Poland, 2 Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 3 Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Immunology, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warszawa, Poland, 4 Department of Pediatrics and Gastroenterology, Institute of Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital, Lodz, Poland, 5 Genetic Counseling Unit Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warszawa, Poland, 6 Regional Oncology Center, Kielce, Poznan, Poland. Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS, MIM # 174900) is an autosomal dominant disorder, characterized by predisposition to developing juvenile polyps . These polyps are hamartomatous lesions of gastrointestinal tract, especially colon and rectum. The juvenile polyps are typified by markedly expanded lamina propria containing dilated cystic glands, an inflammatory infiltrate and show a normal epithelium with dense stroma .The frequency of Juvenile polyposis syndrome is estimate to occur once in every 100000 newborn . Risk of gastrointestinal malignant transformation in JPS patient is increased and ranges more then 60% . Occurrence of the colon cancer is two fold higher in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract . Development of the juvenile polyps is caused by mutation in one of two genes associated with JPS . First of them is bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A gene (BMPR1A also known as ALK3), which encodes a type I cell surface receptor, a serine/threonine kinase receptor, involved in bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway (BMP) . Second one is SMAD4 gene (also known as MADH4 or DPC4) . The protein product of this gene is intracellular mediator of TGFβ superfamily signaling pathway. In result of research we observed four mutations . Using screening methods were found two mutations in the BMPR1A gene and two in the SMAD4 gene . Presented results are preliminary stage study which main aim is to determine the mutation spectrum of the BMPR1A and SMAD4 genes in Polish JPS patients. The study was financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Poland, grant number 2PO5E02630 P04.008 timing and importance of genomic instability in colorectal tumourigenesis and association with clinico-pathological features A. D. Beggs 1,2 , M. Abulafi 2 , A. Arnaout 2 , I. P. M. Tomlinson 3 , S. V. Hodgson 1 ; 1 St Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom, 2 Mayday University Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 3 Cancer Research UK, London, United Kingdom. Aims: 1) To test the hypothesis that somatic genetic instability is a necessary driver of early colorectal carcinogenesis 2) To investigate the sequence of molecular carcinogenic changes .

Cancer genetics<br />

a 46,XY karyotype .<br />

Conclusion: Biochemical analysis <strong>of</strong> the amniotic fluid through 7DHC<br />

levels is a rapid and efficient prenatal diagnosis test for SLOS and is<br />

family relieving before a results <strong>of</strong> molecular analysis is achieved . Both<br />

pre- and post-natally, association <strong>of</strong> cleft palate, ambiguous genitalia<br />

and oligodactyly in a patient should promt the physician to evaluate<br />

SLOS .<br />

P03.77<br />

Partial monosomy <strong>of</strong> chromosome 8p and partial trisomy<br />

<strong>of</strong> chromosome 7p associated with a Fryns syndrome-like<br />

phenotype: Prenatal diagnosis<br />

C. Fourneau, S. Rombout, B. Grisart, C. Verellen-Dumoulin;<br />

Centre de Génétique Humaine, Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique, Gossselies,<br />

Belgium.<br />

We wanted to insist on the importance <strong>of</strong> a good resolution chromosome<br />

analysis for finding subtle chromosomal abnormalities in prenatal<br />

diagnosis specially when there are abnormal ultrasound findings.<br />

We report a prenatal diagnosis performed following the discovery at<br />

ultrasound <strong>of</strong> a diaphragmatic hernia and a Dandy Walker malformation<br />

at 16 weeks <strong>of</strong> pregnancy .<br />

A descision was made to interrupted the pregnancy and the fetal autopsy<br />

revealed signs <strong>of</strong> a Fryns syndrome that is thought to be inherited<br />

in an autosomal recessive way : crani<strong>of</strong>acial dysmorphism (macrocephaly,<br />

short webbed neck, coarse face, flat and broad nasal bridge,<br />

anteverted nostrils, hypertelorism, microretrognathia, large mouth with<br />

thin lips, low-set ears with posterior angulation), Dandy-Walker malformation,<br />

diaphragmatic hernia, small penis with hypospadias .<br />

Cytogenetic analysis on the amniotic fluid showed a partial monosomy<br />

8p associated with a partial trisomy 7p which was initially interpreted<br />

as a duplication 8p .<br />

When the parents karyotypes were established, we discovered that<br />

the father had a terminal reciprocal translocation between the short<br />

arm <strong>of</strong> chromosome 8 and the short arm <strong>of</strong> chromosome 7 with karyotype<br />

