SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS

SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS


• Ballard, 'An Eleventh-Century Inquisition' ... Adolphus Ballard (ed.) 'An Eleventh-Century Inquisition of St. Augustine's Canterbury', in British Academy Records of the Social and Economic History of England and Wales, 4, London,1920. [Commonly known as the 'Excerpta'] • Ballard, British Borough Charters, 1042-1216 ... A. Ballard (ed.), British Borough Charters, 1042-1216, Cambridge, 1913 • Ballard and Tait (eds.), British Borough Charters, 1216-1307... A. Ballard and J. Tait (eds.), British Borough Charters, 1216-1307, Cambridge, 1923. • Bamping, 'Domesday Name' ... Zena Bamping, 'A Domesday Name Identified?', Kent Archaeological Review, 61 (1980), • Banks, 'Charters of the Abbey of Wigmore'... R. W. Banks, 'Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charters of the Abbey of Wigmore', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th series, 18 (1882), p. 137 on. • Bannister, 'History of Ewias Harold' ... A. T. Bannister, The History of Ewias Harold, its Castle, Priory and Church, Hereford, 1902. • Bannister, 'A Lost Cartulary of Hereford Cathedral' ... A.T. Bannister, 'A Lost Cartulary of Hereford Cathedral', Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, (volume for 1914-17) pp. 268-77 • Bannister, Memorials of Old Herefordshire ... A. T. Bannister, Memorials of Old Herefordshire, Hereford, 1904. • Bannister, Place-Names of Herefordshire ... A. T. Bannister The Place-Names of Herefordshire, their Origin and Development, Hereford, 1916. • Bardsley, Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames... C. W. Bardsley, A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames, London, 1901. • Baring, 'Domesday and the Burton Cartulary' ... F. Baring, 'Domesday Book and the Burton Cartulary', English Historical Review, 11 (1896) pp. 98-102. • Baring, Domesday Tables … F.H. Baring, Domesday Tables for the Counties of Surrey, Berkshire, Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Bedford and for the New Forest with an Appendix on the Battle of Hastings, London, 1909. • Baring, 'The Exeter Domesday' ... F. H. Baring, 'The Exeter Domesday', English Historical Review, 27 (1912) pp. 309-318. • Baring, 'Hidation of Northamptonshire' ... F.H. Baring 'The Hidation of Northamptonshire in 1086', English Historical Review, 17 (1902) pp.76-83. • Baring , 'Making of the New Forest' ... F.H. Baring on 'The Making of the New Forest', English Historical Review, 16 (1901) pp. 427-38), • Baring, 'Pre-Domesday Hidation of Northamptonshire'… F.H. Baring, 'The pre-Domesday Hidation of Northamptonshire', English Historical Review, 17 (1902) pp. 470-9. • Barker and Higham, Hen Domen ... P. A. Barker and R. A. Higham with contributions by Pamela Clarke, Hen Domen. A Timber Castle on the English-Welsh Border, volume i (1982) Royal Archaeological Institute Monograph. • Barker and Lawson, Pre-Norman Field-System at Hen Domen ... P. Barker and J. Lawson A Pre-Norman Field-System at Hen Domen, Montgomery, Medieval Archaeology, 15 (1971) pp. 58-72. • Barley, 'Cistercian Land Clearances of Nottinghamshire' ... M. W. Barley, 'Cistercian Land Clearances of Nottinghamshire; three deserted villages and their moated successor', Nottingham Medieval Studies, 1 (1957) pp. 75-89. • Barlow, 'Introduction', Devonshire Domesday... F. Barlow, 'An Introduction to the Devonshire Domesday', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Devonshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 1-25. • Barlow, Edward the Confessor... F. Barlow, Edward the Confessor, London 1970. • Barlow, English Church 1000-10 66 … F. Barlow, The English Church, 1000-1066, London 1963. • Barlow, 'Letter of Lanfranc' F. Barlow, 'Domesday Book: a letter of Lanfranc', English Historical Review, 78 (1963), pp. 284-89; reprinted in Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond, London, 1983. • Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond ... F. Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond, London, 1983. • Barlow, William Rufus … F. Barlow, William Rufus, London, 1983. • Barnes ... Ralph Barnes, who transcribed the Exon. MS for the 1816 edition by H. Ellis, part of the Record Commission Series; see Domesday Book

