Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet


Pathfinder Chronicles 34 worlds she is said to frequent. The new Daughter quickly goes about installing her children into positions of power throughout the kingdom. Male children marshal forces and protect the realm, while females see to the government and administration of the land, often regardless of age. These granddaughters of Baba Yaga, collectively known as the White Witches, command a level of respect and obeisance from their subjects that borders on worship. Whether this is out of fear or genuine adoration is a matter of great speculation. Citizens of Irrisen find themselves quite isolated from the rest of Golarion. Due to the eternal winter that hangs over the region, few traders make stops there, and travelers are rare. Inhabitants spend most of their days farming what few crops grow in the harsh climate, gathering wood for their fires, and avoiding the ire of the White Witches. Beyond its natural hazards, Irrisen is also home to a wide variety of wicked fey creatures and numerous tribes of ice trolls. The White Witches hold these creatures in high regard, and in many provinces harming them is a serious crime. Irrisen has few friends beyond its borders. The Linnorm Kings to the west have not forgotten the winter war that birthed their neighbor, an insult aggravated by the frequent raids by fey and trolls that steal supplies, weapons, and occasionally children. The Mammoth Lords to the east have an uneasy truce with the current queen, but with her time nearing an end, the future might bring new conf lict on this front. Isger THRALL OF CHELIAX Alignment: LN Capital: Elidir (11,900) Notable Settlements: Logas (4,300) Ruler: Hedvend VI, Steward of Isger Government: Vassal State of Cheliax Languages: Common Religion: Diabolism, Erastil Isger stands at the border of two worlds, straddling the most lucrative trade route in Avistan. On one side is Druma and the exotic markets of Lake Encarthan. On the other is Cheliax, the ravenous empire, gateway to the Inner Sea. Aided by the meticulous white-gloved merchants of the kalistocracy and the insatiable business interests of the empire, more gold travels through the winding valleys of Isger than anywhere else in Avistan, and thus has it been since the nation’s founding more than 2,000 years ago. Accordingly, Isger has never truly been free. Taldor’s Seventh Army of Exploration pacified the region between the Menador and Five Kings mountain ranges in the middle years of the Age of Enthronement, naming the blood-soaked lands for their vanquished Kellid foes of the Isgeri tribe. For centuries, a baron of royal blood ruled from the old capital at Logas, funneling the masterworks of Highhelm and old elvish artifacts plundered from the ruins of Kyonin to the imperial treasure vaults of Oppara. As Taldor’s focus drew increasingly toward internal matters and the imperial heartland became more insular, Isger began to feel isolated and estranged from its patron. The situation collapsed during the so-called Even-Tongued Conquest, when Cheliax broke from Taldor and claimed Isger, by force, as the first holding of a new empire. In the six centuries since, the economic fortunes of Isger and Cheliax have become so deeply entwined that Isger lost much of its cultural identity. The Steward and his court at Elidir are a joke, a sham aristocracy propped up by long financial and familial ties to the old wealth of Cheliax. But despite a certain affinity for the nobler days of Cheliax in the spirit of Isger’s people, the relationships between Isger and its parent nation have always been one-sided. Most of Isger’s natural resources were stripped centuries ago to benefit the greater empire, and even today all local road taxes and tariffs are shipped directly to Egorian and the Chelish bureaucracy. Resentment of the current order grows deep in Isger, but unlike in Andoran and Galt, where similar sentiment inspired political reforms, the old-money Chelish nobles who hatch revolution in the back-alleys of Elidir do so to support a corrupt old order that cares little for the lesser people, and for the people of Isger least of all. Persistent problems with the savage humanoids of the Chitterwood erupted 11 years ago into open warfare, as dozens of goblin tribes poured from the forest to raid caravans on the route from Logas to Elidir. Commanded by fierce hobgoblin warriors previously unknown in the region, the tribes murdered hundreds of travelers, merchants, and fighting men before turning their ravenous appetites to the towns and villages north of the Five Kings. The outright slaughter brought about an unlikely alliance of the Hellknights of Cheliax, Druma’s Mercenary League, and the Andoren Militia, all of whom protected their financial interests and native soil by launching a brutal counterattack, pushing the monstrous raiders back to their darkened wood in a 4-year series of conflicts known as the Goblinblood Wars. By the time the fighting ended, thousands of Isgeri citizens and foreign fighters were killed and devoured by the goblin menace, and much of the foreboding woodland between Logas and the River Keld was put to the torch. Most of the surviving goblinoids took refuge in the natural caves below the wood, and at last life in Isger approached normalcy. The nations that came to Isger’s aid expected a certain payment, of course, and now Isger’s fortunes are controlled by foreign powers more than ever before. With the foreigners gone and his own army decimated, Steward Hedvend and his men command only the roads of Isger. The wild lands beyond—dotted with burnt-out villages

