2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Clinical genetics the CL group, while the most common associated anomalies in the CLP group were musculoskeletal (32 .9%), cardiovascular anomalies (22 .7%) and anomalies of central nervous system (10 .2%) . There are also some differences in pairs of associated anomalies with OCs . The results indicate that CL and CLP could be genetically distinct entities and should be analyzed separately when possible . P01.338 Phenotypic diversity of oral-facial-digital syndrome E. Sukarova-Angelovska, M. Kocova, N. Angelkova, S. Palcevska-Kocevska, L. Kojic; Pediatric Clinic, Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS) are variable group of disorders characterized by malformations in oral cavity, face and digits on hands and feet . Nine different subgroups are described depending on the severity of the above mentioned anomalies as well as on the additional anomalies of the brain, kidneys, limbs, eyes and other organs . However, overlap between groups occurs frequently in described cases . Four patients with different type of oral-facial-digital syndrome (OFD) have been described . The patients showed variable anomalies on oral structures, tongue and digits on hands and feet . Anomalies of other organs and systems were noticed, including brain (1 patient), heart (1 patient) and kidneys (1 patient) . The diagnosis of OFD types I, IV, and VI (two patients) has been established . Severity of the disease varied in all of them . Minor facial anomalies, digital malformations, as well as the existence of additional malformations of other organs enable classification of the patients in subgroups. Although there are attempts for classification according to specific criteria, the diagnosis of the subtype is not always easy and clear . Many doubtful cases have been reported . The similarity and diversity of the clinical findings of the above described cases points out the difficulty in delineation of the subtypes of OFD syndrome because of the overlapping features between them and with related syndromes . P01.339 Randomized dose comparison of pamidronate in children with types iii and iV Osteogenesis imperfecta: 3 vs 6 month cycles J. C. Marini 1 , A. A. Obafemi 1,2 , M. K. Abukhaled 1 , H. L. Cintas 3 , J. F. Troendle 4 , A. D. Letocha 1 , J. C. Reynolds 5 , S. Paul 3 ; 1 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2 Clinical Research Training Program-Foundation for NIH and Pfizer Inc, grant research support, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3 Rehabilitation Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4 Biometry and Mathematical Statistics Branch, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 5 Nuclear Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States. Aim: To determine whether the vertebral benefits of q3m infusion cycles can be attained on q6m cycles, with a lower cumulative dose . Methods: Twenty-seven children with types III and IV OI were randomly assigned to receive 1mg/kg/3d IV pamidronate in q3 or q6 month cycles . All patients had spine radiographs, L1-L4 DXA, and musculoskeletal and function testing . Results: L1-L4 DEXA increased significantly after 1 year of q3m cycles, with average change in z-score =+1 .41 SD, but did not improve significantly with further treatment. In the q6m group, the average change in DEXA was not significant. Repeated measures analysis of DEXA z-scores yielded a z-score rate change of 0 .064 SD/m for q3 vs 0 .036 SD/m for q6 group (p=0 .13) . T12-L4 vertebral area and central height were determined from radiographs . Repeated measures analysis revealed significant improvement of q6m group average LI-L4 and T12-L2 vertebral height (p=0 .05, 0 .01) and area (p=0 .002, 0 .006) . The rate of improvement of the q3m and q6m groups did not differ for L1-L4 area or height (p=0 .52, 0 .86) or T12-L2 area or height (p=0 .28, 0 .77) . The OI children had no significant improvement in fracture incidence, manual muscle testing or BAMF motor scores in either group . Noteworthy, response to treatment was highly variable in each treatment group; improvement in vertebral area did not correlate with change in DEXA z-score . Conclusions: Equivalent gains in vertebral height and area are obtained with q6m and q3m pamidronate cycles . For individual OI children, gain in DEXA does not correlate with extent of vertebral response . P01.340 Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma syndrome in two sisters G. O. Cetin 1 , F. Duzcan 1 , E. Tepeli 1 , F. S. Kirac 2 ; 1 Pamukkale University School of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology, Denizli, Turkey, 2 Pamukkale University School of Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Denizli, Turkey. Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome (OPPG) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital blindness and severe juvenile osteoporosis leading to fragility of long bones . Affected individuals often have deformed bones due to fractures . The ophthalmologic findings may include phthisis bulbi, microphthalmia, and some vitreoretinal changes . The OPPG locus is mapped to 11q12-13 and mutations that cause OPPG were identified in the LRP5 gene. LRP5 is a member of low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR) family and a component of the Wnt pathway . Here, we report two sisters diagnosed as OPPG who were referred to genetic service with osteogenesis imperfecta, bilateral congenital nystagmus and microphthalmia . . Their parents were phenotypically normal first cousins. The older sister was 18 years and the younger was 14 years old . They had congenital blindness and both had operations due to long bone fractures resulting in inability to walk. Physical examination findings included microphthalmia, scleral opacity and skeletal deformities especially in the lower limbs of both sisters . Tc-99m MDP whole-body scintigraphy showed deformation and asymmetry of the lower limbs and axial bones of the older sister while the younger one had normal scintigraphic findings. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements revealed osteoporosis of both cases. According to these findings OPPG was prediagnosed and LRP5 gene mutation screening is planned . P01.341 Overgrowth and X chromosome imbalance: study of two unrelated females M. P. Ribate 1 , J. del Valle 2 , I. Bueno 3 , B. Puisac 1 , M. Arnedo 1 , M. C. Gil 1 , J. C. de Karam 1 , J. Pie 1 , L. A. Pérez-Jurado 2 , F. J. Ramos 1,3 ; 1 University of Zaragoza Medical School, Zaragoza, Spain, 2 University Pompeu i Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Hospital Clínico Universitario, Zaragoza, Spain. In humans, partial X chromosome duplications/deletions are relatively rare chromosome rearrangements, described predominantly in males with mental retardation and generally associated with phenotype anomalies . Nevertheless affected females have also been reported although most of them do not show abnormal clinical findings, probably due to skewed, preferential inactivation of dup/del(X) chromosomes, and subsequent selection against cells with an active abnormal X in carrier females . However, some females with dup/del(X) chromosomes and random X-inactivation also exhibit developmental anomalies . Therefore, females with two X chromosomes and an active duplicated/deleted segment are functionally disomic/monosomic for genes that are normally subject to X-inactivation and functionally trisomic/disomic for those genes that escape X inactivation . Here, we report on two unrelated females with overgrowth, Sotoslike phenotype, mental retardation, normal sexual development and de novo X chromosome anomalies, both originated in the paternal X chromosome and showed random X-inactivation . Diagnosis was confirmed by array-CGH and MLPA, and completed by X-inactivation and microsatellite studies. The first case, a 14 year-old girl with epilepsy carried a 20.2 Mb Xp duplication (p11.3 → p21.3). The second, a 17 year-old female was found to have a 26 Mb Xq deletion (q24-qter) and she had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). These findings indicate that a gross functional imbalance in the cells with functional disomy/monosomy due to an active dup(Xp)/del(Xq) chromosome respectively, may have caused the same effect on prenatal and postnatal growth in both patients . P01.342 Vitamin A deficiency in a neonate with PAGOD syndrome D. Babovic-Vuksanovic, R. Gavrilova, S. Kirmani, A. N. Lteif, T. M. Olson; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States. PAGOD syndrome is a rare condition characterized by multiple congenital anomalies . These include pulmonary artery and lung hypoplasia, agonadism, diaphragmatic abnormalities and congenital cardiac defects . Omphalocele, various degrees of genital anomalies, cleft palate and optic nerve hypoplasia have also been described in affected patients . The etiology of this condition is still unknown . The spectrum of

