Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet


Pathfinder Chronicles 46 Numeria SAVAGE LAND OF SUPER-SCIENCE Alignment: CN Capital: Starfall (32,400) Notable Settlements: Castle Urion (1,240), Chesed (59,690), Hajoth Hakados (6,780) Ruler: Kevoth-Kul, the Black Sovereign of Numeria Government: Barbaric monarchy Languages: Hallit Religion: Desna, Gorum, Nethys The headwaters of the mighty Sellen River system emerge from powerful lakes and springs in the arid plains of Numeria, the greatest of the so-called River Kingdoms and the site of the strangest otherworldly inf luence on all of Golarion. Before the coming of demons in the Worldwound, Numeria had been on the verge of uniting several of its neighbors into a vast empire of the north, but the fall of Sarkoris and the subsequent horror in the north changed Numeria’s trajectory. Now the brutal Black Sovereign and his council of wicked sorcerers struggle to keep things together while outside inf luences threaten the nation from all sides. In the civilized south, Numeria is best known as the source of Skymetal, extremely rare metallic alloys useful in weaponcraft and magical artifice. The most common of these is adamantine, but seven varities exist, each with its own properties and arcane affinities. Demand for these most precious of metals sees them traded and sold as far away as the markets of Geb, and the reputation of “Numerian steel” extends well into central Casmaron. The shards of twisted metal gathered by Numerian wanderers and traded in all directions come from the scattered debris of a great metal mountain that fell from the sky many millennia ago, perhaps even before the Age of Darkness. The enormous bulk was a vessel from the depths of outer space, and when it broke up over the plains of Numeria its destruction bathed the region in weird energies that result in strange mutations to this day. The largest fragment of the vessel, with a great many intact cabins, dominates the landscape near Numeria’s capital city of Starfall and is known as the Silver Mount. Life in the grim capital is a perverse, barbarian version of the decadent courts of the south, steeped in addiction to vile liquids extracted from the Silver Mount and patrolled by metal men rescued from the tarnished edifice. The word of the Black Sovereign is law in Starfall, with the debased sorcerers of the Technic League and their Gearsmen servants enforcing the will of Numeria’s brutal dictator. Those who follow his lead (and sometimes revel in it) participate in the dark, carnal rewards of conformity, while rebels and the dregs of society live only to serve. The tyranny of Starfall extends throughout the nation to threaten the many nomadic barbarian Kellid tribes that range the northern plains. While most fear the word of the Black Sovereign, the canniest know the ruler’s fearless legions can only be in one place at one time, and thus freedom abounds where the Black Sovereign does not cast his jealous gaze. In the last century, Numeria has absorbed vast numbers of pilgrims and religious warriors venturing from southern lands to the crusades of Mendev and the Worldwound. These travelers often take the so-called River Road from the Inner Sea up the Sellen to Chesed, and from there to Mendev and the glory of holy war. Most pilgrims first approach Numeria at the imposing Castle Urion, where the Sellen forks east and west. The new fortification stands on land claimed by the Black Sovereign, but a full detachment of griffonriding Knights of Iomedae ensures the protection of travelers and administers to those in need of medical or spiritual attention. During the first two Mendevian Crusades, most travelers took the western fork of the Sellen, venturing north along the haunted border of Ustalav to reach crusader-occupied Storasta and eventually Nerosyan, capital of Mendev. When Storasta and the surrounding river fell under the tainted sway of the Worldwound, the pilgrims at Castle Urion began to f low eastward, toward the near-independent trading community of Hajoth Hakados. The river journey from there to Chesed sees freqent raids from the lawless barbarian nomads of eastern Numeria, but as the attacks represent one of the final challenges before reaching the end of their quest, many pilgrims actually look forward to these battles. Finally, the travelers reach the coastal city of Chesed, on the Lake of Mists and Veils, the final destination before arrival in Mendev. The Technic League welcomes visitors to Chesed for the coin they bring, and protection of this f low of capital has greatly changed Numeria in the last century. Wily merchants in Chesed know that many pilgrims are dupes, and more of them lose their final pennies in Chesed than at any other point in their long journey. Most travel by boat to their final destination in Egede. Unscrupulous captains often charge exorbitant fees for this service, safely banking on an increase in unthinking zealotry as the pilgrims get within sight of their goal. Osirion LAND OF THE PHARAOHS Alignment: LN Capital: Sothis (111,989) Notable Settlements: Eto (9,740), Ipeq (12,730), Totra (52,360), Shiman-Sekh (6,680) Ruler: The Ruby Prince Khemet III