46,XY,t(7;8)(p21;p23) .<br />

The fetus had thus inherited an unbalanced translocation with karyotype<br />

46,XY,der(8)t(7;8)(p21;p23)pat .<br />

Array CGH and FISH analysis are under way in order to characterize<br />

the break points .<br />

P04. Cancer genetics<br />

P04.001<br />

the APc gene mutations status in Polish FAP patients<br />

A. Plawski 1 , M. Podralska 1 , D. Nowakowska 2 , T. Banasiewicz 3 , J. Paszkowski 3 ,<br />

P. Krokowicz 3 , E. Czkwanianc 4 , W. Cichy 3 , J. Lubinski 5 , G. Kurzawski 5 , A. Dobrowolska-Zachwieja<br />

3 , J. Steffen 2 , M. Drews 3 , R. Slomski 1 ;<br />

1 Instytitute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>, Poznan, Poland, 2 Institute <strong>of</strong> Oncology, Warszawa,<br />

Poland, 3 Karol Marcinkowski University <strong>of</strong> Medical Sciences, Poznan,<br />

Poland, 4 Institute <strong>of</strong> Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital, Lodz, Poland, 5 Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong> and Pathology, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin,<br />

Poland.<br />

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetically conditioned<br />

predisposition to occurrence <strong>of</strong> numerous adenamatous polyps in colon<br />

and rectum . The polyps arises in second decade <strong>of</strong> life and left<br />

untreated develop to the tumor . Other extracolonic features may include<br />

polyps in the upper parts <strong>of</strong> the gastroenterological tract, desmoid<br />

tumours, ocular lesions, osteomas, dental abnormalities, and<br />

malignancies in other organs . FAP incidence is estimated at 1/10,000 .<br />

FAP arises due to germ line mutations in the adenomatous polyposis<br />

coli (APC) gene, which was first described in 1991. The APC gene<br />

mutations are studied at the Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong> in Poznan for<br />

last 10 years . The Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong> in Poznan cooperates<br />

with medical centers from all country, what permitted us to create the<br />

DNA bank for Polish FAP patients . Till now samples from 340 families<br />

were collected . Seven hundred DNA samples from Polish FAP families<br />

were banked so far . The APC gene we screened for mutation in 300<br />

probands. We identified 74 point mutations in 124 FAP families. The<br />

detected mutation can be considered characteristic for Polish population<br />

due to 34 types <strong>of</strong> them has not described in other population .<br />

Among detected mutations seven occurred in two or to the greater<br />

number <strong>of</strong> families . Occurrence <strong>of</strong> the APC gene large rearrangements<br />

was studied in 95 families. We identified rearrangements in 24 fami-<br />

lies in two cases it were deletion <strong>of</strong> whole APC gene . This work was<br />

founded by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education and Science, Poland, grant number<br />

2PO5A10728<br />

P04.002<br />

Frequent association <strong>of</strong> sporadic desmoid tumors with germline<br />

APc mutations<br />

T. A. Muzaffarova1 , O. V. Novikova2 , I. V. Droshneva2 , E. K. Ginter1 , A. V. Karpukhin1<br />

;<br />

1 2 Research Centre For Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Moskow, Russian Federation, Moscow<br />

