2005 Prague - European Society of Human Genetics

2005 Prague - European Society of Human Genetics 2005 Prague - European Society of Human Genetics


ESHG Scientific Pogramme - Monday, June 14, 2004 Monday, May 9, 2005 Time Congress Hall Meeting Hall I Panorama Hall Meeting Hall IV 15.00 - 16.30 Concurrent Session C6 - Genomics and bioinformatics Chair: K.-H. Grzeschik 15.00 C31. Detection of large-scale copy number polymorphisms in the human genome C. Lee, A. J. Iafrate, L. Feuk, M. N. Rivera, Y. Qi, S. W. Scherer, M. L. Listewnik 15.15 C32. Identification of submicroscopic DNA alterations in mental retardation using whole genome tiling-resolution arrayCGH B. B. A. De Vries, R. Pfundt, M. Leisink, D. A. Koolen, L. E. L. M. Vissers, N. De Leeuw, D. Smeets, E. Sistermans, A. Geurts van Kessel, E. F. P. M. Schoenmakers, H. G. Brunner, J. A. Veltman 15.30 C33. Interchromosomal segmental duplications of the pericentromeric region on the human Y chromosome S. Kirsch, B. Weiß, T. L. Miner, R. H. Waterston, R. A. Clark, E. E. Eichler, C. Münch, W. Schempp, G. Rappold 15.45 C34. Natural antisense transcripts (NATs) associated with genes involved in eye development S. Banfi, G. Alfano, C. Vitiello, T. Caramico, A. Carola, C. Caccioppoli, M. Szego, R. R. McInnes, A. Auricchio 16.00 C35. Dissection of gene regulatory networks in liver cells using chromatin immunoprecipitation and high resolution genomic arrays of the ENCODE regions. C. Wadelius, A. Rada Iglesias, O. Wallerman, C. Koch, G. Clelland, K. Wester, S. Wilcox, O. M. Dovey, P. D. Ellis, V. L. Wraight, K. James, R. Andrews, J. Komorowski, C. Langford, N. Carter, D. Vetrie, F. Pontén, I. Dunham 16.15 C36. Identification of miRNA on chromosome 21. C. Borel, C. Tapparel, E. T. Dermitzakis, A. Kouranov, A. G. Hatzigeorgiou, S. E. Antonarakis 16.30 - 17.00 Concurrent Session C7 - Complex Genetics II Chair: C. van Duijn C37. Whole Genome Genotyping (WGG) on High Density DNA BeadArrays. K. L. Gunderson, F. J. Steemers, K. Kuhn, G. Lee, H. Ren, L. Zhou, P. Ng, C. King, C. Tsan, W. Chang, D. Bullis, J. Musmacker, M. S. Chee, D. Barker, A. Oliphant, R. Shen *C38. Disentangling linkage disequilibrium and linkage from dense trio SNP data G. M. Clarke, L. R. Cardon* *C39. A 2-locus TDT for testing gene-gene interaction: Application to the study of HLA-DRB1 and CTLA4 in Multiple Sclerosis S. Kotti, M. Bourgey, H. Mohamdi, E. Génin, F. Clerget-Darpoux* C40. Multivariate linkage analysis of specific language impairment E. J. Banfield, The SLI Consortium *C41. Chromosome 6p22 risk haplotype for dyslexia is associated with a reduced expression of KIAA0319 gene S. Paracchini, R. Wade-Martins, B. J. Keating, T. Caffrey, C. Francks, J. C. Knight, A. P. Monaco* C42. The molecular basis of autoimmunity: using celiac disease as a model to unravel common pathogenic pathways using a functional genomics approach C. Wijmenga, A. Monsuur, E. van Oort, M. Bevova, L. Franke, A. Zhernakova, B. Diosdado, M. Wapenaar Coffee / Poster Viewing / Exhibiton Concurrent Session C8 - Clinical Genetics II Chair: H. Kääriäinen C43. Interstitial deletion of chromosome 9q22.32-q22.33: a novel cause of syndromic overgrowth R. Redon, G. Baujat, D. Sanlaville, M. Le Merrer, M. Vekemans, N. P. Carter, A. Munnich, L. Colleaux, V. Cormier-Daire C44. Pulmonary function abnormalities in children with osteogenesis imperfecta correlate with OI type and location of collagen mutation. A. Flor-Cisneros, H. Chaney, J. Vojtova, J. C. Marini C45. Brain malformations in oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome (OCCS) U. Moog, M. C. Jones, L. Bird, W. B. Dobyns C46. Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type Ia : clinical expression in 19 patients older than 12 years D. Héron, J. Albuisson, V. Cormier- Daire, V. Drouin, C. Leanerts, J. Marchais, C. de Barace, P. Khau Van Kien, M. Mayer, G. Ponsot, J. Saudubray, H. Ogier, A. Brice, N. Seta *C47. Congenital myopathy and brain migration defects with cutis laxa and a combined defect of glycan biosynthesis S. Wopereis, H. ter Laak, M. Willemsen, R. Wevers, S. Gruenewald, E. Morava* *C48. Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in Dutch families E. M. Leter, K. Koopmans, J. J. P. Gille, E. H. Jaspars, E. F. L. David, E. A. J. M. de Jong, P. E. Postmus, M. E. Craanen, R. A. Manoliu, T. M. Starink, F. H. Menko* 15 Concurrent Session C9 - Genetic counselling and genetic services Chair: P. Gasparini *C49. Ethics and Genetics: An Islamic Perspective A. I. Al-Aqeel* C50. Towards cultural competence in cancer genetic counselling and genetics education: lessons learnt from Chinese-Australians. K. K. Barlow-Stewart, S. Yeo, M. Eisenbruch, B. Meiser, D. Goldstein, K. Tucker C51. Psychosocial impact of genetic counseling and testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes. V. Franková, M. Havlovicová, V. Krutílková, A. Puchmajerová, M. Korán, P. Goetz C52. Genotype-based screening for hereditary haemochromatosis in Germany M. Stuhrmann, C. Strassburg, I. Nippert, J. Schmidtke *C53. Athlete’s heart or hypertrophic cardiomyopathies M. Tagliani, M. Pasotti, C. Lucchelli, E. Porcu, E. Disabella, N. A. Marsan, A. Repetto, C. Campana, G. Magrini, F. Gambarin, M. Grasso, L. Tavazzi, E. Arbustini* C54. Genetics education and general practice: impact of an intervention S. A. Metcalfe, A. Flouris, M. Aitken, J. Wallace, C. Gaff