Government: Celestial Monarchy Languages: Osirian Religion: Nethys, Sarenrae, Pharasma, Lamashtu, Irori, Norgorber, Rovagug For almost 2,000 years after the Starstone fell from space to create the Inner Sea, chaos and ruin defined Golarion. The old empires were cast down and strange creatures born of darkness and fear stalked the land. It was a time of barbarism and terror, a slow decline into extinction for humankind. Humanity rose again in the jungles and deserts of the south Inner Sea coast. Osirion, a land of living god-kings and monolithic pyramids, arose as a civilized beacon in a world ruled by barbarism, the first of the great kingdoms of man’s Age of Destiny. A prophet of Nethys known as Azghaad unified the warring tribes along the River Sphinx, initiating Osirion’s first pharaonic dynasty in the city of Sothis, which still bears titanic statues carved in his image. The Osirian folk honored their pharaohs as gods in the f lesh, acceding to their every whim and marching upon their grand ambitions. Within 500 years, Osirion controlled vast territories in Thuvia and modern-day Rahadoum and Katapesh, as well as a lost colony that eventually became the kingdom of Geb. This Gazetteer: Nations First Age of Osirion generated pyramid tombs and temples for scores of pharaohs and their servants, many of which remain undiscovered (and well defended) to this day. A succession of lesser pharaohs and temporary foreign conquerors ruled Osirion in the middle centuries of the Age of Destiny, erecting cities and temples of their own in an attempt to leave a permanent mark on history. Most are forgotten today. During this period, Osirion waned in inf luence throughout the Inner Sea, ceding its marginal colonial territories. Four competing warlords known as the Four Pharaohs of Ascension halted Osirion’s decline about two centuries before the foundation of Taldor, restoring the nation’s inf luence and holdings using force and guile. The resulting prosperity fueled a rebirth in the nation’s spirit, marking Osirion’s Second Age. In 1532, foreign inf luence ended Osirion’s pharaonic era when Qadiri agents toppled the corrupt government of Pharaoh Menedes XXVI, establishing Osirion as a satrapy of the Keleshite Empire of the East. Over the centuries, migrants from Kelesh changed the ethnic character of the nation, razing many of the old monuments and structures to the ground in an effort to chart a new destiny for Osirion. 3 47

Government: Celestial Monarchy<br />

Languages: Osirian<br />

Religion: Nethys, Sarenrae, Pharasma, Lamashtu, Irori,<br />

Norgorber, Rovagug<br />

For almost 2,000 years after the Starstone fell from space<br />

to create the Inner Sea, chaos and ruin defined Golarion.<br />

The old empires were cast down and strange creatures<br />

born of darkness and fear stalked the land. It was a time<br />

of barbarism and terror, a slow decline into extinction<br />

for humankind. Humanity rose again in the jungles<br />

and deserts of the south Inner Sea coast. Osirion, a land<br />

of living god-kings and monolithic pyramids, arose as a<br />

civilized beacon in a world ruled by barbarism, the first of<br />

the great kingdoms of man’s Age of Destiny.<br />

A prophet of Nethys known as Azghaad unified the<br />

warring tribes along the River Sphinx, initiating Osirion’s<br />

first pharaonic dynasty in the city of Sothis, which still bears<br />

titanic statues carved in his image. The Osirian folk honored<br />

their pharaohs as gods in the f lesh, acceding to their every<br />

whim and marching upon their grand ambitions. Within<br />

500 years, Osirion controlled vast territories in Thuvia<br />

and modern-day Rahadoum and Katapesh, as well as a lost<br />

colony that eventually became the kingdom of Geb. This<br />

<strong>Gazetteer</strong>: Nations<br />

First Age of Osirion generated pyramid tombs and temples<br />

for scores of pharaohs and their servants, many of which<br />

remain undiscovered (and well defended) to this day.<br />

A succession of lesser pharaohs and temporary foreign<br />

conquerors ruled Osirion in the middle centuries of the<br />

Age of Destiny, erecting cities and temples of their own<br />

in an attempt to leave a permanent mark on history. Most<br />

are forgotten today. During this period, Osirion waned in<br />

inf luence throughout the Inner Sea, ceding its marginal<br />

colonial territories.<br />

Four competing warlords known as the Four Pharaohs<br />

of Ascension halted Osirion’s decline about two centuries<br />

before the foundation of Taldor, restoring the nation’s<br />

inf luence and holdings using force and guile. The<br />

resulting prosperity fueled a rebirth in the nation’s spirit,<br />

marking Osirion’s Second Age.<br />

In 1532, foreign inf luence ended Osirion’s pharaonic<br />

era when Qadiri agents toppled the corrupt government of<br />

Pharaoh Menedes XXVI, establishing Osirion as a satrapy<br />

of the Keleshite Empire of the East. Over the centuries,<br />

migrants from Kelesh changed the ethnic character<br />

of the nation, razing many of the old monuments and<br />

structures to the ground in an effort to chart a new<br />

destiny for Osirion.<br />

3<br />


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