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NEws – EuROPE 4 Pumps dispense wrong amount of fuel in ireland roughly 16 percent of pumps are dispensing the wrong amount fuel, a new study commissioned by the AA has discovered. The survey, conducted at 170 fuel service stations throughout the country, measured gauges for erroneous readings. The price at one-sixth of pumps were out by 1 percent or more, with the acceptable legal limit for discrepancies set at 0.5 percent above or below the stated amount. At current prices a 1 percent mistake over the charge and amount displayed on the gauge could cost a motorist up to 1 euro every time they fill up. in 10 individual cases the amount charged was 2 percent wide of the mark. The AA confirmed in its report that all of the service stations that underwent testing complied fully with the rules of the study. it said that no evidence was found of price-fixing or tampering, and that most operators were surprised that their gauges could be wide of the mark. Move to save French rural stations The French NAA (National Federation of Crafts Auto) met with the Ministry of Economy to discuss the establishment of a plan that ensures the future survival of rural fuel stations, which are in danger of closure even though they provide a vital service in the rural distribution of fuels. 60 percent of people live in towns of less than 2 000 inhabitants, served mostly by small stations employing a total of 20 000 people. The FNAA has suggested there is an immediate need to establish these stations as public utilities and invest 35 million Euros over three years. Bulgarian watchdog clears LukOIL Bulgaria’s Commission on the Protection of Competition (CPC) said that the local unit of Russian oil company luKoil had not taken illegal advantage of its dominant position on the fuel retail market. on the topic of a price-fixing cartel by the four largest retailers in the country, the watchdog said that it approved a proposal by the companies that would fix competition issues. CPC began an official investigation into allegations of price-fixing in october 2011, after completing a market analysis report commissioned in March 2011, when widespread protests against rising fuel prices in the country drew thousands of motorists. shell introduces premium shell v-Power Nitro+ Shell fuel stations in the Czech republic have started to offer new premium Shell V-Power Nitro+ for petrol and diesel engines. it is the latest generation of fuels to be created thanks to the long-term technical partnership with Ferrari team in Grand Prix racing. Their uniqueness lies in immediate Repsol offer fast payment systems “la Caixa” and Repsol are committed to extending the new contactless payment systems to new sectors. Repsol has installed PiN pads with this new technology in 140 service stations across Barcelona and the Balearic islands, where “la Caixa” has already issued contactless cards to its customers. Repsol is the first iBEX35 company to offer such a particularly attractive system for No competition hurts Greece lack of competition in Greece’s oil-refining industry is costing consumers there more than $ 1 billion a year, according to a draft internal report by the international Monetary Fund, (iMF). one reason, according to the iMF and other analysts, is a combination of dominant companies and excessive regulation that stifles competitors. As an example, the report outlined a chain of obstacles it says effectively prevent independent fuel stations from buying fuel abroad. All importers must have facilities to hold 60 days of inventory, something beyond LatEst NEws, EvENts, jOBs ONLINE – www.PEtROLPLaza.COM effects on engine performance. While Shell FuelSave was developed to help customers conserve fuel, Shell V-Power Nitro+ helps to fully realize the engines full potential. The Czech Republic is one of the first countries in the world where these fuels are replacing existing products. their busy fuel station network, which welcomes over one million customers every day. Contactless technology is considered to be the fastest method of payment available, converting it into an efficient alternative to cash. TSecurity is fully guaranteed and includes all the advantages of EMV technology (the current chip), as well as the CaixaProtect guarantee, with which “la Caixa” protects its customers from the potential fraudulent use of any of its electronic payment methods (cards, internet or mobile banking). in Spain, Repsol markets a wide range of products across its 3 600 service stations; with over 40 percent of the market share, it is the country’s leading fuel retailer in this area. the capability of many smaller businesses. And fuel can only be transported in large tractortrailer tankers, though gas stations aren’t permitted to own vehicles that large. “This makes it impossible for independent gas stations to transport fuel into Greece”, the report says. Greece’s new conservative-led coalition government, voted into office in June, says it wants to fix that and is moving to combat anticompetitive practices in the marketplace. “A better-functioning fuels market is something we desire”, said a Government Spokesman. World’s most carbon efficient energy company Spanish oil giant Repsol has been named as the world’s most carbon efficient energy company in the Climate Disclosure leadership index, the most renowned index in the energy industry. 2012 is the third time in the last five years the company has toped the list, which surveys 50 of the world’s largest multinational energy companies, gauging their impact on the environment. “Repsol is the oil and gas company most often included in the CDli since 2006. The CDli is drawn up from the Carbon Disclosure Project questionnaire completed by companies which make up the FTSE Global Equity index Series”, said the company in a statement. Repsol said that the elements of the survey on which it won recognition include its energy efficiency and the creation of a greenhouse gas emission inventory. smart cameras greatly reduce fuel thefts in the uK Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras are one of the tools used to tackle the offence of motorists driving off without paying for fuel. Figures obtained show “drive off” incidents fell in one county of England, from 1 342 in 2010/11 to 759 in 2011/12. The 43 percent drop were in other places even higher with thefts falling 54 percent. The information of any car who fails to pay is fed into a central system which alerts other fuel stations and the police. ANPR cameras, as they are known in the uK, record number plates and ‘flag up’ suspicious or stolen plates.

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