15/08/08 Aanwinstenlijst Stichting ICODO - Cogis

15/08/08 Aanwinstenlijst Stichting ICODO - Cogis

15/08/08 Aanwinstenlijst Stichting ICODO - Cogis


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AANWINSTENLIJST BIBLIOTHEEK & DOCUMENTATIE van <strong>Cogis</strong> en het<br />

Veteraneninstituut<br />

ACQUISITION LIST LIBRARY & DOCUMENTATION of <strong>Cogis</strong> and the Veteran Institute<br />

achtentwintigste jaargang (20<strong>08</strong>) 2, oktober<br />

twenty eight edition (20<strong>08</strong>) 2, october<br />

De opgenomen boeken en tijdschriftartikelen zijn in de regel ter inzage in de bibliotheek van de<br />

<strong>Stichting</strong> <strong>Cogis</strong> of het Veteraneninstituut.<br />

Deze <strong>Aanwinstenlijst</strong> is ingedeeld in verschillende categorieën (zie inhoudsopgave op pagina<br />

2). Publicaties over oorlogsgetroffenen ook in de medische sfeer uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

zijn veelal te vinden onder oorlogscategorieën<br />

De boeken worden alleen binnen Nederland uitgeleend, het toesturen van boeken via de post<br />

kost €6,- per boek, inclusief porto. Van de tijdschriftartikelen worden voor €0,50 per pagina, met<br />

een minimumbedrag van €4,- per artikel, kopieën verstrekt.<br />

The books and articles in this ACQUISITION LIST are all freely available for consultation in the<br />

library.<br />

The books are not lent out to persons or institutes outside of the Netherlands. Articles are being<br />

photocopied and sent to you at €0,50 per page, at a minimum of €4,- per article.<br />



Algemene informatie / General information ................................................................... 3<br />

Historische informatie / recht / educatie / Hstorical information - law......................... 5<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen, alle categorieen Europa, joods, burgers, verzet, kampverhalen /<br />

Victims of war ................................................................................................................. 11<br />

(Voormalig) Nederlands-Indie / Former Dutch East Indies ......................................... 17<br />

Vluchtelingen, hedendaagse oorlogen, transculturele psychiatrie / Refugees -<br />

contemporary wars ........................................................................................................ 20<br />

Psycho-sociale problematiek en de hulpverlening / Psychosocial issues -<br />

consequences................................................................................................................. 26<br />

Traumatische ervaringen / Traumatic experiences ..................................................... 33<br />

PTSD / general PTSD...................................................................................................... 42<br />

Behandeling / Treatment................................................................................................ 46<br />

Kinderen / Children ........................................................................................................ 49<br />

Ouderen / Elderly............................................................................................................ 52<br />

Rampen - ongelukken / Disasters - accidents.............................................................. 53<br />

(Seksueel) geweld / (Sexual) violence .......................................................................... 53<br />

Veteranen / Veterans ...................................................................................................... 54<br />

Tweede generatie / Second generation ...................................................................... 148<br />


Algemene informatie / General information<br />

Broek, Aart G.<br />

Geweld wil schaamte lozen : religie en etniciteit zijn niet op voorhand de grote<br />

boosdoeners / Aart G. Broek<br />

In: Groepen = = ISSN 1871-1146: (2007), issue 2, page 56-67.<br />

Geweld<br />

Etniciteit<br />

Schaamte<br />

Migranten<br />

Dunk, H.W. von der<br />

In het huis van de herinnering : een cultuurhistorische verkenning / H.W. von der Dunk. -<br />

Amsterdam : Bakker, 2007. - 422 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Monografieën over Europese cultuur ;<br />

dl. 12)<br />

Met lit. opg., reg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-351-3058-6<br />


Cultuurhistorische studie over de functie van de herinnering in de samenleving en in de<br />

beleving van wat mensen meemaken, met speciale aandacht voor de rol van de<br />

geschiedschrijving.<br />

Geheugen<br />

Collectief geheugen<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Cultuur<br />

Mensbeelden<br />

Mythevorming<br />

Oorlogen twintigste eeuw<br />

Herinneringen<br />

Holocaust<br />

Beeldvorming<br />

s5 DUN<br />

Groen, J.M.H.<br />

De onlosmakelijke band tussen professionaliteit en ethiek / J.M.H. Groen<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 349-360.<br />

Militairen<br />

Beroepsethiek<br />

Hoe ontwikkel je (militaire) professionaliteit? Professionaliteit moet garant staan voor<br />

deskundigheid en morele verantwoordelijkheid. Ze is geworteld in de eigen<br />

bestaansethiek. De eigen waarden, normen en belangen zijn altijd aanwezig en spelen<br />

een rol in de keuzes die iemand maakt. Het is dan ook belangrijk dat militairen leren<br />

reflecteren en zich bewust worden van hun eigen bestaansethiek.<br />

KOC<br />


Heijmans, Rianne<br />

Angst voor de toekomst bezweren : kunstenaar Ophuis schildert wat hij ondraaglijk vindt /<br />

Rianne Heijmans<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 28-31.<br />

Kunst<br />

Oorlogen<br />

Geweld<br />

Kunstenaar Ronald Ophuis schildert 'het ondraaglijke', hij wil het kwaad begrijpen om zo<br />

de angst daarvoor te bezweren. Redacteur Rianne Heijmans karakteriseert hem als 'een<br />

Orpheus die afdaalt in de onderwereld waar hij bang voor is, maar die hij tegelijkertijd ook<br />

wil verkennen en begrijpen.' De situaties en voorstellingen in zijn werk roepen vaak<br />

weerzin en zelfs agressie op. Ophuis wil mensen raken met zijn werk, maar 'de toon moet<br />

goed zijn: een stok is een stok, geen bijl.'<br />

Houtert, R.J.J. van<br />

Friendly fire: overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen militaire netwerken en<br />

ziekenhuisorganisaties / R.J.J. van Houtert, P.C. Boer en B.J. Vos<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 295-309.<br />

Friendly fire<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

De moderne krijgsmacht en de gezondheidszorg kennen veelal netwerken van<br />

organisaties en mensen die in netwerken samenwerken. Krijgsmacht en gezondheidszorg<br />

investeren veel tijd, energie en geld om onbedoelde dood en letsel aan eigen kant<br />

(friendly fire) zoveel mogelijk te beperken. Anderzijds worden zij daarin vaak belemmerd<br />

door hun gekozen organsiatievorm, die vaak een aantal vervelende 'bijwerkingen' kent die<br />

juist averechts werken. De systeemtheoretische veiligheidsanalyse van complexe<br />

organisaties maakt het mogelijk te kijken naar problemen die voortvloeien uit<br />

organisatorische factoren rond een netwerkorganisatie. De communicaties en<br />

informatieoverdracht tussen organisatie-elementen staan daarbij centraal. Aan de orde<br />

komt wat krijgsmacht en gezondheidszorg doen om friendly fire-incidenten hanteerbaar te<br />

houden en hoe beide organisaties wellicht van elkaar kunnen leren bij het oplossen van<br />

problemen.<br />

KOC<br />

Waal, Frans B. de<br />

Evolutionaire ethiek, agressie en geweld : lessen van primatenonderzoek / Frans B. de<br />

Waal, vert. door Maydo van Marwijk Kooy<br />

In: Groepen = ISSN 1871-1146: (2007), issue 2, page 42-51.<br />

Geweld<br />

Apen<br />

Agressie<br />

Gedrag<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Biologie<br />

Westen, Hans van der<br />

Praktijkboek sponsoring en fondsenwerving voor non-profit organisaties : oriëntatie,<br />

stappenplan, werving : zorg & welzijn, onderwijs & wetenschap, kunst & cultuur, natuur &<br />


milieu, sport & recreatie / Hans van der Westen. - [2e herz. ed.]. - Zutphen : Walburg Pers,<br />

cop. 2006. - 256 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Uitg. onder verantwoordelijkheid van het Instituut voor Sponsoring en Fondsenwerving. -<br />

1e dr.: 2003. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-5730-351-5<br />

Sponsoring<br />

Fondsenwerving<br />

Non-profit organisaties<br />

Praktijkboek<br />

s0.4 WES<br />

Historische informatie / recht / educatie / Historical information<br />

- law<br />

Banning, Cees<br />

Balkan aan de Noordzee : over het Joegoslavië-tribunaal, over recht en onrecht / Cees<br />

Banning en Petra de Koning. - Amsterdam : Prometheus ; Rotterdam : NRC Handelsblad,<br />

2005. - 303 p. : krt. ; 22 cm<br />

Met reg. - Bibliogr.: p. 292-295.<br />

ISBN 90-446-0498-8<br />

Internationaal strafrecht<br />

Oorlogsmisdaden<br />

Balkanoorlogen (1991-1999)<br />

Joegoslavië-tribunaal<br />

s5.5 BAN<br />

Biezeveld, Cees<br />

"Concentratiekampen in Nederland nu": Kamp Amersfoort / Cees Biezeveld<br />

In: Kontakt door Aantreden / Nationale Federatieve Raad van het Voormalig Verzet<br />

Nederland en Nederlandse Vereniging van Ex-Politieke Gevangenen = ISSN 0166-5537:<br />

vol. 63 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6-7 (juni-juli), page 12-13.<br />

Deel 1 van de drieluik "Concentratiekampen nu".<br />

Concentratiekampen<br />

Kamp Amersfoort<br />

Herinneringscentra<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

De kampen Amersfoort, Vught en Westerbork waren synoniem aan appèls, koude,<br />

honger, ziekte, vernedering, angst, dood.... Nu, zestig jaar na de oorlog, bestaan de<br />

kampen nog. Echter nu als Nationaal Monument en met geheel andere doelstellingen dan<br />

indertijd. De Expogé-redactie heeft de directeuren van deze Monumenten gevraagd iets te<br />

vertellen over de geschiedenis, de doelstellingen en de resultaten. Dit artikel gaat over<br />

Kamp Amersfoort.<br />

Bos, Menno<br />

'Heel Belgenland leek richting de grens te strompelen' / Menno Bos<br />

In: Historisch Nieuwsblad = ISSN 0927-2690: (2007), issue 9 (november), page 16-24.<br />

Eerste Wereldoorlog<br />

België<br />

Nederland<br />


Vluchtelingen<br />

Internering<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

In het najaar van 1914 stroomden 1 miljoen Belgische vluchtelingen Nederland binnen. De<br />

Nederlanders zetten zich massaal in voor de ontheemde Belgen. Door voedselschaarste<br />

en cultuurverschillen nam het enthousiasme in de loop van de oorlog behoorlijk af. Met<br />

'zachte drang' probeerde men de Belgen over te halen weer naar huis te gaan; daaronder<br />

viel ook de internering in kampen.<br />

Eefting, Henk<br />

De Bijzondere Rechtspleging 1944-1952 : rampzalige gevolgen voor politieke<br />

delinquenten en collaborateurs / Henk Eefting. - Soesterberg : Aspekt, 2007. - 453 p. : ill. ;<br />

22 cm. - (Aspekt monografie)<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-5911-528-7<br />

ISBN 978-90-5911-528-6<br />


Kritisch historisch relaas over de berechting na de Tweede Wereldoorlog van NSB'ers en<br />

Nederlandse SS'ers.<br />

Oorlogsmisdrijven<br />

Strafrecht<br />

Collaboratie<br />

SS-ers<br />

NSB<br />

Kinderen van foute ouders<br />

s5.2 EEF<br />

Graaff, Bob de<br />

Op de klippen of door de vaargeul? : de omgang van de historicus met (genocidaal)<br />

slachtofferschap / Bob de Graaff. - Amsterdam : Humanistics University Press, cop. 2006.<br />

- 109 p. ; 21 cm<br />

Uitgebereide tekst van inaugurele rede Universiteit Utrecht. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-6665-759-6<br />

Slachtofferschap<br />

Genocide<br />

Herinnering<br />

Collectieve herinnering<br />

Geschiedschrijving<br />

Oratie<br />

Aan de hand van de holocaust schetst de auteur de spanningen die kunnen bestaan<br />

tussen de herinnering van de slachtoffers en geschiedschrijving. De Graaff doet een<br />

aantal aanbevelingen die vorm kunnen geven aan de zorgplicht van historici ten opzichte<br />

van overledenen en moeten voorkomen dat zij ertoe bijdragen dat collectieve<br />

traumatische gebeurtenissen een mythisch karakter krijgen en de opstap tot nieuw geweld<br />

vormen.<br />

s0.5 GRA<br />

Hein, David P.<br />

Een oorlog die de mijne zou zijn : een geschiedenis van twee generaties / David P. Hein. -<br />

