Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije


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Subotica, 30. novembar - 4. decembar 2004.<br />


S. Jovanoviæ, Ruica Trailoviæ i Mila Saviæ<br />

Katedra za stoèarstvo i genetiku, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd<br />

Uprkos velike raznovrsnosti ivotinjskog sveta samo èetrdesetak vrsta je domesticirano i<br />

gaji se u cilju zadovoljenja potreba razlièitih potreba èoveka. Domesticirani animalni<br />

biodiverzitet predstavlja spektar genetièke raznovrsnosti, koji ukljuèuje preko 6000<br />

razlièitih rasa od kojih svaka ima posebne karakteristike i namenu. Zbog intenzifikacije<br />

stoèarske proizvodnje tokom poslednjih vekova su selekcionirane specijalizovane, visokoproduktivne<br />

rase, koje potiskuju manje selekcionirane autohtone rase, tako da je samo<br />

u poslednjih 50 godina preko 65% rasa u svetu postalo ugroeno, a mnoge su išèezle.<br />

Autohtone rase domaæih ivotinja, nastale u toku dugotrajnog procesa evolucije, dobro<br />

prilagoðene datim uslovima gajenja, mogu u buduænosti predstavljati vaan izvor varijabilnosti<br />

za poboljšanje otpornosti visokoproduktivnih rasa. Zbog toga je u okviru prouèavanja<br />

i zaštite globalnog biodiverziteta, koje koordinira FAO i UNEP, ukljuèeno i<br />

prouèavanje i zaštita animalnih genetskih resursa gajenih vrsta ivotinja, koji mogu biti<br />

znaèajni u obnavljanju domesticiranog genofonda. Kljuèni element strategije oèuvanja<br />

animalnih resursa predstavlja genetièka karakterizacija rasa u cilju dobijanja kompletne slike<br />

genetièke varijabilnosti unutar svake vrste domaæih ivotinja. Opšte prihvaæeno mišljenje je<br />

da se merenjem genetske distance obezbeðuju trenutno najbolje informacije, koje omoguæavaju<br />

rangiranje rasa u okviru vrste. Zahvaljujuæi brzom razvoju tehnike za mapiranje i<br />

izolaciju gena, upotreba animalnih genetskih resursa u buduænosti æe biti zasnovana na<br />

identifikaciji gena koji su u vezi sa specifiènim fenotipskim karakteristikama.<br />


Although, the degree of diversity of animal species is extensive, only around 40 species<br />

had been domesticated and used to fullfill different human needs. Domesticated animal<br />

biodiversity represents a broad spectrum of genetic differences distributed among over<br />

6000 breeds of domesticated mamals and birds, each representing a unique set of genes.<br />

The intensification of animal production during the last centuries gave force to the selective<br />

breeding which resulted in the development of specialised, highly-producing breeds. The<br />

interest to breed less productive autochthonous breeds compared to high-producing ones is<br />

lost and the trend of erosion of genetic diversity is global. Only in last 50 years arround<br />

65% of catalogized breeds became endangered or vulnerable, and some are already extinct.<br />

Autochthonous breeds of domestic animals have resulted during long evolution directed<br />

by human demands and adaptation to the local environment, environmental changes and<br />

chalenges. Therefore they can serve as the source of variables for improvement of resistance<br />

in highly-selected breeds in unpredictable selective chalenges in future. This was<br />

the reason that introduced the evaluation and protection of the domesticated gene pool<br />

into the programme of the protection of the global biodiversitz coordinated by UNEP and<br />

FAO. The genetic characterization of the separate breeds in aim to fullfill tha data of genetic<br />

variability within each domesticated species is the key element of the conservation<br />

strategy. The wide accepted oppinion is that most comparable data can be obtained by<br />

evaluation of the genetic distance among breeds. Due to the development of the techniques<br />

for genetic mapping and isolation of the genes, one of the uses of domestic animal<br />

resources in the future would be based upon identification of the genes which are linked<br />

to favourable phenotypic character.

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