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A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators Chapter 2 (Theoretical Framework): presents the results of the literature review. This chapter will be divided into four parts. The first part will discuss the content of this research in terms of the current situation for representative organizations like unions and potentials for new concepts. The context will be described within the second part and focuses on virtual communities whereas the third part will discuss the process of improvement by an extensive review of the SERVQUAL and Kano models and the concept of the Quality Function Deployment. The literature review will constitute as the foundation for the conceptual framework that is present in the last part of this chapter. Chapter 3: (Methodology) discusses the methodology for the current research study. This chapter presents the research design, data description, instrument development and validity and reliability aspects of the measures. Chapter 4: Results Empirical study; this chapter is divided into three parts. The first part will discuss the process and findings of the exploratory research to the needs of the members, indicated as key performance drivers of the online union. Results of the interviews with employees as well as a group of members of the online union will be presented. From these results several propositions are formulated. The second part of this chapter presents an extensive analysis of the results of the conducted online survey. To find empirical evidence for the formulated propositions, several statistical tests like Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis will be discussed. Furthermore, the information gathered by the online survey will function as input for the construction of the House of Quality in the third part of this chapter. The third part presents a broad description of the construction of the House of Quality for the online union. The House of Quality is used to provide De Unie direction for informed decision making in the ongoing process of improving the online union, as the House of Quality directly links the technical requirements to the needs of the members. Chapter 5: (Conclusions and recommendations) will discuss the conclusions, implications and ideas for further research. This chapter will describe an answer to the problem statement, realization of objectives, theoretical and empirical conclusions from the research, managerial implications and limitations and directions for further research. 20

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators Chapter 2 - Theoretical Framework This chapter will provide an overview of previous research related to the subjects that will be discussed within this study. The first section, 2.1, will discuss literature findings about the topic of this research study; online unions. It discusses the current situation of representative organizations like a labor union and potentials for new concepts. Furthermore three future scenarios will be presented. In relation to new union concepts, section 2.2 will discuss the influence and opportunities of new media types. Especially the significance of changing ways of interactions between a supply and demand sides will be highlighted. One specific type of new media are virtual communities. A review of the concept, types and relevance of virtual communities will be provided in this section 2.3. Section 2.4 presents the SERVQUAL model which will be used to measure the performance of the online union. Data provided by the SERVQUAL model will be processed into the method of Quality Function Deployment. This research study will focus on the design process of the online union. The House of Quality presented in section 2.5.2 will be used to design the concept of the online union to the needs of its members. The established theoretical framework forms the foundation for the conceptual model. Section 2.5 presents the conceptual model for the current research study 2.1 Online trade unions Problems in recruitment and retention of members over the past two decades form the foundation for the decline of traditional labor unions. In order to reverse this decline, unions should adapt to the needs of the changing workforce and from this perspective develop new types of unions that are in shape with the needs of the workforce and are appropriate to the 21th century (Heery et al, 2000). The existing decline increases the need for renewal of union memberships. According to Greene et al (2000) it is important that renewal of a union is not limited to existing areas but unions should also be aware of recruitment possibilities in traditionally non-unionized sectors and growth areas of the economy like the service sector. Heery et al (2000) mentioned in this case also the increase of the contingent workforce, which includes temporary work, agency work and freelance work. The growth of the internet and many different information and communication technologies is also challenging the role of traditional representative organizations like labor unions. Greene et al (2000) argue that for their renewal labor unions should use IT options like internet, to organize in a more innovative and potentially more effective way. In particular, the use of the internet in the labor union 21

A validation Study of House of Quality key performance indicators<br />

Chapter 2 (Theoretical Framework): presents the results of the literature review. This chapter will be<br />

divided into four parts. The first part will discuss the content of this research in terms of the current<br />

situation for representative organizations like unions and potentials for new concepts. The context<br />

will be described within the second part and focuses on virtual communities w<strong>here</strong>as the third part<br />

will discuss the process of improvement by an extensive review of the SERVQUAL and Kano models<br />

and the concept of the Quality Function Deployment. The literature review will constitute as the<br />

foundation for the conceptual framework that is present in the last part of this chapter.<br />

Chapter 3: (Methodology) discusses the methodology for the current research study. This chapter<br />

presents the research design, data description, instrument development and validity and reliability<br />

aspects of the measures.<br />

Chapter 4: Results Empirical study; this chapter is divided into three parts. The first part will discuss<br />

the process and findings of the exploratory research to the needs of the members, indicated as key<br />

performance drivers of the online union. Results of the interviews with employees as well as a group<br />

of members of the online union will be presented. From these results several propositions are<br />

formulated. The second part of this chapter presents an extensive analysis of the results of the<br />

conducted online survey. To find empirical evidence for the formulated propositions, several<br />

statistical tests like Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis will be discussed. Furthermore,<br />

the information gat<strong>here</strong>d by the online survey will function as input for the construction of the<br />

House of Quality in the third part of this chapter. The third part presents a broad description of the<br />

construction of the House of Quality for the online union. The House of Quality is used to provide De<br />

Unie direction for informed decision making in the ongoing process of improving the online union, as<br />

the House of Quality directly links the technical requirements to the needs of the members.<br />

Chapter 5: (Conclusions and recommendations) will discuss the conclusions, implications and ideas<br />

for further research. This chapter will describe an answer to the problem statement, realization of<br />

objectives, theoretical and empirical conclusions from the research, managerial implications and<br />

limitations and directions for further research.<br />


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