Amsterdam [etc.] : Contact, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 237 p. ; 21 cm<br />


ISBN 978-90-254-2719-1<br />


Verslag van de ervaringen van een Nederlandse medewerker bij het oorlogstribunaal in<br />

Sarajevo.<br />

Onderduiken<br />

Rechtspraak<br />

Oorlogsmisdaden<br />

Eerste/tweede generatie<br />

Postconflictgebieden<br />

Sarajevo<br />

Dagboeken<br />

Egodocumenten<br />

s5.5 HEI<br />

Janovicek, N.<br />

Oral history and ethical practice: towards effective policies and procedures / N. Janovicek<br />

In: Journal of Academic Ethics = ISSN <strong>15</strong>70-1727: vol. 4 (2006), issue 1-4, page <strong>15</strong>7-174.<br />

Oral history<br />

Beroepsethiek<br />

Aborigionals<br />

This article examines how Canadian ethics policies affects historians who use oral history,<br />

and focuses on privacy and confidentiality, free and informed consent, and research<br />

involving Aboriginal peoples. The article concludes with recommendations for developing<br />

ethics policies that accord with historical methodology.<br />

KOC<br />

Janssens, R.J.A.<br />

Op weg naar het Ruhrgebied (The Ruhr) is bij de (Nederlandse) Roer hevig gevochten :<br />

een trilogie / R.J.A. Janssens. - 3e herz. dr. - Den Haag : <strong>Stichting</strong> voor Sociaal<br />

Psychoanalytisch Onderzoek en Onderwijs, 2007. - 60 p. : ill., krt. ; 21 cm<br />

1e dr.: 2006. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-812092-1-2<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Bevrijding<br />

Roer (rivier)<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

s4 JAN<br />

KOC<br />

Kreuning, Karel<br />

Sinti & Roma, gevangen in de schaduw van herinneringen (deel1)/ Karel Kreuning<br />

In: Informatiebulletin <strong>Stichting</strong> Nationaal Monument Kamp Amersfoort = ISSN <strong>15</strong>74-2075:<br />

(20<strong>08</strong>), issue 24 (januari), page <strong>15</strong>-29.<br />

Zigeuners<br />

Sinti & Roma<br />

Kamp Amersfoort<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Oral history<br />

Europa<br />


Korte geschiedschrijving over de Sinti & Roma die o.a. door eeuwenlange discriminatie en<br />

stigmatisering, een eigen sterk naar binnen gerichte cultuur hebben waar veel belang<br />

wordt gehecht aan groeps- en familiebanden. Ook aandacht voor de vervolging van Sinti<br />

& Roma tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.<br />

Kreuning, Karel<br />

Sinti & Roma, gevangen in de schaduw van herinneringen (deel2)/ Karel Kreuning<br />

In: Informatiebulletin <strong>Stichting</strong> Nationaal Monument Kamp Amersfoort = ISSN <strong>15</strong>74-2075:<br />

(20<strong>08</strong>), issue 25 (april), page 2-31.<br />

Zigeuners<br />

Sinti & Roma<br />

Kamp Amersfoort<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Oral history<br />

Europa<br />

Naoorlogstijd<br />

Korte geschiedschrijving over de Sinti & Roma die o.a. door eeuwenlange discriminatie en<br />

stigmatisering, een eigen sterk naar binnen gerichte cultuur hebben waar veel belang<br />

wordt gehecht aan groeps- en familiebanden. Deel twee gaat vooral over de naoorlogstijd<br />

vanaf 1945.<br />

Kromhout, Bas<br />

Ooggetuigen vertellen over Dolle Dinsdag: 'De teleurstelling was haast niet te verwerken' /<br />

Bas Kromhout<br />

In: Historisch Nieuwsblad = ISSN 0927-2690: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4 (mei ), page 23-30.<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Dolle Dinsdag<br />

Getuigenissen<br />

In 1950 hield het Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie een landelijke enquête over<br />

Dolle Dinsdag. De honderden getuigenissen verdwenen in een archiefkast. Historisch<br />

Nieuwsblad kreeg na 57 jaar inzage (Sander Heijne deed archiefonderzoek).<br />

Reconstructie van een massapsychose.<br />

Nj Laoire, C.<br />

To name or not to name: reflections on the use of anonymity in an oral archive of migrant<br />

life narratives / C. N¡ Laoire<br />

In: Social & Cultural Geography = ISSN 1470-1197: vol. 8 (2007), issue 3, page 373-390.<br />

Oral history<br />

Migranten<br />

Beroepsethiek<br />

Ierland<br />

This paper draws on an oral archive project on narratives of return migration in<br />

contemporary Ireland, as the basis for a discussion on the potential of life narrative<br />

research to destabilize meta-narratives and to contribute to the mapping of transformative<br />

geographies. It is argued that this kind of research requires the creation of safe spaces<br />

within which participants can tell their stories and articulate counter-narratives. At the<br />

same time, it is important to make their voices available to a wide audience and to<br />

recognize their authorial roles. There are contrasting perspectives in oral history and life<br />

narrative research on the use of anonymity to protect participants' identities, which reflect<br />

different disciplinary traditions and practices. The paper reflects on these different<br />


perspectives and on the process of designing a research project that draws on multiple<br />

methodological influences. It concludes that it is possible to facilitate access to these<br />

voices, while at the same time providing safe conditions for the articulation of counternarratives,<br />

by providing anonymity where possible and desirable in agreement with the<br />

participant.<br />

KOC<br />

Pijpers, B.M.J.<br />

Polemiek over het 'persistent conflict': 'The Bully versus the Phoenix' / B.M.J. Pijpers<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 276-285.<br />

Internationale politiek<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Polemologie<br />

Is het plicht van de westerse wereld om in te grijpen bij zogeheten 'falende staten' en hen<br />

te helpen? Zo ja, hoe moet dat dan en wat is de rol van Defensie daarbij? Bij de<br />

benadering van dit probleem zijn er twee stromingen. De eerste is die van een<br />

geïntegreerde aanpak om de falende staat de kans te geven zijn eigen weg te vinden.<br />

Militairen ondersteunen daarbij en scheppen voorwaarden. De tweede is die waarbij een<br />

dergelijke staat, min of meer gedwongen, in een westers patroon van democratie en recht<br />

wordt geplaatst. Welke positie neemt Nederland eigenlijk in?<br />

KOC<br />

Reuling-Schappin, Marianne<br />

Jeugdige politieke delinquenten Van Hoesels analyse en therapie / Marianne Reuling-<br />

Schappin<br />

In: Vraagstelling: vol. 1 (1994), issue 1 (winter), page 13-23.<br />

NSB<br />

NSB-jeugd<br />

Kinderen van foute ouders<br />

Politiek<br />

Reclassering<br />

Heropvoeding<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Jongeren uit NSB-gezinnen die bij het uitbreken van de oorlog minderjarig waren, hebben<br />

deel uitgemaakt van een omvangrijk sociaal-pedagogisch project, dat werd uitgevoerd in<br />

de periode 1945-1950. Zij werden geïnterneerd in speciale jeugdkampen en onderworpen<br />

aan een programma van politieke heropvoeding onder leiding van A.F.G. van Hoesel. Dit<br />

artikel is een weerslag van de ideeën en aanpak van Van Hoesel. Conclusie: 'politieke<br />

heropvoeding' liep uit op 'morele heropvoeding'.<br />

Reuling-Schappin, M.<br />

Heropvoeding en reclassering van politiek besmette jeugd in Nederland, 1945-1950 / M.<br />

Reuling-Schappin<br />

In: Comenius = ISSN 1067-9163: vol. 11 (1991), page 347-362.<br />

NSB<br />

NSB-jeugd<br />

Kinderen van foute ouders<br />

Politiek<br />

Reclassering<br />

Heropvoeding<br />


Onderzoek<br />

Jongeren uit NSB-gezinnen die bij het uitbreken van de oorlog minderjarig waren, hebben<br />

deel uitgemaakt van een omvangrijk sociaal-pedagogisch project, dat werd uitgevoerd in<br />

de periode 1945-1950. Zij werden geïnterneerd in speciale jeugdkampen en onderworpen<br />

aan een programma van politieke heropvoeding, gevolgd door intensieve reclassering.<br />

Het onderzoek naar deze 'politiek besmette jeugd' beoogt een beschrijving en analyse van<br />

dit proces van heropvoeding. Drie vragen staan hierin centraal: 1. naar het<br />

opvoedingsklimaat in de kampen; 2. naar de kritiek op dat klimaat vanuit de <strong>Stichting</strong><br />

Toezicht Politieke Delinquenten, de instelling die met de reclassering was belast; en 3.<br />

naar de praktijk van het reclasseringstoezicht.<br />

Reuling-Schappin, M.<br />

Kinderen in gevaar of gevaarlijke kinderen?: politieke heropvoeding van NSB-kinderen in<br />

tehuizen 1945-1950 / M. Reuling-Schappin<br />

In: Pedagogisch tijdschrift = ISSN 1069-2127: vol. 18 (1993), issue speciaal, page 147-<br />

<strong>15</strong>3.<br />

NSB<br />

NSB-jeugd<br />

Kinderen van foute ouders<br />

Loyaliteitsconflict<br />

Identiteit<br />

Politiek<br />

Heropvoeding<br />

Door de massale arrestatie van NSB-ers in 1945 bleven duizenden kinderen onverzorgd<br />

achter. Een aantal vond een voorlopig onderdak bij familie en bekenden, de overigen<br />

werden door de MG ondergebracht in inderhaast georganiseerde provisorische tehuizen<br />

onder hun supervisie. Om deze kinderen te 'zuiveren' van het nazi-virus werd een<br />

heropvoedingsprogramma opgezet: de achterliggende filosofie was dat men meende dat<br />

enkel door hen te leren begrijpen wat democratie en vaderlandsliefde eigenlijk is, deze<br />

kinderen weer volwaardige leden van de gemeenschap zouden kunnen worden<br />

Slot, Eric<br />

De dood van een onderduiker : Louis van Gasteren en de waarheid / Eric Slot. -<br />

Amsterdam : Mouria, cop. 2006. - 304 p. ; 21 cm<br />

Met lit. opg., reg.<br />

ISBN 90-458-5103-2<br />

ISBN 978-90-458-5103-7<br />

Onderzoek naar de dood van de joodse onderduiker Walter Oettinger die om<br />

verzetsredenen op zijn onderduikadres zou zijn omgebracht.<br />

Verzet<br />

Moord<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

s5 SLO<br />

Verbij, Antoine<br />

Hitlers laatste slachtoffers, de verdrijving van de Duitsers uit Polen / Antoine Verbij<br />

In: Historisch Nieuwsblad = ISSN 0927-2690: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4 (mei ), page 16-23.<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Polen<br />


Duitsland<br />

Naoorlogstijd<br />

Integratie<br />

Geweld<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Tussen 1945 en 1950 verlieten bijna tien miljoen Duitsers Polen. Onder bizarre<br />

omstandigheden, mishandeld en gechicaneerd, stroomden ze naar wat er van Duitsland<br />

over was. Miljoenen Duitsers kwamen daarbij om het leven. Nog altijd drukt de<br />

geschiedenis van deze verdrijvingen zwaar op de verhouding tussen Duitsland en Polen.<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen, alle categorieen Europa, joods, burgers,<br />

verzet, kampverhalen / Victims of war<br />

Bloemen, Evert<br />

Meer aandacht voor medisch onderzoek in de asielprocedure in Nederland en de<br />

Europese Unie: het Care Full initiatief / Evert Bloemen, Erick Vloeberghs<br />

In: Mensenrechten en gezondheidszorg = ISSN 0927-2097: (2007), issue december<br />

(december), page 6-9.<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Asielzoekers<br />

Asielprocedure<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Psychische stoornissen<br />

PTSD<br />

Martelingen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Het Care Full initiatief is een gezamenlijk project van Pharos, Amnesty International en<br />

Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland. Doel van het initiatief is om te komen tot een<br />

asielprocedure waarbij asielzoekers die mishandeld en gemarteld zijn, zo vroeg mogelijk<br />

opgespoord worden en waarbij medisch en psychologisch onderzoek meeweegt in de<br />

beoordeling van hun asielaanvraag.<br />

Dorgeloo, Annemiek<br />

Good practices in de ggz : een handreiking voor succesvolle implementatie van<br />

interculturele good practices / Annemiek Dorgeloo, Aziza Sbiti en Astrid Kamperman<br />

In: CMG = ISSN <strong>15</strong>72-5073: (2007), issue 3, page <strong>15</strong>4-160.<br />

