Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije

Zbornik - Društvo genetičara Srbije


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Subotica, 30. novembar - 4. decembar 2004.<br />


OBLAÈINSKE VIŠNJE (Prunus cerasus L.)<br />

D. Nikoliæ, Vera Rakonjac, M. Milutinoviæ i Milica Fotiriæ<br />

Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd-Zemun<br />

Oblaèinska višnja predstavlja sortu populaciju koja obuhvata veliki broj formi razlièitih<br />

po bujnosti, rodnosti, vremenu sazrevanja, krupnoæi, boji i kvalitetu plodova. Pošto<br />

Oblaèinska višnja nije jedan klon (genotip) veæ smeša velikog broja klonova<br />

(genotipova) nameæe se potreba izdvajanja genetièki divergentnih formi za eksploataciju<br />

i dalji oplemenjivaèki rad. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati analize 10 selekcionisanih<br />

klonova Oblaèinske višnje. Ogled je izveden na OD «Radmilovac» Poljoprivrednog<br />

fakulteta u Beogradu. Tokom trogodišnjeg perioda istraivanja analizirane su sledeæe<br />

osobine: vreme sazrevanja, prinos, masa ploda, masa koštice, randman, duina peteljke<br />

ploda, sadraj rastvorljivih suvih materija, sadraj ukupnih kiselina, sadraj ukupnih<br />

šeæera i sadraj invertnih šeæera. Genetièka divergentnost izmeðu prouèavanih klonova<br />

ustanovljena je primenom hijerarhijske klaster analize. Korišæen je UPGA metod, pri<br />

èemu je razlika izmeðu grupa izraena preko Euklideanovog rastojanja. Na dobijenom<br />

dendrogramu izdvojeno je èetiri grupe srodnih klonova. Razdvajanje klonova u grupe<br />

bilo je prvenstveno u funkciji njihovog prinosa, mada su uticaj na razdvajanje imale i<br />

ostale prouèavane osobine.<br />


CHERRY CLONES (Prunus cerasus L.)<br />

Oblaèinska sour cherry represents the population of a cultivar encompassing a great number<br />

of forms different on vigor, yielding, ripening time, size, color and quality of fruits.<br />

The need arises to separate the genetically divergent forms for further exploitation and<br />

breeding considering the fact that Oblaèinska sour cherry is actually a mixture of a great<br />

number of clones (genotypes). The results of the analysis of 10 selected clones of<br />

Oblaèinska sour cherry are given in this paper. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental<br />

Station «Radmilovac» of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade. A three-year<br />

trial was carried out in order to test the following properties: ripening time, yield, fruit<br />

weight, stone weight, randman, stalk fruit length, soluble solid content, total acid content,<br />

total sugar content and invert sugar content. The genetic divergence between the analyzed<br />

clones was determined using the hierarchical cluster analysis. The UPGA method<br />

was used and the Euclidean distance in order to determine the difference between the<br />

groups. Four similar clone groups were obtained on the dendogram. The objective of<br />

clone differentiation was primarily yield, although other properties were taken into account<br />

as well.

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