2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Clinical genetics tilation syndrome (CCHS) is a broad dysautonomia with predisposition to Hirschsprung disease and NB in 20% and 5-10% of the cases respectively. The identification of the PHOX2B gene as disease causing in CCHS allowed to find that PHOX2B could be mutated in some familial and sporadic cases of NB also. In order to find genes involved in NB predisposition, we collected syndromic NB cases . Here we report a series of 14 patients with hypoventilation and HD . Hypothamic dysfunction is characterized by obesity, hyperprolactinemia, central hypothyroidism, disordered water balance, unresponsive growth hormone to stimulation test, corticotrophin deficiency and abnormal puberty be it precocious or delayed . Up to now, all reported cases (25) have been sporadic . The natural history of the syndrome is striking : rapid onset obesity due to hyperphagia is the first symptom, followed by hypoventilation with a mean delay of 1 .5 year . Neurocognitive deceleration and mood disorders are frequently noted . The outcome remains poor in this group of patients and would benefit from early diagnosis in order to anticipate ventilation and possible metabolic disorders . Tumour predisposition is as high as 4/14 (29%) in this series . Finally, we report a familial case with recurrence in siblings and discuss a paraneoplastic syndrome an autoimmune disorder and a monogenic condition . P01.303 Neonatal data on 530 children born after icsi using testicular spermatozoa F. De Schrijver1 , H. Tournaye2 , I. Liebaers1 , P. Devroey2 , P. Haentjens1 , M. Bonduelle1 ; 1 2 center for medical genetics, Brussels, Belgium, center for reproductive medicine, Brussels, Belgium. INTRODUCTION: We analysed pregnancy outcome and neonatal data of children born from a consecutive cohort of ICSI cycles performed with testicular spermatozoa . MATERIAL & METHODS : Questionnaire data and results of physical examinations on 530 ICSI children from azoospermic fathers from whom testicular spermatozoa were obtained (period 1994-2007) were compared with control data from 2889 ICSI children . All children were examined by a geneticist during their first year of life. A subanalysis of outcome parameters was performed in relation to the cause of azoospermia . RESULTS: Of the 657 pregnancies obtained after ICSI using testicular spermatozoa, 426 (63 .1%) were ongoing after 20 weeks leading to the birth of 530 liveborn children: 331 singletons, 178 twins and 21 triplets . Mean birthweight, length and head circumference as well as prematurity, low birthweight and perinatal mortality in singletons and twins did not differ from the ICSI control group . No increase in major malformations was observed in liveborn TESE children (4 .90%) when compared to the control ICSI group . Prenatal (126) and postnatal (72) karyotype analysis revealed 2 .02% de novo abnormalities and 0 .51% inherited abnormalities compared to 0 .45% de novo anomalies (OR 4 .57; 95%CI 1 .68-12 .38) in the general newborn population . Further subanalysis in relation to the cause of azoospermia did not reveal any differences in neonatal outcome parameters and major malformations rate . CONCLUSIONS: Neonatal outcome and major malformations rate were similar in TESE children compared with a control cohort of ICSI children but more de novo chromosomal anomalies were found compared to the general newborn population . P01.304 A case with interstitial deletion of 11q D. Niedrist 1 , M. Riegel 1 , A. Baumer 1 , P. Miny 2 , A. Schinzel 1 ; 1 Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Zurich, Schwerzenbach-Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Division of Medical Genetics, University Children’s Hospital, Basel, Switzerland. We report on a 12 year-old boy with mental retardation (EQ 45), cleft palate, umbilical and unilateral inguinal hernia and discrete dysmorphic features: low frontal hairline, red hair with multiple whorls and unusual growth pattern, flat occiput, low set ears with poorly formed helices, narrow auditory canals, full eyelids, up-slanting palpebral fissures, prominent lips, small mandible, narrow sloping shoulders, discrete pectus excavatum, inverted nipples and abnormal distribution of fat tissue over the proximal forearms . On the upper limb there were proximal placement of thumbs, restricted flexion in all