and scattered with the bones of dead soldiers—have fallen completely to banditry. What little coin remains in the hands of Isger’s rulers is spent hunting down outlaws, and the steward’s agents post bounties on brigand leaders and resettled villages, drawing even more desperate warriors to pacify things in the hinterlands. It remains to be seen if these efforts are improving things or making them worse, but so long as trade continues unmolested on the road to Druma, the steward is content to treat Isger’s problems as a secondary concern. Jalmeray KINGDOM OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Alignment: CN Capital: Niswan (10,300) Notable Settlements: Padiskar (8,200) Ruler: Kharswan, Thakur of Jalmeray Government: Colonial Princely State Languages: Vudrani Religion: Irori, elementalism, mysterious eastern religions Although he long ago departed the nation that still bears his name, the wizard-king Nex weaved a centuriesspanning life so incredible that tales of his exploits and audacity stretch from the eastern coast of Garund north to Varisia and beyond. About 4,000 years ago, as the story goes, strange ships swarmed over the eastern horizon, dispatching a vast retinue upon Nex’s port of Quantium. The train of acrobats, dancers, mystics, and elephants comprised the ostentatious entourage of Khiben-Sald, greatest Maharaja of the eastern empire of Vudra. The bizarre foreigners—at this time wholly unknown in the Inner Sea region—became fixtures in the court of Nex, and Vudran culture inf luenced the art and dress of the wizard-ruled nation, triggering a strong sense of orientalism that persists to the modern day. During the decade in which he was resident in Nex, Khiben-Sald and his folk inhabited the craggy forested island of Jalmeray, off Nex’s eastern coast, decreed a formal holding of Vudra by no less an authority than Nex himself. Khiben-Sald’s traveling court erected dozens of temples to their strange gods, attracting a wide variety of heretofore undiscovered elemental creatures to the isle in an effort to increase its considerable natural beauty and charms. It is said that the maharaja’s court brought the worship of Irori to the Inner Sea, and while the foreigners’ stay was brief, its inf luence upon Nex, Katapesh, and Absalom can scarcely be overstated. Distant Vudra became part of the regional sphere, with ships of merchants, prophets, and explorers regularly appearing over the horizon of the Obari Ocean. When Khiben-Sald finally returned to his homeland, he left behind only a handful of glorious monuments and bound genies as a sign that he had ever been on Jalmeray at all. Gazetteer: Nations Slave Ships of the Inner Sea Although despised by the revolutionaries of Andoran and Galt, slavery remains a lucrative trade on the Inner Sea and the backbone of most agrarian societies. The yellow-sailed slave galleys of Okeno are the most famous and feared of the slave-takers and sellers, but countless independent operations ply the seaways with ships packed with manacled human cargo. Pirates of the Shackles frequently raid the Sodden Lands and Mwangi interior for fresh stock, while older civilizations like Osirion and Taldor breed generations of enslaved or indentured labor as a matter of course. Humans of all races make up the hardiest and highestvalued slaves, while dwarves and gnomes escape widespread enslavement due to their reclusive natures. Common belief holds that elves make the poorest slaves and invite the most trouble, while halflings remain a popular choice in cosmopolitan Absalom and in the cities of Cheliax, where they are derisively known as slips. Orcs, gnolls, and other barbaric races frequently raid human settlements to sell their captives to slavers bound for distant ports. The meddling Eagle Knights of Andoran, with the tacit support of the merchant-princes of Druma, actively oppose the trafficking of sentient creatures, planting sleeper agents in Okeno and the crews of the most egregious slavers in an effort to upset operations and free captives before they are sold. A mysterious armada known as the Gray Corsairs patrols the seaways in an effort to curb the slave trade, notably succeeding in the summer of 4705 with the sinking of three enormous Katapeshi galleys bound for Westcrown. A few centuries later, Nex himself abandoned Golarion, leaving his magical kingdom to an uncertain future. In time a faction of dogmatic wizards called the Arclords of Nex assumed rulership in Quantium, following the dictates of a possibly apocryphal journal of arcane incantations and revelations said to have been penned by the nation’s archmage founder and preserved by his servants. The Arclords ruled Nex for centuries before internal strife forced them out of the good graces of the nation’s tolerant citizenry, and hence into exile. The shamed arcanists set off to cross the Obari Ocean into uncharted distant lands, but instead put in at Jalmeray, using the nearby island as an outpost from which to subtly inf luence the affairs of their homeland. Unable to best Khiben-Sald’s loyal genie guardians and distrustful of the unusual, alien magics discovered at the island’s heart, the Arclords sealed the old Vudrani ruins and established their own holdings upon Jalmeray, becoming a regional power with inf luence not only in Nex but also throughout Qadira, Taldor, and Katapesh. The apprentices of the first Arclord inhabitants of Jalmeray spread throughout Avistan and Garund, establishing schools of magical instruction in the ancient methods of 3 35

<strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong><br />

34<br />

worlds she is said to frequent. The new Daughter quickly<br />

goes about installing her children into positions of power<br />

throughout the kingdom. Male children marshal forces and<br />

protect the realm, while females see to the government and<br />

administration of the land, often regardless of age. These<br />

granddaughters of Baba Yaga, collectively known as the White<br />

Witches, command a level of respect and obeisance from their<br />

subjects that borders on worship. Whether this is out of fear<br />

or genuine adoration is a matter of great speculation.<br />

Citizens of Irrisen find themselves quite isolated from the<br />

rest of Golarion. Due to the eternal winter that hangs over<br />

the region, few traders make stops there, and travelers are<br />

rare. Inhabitants spend most of their days farming what few<br />

crops grow in the harsh climate, gathering wood for their<br />

fires, and avoiding the ire of the White Witches. Beyond its<br />

natural hazards, Irrisen is also home to a wide variety of<br />

wicked fey creatures and numerous tribes of ice trolls. The<br />

White Witches hold these creatures in high regard, and in<br />

many provinces harming them is a serious crime.<br />

Irrisen has few friends beyond its borders. The<br />

Linnorm Kings to the west have not forgotten the winter<br />

war that birthed their neighbor, an insult aggravated by<br />

the frequent raids by fey and trolls that steal supplies,<br />

weapons, and occasionally children. The Mammoth Lords<br />

to the east have an uneasy truce with the current queen,<br />

but with her time nearing an end, the future might bring<br />

new conf lict on this front.<br />

Isger<br />


Alignment: LN<br />

Capital: Elidir (11,900)<br />

Notable Settlements: Logas (4,300)<br />

Ruler: Hedvend VI, Steward of Isger<br />

Government: Vassal State of Cheliax<br />

Languages: Common<br />

Religion: Diabolism, Erastil<br />

Isger stands at the border of two worlds, straddling the<br />

most lucrative trade route in Avistan. On one side is<br />

Druma and the exotic markets of Lake Encarthan. On the<br />

other is Cheliax, the ravenous empire, gateway to the Inner<br />

Sea. Aided by the meticulous white-gloved merchants of<br />

the kalistocracy and the insatiable business interests of<br />

the empire, more gold travels through the winding valleys<br />

of Isger than anywhere else in Avistan, and thus has it been<br />

since the nation’s founding more than 2,000 years ago.<br />

Accordingly, Isger has never truly been free.<br />

Taldor’s Seventh Army of Exploration pacified the region<br />

between the Menador and Five Kings mountain ranges<br />

in the middle years of the Age of Enthronement, naming<br />

the blood-soaked lands for their vanquished Kellid foes of<br />

the Isgeri tribe. For centuries, a baron of royal blood ruled<br />

from the old capital at Logas, funneling the masterworks<br />

of Highhelm and old elvish artifacts plundered from the<br />

ruins of Kyonin to the imperial treasure vaults of Oppara.<br />