• Barnes and Slade (eds.) A Mediaeval Miscellany for Doris Mary Stenton ... P.M. Barnes and C.F.Slade (eds.) A Mediaeval Miscellany for Doris Mary Stenton, Pipe Roll Society, 76 (= new series 36 for 1960), London 1962, • Barraclough, 'Some Charters of the Earls of Chester'... G. Barraclough, 'Some Charters of the Earls of Chester', in Barnes and Slade (eds.) A Mediaeval Miscellany for Doris Mary Stenton. • Barraclough, Charters of the Anglo-Norman Earls of Chester ... G. Barraclough (ed.), The Charters of the Anglo-Norman Earls of Chester, c.1071-1237, Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 126 (1988) • Barrow, 'Lordship and Feudal Settlement in Cumbria'... G.W.S Barrow, 'The Pattern of Lordship and Feudal Settlement in Cumbria', Journal of Medieval History, 1 (1975) pp. 117-138. • Bassett, 'Anglo-Saxon Shrewsbury and its Churches' … S. Bassett, 'Anglo-Saxon Shrewsbury and its Churches' Midland History, 16, (1991) pp. 1-23. • Bassett, Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms … S. Bassett (ed.), The Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, (Studies in the Early History of Britain), London and New York, 1989. • Bate and Palliser, 'Suspected lost Village Sites in Staffordshire' ... P.V. Bate and D.M. Palliser, 'Suspected lost Village Sites in Staffordshire', Transactions of the Lichfield and South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 12 (1970-71) pp. 31-36. • Bates, Muchelney Cartulary ... See Mucheney Cartulary (Bates). • Bates, A Bibliography of Domesday Book ... D. Bates, A Bibliography of Domesday Book, Woodbridge, 1986. • Bates, Bishop Remigius of Lincoln ... D. Bates, Bishop Remigius of Lincoln 1067-1092, Lincoln, 1992. • Bates, 'Penenden Heath Revisited' ... David R. Bates, 'The Land Pleas of William I's Reign: Penenden Heath Revisited' Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 2 (1978) pp. 1-19. • Bates, 'Two Ramsey Abbey Writs'… D. Bates, 'Two Ramsey Abbey Writs and the Domesday Survey', [Bulletin of the Institute of] Historical Research, 63 (1990) pp. 337-339. • Bates, Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum … D. Bates (ed.) Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum: the Acta of William I (1066-1087), Oxford, 1998 • Bateson, 'Laws of Breteuil' ... M. Bateson 'The Laws of Breteuil', English Historical Review, 15 (1900) pp. 73-78, 302-318, 496-523, 754-757; English Historical Review, 16 (1901) pp. 92-110, 332-345. • Bateson, review of Ballard, The Domesday Boroughs... M. Bateson, review of A, Ballard, The Domesday Boroughs, English Historical Review, 20 (1905) pp. 143-151. • Bath Cartularies (Hunt) ... W. Hunt (ed.), Two Chartularies of the Priory of St. Peter at Bath, Somerset Record Society, 7 (1893) • Batten, Early History of Parts of South Somerset... J. Batten, Historical and Topographical Collections Relating to the Early History of Parts of South Somerset, Yeovil, 1894. • Chronicon Monasterii de Bello (Brewer) ... J. S. Brewer (ed.) Chronicon Monasterii de Bello, (Anglia Christiana), London, 1846. • Beaulieu Cartulary (Hockey) ... S. F. Hockey (ed.) The Beaulieu Cartulary, Southampton Record Series, 17 (1975). • Bede, Ecclesiastical History (Colgrave and Mynors)… B. Colgrave and R.A.B.Mynors (eds.), Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Oxford, 1969. • Beresford, 'Goltho Manor, Lincolnshire' ... Guy Beresford, 'Goltho Manor, Lincolnshire: the Buildings and their Surrounding Defences c. 850-1150', Anglo-Norman Studies, 4 (1980), pp.13-36. • Beresford, Lost villages of England… M. Beresford, The Lost villages of England, revised edition, Stroud, 1998 • Beresford, 'Lost Villages of Yorkshire'… M. W. Beresford, 'The lost villages of Yorkshire', Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 38 (1955), pp. 44-70, 215-40, 280-309. • Beresford and Hurst, Deserted Medieval Villages… M. Beresford and J.G.Hurst (eds.), Deserted Medieval Villages, London, 1971. • Beresford and Finberg, English Medieval Boroughs… M. Beresford and H.P.R. Finberg, English Medieval Boroughs, a Handlist, Newton Abbot, 1973. • Beresford and Joseph, Medieval England ... M. W. Beresford and J. K. S. Joseph, Medieval England: An Aerial Survey, 2nd edition, (Cambridge Air Surveys 2), London, 1979. • Bermondsey Chronicle (Luard) ... The Bermonsey Chronicle, in H.R. Luard (ed.), Annales Monastici, 5 volumes, (Rolls Series, no. 36) London, 1864-1869, volume iii (De Dunstaplia et Bermundseia) 1866.