Geestelijke gezondheidszorg<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Effectiviteit<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Vanuit de behoefte aan uitwisseling van kennis en ervaringen opgedaan met de<br />

zorgverlening aan migranten en vluchtelingen is Mikado begonnen met het beschrijven<br />

van 'good practices'.<br />

Evers-Emden, Bloeme<br />

Een andere kijk op de gevolgen van de oorlog voor joden: lezing / Bloeme Evers-Emden<br />

In: Waffel: (2007), issue 33 (december), page 26-32.<br />

Holocaust<br />

Joden<br />


Kinderen<br />

Onderduiken<br />

Eerste generatie<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Psychosociale gevolgen<br />

Veerkracht<br />

Zingeving<br />

Lezing door Bloeme Evers-Emden over de veerkracht, de beschermende factoren en<br />

carrière van de eerste generatie Holocaust-overlevenden. Bloeme Evers noemt dit de<br />

'positieve gevolgen' van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.<br />

Gans, Evelien<br />

Jaap en Ischa Meijer : een joodse geschiedenis / Evelien Gans. - Amsterdam : Bakker,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>-.... - 2 dl. ; 25 cm<br />

Jodendom<br />

Familiegeschiedenis<br />

Holocaust<br />

Vader-zoon relatie<br />

Biografieën<br />

s1.1 GAN-1<br />

Houwink ten Cate, Johannes<br />

Herdenken en herinneren hebben zin : mensenrechten een verstandelijke noodzaak /<br />

Johannes Houwink ten Cate<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 24-27.<br />

Herdenken<br />

Mensenrechten<br />

Holocaust<br />

Internationaal recht<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Genocide<br />

Historisch gezien is de huidige voortgaande aandacht voor de shoah uniek, betoogt<br />

historicus Johannes Houwink ten Cate. Vergeten is namelijk de regel, niet het herinneren.<br />

We houden immers niet van slachtoffers? De volgehouden aandacht voor de shoah komt<br />

dan ook niet voort uit medeleven, maar uit welbegrepen eigenbelang: 'de verstandelijke<br />

overtuiging dat iedereen slachtoffer van vervolging kan zijn vanwege zijn of haar identiteit.'<br />

Kinderen<br />

Kinderen die alles moesten goedmaken : hoe de oorlog doorwerkt in het leven van de<br />

Joodse naoorlogse generatie / samenst. Rosalie Anstadt, Adriaan Rottenberg ; naar een<br />

idee van André Agsteribbe. - [Amsterdam : JMW], cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 85 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Uitg. t.g.v. van het 60-jarig jubileum van JMW, de zorgcoordinator van Joods Nederland. -<br />

Met reg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-803100-4-9<br />

Holocaust<br />

Joden<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Psychosociale gevolgen<br />

Citaten<br />

s8.1.2 KIN-I en II<br />


Melching, Willem<br />

Nazi-Duitsland en de jodenvervolging : confrontatie met de slachtoffers / Willem Melching<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 4-7.<br />

Duitsland<br />

Politiek<br />

Holocaust<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Joden<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Recensies<br />

Historicus Willem Melching bespreekt van Friedländer's omvangrijke studie 'Nazi-<br />

Duitsland en de Joden'. Hij noemt het een wonderlijk boek: 'enerzijds is het onleesbaar,<br />

anderzijds kun je het haast niet wegleggen.' Door het intensieve gebruik van primaire<br />

bronnen vertelt hij het verhaal van de holocaust op een bijzondere en zeker originele<br />

manier. Zo beschrijft hij gedetailleerd 'de kronkelweg naar Auschwitz', de ontwikkeling en<br />

realisering van de gedachte om de joden niet alleen uit te bannen, maar ook fysiek uit te<br />

roeien.<br />

Mèle, E.<br />

L'héritage de Dachau dans l'oeuvre de Zoran Music = [The legacy of Dachau in the works<br />

of Zoran Music]<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1<br />

(fév), page 57-63.<br />

Verwerkingsproces<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen<br />

Tekeningen<br />

The Slovenian painter Zoran Music (1909-2005) was sent to the concentration camp of<br />

Dachau in September 1944. He created there at the risk of his life 100 drawings of what<br />

he could see all around him: scenes of hanging, portraits of corpses, stack of bodies<br />

sometimes still alive. After the liberation of the camp, he settled in Venice where he<br />

started painting again. From 1970, the cycle "We are not the last" explored the visions of<br />

the life of a concentration camp which haunted him, first in his dreams then on the paper<br />

and the canvas. During the years before his death, Music was interested in portraiture.<br />

Then naked, old, and exhausted bodies were represented. In fact the huge task of Music<br />

consisted as years went by in struggling against the triumph of wrong by giving a face and<br />

an identity to anonymous victims of Nazi barbarity. In the evolution of his works with the<br />

reversal of latest years to self-portrait and the appropriation of himself as a subject, we<br />

can also see a kind of victory on the traumatic repetition which is here investigated by<br />

describing its modalities and stakes. [Author Abstract]<br />

Mendelsohn, Daniël<br />

The lost : a search for six of the six million / Daniël Mendelsohn ; photogr. by Matt<br />

Mendelsohn. - New York, NY [etc.] : HarperPerennial, 2006. - 950 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Zoektocht naar de achtergronden van de oudoom van de auteur die samen met zijn gezin<br />

in een stadje in de Oekraïne tijdens de Holocaust werd vermoord, verweven met<br />

bespiegelingen over Bijbelse teksten en de geschiedenis van het joodse volk.<br />

Joden<br />

Holocaust<br />

Familiegeschiedenissen<br />

Biografieën<br />


s2.2 MEN<br />

Nationalitäten<br />

Nationalitäten im KZ / [met bijdr. van May B. Broda ... et al.]. - Dachau : Verlag Dachauer<br />

Hefte, 2006. - 246 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - ( ; Heft 23)<br />

ISBN 978-3-98<strong>08</strong>587-8-6<br />

Concentratiekampen<br />

Dachau<br />

Holocaust<br />

Joden<br />

Nederlanders<br />

Ravensbrück<br />

Staatlozen<br />

Ohrbeck<br />

Russen<br />

s2.5 DAC-13<br />

Schaap, Dick<br />

Joodse krijgsgevangene met militaire eer begraven / Dick Schaap<br />

In: Checkpoint = ISSN <strong>15</strong>67-8210: vol. 9 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3 (april), page 32-34.<br />

Krijgsgevangenen<br />

Joden<br />

Veteranen<br />

Krijgsgevangenkampen<br />

Krijgsgevangenkamp Deep<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Het verhaal van de joodse veteraan Ben de Jong (88). Hij heeft als enig lid van zijn familie<br />

de oorlog overleefd door gehoor te geven aan het Duitse bevel aan Nederlandse militairen<br />

om in krijgsgevangenschap terug te keren. Hij kwam terecht in het vrijwel onbekende<br />

krijgsgevangenkamp voor joden in Deep in Pommeren in Oost-Pruisen.<br />

Scheffel-Baars, H.J.<br />

The dialogue as a helping hand. A report about the hands-on expertise of Kombi ; [met<br />

medew. van: Edith Nagel ... et al. ; vertaling door F.P.J. van der Werff]. - [S.I.] : <strong>Stichting</strong><br />

Kombi, 2006. - 93 p. ; 31 cm<br />

<strong>Stichting</strong> Kombi<br />

Kinderen<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen<br />

Eerste generatie<br />

Zelfhulpgroepen<br />

Verwerkingsproces<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Evaluatie<br />

Onderzoek<br />

s.8.1.1 SCH<br />

Schneiders, Lies<br />

Jaap Polak : a happy holocaust survivor / Lies Schneiders<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 8-12.<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen<br />


Verenigde Staten<br />

Interviews<br />

Coping<br />

Joden<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Emigratie<br />

Jaap Polak is een 'oorlogsemigrant'. Na de oorlog vertrok hij naar de VS, naar zijn zeggen<br />

omdat zijn naoorlogse leven in Nederland te zeer door de holocaust werd gedomineerd.<br />

Hij vertelt Lies Schneiders over zijn oorlogservaringen, zijn overlevingsgedrag in het kamp<br />

en zijn schaamte over sommige voorvallen. In Amerika werkte en studeerde hij hard:<br />

'geen tijd voor de holocaust'. In z'n huidige bestaan is daar juist wel veel tijd voor: vanuit<br />

het Anne Frank Center is hij betrokken bij tentoonstellingen en houdt hij voordrachten.<br />

Sonke, Paul<br />

Dwangarbeider 3<strong>15</strong>4 : het verhaal van Adrie Koopman in de Tweede Wereldoorlog / Paul<br />

Sonke. - Vlissingen : Den Boer/De Ruiter, 2007. - 80 p. : ill., krt. ; 24 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-74576-92-5<br />


Memoires van een Zeeuwse arbeider (1923) die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Letland als<br />

dwangarbeider moet werken.<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Arbeidsinzet<br />

Kamp Amersfoort<br />

Riga<br />

Naoorlogstijd<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Biografieën<br />

s4.2 SON<br />

Surinaamse<br />

Surinaamse oorlogsveteranen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog 1939-1945, Korea-oorlog,<br />

1951-1953. - [Paramaribo] : De Ware Tijd, [ca. 1984?]. - 64 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - (De Ware tijd<br />

; Speciale editie) Omslagtitel. : fl 4.00<br />

Dl. 1: Interviews van Tony Wong met veteranen die deze oorlogen hebben overleefd.<br />

Tweede Wereloorlog<br />

Korea-oorlog<br />

Veteranen<br />

Suriname<br />

Interviews<br />

s8.2 SUR<br />

KOC<br />

Venezia, Shlomo<br />

Sonderkommando Auschwitz / Shlomo Venezia ; met een inl. van Simone Veil ; [vert. uit<br />

het Frans: Zenotext ; foto's en tek.: Pantswowe Museum ... et al.]. - Antwerpen : Manteau ;<br />

[Amsterdam] : Ambo, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 192 p., [16] p. pl. : ill. ; 22 cm<br />

Vert. van: Sonderkommando : dans l'enfer des chambres … gaz. - Paris : Albin Michel,<br />

2007. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-223-2230-7 (Manteau)<br />


ISBN 978-90-263-2101-6 (Ambo)<br />

Ooggetuigenverslag van de arbeid van een werkploeg van joodse mannen in Auschwitz.<br />

Holocaust<br />

Concentratiekampen<br />

Auschwitz<br />

Mauthausen<br />

Melk<br />

Ebensee<br />

Schuldgevoelens<br />

Naoorlogstijd<br />

Italië<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Interviews<br />

s2.2 VEN<br />

Verloren<br />

Verloren stemmen : oorlog in de woorden van kinderen / [samengest. door] Zlata Filipovic<br />

en Melanie Challenger ; vert. [uit het Engels] door Bonella van Beusekom. - Amsterdam :<br />

Arena, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 317 p., [8] p. pl. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Vert. van: Stolen voices : young people's war diaries, from World War I to Iraq. - New York<br />

[etc.] : Penguin Books, 2006.<br />

ISBN 978-90-6974-916-7<br />


Bloemlezing van dagboekfragmenten van veertien jonge mensen die leefden in<br />

verschillende oorlogssituaties.<br />

Adolescenten<br />

Jongeren<br />

Oorlogen<br />

Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Vietnam<br />

Balkan<br />

Isra"el<br />

Irak<br />

Dagboeken<br />

Egodocumenten<br />

In samenwerking met journaliste Melanie Challenger heeft Zlata Filipovic (zij werd bekend<br />

door haar oorlogsdagboek uit Sarajevo) de afgelopen jaren dagboekfragmenten<br />

verzameld die geschreven zijn door kinderen en jongeren vanuit de hele wereld. Vele van<br />

deze dagboeken zijn nooit gepubliceerd of inmiddels vergeten. We vernemen de<br />

wanhoop, het onbegrip en verdriet, maar ook plannen, ambities en geloof in de toekomst<br />

van kinderen in oorlogsgebieden.<br />

s9 FIL<br />

Weerden, Jan van<br />

De oorlogsvlag : een indrukwekkend document over gewapend verzet, sabotage en<br />

spionage in de Tweede Wereldoorlog met als uitvalsbasis Noordoost-Overijssel en Zuid-<br />

Drenthe / [Jan van Weerden]. - Hardenberg : Heijink, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4<strong>08</strong> p. : foto's. ; 24 cm<br />

ISBN 978-90-813017-1-8<br />

Verzet<br />

Geschiedenis<br />


Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Overijssel<br />

Drenthe<br />

Egodocumenten<br />

s3 WEE<br />

(Voormalig) Nederlands-Indie / Former Dutch East Indies<br />

Bruggen-Rufi, Monique van<br />

Thuis west, Oost best. Geïndividualiseerde, cultuurgerichte muziektherapie bij Indisch<br />

