1 - ESDS

1 - ESDS 1 - ESDS


_— Employment Status ~ EHp —. Q1O(C) .— Undw s / 0009-00 I I I l— WINTER 2 _.. — 2 Values -3-8 Code emplo~en t status of each person. See explanatory notes overleaf Vorklng full-clme .... ....1 Vorkmg part-time ...... . .2 Unemployed ......... ......3 At schoO1/cOllege .........4 (- Reured .-...........-.....5 Keeping house ............-6 Government scheme .... ...+~ Other economically Inactive ........... . ..= > Values -3-U Coda ❑un or only ❑athod of heat ing Ln ~ Cantral heating. ....... ..01 open fira .......... ......02 closcd fira ........ .. ...03 range .............. ......04 ●lactric firelfan haatmr .05 dmplax radimtors .. ......06 paraffin heatar .... ......07 suparmar type gas heater .08 otha gas fua ...........09 dLStriCt heating systeLu .10 othar spcLf y (raf=r all c.ssae to supermsor) .....11 .— . 9 .—

Alcoholznm .... .........01 Allergiaa/Phob~am ...... 02 Appendacit~s .............03 Arthr~tia/Lumbago/ P.h*umati.am .... .. ... .04 Asthma ................. .0S Back tzoublms and asaociatad illness-s. . ..06 Blood diaordmrs ganeral / v9rtig0 . ............. .07 Blood prmssura .... ...08 aonas (broksn ) ..........09 bronchitis ...............10 Cancer (undafinad) .......11 Chart problans (undaf had ) .............12 Colds/flu ......... ......13 Circulation (bad) ........14 D*pr*9si0n/n*rvas ..... 15 Diabmtmm ... ........ ....16 Olmsblmd physically . . . . 17 Epilapmy ........... .....la GallMaddar troubln ......19 Ganmtic LllnGss/ abnocmalitics ...........20 Glandular troub19 ........21 Gynaacological problams ..22 Haenorrhoids .............23 Hmdachms/migra~ne .. ....24 Hmaring problems .........25 N8art /stroka/CNO [Lnc rhaumatic favar) ........26 Harnaa .... . ............27 111 health ganmral .......2S Infactlons ganaral (not col,ds/flu) ......... ....29 Kidnmy problems ..........30 Llvcr complafita .........31 Lhbtroubla .............32 nultip19 sclarosis .......33 hSCUhS dystrophy ......34 Neurological illnasaam (by Psrklnaons oisaasa) ..35 Oldagw ..................36 wsp~ratory probloms (other than bronchitis) ..37 Sight problmno ...........3E Skin problam ............39 Spa*ch lm~dknt ........40 Stmach problamm/dlgmativm tract ., ..................4l Thyro~d gland ............42 Ulc*rm (Lntmrnal ) ........43 Ulc*rati0n9/abcm maa8 (axtarnal) ..............44 Vsrica.e “mind ...........45 Other ....................46 Try to fLt into tha abova catqorias bdorm rafarrlng to cuparvisor

Alcoholznm .... .........01<br />

Allergiaa/Phob~am ...... 02<br />

Appendacit~s .............03<br />

Arthr~tia/Lumbago/<br />

P.h*umati.am .... .. ... .04<br />

Asthma ................. .0S<br />

Back tzoublms and<br />

asaociatad illness-s. . ..06<br />

Blood diaordmrs ganeral /<br />

v9rtig0 . ............. .07<br />

Blood prmssura .... ...08<br />

aonas (broksn ) ..........09<br />

bronchitis ...............10<br />

Cancer (undafinad) .......11<br />

Chart problans<br />

(undaf had ) .............12<br />

Colds/flu ......... ......13<br />

Circulation (bad) ........14<br />

D*pr*9si0n/n*rvas ..... 15<br />

Diabmtmm ... ........ ....16<br />

Olmsblmd physically . . . . 17<br />

Epilapmy ........... .....la<br />

GallMaddar troubln ......19<br />

Ganmtic LllnGss/<br />

abnocmalitics ...........20<br />

Glandular troub19 ........21<br />

Gynaacological problams ..22<br />

Haenorrhoids .............23<br />

Hmdachms/migra~ne .. ....24<br />

Hmaring problems .........25<br />

N8art /stroka/CNO [Lnc<br />

rhaumatic favar) ........26<br />

Harnaa .... . ............27<br />

111 health ganmral .......2S<br />

Infactlons ganaral (not<br />

col,ds/flu) ......... ....29<br />

Kidnmy problems ..........30<br />

Llvcr complafita .........31<br />

Lhbtroubla .............32<br />

nultip19 sclarosis .......33<br />

hSCUhS dystrophy ......34<br />

Neurological illnasaam<br />

(by Psrklnaons oisaasa) ..35<br />

Oldagw ..................36<br />

wsp~ratory probloms<br />

(other than bronchitis) ..37<br />

Sight problmno ...........3E<br />

Skin problam ............39<br />

Spa*ch lm~dknt ........40<br />

Stmach problamm/dlgmativm<br />

tract ., ..................4l<br />

Thyro~d gland ............42<br />

Ulc*rm (Lntmrnal ) ........43<br />

Ulc*rati0n9/abcm maa8<br />

(axtarnal) ..............44<br />

Vsrica.e “mind ...........45<br />

Other ....................46<br />

Try to fLt into tha abova<br />

catqorias bdorm rafarrlng<br />

to cuparvisor

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