metacarpo-phalangeal joints, prominent finger pads and short and broad nails and distal phalanges . On the lower limb there were diminished stability in the knees and pes planus . The boy had a good social behaviour and pleasant nature . Karyotype revealed an interstitial deletion involving 11q14 . By arrayC- GH the deletion could be further defined to 11q13.5->11q14.3. We compared our case with case reports with similar sized deletions involving the bands 11q13 and 11q14. Similar phenotypic findings included mental retardation, normal measurements at birth, low frontal hairline, dysmorphic ears, full eyelids or ptosis, small mandible, high arched or cleft palate and minor features of the fingers, thumbs or toes. In interstitial deletion 11q the facial gestalt and the incidence of joint limitations is similar to Williams-Beuren syndrome, whereas in contrast to Williams-Beuren syndrome the retardation in speech is more pronounced and there is in general no heart defect, growth retardation or microcephaly . P01.305 A novel case of partial trisomy 2p in a 2-year old girl S. Unlubay 1 , O. Cogulu 2 , B. Durmaz 2 , A. Alpman 1 , F. Ozkinay 2 ; 1 Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Genetics, IZMIR, Turkey, 2 Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, IZMIR, Turkey. The characteristics of partial duplication of the short arm of chromosome 2 have been documented in different reports . The clinical phenotype of trisomy 2p includes growth and psychomotor retardation, microcephaly, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, epicanthal folds, ptosis, strabismus, myopia, apparently low set and abnormal ears, flat nasal bridge, narrow high palate, micrognathia, sternal abnormalities, epileptic seizures, kyphoscoliosis, congenital heart disease, genital hypoplasia, long widely spaced fingers and toes and hypotonia. Here, we report on a new case of inv dup 2p in a 2 year-old girl . She was born to no non-consanguineous parents after an uncomplicated pregnancy . The birth weight was 2 .800 kg . The physical examination revealed generalized hypotonia, pectus excavatum, frontal bossing, flat nasal bridge, hypertelorism, low-set and large ears, micrognathia, syndactyly in the 2-3-4 toes . She also had severe growth and psychomotor retardation. At 6 months, she had the first epileptic seizure and three more seizures occurred afterwards . The EEG showed abnormal discharges . She also had recurrent respiratory infections . Her thorax CT scan showed subsegmental atelectasis in the posterior lobes and areas of bronchiolitis obliterans. Gastroesophageal reflux was determined in the scintigraphy . The cranial MRI was normal . The karyotype revealed a partial trisomy of chromosome 2p and was noted as 46,XX,inv dup(2)(p23p25 .2) . The parents had normal karyotypes . According to the clinical picture and the karyotype, the patient was considered to be a novel case of partial trisomy 2p and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and array comperative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) studies were planned for revealing the exact breakpoints . P01.306 clinicopathological study of a infantile systemic Hyalinosis case with a novel mutation in the CMG gene B. Demeer 1 , M. M.Viprey-Thouvard 2 , M. Ramirez 3 , N. Bednarek 2 , M. Doco- Fenzy 1 , M. Abely 2 , J. Martignetti 3 , D. Gaillard 1 ; 1 Department of Genetics, Reims Hospital, reims, France, 2 Department of Pediatrics, American Memorial Hospital, reims, France, 3 Department of Human Genetics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, United States. Infantile Systemic Hyalinosis (ISH) is an autosomal recessive disorder, belonging to the wide and heterogeneous group of genetic fibromatosis, characterized by widespread deposition of hyaline material in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, muscles and glands . Mutations in the capillary morphogenesis gene-2 (CMG2), coding for a transmenbrane protein with important roles in cell-cell adhesion and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, have been shown to cause ISH . We report on a patient with a severe form of ISH, confirmed by clinical and histological findings, who also displayed clear evidence of early muscle involvement, and enteropathy . Novel mutation of CMG2 gene has been found and review of the litterature will be made . 0