Nederlandse ouderen / Monique van Bruggen-Rufi<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie = ISSN 1871-5052: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 9-<strong>15</strong>.<br />

Creatieve therapie<br />

Muziektherapie<br />

Indische Nederlanders<br />

Ouderen<br />

Cultuur<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Ouderen uit het voormalig Nederlands-Indië dragen een specifieke geschiedenis met zich<br />

mee. In de hulpverlening aan deze mensen is kennis van hun achtergrond van wezenlijk<br />

belang. Dit artikel gaat in op de historische, sociale, en culturele kenmerken van de<br />

Indische Nederlander en presenteert een verkennend onderzoek naar de effecten van ge±<br />

ïndividualiseerde, cultuurgerichte muziektherapie. Met behulp van de GIPobservatievragenlijst<br />

zijn de resultaten van een drietal metingen in kaart gebracht.<br />

Dis, Adriaan van<br />

Totok / Adriaan van Dis ; collages Harald Vlugt. - Landgraaf : Herik, 1997. - [32] p. : ill. ; 22<br />

cm. - (Zwarte reeks ; 37)<br />

Opl. van 299 genummerde en gesigneerde ex. - Met ill.<br />

ISBN 90-73036-57-7<br />

Gedichten van de Nederlandse schrijver over zijn relatie met Indië en met zijn ouders.<br />

Totoks<br />

Gedichten<br />

s6 DIS<br />

Eyden, Ton van der<br />

Arts en gezin in de Oost (1928-1946) / Ton van der Eyden. - Zutphen : Walburg Pers, cop.<br />

2006. - 256 p. : ill., krt. ; 23 cm<br />

Bevat een aantal brieven van Theo van der Eyden en zijn gezinsleden. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-5730-452-X<br />

Memoires en brieven over het bewogen leven van een Nederlands artsengezin in<br />

Nederlands-Indië/Indonesië tijdens de jaren dertig en veertig, met name tijdens de<br />

Japanse bezetting (1942-1945) en de periode daarna.<br />

Krijgsgevangenen<br />

Interneringskampen<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Indonesië<br />

Biografieën<br />


Geschiedenis<br />

s6 EYD<br />

Geen<br />

Geen haat, maar afkeer. Japanse kampbewakers in de ogen van geïnterneerden in<br />

Nederlands-Indië. Een vergelijking van dagboeken, memoires en interviews / Jasper van<br />

der Hoek. - [s.n. ; s.l.], 2006. - 123 p. ; 30 cm<br />

Masterscriptie Maatschappijgeschiedenis, Faculteit der Historische en<br />

Kunstwetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. - Met lit. opg..<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Interneringskampen<br />

Herinnering<br />

Geheugen<br />

Beeldvorming<br />

Memoires<br />

Ego-documenten<br />

Interviews<br />

Vergelijkend onderzoek<br />

Scripties<br />

s6.1 HOE<br />

Geen uitleen.<br />

Graaff, Ant.P. de<br />

Eindelijk erkenning : met het vergeten leger in Indië / Ant.P. de Graaff. - Franeker : Van<br />

Wijnen, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 140 p. : ill. ; 21 cm<br />

ISBN 978-90-5194-330-6<br />

Politonele acties<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Geestelijke Verzorging<br />

Aalmoezenier<br />

Erkenning<br />

Dagboeken<br />

Egodocumenten<br />

s6.8 GRA<br />

Klein Kranenburg, Diederick<br />

Molukse organisaties verhinderden integratie / Diederick Klein Kranenburg<br />

In: Historisch Nieuwsblad = ISSN 0927-2690: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3 (april), page 59-63.<br />

Molukkers<br />

KNIL<br />

Repatriëring<br />

Loyaliteit<br />

Integratie<br />

Isolatie<br />

Organisaties<br />

Overheid<br />

Nederland<br />

Al snel na hun aankomst in Nederland richtten de Molukse ex-KNIL-militairen organisaties<br />

op om hun belangen bij de Nederlandse overheid te verdedigen. De leiders van deze<br />


organisaties hielden echter vast aan de geïsoleerde positie van de Molukkers. Hun<br />

loyaliteit werd bovendien vaak afgedwongen door intimidatie en sociale uitsluiting.<br />

Lepeltak, Jan<br />

Changi, poort naar de hel. Strijd in Singapore / Jan Lepeltak<br />

In: MOESSON = ISSN 0165-6546: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2 (augustus), page 23-27.<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Singapore<br />

Krijgsgevangenen<br />

Prisoners of War (POW)<br />

Changi-gevangenis<br />

Oorlogsmusea<br />

De Nederlanders vochten in 1942 samen met de Britten om het lot van Singapore. Het<br />

verlies van de Britse enclave was een teken aan de wand voor Nederlands-Indië.<br />

Overwinnaar Japan gebruikte Singapore als gevangenis voor de honderdduizenden<br />

krijgsgevangenen. De Singaporese Changi-gevangenis bood een adempauze voor de<br />

gevangengenomen Britten, Australiërs en ook duizenden Nederlanders tijdens hun reis<br />

naar Thailand en Birma. Sinds 2003 beschikt de Changi-gevangenis over een<br />

oorlogsmuseum.<br />

Overgaauw, Aad<br />

Van boerderij naar rimboe : dienstplichtig soldaat in Nederlands-Indië (1948-1950) / Aad<br />

Overgaauw. - [S.l.] : F&N Eigen Beheer, 2007. - 195 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

ISBN 978-90-78675-17-4<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Zuid-Sumatra<br />

Ego-documenten<br />

Brieven<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

s6.8 OVE<br />

KOC<br />

Raben, Remco<br />

Indonesië erfde een ontregelde samenleving. Geweld tijdens de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd /<br />

Remco Raben<br />

In: Historisch Nieuwsblad = ISSN 0927-2690: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5-6 (juni-augustus), page 37-<br />

42.<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Geweld<br />

Onafhankelijkheidsstrijd<br />

Nederlanders<br />

Indonesiërs<br />

Chinezen<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

De Indonesische revolutie van 1945-1949 ging gepaard met veel bloedvergieten. Het<br />

geweld verankerde zich in de Indonesische maatschappij.<br />


Sprang, Alfred van<br />

Wij werden geroepen : de geschiedenis van de 7 December Divisie, met zweten en<br />

zwoegen geschreven door twintigduizend Nederlandse mannen / in inkt geboekstaafd<br />

door Alfred van Sprang. - 's-Gravenhage : Van Hoeve, 1949. - 243 p. : ill. ; 27 cm<br />

Politionele acties<br />

Militairen<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

s6.8 SPR<br />

KOC<br />

Vluchtelingen, hedendaagse oorlogen, transculturele<br />

psychiatrie / Refugees - contemporary wars<br />

Azizzada, S<br />

Geweld tegen vrouwen en het democratiseren van Afghanistan / S Azizzada<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 176 (2007), issue 12 (december), page 560-<br />

569.<br />

Dit artikel is een bewerkte versie van het paper Violence against Women in Afghanistan:<br />

Oppression and Politics of Violence, dat gepresenteerd werd tijdens de Afghanistanconferentie<br />

op 21 juni 2007 op de Universiteit Leiden.<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Geweld<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Eergerelateerd geweld<br />

Huiselijk geweld<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Cultuur<br />

Politiek<br />

Onderwijs<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

Overzichtsartikel over geweld tegen vrouwen in Afghanistan en de noodzaak om de<br />

positie van vrouwen van binnenuit te verbeteren.<br />

Bolton, Paul<br />

Intervention for depression symptoms among adolescent survivors of war and<br />

displacement in northern Uganda. A randomized controlled trial / Paul Bolton...[et al.]<br />

In: JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association = ISSN 0098-7484: vol. 298<br />

(2007), issue 5 (augustus), page 519-527.<br />

Burgeroorlog<br />

Afrika<br />

Oeganda<br />

Kindoverlevenden<br />

Adolescenten<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Depressie<br />

Psychosociale problematiek<br />

Interventies<br />

Onderzoek<br />


Brocades Zaalberg, Thijs W.<br />

Soldiers and civil power : supporting or substituting civil authorities in modern peace<br />

operations / Thijs W. Brocades Zaalberg. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,<br />

cop. 2006. - 528 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Oorspr. proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2005. - Bibliogr.: p. 431-448. - Lit. opg.:<br />

p. 453-522. - Met index.<br />

ISBN 90-5356-792-5<br />

ISBN 978-90-5356-792-0<br />

Militairen<br />

Vredesmissies<br />

Burgers<br />

Veiligheid<br />

Proefschriften<br />

Het scheppen van een veilige omgeving - het doel van de meeste vredesoperaties - is<br />

alleen mogelijk als de uitgezonden militairen beschikken over een ruim mandaat en<br />

voldoende flexibiliteit om burgertaken die niet of slecht worden vervuld over te nemen. Zo<br />

luidt in de kern de theorie die de auteur in zijn proefschrift ontwikkelt. Uit zijn uitgebreide<br />

vergelijkend onderzoek van uitzendingen van Vietnam tot Kosovo blijkt dat het probleem<br />

vaak ligt in een te beperkte opvatting van de missie.<br />

s8.7 BRO<br />

Derluyn, Ilse<br />

Different perspectives on emotional and behavioural problems in unaccompanied refugee<br />

children and adolescents / Ilse Derluyn<br />

In: Ethnicity and Health = ISSN 1355-7858: vol. 12 (2007), issue 2 (april), page 141-162.<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Alleenstaande minderjarige asielzoekers (AMA'S)<br />

Kinderen<br />

Adolescenten<br />

Psychosociale problematiek<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Gedrag<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Onderzoek<br />

België<br />

This study aims, firstly, to investigate the prevelance of emotional and behavioural<br />

problems in unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents living in Belgium. Secondly,<br />

this study compares the perspectives of the adolescents with those of social workers on<br />

the adolescents' emotional well-being.<br />

Ghorashi, Halleh<br />

Giving silence a chance : the important of life stories for research on refugees / Halleh<br />

Ghorashi<br />

In: = ISSN 1471-6925: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 117-132.<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Iran<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Oral history<br />

Zwijgen<br />


In order to capture refugees' experiences and narratives it is necessary to create space<br />

within research to be able to notice the untold within the interviews. This article focuses on<br />

the ways that Iranian women refugees (in the Netherlands and the United States) narrate<br />

their experiences of the past and the present or stay silent when the experiences are too<br />

difficult to talk about. Including the moments of silence within the process of analysing the<br />

stories has helped the researcher to discover different layers within the interviews. The<br />

main argument of this article is that the combination of the life stories method and the<br />

comparative nature of the research have especially helped to find out about the different<br />

ways in which the past is positioned within the present narratives. The life stories in<br />

particular have created the necessary space to listen to the often untold stories of<br />

refugees. This has enabled the researcher to go beyond the expressed words in order to<br />

understand different layers of expression within the narratives.<br />

Hillen, J.S.J.<br />

3P: publiek, politiek en pers / J.S.J. Hillen<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 342-348.<br />

Publieke opinie<br />

Defensie<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Op 5 mei gaat het om vrede, in het besef dat dit kostbare goed niet allen gegeven is. Er<br />

zijn niet voor niets operaties in het buitenland waaraan ook de Nederlandse krijgsmacht<br />

deelneemt. In de onmiddelijke omgeving van de krijgsmacht spelen die 'P's': publiek,<br />

politiek en pers. Men zegt dat militaire acties tegenwoordig op de beeldbuis worden<br />

gewonnen. Misschien zijn de drie P's uiteindelijk hoofdzakelijk met zichzelf bezig. Waar<br />

ontwikkelingssamenwerking buiten het jaarlijks loven en bieden van de begroting<br />

gehouden, zou dat ook voor defensie moeten gelden.<br />

KOC<br />

Leeuwen, J.M.D. van<br />

De inhuur van private militaire bedrijven in operatiegebieden / J.M.D. van Leeuwen<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4, page 240-245.<br />

Private militaire bedrijven<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Nederland<br />

Beleid<br />

De Nederlandse militaire inzet in Uruzgan is afhankelijk van private bedrijven. De omvang<br />

van de huidige Nederlandse deelname is immers gebaseerd op het concept dat de<br />

logistiek voor een groot deel wordt uitbesteed. Daaraan zijn echter zowel politiek-militaire<br />

als juridische en ethische risico's verbonden. Deze risico's zijn te verkleinen door de<br />

controle en de greep op de ingehuurde bedrijven te vergroten. Het is hoog tijd voor een<br />

volwaardig politiek debat in Nederland over private militaire bedrijven.<br />

KOC<br />

Leydesdorff, Selma<br />

De leegte achter ons laten : een geschiedenis van de vrouwen van Srebrenica / Selma<br />

