2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Concurrent Symposia s02.3 small-molecule therapy for cystic Fibrosis A. S. Verkman; Departments of Medicine and Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States. The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-activated chloride channel expressed in epithelia in the lung, intestine, pancreas, testis and other tissues, where it facilitates transepithelial fluid transport. In the intestine CFTR provides the major route for chloride secretion in certain diarrheas . Mutations in CFTR cause the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis, where chronic lung infection and deterioration in lung function cause early death . CFTR is a well-validated targeted for development of inhibitors for therapy of secretory diarrheas and polycystic kidney disease, and activators for therapy in cystic fibrosis. Our lab has identified and optimized small molecule inhibitors of CFTR, as well as activators of deltaF508-CFTR, the most common mutant CFTR causing cystic fibrosis. High-throughput screening of small molecule collections utilizing a cell-based fluorescence assay of halide transport yielded thiazolidinone and glycine hydrazide CFTR inhibitors that block enterotoxin-mediated secretory diarrhea in rodent models, including a class of non-absorbable inhibitors that target the CFTR pore at its external entrance . Nanomolarpotency benzothiophene, phenylglycine and sulfonamide potentiators were identified that correct the defective gating of deltaF508-CFTR chloride channels, restoring their function to that of wildtype CFTR . Several classes of correctors of defective deltaF508-CFTR cellular misprocessing were discovered, including bisaminomethylbithiazoles, that improve mutant CFTR folding and facilitate its stability and targeting to the cell plasma membrane, restoring cAMP-stimulated chloride permeability . Small-molecule modulators of CFTR function are in development for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, secretory diarrhea and polycystic kidney disease . Pedemonte, N ., N .D . Sonawane, A . Taddei, J . Hu, O . Zegarra-Moran, Y .F . Suen, L .I . Robins, C .W . Dicus, D . Willenbring, M .H . Nantz, M .J . Kurth, L .J . Galietta and A .S . Verkman (2005) . Phenylglycine and sulfonamide correctors of defective deltaF508- and G551D-CFTR chloride channel gating . Mol . Pharmacol . 67:1797-1807 . Pedemonte, N ., G .L . Lukacs, K . Du, E . Caci, O . Zegarra-Moran, L .J . Galietta and A .S . Verkman (2005) . Small molecule correctors of defective deltaF508-CFTR cellular processing identified by high-throughput screening . J . Clin . Invest . 115:2564-2571 . s03.1 is the era of genetic counseling over? S. Kessler; Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. s03.2 medical genetic services in developing nations A. Christianson; Division of Human Genetics, National Health Laboratory Services & University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. An expert advisory group of the WHO recognized in the early 1980’s that health (epidemiological) transition would require developing countries, within the foreseeable future to develop medical genetic services . To that end the expert advisory group developed an approach cogent for developing nations that focused on community based medical genetic services integrated into primary health care and closely linked to secondary and tertiary health care services . In the latter half of the last century these approaches were refined, to an extent based on services that were being established in a few developing countries . This decade several middle-income nations have recognized the need to develop medical genetic services, initially for the care and prevention of birth defects . Following the approach proposed by the WHO these nations are developing medical genetic services, some with assistance from the March of Dimes and the World Alliance of Organizations for Prevention and Treatment of Genetic and Congenital Conditions (WAO) . Numerous barriers to the establishment of these services still exist, but are being overcome . s03.3 Personalized medicine and Genetic services: the Us model M. Aspinall; Genzyme Corporation, Westborough, MA, United States. A revolution is underway in the life sciences and health care industry . Fueled by the mapping of the human genome and a deepening understanding of human genetic variation and ongoing advances in diagnostics are expanding our understanding of the molecular basis of disease . Health care delivery is beginning to shift from trial-anderror medicine to patient-centric medicine . Patient care is becoming focused on highly targeted and individualized diagnostic and treatment regiments . The use of genetic services is expanding in all areas . This revolution is known as personalized medicine . Personalized medicine is a movement away from defining diseases by their symptoms and locations within the body, and toward understanding them through their underlying genetic causes . With a successful transition to this model, more specific disease diagnoses will occur, resulting in a personalized treatment plan for individual patients . Costs will be reduced through more accurate diagnosis, improved drug efficacy with fewer adverse drug reactions as well as improved patient drug compliance . This trend to personalized medicine and increased use of genetic services is occurring today in the field of oncology and will expand to all areas of medicine . The field of genetics services - both testing and counseling - is essential to the implementation of personalized medicine . Without these services, physicians and other healthcare providers will not be able to access the information necessary to make the most informed choices for patients . Personalized medicine, however, must overcome multiple challenges if it is to fully adopted. There are significant challenges involving physician and patient education and acceptance . An expanded understanding of genetics and diagnostics and its impact on patient care will be necessary for all healthcare providers . A health information infrastructure must be able to accommodate the accumulation and analysis of expanding patient and pharmacogenomic data . In this talk, I will review the current status of personalized medicine in the United States including examples of its current impact on patient care . I will also describe the current United States diagnostic market including the current distribution systems and infrastructure design . s03.4 the clinical Use of Genetic and molecular Biomarkers: A Public Health Perspective R. Zimmern; PHG Foundation Cambridge, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Advances in genomic science have led to a much greater knowledge of disease mechanisms and the development of novel technologies such as genetic tests and molecular biomarkers . Unlike the well trodden pathway that exists for pharmaceutical products, we do not have within Europe (or anywhere across the developed world) an effective framework for their clinical evaluation . The absence of mechanisms for generating the necessary data, or of institutions that focus on their analysis, and the lack of policy about the respective responsibilities or the public and commercial sectors for their establishment and funding are major concerns for the practice of medicine and for public health . The lecture will argue that an approach to the introduction of tests into clinical practice based on clinical judgement is longer sustainable . The complexities of modern diagnostics will require a more formal and innovative approach . Tests will require explicit evaluation to identify the clinically valid and useful . Biomarkers that are predictive of complex disease before its development, in contrast to diagnostic or prognostic markers or to genetic tests for high penetrance single gene disorders, pose a particular challenge . The low relative risks that these show, and the fact that each individual biomarker will be neither necessary nor sufficient for the development of disease suggests that a different approach to their assessment will be needed .

