1 - ESDS

1 - ESDS 1 - ESDS


Questionnaire Ref Coding Sheet No of Question No Reference Boxes/ Coding Instructions/Remarks Characters (b) If more than one establishment is indicated and the establishments are in separate divisions, then code the establishment that the informant works in. cODER CODER 2 Enter coder’s personal identification number. 43 {

Housahold Schedule Front Page GrLd Front page HOf H Identiflar Household Numb-r Pmrson No Sex Column Aga Column Codang Shmat Raf armncm Person 1-21 H/H ID H/H No PERS FU sex Age RECORD 2 No of a0x9s/ Characters 5 2 2 1 2 2 Codxng Instructions/Ramarks This saction must ba completed for & ~nd~vldual Ln housahold. _ all LnfOrmat~on before coding. Ensura that they are m relatlonsh~p and age ordar. -9 00001 -4999s Entar housahold ~dant Lf ~cat aon number Valu es 01-0s Entar household numb-r Using laadmg zero. Values 01-u Entar parson nun!bar Valuea 1-7 Each household should be d~v~dmd up Lnto smparata fsdly un>ts. Record tha fsmily unit the Lndivldual belongs to. ~ that mtarvL*wmr has d~v~dad up houmehold corractly before start Lng to code. Footer chaldrmn form a ●mparatm fanuly un~t. - interviawara instructions for fsmly un>t daf inLtionm. Values -- Oz Male ....................01 Female .............. ...02 -s -3-92 Enter aga of ~rson If a ch>ld LS lass than 1 yaar old code 01 44

Questionnaire Ref Coding Sheet No of<br />

Question No Reference Boxes/ Coding Instructions/Remarks<br />

Characters<br />

(b) If more than one<br />

establishment is<br />

indicated and the<br />

establishments are in<br />

separate divisions,<br />

then code the<br />

establishment that the<br />

informant works in.<br />

cODER CODER 2 Enter coder’s personal<br />

identification number.<br />

43<br />


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