1 - ESDS

1 - ESDS 1 - ESDS


Questionnaire Ref Coding Sheet No of Question No Reference Boxes/ Coding Instructions /Remarks Characters Q23 Q23 2 Values -3-02 Are You pregnant now? Q24 Q24 2 Values -3-05 ( Yes ......................01 NO, or unsure ............02 Think you will have any more children? Code as Q15. Q25 Q25 2 Values -3-r3~ on the whole, do you think you will have more children? Code as Q16 Q26 Q26 NO 2 Values -3-2o How many children in all? Enter number. Q27 Q27 AGE 2 Values -3-613 Age at next birth. Enter age. Q28 Q28 2 Values -3-05 Think you will have any children at all. Code as Q15.

Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Ref ●r*nc* Q29 Q30 NO Q31 AGE Q32 Q33 NNS Q34 WNERE No of ... * , I Saxmj Cbaract*rs I Codxng Inetructaon8fRemarks 2 2 I I I ValUaS -3-02 On the whola, think you WL1l hava any childrmn. Code as Q16 . values -- Q How many childran in all? Enter nuamhr. 2 ~u,s -- Q 2 2 2 Aga at first birth. En’tar agc. v -- I alu*’ 302 Evsr bean star~lisad? I I Yes .....................01 No .................... ...02 v -- I ‘“’ 302 Was tha opration carrmd out under tha NNS or not? I 1 NNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...01 Othsr ...................02 v -- 1 -’30’ 0 Ld you have tha oparat Len* I as a hosp Ltal ~npatient, StayLng OVOrnLght or 10nger ...................Ol as a hospital outpatient. .02 at your/hLs doctor’ s sugary. . ...... ..........03 at a cl inlc ............ ...04 somewhara ●1s9 ........ ....05 165

Questionnaire Ref Coding Sheet No of<br />

Question No Reference Boxes/ Coding Instructions /Remarks<br />

Characters<br />

Q23 Q23 2 Values -3-02<br />

Are You pregnant now?<br />

Q24 Q24 2 Values -3-05<br />

(<br />

Yes ......................01<br />

NO, or unsure ............02<br />

Think you will have any more<br />

children?<br />

Code as Q15.<br />

Q25 Q25 2 Values -3-r3~<br />

on the whole, do you think<br />

you will have more<br />

children?<br />

Code as Q16<br />

Q26 Q26 NO 2 Values -3-2o<br />

How many children in all?<br />

Enter number.<br />

Q27 Q27 AGE 2 Values -3-613<br />

Age at next birth.<br />

Enter age.<br />

Q28 Q28 2 Values -3-05<br />

Think you will have any<br />

children at all.<br />

Code as Q15.

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