Concurrent Symposia s04.1 microRNA Regulation of cardiac Development and Disease D. Srivastava; Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, UCSF – Dep. of Pediatrics and Biochemistry & Biophysics, San Francisco, CA, United States. Gradients of signaling and transcription factors result in distinct cellular responses during organ formation suggesting that the precise dose of major regulatory proteins must be tightly controlled . MicroRNAs (miR- NAs) are phylogenetically conserved small RNAs that regulate translation or stability of target messenger RNAs providing a mechanism for protein dose regulation . Studies in our lab of multiple cardiac-enriched miRNAs reveal that they coordinate decisions of cellular proliferation, differentiation and response to stress via intricate transcriptional and translational networks . In addition to our previous work demonstrating the role of miR-1 in differentiation of mouse and fly cardiac progenitors, we found that targeted deletion of miR-1-2 in mouse causes defects in cardiac morphogenesis as well as cardiac conduction and cell cycle abnormalities. Consistent with this finding, manipulation of miR-1 and the co-transcribed miR-133 in mouse and human embryonic stem cells revealed that these miRNAs can be used to guide pluripotent stem cells into mesodermal cells and ultimately into the cardiac lineage, while repressing neuroectodermal and endodermal differentiation . Finally, novel approaches of miRNA target identification to explain the mechanisms underlying the described effects of cardiac miRNAs will be discussed . s04.2 A rapidly evolved RNA gene may have played a role in the evolution of the cerebral cortex D. Haussler; Center for Biomolecular Science & Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, United States. We have scanned the human genome for segments that have been under negative selection during most of mammalian evolution, but experienced a burst of changes during the last few million years of human evolution . The most dramatic such segment occurs in a previously unstudied RNA gene expressed specifically in the Cajal-Retzius neurons in the developing cerebral cortex, during the time these neurons guide the development of the 6-layer cortical structure . Examples like this demonstrate the power of computational reconstruction of the evolution of the human genome, and argue that changes in non-coding functional regions may have played a significant role in the molecular events that forged our species . s04.3 the RNAi strategy in cancer: towards the Achilles Heal of cancer R. L. Beijersbergen; The Netherlands Cancer Institute , Division of Molecular Carcinogenesis and NKI Robotics and Screening Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The development of the RNA interference (RNAi) technology has changed the way how we approach target discovery and validation in cancer research . The potential to study the consequence of the inactivation of each individual gene is a very effective tool to identify novel targets . In addition, high content imaging allows us to identify novel components of cellular pathways involved in complex cellular phenotypes in a high throughput manner . The combination of RNA interference and high content imaging will lead to the discovery of a new class of targets that can be used for development of novel cancer therapies or to improve existing therapies . We have constructed a large set of retroviral vectors encoding more than 50 .000 shRNAs, which target 15 .000 different human or mouse genes for suppression . This RNA interference library has been used to identify genes involved in major cellular pathways such as the p53 tumor suppressor pathway . In particular we have focused on genes that modulate the cytotoxic response to small molecules that target the MDM2-p53 interaction . In addition we have developed novel screening methods with the use of shRNA libraries and DNA micro-arrays to be able to rapidly screen large numbers of shRNA vectors . This technology is applied to identify the mechanism of action of novel anti-cancer drugs and to identify genes involved in resistance to anti-cancer drugs . Recently, we have extended our efforts into synthetic siRNA screens to allow genome wide single