Clinical genetics P01.307 maternal uniparental isodisomy 20 : clinical report C. Vincent-Delorme 1,2 , E. Pipiras 3 , S. Drunat 4 , C. Dupont 3 , A. Delahaye 3 , I. Guilhoto 5 , S. Manouvrier 6 , B. Benzacken 3 ; 1 UF de génétique CH Arras.Service de Génétique clinique CHRU Lille, Arras, France, 2 Centre de référence maladies rares pour les syndromes malformatifs et anomalies de développement Nord de France, Lille, France, 3 UF de cytogénétique Service HEC-BDR Hôpital Jean Verdier AP-HP, Bondy, France, 4 UF de Biologie moléculaire Département de Génétique Hôpital Robert Debré AP- HP, Paris, France, 5 Service de Médecine Néonatale CH Arras, Arras, France, 6 Service de Génétique clinique CHRU Lille. Centre de référence maladies rares pour les syndromes malformatifs et anomalies du développement Nord de France, Lille, France. We report on a young child, presenting with intractable feeding difficulties, and severe post-natal growth retardation required enteral tube feeding, He was the second child, from non-consanguinous Caucasian healthy parents, born at 39 weeks of gestation and delivery was uneventful . Birth measurements were normal . Nucal translucency was detected during first trimester of pregnancy and prenatal investigation in amniotic fluid was performed. Chromosome studies using standard R banding showed a tiny marker in all cells; parents refused complementary investigations . Prenatal ultrason examination revealed moderate pyelectasy . Post-natal examination showed posterior urethral valves . Post-natal cytogenetic analysis revealed that the marker was from chromosome 20 and contained only centromere and pericentromeric segments . The combination of cytogenetic findings and severe feeding difficulties made we speculate that it could be a maternal UPD 20 confirmed by molecular analysis . Phenotype, in our case, is less severe (specially mental retardation) than those of the paternal 20q13 .2-q13 .3 deletions, even though major chararteristic are present . At 3 years, measurements are- 5SD for length and weight, and -0,5SD for OFC . He says only a few words and walks with help . This report demonstrates interpretation’s difficulties when excedentary marker is found and allows us to be careful, and to look for UPD for markers derived from imprinted chromosomes . P01.308 Hypomelanosis of ito - report of two patients M. P. Martins, R. P. Leite, M. Souto, E. Ribeiro; Centro Hospitalar Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal. Hypomelanosis of Ito syndrome (HI - MIM* 300337), is characterized by the presence of whirled hypochromic skin lesions often associated with systemic manifestations . To date, epidemiological data on HI are limited . It appears to be the third most common neurocutaneous disease, second only to neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis . Approximately three fourths of the patients with typical skin lesions have systemic manifestations . Typical skin lesions are initially demonstrated during the first year of life in as many as 70% of patients; they are noticeable at birth in 54% of patients . Prognosis depends on the patient’s manifestations and complications of the disease . Patients with chromosomal anomalies are at risk for tumors . We report two children, a 6 years female and a 5 years old male, with typical HI lesions and systemic nondermatological abnormalities (eg, mental retardation and epilepsy) . Blood karyotyping was normal on both; skin biopsy revealed normal fibroblast karyotype in the girl and mosaicism for chromosome abnormality in the boy . Despite recent advances, the genetic substrate for HI syndrome is far from homogenous and is not completely understood . Although several chromosomal abnormalities have been reported in HI the etiology remains elusive . The pattern of chromosomal aberrations and the polymorphic nature of this disease have led some to believe that HI syndrome is a descriptive term rather than a true syndrome . Most cases are a de novo occurrence although very rare cases of familial HI following a dominant pattern have been described in the literature . P01.309 misdiagnosis in patients with Joubert syndrome C. Marzocchi1 , K. Ludwig1 , L. Salviati1 , S. Sartori2 , R. Tenconi1 ; 1 2 Servizio di Genetica Clinica, Padova, Italy, Dipartimento di Pediatria, Padova, Italy. We report a 18 month-old boy born to a Moroccan non-consanguineous couple referred to our center for the presence of a Dandy-Walker- Malformation (DWM) with hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension, mental retardation, and cranio-facial dysmorphisms . About a year after the birth of the proband, a second pregnancy of the couple was terminated at 20 weeks of gestation after ultrasound detection of DWM, cleft-lip and -palate and nasal root hypoplasia The initial diagnosis of DWM in the proband and in the fetus was put into question . A control MRI performed after placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt at twenty months of age showed the classical “molar tooth sign”, allowing us to hypothesise the diagnosis of Joubert syndrome . Genetic testing is currently being performed . These results indicate that in the presence of intracranial hypertension it might be difficult to diagnose the underlying brain malformation. Therefore the recurrence of DWM, especially if diagnosed only by fetal brain ultrasound, should take to rule out Joubert syndrome . P01.310 Novel mutation in the keratin 3 gene in an asymptomatic family with meesmann corneal dystrophy suggests genotypephenotype correlation M. Oldak 1 , J. P. Szaflik 2 , A. Pollak 3 , R. B. Maksym 1 , M. Udziela 2 , R. Płoski 4 , J. Szaflik 2 ; 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Center of Biostructure Research, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 3 Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw, Poland, 4 Department of Medical Genetics, Center of Biostructure Research, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland. Meesmann corneal dystrophy (MCD, OMIM #122100) is a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by fragility of the anterior corneal epithelium and intraepithelial microcysts formation . Although the disease is generally mild and affected individuals are often asymptomatic, some suffer from recurrent erosions leading to lacrimation, photophobia and deterioration in visual acuity . MCD is caused by mutations in keratin 3 (KRT3) or 12 (KRT12) genes encoding cornea-specific cytoskeletal proteins . Seventeen mutations in KRT12 and only two in KRT3 have been described so far . In this study we report on a three-generation Polish family with MCD . Epithelial lesions characteristic for MCD were visualized with slit-lamp examination and confirmed by in vivo confocal microscopy . In the proband a direct sequencing of the PCR amplified coding regions of KRT3 and KRT12 revealed a novel 1493A>T heterozygous missense mutation in exon 7 of KRT3, which predicts the substitution of glutamic acid for valine at codon 498 (E498V) . By a PCR-RFLP test the mutation was demonstrated to segregate with disease (four affected members, three non-affected) and to be absent in 100 controls from Polish population indicating that it is not a common polymorphism . Location of the E498V mutation emphasizes the functional relevance of the highly conserved boundary motifs at the C-terminus of the alpha-helical rod domain in KRT3 . P01.311 A molecular diagnostic service for lacrimoauriculodentodigital (LADD) syndrome T. Lester 1 , L. J. Williams 1 , J. N. Berg 2 , D. Goudie 2 , H. Lord 1 , A. O. M. Wilkie 3 , A. Seller 1 ; 1 Clinical Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 Clinical Genetics, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, United Kingdom, 3 Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom. Lacrimoauriculodentodigital (LADD) syndrome (Levy-Hollister syndrome) is a rare autosomal dominant condition characterised by multiple congenital abnormalities mainly affecting the lacrimal glands and ducts, salivary glands and ducts, ears, teeth and distal limb segments . In addition there may be mild facial dysmorphism, malformation of the kidney and respiratory system and abnormal genitalia . The phenotype of LADD syndrome is highly variable and can range from congenital renal disease causing death in the neonatal period, to aplasia of the 0

