Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije


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Subotica, 30. novembar - 4. decembar 2004.<br />


(Pisum sativum L.)<br />

V. Mihailoviæ 1 , A. Mikiæ 1 , Marija Kraljeviæ-Balaliæ 2 , S. Vasiljeviæ 1 i D. Miliæ 1<br />

1<br />

Nauèni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Zavod za krmno bilje, Novi Sad<br />

2<br />

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad<br />

Iako je grašak (Pisum sativum L.) jedna od najèešæe i najdue genetski i citogenetski<br />

prouèavanih biljnih vrsta, tek je relativno nedavno došlo do nastanka celovite slike<br />

graškovog genoma, kako u smislu kariotipa, tako i u pogledu organizacije grupa<br />

vezanosti, odnosno grupa vezanih gena (linkage groups). Grašak ima nevelik broj<br />

hromozoma (n=7), od kojih su pet akrocentrici (3, 4, 5, 6i7)idvasubmetacentrici (1 i<br />

2), ali, usled velièine biljaka i sloenosti genoma, nije mnogo omiljen u genetickoj<br />

analizi. Sa druge strane, bogat genom graška, od oko 4·10 9 bp i uz prosecni CG sadraj<br />

od 37,4 %, zajedno sa visokim stepenom samooplodnje i izraenom i lako uoèljivom<br />

morfološkom varijabilnošæu, moe da prui izuzetnu osnovu za temeljno i uspešno<br />

prouèavanje graðe genoma.<br />

Od sedam grupa vezanih gena graška, prva se vezuje za drugi, druga za šesti, treæa za<br />

peti, èetvrta za èetvrti, peta za treæi, šesta za prvi i sedma za sedmi hromozom. Ogroman<br />

doprinos razviæu genetskih mapa graška dalo je korišæenje genetskih markera, u prvom<br />

redu onih koji su zasnovani na tehnikama AFLP, RAPD, retrotranspozona ili EST.<br />

Zahvaljujuæi tome, došlo je do objedinjavanja razlièitih mapa u jedinstvenu, usaglašenu<br />

mapu vezanosti za grašak. Poslednjih godina, veliki podsticaj fundamentalnim<br />

istraivanjima daju saznanja o genomima novijih model biljaka, Medicago truncatula i<br />

Lotus japonicus, uz odreðivanje stepena sintenije izmeðu njih i ostalih mahunarki, u<br />

prvom redu graška, soèiva i nauta. Istovremeno, primena molekularnih markera postaje<br />

neprocenjiva u pronalaenju lokusa za kvantitativna svojstva (QTL), što je od<br />

izvanrednog znaèaja za efikasno oplemenjivanje.<br />


OF FODDER PEA (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

Although pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the most frequently and most extensively<br />

studied plant species, it is only relatively recently that a coherent picture of pea genome<br />

has emerged, both in terms of karyotype and the organisation of the linkage groups. Pea<br />

has only seven chromosomes, five acrocentrics (3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) and two submetacentrics<br />

(1 and 2), but is not very popular in genetic analysis, due to plant size and complex genome.<br />

However, the richness of pea genome, with about 4·10 9 bp and the average CG<br />

content of 37.4 %, together with high level of self-pollination and noticeable morphological<br />

variability, provides an excellent basis for universal study of genome architecture.<br />

Pea has seven linkage groups, the first being linked with the second chromosome, the<br />

second with the sixth, the third with the fifth, the fourth with the fourth, the fifth with the<br />

third, the sixth with the first and the seventh group linked with the seventh chromosome.<br />

Genetic markers, especially by those AFLP, RAPD, transposone or EST based, gave an<br />

immense contribution to genetic maps development and their integration into a consensus<br />

linkage map for pea. During last few years, the fundamental research in pea was<br />

given a great stimulus by knowledge on genomes of novel model plants, Medicago<br />

truncatula and Lotus japonicus, along with the determination of level of synteny among<br />

these two and other legumes, especially pea, lentil and chickpea. At the same time, the<br />

exploitation of genetic markers becomes irreplaceable in finding out QTL, gaining an extraordinary<br />

importance in efficient breeding.

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