well high throughput screening with the goal to study more complex phenotypes and, importantly, to identify targets that upon inhibition would only affect tumor cells where normal cells would remain unaffected . The concept that a particular mutation has deleterious consequences under specific conditions is known as synthetic lethality. Two genes are defined as synthetic lethal when cells die if they have both genes mutated but can survive if either gene alone is mutated . The approach of exploring synthetic lethal gene-gene interactions is attractive because it turns a hallmark of cancer cells, specific mutations, into a weakness that can be explored therapeutically . We explore the existence of synthetic lethal interactions with tumor specific genetic alterations and large scale siRNA screens. These approaches illustrate the power of RNAi to gain insight in the mode of action of novel cancer drugs with the goal to accelerate their development and as a powerful way to identify a whole new class of more specific and more efficient anticancer drugs. s05.1 Guidelines for the clinical management of Lynch syndrome and adenomatous polyposis H. F. A. Vasen; Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Netherlands. The Lynch syndrome (LS)(HNPCC) is characterized by the development of colorectal cancer (CRC), endometrial cancer and various other cancers and is caused by a mutation in one of the mismatch repair (MMR) genes: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 or PMS2 . Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a well-described inherited syndrome, characterized by the development of hundreds to thousands of adenomas in the colorectum . The syndrome is caused by mutations in the APC-gene or the MUTYH-gene . Both syndromes (LS, FAP) are responsible for at least 5-7 % of all cases of CRC . Since 2006, annual workshops were organized by a group of European experts in hereditary gastrointestinal cancer (the Mallorca group) aiming to establish guidelines for the clinical management of hereditary CRC syndromes . Thirty-one experts from nine European countries participated in these workshop . Prior to the meeting, various participants prepared the key management issues of debate according to the latest publications . A systematic literature search using Pubmed and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, reference lists of retrieved articles, and manual searches of relevant articles was performed . During the workshop all recommendations were discussed in detail . Part of the guidelines will be discussed . Moreover, the results of recent studies on cancer risk and experience of longterm surveillance for CRC in the Lynch syndrome will be presented . References: 1 . H .F .A .Vasen & G .Möslein & the Mallorca group . Guidelines for the clinical management of Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) J Med Genet 2007; 44: 353-61 2 . H .F .A .Vasen & G .Möslein & the Mallorca group . Guidelines for the clinical management of Familial adenomatous polyposis . Gut 2008; 57:704-13 s05.2 Evaluation of breast and ovarian cancer screening programmes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: the UK, Norwegian and Dutch experience D. G. Evans 1 , K. N. Gaarenstroom 2 , D. Stirling 3 , A. Shenton 1 , L. Maehle 4 , A. Dørum 4 , M. Steel 5 , F. Lalloo 1 , J. Apold 6 , M. E. Porteous 3 , H. F. A. Vasen 7 , C. J. van Asperen 8 , P. Moller 4 ; 1 Medical Genetics Research Group and Regional Genetics Service, University of Manchester and Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 Department of Gynaecology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 3 South East of Scotland Genetics Service, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 Section for Inherited Cancer, Department of Medical Genetics, Rikshospitalet Radiumhospitalet Clinical Center, Oslo, Norway, 5 University of St Andrews, Bute Medical Buildings, St Andrews, United Kingdom, 6 Centre of Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 7 The Netherlands Foundation for the Detection of Hereditary Tumours and the Department of Gastroenterology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Norway, 8 Center for Human and Clinical Genetics, Department of Clinical Genetics,

