Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet


2 Pathfinder Chronicles Introduction The greatest heroes of Golarion’s modern age record their victories in an ongoing series of chapbooks known as the Pathfinder Chronicles. The amazing, often unbelievable tales bound in these oft-traded volumes tell of lost gods and sunken continents, of creatures older than the world itself who fell from the stars in the eldest of days, and of the fantastic ruins they left behind. The authors of these tales belong to the Pathfinder Society, a loose-knit group of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers who span the globe in search of lost knowledge and ancient treasures. Some seek to unlock the secret history of the world, piecing together the past one fragment at a time. Others are in it for the money, filtering priceless antiquities through a series of unscrupulous merchants to enrich themselves beyond measure. Other Pathfinders take up the trade because they find the thrill of risking their lives more addicting and exhilarating than any vice or drug. The PaThfinder SocieTy A shadowy inner circle of masked leaders known as the Decemvirate rules the Pathfinder Society from the bustling metropolis of Absalom, the so-called City at the Center of the World, positioned on the Isle of Kortos in the Inner Sea. There, in a huge fortress complex called the Grand Lodge, the Ten manage a vast organization of operatives spread throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond. These operatives, known as venture-captains, coordinate teams of Pathfinders in the assigned regions, tipping them off to ancient legends, passing along newly discovered maps, and supporting their efforts in the field. The venture-captain provides an ideal “in-world” source of adventure leads, making him an indispensable NPC in your Pathfinder campaign. That doesn’t necessarily make the venture-captain an unswerving ally, however. The ultimate goals of the Decemvirate are inscrutable, and not even the venturecaptains understand the full picture of what the Pathfinder Society does with all of the information it collects. Each venture-captain oversees the activities of several tightly knit groups of Pathfinder field agents who conduct much of the exploration and adventure that fuels the society as a whole. Perhaps your player characters are one such group, moving from locale to locale to discover the lost secrets of dead civilizations and the wondrous treasures they left behind. Pathfinder agents provide detailed written reports of their exploits to their venture-captains, who then forward the