Clinical genetics birth defects is similar to developmental anomalies that are observed in an animal model with vitamin A or retinoic acid deficiency. We describe an infant with hypoplastic left heart, right pulmonary artery and lung hypoplasia, eventration of right hemidiaphragm, complete hypospadias and absent gonads . The karyotype was normal (46,XY) and FISH for SRY locus was present . Endocrine evaluations were suggestive of primary hypogonadism . Low testosterone, AMH (anti mullerian hormone) and Inhibin B values along with absence of visualized testicular tissue and Mullerian structures by imaging studies, indicated a defect in early embryogenesis . Interestingly, the level of plasma free retinol was low, consistent with severe vitamin A deficiency, supporting the hypothesis that a defect in vitamin A metabolism may have an etiological role in this syndrome with multiple congenital anomalies . P01.343 Perrault syndrome: Report of Four New cases, Review and Exclusion of candidate Genes S. Marlin 1,2 , D. Lacombe 3 , L. Jonard 4 , N. Leboulanger 4 , D. Bonneau 5 , C. Goiset 3 , T. Billette de Villemeur 4 , S. Cabrol 4 , M. Houang 4 , D. Feldmann 4 , F. Denoyelle 4 ; 1 Hôpital Armand Trousseau, paris, France, 2 INSERM U587, Centre de référence des surdités génétiques, Paris, France, 3 Hôpital Pellegrin, Bordeaux, France, 4 Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Paris, France, 5 CHU, Angers, France. Sensorineural hearing impairment and ovarian dysgenesis are the main clinical signs of the Perrault syndrome. This syndrome was first described by Perrault et al in 1951. Since this first report, about 30 cases were described . More recently, some authors have reported neurologic abnormalities in Perrault syndrome, in particular progressive cerebellar ataxia and mental retardation . We present here on three sporadic and two familial new cases of Perrault syndrome . Only two of them present with neurological defect . We analyse the clinical features of this five patients and review the published cases in order to evaluate the frequency of the neurological defect in this syndrome . Moreover, we exclude GBG2, POLG and FOXL2 as candidate genes in Perrault syndrome . P01.344 susceptibility markers for PFAPA disease R. Gershoni-Baruch 1,2 , E. Dagan 1,3 , K. Ihab 4 , A. Mori 1 , N. Amar 1 , R. Brik 4,2 ; 1 Rambam Health Care Campus, Institute of Human Genetics, Haifa, Israel, 2 The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 3 Department of Nursing, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 4 Rambam Health Care Campus, Department of Pediatrics, Haifa, Israel. Periodic fever syndrome (PFAPA) is characterized by aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis . The periodic fever and autoinflammatory syndromes constitute a group of diseases characterized by repeated febrile illnesses associated with various other symptoms . Except for PFAPA, the genetic basis of each of these diseases is known . Predominant mutations in MEFV, TNF1A and CARD15/NOD2 were analyzed in 57 children diagnosed with PFAPA . Children with PFAPA were carefully selected based on clinical signs and symptoms . All patients were recruited at the Department of Pediatrics, Meyer Hospital of Children, Rambam-Health Care Campus during 2006-2007 . Parents were invited to include their PFAPA diagnosed children in the study and to sign inform consent forms as customary . Clinical information was complemented during physicians-parents encounter and a blood sample was drawn for molecular testing . PCR and RFLPs for the predominant mutations in MEFV, TNF1A and CARD15/ NOD2 genes were performed . The cohort consisted of 57 children with PFAPA [33 (58%) boys; 24 (42%) girls] . The mean age at diagnosis was 30 .64±16 .4 months, boys were diagnosed earlier than girls (26 .18±13 .83 and 36 .41±18 .32 months, respectively, p=0 .05) . Predominant mutations in the MEFV genes were found in 16 (28 .1%) children, mutations in TNF1A were found in 3 (5 .2%) children and mutations in CARD15 also in 3 (5 .2%) children . The clinical symptoms (e .g . pharangytis, aphthous stomatitis, abdominal pain and cervical adenitis) were equally manifested between carriers and non-carriers . In Israeli children diagnosed with PFAPA a higher frequency of mutations in MEFV gene were found compared to that observed in the general population . P01.345 Analysis of the cAG repeat and A467t and W748s POLG mutations in iranian patients With multiple