SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS

SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS


(14) [These were reprinted as a single volume (Oswestry 1907), the pages sometimes renumbered, the index still referring to the separate parts in Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society]. o Lay Subsidy Roll, Somerset (1327) ... F. Dickinson (ed.) 'Exchequer Lay Subsidies', in Dickinson, Kirby's Quest, pp. 79-281. o Lay Subsidy Roll, Derbyshire, (1327) ...J.C. Cox (ed.), 'Subsidy Roll (lay): Derbyshire in 1327-8 (a twentieth)', Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 30 (1908), pp. 23-96 o Lay Subsidy Roll, Devon (1332) ... A. M. Erskine (ed.) The Devon Lay Subsidy of 1332, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, new series, no. 14 (1969). o Lay Subsidy Roll (1334) ... R. E. Glasscock (ed.) The Lay Subsidy of 1334, (British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, New Series 2), London, 1975. [For Devon this edition, has largely displaced that by C. L'Estrange Ewen, Devon Taxation Returns in 1334, Paignton, 1939] o Lees, Records of the Templars in England... B. A. Lees Records of the Templars in England in the Twelfth Century: the Inquest of 1185, (British Academy Records of Social and Economic History 1st series, 9), London, 1935 o Leicestershire Survey (Slade)… C.F. Slade (ed.), The Leicestershire Survey c. A.D. 1130, (University of Leicester Department of English Local History Occasional Papers, no. 7), Leicester, 1956. o Leland, Collectanea… John Leland (ed. Thomas Hearne) De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, second edition, London, 1770 (further impession, 1774). o Leland, Itinerary ...John Leland, (ed. L. Toulmin Smith) Itinerary, 5 volumes, London, 1906-1910 o Lennard. 'Bordars and Cottars'… R. Lennard 'The Economic Position of the Bordars and Cottars of Domesday Book' The Economic Journal, 61 (1951) pp. 342-371. o Lennard, 'Domesday Caruca' ... Reginald Lennard, 'The composition of the Domesday caruca', English Historical Review, 81 (1966), pp. 770-75. o Lennard, 'Domesday Plough-Teams'… R. Lennard, 'Domesday Plough-Teams: the South-Western evidence', English Historical Review, 60, (1945), pp. 217-233. o Lennard, 'The Economic Position of the Domesday Sokemen' ... R. Lennard 'The Economic Position of the Domesday Sokemen', The Economic Journal, 57 (1947) pp. 179-195 o Lennard , 'A Neglected Domesday Satellite'... R. Lennard, 'A Neglected Domesday Satellite', English Historical Review, 58 (1943) pp. 32-41. o Lennard, 'Origin of the fiscal Carucate' ... R. Lennard, 'The Origin of the fiscal Carucate', Economic History Review, first series, 14 (1944-45) pp. 51-63. o Lennard, 'Peasant Tithe Collectors' ... R.F. Lennard, 'Peasant Tithe Collectors in Norman England', English Historical Review, 69 (1954) pp.580-596 o Lennard, Rural England ... R. Lennard Rural England: 1086-1135, A study of Social and Agrarian Conditions, Oxford, 1959. o Le Patourel, 'Geoffrey of Mowbray, Bishop of Coutances' ... John Le Patourel, 'Geoffrey of Mowbray, Bishop of Coutances 1049-1093' in English Historical Review, 59 (1944) pp. 129-161. o Le Patourel, Norman Empire... J. le Patourel, The Norman Empire, Oxford, 1976. o Lewis, 'The Honour of Chester, 1066-1100' ... Lewis, 'The Formation of the Honour of Chester, 1066-1100', in A.T. Thacker (ed), The Earldom of Chester and its Charters: a Tribute to Geoffrey Barraclough, Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, 71 (1991), pp. 37-68. o Lewis, 'Earldom of Surrey' ... C.P.Lewis, 'The Earldom of Surrey and the Date of Domesday Book, [Bulletin of the Institute of ] Historical Research, 63 (1990), pp. 329-336 o Lewis, 'Early Earls of Norman England' ... C.P.Lewis, 'The Early Earls of Norman England, Anglo-Norman Studies, 13 (1991) pp. 207-223. o Lewis, 'The French in England' ... Lewis, 'The French in England before the Norman Conquest', Anglo- Norman Studies, 17 (1994), pp. 123-144. o Lewis, 'Introduction', Cheshire Domesday... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Cheshire Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Cheshire Domesday (London, 1991) pp.1-25 o Lewis, 'Introduction', Herefordshire Domesday... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Herefordshire Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Herefordshire Domesday (London, 1988) pp. 1-22 o Lewis, 'Introduction', Lancashire Domesday... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Lancashire Domesday', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Lancashire Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 1-41 o Lewis, 'Introduction', Shropshire Domesday ... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Shropshire Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Shropshire Domesday (London, 1990) pp. 1-27

