SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS

SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS


Taylor. 'Clerkenwell and the Religious Foundations of Jordan de Bricett' ... P. J. Taylor. 'Clerkenwell and the Religious Foundations of Jordan de Bricett: a re-examination', [Bulletin of the Institute of] Historical Research, 63 (1990) pp. 17-27 Taylor, 'Endowment of the See of London' ... Pamela Taylor, 'The endowment and military obligations of the See of London: a reassessment of three sources', Anglo-Norman Studies, 14 (1992), pp. 287-312. Taylor, 'Introduction', Little Domesday Book, Essex ... Pamela Taylor, 'Introduction', in A. Williams and G.H. Martin, Little Domesday Book, Essex, London, 2000, pp. 9-32. Taylor and Fowler, 'Roman Fields into Medieval Furlongs' ... C. Taylor and F. Fowler, 'Roman Fields into Medieval Furlongs', in Bowen and Fowler, Early Land Allotment in the British Isles, pp. 159-62 Taylor and Taylor, Anglo-Saxon Architecture ... H. M. Taylor and J. Taylor, Anglo-Saxon Architecture, Cambridge, 1965. Tengvik Old English Bynames... G. Tengvik Old English Bynames, Uppsala 1938 (Nomina Germanica 4). Textus Roffensis ... T. Hearne (ed.), Textus Roffensis, Oxford, 1720. Thomas, Gwithian …Charles Thomas: Gwithian, Redruth, 1964. Thomas, 'Settlement History in Early Cornwall'… C. Thomas, 'Settlement History in early Cornwall I: The Antiquity of the Hundreds', Cornish Archaeology, 3 (1964) pp. 70-79. Thomas, 'The Gorther' ... D. R Thomas, 'The Gorther', Montgomeryshire Collections, 38 (1918) pp. 185- 212. Thomas Walsingham, Gesta Abbatum (Riley) … in H.T. Riley (ed.), Chronica Monasterii S. Albani iv. (Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem ecclesiae Praecentore, compilata, 3 volumes, (Rolls Series, London, 28 (iv, 1-3), London, 1867, 1867, 1869),. Thompson. 'A Group of Mounds on Seasalter Level' ... M. W. Thompson, 'A Group of Mounds on Seasalter Level, near Whistable, and the Medieval Inbanking in the Area, Archaeologia Cantiana, 70 (1956) pp. 44- 67. Thompson and Maxwell, 'College of St. Mary Magdalene' ... A. Hamilton Thompson and W. G. Clark Maxwell, 'The College of St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth', Archaeological Journal ,84 (1927) pp. 1-87. Thorn, 'Marginal Notes and Signs ... C. Thorn, 'Marginal notes and signs in Domesday Book', in Williams and Erskine, Domesday Book Studies, pp. 113-135. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Bedfordshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Bedfordshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 54-64. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Berkshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The BerkshireDomesday (London, 1988) pp. 29-33. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Buckinghamshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Buckinghamshire Domesday (London, 1988) pp. 37-41. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Cambridgeshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Cambridgeshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 18-26. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Cheshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Cheshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 26-44. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Cornwall Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Cornwall Domesday (London, 1988) pp.18-25. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Derbyshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Derbyshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 28-38. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Devonshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Devonshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 26-42. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Dorset Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Dorset Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 27-44. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Gloucestershire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Gloucestershire Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 40-49. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Hampshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Hampshire Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 28-39. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Herefordshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Herefordshire Domesday (London, 1988) pp. 23-30. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Hertfordshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Hertfordshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 37-46.

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Huntingdonshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Huntingdonshire Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 24-28. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Kent Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Kent Domesday (London, 1992) pp. 50-72. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Lancashire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Lancashire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 42-54. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Leicestershire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Leicestershire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 22-30. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Middlesex and London Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Middlesex and London Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 33-39. Thorn, 'Hundreds of Northamptonshire', Northamptonshire and Rutland Domesday... F.R.Thorn, ' The Hundreds of Northamptonshire', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Northampton and Rutland Domesday (London, 1987) pp. 35-39. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Nottinghamshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Nottinghamshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 32-40. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Oxfordshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Oxfordshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 20-29. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Shropshire Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Shropshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 28-40. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Somerset Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Somerset Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 32-41. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Staffordshire Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Staffordshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 21-27. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Surrey Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Surrey Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 18-25. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Sussex Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Sussex Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 26-42. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Warwickshire Domesday ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Warwickshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 22-32. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Wiltshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Wiltshire Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 31-45. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Worcestershire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Worcestershire Domesday (London, 1988) pp. 32-37. Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Yorkshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams and G.H. Martin (eds.), The YorkshireDomesday (London, 1992) pp. 39-70. Thorn 'Manorial Affixes'… F.R.Thorn, '“Another Seaborough”, “the Other Dinnaton”: Some Manorial Affixes in Domesday Book', in Rumble and Mills, Names, Places and People, pp. 345-377. Thorn 'Wapentakes of Rutland', Northamptonshire and Rutland Domesday,... F.R.Thorn, 'The Wapentakes of Rutland', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Northamptonshire and Rutland Domesday, London, 1987, p. 39. Thorn' Wapentakes of Rutland', Nottinghamshire Domesday... F.R.Thorn, 'The Wapentakes of Rutland', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Nottinghamshire Domesday, London, 1990, pp. 40-42. Thorn, Thorn and Gullick, Scribal History of Great Domesday Book (forthcoming). Thorn and Thorn, 'The Writing of Great Domesday Book' ... Frank and Caroline Thorn, 'The Writing of Great Domesday Book', in Hallam and Bates, Domesday Book, pp.37-72, 200-203. Thorn, Thorn and Gullick, Scribal History of Great Domesday Book, (forthcoming) Thoroton, Antiquities of Nottinghamshire ... R. Thoroton, The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, London, 1677; reprinted, Wakefield, 1972. Thorpe, 'Lichfield' ... H. Thorpe, 'Lichfield: a study of its growth and function', Collections for a History of Staffordshire, (1950-51) pp. 139-211. Thurgarton Cartulary (Foulds) ... T. Foulds (ed.) TheThurgarton Cartulary, Stamford 1994. Timson, Blyth Priory Cartulary ... See Blyth Priory Cartulary (Timson). Traskey, Milton Abbey... J. P. Traskey, Milton Abbey, a Dorset Monastery in the Middle Ages, Tisbury, 1978.