Concurrent Symposia<br />

s02.3<br />

small-molecule therapy for cystic Fibrosis<br />

A. S. Verkman;<br />

Departments <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Physiology, University <strong>of</strong> California, San Francisco,<br />

San Francisco, CA, United States.<br />

The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR)<br />

is a cAMP-activated chloride channel expressed in epithelia in the<br />

lung, intestine, pancreas, testis and other tissues, where it facilitates<br />

transepithelial fluid transport. In the intestine CFTR provides the major<br />

route for chloride secretion in certain diarrheas . Mutations in CFTR<br />

cause the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis, where chronic lung infection<br />

and deterioration in lung function cause early death . CFTR is<br />

a well-validated targeted for development <strong>of</strong> inhibitors for therapy <strong>of</strong><br />

secretory diarrheas and polycystic kidney disease, and activators for<br />

therapy in cystic fibrosis. Our lab has identified and optimized small<br />

molecule inhibitors <strong>of</strong> CFTR, as well as activators <strong>of</strong> deltaF508-CFTR,<br />

the most common mutant CFTR causing cystic fibrosis. High-throughput<br />

screening <strong>of</strong> small molecule collections utilizing a cell-based fluorescence<br />

assay <strong>of</strong> halide transport yielded thiazolidinone and glycine<br />

hydrazide CFTR inhibitors that block enterotoxin-mediated secretory<br />

diarrhea in rodent models, including a class <strong>of</strong> non-absorbable inhibitors<br />

that target the CFTR pore at its external entrance . Nanomolarpotency<br />

benzothiophene, phenylglycine and sulfonamide potentiators<br />

were identified that correct the defective gating <strong>of</strong> deltaF508-CFTR<br />

chloride channels, restoring their function to that <strong>of</strong> wildtype CFTR .<br />

Several classes <strong>of</strong> correctors <strong>of</strong> defective deltaF508-CFTR cellular<br />

misprocessing were discovered, including bisaminomethylbithiazoles,<br />

that improve mutant CFTR folding and facilitate its stability and targeting<br />

to the cell plasma membrane, restoring cAMP-stimulated chloride<br />

permeability . Small-molecule modulators <strong>of</strong> CFTR function are in development<br />

for the treatment <strong>of</strong> cystic fibrosis, secretory diarrhea and<br />

polycystic kidney disease .<br />

Pedemonte, N ., N .D . Sonawane, A . Taddei, J . Hu, O . Zegarra-Moran,<br />

Y .F . Suen, L .I . Robins, C .W . Dicus, D . Willenbring, M .H . Nantz, M .J .<br />

Kurth, L .J . Galietta and A .S . Verkman (2005) . Phenylglycine and sulfonamide<br />

correctors <strong>of</strong> defective deltaF508- and G551D-CFTR chloride<br />

channel gating . Mol . Pharmacol . 67:1797-1807 .<br />

Pedemonte, N ., G .L . Lukacs, K . Du, E . Caci, O . Zegarra-Moran, L .J .<br />

Galietta and A .S . Verkman (2005) . Small molecule correctors <strong>of</strong> defective<br />

deltaF508-CFTR cellular processing identified by high-throughput<br />

screening . J . Clin . Invest . 115:2564-2571 .<br />

s03.1<br />

is the era <strong>of</strong> genetic counseling over?<br />

S. Kessler;<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Molecular and Cell Biology, University <strong>of</strong> California at Berkeley,<br />

Berkeley, CA.<br />

s03.2<br />

medical genetic services in developing nations<br />

A. Christianson;<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>, National Health Laboratory Services & University<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.<br />

An expert advisory group <strong>of</strong> the WHO recognized in the early 1980’s<br />

that health (epidemiological) transition would require developing countries,<br />

within the foreseeable future to develop medical genetic services .<br />

To that end the expert advisory group developed an approach cogent<br />

for developing nations that focused on community based medical genetic<br />

services integrated into primary health care and closely linked to<br />

secondary and tertiary health care services .<br />

In the latter half <strong>of</strong> the last century these approaches were refined, to<br />

an extent based on services that were being established in a few developing<br />

countries . This decade several middle-income nations have<br />

recognized the need to develop medical genetic services, initially for<br />

the care and prevention <strong>of</strong> birth defects . Following the approach proposed<br />

by the WHO these nations are developing medical genetic services,<br />

some with assistance from the March <strong>of</strong> Dimes and the World<br />