ESHG Scientific Pogramme - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 Monday, May 9, 2005 Time Congress Hall Meeting Hall I Panorama Hall 17.00 - 18.30 Symposium S4 Cancer mechanisms Chair: P. Lichter, P. Goetz 17.00 S10. Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in Early Carcinogenesis T. D. Tlsty 17.30 S11. Cell Cycle Control: How to Preserve Genome Integrity during Cell Division? E. A. Nigg 18.00 S12. Functional genomics of the Wnt signaling pathway in tumorigenesis J. Behrens Symposium S5 Neurogenetics Chair: S. Lyonnet, G. Rappold S13. VEGF in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis P. Carmeliet S14. Leukoencephalopathies: from MRI pattern to basic defect M. van der Knaap S15. BDNF Signaling in Anorexia and Bulimia X. Estivill, M. Ribases, J. M. Mercader, H. Howard, B. Puchau, F. Fernandez-Aranda, M. Gratacos 20.00 Congress Party at U Fleků Brewery Symposium S6 New molecular techniques Chair: A. Metspalu, L. Kadasi S16. Digital karyotyping M. R. Speicher Usage of Affymetrix GeneChip® Mapping arrays in Genotyping 16 S17. Canceromics: Molecular, cellular and clinical biochip technologies for cancer genetics O. Kallioniemi S18. Single-molecule detection in situ using padlock and proximity probes U. D. Landegren, M. Nilsson, J. Banér, F. Dahl, O. Ericsson, S. Fredriksson, M. Gullberg, S. Gustafsdottir, J. Göransson, J. Jarvius, M. Jarvius, H. Johansson, M. Kamali, C. Larsson, J. Melin, E. Schallmeiner, L. Spångberg, J. Stenberg, O. Söderberg Come and join us to hear from 3 key DNA opinion leaders We will be serving lunch during the seminar, so come along, have a bite to eat, network and listen to the latest developments in the Genotyping field Chair Marcus Hausch DNA Marketing Manager, Affymetrix UK Ltd Speakers Jukka Salonen - OY Jurilab Ltd “Diagnostic marker and gene discovery in founder population by LD mapping” John Todd - Addenbrookes Hospital “Genome-wide SNP association studies” Manoj Raghavan - Cancer Research UK, Queen Mary University of London “10K SNP array analysis of acute myeloid leukaemia shows frequent acquired uniparental disomy” Sunday 8th May 13:00 - 14:30 Club H 1st floor Space is limited, so please be prompt !

