2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Prenental diagnostics P03.51 mLPA validation for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies: retrospective study of 125 consecutive chorion villi samples D. Diego-Alvarez, C. Ramos, B. Gomez-Dominguez, R. Cardero-Merlo, A. Bustamante-Aragones, M. Trujillo-Tiebas, C. Auz-Alexandre, J. Gallego-Merlo, A. Gimenez-Pardo, F. Infantes, C. Ayuso, J. Diaz-Recasens, M. Garcia-Hoyos, R. Riveiro-Alvarez, E. Vallespin, A. Avila-Fernandez, D. Cantalapiedra, M. Rodriguez de Alba, I. Lorda-Sanchez; Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain. Rapid screening for common aneuploidies (trisomy 13, 18, 21 and those involving sexual chromosomes) by interphase nuclei FISH or multiplex QF-PCR has become a common offer in prenatal diagnosis . Although it reduces maternal anxiety by discarding the most frequent chromosomal anomalies, some other like terminal deletions are missed . In addition, rapid detection of unbalanced products of parental balanced translocations requires the use of additional specific FISH probes . In contrast, MLPA technique with subtelomeric probe-mixes provides information about copy number changes of every chromosome in a rapid (24 h) and simple protocol requiring few material . Although specific probe-mixes for the detection of common anomalies in prenatal diagnosis have been validated, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of subtelomeric probe-mixes for the rapid detection of aneuploidy, unbalanced reciprocal translocations and terminal chromosomal rearrangements of every chromosome on a hundred and twenty-five consecutive chorion villi samples . Terminal deletion or duplication was suspected when two different probes for a chromosomal arm appeared deleted or duplicated, respectively . Aneuploidy was suspected if probes for both arms of a chromosome appear deleted (monosomy) or duplicated (trisomy) . Results demonstrate the capability of MLPA on detecting not only numerical but also structural chromosomal anomalies on prenatal samples . Thus, this technique can also be a rapid and simple approach for the detection of balanced or unbalanced products of translocations . P03.52 22p derived supernumerary marker chromosome identified prenatally by mLPA R. Fernandez Gonzalez1 , P. Blanco Soto1 , J. Ubeda Arades1 , B. Ferreiro1 , A. Gonzalez de la Vega2 , M. Sanchez Hombre2 , A. Gomez Pastor3 , M. A. Orera1,2 ; 1 2 3 Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain, Circagen, Madrid, Spain, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain. Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes (SMC) have a frequency of around 0 .05% in prenatal diagnosis .Risk for congenital anomalies ranges from 7% for SMC derived from acrocentric chromosomes to 28% for SMC derived from autosomes . We present a prenatally detected SMC in a 32 years old woman, with a previous spontaneous miscarriage . The ultrasound performed at 11th gestational week detected a cystic hygroma . Chorionic villus sampling was done at that time and FISH for 13, 18, 21, XY chromosomes (Aneuvysion, Vysys) was normal . No foetal karyotype could be obtained, and despite normal ultrasounds during follow up, an amniocentesis was performed at the 16th gestational week . The karyotype of the fetus was 47,XY+mar . The marker chromosome was centromeric, satellited and smaller than chromosome 21 . Because of the risk of Congenital Heart Disease, we performed a FISH with TUPLE1 probe (Catch 22) (Vysys) that was normal . Parental karyotypes were also normal . In order to identify the origin of the SMC, we performed Multiplex Ligation Probe Amplification (MLPA) with Salsa P070 for Telomeres (MRC- Holland) . The result was compatible with partial trisomy of 22p . Considering the result of FISH and MLPA, we conclude that the breakpoint lied between the end of IL17R and the beginning of HIRA, carrying some or all the genes associated with Cat Eye Syndrome . The parents decided to terminate the gestation . This case illustrates the difficulties in prenatal genetic counselling when a SMC is involved and the need to use all technologies available to better predict the outcomes of these pregnancies . P03.53 Cell selection in culture of amniotic fluid cells: report of three cases with low level of true mosaicism N. Clusellas 1 , C. Morales 1 , I. Mademont 2 , R. Queralt 1 , A. Soler 1 , C. Badenas 1 , A. Sánchez 1 ; 1 Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2 CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain. Mosaic aneuploidy is is found in 0,3% of all amniocentesis . When detected in prenatal diagnosis is a troublesome problem on interpretation and genetic counselling . We present three cases with low level of mosaicism: 1 .