Leydesdorff. - Amsterdam : Bakker, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 414 p. : ill., krt. ; 22 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-351-3257-3<br />

Srebrenica<br />

Oral history<br />


Vrouwen<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Verwerking<br />

Hoogleraar Leydesdorff geeft door middel van opgetekende interviews met nabestaanden<br />

de herinneringen aan de val van Srebrenica weer, en vooral ook aan de jaren daaraan<br />

voorafgaand. De verhalen beginnen in 1992 met de Servische verovering van de regio<br />

rond Srebrenica in een campagne die tot doel had een groter Servië te creëren. Op 11 juli<br />

1995, als de enclave op het punt staat in Servische handen te vallen, vluchten duizenden<br />

Moslims naar de VN-basis in Potocari.In Leydesdorffs boek wordt duidelijk hoe de<br />

vrouwen, die bij de val hun mannen en zonen verloren, om zijn gegaan met deze<br />

ervaringen.<br />

s5.5 LEY-I en s5.5 LEY-II<br />

Moelker, René<br />

Hidden women : women in the Netherlands Armed Forces / René Moelker and Jolanda<br />

Bosch. - Breda : Faculty of Military Sciences of the NLDA, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 68 p. : tab. ; 24 cm. -<br />

(Publications of the Faculty of Military Sciences ; no. 20<strong>08</strong>/01)<br />

Met lit. opg. - Index.<br />

ISBN 978-90-8892-004-2<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Nederland<br />

Beleid<br />

s8.7 MOE<br />

Oh,<br />

Oh, where have you been my blue-eyed son? : an existentialistic contribution to the<br />

understanding of war trauma and PTSD / Vladan Beara and Predrag Miljanović ; vert. [uit<br />

het Servo-Kroatisch] Dragana Radovanović and Nebojša Pajić. - Novi Sad : Centre for<br />

trauma, 2006. - 224 p.. ; 21 cm<br />

Vert. van: Gde si to bio, sine moj?.<br />

ISBN 86-9<strong>08</strong><strong>15</strong>11-2<br />

Veteranen<br />

PTSD<br />

Servië<br />

Albanië<br />

Voormalig Joegoslavië<br />

Getuigenissen<br />

Existentialisme<br />

Beeldvorming<br />

Schuldgevoelens<br />

In dit boek komen veteranen uit Servië en Albanië aan het woord over hun ervaringen<br />

tijdens de verschillende oorlogen in voormalig Joegoslavië. Hoe denken zij over<br />

existentiële vragen zoals leven en dood, keuzevrijheid, eenzaamheid en zinloosheid. Wat<br />

hebben ze geleerd over de oorlog en hoe denken ze nu over vredesvraagstukken.<br />

s8.2 BEA<br />


Passamar, Marc<br />

Programme de santé mentale au décours du tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 (Banda Aceh,<br />

Sumatra) = Mental health program after the tsunami of December 2004, Banda Aceh,<br />

Sumatra / Marc Passamar, Bernard Vilamot et Gérard Rossinelli<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1<br />

(fév), page 49-57.<br />

Rampen<br />

Tsunami<br />

PTSD<br />

Community Mental Health<br />

A mental health program has been created and developed by Médecins du Monde in the<br />

post-immediate period following the tsunami of December 2004 at Banda Aceh (Sumatra,<br />

Indonesia). The authors recall the context of the disaster and the geopolitical situation,<br />

clinical medicine, and direct and indirect care. The emphasis is put on training and<br />

awareness of health actors and community leaders. [Author Abstract]<br />

Rol<br />

De rol van NGO's en bedrijven in internationale organisaties / [Adviesraad Internationale<br />

Vraagstukken]. - Den Haag : Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken, AIV, 2006. - 42 p. ;<br />

30 cm. - (Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken ; no. 51)<br />

Ook verschenen als online resource. - Met lit. opg.<br />

Internationale organisaties<br />

Non-gouvernementele organisaties<br />

Bedrijfsleven<br />

s8.7 ROL<br />

KOC<br />

Serafin, Amy<br />

The missing, a hidden tragedy / Amy Serafin<br />

In: Red Cross Red Crescent = ISSN 1019-9349: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 4-6.<br />

Oorlog<br />

Geweld<br />

Vermissing<br />

Families<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Coping<br />

Uncertainty about the fate of their loved ones is a harsh reality for countless families of<br />

people unaccounted for as a result of armed conflict or internal violence. Much remains to<br />

be done to address this pressing humanitarian issue and to help families cope with the<br />

trauma.<br />

Steinweg, K.K.<br />

Dealing realistically with fraticide / K.K. Steinweg<br />

In: Parameters = ISSN 0031-1723: (1995) (spr), page 4-29.<br />

Eigen vuur (Friendly fire)<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Beleid<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

KOC<br />


Thuis<br />

Thuis is ergens tussen herkomst en toekomst: een literatuuronderzoek / Lidwien<br />

Raaphorst. - [s.n. ; s.l.], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 67 p. ; 30 cm<br />

Doctoraalscriptie Universiteit voor Humanistiek. - Met lit. opg..<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Migranten<br />

Ballingen<br />

Gender<br />

Ontworteling<br />

Verlies<br />

Identiteit<br />

Zingeving<br />

Processen<br />

Scripties<br />

s8.6 RAA<br />

Geen uitleen<br />

Walzer, Michael<br />

Oorlog en dood : over de rechtvaardige oorlog in onze tijd / Michael Walzer ; met essays<br />

van Marcel Becker, Désirée Verweij en Thomas Mertens. - Budel : DAMON, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

86 p. ; 22 cm<br />

Uitg. naar aanleiding van de Thomas More Lezing 2007 van het Soeterbeeck Programma<br />

van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-5573-890-8<br />

Rechtvaardige oorlog<br />

Ethiek<br />

Polemologie<br />

s8.7 WAL<br />

Weine, S.<br />

Evaluating a multiple-family group access intervention for refugees with PTSD / S.<br />

Weine...et al.<br />

In: Journal of marital and family therapy: vol. 34 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page . 149-64.<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezinstherapie<br />

Behandeling<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Effectiviteit<br />

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a multiple-family group in<br />

increasing access to mental health services for refugees with posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder (PTSD). This study investigated a nine-session multiple-family group called<br />

Coffee and Families Education and Support with refugee families from Bosnia-<br />

Herzegovina in Chicago. Adults with PTSD (n = 197) and their families were randomly<br />

assigned to receive either the intervention or a control condition. The results indicated that<br />

a multiple-family group was effective in increasing access to mental health services and<br />

that depression and family comfort with discussing trauma mediated the intervention<br />

effect. Further well-designed studies of family interventions are needed for developing<br />

evidence-based interventions for refugee families.<br />


Psycho-sociale problematiek en de hulpverlening /<br />

Psychosocial issues - consequences<br />

Bannink, Fredrike<br />

Gelukkig zijn en geluk hebben : zelf oplossingsgericht werken / Fredrike Bannink ; [ill.:<br />

Daan Mens]. - Amsterdam : Harcourt Book Publishers, cop. 2007. - 119 p. : ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-265-1803-4<br />


Zelfhulpgids.<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Cognitieve therapie<br />

Zelfhulp<br />

Oplossingsgerichte therapie<br />

Praktijkboek<br />

s7 BAN<br />

Broeke, Erik ten<br />

Praktijkboek EMDR: casusconceptualisatie en specifieke patiëntengroepen / Erik ten<br />

Broeke, Ad de Jongh en Hans-Jaap Oppenheim (red.). - Amsterdam : Harcourt, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

493 p. ; 25 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

Therapieën<br />

EMDR<br />

Behandeling<br />

PTSD<br />

Complexe PTSD<br />

Dissociatieve stoornissen<br />

Eetstoornissen<br />

Persoonlijkhidsstoornissen<br />

Cognitieve systeemtherapie<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Interventies<br />

Resource Development and Installation (RDI)<br />

Cognitieve interventies<br />

Volwassenen<br />

Adolescenten<br />

Kinderen<br />

Protocollen<br />

s7.2 PRA<br />

Cazabat, Eduardo H.<br />

Evolution historique du concept du dissociation = Historic evolution of the dissociation<br />

concept / Eduardo H. Cazabat<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1<br />

(fév), page 41-48.<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Dissociatie<br />


Dissociatieve stoornissen<br />

The phenomenon of dissociation, just like that of psychic trauma, was one of the first<br />

topics studied in psychiatry, and then has been rapidly relegated to the background. In the<br />

last 20 years the study of childhood sexual abuse and of other forms of complex trauma,<br />

which provoke reactions ranging from single dissociation episodes to dissociative identity<br />

disorders (earlier named multiple personality disorder), has made the importance of the<br />

concept and of its study reappear. This paper presents a brief historic evolution of concept<br />

of dissociation and offers some prospects for its development. [Adapted from Author<br />

Abstract]<br />

Dijkstra, Sietske<br />

Geweld en veerkracht in gezinnen : over posities, professionals en preventie van<br />

overdracht / Sietske Dijkstra. - Bilthoven : Dijkstra - Expertise in geweld binnen relaties,<br />

2007. - 184 p. : ill. ; 22 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-9021268-5<br />

Huiselijk geweld<br />

Gezinnen<br />

Veerkracht<br />

Overdracht<br />

Mishandeling<br />

Kinderen<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Preventie<br />

s8 DIJK<br />

Erlich, Sheila<br />

Short-term group therapy with Holocaust survivors and the second generation / Sheila<br />

Erlich<br />

In: Group: the journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society = ISSN <strong>15</strong>73-3386:<br />

vol. 26 (2002), issue 2 (juni), page 163-171.<br />

Holocaust<br />

Oorlogsgetroffenen<br />

Eerste generatie<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Kortdurende groepstherapie<br />

Transgenerationele overdracht<br />

Behandeling<br />

Holocaust literature is replete with articles concerning the treatment of survivors in<br />

classical, long-term, and family therapy, in addition to second generations in self-help<br />

groups. A review of these treatments will follow. However, this literature is limited with<br />

respect to survivors (aged mid-20s to early 60s) in short-term group therapy. This paper is<br />

the first description of short-term group therapy with this population, and the first<br />

description of short-term group therapy with Holocaust survivors and the second<br />

generation who are not related.<br />

Hafkenscheid, Anton<br />

Naar een gedragcode voor het uitbrengen van 'nieuwe'psychiatrische en psychologische<br />

meetinstrumenten : psychodiagnostisch gereedschap / Anton Hafkenscheid and Filip<br />

Raes<br />


In: De Psycholoog = ISSN 0033-31<strong>15</strong>: vol. 43 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 336-341.<br />

Meetinstrumenten<br />

Vragenlijsten<br />

Psychologie<br />

Veel van de Nederlandse psychologische meetinstrumenten zijn vertalingen van<br />

Amerikaanse of Britse vragenlijsten. Soms bestaan er verschillende Nederlandse<br />

vertalingen naast elkaar. Dit leidt tot verwarring en versnippering. Een gedragscode of<br />

richtlijnen voor onderzoekers zouden dit kunnen voorkomen.<br />

Lemitre, Samuel<br />

Trauma et psychopathie : approaches psychanalytique et neuropsychologique intégrées =<br />

Trauma and psychopathy : integrating the psychoanalytical and neuropsychological /<br />

Samuel Lemitre<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1<br />

(fév), page 27-35.<br />

Kinderen<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Lange termijn gevolgen<br />

Antisociale persoonlijkheid<br />

Geweld<br />

Psychopathologie<br />

Neuropsychologie<br />

According to the literature, there exists a link between experiences of early victimization<br />

and later development of psychopathy. Early experiences of body infringement and<br />

physical violence in particular seem to be the vectors of violent behaviours in adulthood.<br />

Several studies have suggested that antisocial disorders could be a developmental<br />

consequence of early and repeated psychotraumas. As part of a larger study aiming at<br />

exploring the nature of the link between body imprint of violence and later violent<br />

behaviours, this article describes the self-reported early experiences of potentially<br />

traumatizing events and PTSD symptoms in a sample of adult psychopaths. 33 adult<br />

psychopaths convicted for violent offences were selected in a French prison on the basis<br />

of a high score on Hare's psychopathic checklist-revised (" 28). Analysis of the interview<br />

material showed that more than 60% of the sample report have experienced serious illtreatments<br />

in childhood. About 30% show clear symptoms of PTSD and 45% show clear<br />

signs of dissociation. The author discusses possible implications of these findings and<br />

formulates psychodynamic hypotheses on the actual role of psychotrauma in the<br />

development of psychopathic disorders, integrating neuropsychological materials. [Author<br />