• Ballard, 'An Eleventh-Century Inquisition' ... Adolphus Ballard (ed.) 'An Eleventh-Century Inquisition <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Augustine's Canterbury', in British Academy Records <strong>of</strong> the Social and Economic History <strong>of</strong> England<br />

and Wales, 4, London,1920. [Commonly known as the 'Excerpta']<br />

• Ballard, British Borough Charters, 1042-1216 ... A. Ballard (ed.), British Borough Charters, 1042-1216,<br />

Cambridge, 1913<br />

• Ballard and Tait (eds.), British Borough Charters, 1216-1307... A. Ballard and J. Tait (eds.), British<br />

Borough Charters, 1216-1307, Cambridge, 1923.<br />

• Bamping, '<strong>Domesday</strong> Name' ... Zena Bamping, 'A <strong>Domesday</strong> Name Identified?', Kent Archaeological<br />

Review, 61 (1980),<br />

• Banks, 'Charters <strong>of</strong> the Abbey <strong>of</strong> Wigmore'... R. W. Banks, 'Inspeximus and Confirmation <strong>of</strong> the Charters <strong>of</strong><br />

the Abbey <strong>of</strong> Wigmore', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th series, 18 (1882), p. 137 on.<br />

• Bannister, 'History <strong>of</strong> Ewias Harold' ... A. T. Bannister, The History <strong>of</strong> Ewias Harold, its Castle, Priory and<br />

Church, Hereford, 1902.<br />

• Bannister, 'A Lost Cartulary <strong>of</strong> Hereford Cathedral' ... A.T. Bannister, 'A Lost Cartulary <strong>of</strong> Hereford<br />

Cathedral', Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, (volume for 1914-17) pp. 268-77<br />

• Bannister, Memorials <strong>of</strong> Old Herefordshire ... A. T. Bannister, Memorials <strong>of</strong> Old Herefordshire, Hereford,<br />

1904.<br />

• Bannister, Place-Names <strong>of</strong> Herefordshire ... A. T. Bannister The Place-Names <strong>of</strong> Herefordshire, their<br />

Origin and Development, Hereford, 1916.<br />

• Bardsley, Dictionary <strong>of</strong> English and Welsh Surnames... C. W. Bardsley, A Dictionary <strong>of</strong> English and Welsh<br />

Surnames, London, 1901.<br />

• Baring, '<strong>Domesday</strong> and the Burton Cartulary' ... F. Baring, '<strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong> and the Burton Cartulary',<br />

English Historical Review, 11 (1896) pp. 98-102.<br />

• Baring, <strong>Domesday</strong> Tables … F.H. Baring, <strong>Domesday</strong> Tables for the Counties <strong>of</strong> Surrey, Berkshire,<br />

Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Bedford and for the New Forest with an Appendix on the Battle <strong>of</strong><br />

Hastings, London, 1909.<br />

• Baring, 'The Exeter <strong>Domesday</strong>' ... F. H. Baring, 'The Exeter <strong>Domesday</strong>', English Historical Review, 27<br />

(1912) pp. 309-318.<br />

• Baring, 'Hidation <strong>of</strong> Northamptonshire' ... F.H. Baring 'The Hidation <strong>of</strong> Northamptonshire in 1086', English<br />

Historical Review, 17 (1902) pp.76-83.<br />

• Baring , 'Making <strong>of</strong> the New Forest' ... F.H. Baring on 'The Making <strong>of</strong> the New Forest', English Historical<br />

Review, 16 (1901) pp. 427-38),<br />

• Baring, 'Pre-<strong>Domesday</strong> Hidation <strong>of</strong> Northamptonshire'… F.H. Baring, 'The pre-<strong>Domesday</strong> Hidation <strong>of</strong><br />

Northamptonshire', English Historical Review, 17 (1902) pp. 470-9.<br />

• Barker and Higham, Hen Domen ... P. A. Barker and R. A. Higham with contributions by Pamela Clarke,<br />

Hen Domen. A Timber Castle on the English-Welsh Border, volume i (1982) Royal Archaeological Institute<br />

Monograph.<br />

• Barker and Lawson, Pre-Norman Field-System at Hen Domen ... P. Barker and J. Lawson A Pre-Norman<br />

Field-System at Hen Domen, Montgomery, Medieval Archaeology, 15 (1971) pp. 58-72.<br />

• Barley, 'Cistercian Land Clearances <strong>of</strong> Nottinghamshire' ... M. W. Barley, 'Cistercian Land Clearances <strong>of</strong><br />

Nottinghamshire; three deserted villages and their moated successor', Nottingham Medieval Studies, 1<br />

(1957) pp. 75-89.<br />

• Barlow, 'Introduction', Devonshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... F. Barlow, 'An Introduction to the Devonshire <strong>Domesday</strong>',<br />

A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Devonshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp. 1-25.<br />

• Barlow, Edward the Confessor... F. Barlow, Edward the Confessor, London 1970.<br />

• Barlow, English Church 1000-10 66 … F. Barlow, The English Church, 1000-1066, London 1963.<br />

• Barlow, 'Letter <strong>of</strong> Lanfranc' F. Barlow, '<strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>: a letter <strong>of</strong> Lanfranc', English Historical Review,<br />

78 (1963), pp. 284-89; reprinted in Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond, London, 1983.<br />

• Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond ... F. Barlow, The Norman Conquest and Beyond, London,<br />

1983.<br />

• Barlow, William Rufus … F. Barlow, William Rufus, London, 1983.<br />

• Barnes ... Ralph Barnes, who transcribed the Exon. MS for the 1816 edition by H. Ellis, part <strong>of</strong> the Record<br />

Commission Series; see <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

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