- Twenty cells anlysed from two independent vessels showed 47,XXX, which is a good prognostic result . But a culture performed in another laboratory showed a 45,X/47,XXX with a 75% of monosomic cells . We revised our slides and found 7/40 of 45,X cells, which changed the genetic counselling . 2.- The first culture showed 1/50 of 47,XY,+21 cells, the second and the third showed 5/50 and 2/25 trisomic cells, respectively . This was an ambiguous result, with 6% of +21 cells . We performed QF-PCR analysis for common aneuploidies with a portion of fresh amniotic fluid and the result was compatible with trisomy 21 . 3: The cell culture in this case was slow and poor, in order to ensure the diagnosis, we decided to perform QF-PCR . The result was a normal male . Finally, we could obtain some metafases for cytogenetic analysis and the result was 37 cells with a 45,X karyotype . The gestation was interrupted because of ultrasound findings. We repeated cytogenetics, FISH and QF-PCR studies and the result was 45,X/46,XY . Conclusions: There is a selection in the culture that may disturb the real percentage of abnormal cells . Then, the percentage of abnormal cells does not reflect the state of the fetus. The use of complementary techniques such as QF-PCR and FISH may help to the final result. P03.54 Identification of feto-maternal differentially methylated regions on chromosome 18 and chromosome 21. towards the development of fetal epigenetic markers for trisomies 18 and 21 E. Papageorgiou 1,2 , H. Fiegler 2 , N. P. Carter 2 , P. C. Patsalis 1 ; 1 The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, United Kingdom. The discovery of free fetal DNA in maternal plasma has raised the possibility for future development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) . We have been using Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) assay and DNA oligonucleotide array technology to screen for differentially methylated sequences between maternal blood and placental (fetal) DNA that could be exploited for NIPD . The oligo arrays used are specific for chromosome 18 and chromosome 21.The probes are 50-60bp long with a median spacing of 170bp for chromosome18 and 70bp for chromosome21 . The results have shown regions of several consecutive oligo array probes to be differentially methylated between whole blood and placenta . A detailed analysis has revealed 42 regions on chromosome18 and 34 regions on chromosome21 that can potentially be used as fetal DNA epigenetic markers . The methylation status of the SERBINB5 promoter region and two additional regions on chromosome18 as well as ten regions on chromosome21 have been confirmed by real time quantitative PCR in six whole blood and six placental DNA samples . Furthermore a high degree of variability has been observed between first and third trimester placentas whereas a lower degree of variability has been detected between individual samples of the same gestational age . Additionally, to imitate the low percentage of fetal DNA observed in the plasma of pregnant women, we have prepared mixtures of 5% fetal DNA with maternal DNA and tested the enrichment of fetal DNA by using MeDIP . Preliminary results have shown enrichment of fetal specific methylated DNA sequences absent in whole blood DNA samples . P03.55 Partial trisomy 3q and monosomy 15q due to paternal t(3;15)(q26.33;q26.1); paternal detection by m-cGH and FisH, prenatal USG, postnatal and autopsy findings K. Piotrowski 1 , M. Constantinou 2 , Z. Celewicz 3 , J. Patalan 4 , P. Waloszczyk 5 , S. Zajączek 1 , B. Kałużewski 2 ; 1 Cytogenetics Unit, Szczecin, Poland, 2 Department of Medical Genetics, Medi-