Clinical genetics<br />

P01.307<br />

maternal uniparental isodisomy 20 : clinical report<br />

C. Vincent-Delorme 1,2 , E. Pipiras 3 , S. Drunat 4 , C. Dupont 3 , A. Delahaye 3 , I.<br />

Guilhoto 5 , S. Manouvrier 6 , B. Benzacken 3 ;<br />

1 UF de génétique CH Arras.Service de Génétique clinique CHRU Lille, Arras,<br />

France, 2 Centre de référence maladies rares pour les syndromes malformatifs<br />

et anomalies de développement Nord de France, Lille, France, 3 UF de cytogénétique<br />

Service HEC-BDR Hôpital Jean Verdier AP-HP, Bondy, France, 4 UF<br />

de Biologie moléculaire Département de Génétique Hôpital Robert Debré AP-<br />

HP, Paris, France, 5 Service de Médecine Néonatale CH Arras, Arras, France,<br />

6 Service de Génétique clinique CHRU Lille. Centre de référence maladies rares<br />

pour les syndromes malformatifs et anomalies du développement Nord de<br />

France, Lille, France.<br />

We report on a young child, presenting with intractable feeding difficulties,<br />

and severe post-natal growth retardation required enteral tube<br />

feeding,<br />

He was the second child, from non-consanguinous Caucasian healthy<br />

parents, born at 39 weeks <strong>of</strong> gestation and delivery was uneventful .<br />

