Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije


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Subotica, 30. novembar - 4. decembar 2004.<br />


(C. avelana L.) I MEÈJE LESKE (C. colurna L.)<br />

R. Miletiæ, M. ikiæ, Nevena Mitiæ i Radomirka Nikoliæ<br />

Institut SRBIJA, Centar za poljoprivredna i tehnološka istraivanja, Zajeèar<br />

Izuèavajuæi šumsku i meèju lesku u višegodišnjem periodu od 1998 do 2003. godine, na<br />

podruèju istoène <strong>Srbije</strong> izdvojene su po osam selekcija koji se po mnogim osobinama<br />

posebno istièu. Analizirana je krupnoæa, oblik i masa ploda i jezgre kao i hemijski sastav<br />

jezgre. Izuèena je i potencijalna rodnost, odnosno proseèna zastupljenost plodova u cvasti<br />

leske. Proseèna krupnoæa plodova odabranih selekcija šumske leske je 18,0x14,7x12,6 i<br />

meèje leske 16,3x14,0x11,0 mm, a jezgre 13,3x9,1x7,6 odnosno 13,0x9,7x6,5 mm. Masa<br />

plodova šumske leske je 1,01-1,80 g i meèje leske 1,00-1,75 g, jezgre 0,30-0,79 i 0,31-0,65<br />

g. Sadraj jezgre je od 27,9 do 46,2% i od 30,7 do 40,8%. Pojava šturih plodova je<br />

minimalna i to u šumske leske u šest selekcija (0,8-3,1%), a u meèje leske u pet (1,4-5,7%).<br />

Štetoèina Balaninus nucum registrovana je samo u tri selekcije meèje leske u granicama od<br />

1,0 do 1,6%. Sadraj ulja u jezgri odabranih selekcija šumske leske je 44,6-49,9%, a u<br />

meèje leske 48,6-54,4%, sirovih proteina je 12,3-10,8 i 11,7-10,4%, a sadraj mineralnih<br />

materija 2,8-2,4 i 2,6-2,0%. U odabranim selekcijama šumske leske u cvastima se nalazi od<br />

4 do 6 ploda zajedno. Dominiraju dva (29,4%), jedan (26,7%) i tri (24,5%) plodova<br />

zajedno. Cvasti meèje leske su sa 8 do 13 plodova. Najviše je cvasti sa pet ploda (26,6%),<br />

èetiri (21,5%) i šest (20,3%) ploda zajedno.<br />

Prema veæini pokazatelja posebno se istuèu selekcije šumske leske 1, 6i3imeèje leske<br />

2,7i8.<br />



THE HAZEL-NUT TREE (C. colurna L.)<br />

Having been examined both before mentioned hazel-nut trees cv. In the period of time<br />

from 1998 to 2003 on the teritory of Eastern Serbia, there were selected eight selections,<br />

separately,that are especially distinguished by many of their characteristics.There were<br />

analyzed the coarseness, form and mass of fruit and kernel,as well as the chemical content<br />

of the kernel. The potential fruitfullness, that is the proportion of fruits in the hazel-nut<br />

inflorescence, was also being investigated. The average fruit coarseness of the<br />

chosen hazel-nut selections of the C. avelana L. is 18.0x 14.7x12.6 mm, and of the C.<br />

colurna L. it is 16.3x14.0x 11.0 mm, while of the kernel it is 13.3x9.1x 7.6 mm, that is<br />

13.9x 9.7x 6.5 mm.The fruit mass of the former´s is 1.01-1.80 g and of the latter´s<br />

1.00-1.75 g, while the kernel mass ranges from 0.30 g to 0.79 g and from 0.31 to 0.65<br />

g.The kernel content is from 27.9 to 46.2%, and from 30.7 to 40.8 %.The occurance of<br />

the shriveled fruits is minimum, appearing in 6 selections of the former´s (0.8-3.1%) ,<br />

while in 5 selections (1.4-5.7 %) of the latter´s. The pest Balaninus nucum is registered in<br />

only three selections of the C. colurna L.,ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 %. The oil content of the<br />

selected hazel-nut trees of the C .avelana L. is 44.6-49.9 %, while in the C. colurna L. it is<br />

48.6-54.4 %; the raw proteins amount is 12.3-10.8 % and 11.7-10.4 %, and the minerals<br />

matters content is 2.8-2.4 % and 2.6-2.0 %.In the chosen selections of the forest hazel-nut<br />

trees, there are 4 to 6 fruits together in a inflorescence. Two (29.4 %),one (26.7 %) and<br />

three (24.5 %) fruits together dominate. The inflorescences of the C. colurna L. are with 8<br />

to 13 fruits. There are most inflorescences with 5 fruits (26.6 %), four (21.5 %) and six<br />

(20.3 %) fruits together. According to the majority of indicators, the following selections<br />

of the C. avelana L. : 1.6 and 3, and 2.7 and 8 of the C. colurna L. are especially<br />

distiguishing ones.

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