SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS

SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS


• Bestall, History of Chesterfield. ... J.M. Bestall, History of Chesterfield, i: Early and Medieval Chesterfield, Chesterfield, 1974. • Biddle, Winchester in the Early Middle Ages … M. Biddle (ed.), Winchester in the Early Middle Ages: an Edition and Discussion of the Winton Domesday, Winchester Studies i, Oxford, 1976. • Bigelow, Anglo-Norman Pleas... M. M. Bigelow Placita Anglo-Normannica: Law Cases from William I to Richard preserved in Historical Records, London, 1879 (reprinted New York, 1970). • Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum ... W. de Gray Birch (ed.) Cartularium Saxonicum, a Collection of Charters relating to Anglo-Saxon History, 4 volumes with index, London, 1885-1899 (reprinted 1964). • Bishop, 'Multiple Estates in late Anglo-Saxon Nottinghamshire'... M. W. Bishop, 'Multiple Estates in late Anglo-Saxon Nottinghamshire', Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 85 (1981) pp. 37-47 • Bishop, 'Origins of East Retford' ... M.W. Bishop, ' The Origins of East Retford', Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 82 (1978) pp. 26-28 • Björkman, Englischen Namenkunde ... E. Björkman, Zur Englischen Namenkunde, Halle, 1912. • Björkman, Nordische personennamen in England... E. Björkman, Nordische Personennamen in England in alt- und frumittel-englischer Zeit, Halle, 1910. • Black Book of the Exchequer... T. Hearne (ed.) Liber Niger Scaccarii, Oxford, 1728. • Black and Roffe, Nottinghamshire Domesday ...G. Black and D. Roffe, The Nottinghamshire Domesday, a Reader's Guide, Nottingham Museums, Nottingham, 1986. • Blair, Early Medieval Surrey… J. Blair, Early Medieval Surrey: Landholding, Church and settlement before 1300, Surrey Archaeological Society, Stroud, 1991 • Blair, 'Introduction', Oxfordshire Domesday...J. Blair, 'An Introduction to the Oxfordshire Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Oxfordshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp.1-19 • Blair, 'Introduction', Surrey Domesday ... J. Blair, 'An Introduction to the Surrey Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Surrey Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 1-17 • Blair, Minsters and Parish Churches … J. Blair (ed.) Minsters and Parish Churches: the Local Church in Transition 950-1200, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph no. 17, Oxford, 1988. • Blair, 'Secular Minster Churches'… J. Blair, 'Secular minster Churches in Domesday Book' in Sawyer (ed.), Domesday Book, a Re-Assessment, pp. 104-142. • Blakeway , 'Shrewsbury Hundred' ... J. B. Blakeway 'History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties', Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society 2nd series, 1 (1889) pp. 93-128, 311-406; 2 (1890) pp. 318-358; 3 (1891) pp. 829-362; 4 (1892) pp. 339-374; 5 (1893) pp. 363-394; 6 (1894) pp. 373-414; 8 (1896) pp. 99-174; 9 (1897) pp. 101-204. • Blyth Priory Cartulary (Timson)... R.T.Timson (ed.), The Cartulary of Blyth Priory, Royal Commision on Historical Manuscripts, Joint Publication no. 17 (= Thoroton Record Series volumes 27-28), 2 volumes (numbered continuously) London, 1973 • Boarstall Cartulary (Salter) ... H.E.Salter (ed.), The Boarstall Cartulary, Oxford, 1930. • Boldon Book (Austin)... D. Austin (ed), Domesday Book, Supplementary Volume, 35: BoldonBook: Northumberland and Durham, Chichester, 1982. • Book of Fees ... Liber Feodorum. The Book of Fees commonly called Testa de Nevill, reformed from the earliest MSS, 3 volumes (State Papers), London, 1920-1931. • Book of Llan Dâv (Evans)... J. G. Evans (ed.) The Text of the Book of Llan Dâv reproduced from the Gwysaney Manuscript, (Old Welsh Texts 4), Oxford, 1893, (reprinted Aberystwyth, 1980). • Bond, 'Barony of the Wife of Hugh Fitz Grip' ... T. Bond, 'On the Barony of the Wife of Hugh Fitz Grip', Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 14 (1893) pp. 116-118. • Bosanquet and Southern, Eadmer's History of Recent Events in England ... G. Bosanquet and R.W. Southern, Eadmer's History of Recent Events in England, London,1964; (Introduction by R.W. Southern, translation by G. Bosanquet). • Boswell, Civil Division of the County of Dorset ... E. Boswell The Civil Division of the County of Dorset, Sherborne, 1795. • Bosworth and Toller, Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ... J. Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, Oxford, 1882. Supplement by Toller (1921); Revised and Enlarged Addenda by A. Campbell (1972). • Bowcock, Shropshire Place-Names ... E.W. Bowcock, Shropshire Place-Names, Shrewsbury, 1923.