most compelling records to the Grand Lodge in Absalom for consideration by the Decemvirate. Periodically, the masked leaders of the society collect and publish the greatest exploits into new volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles, which they send back to their venture-captains in bulk for distribution to field agents. Whenever a new volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles hits the field, dozens of adventurers f lock to the sites described therein for further exploration and adventure. Although they belong to the same society, individual groups of Pathfinder agents often find themselves at crosspurposes in the field, particularly if each team reports to a different venture-captain. Competition between Pathfinders rarely results in outright battle, but certain agents aren’t above collapsing passages, triggering ancient traps, or selling out their rivals to hostile natives—all in the name of friendly competition, of course. Player characters in a Pathfinder Chronicles campaign need not be members of the Pathfinder Society in order for the organization to play a critical role in their adventuring lives. Although the volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles themselves are intended only for the eyes of Pathfinder agents, there are unaffiliated adventurers, crooked scholars, and ambitious antiquarians who track down stray volumes and use them as maps to adventure. Even the oldest volumes, whose subjects have been plundered again and again, often contain hints leading to undiscovered treasure. Beyond the books, the PCs might also encounter a rival Pathfinder group in the field, setting up the society as lifelong antagonists or allies. The inner Sea and The age of LoST omenS The Pathfinder Society bases itself in Absalom on the Inner Sea. To the north is the continent of Avistan, seat of once-mighty empires like Cheliax and Taldor, and site of the ruins of Lost Thassilon in Varisia. South, across the wide waterway of the Inner Sea, lie the secrets of Garund, a sprawling continent of arid deserts and fecund jungles, where the mighty pharaohs of Osirion emerged from the Age of Darkness to chart a new destiny for humanity. The crumbling remnants of countless lost civilizations abound upon Avistan and Garund, drawing explorers and adventurers from all corners of Golarion. Some of these nations fell in the cloudy days of prehistory, like the lost continent of Azlant and the mysterious terraced pyramids of the Mwangi Expanse. Others collapsed in recent memory, as occurred in the so-called Sodden Lands along the edge of the Eye of Abendego, a permanent hurricane off Garund’s western coast. The Eye appeared a century ago, at the birth of the current era of mankind’s history, the Age of Lost Omens. Until a century ago, the destiny of humanity was guided by an ascended mortal known as Aroden, the last survivor of Old Azlant, first of the great human kingdoms of antiquity. Gazetteer: Introduction In the early days of recorded history, Aroden walked Golarion among his people. When Azlant sunk beneath the sea, a victim of its own pride and arrogance, Aroden ventured to Avistan. There he raised the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea, helped to found both Taldor and Absalom, and protected his people from the depredations of horrific villains such as the wizard-king Tar-Baphon and the nigh-unstoppable Spawn of Rovagug. Then, thousands of years ago, Aroden departed Golarion, vowing to return on the eve of mankind’s greatest triumph. The Last Azlanti’s powerful church in the empire of Cheliax traced this prophecy to a specific day just over a century ago. With great ceremony and circumstance, thousands of clerics of Aroden and the Chelaxian nobility who supported them gathered in a vast ceremony at the Chelish capital of Westcrown, eager to see their deific master manifest in the f lesh to usher in a new age of triumph. Instead, terrible storms darkened Golarion’s skies, and the assembled clerics lost all connection to their god. For 3 weeks, winds and waves ravaged the world, drowning coastal nations and casting governments into ruin. In the north, Golarion shifted slightly in the direction of the infernal Abyss, granting terrible demonic forces control over a widening region of the world. The Eye of Abendego remains as the greatest physical aftershock of Aroden’s apparent death, but the psychological scars upon humanity will take centuries to fully heal. Perhaps worse, Aroden’s disappearance shattered one of the most reliable prophecies humans had ever known, shaking their faith in the solidity of the future. Since this tragic event, no significant prophecy has come true in any way, leading scholars to name the current era the Age of Lost Omens. This uncertain world serves as the backdrop for your Pathfinder Chronicles campaign. It is a world 100 years from catastrophe, a place of overwhelming danger with an unknown future. It is a place in need of adventurers willing to make that future their own. So polish your swords and armor and ready your most potent spells. Your new campaign world awaits! USing ThiS Book This book provides a broad overview of the Inner Sea region of the world of Golarion, the official campaign setting of Pathfinder and the Pathfinder Chronicles adventures, sourcebooks, and Adventure Path campaigns published by Paizo Publishing. It’s a handy resource for players and game masters looking to f lesh out the world beyond a given adventure, and it contains hundreds of compelling hooks leading to even greater adventures. Paizo will fill in some of these blanks as the years go by, but others are here for you to explore in your own campaigns. 3

most compelling records to the Grand Lodge in Absalom for<br />

consideration by the Decemvirate. Periodically, the masked<br />

leaders of the society collect and publish the greatest exploits<br />

into new volumes of the <strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong>, which they send<br />

back to their venture-captains in bulk for distribution to field<br />

agents. Whenever a new volume of the <strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong> hits<br />

the field, dozens of adventurers f lock to the sites described<br />

therein for further exploration and adventure.<br />

Although they belong to the same society, individual<br />

groups of <strong>Pathfinder</strong> agents often find themselves at crosspurposes<br />

in the field, particularly if each team reports to a<br />

different venture-captain. Competition between <strong>Pathfinder</strong>s<br />

rarely results in outright battle, but certain agents aren’t<br />

above collapsing passages, triggering ancient traps, or selling<br />

out their rivals to hostile natives—all in the name of friendly<br />

competition, of course.<br />

Player characters in a <strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong> campaign<br />

need not be members of the <strong>Pathfinder</strong> Society in order for the<br />

organization to play a critical role in their adventuring lives.<br />

Although the volumes of the <strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong> themselves<br />

are intended only for the eyes of <strong>Pathfinder</strong> agents, there are<br />

unaffiliated adventurers, crooked scholars, and ambitious<br />

antiquarians who track down stray volumes and use them as<br />

maps to adventure. Even the oldest volumes, whose subjects<br />

have been plundered again and again, often contain hints<br />

leading to undiscovered treasure. Beyond the books, the PCs<br />

might also encounter a rival <strong>Pathfinder</strong> group in the field,<br />