Alliance <strong>of</strong> Organizations for Prevention and Treatment <strong>of</strong> Genetic and<br />

Congenital Conditions (WAO) . Numerous barriers to the establishment<br />

<strong>of</strong> these services still exist, but are being overcome .<br />

s03.3<br />

Personalized medicine and Genetic services: the Us model<br />

M. Aspinall;<br />

Genzyme Corporation, Westborough, MA, United States.<br />

A revolution is underway in the life sciences and health care industry<br />

. Fueled by the mapping <strong>of</strong> the human genome and a deepening<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> human genetic variation and ongoing advances in<br />

diagnostics are expanding our understanding <strong>of</strong> the molecular basis<br />

<strong>of</strong> disease . Health care delivery is beginning to shift from trial-anderror<br />

medicine to patient-centric medicine . Patient care is becoming<br />

focused on highly targeted and individualized diagnostic and treatment<br />

regiments . The use <strong>of</strong> genetic services is expanding in all areas . This<br />

revolution is known as personalized medicine .<br />

Personalized medicine is a movement away from defining diseases by<br />

their symptoms and locations within the body, and toward understanding<br />

them through their underlying genetic causes . With a successful<br />

transition to this model, more specific disease diagnoses will occur,<br />

resulting in a personalized treatment plan for individual patients . Costs<br />

will be reduced through more accurate diagnosis, improved drug efficacy<br />

with fewer adverse drug reactions as well as improved patient<br />

drug compliance . This trend to personalized medicine and increased<br />

use <strong>of</strong> genetic services is occurring today in the field <strong>of</strong> oncology and<br />

will expand to all areas <strong>of</strong> medicine .<br />

The field <strong>of</strong> genetics services - both testing and counseling - is essential<br />

to the implementation <strong>of</strong> personalized medicine . Without these<br />

services, physicians and other healthcare providers will not be able to<br />

access the information necessary to make the most informed choices<br />

for patients .<br />

Personalized medicine, however, must overcome multiple challenges<br />

if it is to fully adopted. There are significant challenges involving physician<br />

and patient education and acceptance . An expanded understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> genetics and diagnostics and its impact on patient care will be<br />

necessary for all healthcare providers . A health information infrastructure<br />

must be able to accommodate the accumulation and analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

expanding patient and pharmacogenomic data .<br />

In this talk, I will review the current status <strong>of</strong> personalized medicine in<br />

the United States including examples <strong>of</strong> its current impact on patient<br />

care . I will also describe the current United States diagnostic market<br />

including the current distribution systems and infrastructure design .<br />

s03.4<br />

the clinical Use <strong>of</strong> Genetic and molecular Biomarkers: A Public<br />

Health Perspective<br />

R. Zimmern;<br />

PHG Foundation Cambridge, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge,<br />

United Kingdom.<br />

Advances in genomic science have led to a much greater knowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> disease mechanisms and the development <strong>of</strong> novel technologies<br />

such as genetic tests and molecular biomarkers . Unlike the well trodden<br />

pathway that exists for pharmaceutical products, we do not have<br />

within Europe (or anywhere across the developed world) an effective<br />

framework for their clinical evaluation . The absence <strong>of</strong> mechanisms<br />

for generating the necessary data, or <strong>of</strong> institutions that focus on their<br />

analysis, and the lack <strong>of</strong> policy about the respective responsibilities or<br />

the public and commercial sectors for their establishment and funding<br />

are major concerns for the practice <strong>of</strong> medicine and for public health .<br />

The lecture will argue that an approach to the introduction <strong>of</strong> tests into<br />

clinical practice based on clinical judgement is longer sustainable . The<br />

complexities <strong>of</strong> modern diagnostics will require a more formal and innovative<br />

approach . Tests will require explicit evaluation to identify the<br />

clinically valid and useful . Biomarkers that are predictive <strong>of</strong> complex<br />

disease before its development, in contrast to diagnostic or prognostic<br />

markers or to genetic tests for high penetrance single gene disorders,<br />

pose a particular challenge . The low relative risks that these show,<br />

and the fact that each individual biomarker will be neither necessary<br />

nor sufficient for the development <strong>of</strong> disease suggests that a different<br />

approach to their assessment will be needed .

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