Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet

Pathfinder Chronicles - Gazetteer - Asamnet


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<strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong><br />

14<br />

two levels the paladin has attained. A Fortitude save (DC<br />

10 + 1/2 the paladin’s level + the paladin’s Cha modifier)<br />

halves this damage. A paladin may use the light of purity<br />

one additional time per week for every three additional<br />

levels he has attained, to a maximum of five times at<br />

18th level.<br />

Ranger<br />

Rangers are a common sight in many rural communities,<br />

from the town trapper to the scout for the local militia.<br />

These woodsmen are especially prevalent in the heart<br />

of Avistan, where their blend of tracking and woodland<br />

survival skills is in high demand. Much has fallen to the<br />

wild in the years since the collapse of Cheliax, and rangers<br />

are often needed to scout out areas that once were tame.<br />

While many rangers work alone or in small independent<br />

groups, it is becoming more and more common for rangers<br />

to join up with various military orders as professional<br />

scouts and forward observers.<br />

Appearance: Rangers tend to dress in a manner<br />

functional to their current environment: furs and<br />

heavy coats for colder climates to light leathers and airy<br />

cloaks for warm areas. These outfits are often colored<br />

so as to blend in with the local f lora. Some rangers even<br />

go so far as to work plants into their outfits. The often<br />

ragged and unkempt appearance of rangers leads many to<br />

believe that they are wild folk who are not to be trusted.<br />

Rangers who belong to organized scout units tend to carry<br />

documentation to prove their affiliation.<br />

Nations: Although Molthune, Kyonin, Andoran, and<br />

many of the River Kingdoms feature rangers heavily in<br />

their armies, none are so elite as those from the Fangwood<br />

of Nirmathas. These vigilant woodsfolk often oppose the<br />

machinations of the druidic Wildwood Lodge, who sponsor<br />

rangers of their own. Most rangers prefer solitude to<br />

fraternity, living secluded lives as trappers,<br />

mountain hermits, and wild men.<br />

Class Abilities: Rangers who join a military unit<br />

sometimes find it difficult to keep a more exotic animal<br />

companion and instead choose a different path. These<br />

rangers focus their training on a single animal, to the<br />

exclusion of all others, forming a tight bond. This ability<br />

replaces the wild empathy ability.<br />

Enhanced Companion (Ex): Upon gaining an animal<br />

companion at 4th level, the ranger must choose a single<br />

type of animal. The ranger cannot call a different animal<br />

companion. The ranger’s effective druid level is equal to<br />

the ranger’s level –2 (instead of the normal 1/2) for that<br />

type of animal. This animal must be on the basic list of<br />

companions that can be chosen at 4th level and cannot<br />

be changed.<br />

Rogue<br />

Wherever there are traps to be disarmed, guards to sneak<br />

past, and treasure to be looted, a rogue most likely lurks<br />

nearby. Rogues thrive in every city and most towns,<br />

operating freely or as part of a larger guild or organization.<br />

While most common folk would rather the local thief<br />

swing from a gibbet, such scoundrels represent only a<br />

fraction of those belonging to the rogue class. Many find<br />

honest work as part of the local militia, as covert spies, or<br />

even as guards. Others prefer to work freelance, taking on<br />

the role of adventurer to recover stolen property, explore<br />

dangerous dungeons, or capture fugitives. A good number<br />

of rogues indeed turn to a life of crime, stealing from the<br />

rich and poor alike, either alone or as part of a dangerous<br />

thieves’ guild.<br />

Appearance: Rogues with a job tend to dress in the garb<br />

of their profession. Those who work freelance dress like<br />

everyone else to blend in. Sometimes this might require<br />

the finest silks, while other occasions call for muddy<br />

wool—it all depends on the job.<br />

Ulfen<br />

Millennia of trading and ocean raiding brought the seed of the ruddy, pale-skinned inhabitants<br />

of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings to all corners of Avistan. About 2,000 years ago, armadas of<br />

dragon-headed longships emerged from the Steaming Sea to make war and to pillage eastern<br />

Avistan’s coastline, forever changing the course of history and the bloodlines of countless nations.<br />

These raids have decreased significantly in the last several centuries, especially since<br />

Cheliax’s domination of the Arch of Aroden, gateway to the lucrative Inner Sea. Still, the<br />

Ulfen retain a reputation for seamanship and ruthlessness in battle that predates the<br />

recorded history of most Avistani nations.<br />

Ulfen men wear their blond, light brown, or red hair long, sometimes in<br />

simple braids. Men commonly wear beards. Women take braidwork much<br />

more seriously, weaving their hair into symbolic designs of artistic,<br />

representational, and sentimental value. Most pureblood Ulfen speak Skald,<br />

the tongue of their homeland.

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