SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS

SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS SN:5694 - Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation ... - ESDS


o Jones, 'The cultural landscape of Yorkshire ... G. R. J. Jones, 'The cultural landscape of Yorkshire: the origins of our villages', Annual Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society (York, 1966), pp.45-57. o Jones, 'The Multiple Estate as a Model Framework' ... G.R.J. Jones, 'The Multiple Estate as a Model Framework for Tracing Early Stages of Settlement', in Dussart, The Evolution of Rural Settlement', pp. 251- 67. o Jones, 'Multiple Estates and Early Settlement' ... G.R.J. Jones, 'Multiple Estates and Early Settlement', in Sawyer, Medieval settlement: Continuity and Change, pp. 15-40; reprinted in Sawyer, English Medieval Settlement, pp. 9-34. o Jones, 'Multiple Estates Perceived' ... G.R.J. Jones, 'Multiple Estates Perceived', Journal of Historical Geograph,y 11 (1985) pp. 352-63. o Jones, Pattern of Settlement on the Welsh Border' ... G.R.J. Jones, 'The Pattern of Settlement on the Welsh Border', Agricultural History Review, 8 (1960), pp. 66-81 o Jones, 'Abbey of Ystrad Marchell'… M.C. Jones, 'The Abbey of Ystrad Marchell', Montgomeryshire Collections, 4 (1871) pp. 1-34 o Jones, 'Divisions of Montgomeryshire' ... M. C. Jones, 'The Territorial Divisions of Montgomeryshire', Montgomeryshire Collections, 2 (1869) pp. 71-120, 129-138. o Jones, Domesday for Wiltshire… W. Jones, Domesday for Wiltshire, Bath, 1865. o Jonsjo, Middle English Nicknames 1: Compounds ... Jan Jonsjo, Studies on Middle English Nicknames 1: Compounds, (Lund Studies in English, no. 55) Lund, 1979. o Kain and Oliver, Historic Parishes ... Roger J.P. Kain and Richard R. Oliver, Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata, Colchester, 2001. o Kapelle, Norman Conquest of the North... W.E Kapelle, The Norman Conquest of the North: the region and its transformation 1100-1135, London, 1979. o Kaye, Cartulary of God's House [Southampton] ... See Cartulary of God's House (Kaye). o Keats-Rohan, 'Bretons and Normans in England'... K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, 'The Bretons and Normans in England 1066-1154: the family, the fief and the feudal monarchy', Nottingham Medieval Studies 36 (1992) pp 42-78 o Keats-Rohan, Domesday People …K.S.B.Keats-Rohan, Domesday People, a Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166: I Domesday Book (Woodbridge, 1999) o Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants … K.S.B.Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, a Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166: II Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum, (Woodbridge, 2002) o Keats-Rohan, Family Trees and the Roots of Politics ... K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Family Trees and the Roos of Politics: the Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century, Woodbridge, 1997. o Keble Martin... See Martin o Keen, 'Hamwih' ... L. Keen, 'Illa mercimonia que dicitur Hamwih; a Study in Early Medieval Urban Development', Archaeologia Atlantica 1, part 2, (1975), pp. 165-90. o Keen, 'Introduction', Dorset Domesday... Laurence Keen, 'An Introduction to the Dorset Domesday', A. Williams and G. H. Martin (eds.), The Dorset Domesday (London, 1991) pp. 1-26 o Kelly's Directory of Devonshire ... Kelly's Directory of Devonshire, various dates. o Kemble Anglo-Saxons in England ... J. M. Kemble Anglo-Saxons in England, London, 1876. o Kemble Codex Diplomaticus ... J. M. Kemble Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, 6 volumes, London, 1839-1848. o Kenyon, 'Borough of Ruyton'…R. Lloyd Kenyon, 'The Borough of Ruyton', Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, 2nd series, 3 (1891) pp. 237-252. o Kenyon, 'Manors of Ruyton, Wikey and Felton' ... R. Lloyd Kenyon, 'The Domesday Manors of Ruyton, Wikey and Felton', Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, 2nd series, 12 (1900) pp. 64-83. o Kenyon, 'Ruyton of the Eleven Towns'… R. Lloyd Kenyon, The Manor of Ruyton of the Eleven Towns, Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society 3rd series, 1 (1901) pp. 33-106, 213-250; 2 (1902) pp. 107-142, 359-406. [See also the unsigned article Ruyton of the Eleven Towns in Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, 1st series, 9 (1886) pp. 244-246.] o Kenyon 'Shelvock'…R. Lloyd Kenyon, 'Shelvock', Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, 2nd series, 6 (1894) pp. 327-340.