o Lewis, 'Herbert the Jerkin-Maker'... C.P. Lewis, 'Herbert the Jerkin-Maker: a Domesday Tenant Identified', Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire 131 (1982), pp.159-60 o Lewis, 'Joining the Dots' ... Lewis, 'Joining the Dots: a Methodology for identifying the English in Domesday Book' in Keats-Rohan, Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, pp. 69-87. o Liber Eliensis (Blake)… E.O.Blake (ed.), Liber Eliensis, Camden 3rd series volume 92, London, 1962. o Liber Eliensis (Stewart) ... D.J. Stewart, Liber Eliensis ad fidem codicorum variorum, i. London, 1848 (Anglia Christiana). This work contains the first and second books of the Liber Eliensis, known as the Historia Eliensis; it has now been superseded by Blake, Liber Eliensis. o Liber Niger (of Peterborough Abbey): Society of Antiquaries manuscript 60; see Chronicon Petroburgense (Stapleton) o Lichfield Cathedral Register (Savage) ... H.E. Savage (ed.), 'The Great Register of Lichfield Cathedral, known as Magnum Registrum Album', Collections for a History of Staffordshire (1924). o Liebermann, Gesetze der Angelsachsen …F. Liebermann, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 3 volumes, Halle,1903-1916. o Lilleshall Cartulary ... British Library Loans MSS no. 39. A transcription made by R. W. Eyton is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Top. Salop. d.3); see Davis, Medieval Cartularies of Great Britain, p. 65 no. 577. o Lincoln Cathedral Registrum Antiquissimum (Foster) ... C. W. Foster (ed.), The Registrum Antiquissimum of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln', Lincoln Record Society, 1 (Lincoln, 1931). o Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln, I ...The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln, I Priorygate at Pottergate, Lincoln Civic Trust, 1984 o Lind, Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn ... E. H. Lind, Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn från Medeltiden, Uppsala, 1920-21) o Lindkvist, Nordische Personennamen in England... E. H. Lindkvist, Nordische Personennamen in England, Halle, 1910 o Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley)... 'The Lindsey Survey' in C.W. Foster and T. Longley The Lincolnshire Domesday and the Lindsey Survey (Introduction by F.M. Stenton) Lincolnshire Record Society, 19, (1924, reprinted,1976) pp. 237-260. o Lineham, 'A forgotten Manor' ... C. D. Lineham, 'A forgotten Manor in Widecombe-in-the Moor', in Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, 94 (1962) pp. 463-492. o Lineham, 'Deserted Sites on Dartmoor' … C. D. Lineham, 'Deserted Sites and Rabbit-Warrens on Dartmoor, Devon', Medieval Archaeology, 10 (1966) pp. 113-144. o Lind, Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn från Medeltiden ... E. H. Lind, Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn från Medeltiden, Uppsala 1920-21 o List of Inquisitions ad quod Damnum... List of Inquisitions ad quod Damnum Part 1: 28 Henry 111-18 Edward 111(1904); Part 11 19 Edward III - 2 Richard III (1906), (Lists and Indexes) London, Public Record Office. o List of Sheriffs… List of sheriffs for England from the earliest Times to AD 1831, compiled from Documents in Public Record Office, Public Record Office, Lists and Indexes 9, London, 1898 o Little Domesday Book. It contains surveys of Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk; see Domesday Book. o Lloyd, 'Place-Names of Hampshire' ... A. T. Lloyd, 'The Place-Names of Hampshire' in F. J. Monkhouse (ed.) A Survey of Southampton and its Region, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Southampton, 1964, pp. 177-88. o Lloyd, History of Wales ... Sir J. E. Lloyd A History of Wales from the earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest, 2 volumes, London 1911. 2nd edition, London 1912, 3rd edition, London, 1939. o Lloyd, 'Wales and the Coming of the Normans'... Sir J. E. Lloyd, 'Wales and the Coming of the Normans', Transactions of the HonourableSociety of Cymmrodorion (1899-1900) pp. 122-179. o Lobel, 'City of London'… M.D.Lobel (ed.) 'The City of London from Prehistoric Times to c. 1520' in The British Atlas of Historic Towns, iii (Oxford, 1989) o London, Canonsleigh Cartulary. See Canonsleigh Cartulary (London). o Longnan, Noms de Lieux de la France ... A. Longnan, Les Noms de Lieux de la France, Paris, 1923. o Loud, 'Introduction', Somerset Domesday ... G.A. Loud, 'An Introduction to the Somerset Domesday', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Somerset Domesday (London, 1989) pp. 1-31 o Loyd, Origin of the family of Warenne' ... L. C. Loyd, The origin of the family of Warenne', Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 31, (1934) pp. 111-13.

