Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet


Pathfinder Chronicles 32 most wealthy and important members of Galtan society, a class that grows thinner by the season. In the nearby River Kingdoms, especially in Gralton, Pitax, and Miven, disgraced Galtan nobles gather mercenary armies to raid their old homeland, hoping to displace the Revolutionary Council and reclaim their deserted manors. Strangers come to Galt only under the most dire emergencies or at the behest of vast sums of money. Many Galtan nobles, clerics, and merchants left their homes in great haste, abandoning priceless treasures, relics, or family members. The wealthiest of these unfortunates hire mercenaries to retrieve what they have lost, while others offer only penniless pleas to the kind-hearted. The unmitigated chaos of four decades of Revolution brings great opportunity to adventurers who are literally willing to risk their necks. Geb DOMAIN OF THE DEAD Alignment: LE Capital: Mechitar (42,000) Notable Settlements: Graydirge (9,400), Yled (119,200) Ruler: Geb (ghost locked to Golarion until convinced of Nex’s death) Government: Undead dictatorship Languages: Osirian, Kelish Religion: Nethys, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon In the final centuries of the Age of Destiny, two immortal wizard kings named Nex and Geb engaged in a legendary arcane struggle that engulfed the east coast of Garund in a millennium of catastrophic magical warfare. The southern sovereign, a wicked Osirian necromancer from an exiled noble house, vowed to survive until the battle was finally won. This he has done, after a fashion, embracing undeath in himself as well as in the culture and government of the nation that bears his name. For like their wizard king, the aristocrats who rule Geb and guide its destiny are all undead. Signs of the relentless, near-endless struggle with Nex are everywhere in Geb, especially in the north near the blasted no-man’s land known as the Mana Wastes. Nearly all of Geb’s cities and major settlements bear scars of ancient warfare even today. Nex and Geb battled on through the early centuries of the Age of Enthronement, blighting one another with vicious magical attacks. Near the apex of the conf lict, Geb

used potent wish-magic to draw the life from the land of Nex, turning that country into a wasteland. Nex responded by calling down a series of cataclysms upon Geb, killing tens of thousands of people. Geb rose from the devastation by animating the bodies of all his slain subjects, sending them north in vast legions of the walking dead. In 576, Geb besieged the Nexian capital at Quantium with banks of bilious yellow fog meant to murder Nex and his eccentric court. Although thousands died in the attack, Nex was not among them, and he has not been seen since. Uncertain of his triumph, Geb lived the next several decades in bitter anguish, robbed of the victory he so greatly desired. By 632, the uncertainty had grown too intense, and the immortal necromancer departed the world in an act of ritual suicide. Death offered no respite from Geb’s torment. Convinced that Nex had somehow escaped his vengeance, Geb returned to Golarion as a ghost, chained to the world until he could be sure of his ultimate triumph. Upon his grim return, necromancy took a prominent role in all of Gebbite society. Neighboring nations took notice of the decay spreading from Geb’s cities and swiftly sought to stem it at its source, resulting in raids, naval blockades, and assaults that have plagued Geb for millennia. In 4329, for example, a rogue pirate queen named Mastrien Slash led an army of female warriors across Geb’s southern borders in an effort to put an end to the undead kingdom. With a few potent words, Geb turned the entire advancing army to stone, creating what is known today as the Field of Maidens. Such defeats are typical for Geb’s enemies, but plotting proceeds apace in the courts of foreign lords looking to make a name for themselves by destroying Golarion’s longest-ruling leader and his deathless kingdom. Since the disappearance of the archmage Nex, the nation that bears his name has achieved relative peace with its southern neighbor. Geb still employs necromancy in all things, owing to its ghostly liege. Its people use undead to farm their food, allowing the living to dwell in the cities to study necromantic arts and practice great works of craft. They even trade some of this zombie-harvested food to Nex in exchange for various rare components and goods. The Blood Lords, royal mages who serve Geb in all things, run most of the day-to-day operations in Geb. These powerful necromancers are trained in the capital of Mechitar but spread their inf luence across the entire nation. Over time, many of the Blood Lords have become undead creatures themselves, and Geb counts numerous ghouls, vampires, shades, and liches among its grim aristocracy. Certain slave castes exist only to slake the inhuman hungers of these unliving nobles. And yet Geb makes no war against its neighbors, provides safety and health to its citizens (both living and dead), and attempts to influence the outside world in extraordinarily subtle ways. Geb himself seldom Gazetteer: Nations The Dead Laws A great many of Geb’s complex laws regulate necromancy and the undead. While unintelligent undead have no rights and are treated as property, the dead laws grant citizenship to intelligent undead, conferring upon them just as many rights as granted to the living. Those undead who require sustenance from the living are provided for by specially bred chattel. The dead laws also cover the recently deceased, conferring ownership of the body to the family if they intend to use it to create undead, and to the state if they don’t, so that the corpse can be raised to serve the kingdom. Outlanders who die in Geb are subject to similar laws and are usually confiscated by the Blood Lords. The dead laws also prohibit the use of positive energy against undead. While the destruction of unintelligent undead merely carries a fine, the destruction of sentient undead carries a charge of murder, with the penalty being execution and subsequent reanimation as a mindless food harvester. manifests before his people these days, trusting much of the nation’s governance to his debased lich lover, Arazni, the socalled Harlot Queen of Geb. Irrisen WITCH QUEEN ENCLAVE Alignment: NE Capital: Whitethrone (24,900) Notable Settlements: Algidheart (6,720), Hoarwood (8,970) Ruler: Queen Elvanna, Fourteenth Daughter of Baba Yaga Government: Monarchy Languages: Skald, Hallit Religion: Lamashtu, Zon-Kuthon Nearly every youth in Avistan fears the White Witches of the North, who dwell in palaces of ice and steal wicked children in the dark of winter. Few, however, know how true the tales really are. Nearly 1,400 years ago, the territory that comprises Irrisen belonged to the Linnorm Kings. During one particularly harsh winter, a host of trolls and cold fey marched down from the Crown of the World, led by Baba Yaga, an incredibly powerful sorceress from a distant world of the Great Beyond. Directing her forces from a mobile fortress, the self-proclaimed Queen of Witches quickly subjugated the region, killing any who resisted and enslaving the rest. The fighting ended just 23 days after it began, and the nation of Irrisen was born. Summer has never returned to the region. Strangely enough, Baba Yaga herself seemed uninterested in ruling and instead installed one of her daughters to govern the fledgling kingdom. Every 100 years, the Queen of Witches returns and installs a new Daughter to rule for the next century. The old Daughter, along with all of her children, then leaves with Baba Yaga to explore the strange 3 33

<strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong><br />

32<br />

most wealthy and important members of Galtan society,<br />

a class that grows thinner by the season. In the nearby<br />

River Kingdoms, especially in Gralton, Pitax, and Miven,<br />

disgraced Galtan nobles gather mercenary armies to raid<br />

their old homeland, hoping to displace the Revolutionary<br />

Council and reclaim their deserted manors.<br />

Strangers come to Galt only under the most dire<br />

emergencies or at the behest of vast sums of money. Many<br />

Galtan nobles, clerics, and merchants left their homes<br />

in great haste, abandoning priceless treasures, relics, or<br />

family members. The wealthiest of these unfortunates hire<br />

mercenaries to retrieve what they have lost, while others offer<br />

only penniless pleas to the kind-hearted. The unmitigated<br />

chaos of four decades of Revolution brings great opportunity<br />

to adventurers who are literally willing to risk their necks.<br />

Geb<br />


Alignment: LE<br />

Capital: Mechitar (42,000)<br />

Notable Settlements: Graydirge (9,400), Yled (119,200)<br />

Ruler: Geb (ghost locked to Golarion until convinced of<br />

Nex’s death)<br />

Government: Undead dictatorship<br />

Languages: Osirian, Kelish<br />

Religion: Nethys, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon<br />

In the final centuries of the Age of Destiny, two immortal<br />

wizard kings named Nex and Geb engaged in a legendary<br />

arcane struggle that engulfed the east coast of Garund<br />

in a millennium of catastrophic magical warfare. The<br />

southern sovereign, a wicked Osirian necromancer<br />

from an exiled noble house, vowed to survive until the<br />

battle was finally won. This he has done, after a fashion,<br />

embracing undeath in himself as well as in the culture<br />

and government of the nation that bears his name. For<br />

like their wizard king, the aristocrats who rule Geb and<br />

guide its destiny are all undead.<br />

Signs of the relentless, near-endless struggle with Nex<br />

are everywhere in Geb, especially in the north near the<br />

blasted no-man’s land known as the Mana Wastes. Nearly<br />

all of Geb’s cities and major settlements bear scars of<br />

ancient warfare even today.<br />

Nex and Geb battled on through the early centuries<br />

of the Age of Enthronement, blighting one another with<br />

vicious magical attacks. Near the apex of the conf lict, Geb

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