sclerosis H. Soltanzadeh 1 , M. Ataei 2 , M. Shaf 2 , M. Houshmand 2 , M. Nabavi 3 , K. Parivar 4 , M. Ariany 5 , M. H. Sanati 2 ; 1 Young researchers club. Science and Research of Islamic Azad University. National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 Shahed university, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 4 Science and Research Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 5 Special Medical center, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune multifactorial disease that usually develops in susceptible young adults . A possible involvement of mitochondria in MS has been postulated because of a higher rate transmission of the disease from mother to child than from father to child . Also association between Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy a mitochondrial disease and MS is another evidence . Fatigue is a common problem of the MS patients which is relted to the energy production difficulty by the mitochondria. To investigate further the relationship between MS and mitochondria we analysed the gene encoding for polymerase G (POLG) . Among the nearly 50 disease mutations in the gene for the catalytic subunit of POLG, The A467T mutant enzyme possesses only 4% of wild-type DNA polymerase activity . Polymerase gene (pol G) is a two-subunit complex consisting of a 140-kDa catalytic and a 55-kDa accessory subunit (p55the Nterminalcatalytic subunit contains a trinucleotide CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract near the amino-terminus of the protein . Expansions of similar polyglutamine-encoding CAG microsatellite repeats in other genes are known to cause neurodegenerative disorders . Total genomic DNA was extracted from 60 idiopathic Ms Patients and 40 controls . Primers were designed to amplify the 4 hot exones and CAG repeat length of the gene following by sequencing . The distribution of the POLG CAG repeat length in the control samples matched the distribution reported for control samples by others . The analysis of our sample shows no difference between the CAG repeat length distribution of control and ms disease samples analysis of exon 7, 8, 9, and13 of POLG gene from 60 DNA samples of MS patients showed no mutation . However this does not exclude the association of the gene in MS but it needs more investigation . Also it is necessary to test the other exones of the gene . P01.346 TCF deletions in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome I. Giurgea1,2,3 , C. Missirian4 , S. Whalen1,2,3 , T. Fredriksen1,2,3 , T. Gaillon1,2,3 , J. Rankin5 , M. Mathieu-Dramard6 , G. Morin6 , D. Martin-Coignard7 , B. Chabrol8 , J. Arfi9 , F. Giuliano10 , J. Lambert10 , L. Villard11 , N. Philip12,9 , M. Goossens1,2,3 , A. Moncla12,9 ; 1INSERM U841, IMRB, département de génétique, Equipe 11, Créteil, France, 2 3 Université Paris 12, Faculté de Médecine, IFR10, Créteil, France, AP-HP, Groupe Hospitalier Henri Mondor-Albert Chenevier, Service de biochimie et génétique, Créteil, France, 42Département de Génétique Médicale, Hôpital des enfants de la Timone, Marseille, France, 5Department of Clinical Genetics, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (Heavitree), Exeter, United Kingdom, 6Département de Génétique Médicale, CHU d’Amiens - Nord, Amiens, France, 7Département de Génétique Médicale, CH du Mans, Le Mans, France, 8Service de Neuropédiatrie, Hôpital des enfants de la Timone, Marseille, France, 9Unité INSERM U491 « Génétique Médicale & Développement », Faculté de Médecine La Timone, Marseille, France, 10Service de Génétique, Hôpital L’Archet 2, Nice, France, 11Faculté de Médecine La Timone, Marseille, France, 12Département de Génétique Médicale, Hôpital des enfants de la Timone, Marseille, France. Background: Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PHS) is a syndromic mental retardation disorder marked by hyperventilation episodes and characteristic dysmorphism (large beaked nose, wide mouth, fleshy lips, and clubbed fingertips). PHS has been shown to be caused by de novo heterozygous mutations of the TCF4 gene, located in 18q21 . To expand the phenotypic spectrum of mutations and deletions of the TCF4 gene, we studied 30 hitherto unexplored patients whose phenotype overlapped with PHS . Methods: The TCF4 gene was analysed by QMF-PCR, followed by sequencing . Large deletions were characterised by CGH array . All patients were karyotyped . Results: In three patients, 18q21 .1-q22 .2 deletions were revealed by