(14) [These were reprinted as a single volume (Oswestry 1907), the pages sometimes renumbered, the<br />

index still referring to the separate parts in Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Shropshire Archaeological Society].<br />

o Lay Subsidy Roll, Somerset (1327) ... F. Dickinson (ed.) 'Exchequer Lay Subsidies', in Dickinson, Kirby's<br />

Quest, pp. 79-281.<br />

o Lay Subsidy Roll, Derbyshire, (1327) ...J.C. Cox (ed.), 'Subsidy Roll (lay): Derbyshire in 1327-8 (a<br />

twentieth)', Journal <strong>of</strong> the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 30 (1908), pp. 23-96<br />

o Lay Subsidy Roll, Devon (1332) ... A. M. Erskine (ed.) The Devon Lay Subsidy <strong>of</strong> 1332, Devon and<br />

Cornwall Record Society, new series, no. 14 (1969).<br />

o Lay Subsidy Roll (1334) ... R. E. Glasscock (ed.) The Lay Subsidy <strong>of</strong> 1334, (British Academy Records <strong>of</strong><br />

Social and Economic History, New Series 2), London, 1975. [For Devon this edition, has largely displaced<br />

that by C. L'Estrange Ewen, Devon Taxation Returns in 1334, Paignton, 1939]<br />

o Lees, Records <strong>of</strong> the Templars in England... B. A. Lees Records <strong>of</strong> the Templars in England in the Twelfth<br />

Century: the Inquest <strong>of</strong> 1185, (British Academy Records <strong>of</strong> Social and Economic History 1st series, 9),<br />

London, 1935<br />

o Leicestershire Survey (Slade)… C.F. Slade (ed.), The Leicestershire Survey c. A.D. 1130, (University <strong>of</strong><br />

Leicester Department <strong>of</strong> English Local History Occasional Papers, no. 7), Leicester, 1956.<br />

o Leland, Collectanea… John Leland (ed. Thomas Hearne) De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, second<br />

edition, London, 1770 (further impession, 1774).<br />

o Leland, Itinerary ...John Leland, (ed. L. Toulmin Smith) Itinerary, 5 volumes, London, 1906-1910<br />

o Lennard. 'Bordars and Cottars'… R. Lennard 'The Economic Position <strong>of</strong> the Bordars and Cottars <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>' The Economic Journal, 61 (1951) pp. 342-371.<br />

o Lennard, '<strong>Domesday</strong> Caruca' ... Reginald Lennard, 'The composition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Domesday</strong> caruca', English<br />

