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A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators From the statistical analysis of the survey data we can conclude that the overall performance of the online union is most influenced by the dimension tangibles. Items within this dimension are the online facilities, custom made services, good presentation and the availability and accessibility of information. 4.4.3 Conclusions House of Quality The House of Quality was established to provide De Unie direction to the improvement of the online union. From the presented HOQ in Figure - 13 we can conclude that the technical requirement “Digitalization” will be the most important in the ongoing process of improvement and enables the online union to meet the widest collection of member’s needs. Although the online union already is an organization that functions in a digital way, digitalization will certainly help to improve services and offers important opportunities to adapt to the needs of the members. For example; digitalization makes it possible to increase the involvement of members by providing new methods of interaction like forums, personalized mails, and polls. Digitalization enables De Unie to offer relevant information in a digital way which increases the speed to offer up to date information. According to Figure - 13, involvement of third parties is of high importance to the members. Digitalization is able to integrate and connect different parties in the network of the online union in a fast and relative uncomplicated way. The House of Quality directly links the technical requirements to the needs of the members and therefore can be considered to be one of the most untainted instruments for improvement (Akao, 1990). For this research study, considerations and correlations addressed to the HOQ are made by the management team of the online union and the writer of this study. It has to be mentioned that the value of the HOQ depends on the expertise of the design team. In this case team members had different expertise’s which made it possible to interpret the HOQ from different perspectives. The next step in this ongoing process of improvement of the online union, will be the establishment of the second matrix of the concept of QFD; parts deployment. Due time and organizational constraints it was not possible to start with the construction of this matrix. Therefore the House of Quality as constructed in this research will function as a guide to give direction to De Unie for the improvement of the online union. By the time (January 2008) De Unie will start with the next step and will continue with the QFD approach. By construction of the second House, De Unie will transform the “How’s” of Figure - 13 into part characteristics. 70

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators Chapter 5 - Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations 5.1 Synopsis Under influence of ICT the design of work is changing from centralized to a decentralized form. This development impacts the function and role of representative organizations such as De Unie, which witnessed a membership decline over the past ten years. In response, De Unie has been searching for, and experimenting with new service concepts including the online union. The online union is seen as an appropriate tool to recruit new members and operate as a means to interact with her members, and deliver new services that will increase the position of the organization as well as the organization’s cash flow. To improve the decision makers’ understanding of the demands of the members and design an online union that adapts to the demands of the changing workforce, two approaches were applied in this research study. First, statistical analysis aimed at determining the needs of the members and secondly the use of the quality function deployment by integrating the needs of the members into the House of Quality. 5.2 Central Conclusion A validation study, i.e., an analysis of a statistically reliable sample of respondents is applied in the present case to identify the key indicators that impact the performance of the online union. Interpretation of the empirical results cause us to conclude that the area of “tangibles” appears to have the most significant effects on the ongoing process of improving the online union, and therefore, deserves the undivided attention and allocation of resources from De Unie’s management. Our central conclusion is derived from the statistical analysis conceived by the test conducted to (1) determine the structure of the explored attributes and 2) obtain empirical evidence of the unique influence of each attribute on the overall performance of the online union. By exploratory research in phase I we identified five dimension that were considered to determine the overall performance namely; interaction, solidarity, safety, tangibles and information. Factor analysis merged the dimensions interaction and solidarity into one dimension. Both dimensions consist of items that are associated to each other. Therefore, and as a result of the high factor loadings and improved reliability scores, we adopted the new structure of four dimensions. Statistical analysis provided significant evidence for Proposition 5; tangibles will positively influence the overall performance of the online union. Although the other dimensions all positively influence the overall performance, multiple regression analysis did not show significant relationships. The four dimensions; tangibles, 71

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators<br />

Chapter 5 - Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations<br />

5.1 Synopsis<br />

Under influence of ICT the design of work is changing from centralized to a decentralized form. This<br />

development impacts the function and role of representative organizations such as De Unie, which<br />

witnessed a membership decline over the past ten years. In response, De Unie has been searching<br />

for, and experimenting with new service concepts including the online union. The online union is<br />

seen as an appropriate tool to recruit new members and operate as a means to interact with her<br />

members, and deliver new services that will increase the position of the organization as well as the<br />

organization’s cash flow.<br />

To improve the decision makers’ understanding of the demands of the members and design an<br />

online union that adapts to the demands of the changing workforce, two approaches were applied in<br />

this research study. First, statistical analysis aimed at determining the needs of the members and<br />

secondly the use of the quality function deployment by integrating the needs of the members into<br />

the House of Quality.<br />

5.2 Central Conclusion<br />

A validation study, i.e., an analysis of a statistically reliable sample of respondents is applied in the<br />

present case to identify the key indicators that impact the performance of the online union.<br />

Interpretation of the empirical results cause us to conclude that the area of “tangibles” appears to<br />

have the most significant effects on the ongoing process of improving the online union, and<br />

t<strong>here</strong>fore, deserves the undivided attention and allocation of resources from De Unie’s management.<br />

Our central conclusion is derived from the statistical analysis conceived by the test conducted to (1)<br />

determine the structure of the explored attributes and 2) obtain empirical evidence of the unique<br />

influence of each attribute on the overall performance of the online union. By exploratory research<br />

in phase I we identified five dimension that were considered to determine the overall performance<br />

namely; interaction, solidarity, safety, tangibles and information. Factor analysis merged the<br />

dimensions interaction and solidarity into one dimension. Both dimensions consist of items that are<br />

associated to each other. T<strong>here</strong>fore, and as a result of the high factor loadings and improved<br />

reliability scores, we adopted the new structure of four dimensions. Statistical analysis provided<br />

significant evidence for Proposition 5; tangibles will positively influence the overall performance of<br />

the online union. Although the other dimensions all positively influence the overall performance,<br />

multiple regression analysis did not show significant relationships. The four dimensions; tangibles,<br />


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