Prenental diagnostics cal University, Lodz, Poland, 3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, “Mother and Child Hospital”, Szczecin, Poland, 4 Dept of Pediatrics “Mother and Child Hospital”,, Szczecin, Poland, 5 Dept of Pathology Specialistic Hospital “Zdunowo”, Szczecin, Poland. A 31 years old gravida was referred at 13 week of pregnancy for prenatal diagnosis due to previous four undiagnosed pregnancy loss . During non-invasive screening at 14 week of pregnancy cystic hygroma (1.33 cm), features of cardiac insufficiency, multiply bone anomalies and prune belly syndrome suspicion were noted .Urgent karyotype analyses of both parents with resolution 450 - 650 bb . not detected any anomalies .Amniocenthesis (with suspicion of X`s chromosomes anomaly) was performed at 15 week and didn’t detect any pathologies in classical cytogenetics analyses, but mCGH investigation (2,44 OLI- GO m-CGH Agilent) showed deletion in 46XY foetus chromosomes of distal 15q26.1qter and duplication of 3q26.33qter, confirmed by FISH with use of telomeric probes (Tel Vision 3qSO and 15qSO) and described as 46XY, ish der (15)t(3;15)(qter+,qter-)pat . Aberration was result due to next detected paternal balanced subtelomeric translocation 46,XY,ish t(3;15)(qter-qter+;qter+qter-) .In next USG observations Intrauterine Growth Retardation, hypoplastic long bones, feets and hands anomalies, heart defect in form of CoA, hypoplastic DA, VSD, polycystic kidneys and defect of abdominal muscle were diagnosed . After uuneventful pregnancy a boy (2130g, 40 cm, Apgar 6,6,7) was born preterm at 36 week . Due to their poor status (particularly renal anomalies and insufficiency) possibility of cardiosurgery correction was excluded and he died at 40 day of life.Autopsy confirmed and précised all detected in foetal USG anomalies and more like: in the heart aorta-truncus pulmonalis anastomoses, additional perimembranous VSD, bilateral hydronephrosis with uretheral and urachal hypoplasia and polysplenia . P03.56 Total cell free and cell free fetal DNA quantification in preeclamptic pregnant womans L. Lazar, B. Nagy, A. Morvarecz, J. Rigó Jr.; Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. Background: Presence of cell free fetal DNA in plasma of pregnant womans is a well known phenomenon . The quantity of DNA is different in normal and pathological pregnancies . The aim of our study was to measure and to compare the quantity of total free and fetal origin DNA in the plasma of preeclamptic patients, and patient with normal pregnancy and to reveal the correlations with pregnancy age and body mass index (BMI) in both groups . methods: Blood samples were collected, and plasma was separated from 71 paeclamptic and 71 patients witouth simptoms of preeclampsia . Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the SRY region of Y chromosome and globin gene was performed in order to detect and to measure the quantity of cell free fetal DNA and total free DNA in plasma . Results: The mean pregnancy age in preeclamptic and control group was 37 and 34 weeks respectively, BMI ranges between 20 .6-38 .2 and 16 .7-30 . The mean value ± SD, of total free DNA was: 6 .16E-03±0 .23E-03 ng/mL and 2 .755E-03±0 .32E- 03 ng/mL, in SRY positive cases the quantity of free fetal DNA we measured 3 .363E-04±1 .28E-05 ng/mL and 1 .04E-04±0 .92E-05 ng/mL respectively . The diefference between two groups in both cases was significant (P= .001) . conclusions: The quantity of free DNA is significantly higher in preeclamptic cases than in patients with normal pregnancy and depends on mathernal weight . In concordance with other studies the quantitative measurement of total cell free and cell free fetal DNA could be a predictive marker in early diagnosis and prevention of preecalmpsia . P03.57 Reproductive decision of spanish families with genetic risk for peroxisomal diseases T. Pampols 1,2 , M. Coll 1,2 , M. Ruiz 3,2 , M. Girós 1,2 ; 1 Institut de Bioquimica Clinica.Servei de Bioquimica i Genetica Molecular.Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain, 2 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER),ISCIII, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge(IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain. Peroxisomal disorders are severe neurodegenerative diseases caused by defects in genes that control single steps of metabolic peroxisomal pathways as well as the proteins involved in the peroxisomal biogenesis . Since 1988 we have diagnosed 198 cases of Peroxisomal dis- eases, 158 of them had been X- linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) , 2 other isolated defects of peroxisomal β-oxidation and 38 defects of peroxisomal biogenesis (DPB) . The 158 afected X-ALD/AMN males proceed from 95 families that requested prenatal diagnosis (PD) in 34 pregnancies . In all the affected foetuses, parents opted by termination . Couples that were against this option decided not request PD . In most cases the mother was a carrier detected in the course of family studies, who proves the relevance of the recommendation to the parents of the index cases to communicate the genetic risk to other family members . As far as we know, only in one case, the couple hide the information to the family, resulting later on in the birth of one affected child . A couple that undertake 4 pregnancies with the result of 4 affected male foetuses, requested preimplantatory sex selection, but they don’t succeed in two consecutive cycles of in vitro fertilization . Families with other Peroxisomal disorders asked for DP in 11 pregnancies, 4 at risk for an isolated defect of peroxisomal β-oxidation and 7 at risk for PDB . P03.58 A case of de novo 16p rearrangement diagnosed prenatally I. D. Papoulidis 1 , A. P. Athanasiadis 2 , M. B. Petersen 3 , E. Drosopoulou 2 , E. Siomou 1 , C. Malamaki 1 , F. Partheniou 1 , T. Liehr 4 , Z. G. Scouras 2 ; 1 Eurogenetica S.A., Thessaloniki, Greece, 2 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3 Institute of child health, Athens, Greece, 4 Institute of human genetics and anthropology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany. A case of a terminated pregnancy of a 30-year-old woman is reported in which ultrasound examination at 22 weeks’ gestation showed two umbilical cord vessels, enlarged polycystic right kidney, implying polycystic kidney disease, and a normal left kidney . Conventional chromosome analysis (GTG banding) revealed addition of chromosomal material to the long arm of chromosome 16; however the limited resolution of conventional prenatal karyotype analysis prevented the identification of the origin of the additional material. MLPA (Multiple Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) analysis was performed, which showed neither duplication nor deletion in chromosome 16 . Both parents were found to have a normal karyotype . Expected data will include Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) analysis to identify the chromosomal origin of the additional material . Furthermore, array CGH analysis will be performed to define the chromosomal breakpoints and the size of the additional material . P03.59 Polyploidy in early spontaneous abortions I. Tonković Đurišević, D. Mužinić, R. Lasan, K. Crkvenac Gornik, L. Letica, M. Burek, D. Begović; Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Polyploidy is a condition in which there is more than two sets of chromosomes. A total of 321 cases of first trimester spontaneous abortions between 4 and 13 weeks of gestation were analyzed cytogenetically by direct - preparation method using chorionic villi . Among 54% of abnormal karyotypes, trisomy was predominant . The second most common abnormality was triploidy found in 25 (7,8%) cases . Triploidy may arise from fertilization of haploid egg by two haploid sperm or by maternal or paternal meiotic errors . Tetrapoidy is a rare ploidy abnormality and was detected in 3 (0,9%) cases, 92,XXYY and 92,XXXX sex chromosome complement . Among the triploid abortions the gonosomal constitution of XXY prevailed (14 cases), followed by XXX (8cases) and XYY (3 cases) . The maternal age ranged from 18 to 35 age and the gestational age from 6 to 13 weeks . In this study the frequency of poliploidy abortions decreased with maternal age, what confirms that increased maternal age is not a risk factor and mechanism of poliploidy . Triploidy and tetraploidy together account for 18% of chromosomal abnormalities and give rise to a significant proportion of human pregnancy wastage . Poliploidyies are numerical abnormalities, are sporadic, and they do not usually recur in subsequent pregnancies .