Birth measurements were normal .<br />

Nucal translucency was detected during first trimester <strong>of</strong> pregnancy<br />

and prenatal investigation in amniotic fluid was performed.<br />

Chromosome studies using standard R banding showed a tiny marker<br />

in all cells; parents refused complementary investigations .<br />

Prenatal ultrason examination revealed moderate pyelectasy . Post-natal<br />

examination showed posterior urethral valves .<br />

Post-natal cytogenetic analysis revealed that the marker was from<br />

chromosome 20 and contained only centromere and pericentromeric<br />

segments .<br />

The combination <strong>of</strong> cytogenetic findings and severe feeding difficulties<br />

made we speculate that it could be a maternal UPD 20 confirmed by<br />

molecular analysis .<br />

Phenotype, in our case, is less severe (specially mental retardation)<br />

than those <strong>of</strong> the paternal 20q13 .2-q13 .3 deletions, even though major<br />

chararteristic are present .<br />

At 3 years, measurements are- 5SD for length and weight, and -0,5SD<br />

for OFC . He says only a few words and walks with help .<br />

This report demonstrates interpretation’s difficulties when excedentary<br />

marker is found and allows us to be careful, and to look for UPD for<br />

markers derived from imprinted chromosomes .<br />

P01.308<br />

Hypomelanosis <strong>of</strong> ito - report <strong>of</strong> two patients<br />

M. P. Martins, R. P. Leite, M. Souto, E. Ribeiro;<br />

Centro Hospitalar Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal.<br />

Hypomelanosis <strong>of</strong> Ito syndrome (HI - MIM* 300337), is characterized<br />

by the presence <strong>of</strong> whirled hypochromic skin lesions <strong>of</strong>ten associated<br />

with systemic manifestations .<br />

To date, epidemiological data on HI are limited . It appears to be the<br />

third most common neurocutaneous disease, second only to neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis<br />

and tuberous sclerosis . Approximately three fourths <strong>of</strong> the<br />

patients with typical skin lesions have systemic manifestations . Typical<br />

skin lesions are initially demonstrated during the first year <strong>of</strong> life<br />

in as many as 70% <strong>of</strong> patients; they are noticeable at birth in 54% <strong>of</strong><br />

patients . Prognosis depends on the patient’s manifestations and complications<br />

<strong>of</strong> the disease . Patients with chromosomal anomalies are at<br />

risk for tumors .<br />

We report two children, a 6 years female and a 5 years old male, with<br />

typical HI lesions and systemic nondermatological abnormalities (eg,<br />

mental retardation and epilepsy) . Blood karyotyping was normal on<br />

both; skin biopsy revealed normal fibroblast karyotype in the girl and<br />

mosaicism for chromosome abnormality in the boy .<br />

Despite recent advances, the genetic substrate for HI syndrome is far<br />

from homogenous and is not completely understood . Although several<br />

chromosomal abnormalities have been reported in HI the etiology<br />

remains elusive . The pattern <strong>of</strong> chromosomal aberrations and the<br />

polymorphic nature <strong>of</strong> this disease have led some to believe that HI<br />

syndrome is a descriptive term rather than a true syndrome .<br />

Most cases are a de novo occurrence although very rare cases <strong>of</strong><br />

familial HI following a dominant pattern have been described in the<br />

literature .<br />

P01.309<br />

misdiagnosis in patients with Joubert syndrome<br />

C. Marzocchi1 , K. Ludwig1 , L. Salviati1 , S. Sartori2 , R. Tenconi1 ;<br />

1 2 Servizio di Genetica Clinica, Padova, Italy, Dipartimento di Pediatria, Padova,<br />

Italy.<br />

We report a 18 month-old boy born to a Moroccan non-consanguineous<br />

couple referred to our center for the presence <strong>of</strong> a Dandy-Walker-<br />

Malformation (DWM) with hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension,<br />

mental retardation, and cranio-facial dysmorphisms .<br />

About a year after the birth <strong>of</strong> the proband, a second pregnancy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

couple was terminated at 20 weeks <strong>of</strong> gestation after ultrasound detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> DWM, cleft-lip and -palate and nasal root hypoplasia<br />

The initial diagnosis <strong>of</strong> DWM in the proband and in the fetus was put<br />

into question . A control MRI performed after placement <strong>of</strong> a ventriculoperitoneal<br />

shunt at twenty months <strong>of</strong> age showed the classical “molar<br />

tooth sign”, allowing us to hypothesise the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> Joubert syndrome<br />