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Huntingdonshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes',<br />

A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Huntingdonshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1989) pp. 24-28.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Kent <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A. Williams<br />

and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Kent <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1992) pp. 50-72.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Lancashire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Lancashire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp. 42-54.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Leicestershire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Leicestershire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 22-30.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Middlesex and London <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and<br />

Wapentakes', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Middlesex and London <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991)<br />

pp. 33-39.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds <strong>of</strong> Northamptonshire', Northamptonshire and Rutland <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, ' The<br />

Hundreds <strong>of</strong> Northamptonshire', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Northampton and Rutland<br />

<strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1987) pp. 35-39.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes',<br />

A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 32-40.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Oxfordshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Oxfordshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 20-29.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Shropshire <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Shropshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 28-40.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Somerset <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Somerset <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1989) pp. 32-41.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Staffordshire <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Staffordshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp. 21-27.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Surrey <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Surrey <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1989) pp. 18-25.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Sussex <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Sussex <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 26-42.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Warwickshire <strong>Domesday</strong> ... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Warwickshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp. 22-32.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Wiltshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Wiltshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1989) pp. 31-45.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Worcestershire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Worcestershire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1988) pp. 32-37.<br />

Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', Yorkshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'Hundreds and Wapentakes', A.<br />

Williams and G.H. Martin (eds.), The Yorkshire<strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1992) pp. 39-70.<br />

Thorn 'Manorial Affixes'… F.R.Thorn, '“Another Seaborough”, “the Other Dinnaton”: Some Manorial<br />

Affixes in <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>', in Rumble and Mills, Names, Places and People, pp. 345-377.<br />

Thorn 'Wapentakes <strong>of</strong> Rutland', Northamptonshire and Rutland <strong>Domesday</strong>,... F.R.Thorn, 'The Wapentakes<br />

<strong>of</strong> Rutland', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Northamptonshire and Rutland <strong>Domesday</strong>,<br />

London, 1987, p. 39.<br />

Thorn' Wapentakes <strong>of</strong> Rutland', Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F.R.Thorn, 'The Wapentakes <strong>of</strong> Rutland', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Nottinghamshire <strong>Domesday</strong>, London, 1990, pp. 40-42.<br />

Thorn, Thorn and Gullick, Scribal History <strong>of</strong> Great <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong> (forthcoming).<br />

Thorn and Thorn, 'The Writing <strong>of</strong> Great <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>' ... Frank and Caroline Thorn, 'The Writing <strong>of</strong><br />

Great <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>', in Hallam and Bates, <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>, pp.37-72, 200-203.<br />

Thorn, Thorn and Gullick, Scribal History <strong>of</strong> Great <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>, (forthcoming)<br />

Thoroton, Antiquities <strong>of</strong> Nottinghamshire ... R. Thoroton, The Antiquities <strong>of</strong> Nottinghamshire, London,<br />

1677; reprinted, Wakefield, 1972.<br />

Thorpe, 'Lichfield' ... H. Thorpe, 'Lichfield: a study <strong>of</strong> its growth and function', Collections for a History <strong>of</strong><br />

Staffordshire, (1950-51) pp. 139-211.<br />

Thurgarton Cartulary (Foulds) ... T. Foulds (ed.) TheThurgarton Cartulary, Stamford 1994.<br />

Timson, Blyth Priory Cartulary ... See Blyth Priory Cartulary (Timson).<br />

Traskey, Milton Abbey... J. P. Traskey, Milton Abbey, a Dorset Monastery in the Middle Ages, Tisbury,<br />


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