Commentary on Joshua - Keil & Delitzsch - David Cox

Commentary on Joshua - Keil & Delitzsch - David Cox Commentary on Joshua - Keil & Delitzsch - David Cox
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Keil and Delitzsch ong>Commentaryong> on the Old Testament Onom. ( s. v. Mareshah ), it was lying in ruins in the time of Eusebius , and was about two Roman miles from Eleutheropolis-a description which applies exactly to the ruins of Maresh , twenty-four minutes to the south of Beit-jibrin, which Robinson supposes for this reason to be Maresa ( Rob. ii. p. 422), whereas Knobel finds it in Beit-mirsim , a place four hours to the south of Beit-jibrin. (Note: Knobel founds his opinion partly upon 2 Chron 14:9, according to which Mareshah was in the valley of Zephatah, which is the bason-like plain at Mirsim , and partly upon the fact that the Onom. also places Moraste on the east (south-east) of Eleutheropolis; and Jerome (ad Mich. Josh 1:1) describes Morasthi as haud grandem viculum juxta Eleutheropolin , and as sepulcrum quondam Micheae prophetae nunc ecclesiam (ep. 108 ad Eustoch. §14); and this ecclesia is in all probability the ruins of a church called Santa Hanneh , twenty minutes to the south-east of Beit-jibrin, and only ten minutes to the east of Marash , which makes the assumption a very natural one, that the Maresa and Morasthi of the fathers are only different parts of the same place, viz., of Moreseth-gath , the home of Micah (Mic 1:1,14; Jer 26:18). But neither of these is decisive. The valley of Zephatah might be the large open plain which Robinson mentions (ii. p. 355) near Beit-jibrin; and the conjecture that Morasthi , which Euseb. and Jer. place pro's (NT:4314) anatola's (NT:395), contra orientem Eleutheropoleos , is preserved in the ruins which lie in a straight line towards the south from Beit-jibrin, and are called Marash , has not much probability in it.) Verse 45-47. The fourth group, consisting of the towns of the Philistine line of coast, the northern part of which was afterwards given up to the tribe of Dan (Dan 19:43 ), but which remained almost entirely in the hands of the Philistines (see at Josh 13:3). (Note: There is no force in the reasons adduced by Ewald, Bertheau , and Knobel , for regarding these verses as spurious, or as a later interpolation from a different source. For the statement, that the "Elohist" merely mentions those towns of which the Hebrews had taken possession, and which they held either partially or wholly in his own day, and also that his list of the places belonging to Judah in the shephelah never goes near the sea, are assertions without the least foundation, which are proved to be erroneous by the simple fact, that according to the express statement in v. 12, the Mediterranean Sea formed the western boundary of the tribe of Judah; and according to Josh 13:6, Joshua was to distribute by lot even those parts of Canaan which had not yet been conquered. The difference, however, which actually exists between the verses before us and the other groups of towns, namely, that in this case the "towns" (or daughters) are mentioned as well as the villages, and that the towns are not summed up at the end, may be sufficiently explained from the facts themselves, namely, from the circumstance that the Philistine cities (1 of 2) [13/08/2004 01:18:43 p.m.]

Keil and Delitzsch ong>Commentaryong> on the Old Testament mentioned were capitals of small principalities, which embraced not only villages, but also small towns, and for that very reason did not form connected groups, like the towns of the other districts.) Verse 45. Ekron , i.e., Akir (see Josh 13:3). "Her daughters" are the other towns of the principality of Ekron that were dependent upon the capital, and chatseeriym the villages and farms. Verse 46. Judah was also to receive "from Ekron westwards all that lay on the side of Ashdod and their (i.e., Ekron's and Ashdod's) villages." The different places in this district are not given, because Judah never actually obtained possession of them. Verse 47. Ashdod , now Esdûd , and Gaza , now Ghuzzeh: see at Josh 13:3. Also "the daughter towns and villages, unto the brook of Egypt (Wady el Arish: see v. 4), and the great sea with its territory," i.e., the tract of land lying between Gaza and the coast of the Mediterranean. Gath and Askalon are not mentioned, because they are both of them included in the boundaries named. Askalon was between Ashdod and Gaza, by the sea-coast (see at Josh 13:3), and Gath on the east of Ekron and Ashdod (see Josh 13:3), so that, as a matter of course, it was assigned to Judah. Verse 48-60. The towns on the mountains are divided into five, or more correctly, into six groups. The mountains (2 of 2) [13/08/2004 01:18:43 p.m.]

<strong>Keil</strong> and <strong>Delitzsch</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> the Old Testament<br />

menti<strong>on</strong>ed were capitals of small principalities, which embraced not <strong>on</strong>ly villages, but also small towns,<br />

and for that very reas<strong>on</strong> did not form c<strong>on</strong>nected groups, like the towns of the other districts.)<br />

Verse 45. Ekr<strong>on</strong> , i.e., Akir (see Josh 13:3). "Her daughters" are the other towns of<br />

the principality of Ekr<strong>on</strong> that were dependent up<strong>on</strong> the capital, and chatseeriym the<br />

villages and farms.<br />

Verse 46. Judah was also to receive "from Ekr<strong>on</strong> westwards all that lay <strong>on</strong> the side of<br />

Ashdod and their (i.e., Ekr<strong>on</strong>'s and Ashdod's) villages." The different places in this<br />

district are not given, because Judah never actually obtained possessi<strong>on</strong> of them.<br />

Verse 47. Ashdod , now Esdûd , and Gaza , now Ghuzzeh: see at Josh 13:3. Also<br />

"the daughter towns and villages, unto the brook of Egypt (Wady el Arish: see v. 4),<br />

and the great sea with its territory," i.e., the tract of land lying between Gaza and the<br />

coast of the Mediterranean. Gath and Askal<strong>on</strong> are not menti<strong>on</strong>ed, because they are<br />

both of them included in the boundaries named. Askal<strong>on</strong> was between Ashdod and<br />

Gaza, by the sea-coast (see at Josh 13:3), and Gath <strong>on</strong> the east of Ekr<strong>on</strong> and Ashdod<br />

(see Josh 13:3), so that, as a matter of course, it was assigned to Judah.<br />

Verse 48-60. The towns <strong>on</strong> the mountains are divided into five, or more correctly,<br />

into six groups. The mountains<br />

<br /> (2 of 2) [13/08/2004 01:18:43 p.m.]

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