ESHG Scientific Pogramme - Monday, June 14, 2004<br />

Monday, May 9, <strong>2005</strong><br />

Time Congress Hall Meeting Hall I Panorama Hall Meeting Hall IV<br />

15.00<br />

-<br />

16.30<br />

Concurrent Session C6 -<br />

Genomics and bioinformatics<br />

Chair: K.-H. Grzeschik<br />

15.00 C31. Detection <strong>of</strong> large-scale copy<br />

number polymorphisms in the human<br />

genome<br />

C. Lee, A. J. Iafrate, L. Feuk, M. N.<br />

Rivera, Y. Qi, S. W. Scherer, M. L.<br />

Listewnik<br />

15.15 C32. Identification <strong>of</strong> submicroscopic<br />

DNA alterations in mental<br />

retardation using whole genome<br />

tiling-resolution arrayCGH<br />

B. B. A. De Vries, R. Pfundt, M.<br />

Leisink, D. A. Koolen, L. E. L. M.<br />

Vissers, N. De Leeuw, D. Smeets,<br />

E. Sistermans, A. Geurts van<br />

Kessel, E. F. P. M. Schoenmakers,<br />

H. G. Brunner, J. A. Veltman<br />

15.30 C33. Interchromosomal segmental<br />

duplications <strong>of</strong> the pericentromeric<br />

region on the human Y chromosome<br />

S. Kirsch, B. Weiß, T. L. Miner,<br />

R. H. Waterston, R. A. Clark, E. E.<br />

Eichler, C. Münch, W. Schempp,<br />

G. Rappold<br />

15.45 C34. Natural antisense transcripts<br />

(NATs) associated with genes<br />

involved in eye development<br />

S. Banfi, G. Alfano, C. Vitiello,<br />

T. Caramico, A. Carola, C.<br />

Caccioppoli, M. Szego, R. R.<br />

McInnes, A. Auricchio<br />

16.00 C35. Dissection <strong>of</strong> gene regulatory<br />

networks in liver cells using<br />

chromatin immunoprecipitation and<br />

high resolution genomic arrays <strong>of</strong><br />

the ENCODE regions.<br />

C. Wadelius, A. Rada Iglesias, O.<br />

Wallerman, C. Koch, G. Clelland,<br />

K. Wester, S. Wilcox, O. M. Dovey,<br />

P. D. Ellis, V. L. Wraight, K. James,<br />

R. Andrews, J. Komorowski, C.<br />

Langford, N. Carter, D. Vetrie, F.<br />

Pontén, I. Dunham<br />

16.15 C36. Identification <strong>of</strong> miRNA on<br />

chromosome 21.<br />

C. Borel, C. Tapparel, E. T.<br />

Dermitzakis, A. Kouranov, A. G.<br />

Hatzigeorgiou, S. E. Antonarakis<br />

16.30<br />

-<br />

17.00<br />

Concurrent Session C7 -<br />

Complex <strong>Genetics</strong> II<br />

Chair: C. van Duijn<br />

C37. Whole Genome Genotyping<br />

(WGG) on High Density DNA<br />

BeadArrays.<br />

K. L. Gunderson, F. J. Steemers,<br />

K. Kuhn, G. Lee, H. Ren, L. Zhou,<br />

P. Ng, C. King, C. Tsan, W. Chang,<br />

D. Bullis, J. Musmacker, M. S.<br />

Chee, D. Barker, A. Oliphant, R.<br />

Shen<br />

*C38. Disentangling linkage disequilibrium<br />

and linkage from dense<br />

trio SNP data<br />

G. M. Clarke, L. R. Cardon*<br />

*C39. A 2-locus TDT for testing<br />

gene-gene interaction: Application<br />

to the study <strong>of</strong> HLA-DRB1 and<br />

CTLA4 in Multiple Sclerosis<br />

S. Kotti, M. Bourgey, H. Mohamdi,<br />

E. Génin, F. Clerget-Darpoux*<br />

C40. Multivariate linkage analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> specific language impairment<br />

