1 - ESDS

1 - ESDS 1 - ESDS


— Quastlonnaare R= f Qumst~on No Housahold schedule Front page H/H Identlflcatior number Household number DMtrlct Council Elactoral Ward Rate Poundage Housmhold Ident ~ty ID No H/H No DC R Poundaga HOUSEHOLD SECT ION No of aOx*s/ Characters 5 2 2 2 3 4 Cadang Instructions/Remarks This Smction - always be completed. RIIy problems should be quar~ed with F=eld Section vza your suprv~sor. Values 0000 1-49999 5 d~g>ts ramembar leading zeros. Valu. s 01-o!l Enter household numb-r uszng leading zero. valu*8 01-26 Th~s should always be complatad by mtarv~ewers. If m any doubt re for to auparvisor. ~s 01-52 Th~s should alwaya be complatad by intcrviewar. If m any doubt plaass r* far to supervisor. ~ ool-99~ Th~s should always b= complated by intarviawers. Howavar if the ratmabla Vah19 ap~u, tO be V9ry mmal 1 or ~ntorviewer has LndiCatid some doubt - rmfar to supnisor. valuem 2nu4-2scl :hack date of mtarvhw as rat● pxndaga changas ●vary 4pril. R. far to approprxatm :oding frama and mmert :OrreCt ~ ratm ?oundagm for that District :ouncil. 11 y:,.

Quastaonnaara Ref Quast~On No Rate Poundage (cont~nued ) Codug Sh=et I No of Rmf ●mncm s0x9s/ Charact_ra I Codang Instructions/Ramarks Tha column on paga 1 gives tha rata poundages from 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992 Grid/ Front Pago Housahold This Scctlon must always b- completmd. Check al 1 Lnf Ornmt Km from Grid be fore entering any values. Intervlewar’s Authority Numhr Inter No Staxt Lng date of wkjyeaz mtarvlew Finishing data of ~nt ●rv LOW Total no of H/H9 at addres a Total no of parsons Ln H/H Total No of adults (16+) in H/H Total no of personm ~ntarviewed I wk~ Y*U HHs 2 PERS 2 AOOLTS 2 HUNBER 2 3 4 4 =1 ues 001-99~ Insart Lntorviawar’ s author Lty numk.ar. Entar w--k from coding fraou on paga 2. Year = 91/92 . Ent9r waak from coding frame on pagm 2. Year = 91/92. values .- 5 Enter total numimr of houaeholda ●t addrasa . ~ . . Entmr total number of paopla in household. [NE should corraqond to highoat valua of parson numb-r (include chLldran) .] yQAOs .- Entar total numb-r of people 16+ in hous-hold. ~ues = oo-~ Enter total number of adults (16+) who co-o~rat.d •~ther fully or partially. [NE Do not ~nc luda non-contacts or indiv~duala for whom proxy schadulea ware complatad. ] 12

Quastaonnaara Ref<br />

Quast~On No<br />

Rate Poundage<br />

(cont~nued )<br />

Codug Sh=et I No of<br />

Rmf ●mncm<br />

s0x9s/<br />

Charact_ra<br />

I<br />

Codang Instructions/Ramarks<br />

Tha column on paga 1<br />

gives tha rata poundages from<br />

1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992<br />

Grid/ Front Pago Housahold This Scctlon must always<br />

b- completmd. Check al 1<br />

Lnf Ornmt Km from Grid be fore<br />

entering any values.<br />

Intervlewar’s<br />

Authority Numhr<br />

Inter No<br />

Staxt Lng date of wkjyeaz<br />

mtarvlew<br />

Finishing data of<br />

~nt ●rv LOW<br />

Total no of H/H9<br />

at addres a<br />

Total no of<br />

parsons Ln H/H<br />

Total No of adults<br />

(16+) in H/H<br />

Total no of<br />

personm<br />

~ntarviewed<br />

I<br />

wk~ Y*U<br />

HHs 2<br />

PERS 2<br />

AOOLTS 2<br />

HUNBER 2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

=1 ues 001-99~<br />

Insart Lntorviawar’ s<br />

author Lty numk.ar.<br />

Entar w--k from coding<br />

fraou on paga 2. Year =<br />

91/92 .<br />

Ent9r waak from coding frame<br />

on pagm 2. Year = 91/92.<br />

values .- 5<br />

Enter total numimr of<br />

houaeholda ●t addrasa .<br />

~ . .<br />

Entmr total number of paopla<br />

in household. [NE should<br />

corraqond to highoat valua<br />

of parson numb-r (include<br />

chLldran) .]<br />

yQAOs .-<br />

Entar total numb-r of people<br />

16+ in hous-hold.<br />

~ues = oo-~<br />

Enter total number of adults<br />

(16+) who co-o~rat.d •~ther<br />

fully or partially. [NE Do<br />

not ~nc luda non-contacts or<br />

indiv~duala for whom proxy<br />

schadulea ware complatad. ]<br />


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