Clinical genetics<br />

the CL group, while the most common associated anomalies in the<br />

CLP group were musculoskeletal (32 .9%), cardiovascular anomalies<br />

(22 .7%) and anomalies <strong>of</strong> central nervous system (10 .2%) . There are<br />

also some differences in pairs <strong>of</strong> associated anomalies with OCs . The<br />

results indicate that CL and CLP could be genetically distinct entities<br />

and should be analyzed separately when possible .<br />

P01.338<br />

Phenotypic diversity <strong>of</strong> oral-facial-digital syndrome<br />

E. Sukarova-Angelovska, M. Kocova, N. Angelkova, S. Palcevska-Kocevska,<br />

L. Kojic;<br />

Pediatric Clinic, Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic <strong>of</strong> Macedonia.<br />

The oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS) are variable group <strong>of</strong> disorders<br />

characterized by malformations in oral cavity, face and digits<br />

on hands and feet . Nine different subgroups are described depending<br />

on the severity <strong>of</strong> the above mentioned anomalies as well as on<br />

the additional anomalies <strong>of</strong> the brain, kidneys, limbs, eyes and other<br />

organs . However, overlap between groups occurs frequently in described<br />

cases .<br />

Four patients with different type <strong>of</strong> oral-facial-digital syndrome (OFD)<br />

have been described . The patients showed variable anomalies on oral<br />

structures, tongue and digits on hands and feet . Anomalies <strong>of</strong> other<br />

organs and systems were noticed, including brain (1 patient), heart (1<br />

patient) and kidneys (1 patient) . The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> OFD types I, IV, and<br />