o Kemp, 'Monastic Dean of Leominster' ... B. R. Kemp 'The Monastic Dean of Leominster', English Historical Review, 83 (1968) pp. 505-515. o Kemp, The Mother Church of Thatcham... B.R. Kemp, The Mother Church of Thatcham, Archaeological Journal, 67 (1967-8), p. 21. o Ker, 'Heming's Cartulary' ... ... N. R. Ker, 'Heming's Cartulary: a Description of two Worcester Cartularies in Cotton Tiberius A xiii', in Hunt, Pantin and Southern, Studies in Medieval History, pp. 49-75. o Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British L ibraries, ii. ... N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, volume ii, Oxford, 1977. o Keynes and Lapidge, Alfred the Great ...S. Keynes and M. Lapidge (eds. and trans.), Alfred the Great, Harmondsworth, 1983. o King, Castellarium Anglicanum ... D.J.Cathcart King, Castellarium Anglicanum: an Index and Bibliography of the Castles of England, Wales and the Islands, 2 volumes Millwood (New York), London, Nendeln (Liechtenstein), 1983. o King, 'Rutland Domesday'…'E. King, 'The Making of the Rutland Domesday', Rutland Record 7 (1987) pp. 231-235. o King, 'Peterborough 'Descriptio Militum'' … E. King, 'The Peterborough 'Descriptio Militum (Henry I)', English Historical Review, 84, 1969 pp. 84-101. o King, Peterborough Abbey … E. King, Peterborough Abbey 1086-1310, Cambridge, 1973 o Kinvig, The Birmingham District in Domesday Times ... R. Kinvig The Birmingham District in Domesday Times, British Association, 1950. o Kirby's Quest (Dickinson) … F. Dickinson (ed.) Kirby's Quest for Somerset, Somerset Record Society, 3 (1889). [Kirby's Quest is so called from its introductory note: ...inquisitiones inde factas coram domino Johanne de Kerkbie tum Thesaurario domini regis ('enquiries made on that subject before lord John of Kirkby, then the treasurer of the lord the king'. It is the same as the 1284-85 inquistion included in Feudal Aids] As well as Kirby's Quest and a Supplement drawn from the 1303 inquisition (pp. 1-52), this volume contains the Nomina Villarum for Somerset (pp. 53-78); the Exchequer Lay Subsidy of 1327 (pp. 79-281), the Tax Roll for Somerset of the First Year of Edward the Third (pp. 282-84) and and a list of hundreds extracted from the 1841 Census. o Knowles &: Hadcock, Medieval Religious Houses ... David Knowles and R. Nevill Hadcock, Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales, London, 1971. o Knowles, Brooke and London, Heads of Religious Houses... D. Knowles, C. N. L. Brooke and Vera London The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales 940-1216, Cambridge 1972. o Kökeritz, Place-Names of the Isle of Wight ... H. Kökeritz, The Place-Names of the Isle of Wight, (Nomina Germanica, 6) Uppsala, 1940. o Kokeritz, 'Pre-conquest personal names of Domesday Book' … H. Kokeritz, 'Notes on the Pre-conquest personal names of Domesday Book', Namn och Bygd, 26 (1938), pp. 25-41. o Ladds 'Borough of Huntingdon'… S. Inskip Ladds, 'The Borough of Huntingdon in Domesday Book', Transactions of the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 5 (1931-6) pp. 105-112. o Laporte, Millénaire monastique du Mont St-Michel ... Dom. J. Laporte, Millénaire monastique du Mont St- Michel, I, histoire et vie monastique, Paris, 1966. o Lay Subsidy Roll, Shropshire (1327) ... W. G. D. Fletcher The Shropshire Lay Subsidy Roll of I Edward III (1327), published by Hundreds in Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society from 1887 to 1907: (1) Bradford Hundred (2nd series,1, pp. 134-20) (2) Munslow Hundred (2nd series, 4, pp. 287-338) (3) Purslow Hundred (2nd series, 5, pp. 343-362) (4) Chirbury Hundred (2nd series, 8, pp. 44-60) (5) Ford Hundred (2nd series, 10, pp. 113-144) (6) Condover Hundred (2nd series, 11, pp. 347-3) (7) Pimhill Hundred (3rd series, 5, pp. 55-80) (8) Brimstree Hundred (3rd series, 5, pp. 237-252) (9) Stottesdon Hundred (3rd series, 6, pp. 123-154) (10) Overs Hundred (3rd series, 7, pp. 353-359) (11) Shrewsbury and Liberties (3rd series, 7, pp. 360-368) (12) Bridgnorth and Liberties (3rd series, 7, pp. 369-374) (13) Index (3rd series, 7, pp. 375-378)

o Kemp, 'Monastic Dean <strong>of</strong> Leominster' ... B. R. Kemp 'The Monastic Dean <strong>of</strong> Leominster', English<br />

Historical Review, 83 (1968) pp. 505-515.<br />

o Kemp, The Mother Church <strong>of</strong> Thatcham... B.R. Kemp, The Mother Church <strong>of</strong> Thatcham, Archaeological<br />

Journal, 67 (1967-8), p. 21.<br />

o Ker, 'Heming's Cartulary' ... ... N. R. Ker, 'Heming's Cartulary: a Description <strong>of</strong> two Worcester Cartularies<br />

in Cotton Tiberius A xiii', in Hunt, Pantin and Southern, Studies in Medieval History, pp. 49-75.<br />

o Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British L ibraries, ii. ... N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries,<br />

volume ii, Oxford, 1977.<br />

o Keynes and Lapidge, Alfred the Great ...S. Keynes and M. Lapidge (eds. and trans.), Alfred the Great,<br />