Prenental diagnostics<br />

P03.51<br />

mLPA validation for prenatal diagnosis <strong>of</strong> chromosomal<br />

anomalies: retrospective study <strong>of</strong> 125 consecutive chorion villi<br />

samples<br />

D. Diego-Alvarez, C. Ramos, B. Gomez-Dominguez, R. Cardero-Merlo, A.<br />

Bustamante-Aragones, M. Trujillo-Tiebas, C. Auz-Alexandre, J. Gallego-Merlo,<br />

A. Gimenez-Pardo, F. Infantes, C. Ayuso, J. Diaz-Recasens, M. Garcia-Hoyos,<br />

R. Riveiro-Alvarez, E. Vallespin, A. Avila-Fernandez, D. Cantalapiedra, M. Rodriguez<br />

de Alba, I. Lorda-Sanchez;<br />

Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain.<br />

Rapid screening for common aneuploidies (trisomy 13, 18, 21 and<br />

those involving sexual chromosomes) by interphase nuclei FISH or<br />

multiplex QF-PCR has become a common <strong>of</strong>fer in prenatal diagnosis<br />

. Although it reduces maternal anxiety by discarding the most frequent<br />

chromosomal anomalies, some other like terminal deletions are<br />

missed . In addition, rapid detection <strong>of</strong> unbalanced products <strong>of</strong> parental<br />

balanced translocations requires the use <strong>of</strong> additional specific FISH<br />

probes . In contrast, MLPA technique with subtelomeric probe-mixes<br />

provides information about copy number changes <strong>of</strong> every chromosome<br />

in a rapid (24 h) and simple protocol requiring few material . Although<br />

specific probe-mixes for the detection <strong>of</strong> common anomalies in<br />

prenatal diagnosis have been validated, the aim <strong>of</strong> the present study<br />

was to evaluate the use <strong>of</strong> subtelomeric probe-mixes for the rapid detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> aneuploidy, unbalanced reciprocal translocations and terminal<br />

chromosomal rearrangements <strong>of</strong> every chromosome on a hundred<br />

and twenty-five consecutive chorion villi samples . Terminal deletion or<br />

duplication was suspected when two different probes for a chromosomal<br />

arm appeared deleted or duplicated, respectively . Aneuploidy<br />

was suspected if probes for both arms <strong>of</strong> a chromosome appear deleted<br />

(monosomy) or duplicated (trisomy) . Results demonstrate the<br />

capability <strong>of</strong> MLPA on detecting not only numerical but also structural<br />

chromosomal anomalies on prenatal samples . Thus, this technique<br />

can also be a rapid and simple approach for the detection <strong>of</strong> balanced<br />

or unbalanced products <strong>of</strong> translocations .<br />

P03.52<br />

22p derived supernumerary marker chromosome identified<br />

prenatally by mLPA<br />

R. Fernandez Gonzalez1 , P. Blanco Soto1 , J. Ubeda Arades1 , B. Ferreiro1 , A.<br />

Gonzalez de la Vega2 , M. Sanchez Hombre2 , A. Gomez Pastor3 , M. A. Orera1,2 ;<br />

1 2 3 Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain, Circagen, Madrid, Spain, Complejo<br />

Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain.<br />

Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes (SMC) have a frequency <strong>of</strong><br />

around 0 .05% in prenatal diagnosis .Risk for congenital anomalies<br />

ranges from 7% for SMC derived from acrocentric chromosomes to<br />

28% for SMC derived from autosomes .<br />

We present a prenatally detected SMC in a 32 years old woman, with<br />

a previous spontaneous miscarriage . The ultrasound performed at 11th gestational week detected a cystic hygroma . Chorionic villus sampling<br />

was done at that time and FISH for 13, 18, 21, XY chromosomes (Aneuvysion,<br />

Vysys) was normal . No foetal karyotype could be obtained,<br />

and despite normal ultrasounds during follow up, an amniocentesis<br />

was performed at the 16th gestational week . The karyotype <strong>of</strong> the fetus<br />

was 47,XY+mar . The marker chromosome was centromeric, satellited<br />

and smaller than chromosome 21 . Because <strong>of</strong> the risk <strong>of</strong> Congenital<br />

Heart Disease, we performed a FISH with TUPLE1 probe (Catch 22)<br />

(Vysys) that was normal . Parental karyotypes were also normal .<br />

In order to identify the origin <strong>of</strong> the SMC, we performed Multiplex Ligation<br />

Probe Amplification (MLPA) with Salsa P070 for Telomeres (MRC-<br />

Holland) . The result was compatible with partial trisomy <strong>of</strong> 22p . Considering<br />

the result <strong>of</strong> FISH and MLPA, we conclude that the breakpoint<br />

lied between the end <strong>of</strong> IL17R and the beginning <strong>of</strong> HIRA, carrying<br />

some or all the genes associated with Cat Eye Syndrome . The parents<br />

decided to terminate the gestation .<br />

This case illustrates the difficulties in prenatal genetic counselling<br />

when a SMC is involved and the need to use all technologies available<br />

to better predict the outcomes <strong>of</strong> these pregnancies .<br />

P03.53<br />

Cell selection in culture <strong>of</strong> amniotic fluid cells: report <strong>of</strong> three<br />

cases with low level <strong>of</strong> true mosaicism<br />

N. Clusellas 1 , C. Morales 1 , I. Mademont 2 , R. Queralt 1 , A. Soler 1 , C. Badenas 1 ,<br />

A. Sánchez 1 ;<br />

1 Hospital Clínic de <strong>Barcelona</strong>, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain, 2 CIBERER, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain.<br />