VI (two patients) has been established . Severity <strong>of</strong> the disease varied<br />

in all <strong>of</strong> them .<br />

Minor facial anomalies, digital malformations, as well as the existence<br />

<strong>of</strong> additional malformations <strong>of</strong> other organs enable classification <strong>of</strong> the<br />

patients in subgroups. Although there are attempts for classification<br />

according to specific criteria, the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> the subtype is not always<br />

easy and clear . Many doubtful cases have been reported . The similarity<br />

and diversity <strong>of</strong> the clinical findings <strong>of</strong> the above described cases<br />

points out the difficulty in delineation <strong>of</strong> the subtypes <strong>of</strong> OFD syndrome<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the overlapping features between them and with related<br />

syndromes .<br />

P01.339<br />

Randomized dose comparison <strong>of</strong> pamidronate in children with<br />

types iii and iV Osteogenesis imperfecta: 3 vs 6 month cycles<br />

J. C. Marini 1 , A. A. Obafemi 1,2 , M. K. Abukhaled 1 , H. L. Cintas 3 , J. F. Troendle 4 ,<br />

A. D. Letocha 1 , J. C. Reynolds 5 , S. Paul 3 ;<br />

1 National Institute <strong>of</strong> Child Health and <strong>Human</strong> Development, Bethesda, MD,<br />

United States, 2 Clinical Research Training Program-Foundation for NIH and<br />

Pfizer Inc, grant research support, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3 Rehabilitation<br />

Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4 Biometry and<br />

Mathematical Statistics Branch, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States,<br />

5 Nuclear Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States.<br />

Aim: To determine whether the vertebral benefits <strong>of</strong> q3m infusion cycles<br />

can be attained on q6m cycles, with a lower cumulative dose .<br />

Methods: Twenty-seven children with types III and IV OI were randomly<br />

assigned to receive 1mg/kg/3d IV pamidronate in q3 or q6 month<br />

cycles . All patients had spine radiographs, L1-L4 DXA, and musculoskeletal<br />

and function testing .<br />

Results: L1-L4 DEXA increased significantly after 1 year <strong>of</strong> q3m cycles,<br />

with average change in z-score =+1 .41 SD, but did not improve<br />

significantly with further treatment. In the q6m group, the average<br />

change in DEXA was not significant. Repeated measures analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

DEXA z-scores yielded a z-score rate change <strong>of</strong> 0 .064 SD/m for q3 vs<br />

0 .036 SD/m for q6 group (p=0 .13) . T12-L4 vertebral area and central<br />

height were determined from radiographs . Repeated measures analysis<br />

revealed significant improvement <strong>of</strong> q6m group average LI-L4 and<br />

T12-L2 vertebral height (p=0 .05, 0 .01) and area (p=0 .002, 0 .006) . The<br />

rate <strong>of</strong> improvement <strong>of</strong> the q3m and q6m groups did not differ for L1-L4<br />

area or height (p=0 .52, 0 .86) or T12-L2 area or height (p=0 .28, 0 .77) .<br />

The OI children had no significant improvement in fracture incidence,<br />

manual muscle testing or BAMF motor scores in either group . Noteworthy,<br />

response to treatment was highly variable in each treatment<br />

group; improvement in vertebral area did not correlate with change in<br />

DEXA z-score .<br />

Conclusions: Equivalent gains in vertebral height and area are obtained<br />

with q6m and q3m pamidronate cycles . For individual OI children, gain<br />

in DEXA does not correlate with extent <strong>of</strong> vertebral response .<br />

P01.340<br />

Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma syndrome in two sisters<br />

G. O. Cetin 1 , F. Duzcan 1 , E. Tepeli 1 , F. S. Kirac 2 ;<br />

1 Pamukkale University School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong> Medical Biology,<br />

Denizli, Turkey, 2 Pamukkale University School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Nuclear Medicine, Denizli, Turkey.<br />

Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome (OPPG) is an autosomal recessive<br />

disorder characterized by congenital blindness and severe<br />

juvenile osteoporosis leading to fragility <strong>of</strong> long bones . Affected individuals<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten have deformed bones due to fractures . The ophthalmologic<br />

findings may include phthisis bulbi, microphthalmia, and some<br />

vitreoretinal changes . The OPPG locus is mapped to 11q12-13 and<br />

mutations that cause OPPG were identified in the LRP5 gene. LRP5<br />

is a member <strong>of</strong> low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR) family and a<br />

component <strong>of</strong> the Wnt pathway . Here, we report two sisters diagnosed<br />

as OPPG who were referred to genetic service with osteogenesis imperfecta,<br />

bilateral congenital nystagmus and microphthalmia . . Their<br />

parents were phenotypically normal first cousins. The older sister was<br />

18 years and the younger was 14 years old . They had congenital blindness<br />

and both had operations due to long bone fractures resulting in<br />

inability to walk. Physical examination findings included microphthalmia,<br />

scleral opacity and skeletal deformities especially in the lower<br />

limbs <strong>of</strong> both sisters . Tc-99m MDP whole-body scintigraphy showed<br />

deformation and asymmetry <strong>of</strong> the lower limbs and axial bones <strong>of</strong> the<br />

older sister while the younger one had normal scintigraphic findings.<br />

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements revealed osteoporosis<br />

<strong>of</strong> both cases. According to these findings OPPG was prediagnosed<br />

and LRP5 gene mutation screening is planned .<br />

P01.341<br />

Overgrowth and X chromosome imbalance: study <strong>of</strong> two<br />

unrelated females<br />

M. P. Ribate 1 , J. del Valle 2 , I. Bueno 3 , B. Puisac 1 , M. Arnedo 1 , M. C. Gil 1 , J. C.<br />

de Karam 1 , J. Pie 1 , L. A. Pérez-Jurado 2 , F. J. Ramos 1,3 ;<br />

1 University <strong>of</strong> Zaragoza Medical School, Zaragoza, Spain, 2 University Pompeu i<br />

Fabra, <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain, 3 Hospital Clínico Universitario, Zaragoza, Spain.<br />

In humans, partial X chromosome duplications/deletions are relatively<br />

rare chromosome rearrangements, described predominantly in males<br />

with mental retardation and generally associated with phenotype anomalies<br />

. Nevertheless affected females have also been reported although<br />

most <strong>of</strong> them do not show abnormal clinical findings, probably due<br />

to skewed, preferential inactivation <strong>of</strong> dup/del(X) chromosomes, and<br />

subsequent selection against cells with an active abnormal X in carrier<br />

females . However, some females with dup/del(X) chromosomes and<br />

random X-inactivation also exhibit developmental anomalies . Therefore,<br />

females with two X chromosomes and an active duplicated/deleted<br />

segment are functionally disomic/monosomic for genes that are<br />

normally subject to X-inactivation and functionally trisomic/disomic for<br />

those genes that escape X inactivation .<br />

Here, we report on two unrelated females with overgrowth, Sotoslike<br />

phenotype, mental retardation, normal sexual development and<br />

de novo X chromosome anomalies, both originated in the paternal X<br />

chromosome and showed random X-inactivation . Diagnosis was confirmed<br />

by array-CGH and MLPA, and completed by X-inactivation and<br />

microsatellite studies. The first case, a 14 year-old girl with epilepsy<br />

carried a 20.2 Mb Xp duplication (p11.3 → p21.3). The second, a 17<br />

year-old female was found to have a 26 Mb Xq deletion (q24-qter) and<br />

she had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). These findings<br />

indicate that a gross functional imbalance in the cells with functional<br />

disomy/monosomy due to an active dup(Xp)/del(Xq) chromosome respectively,<br />

may have caused the same effect on prenatal and postnatal<br />

growth in both patients .<br />

P01.342<br />

Vitamin A deficiency in a neonate with PAGOD syndrome<br />

D. Babovic-Vuksanovic, R. Gavrilova, S. Kirmani, A. N. Lteif, T. M. Olson;<br />

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States.<br />

PAGOD syndrome is a rare condition characterized by multiple congenital<br />

anomalies . These include pulmonary artery and lung hypoplasia,<br />

agonadism, diaphragmatic abnormalities and congenital cardiac<br />

defects . Omphalocele, various degrees <strong>of</strong> genital anomalies, cleft palate<br />

and optic nerve hypoplasia have also been described in affected<br />

patients . The etiology <strong>of</strong> this condition is still unknown . The spectrum <strong>of</strong>

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