E. J. Banfield, The SLI<br />

Consortium<br />

*C41. Chromosome 6p22 risk<br />

haplotype for dyslexia is associated<br />

with a reduced expression <strong>of</strong><br />

KIAA0319 gene<br />

S. Paracchini, R. Wade-Martins,<br />

B. J. Keating, T. Caffrey, C.<br />

Francks, J. C. Knight, A. P.<br />

Monaco*<br />

C42. The molecular basis <strong>of</strong> autoimmunity:<br />

using celiac disease as<br />

a model to unravel common pathogenic<br />

pathways using a functional<br />

genomics approach<br />

C. Wijmenga, A. Monsuur, E.<br />

van Oort, M. Bevova, L. Franke,<br />

A. Zhernakova, B. Diosdado, M.<br />

Wapenaar<br />

C<strong>of</strong>fee / Poster Viewing / Exhibiton<br />

Concurrent Session C8 - Clinical<br />

<strong>Genetics</strong> II<br />

Chair: H. Kääriäinen<br />

C43. Interstitial deletion <strong>of</strong> chromosome<br />

9q22.32-q22.33: a novel<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> syndromic overgrowth<br />

R. Redon, G. Baujat, D. Sanlaville,<br />

M. Le Merrer, M. Vekemans, N. P.<br />

Carter, A. Munnich, L. Colleaux, V.<br />

Cormier-Daire<br />

C44. Pulmonary function abnormalities<br />

in children with osteogenesis<br />

imperfecta correlate with OI type<br />

and location <strong>of</strong> collagen mutation.<br />

A. Flor-Cisneros, H. Chaney, J.<br />

Vojtova, J. C. Marini<br />

C45. Brain malformations in<br />

oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome<br />

(OCCS)<br />

U. Moog, M. C. Jones, L. Bird, W.<br />

B. Dobyns<br />

C46. Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein<br />

syndrome type Ia : clinical<br />

expression in 19 patients older<br />

than 12 years<br />

D. Héron, J. Albuisson, V. Cormier-<br />

Daire, V. Drouin, C. Leanerts, J.<br />

Marchais, C. de Barace, P. Khau<br />

Van Kien, M. Mayer, G. Ponsot,<br />

J. Saudubray, H. Ogier, A. Brice,<br />

N. Seta<br />

*C47. Congenital myopathy and<br />

brain migration defects with cutis<br />

laxa and a combined defect <strong>of</strong><br />

glycan biosynthesis<br />

S. Wopereis, H. ter Laak,<br />

M. Willemsen, R. Wevers, S.<br />

Gruenewald, E. Morava*<br />

*C48. Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in<br />

Dutch families<br />

E. M. Leter, K. Koopmans, J. J. P.<br />

Gille, E. H. Jaspars, E. F. L. David,<br />

E. A. J. M. de Jong, P. E. Postmus,<br />

M. E. Craanen, R. A. Manoliu, T. M.<br />

Starink, F. H. Menko*<br />

15<br />

Concurrent Session C9 - Genetic<br />

counselling and genetic services<br />

Chair: P. Gasparini<br />

*C49. Ethics and <strong>Genetics</strong>: An<br />

Islamic Perspective<br />

A. I. Al-Aqeel*<br />

C50. Towards cultural competence<br />

in cancer genetic counselling and<br />

genetics education: lessons learnt<br />

from Chinese-Australians.<br />

K. K. Barlow-Stewart, S. Yeo,<br />

M. Eisenbruch, B. Meiser, D.<br />

Goldstein, K. Tucker<br />

C51. Psychosocial impact <strong>of</strong> genetic<br />

counseling and testing for breast<br />

and ovarian cancer susceptibility<br />

genes.<br />

V. Franková, M. Havlovicová, V.<br />

Krutílková, A. Puchmajerová, M.<br />

Korán, P. Goetz<br />

C52. Genotype-based screening<br />

for hereditary haemochromatosis<br />

in Germany<br />

M. Stuhrmann, C. Strassburg, I.<br />

Nippert, J. Schmidtke<br />

*C53. Athlete’s heart or hypertrophic<br />

cardiomyopathies<br />

M. Tagliani, M. Pasotti, C.<br />

Lucchelli, E. Porcu, E. Disabella,<br />

N. A. Marsan, A. Repetto, C.<br />

Campana, G. Magrini, F. Gambarin,<br />

M. Grasso, L. Tavazzi, E. Arbustini*<br />

C54. <strong>Genetics</strong> education and<br />

general practice: impact <strong>of</strong> an<br />

intervention<br />

S. A. Metcalfe, A. Flouris, M.<br />

Aitken, J. Wallace, C. Gaff

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