setting up the society as lifelong antagonists or allies.<br />

The inner Sea and The age of<br />

LoST omenS<br />

The <strong>Pathfinder</strong> Society bases itself in Absalom on the<br />

Inner Sea. To the north is the continent of Avistan, seat of<br />

once-mighty empires like Cheliax and Taldor, and site of<br />

the ruins of Lost Thassilon in Varisia. South, across the<br />

wide waterway of the Inner Sea, lie the secrets of Garund,<br />

a sprawling continent of arid deserts and fecund jungles,<br />

where the mighty pharaohs of Osirion emerged from the Age<br />

of Darkness to chart a new destiny for humanity.<br />

The crumbling remnants of countless lost civilizations<br />

abound upon Avistan and Garund, drawing explorers and<br />

adventurers from all corners of Golarion. Some of these<br />

nations fell in the cloudy days of prehistory, like the lost<br />

continent of Azlant and the mysterious terraced pyramids<br />

of the Mwangi Expanse. Others collapsed in recent memory,<br />

as occurred in the so-called Sodden Lands along the edge of<br />

the Eye of Abendego, a permanent hurricane off Garund’s<br />

western coast.<br />

The Eye appeared a century ago, at the birth of the current<br />

era of mankind’s history, the Age of Lost Omens. Until<br />

a century ago, the destiny of humanity was guided by an<br />

ascended mortal known as Aroden, the last survivor of Old<br />

Azlant, first of the great human kingdoms of antiquity.<br />

<strong>Gazetteer</strong>: Introduction<br />

In the early days of recorded history, Aroden walked<br />

Golarion among his people. When Azlant sunk beneath<br />

the sea, a victim of its own pride and arrogance, Aroden<br />

ventured to Avistan. There he raised the Starstone from the<br />

depths of the Inner Sea, helped to found both Taldor and<br />

Absalom, and protected his people from the depredations<br />

of horrific villains such as the wizard-king Tar-Baphon and<br />

the nigh-unstoppable Spawn of Rovagug. Then, thousands<br />

of years ago, Aroden departed Golarion, vowing to return<br />

on the eve of mankind’s greatest triumph.<br />

The Last Azlanti’s powerful church in the empire of Cheliax<br />

traced this prophecy to a specific day just over a century<br />

ago. With great ceremony and circumstance, thousands of<br />

clerics of Aroden and the Chelaxian nobility who supported<br />

them gathered in a vast ceremony at the Chelish capital of<br />

Westcrown, eager to see their deific master manifest in the<br />

f lesh to usher in a new age of triumph.<br />

Instead, terrible storms darkened Golarion’s skies, and<br />

the assembled clerics lost all connection to their god. For<br />

3 weeks, winds and waves ravaged the world, drowning<br />

coastal nations and casting governments into ruin. In the<br />

north, Golarion shifted slightly in the direction of the<br />

infernal Abyss, granting terrible demonic forces control<br />

over a widening region of the world. The Eye of Abendego<br />

remains as the greatest physical aftershock of Aroden’s<br />

apparent death, but the psychological scars upon humanity<br />

will take centuries to fully heal.<br />

Perhaps worse, Aroden’s disappearance shattered one<br />

of the most reliable prophecies humans had ever known,<br />

shaking their faith in the solidity of the future. Since this<br />

tragic event, no significant prophecy has come true in any<br />

way, leading scholars to name the current era the Age of<br />

Lost Omens.<br />

This uncertain world serves as the backdrop for your<br />

<strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong> campaign. It is a world 100 years<br />

from catastrophe, a place of overwhelming danger with an<br />

unknown future.<br />

It is a place in need of adventurers willing to make that<br />

future their own. So polish your swords and armor and<br />

ready your most potent spells.<br />

Your new campaign world awaits!<br />

USing ThiS Book<br />

This book provides a broad overview of the Inner Sea region<br />

of the world of Golarion, the official campaign setting<br />

of <strong>Pathfinder</strong> and the <strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong> adventures,<br />

sourcebooks, and Adventure Path campaigns published<br />

by Paizo Publishing. It’s a handy resource for players and<br />

game masters looking to f lesh out the world beyond a given<br />

adventure, and it contains hundreds of compelling hooks<br />

leading to even greater adventures. Paizo will fill in some<br />

of these blanks as the years go by, but others are here for you<br />

to explore in your own campaigns.<br />


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