Herzen Oncology Institute, Moskow, Russian Federation.<br />

As it is known somatic APC mutations are present in desmoid tumors .<br />

However there is no information about the role <strong>of</strong> germline APC mutations<br />

in patients with desmoid tumors and without history <strong>of</strong> familial<br />

adenomatous polyposis (FAP) .<br />

We examined 31 patients (17 female and 14 male) with apparently<br />

sporadic desmoid tumors and without clinical features or family history<br />

<strong>of</strong> FAP . Peripheral blood lymphocytes from these patients were investigated<br />

for the APC gene mutations .<br />

Germline APC mutations were found for 6 <strong>of</strong> 31 the patients (19%) .<br />

Four mutations - 1462del5, 1465delAG, 1525insT and R2505Q were<br />

found for the first time. The mutation 1465delAG was seen twice. The<br />

mutations were located predominantly between 1450 and 1525 codons<br />

<strong>of</strong> the APC gene (4 <strong>of</strong> 5 mutations) .<br />

The age <strong>of</strong> desmoid diagnosis among patients with the APC mutations<br />

was ranged from 1 month to 23 years .Colonoscopy was performed<br />

for two patients with germline APC mutations and highest age . There<br />

were no polyps in colon <strong>of</strong> 25 years old female . Another patient, 19<br />

years old female had gastric polyps and no colon polyps . In our sample<br />

there were six patients with multiple desmoids tumors and five <strong>of</strong> them<br />

were found with germline APC mutations . One patient with APC mutation<br />

had intraabdominal desmoid at age 4 year.Thus for the first time<br />

it is shown association <strong>of</strong> sporadic desmoid tumors with APC germline<br />

mutations . The patients with germline APC mutations are characterized<br />

by early disease onset and severe desmoid phenotype .<br />

P04.003<br />

molecular Analysis <strong>of</strong> the APC gene in Families Affected by FAP:<br />

2 Novel mutations<br />

M. Noruzinia 1 , N. Vasli 2 ;<br />

1 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran, 2 Department <strong>of</strong><br />

genetics, School <strong>of</strong> Sciences, Azad Olum Tahghighat University, Tehran, Iran,<br />

Tehran, Islamic Republic <strong>of</strong> Iran.<br />

Introduction: Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal<br />

dominantly inherited susceptibility to colon cancer with high penetrance,<br />

characterized by more than 100 adenomatous polyps in the<br />

colon and rectum . Additional features may include desmoids tumors,<br />

polyps in the upper gastrointestinal tract, osteomas and congenital<br />

hypertrophy <strong>of</strong> the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) . APC (Adenomatous<br />

Polyposis Coli) gene is mutated in most <strong>of</strong> these carriers . Presymptomatic<br />

genetic diagnosis in this syndrome is obligatory as near<br />

100% <strong>of</strong> carriers <strong>of</strong> deleterious mutations will present colon cancer by<br />

40 years . The APC gene has 15 exons and an ORF with 8538 nucleotides<br />

which code a protein with 2843 amino acids .<br />

Materials & Methods: CSGE on APC was set up and used as screening<br />

method to analyze APC alterations . Direct sequencing was used to<br />

confirm the presence <strong>of</strong> mutation or polymorphism.<br />

Results: we found deleterious mutations in all patients . Two novel mutations<br />

c .3921_3925del AAAAG in MCR and c .1862C>G in exon 14 <strong>of</strong><br />

APC were found in 2 families with classical FAP<br />

Conclusion: Conformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis can be used<br />

as a simple, cost-effective and sensitive mutation screening test in<br />

complex genes where sequencing as the gold standard <strong>of</strong> mutation<br />

detection techniques is expensive to use in the first line.<br />

P04.004<br />

15 years <strong>of</strong> familial adenomatous polyposis diagnostics in the<br />

czech Republic<br />

K. Veselá, J. Štekrová, M. Florianová, K. Zídková, J. Kotlas, M. Kohoutová;<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Biology and Medical <strong>Genetics</strong> <strong>of</strong> the 1st Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine Charles<br />

University and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.<br />

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant syndrome<br />

with almost 100 % risk <strong>of</strong> colorectal cancer . FAP exists in two

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