Abstract]<br />

Pollak, Eva<br />

The Bielefeld Attachment Questionnaires : overview and empirical results of an<br />

alternative approach to assess attachment / Eva Pollak, Silke Wiegand-Grefe and Diether<br />

Höger<br />

In: Psychotherapy research = ISSN 1050-3307: vol. 17 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 179-190.<br />

Hechting<br />

Vragenlijsten<br />

Methodiek<br />

Meetinstrumenten<br />


Pretorius, Werner M.<br />

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Supervision: recommended practice / Werner M. Pretorius<br />

In: Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy = ISSN 0141-3473: vol. 34 (2006), issue 4<br />

(oktober), page 413-420.<br />

Cognitieve gedragstherapie<br />

Supervisie<br />

Kwaliteitszorg<br />

Behandeling<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

In the absence of good quality evidence for the effectiveness of specific aspects or<br />

formats of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) supervision, it is necessary to consider<br />

what is recommended as good quality CBT supervision. This review of the literature aims<br />

to provide an overview of the recommended practice of CBT supervision by considering<br />

general principles and goals of CBT supervision; the format of individual supervision<br />

sessions; the course and stages of CBT supervision; attending to supervisees' cognitions<br />

and affects; the importance of the supervisory relationship as well as the recording and<br />

rating of therapy sessions. This could provide a framework for setting standards to aspire<br />

to and stimulate further research in this field. Conforming to such practice would be an<br />

important step toward quality assurance in CBT supervision.<br />

Quest<br />

A quest for alternative sociology / ed. by Kenji Kosaka and Masahiro Ogino. - Melbourne :<br />

TransPacific Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XI, 271 p. : ill., tab. ; 22 cm. - (Advanced social research<br />

series ; vol. 3)<br />

Sociologie<br />

'Human Suffering'<br />

Rampen<br />

Sociale vraagstukken<br />

About social research that might serve to enhance human well-being.Twelve chapters are<br />

arranged in four sections: Unremedied suffering, 'Taming'suffering, Reciting suffering and<br />

multidimensional happiness. Part III contains the following chapters: Aging Japanes<br />

American atomic-bom survivors in Southern California / Kayoko C. Nakao and Satoshi<br />

Ikeno; From victims divided to victims united:the politics of war trauma in the Netherlands,<br />

1945-1980 / Jolande Withuis; Can one still live happily after Chernobyl?/Bernard Paillard.<br />

s 8 Que<br />

Roelofs, Saar<br />

Wie is er nu gek? : over kronkels in de therapeutische relatie / Saar Roelofs ; [cartoons<br />

Saar Roelofs]. - Schiedam : Scriptum, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 175 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Scriptum<br />

psychologie)<br />

ISBN 978-90-5594-582-5 geb.<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Therapeutische relatie<br />

Interactieproces<br />

Tegenoverdracht<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Coping<br />

Macht<br />

Veerkracht<br />


Lotgenoten<br />

Bijlmerramp<br />

Empathie<br />

Psycholoog Roelofs geeft in dit boek een analyse van de hulpverlening in de geestelijke<br />

gezondheidszorg. Zij bekritiseert het stellen van diagnoses en de koppeling hiervan aan<br />

een standaardbehandeling. Volgens Roelofs heeft de hulpverlener vele zwakke kanten,<br />

die zij dan ook uitgebreid belicht aan de hand van de begrippen overdracht en<br />

tegenoverdracht. Tevens verwerkt Roelofs in het boek de veerkracht van de hulpvrager en<br />

komen vele gevalsbeschrijvingen aan bod.<br />

s7 ROE-I en s7 ROE-II<br />

Saussure, Thierry de<br />

La religion : bouillon de culture ou voie de guérison du trauma? = Religion, breeding<br />

ground or a possible way for the traumatized to recover / Thierry de Saussure<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2<br />

(mai), page 102-107.<br />

Religie<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Bijbelteksten<br />

Behandeling<br />

Schultz-Venrath, U.<br />

Mentalisierungsgestützte Gruppenpsychotherapie : Zur Veränderung therapeutischer<br />

Interventionsstile / U. Schultz-Venrath<br />

In: ISSN 0017 4947: vol. 44 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 135-149.<br />

Mentaliseren<br />

Behandeling<br />

Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT)<br />

Interventies<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Attitude<br />

Thys, Michel<br />

De gestilde psyche : over fascinatie, trauma en de doodsdrift / Michel Thys<br />

In: ISSN 1382-516x: vol. 14 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 5-17.<br />

Psychoanalyse<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Dood<br />

Uitterhaegen, Bart<br />

Psycho-education and psychosocial support in the Netherlands; a program by and for<br />

refugees / Bart Uitterhaegen<br />

In: Intervention : the international journal of mental health, psychosocial work and<br />

counselling in areas of armed conflict = ISSN <strong>15</strong>71-8883: vol. 3 (2005), issue 2, page 141-<br />

147.<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Asielzoekers<br />

Psycho-educatie<br />

Psychosociale hulpverlening<br />


Hulpverleners<br />

Community mental health<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Nederland<br />

This article is about a community based intervention program in the Netherlands. In this<br />

program, asylum seekers and refugees are trained to provide psycho-education and<br />

psychosocial support to fellow groups of refugees and asylum seekers. These trained<br />

refugees work in their own language and culture, with a professional coach from a local<br />

mental health institute. The group courses consist of psycho-education, psychosocial<br />

support and empowerment. On the one hand, they raise awareness of problems like<br />

trauma, mourning, stress, feelings of guilt, acculturation, alcohol and drug abuse. On the<br />

other hand they teach participants to cope with these problems, rediscover their strength<br />

and have confidence in their ability to move forward. Referral takes place when the need<br />

for further professional help (e.g. therapy) is identified. In this paper, emphasis is put on<br />

the training of trainers.<br />

Vries-Geervliet, Liet de<br />

Het begeleiden van mensen met een traumatische ervaring / Liet de Vries-Geervliet. - 1e<br />

dr. - Soest : Nelissen, 2007. - 144 p. ; 24 cm. - (PM-reeks)<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-244-1776-6<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Slachtoffers<br />

Angst<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Onderwijsleermiddelen<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Behandeling<br />

Onmacht<br />

Verwerkingsproces<br />

Herziene versie van “Over trauma's gesproken". Voor de beginnende hulpverlener die te<br />

maken krijgt met getraumatiseerde cliënten. Bevat de volgende hoofdstukken: 1.<br />

Trauma's, 2. de angstreactie, 3. de reactie op angst, 4. de uitgeputte hulpvrager, 5. de<br />

vertwijfelde hulpvrager, 6. de onevenwichtige hulpvrager, 7. de schuldige hulpvrager, 8.<br />

de competenties van de hulpverlener, 9. hulpmiddelen (muziek, taal, beelden, sport en<br />

spel), 10. de professionaliteit van de hulpverlener.<br />

s8 VRI<br />

Walthuis, Karen<br />

Wisselende contacten : de ontmaskering van de coachingsrelatie / Karen Walthuis ; [ill.<br />

Julian Kwan]. - [Schiedam] : Scriptum, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 163 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Scriptum<br />

psychologie)<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-5594-585-6 geb.<br />


Beschrijving van zes mogelijke basishoudingen van coaches en hun mogelijkheden tot<br />

verdere professionalisering.<br />

Coaching<br />

Relaties<br />

Coach<br />


Cliënten<br />

Proces<br />

s7 WAL<br />

Winants, Y<br />

Uit de schaduw van de ander : huiselijk geweld geen privé-zaak meer ; evaluatieonderzoek.<br />

- Maastricht : Universiteit van Maastricht, 2007. - 128 p. : ill., tab. ; 23 cm<br />

Met lit. opg. en vragenlijsten.<br />

Geweld<br />

Huiselijk geweld<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Partners<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Effectiviteit<br />

PTSD<br />

s8.5 Uit<br />

Yalom, Irvin D.<br />

The theory and practice of group psychotherapy / Irvin D. Yalom ; with Molyn Leszcz. - 5th<br />

ed. - New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, cop. 2005. - xix, 668 p. : tab. ; 24 cm<br />

1st ed.: 1970. - Includes bibliographical references and index.<br />

ISBN 0-465-09284-5 : œ32.50<br />

ISBN 978-0-465-09284-0 : œ32.50<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Groepen<br />

Overdracht<br />

Contra-indicaties<br />

Groepsleden<br />

Effectiviteit<br />

Supervisie<br />

Specifieke groepen<br />

Interpersoonlijke theorieën<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

s7.2 YAL<br />

Zantinge, Else Marie<br />

Doctor, can you spare some time? : the role of workload in general<br />

practitioners'involvement in patients' mental health problems = Dokter, kunt u wat tijd<br />

missen? : de rol van de werklast van huisartsen in relatie tot hun betrokkenheid bij de<br />

psychische problemen van patiënten / Else Marie Zantinge. - [S.l. : Nivel], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 185 p. :<br />

ill. ; 24 cm<br />

Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.<br />

Huisartsen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Psychische problemen<br />

Werkdruk<br />

Proefschriften<br />

Elektronisch beschikbaar<br />


Zizolfi, S.<br />

'Roschach … Nuremberg' = Rorschach test from Nazi war criminals attending the<br />

Nuremberg trial / S. Zizolfi and I. Ruata<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2<br />

(mai), page 123-129.<br />

Roschach test<br />

Oorlogsmisdadigers<br />

Daders<br />

Persoonlijkheid<br />

Traumatische ervaringen / Traumatic experiences<br />

Bakker, Heilwine A.H.M.<br />

Weerbaarheid voor reddingswerkers : voor professionals die zich inzetten voor orde,<br />

gezondheid en veiligheid / Heilwine A.H.M. Bakker. - Den Haag : SDU Uitgevers, 2007. -<br />

85 p. : ill. ; 21 cm + DVD. - (Handboeken voor de brandweer ; [6-4])<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-12-12522-2<br />

Beroepen<br />

Reddingswerkers<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Verwerkingsproces<br />

Zelfhulp<br />

s8.4 HEI<br />

Bluglass, Kerry<br />

Hidden from the Holocaust : stories of resilient children who survived and thrived / Kerry<br />

Bluglass ; foreword by Anthony Clare. - Westport, Conn ; London : Praeger, 2003. - xiii,<br />

271 p. : ill. ; 25 cm<br />

Includes bibliographical references (p. [255]-261) and index.<br />

ISBN 0-275-97486-3 : No price : Formerly CIP<br />

Kindoverlevenden<br />

Holocaust<br />

Kinderen<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Onderduikkinderen<br />

Veerkracht<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Oral history<br />

Nederland<br />

Polen<br />

Belgie<br />

Frankrijk<br />

From twins torn away from their family and separated, to a girl shut in a basement,<br />

maltreated and malnourished, the world of Jewish children who were hidden from the<br />

Nazis during the Holocaust becomes painfully clear in this volume. Psychiatrist Bluglass<br />

presents interviews with <strong>15</strong> adults who avoided execution in their childhoods thanks to<br />

being hidden, all of whom have since developed remarkably positive lives.<br />

s8.1.1.BLU<br />


Ehlers, A.<br />

A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder / A. Ehlers and D.M. Clark<br />

In: Behaviour research and therapy = ISSN 0005-7967: vol. 38 (2000), issue 4, page 319-<br />

345.<br />

PTSD<br />

Cognitie<br />

Modellen<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common reaction to traumatic events. Many<br />

people recover in the ensuing months, but in a significant subgroup the symptoms persist,<br />

often for years. A cognitive model of persistence of PTSD is proposed. It is suggested that<br />

PTSD becomes persistent when individuals process the trauma in a way that leads to a<br />

sense of serious, current threat. The sense of threat arises as a consequence of: (1)<br />

excessively negative appraisals of the trauma and/or its sequelae and (2) a disturbance of<br />

autobiographical memory characterised by poor elaboration and contextualization, strong<br />

associative memory and strong perceptual priming. Change in the negative appraisals and<br />

the trauma memory are prevented by a series of problematic behavioural and cognitive<br />

strategies. The model is consistent with the main clinical features of PTSD, helps explain<br />

several apparently puzzling phenomena and provides a framework for treatment by<br />

identifying three key targets for change. Recent studies have provided preliminary support<br />

for several aspects of the model.<br />

KOC<br />

Evidence-<br />

Evidence- en practice-based psychiatrie : themanummer<br />

In:Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie = ISSN 0303 7339: vol. 50 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 311-397.<br />