Historical Review, 81 (1966), pp. 770-75.<br />

o Lennard, '<strong>Domesday</strong> Plough-Teams'… R. Lennard, '<strong>Domesday</strong> Plough-Teams: the South-Western<br />

evidence', English Historical Review, 60, (1945), pp. 217-233.<br />

o Lennard, 'The Economic Position <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Domesday</strong> Sokemen' ... R. Lennard 'The Economic Position <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Domesday</strong> Sokemen', The Economic Journal, 57 (1947) pp. 179-195<br />

o Lennard , 'A Neglected <strong>Domesday</strong> Satellite'... R. Lennard, 'A Neglected <strong>Domesday</strong> Satellite', English<br />

Historical Review, 58 (1943) pp. 32-41.<br />

o Lennard, 'Origin <strong>of</strong> the fiscal Carucate' ... R. Lennard, 'The Origin <strong>of</strong> the fiscal Carucate', Economic History<br />

Review, first series, 14 (1944-45) pp. 51-63.<br />

o Lennard, 'Peasant Tithe Collectors' ... R.F. Lennard, 'Peasant Tithe Collectors in Norman England', English<br />

Historical Review, 69 (1954) pp.580-596<br />

o Lennard, Rural England ... R. Lennard Rural England: 1086-1135, A study <strong>of</strong> Social and Agrarian<br />

Conditions, Oxford, 1959.<br />

o Le Patourel, 'Ge<strong>of</strong>frey <strong>of</strong> Mowbray, Bishop <strong>of</strong> Coutances' ... John Le Patourel, 'Ge<strong>of</strong>frey <strong>of</strong> Mowbray,<br />

Bishop <strong>of</strong> Coutances 1049-1093' in English Historical Review, 59 (1944) pp. 129-161.<br />

o Le Patourel, Norman Empire... J. le Patourel, The Norman Empire, Oxford, 1976.<br />

o Lewis, 'The Honour <strong>of</strong> Chester, 1066-1100' ... Lewis, 'The Formation <strong>of</strong> the Honour <strong>of</strong> Chester, 1066-1100',<br />

in A.T. Thacker (ed), The Earldom <strong>of</strong> Chester and its Charters: a Tribute to Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Barraclough, Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Chester Archaeological Society, 71 (1991), pp. 37-68.<br />

o Lewis, 'Earldom <strong>of</strong> Surrey' ... C.P.Lewis, 'The Earldom <strong>of</strong> Surrey and the Date <strong>of</strong> <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>,<br />

[Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Institute <strong>of</strong> ] Historical Research, 63 (1990), pp. 329-336<br />

o Lewis, 'Early Earls <strong>of</strong> Norman England' ... C.P.Lewis, 'The Early Earls <strong>of</strong> Norman England, Anglo-Norman<br />

Studies, 13 (1991) pp. 207-223.<br />

o Lewis, 'The French in England' ... Lewis, 'The French in England before the Norman Conquest', Anglo-<br />

Norman Studies, 17 (1994), pp. 123-144.<br />

o Lewis, 'Introduction', Cheshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Cheshire <strong>Domesday</strong>', A.<br />

Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Cheshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp.1-25<br />

o Lewis, 'Introduction', Herefordshire <strong>Domesday</strong>... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Herefordshire<br />

<strong>Domesday</strong>', A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Herefordshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1988) pp. 1-22<br />

o Lewis, 'Introduction', Lancashire <strong>Domesday</strong>... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Lancashire <strong>Domesday</strong>',<br />

A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Lancashire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1991) pp. 1-41<br />

o Lewis, 'Introduction', Shropshire <strong>Domesday</strong> ... C.P. Lewis, 'An Introduction to the Shropshire <strong>Domesday</strong>',<br />

A. Williams and R.W.H. Erskine (eds.), The Shropshire <strong>Domesday</strong> (London, 1990) pp. 1-27

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