• Bowen, Large English Atlas … E. Bowen, The Large English Atlas, or a new set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales, London, 1755 • Bowen and Fowler, Early Land Allotment in the British Isles ... H. C. Bowen and P. J. Fowler (eds.) Early Land Allotment in the British Isles: a Survey of Recent Work, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 48 (Oxford, 1978) • Boyd, 'Final Concords of Staffordshire' ... W. Boyd (revised by G. Wrottesley), 'The Final Corncords or Pedes Finium of Staffordshire, 32 Elizabeth to the end of the reign of Elizabeth, A.D. 1589 to 1603, abstracted from the originals in the Public Record Office' Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 16 (1895) pp. 97-225 • Boyle, 'Edeva'... J.A. Boyle, 'Who was Edeva?', Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, 10 (1896), pp. 11-22. • Bracken, 'Obsolete Plymouth Manors' ... C. W. Bracken, 'The Obsolete Plymouth Manors of Sutton Pyll, Radcliffe and Lulyetts Fee', Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, 74 (1942) pp. 211-238. • Bradbury, 'Introduction', Buckinghamshire Domesday... J. Bradbury, 'An Introduction to the Buckinghamshire Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Buckinghamshire Domesday (London, 1988) pp.1-36 • Bradford Hundred Roll [Shropshire] ... Surveys of Bradford Hundred and Pimhill Hundred [Shropshire] (late thirteenth century); printed in Sir F. Madden, B. Bandinel and Others, Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i.(1834) pp. 111-121. • Bradshaw, Life of St Werburge ... H. Bradshaw (ed. C. Horstmann), The Life of St Werburge of Chester, Early English Text Society, 88 (1887). • Braun, Civitates Orbis Terrarum ... G. Braun, Civitates Orbis Terrarum (1572-1618). • Brenhinedd y Saesson (Jones) ...T.Jones (ed.) Brenhinedd y Saesson, Cardiff, 1971. • Breviate ... Thirteenth century summary of Domesday Book, Public Record Office manuscript E36/284. • Bridbury, Salt Trade ... A. R. Bridbury, England and the Salt Trade in the Later Middle Ages, Oxford, 1955. • Bridges, History of Northamptonshire... J. Bridges, The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, 2 volumes, Oxford, 1791. • Bridgeman, Burton Abbey Surveys ... See Burton Abbey Surveys (Bridgman). • Bridgeman, 'Five-Hide Unit in Staffordshire' ... C.G.O. Bridgeman, 'Notes on the Contents of the Volume for 1916; the Five-Hide Unit in Staffordshire', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1919, pp. 134-151. • Bridgeman, 'Staffordshire Pre-Conquest Charters' ... C.G.O. Bridgeman, 'Staffordshire Pre-Conquest Charters', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1916, pp. 67-137. • Bridgeman, 'Unidentified Domesday Vills'... C.G.O. Bridgeman, 'Some Unidenified Domesday Vills', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1923, pp. 23-44. • Bridgeman and Mander, 'Staffordshire Hidation' ... C.G.O. Bridgeman and G.P. Mander, 'The Staffordshire Hidation', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1919, pp. 154-181 • Bridgeman, Bridgeman and Bridgeman, 'History of Weston under Lizard' ... G.T.O Bridgeman, E.R.O. Bridgeman and C.G.O Bridgeman, 'History of the Manor and Parish of Weston-under Lizard, in the County of Staffordshire', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, new series, 2, (1899) pp. 1-345 • Brooke and Keir, London 800-1216… C.N.L Brooke and G. Keir, London 800-1216, London, 1972. • Brooks, 'Formation of the Mercian Kingdom' ... N. Brooks, ' The Formation of the Mercian Kingdom' in Bassett, Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, pp. 159-183 • Brooks, Gelling and Johnson 'New Charter of King Edgar' ... N. Brooks, M. Gelling and D. Johnson, 'A New Charter of King Edgar', Anglo-Saxon England, 13 (1984) pp. 137-155. • Brown, Rutland Archaeological Sites …A.E.Brown, Archaeological Sites and Finds in Rutland, Leicester, 1975. • Brown, Colvin and Taylor, History of the King's Works ... R. A. Brown, H. M. Colvin and A. J. Taylor, The History of the King's Works, ii., London, 1963 • Brown and Foote, Early English and Norse Studies ... A. Brown and P. Foote (eds.) Early English and Norse Studies presented to Hugh Smith, London, 1963. • Brownrigg, Art of Making Common Salt ... W. Brownrigg, The Art of Making Common Salt, London, 1748.

• Bestall, History <strong>of</strong> Chesterfield. ... J.M. Bestall, History <strong>of</strong> Chesterfield, i: Early and Medieval Chesterfield,<br />

Chesterfield, 1974.<br />

• Biddle, Winchester in the Early Middle Ages … M. Biddle (ed.), Winchester in the Early Middle Ages: an<br />

<strong>Edition</strong> and Discussion <strong>of</strong> the Winton <strong>Domesday</strong>, Winchester Studies i, Oxford, 1976.<br />

• Bigelow, Anglo-Norman Pleas... M. M. Bigelow Placita Anglo-Normannica: Law Cases from William I to<br />

Richard preserved in Historical Records, London, 1879 (reprinted New York, 1970).<br />

• Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum ... W. de Gray Birch (ed.) Cartularium Saxonicum, a Collection <strong>of</strong> Charters<br />

relating to Anglo-Saxon History, 4 volumes with index, London, 1885-1899 (reprinted 1964).<br />