Evidence Based Practice<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Evidence Based Medicine<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Themanummer waarin verschillende standpunten over EBM naar voren komen.<br />

s8 EVI<br />

Fairbank, John A.<br />

The epidemiology of trauma and trauma related disorders in children and youth / John A.<br />

Fairbank<br />

In: PTSD Research Quarterly = ISSN 1050 1835 (themanummer): vol. 19 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1,<br />

page 1-3.<br />

Kinderen<br />

PTSD<br />

Epidemiologie<br />

Lange termijn gevolgen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Foa, Edna B.<br />

Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD : therapist guide : emotional processing of<br />

traumatic experiences / Edna Foa, Elizabeth Hembree, Barbara Rothbaum. - New York ;<br />

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - viii, 146 p. ; 25 cm. - (Treatments that work)<br />

Formerly CIP. - Includes bibliographical references.<br />

ISBN 0-19-53<strong>08</strong>50-6 pbk : œ19.99<br />


ISBN 978-0-19-53<strong>08</strong>50-1 pbk : œ19.99<br />

PTSD<br />

Behandeling<br />

Cognitieve therapie<br />

Dit praktijkboek is een therapeutische gids voor hulpverleners die mensen met PTSD<br />

klachten behandelen.In uitgewerkte behandelsessies worden handvatten gegeven (zoals<br />

ademhalingsoefeningen en psycho-educatie) om de cliënt te leren omgaan met de<br />

traumatische gebeurtenis. Hierdoor treedt een daling in de angst- en PTSD-symptomen<br />

op. De behandeling is gebaseerd op de beginselen van Prolonged Exposure Therapy<br />

(PET) en Emotional Processing Theory. Van PET wordt gezegd dat de effectiviteit<br />

bewezen is. De bijlage bevat een formulier voor het afnemen van een interview over de<br />

traumatische gebeurtenis tijdens de eerste sessie. Bij dit boek hoort een werkboek voor<br />

de cliënt.<br />

s8 FOA<br />

Gerwitz, A.<br />

Parenting practices as potential mechanisms for child adjustment following mass trauma /<br />

A. Gerwitz, M. Forgatch and E. Wieling<br />

In: Journal of marital and family therapy: vol. 34 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 177-192.<br />

Ouder-kind relatie<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Transgenerationele overdracht<br />

Sociale interactie<br />

Ouderschap<br />

Methodiek<br />

Interventies<br />

Behandeling<br />

Trauma research has identified a link between parental adjustment and children's<br />

functioning and the sometimes ensuing intergenerational impact of traumatic events. The<br />

effects of traumatic events on children have been demonstrated to be mediated through<br />

their impact on children's parents. However, until now, little consideration has been given<br />

to the separate and more proximal mechanism of parenting practices as potential<br />

mediators between children's adjustment and traumatic events. To shed some light in this<br />

arena, we review literature on trauma, adversity, and resilience, and discuss how<br />

parenting practices may mediate trauma and adverse environmental contexts. Using a<br />

social interaction learning perspective (Forgatch & Knutson, 2002; Patterson, 2005), we<br />

propose a prevention research framework to examine the role that parenting practices<br />

may play in influencing children's adjustment in the wake of trauma exposure. The article<br />

concludes by providing a specific model and role for evidence-based parenting<br />

interventions for children exposed to mass trauma<br />

IJzermans, Joris<br />

Gevolgen van rampen voor de gezondheid : lessen van de Vuurwerkramp / Joris<br />

IJzermans<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 18-24.<br />

Rampen<br />

Vuurwerkramp<br />

Psychosomatiek<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

Onderzoek<br />


Lange-termijn gevolgen<br />

PTSD<br />

Rampenspecialist Joris IJzermans maakt een rondgang door de recente Nederlandse<br />

geschiedenis waar het rampen betreft. Hij schetst tussen de watersnoodramp en de<br />

Bijlmerramp een mentaliteitsomslag ten aanzien van slachtofferschap en nadien een<br />

professionalisering van de opvang en nazorg. Met name de lessen van de Bijlmerramp<br />

hebben bij navolgende calamiteiten geholpen om de zorg adequaat in te richten, onder<br />

meer door begeleidend onderzoek. Uit dat en vergelijkbaar onderzoek resulteert ook een<br />

overzicht van veel voorkomende psychische problemen en lichamelijke symptomen na<br />

een ramp.<br />

Johnson, H.<br />

The development and maintenance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in civilian<br />

adult survivors of war trauma and torture: a review / H. Johnson and A. Thompson<br />

In: Clinical psychology review = ISSN 0272-7358: vol. 28 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 36-47.<br />

PTSD<br />

Burger-oorlogsgetroffenen<br />

Martelingen<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

This review provides a comprehensive and critical summary of the literature as to the<br />

development and maintenance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following civilian<br />

war trauma and torture. Prevalence rates are reviewed and predictors are discussed in<br />

terms of risk factors, protective factors, and factors that maintain PTSD. Most<br />

epidemiologically sound studies found relatively low rates of PTSD. There is good<br />

evidence of a dose-response relationship between cumulative war trauma and torture and<br />

development and maintenance of PTSD. There is also some evidence that female gender<br />

and older age are risk factors in development of PTSD. Some refugee variables may<br />

exacerbate symptoms of PTSD and contribute to their maintenance. Preparedness for<br />

torture, social and family support, and religious beliefs may all be protective against PTSD<br />

following war trauma and torture. Applicability of the concept of PTSD to non-western<br />

populations and areas for much needed further study are discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Jongedijk, Ruud<br />

De gevolgen van psychotraumatische ervaringen : meer dan PTSS alleen? : sleutelen aan<br />

een concept / Ruud Jongedijk<br />

In: <strong>Cogis</strong>cope = ISSN 1871-1065: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 13-17.<br />

PTSD<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

PTSS, een diagnostisch concept dat ruim 25 jaar geleden juichend werd ontvangen, maar<br />

dat ongeveer even lang ook is bekritiseerd, gewogen en vaak te licht bevonden, met<br />

allerlei hulpconstructies is gestut of juist uitgehold. Psychiater Ruud Jongedijk verkent het<br />

'veld', de discussies en de nieuwe ontwikkelingen nu het PTSS-concept zich opnieuw een<br />

plaats moet verwerven in de nieuwe versie van de psychiaterbijbel, de Diagnostic &<br />

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.<br />


Kleber, Rolf J.<br />

Weg van het trauma: dilemma's in kennis en toepassing en Trauma: dilemma's in kennis<br />

en toepassing; het symposium voorafgaand aan de oratie. - [S.l] : stichting KTP, 2007. -<br />

36 p. : Ill., foto's. ; 20 cm<br />

Oratie 9 februari 2007. - Lit.opg.: p. 19-21.<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Determinisme<br />

Emoties<br />

Cultuur<br />

Redes<br />

Symposium<br />

PTSS<br />

Voorspellen<br />

Behandeling<br />

EMDR<br />

Cultuur<br />

Psychobiologie<br />

Hormonen<br />

Cognitieve gedragstherapie<br />

s8 KLE<br />

Labbate, L.A.<br />

Posttraumatic stress symptoms among soldiers exposed to combat in the Persian Gulf /<br />

L.A. Labbate and M.P. Snow<br />

In: Hospital & community psychiatry = ISSN 0022-<strong>15</strong>97: vol. 43 (1992), issue 8, page 831-<br />

833.<br />

PTSD<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Nachtmerries<br />

Alcoholmisbruik<br />

Gewonden<br />

Eigen vuur (Friendly fire)<br />

KOC<br />

Laramie, J.A.<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder at the end of life / J.A. Laramie<br />

In: Home healthcare nurse = ISSN <strong>08</strong>84-741X: vol. 25 (2007), issue 5, page 293-298.<br />

PTSD<br />

Ouderen<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

KOC<br />

Liempt, S. van<br />

Slaapafwijkingen bij posttraumatische stressstoornis: overzicht van<br />

onderzoeksbevindingen / S. van Liempt, E. Vermetten, J.H.M. de Groen and H.G.M.<br />

Westenberg<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie = ISSN 0303 7339: vol. 49 (2007), issue 9, page 629-638.<br />

PTSD<br />

Slaapstoornissen<br />


Nachtmerries<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

Achtergrond: Nachtmerries en insomniaklachten komen voor bij 70% van de patiënten<br />

met een posttraumatische stressstoornissen (PTSS). Deze slaapklachten zijn vaak lastig<br />

te behandelen terwijl de lijdensdruk groot is. De laatste decennia is een aantal<br />

onderzoeken uitgevoerd naar slaapafwijkingen bij PTSS-patiënten. Doel: Dit artikel geeft<br />

een overzicht van objectieve kenmerken - in tegenstelling tot zelfbeoordelingsmethoden -<br />

van slaap bij PTSS-patiënten. Methode: Artikelen gepubliceerd in peer reviewed journals<br />

vanaf 1980 tot heden werden verzameld uit Medline en Embase met behulp van de<br />

zoektermen 'PTSD', 'sleep', 'nightmares', 'insomnia', 'polysomnography'. Resultaten:<br />

Afwijkingen van slaapefficiëntie, arousalregultatie, remslaap, deltaslaap en<br />

bewegingsonrust tijdens de slaap worden genoemd. Daarnaast wordt een correlatie<br />

beschreven tussen nachtmerries en slaapapnoes bij PTSS. In een aantal onderzoeken<br />

worden juist geen afwijkingen gevonden tijdens de slaap bij PTSS. Onderzoeken naar<br />

slaapafwijkingen bij PTSS zijn veelal uitgevoerd in kleine of heterogene groepen en de<br />

resultaten zijn daarom mogelijk niet consistent. Echter, ook resultaten van grote, meer<br />

homogene onderzoeken zijn niet altijd met elkaar in overeenstemming. Conclusie: Er is<br />

een discrepantie tussen de klinische relevantie van slaapklachten bij PTSS en eenduidige<br />

objectieve slaapafwijkingen. In de toekomst moeten afwijkingen nader geïdentificeerd<br />

worden om klachten te verklaren en therapeutische behandelmogelijkheden te kunnen<br />

ontwikkelen.<br />

KOC<br />

Miller, L.J.<br />

Prazosin for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder sleep disturbances / L.J. Miller<br />

In: Pharmacotherapy = ISSN 0277-00<strong>08</strong>: vol. 28 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 656-666.<br />

PTSD<br />

Slaapstoornissen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />

An estimated 70-87% of patients who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)<br />

experience sleep disruption. These patients have distressing dreams or nightmares in<br />

which the traumatic event is reexperienced, and they also have difficulty in falling or<br />

staying asleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the treatment of choice for<br />

PTSD, but with the exception of fluvoxamine, they are often ineffective or only partially<br />

effective for sleep problems. Sedative-hypnotics may be helpful in the short term but are<br />

associated with tolerance and addiction potential. In the central nervous system, alpha(1)adrenergic<br />

receptors are known to be important in both the startle and sleep responses.<br />

Stimulation of these receptors may contribute to PTSD-related trauma-content<br />

nightmares. Prazosin, a highly lipophilic alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor blocker that is<br />

traditionally used to treat hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia, has been shown<br />

to decrease the occurrence of trauma nightmares in both combat veterans and patients<br />

with non-combat-related PTSD. The available data, although mostly from open-label trials,<br />

suggest that this agent also improves sleep quality and patients' sense of wellbeing and<br />

ability to function in daily activities. The optimum dose is unknown; however, a doserelated<br />

response appears to be evident. Clinicians should monitor for orthostatic<br />

hypotension, usually seen early in therapy, when prazosin is started in patients with<br />

PTSD.<br />

KOC<br />


Minnen, Agnes van<br />

Wie durft? : tien misverstanden over exposure bij de behandeling van PTSS-patiënten /<br />

Agnes van Minnen. - [S.l. : s.n.], 20<strong>08</strong> (Nijmegen : Thieme MediaCenter). - 22 p. ; 24 cm<br />

Inaugurele rede Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.<br />

ISBN 978-90-9023133-4<br />

Exposure<br />

PTSD<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Angststoornissen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Redes<br />

Exposure<br />

PTSD<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Angststoornissen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Redes<br />

s8 MIN<br />

Peres, Julio F.P.<br />

Traumatic memories : bridging the gap between funcional neuroimaging and<br />

psychotherapy / Julio F.P. Peres, Alexander McFarlane, Antonia G. Nasello and Kathryn<br />

A. Moores<br />

In: In: Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry = ISSN 0004-8674: vol. 42 (20<strong>08</strong>),<br />

issue 6, page 487-489.<br />

Traumatische herinneringen<br />

Geheugen<br />

PTSD<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Neurologie<br />

Traumatic memories are diagnostic symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),<br />

and the dual representation theory posits separate memory systems subserving vivid reexperiencing<br />