Mosaic aneuploidy is is found in 0,3% <strong>of</strong> all amniocentesis . When detected<br />

in prenatal diagnosis is a troublesome problem on interpretation<br />

and genetic counselling . We present three cases with low level <strong>of</strong><br />

mosaicism:<br />

1 .- Twenty cells anlysed from two independent vessels showed<br />

47,XXX, which is a good prognostic result . But a culture performed<br />

in another laboratory showed a 45,X/47,XXX with a 75% <strong>of</strong> monosomic<br />

cells . We revised our slides and found 7/40 <strong>of</strong> 45,X cells, which<br />

changed the genetic counselling .<br />

2.- The first culture showed 1/50 <strong>of</strong> 47,XY,+21 cells, the second and<br />

the third showed 5/50 and 2/25 trisomic cells, respectively . This was<br />

an ambiguous result, with 6% <strong>of</strong> +21 cells . We performed QF-PCR<br />

analysis for common aneuploidies with a portion <strong>of</strong> fresh amniotic fluid<br />

and the result was compatible with trisomy 21 .<br />

3: The cell culture in this case was slow and poor, in order to ensure<br />

the diagnosis, we decided to perform QF-PCR . The result was a normal<br />

male . Finally, we could obtain some metafases for cytogenetic<br />

analysis and the result was 37 cells with a 45,X karyotype . The gestation<br />

was interrupted because <strong>of</strong> ultrasound findings. We repeated cytogenetics,<br />

FISH and QF-PCR studies and the result was 45,X/46,XY .<br />

Conclusions: There is a selection in the culture that may disturb the<br />

real percentage <strong>of</strong> abnormal cells . Then, the percentage <strong>of</strong> abnormal<br />

cells does not reflect the state <strong>of</strong> the fetus. The use <strong>of</strong> complementary<br />

techniques such as QF-PCR and FISH may help to the final result.<br />

P03.54<br />

Identification <strong>of</strong> feto-maternal differentially methylated<br />

regions on chromosome 18 and chromosome 21. towards the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> fetal epigenetic markers for trisomies 18 and 21<br />

E. Papageorgiou 1,2 , H. Fiegler 2 , N. P. Carter 2 , P. C. Patsalis 1 ;<br />

1 The Cyprus Institute <strong>of</strong> Neurology and <strong>Genetics</strong>, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 The Wellcome<br />

Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

The discovery <strong>of</strong> free fetal DNA in maternal plasma has raised the<br />

possibility for future development <strong>of</strong> noninvasive prenatal diagnosis<br />

(NIPD) . We have been using Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation<br />

(MeDIP) assay and DNA oligonucleotide array technology to screen<br />

for differentially methylated sequences between maternal blood and<br />

placental (fetal) DNA that could be exploited for NIPD . The oligo arrays<br />

used are specific for chromosome 18 and chromosome 21.The probes<br />

are 50-60bp long with a median spacing <strong>of</strong> 170bp for chromosome18<br />

and 70bp for chromosome21 .<br />

The results have shown regions <strong>of</strong> several consecutive oligo array<br />

probes to be differentially methylated between whole blood and placenta<br />

. A detailed analysis has revealed 42 regions on chromosome18<br />

and 34 regions on chromosome21 that can potentially be used as fetal<br />

DNA epigenetic markers . The methylation status <strong>of</strong> the SERBINB5<br />

promoter region and two additional regions on chromosome18 as well<br />

as ten regions on chromosome21 have been confirmed by real time<br />

quantitative PCR in six whole blood and six placental DNA samples .<br />

Furthermore a high degree <strong>of</strong> variability has been observed between<br />

first and third trimester placentas whereas a lower degree <strong>of</strong> variability<br />

has been detected between individual samples <strong>of</strong> the same gestational<br />

age . Additionally, to imitate the low percentage <strong>of</strong> fetal DNA observed<br />

in the plasma <strong>of</strong> pregnant women, we have prepared mixtures<br />

<strong>of</strong> 5% fetal DNA with maternal DNA and tested the enrichment <strong>of</strong> fetal<br />

DNA by using MeDIP . Preliminary results have shown enrichment <strong>of</strong><br />

fetal specific methylated DNA sequences absent in whole blood DNA<br />

samples .<br />

P03.55<br />

Partial trisomy 3q and monosomy 15q due to paternal<br />

t(3;15)(q26.33;q26.1); paternal detection by m-cGH and FisH,<br />

prenatal USG, postnatal and autopsy findings<br />

K. Piotrowski 1 , M. Constantinou 2 , Z. Celewicz 3 , J. Patalan 4 , P. Waloszczyk 5 , S.<br />

Zajączek 1 , B. Kałużewski 2 ;<br />

1 Cytogenetics Unit, Szczecin, Poland, 2 Department <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Medi-

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