• Bishop, 'Multiple Estates in late Anglo-Saxon Nottinghamshire'... M. W. Bishop, 'Multiple Estates in late<br />

Anglo-Saxon Nottinghamshire', Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Thoroton Society, 85 (1981) pp. 37-47<br />

• Bishop, 'Origins <strong>of</strong> East Retford' ... M.W. Bishop, ' The Origins <strong>of</strong> East Retford', Transactions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Thoroton Society, 82 (1978) pp. 26-28<br />

• Björkman, Englischen Namenkunde ... E. Björkman, Zur Englischen Namenkunde, Halle, 1912.<br />

• Björkman, Nordische personennamen in England... E. Björkman, Nordische Personennamen in England in<br />

alt- und frumittel-englischer Zeit, Halle, 1910.<br />

• Black <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Exchequer... T. Hearne (ed.) Liber Niger Scaccarii, Oxford, 1728.<br />

• Black and R<strong>of</strong>fe, Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong> ...G. Black and D. R<strong>of</strong>fe, The Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong>, a<br />

Reader's Guide, Nottingham Museums, Nottingham, 1986.<br />

• Blair, Early Medieval Surrey… J. Blair, Early Medieval Surrey: Landholding, Church and settlement before<br />

1300, Surrey Archaeological Society, Stroud, 1991<br />

• Blair, 'Introduction', Oxfordshire <strong>Domesday</strong>...J. Blair, 'An Introduction to the Oxfordshire <strong>Domesday</strong>', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Oxfordshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp.1-19<br />

• Blair, 'Introduction', Surrey <strong>Domesday</strong> ... J. Blair, 'An Introduction to the Surrey <strong>Domesday</strong>', A. Williams<br />

and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Surrey <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1989) pp. 1-17<br />

• Blair, Minsters and Parish Churches … J. Blair (ed.) Minsters and Parish Churches: the Local Church in<br />

Transition 950-1200, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph no. 17, Oxford, 1988.<br />

• Blair, 'Secular Minster Churches'… J. Blair, 'Secular minster Churches in <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>' in Sawyer (ed.),<br />

<strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>, a Re-Assessment, pp. 104-142.<br />

• Blakeway , 'Shrewsbury Hundred' ... J. B. Blakeway 'History <strong>of</strong> Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties',<br />

Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Shropshire Archaeological Society 2nd series, 1 (1889) pp. 93-128, 311-406; 2 (1890)<br />

pp. 318-358; 3 (1891) pp. 829-362; 4 (1892) pp. 339-374; 5 (1893) pp. 363-394; 6 (1894) pp. 373-414; 8<br />

(1896) pp. 99-174; 9 (1897) pp. 101-204.<br />

• Blyth Priory Cartulary (Timson)... R.T.Timson (ed.), The Cartulary <strong>of</strong> Blyth Priory, Royal Commision on<br />

Historical Manuscripts, Joint Publication no. 17 (= Thoroton Record Series volumes 27-28), 2 volumes<br />

(numbered continuously) London, 1973<br />

• Boarstall Cartulary (Salter) ... H.E.Salter (ed.), The Boarstall Cartulary, Oxford, 1930.<br />

• Boldon <strong>Book</strong> (Austin)... D. Austin (ed), <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>, Supplementary Volume, 35: Boldon<strong>Book</strong>:<br />

Northumberland and Durham, Chichester, 1982.<br />

• <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fees ... Liber Feodorum. The <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fees commonly called Testa de Nevill, reformed from the<br />

earliest MSS, 3 volumes (State Papers), London, 1920-1931.<br />

• <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> Llan Dâv (Evans)... J. G. Evans (ed.) The Text <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> Llan Dâv reproduced from the<br />

Gwysaney Manuscript, (Old Welsh Texts 4), Oxford, 1893, (reprinted Aberystwyth, 1980).<br />

• Bond, 'Barony <strong>of</strong> the Wife <strong>of</strong> Hugh Fitz Grip' ... T. Bond, 'On the Barony <strong>of</strong> the Wife <strong>of</strong> Hugh Fitz Grip',<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 14 (1893) pp. 116-118.<br />

• Bosanquet and Southern, Eadmer's History <strong>of</strong> Recent Events in England ... G. Bosanquet and R.W.<br />

Southern, Eadmer's History <strong>of</strong> Recent Events in England, London,1964; (Introduction by R.W. Southern,<br />

translation by G. Bosanquet).<br />

• Boswell, Civil Division <strong>of</strong> the County <strong>of</strong> Dorset ... E. Boswell The Civil Division <strong>of</strong> the County <strong>of</strong> Dorset,<br />

Sherborne, 1795.<br />

• Bosworth and Toller, Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ... J. Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller An Anglo-Saxon<br />

Dictionary, Oxford, 1882. Supplement by Toller (1921); Revised and Enlarged Addenda by A. Campbell<br />

(1972).<br />

• Bowcock, Shropshire Place-Names ... E.W. Bowcock, Shropshire Place-Names, Shrewsbury, 1923.

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