As Taldor’s focus drew increasingly toward internal matters<br />

and the imperial heartland became more insular, Isger<br />

began to feel isolated and estranged from its patron. The<br />

situation collapsed during the so-called Even-Tongued<br />

Conquest, when Cheliax broke from Taldor and claimed<br />

Isger, by force, as the first holding of a new empire.<br />

In the six centuries since, the economic fortunes of Isger<br />

and Cheliax have become so deeply entwined that Isger lost<br />

much of its cultural identity. The Steward and his court at<br />

Elidir are a joke, a sham aristocracy propped up by long<br />

financial and familial ties to the old wealth of Cheliax. But<br />

despite a certain affinity for the nobler days of Cheliax in the<br />

spirit of Isger’s people, the relationships between Isger and<br />

its parent nation have always been one-sided. Most of Isger’s<br />

natural resources were stripped centuries ago to benefit the<br />

greater empire, and even today all local road taxes and tariffs<br />

are shipped directly to Egorian and the Chelish bureaucracy.<br />

Resentment of the current order grows deep in Isger,<br />

but unlike in Andoran and Galt, where similar sentiment<br />

inspired political reforms, the old-money Chelish nobles<br />

who hatch revolution in the back-alleys of Elidir do so to<br />

support a corrupt old order that cares little for the lesser<br />

people, and for the people of Isger least of all.<br />

Persistent problems with the savage humanoids of the<br />

Chitterwood erupted 11 years ago into open warfare, as<br />

dozens of goblin tribes poured from the forest to raid<br />

caravans on the route from Logas to Elidir. Commanded by<br />

fierce hobgoblin warriors previously unknown in the region,<br />

the tribes murdered hundreds of travelers, merchants, and<br />

fighting men before turning their ravenous appetites to the<br />

towns and villages north of the Five Kings.<br />

The outright slaughter brought about an unlikely<br />

alliance of the Hellknights of Cheliax, Druma’s Mercenary<br />

League, and the Andoren Militia, all of whom protected<br />

their financial interests and native soil by launching a<br />

brutal counterattack, pushing the monstrous raiders back<br />

to their darkened wood in a 4-year series of conflicts known<br />

as the Goblinblood Wars. By the time the fighting ended,<br />

thousands of Isgeri citizens and foreign fighters were<br />

killed and devoured by the goblin menace, and much of the<br />

foreboding woodland between Logas and the River Keld<br />

was put to the torch. Most of the surviving goblinoids took<br />

refuge in the natural caves below the wood, and at last life in<br />

Isger approached normalcy.<br />

The nations that came to Isger’s aid expected a certain<br />

payment, of course, and now Isger’s fortunes are controlled<br />

by foreign powers more than ever before. With the<br />

foreigners gone and his own army decimated, Steward<br />

Hedvend and his men command only the roads of Isger.<br />

The wild lands beyond—dotted with burnt-out villages

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