Harmondsworth, 1983.<br />

o King, Castellarium Anglicanum ... D.J.Cathcart King, Castellarium Anglicanum: an Index and<br />

Bibliography <strong>of</strong> the Castles <strong>of</strong> England, Wales and the Islands, 2 volumes Millwood (New York), London,<br />

Nendeln (Liechtenstein), 1983.<br />

o King, 'Rutland <strong>Domesday</strong>'…'E. King, 'The Making <strong>of</strong> the Rutland <strong>Domesday</strong>', Rutland Record 7 (1987) pp.<br />

231-235.<br />

o King, 'Peterborough 'Descriptio Militum'' … E. King, 'The Peterborough 'Descriptio Militum (Henry I)',<br />

English Historical Review, 84, 1969 pp. 84-101.<br />

o King, Peterborough Abbey … E. King, Peterborough Abbey 1086-1310, Cambridge, 1973<br />

o Kinvig, The Birmingham District in <strong>Domesday</strong> Times ... R. Kinvig The Birmingham District in <strong>Domesday</strong><br />

Times, British Association, 1950.<br />

o Kirby's Quest (Dickinson) … F. Dickinson (ed.) Kirby's Quest for Somerset, Somerset Record Society, 3<br />

(1889). [Kirby's Quest is so called from its introductory note: ...inquisitiones inde factas coram domino<br />

Johanne de Kerkbie tum Thesaurario domini regis ('enquiries made on that subject before lord John <strong>of</strong><br />

Kirkby, then the treasurer <strong>of</strong> the lord the king'. It is the same as the 1284-85 inquistion included in Feudal<br />

Aids] As well as Kirby's Quest and a Supplement drawn from the 1303 inquisition (pp. 1-52), this volume<br />

contains the Nomina Villarum for Somerset (pp. 53-78); the Exchequer Lay Subsidy <strong>of</strong> 1327 (pp. 79-281),<br />

the Tax Roll for Somerset <strong>of</strong> the First Year <strong>of</strong> Edward the Third (pp. 282-84) and and a list <strong>of</strong> hundreds<br />

extracted from the 1841 Census.<br />

o Knowles &: Hadcock, Medieval Religious Houses ... David Knowles and R. Nevill Hadcock, Medieval<br />

Religious Houses: England and Wales, London, 1971.<br />

o Knowles, Brooke and London, Heads <strong>of</strong> Religious Houses... D. Knowles, C. N. L. Brooke and Vera<br />

London The Heads <strong>of</strong> Religious Houses in England and Wales 940-1216, Cambridge 1972.<br />

o Kökeritz, Place-Names <strong>of</strong> the Isle <strong>of</strong> Wight ... H. Kökeritz, The Place-Names <strong>of</strong> the Isle <strong>of</strong> Wight, (Nomina<br />

Germanica, 6) Uppsala, 1940.<br />

o Kokeritz, 'Pre-conquest personal names <strong>of</strong> <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>' … H. Kokeritz, 'Notes on the Pre-conquest<br />

personal names <strong>of</strong> <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>', Namn och Bygd, 26 (1938), pp. 25-41.<br />

o Ladds 'Borough <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon'… S. Inskip Ladds, 'The Borough <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon in <strong>Domesday</strong> <strong>Book</strong>',<br />

Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 5 (1931-6) pp. 105-112.<br />

o Laporte, Millénaire monastique du Mont St-Michel ... Dom. J. Laporte, Millénaire monastique du Mont St-<br />

Michel, I, histoire et vie monastique, Paris, 1966.<br />

o Lay Subsidy Roll, Shropshire (1327) ... W. G. D. Fletcher The Shropshire Lay Subsidy Roll <strong>of</strong> I Edward III<br />

(1327), published by Hundreds in Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Shropshire Archaeological Society from 1887 to<br />

1907:<br />

(1) Bradford Hundred (2nd series,1, pp. 134-20)<br />

(2) Munslow Hundred (2nd series, 4, pp. 287-338)<br />

(3) Purslow Hundred (2nd series, 5, pp. 343-362)<br />

(4) Chirbury Hundred (2nd series, 8, pp. 44-60)<br />

(5) Ford Hundred (2nd series, 10, pp. 113-144)<br />

(6) Condover Hundred (2nd series, 11, pp. 347-3)<br />

(7) Pimhill Hundred (3rd series, 5, pp. 55-80)<br />

(8) Brimstree Hundred (3rd series, 5, pp. 237-252)<br />

(9) Stottesdon Hundred (3rd series, 6, pp. 123-154)<br />

(10) Overs Hundred (3rd series, 7, pp. 353-359)<br />

(11) Shrewsbury and Liberties (3rd series, 7, pp. 360-368)<br />

(12) Bridgnorth and Liberties (3rd series, 7, pp. 369-374)<br />

(13) Index (3rd series, 7, pp. 375-378)

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