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A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators The perceived importance of the items is measured by the KANO model in part II and III of the survey. In part II respondents are asked how they feel when a certain performance characteristic is available at the online union whereas in part III respondents are asked how they feel when a certain performance characteristic is missing. Importance’s of each characteristic is measured on a five-point scale with the following answer options; I enjoy it that way – I expect it that way – I am neutral – I dislike it, but can live with it – I dislike and do not accept it. Evans and Mathur (2005) discusses the advantages and weaknesses of an online survey. The main advantages of an online survey for the current research study will be discussed below, followed by the most important weaknesses: - Flexibility: One of the main advantages is that an online survey is flexible in a way that it can be conducted in different formats. For example; an e-mail with an invitation and link to the survey, a pop-up when a person is visiting a website. For this research the survey was implemented in an online survey tool (Global Park). An e-mail invitation with a link was send to all members of the online union. - Speed and Timeliness: Members of the online union are geographically dispersed over the Netherlands. Due to the speed and global reach of the internet an online survey makes is possible to interact with geographically dispersed respondents. - Convenience: The third important advantage of an online survey will be the fact that respondents can fill in the survey on a convenient time and take as much time for answering the questions as they need. - Ease of data entry and analysis: For respondents an online survey is a relative simple way to fill in a questionnaire. The answers of the survey will be automatically transferred into data that can be used for statistical analysis. Therefore time needed for inputting and processing data will reduce significantly. - Controlled Sampling: Online surveys offer different formats to generate samples. For this research the database of members of the online union was used to compose the research sample. An email that invited members to participate was send to all approximately 1000 registered members. Advantage for De Unie is that by inviting the members, the organization shows to be interested in member’s opinions and therefore enhances its relationship with her members. The most important weaknesses of an online survey relevant for this research: 46

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators - Unclear answering instructions: Online surveys are self-administered and therefore the answering instructions have to be very clear. As a result of unclear answering instructions respondents might stop filling in the questionnaire without finishing it. The questionnaire for the online union consist clear answering instructions before each new part of the survey. Instructions are carefully tested in the pre-test phase of the survey. - Impersonal: Online surveys are characterized by the absent of human contact whereas personal interviews offer the possibility to in-depth questions. Therefore the questions must we well formulated and clear in order to get valuable and usable information. - Privacy and security issues: Respondents might hesitate to fill in an online survey when it’s unclear if their answers will be treated confidentially and whether their information will be sold to other companies. The introduction of the questionnaire for the online union explains the purpose for this research and the way information will be treated. An email address will be asked to ensure the uniqueness of the answers. The email address will not be used for other purposes. Sekeran (2003) stated that when designing a questionnaire one should focus on three areas of design principles: Principles of wording: The principles of wording refer to different aspects as; the appropriateness of the questions, how questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the language used, the type and form of questions asked and the personal data sought from the respondents. Principles of measurement: The use of suitable scales and scaling techniques will have to lead to two methodological conditions that are required for a good research; validity and reliability. Validity determines how well a technique, instrument or process is measuring a specific concept. Reliability will indicate how stable and consistently the instrument measures the variable. Overall appearance of the questionnaire: In order to get a valuable response not only the first principles are important, the overall appearance of the survey is important too. Therefore a good introduction, organized questions, clear answer instructions and a conclusion are aspects that will stimulate respondents to participate and will increase the value of a survey. A pre-test was carried out to ensure the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. For the pre-test of the survey a selection of 15 professionals of De Unie, graduate students, practitioners were asked to fill in the questionnaire and give their opinion about the content and the way questions were formulated. Furthermore experts in the field of marketing management and technology and innovation management were involved in the developing process of the questionnaire-items. 47

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators<br />

The perceived importance of the items is measured by the KANO model in part II and III of the<br />

survey. In part II respondents are asked how they feel when a certain performance characteristic is<br />

available at the online union w<strong>here</strong>as in part III respondents are asked how they feel when a certain<br />

performance characteristic is missing. Importance’s of each characteristic is measured on a five-point<br />

scale with the following answer options; I enjoy it that way – I expect it that way – I am neutral – I<br />

dislike it, but can live with it – I dislike and do not accept it.<br />

Evans and Mathur (2005) discusses the advantages and weaknesses of an online survey. The main<br />

advantages of an online survey for the current research study will be discussed below, followed by<br />

the most important weaknesses:<br />

- Flexibility: One of the main advantages is that an online survey is flexible in a way that it can be<br />

conducted in different formats. For example; an e-mail with an invitation and link to the survey, a<br />

pop-up when a person is visiting a website. For this research the survey was implemented in an<br />

online survey tool (Global Park). An e-mail invitation with a link was send to all members of the<br />

online union.<br />

- Speed and Timeliness: Members of the online union are geographically dispersed over the<br />

Netherlands. Due to the speed and global reach of the internet an online survey makes is possible to<br />

interact with geographically dispersed respondents.<br />

- Convenience: The third important advantage of an online survey will be the fact that respondents<br />

can fill in the survey on a convenient time and take as much time for answering the questions as they<br />

need.<br />

- Ease of data entry and analysis: For respondents an online survey is a relative simple way to fill in a<br />

questionnaire. The answers of the survey will be automatically transferred into data that can be used<br />

for statistical analysis. T<strong>here</strong>fore time needed for inputting and processing data will reduce<br />

significantly.<br />

- Controlled Sampling: Online surveys offer different formats to generate samples. For this research<br />

the database of members of the online union was used to compose the research sample. An email<br />

that invited members to participate was send to all approximately 1000 registered members.<br />

Advantage for De Unie is that by inviting the members, the organization shows to be interested in<br />

member’s opinions and t<strong>here</strong>fore enhances its relationship with her members.<br />

The most important weaknesses of an online survey relevant for this research:<br />


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