Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije


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Subotica, 30. novembar - 4. decembar 2004.<br />

Uvodno<br />

predavanje<br />


Gyula Hadlaczky<br />

Institute of Genetics, Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary<br />

In vivo konstrukcija animalnog veštaèkog hromozoma pretstavlja ponovljivu i efikasnu<br />

tehnologiju za konstrukciju stabilnog veštaèkog hromozoma baziranog na satelitskoj<br />

DNK (SATACs – Stable satelite DNA-based Artificial Chromosomes) definisanog<br />

genetièkog sadraja. SATAC tehnologija se bazira na indukciji de novo formiranja<br />

hromozoma amplifikacijom na velikoj skali, koja moe da se inicira ciljnom integracijom<br />

strane DNK u satelit/rDNK region hromozoma domaæina. Ko-amplifikacija sekvenci<br />

integracionog mesta ima kao rezultat de novo formiranje hromozomskih krakova i nove<br />

hromozome koji imaju sekvence satelitske rDNK i egzogene DNK. SATACssu<br />

heterohromatinski, ali obezbeðuju pogodnu hromozomalnu okolinu za stabilnu, trajnu<br />

ekspresiju integrisanog genetièkog materijala.<br />

SATACs mogu biti konstruisani, preèišæeni i preneseni u æeliju – primaoca ukljuèujuæi<br />

oploðenu jajnu æeliju. Transgene ivotinje su uspešno kreirane preèišæenim SATACs i<br />

utvrðena je vertikalna transmisija Zbog osnovne sliènosti elementarnih mehanizama u<br />

æelijama eukariota, SATAC tehnologija moe da se uspešno primeni kod razlièitih vrsta,<br />

ukljuèujuæi ljudske, animalne i biljne æelije za in vivo konstrukciju veštaèkog hromozoma<br />

sa odabranim sekvencama.<br />


In vivo generation of mammalian artificial chromosomes represents a reproducible and<br />

efficient technology for construction of stable satellite DNA-based artificial chromosomes<br />

(SATACs) with defined genetic content.<br />

SATAC technology is based on the induction of de novo chromosome formations via<br />

large-scale amplification, which can be initiated by targeted integration of exogenous<br />

DNA into the satellite/rDNA region of host chromosomes. Co-amplification of sequences<br />

of the integration site results in de novo formed chromosome arms and new<br />

chromosomes that composed of exogenous DNA and satellite/rDNA sequences.<br />

SATACs are heterochromatic, however, they provide a suitable chromosomal environment<br />

for stable, persisting expression of the integrated exogenous genetic material.<br />

SATACs can be engineered, purified and transferred into recipient cells including fertilized<br />

eggs. Transgenic animals have successfully been generated with purified SATACs,<br />

and the transmission of artificial chromosome through generations has been demonstrated.<br />

Because of the basic similarities of the intrinsic cellular mechanisms between<br />

eukaryotes, SATAC technology can successfully be applied in different species including<br />

human, animal, and plant cells for in vivo construction of satellite DNA based artificial<br />

chromosomes from predictable sequences.<br />

Due to the rapid development of SATAC technology, by the development of the Artificial<br />

Chromosome Expression System, the feasibility of the use of satellite DNA-based<br />

artificial chromosome has been established, in different fields of gene technology. Second<br />

generation artificial chromosomes represent a novel protein production platform<br />

both for cellular protein production and for production of therapeutic molecules in body<br />

fluids of transgenic animals; for development of transgenic animals with genetically<br />

modified (humanized) tissues and organs for xenotransplantation. Also, stable SATACs<br />

with practically unlimited carrying capacity may serve as potential vectors for animal<br />

breeding, and for human gene therapy.

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