.<br />

Genetic testing is currently being performed .<br />

These results indicate that in the presence <strong>of</strong> intracranial hypertension<br />

it might be difficult to diagnose the underlying brain malformation.<br />

Therefore the recurrence <strong>of</strong> DWM, especially if diagnosed only by fetal<br />

brain ultrasound, should take to rule out Joubert syndrome .<br />

P01.310<br />

Novel mutation in the keratin 3 gene in an asymptomatic<br />

family with meesmann corneal dystrophy suggests genotypephenotype<br />

correlation<br />

M. Oldak 1 , J. P. Szaflik 2 , A. Pollak 3 , R. B. Maksym 1 , M. Udziela 2 , R. Płoski 4 , J.<br />

Szaflik 2 ;<br />

1 Department <strong>of</strong> Histology and Embryology, Center <strong>of</strong> Biostructure Research,<br />

Medical University <strong>of</strong> Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2 Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology,<br />

Medical University <strong>of</strong> Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 3 Institute <strong>of</strong> Physiology and Pathology<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hearing, Warsaw, Poland, 4 Department <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Center<br />

<strong>of</strong> Biostructure Research, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland.<br />

Meesmann corneal dystrophy (MCD, OMIM #122100) is a dominantly<br />

inherited disorder characterized by fragility <strong>of</strong> the anterior corneal epithelium<br />

and intraepithelial microcysts formation . Although the disease<br />

is generally mild and affected individuals are <strong>of</strong>ten asymptomatic, some<br />

suffer from recurrent erosions leading to lacrimation, photophobia and<br />

deterioration in visual acuity . MCD is caused by mutations in keratin<br />

3 (KRT3) or 12 (KRT12) genes encoding cornea-specific cytoskeletal<br />

proteins . Seventeen mutations in KRT12 and only two in KRT3 have<br />

been described so far . In this study we report on a three-generation<br />

Polish family with MCD . Epithelial lesions characteristic for MCD were<br />

visualized with slit-lamp examination and confirmed by in vivo confocal<br />

microscopy . In the proband a direct sequencing <strong>of</strong> the PCR amplified<br />

coding regions <strong>of</strong> KRT3 and KRT12 revealed a novel 1493A>T<br />

heterozygous missense mutation in exon 7 <strong>of</strong> KRT3, which predicts<br />

the substitution <strong>of</strong> glutamic acid for valine at codon 498 (E498V) . By<br />

a PCR-RFLP test the mutation was demonstrated to segregate with<br />

disease (four affected members, three non-affected) and to be absent<br />

in 100 controls from Polish population indicating that it is not a common<br />

polymorphism . Location <strong>of</strong> the E498V mutation emphasizes the<br />

functional relevance <strong>of</strong> the highly conserved boundary motifs at the<br />

C-terminus <strong>of</strong> the alpha-helical rod domain in KRT3 .<br />

P01.311<br />

A molecular diagnostic service for lacrimoauriculodentodigital<br />

(LADD) syndrome<br />

T. Lester 1 , L. J. Williams 1 , J. N. Berg 2 , D. Goudie 2 , H. Lord 1 , A. O. M. Wilkie 3 ,<br />

A. Seller 1 ;<br />

1 Clinical Molecular <strong>Genetics</strong> Laboratory, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford,<br />

United Kingdom, 2 Clinical <strong>Genetics</strong>, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, United<br />

Kingdom, 3 Weatherall Institute <strong>of</strong> Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital,<br />

Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom.<br />

Lacrimoauriculodentodigital (LADD) syndrome (Levy-Hollister syndrome)<br />

is a rare autosomal dominant condition characterised by multiple<br />

congenital abnormalities mainly affecting the lacrimal glands and<br />

ducts, salivary glands and ducts, ears, teeth and distal limb segments .<br />

In addition there may be mild facial dysmorphism, malformation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

kidney and respiratory system and abnormal genitalia . The phenotype<br />

<strong>of</strong> LADD syndrome is highly variable and can range from congenital<br />

renal disease causing death in the neonatal period, to aplasia <strong>of</strong> the<br />


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