1 - ESDS

1 - ESDS 1 - ESDS


Questionnaire Ref Coding sheet No of Question No Reference Boxesf Coding Instructions/Remarks Characters Q16(B) I 1 1 I Q16B Soc Q16(B) Q16B SOCR I I I /- I 3 I Values -3-999 code the 3 figure number 9iven in the SOC Manual 2 Values -3-09 Recode of SOC Recode the three digit value for SOC as follows 100-199 ...... ...... .......01 (Managers and Administrators ) 200-299 ...................02 (Professional Occupations) 300-399 ..... ...............03 (Associate Professional .6 Technical Occupations ) 400-499 ...................04 (Clerical & Secretarial occupations) SOO-599 ...................0s (craft & Related Occupations) 600-699 ...................06 (Personal & Protective Service occupations ) 700-799 ...... .............07 (Sales occupations) 800-B99 ...... .............08 (Plant & Machine Operatives) 900-999 ................ ...08 ‘i (Other Occupations ) -1 ........................-1 -2 ........................-2 -3 ........................-3 {

, .. ,, Quart.onnazr- Rc f Codang Sheet No of Quast~on No R-f ●rance Boxas/ Coding Instructions/Ramarks characters Q16(B) I Q16B IND I I I I I I I I I I I 2 v .- I ““e= 3 la ~ SF AgrLcultur9, forestry, f~shing ............. ... 01 Energy and water supply ~ndustrzes ......... .... 02 Extr.actLOn of mlneralm and Oras othar than fuals; IWInUf acturm of mmtal, mineral products and chamicals ............. ..03 Metal goods, ●gnearmg and vahlcle mdustrias ...04 Othar manufacturing Lndustr Laa . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Construction .......... ..06 D istrxbut ion, hotals and @< catering; rapairs ........07 Transport and cOntnun~catLOn ............08 Banking, financa, insurance busumss, sarvices and learning ... ..............09 Othar aesv~cee ...........10 Insufflci*nt information given to clarify ... ....11 I I I ‘ore‘ban0“- ‘ndus+rv code (a) If mc.rm than onm actlvlty M mant~onad and thm activates ara Ln saparata div Ls Lens but thora appear, to b= only onm ●stabl~sbmant, code the m~Ln aCtLVLtY Of the ●ntabllshMent. 42

, .. ,,<br />

Quart.onnazr- Rc f Codang Sheet No of<br />

Quast~on No R-f ●rance Boxas/ Coding Instructions/Ramarks<br />

characters<br />

Q16(B)<br />

I<br />

Q16B IND<br />

I I I<br />

I I I<br />

I I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2<br />

v<br />

.-<br />

I ““e= 3 la<br />

~<br />

SF<br />

AgrLcultur9, forestry,<br />

f~shing ............. ... 01<br />

Energy and water supply<br />

~ndustrzes ......... .... 02<br />

Extr.actLOn of mlneralm<br />

and Oras othar than fuals;<br />

IWInUf acturm of mmtal,<br />

mineral products and<br />

chamicals ............. ..03<br />

Metal goods, ●gnearmg<br />

and vahlcle mdustrias ...04<br />

Othar manufacturing<br />

Lndustr Laa . . . . . . . . . . . . 05<br />

Construction .......... ..06<br />

D istrxbut ion, hotals and @<<br />

catering; rapairs ........07<br />

Transport and<br />

cOntnun~catLOn ............08<br />

Banking, financa, insurance<br />

busumss, sarvices and<br />

learning ... ..............09<br />

Othar aesv~cee ...........10<br />

Insufflci*nt information<br />

given to clarify ... ....11<br />

I I I ‘ore‘ban0“- ‘ndus+rv<br />

code<br />

(a) If mc.rm than onm<br />

actlvlty M mant~onad<br />

and thm activates ara<br />

Ln saparata div Ls Lens<br />

but thora appear, to<br />

b= only onm<br />

●stabl~sbmant, code<br />

the m~Ln aCtLVLtY Of<br />

the ●ntabllshMent.<br />


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