(non-hippocampally dependent) versus declarative autobiographical<br />

memories of trauma (hippocampally dependent). But the psychopathological signs of<br />

trauma are not static over time, nor is the expression of traumatic memories. Multiple<br />

memory systems are activated simultaneously and in parallel on various occasions.<br />

Neural circuitry interaction is a crucial aspect in the development of a psychotherapeutic<br />

approach that may favour an integrative translation of the sensory fragments of the<br />

traumatic memory into a declarative memory system. Conclusion: The relationship<br />

between neuroimaging findings and psychological approaches is discussed for greater<br />

efficacy in the treatment of psychologically traumatized patients.<br />

Pomeroy, W.L.<br />

Trauma, regression, and recovery / W.L. Pomeroy<br />

In: Transactional Analysis Journal = ISSN 0362-<strong>15</strong>37: vol. 28 (1998), issue 4, page 331-<br />

340.<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Behandeling<br />

Regressietherapie<br />


This article explores the relationship between trauma and regression and suggests that<br />

regression is a consequence of trauma. A model is presented that describes human<br />

responses to trauma. The model provides an alternative for conceptualizing ego states,<br />

games, symbiosis, and regression by comparing ego states with neuropsychology. The<br />

process of recovery from catastrophic trauma is discussed, including the role of regressive<br />

therapy.<br />

KOC<br />

Pomeroy, W.L.<br />

A working model for trauma: the relationship between trauma and violence / W.L.<br />

Pomeroy<br />

In: Pre- and Peri-natal Psychology Journal = ISSN 1097-8003: vol. 10 (1995), issue 2,<br />

page 89-101.<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Geweld<br />

Verwerking<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Presents a working model to explain the relationship between trauma and violence<br />

suggests ways for dealing with them. Traumatized people choose violence to resolve their<br />

future conflicts and stress. Conversely, violence also leads to traumatic reactions. There<br />

are 3 resources which ensure trauma survival: Relational level (identity, power, autonomy,<br />

safety, connection, trust, boundaries and grounding), limbic level (fight, flee or freeze<br />

reflexes), and shock reflex level (rage, terror and numbness). The 3 categories of trauma<br />

responses include transformation and operating resource levels, rigid fundamentalist self<br />

and projecting out the unresolved traumas into interactions with the world, and fragmented<br />

self, involving rage, anxiety and numbness. Therapeutic processes focus on reconnecting<br />

clients to their lost resources and functional relational self so that their reliance on rigid<br />

fundamentalist, antisocial or destructive strategies is reduced.<br />

KOC<br />

Regeer, Leo<br />

Over angst, geweld en terrorisme. Vanuit de Radar methode Regeer, angst regeert de<br />

politiek / Leo Regeer<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor Agressie Preventie = ISSN 1872-6534: vol. 2 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4, page 6-<br />

10.<br />

Terrorisme<br />

Geweld<br />

Angst<br />

Agressie<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Radar methode Regeer<br />

Interventies<br />

Preventie<br />

Interventies en preventie vanuit de Radar methode Regeer bij terrorisme, angst en<br />

geweld. Professioneel omgaan met (dreigend) terrorisme vanuit de Radar methode<br />

Regeer. Definities en kenmerken van hevige angst en voorbeelden van<br />

gedragskenmerken terrorisme in Radarniveaus.<br />


Rinne, Thomas<br />

The neuro-endocrine scars of sustained childhood abuse in adult female patients with<br />

borderline personality disorder / Thomas Rinne. - [S.l. : s.n.] ; Amsterdam : Universiteit<br />

van Amsterdam [Host], cop. 2002. - 125 p : ill<br />

Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. - Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het<br />

Nederlands.<br />

ISBN 90-90<strong>15</strong>816-2<br />

Borderline<br />

Psyhiatrie<br />

Endocrinologie<br />

Serotonine<br />

Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Kindermishandeling<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />

Antidepressiva<br />

Rinne deed tien jaar lang onderzoek naar de effecten van jeugdtrauma's onder patiënten<br />

met een borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis. Een traumatische jeugd blijkt een sterke<br />

risicofactor om later een borderline-persoonlijkheid te ontwikkelen. Zestig procent van de<br />

borderliners is als kind langdurig mishandeld of seksueel misbruikt. Rinne onderzocht de<br />

neuroendocriene veranderingen en het effect van SSRI's met betrekking tot de<br />

normalisering van deze neuroendocriene veranderingen en de verbetering van de<br />

borderline-persoonlijkheidsstoornis.<br />

s8.5 RIN<br />

Soir, Erik De<br />

Stress en trauma bij de politie / Erik De Soir, Patrick Van den Steene, Frédéric<br />

Daubechies. - Antwerpen ; Apeldoorn : Maklu, 2007. - 246 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Politie<br />

praktijk boeken)<br />

Ook verschenen in het Frans o.d.t.: Stress et trauma au milieu policier. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-466-0057-3<br />


Monografie met een overzicht van de literatuur over stress en trauma om zich nadien te<br />

richten op het domein van de psychotraumatologie en de principes van de eerste<br />

psychologische ondersteuning.<br />

Stress<br />

Politie<br />

Preventie<br />

Nazorg<br />

s8 SOI<br />

Spitzer, Carsten<br />

Childhood maltreatment in patients with somatization disorder / Carsten Spitzeret al.<br />

In: In: Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry = ISSN 0004-8674: vol. 42 (20<strong>08</strong>),<br />

issue 4, page 335-341.<br />

Psychosomatiek<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Kindermishandeling<br />

Lange termijn gevolgen<br />


Onderzoek<br />

There is converging evidence indicating a close association between trauma, particularly<br />

childhood trauma, and adult somatization, but studies using both structured interviews and<br />

self-report measures to assess childhood adversities in patients with somatization disorder<br />

are scarce. Methods: A total of 28 patients (82% women, mean age=41.7± «10.1years)<br />

meeting DSM-IV criteria for somatization disorder as confirmed by the Structured Clinical<br />

Interview for DSM-IV, Axis I (SCID-I) underwent the Structured Trauma Interview (STI)<br />

and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). The comparison group consisted of 28<br />

patients with major depression, but without a lifetime diagnosis of somatization disorder<br />

matched for gender and age. Results: Univariate analyses of both the STI and the CTQ<br />

data showed that somatizing patients had been exposed to childhood sexual and physical<br />

abuse significantly more often than major depressive disorder (MDD) patients. In logistic<br />

regression analysis with somatization disorder as the dependent variable, sexual abuse<br />

emerged as the only significant predictor, and the odds of having been sexually abused<br />

were ninefold higher in patients with somatization disorders relative to MDD subjects<br />

(odds ratio=9.39; 95% confidence interval=1.73-50.96). There were no differences<br />

between somatizing and depressed participants with respect to other types of<br />

maltreatment. Conclusion: Childhood sexual abuse is an important factor in the<br />

multifactorial aetiopathogenesis of somatization disorder. Diagnostic and therapeutic<br />

implications are discussed.<br />

Wessa, Michèle<br />

Failure of extinction of fear responses in Posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence from<br />

second-order conditioning / Michèle Wessa, 3001<br />

In: American Journal of Psychiatry = ISSN 0002-953x: vol. 164 (2007), issue 11<br />

(november), page 1684-1692.<br />

PTSD<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Second-order conditioning<br />

Behandeling<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Onderzoek<br />

PTSD is characterized by the re-experiencing of a traumatic event, although the trauma<br />

itself occurred in the past. The extinction of the traumatic response might be impeded if<br />

trauma reminders maintain fear responses by their association with the original trauma<br />

through second-order conditioning.<br />

PTSD / general PTSD<br />

Bodkin, J. Alexander<br />

Is PTSD caused by traumatic stress? / J. Alexander Bodkin, Harrison G. Pope, Michael J.<br />

Detke, James I. Hudson<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 176-182.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Depressie<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Etiologie<br />


Sequential subjects (N=103) presenting for pharmacologic treatment of major depression<br />

were examined prior to treatment for history of traumatic experiences. Subjects were also<br />

examined for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Two blinded raters<br />

subsequently judged whether subjects' experiences met DSM-IV criteria for trauma<br />

(criterion A of PTSD). Among 54 subjects scored by both raters as having experienced<br />

trauma, 42 (78%) met all other DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. Among 36 subjects scored by<br />

both raters as not having experienced trauma, 28 displayed all other DSM-IV criteria for<br />

PTSD--also a rate of 78%. This equivalence suggests that in a treatment-seeking<br />

population, caution should be exercised in attributing the PTSD syndrome to trauma.<br />

Bryant, Richard A.<br />

Does dissociation further our understanding of PTSD? / Richard A. Bryant<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 183-191.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Dissociatie<br />

Acute stress stoornis<br />

Peritrauma<br />

Peritraumatic dissociation, and other dissociative reactions, refer to alterations in<br />

awareness in the context of a traumatic experience. This review provides an overview of<br />

the current conceptualization of dissociation, critiques methodological approaches to<br />

studying dissociation, and reviews the evidence for the purported relationship between<br />

dissociative reactions and posttraumatic stress disorder. The evidence challenges the<br />

notion that a linear relationship exists between dissociation and psychiatric morbidity.<br />

Future research should abandon the global construct of dissociation, and study the<br />

specific responses that involve altered awareness under experimental conditions.<br />

Casey, P.<br />

The imperative in PTSD: integrating biology and clinical practice / P. Casey<br />

In: Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine = ISSN 0790-9667: vol. 21 (2004), issue 1,<br />

page 4-5.<br />

PTSD<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

This article discusses the neurobiology of, controversies surrounding, recall bias in,<br />

diagnosis of and malingering in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).<br />

KOC<br />

Coyne, James C.<br />

Posttraumatic stress syndromes: useful or negative heuristics? / James C. Coyne, Richard<br />

Thompson<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 223-229.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Acute stress stoornis<br />

Dissociatie<br />

Nosologie<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Wetenschap<br />


The articles in this special issue provide a wide range of challenges to current<br />

conceptions, nosology, and assessment procedures for posttraumatic stress disorders. At<br />

best, they overcome the negative heuristic posed by these disorders, reopening issues<br />

that have preemptively been closed about dissociation, the presumed causal connection<br />

between a life threatening event and the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorders, and<br />

the adequacy of checklist assessments of symptoms. They note discontinuities between<br />

current thinking about these disorders and the dominant thinking of the past. We make<br />

recommendations for more studies that similarly challenge the validity of current<br />

conceptions of posttraumatic disorders and dissociation, and the adequacy of checklist<br />

assessments of symptoms. With this goal, we note the value of studying ersatz<br />

posttraumatic stress response. Finally, we call for greater transparency in this literature<br />

with author disclosure of activity as expert witnesses.<br />

Damiani, Carole<br />

La haine et le trauma ou felix culpa = hate and trauma ou felix culpa / Carole Damiani<br />

In: Revue Francophone du stress et du trauma = ISSN 1626-3375: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2<br />

(mai), page 94-102.<br />

Haat<br />

Schuldgevoelens<br />

PTSD<br />

Behandeling<br />

Agressie<br />

Psychical trauma can trigger hate-induced behaviours and affects, mainly when it results<br />

from an intentionally committed transgressive act such as an aggression or rape. We must<br />

differentiate the traumatized subjects with only a transitory hate from those clinging to it<br />

permanently. We must also then identify the origins of this hate, such as the breaking of<br />

social links, the psychical distress experience and the 'passivation' and the lack of guilt.<br />

These distinctions influence the posttraumatic therapeutic technique, which will rely on the<br />

verbal expression of hate, traumatisms identification, depressive position elaboration and<br />

groupal casing restoration.<br />

Jones, Edgar<br />

A paradigm shift in the conceptualization of psychological trauma in the 20th century /<br />

Edgar Jones, Simon Wessely<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 164-175.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Shell schock<br />

Neurosen<br />

Ziektewinst<br />

Lange-termijn effecten<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Vietnam<br />

The inclusion of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in DSM-III in 1980 represented a<br />

paradigm shift in the conceptualisation of post-trauma illness. Hitherto, a normal<br />

psychological reaction to a terrifying event was considered short-term and reversible.<br />

Long-term effects, characterized as "traumatic neurosis", were regarded as abnormal.<br />

Enduring symptoms were explained in terms of hereditary predisposition, early<br />

maladaptive experiences or a pre-existing psychiatric disorder. The event served merely<br />


as a trigger to something that existed or was waiting to emerge. Secondary gain, the<br />

benefits often but not solely financial that a person derived as a result of being ill, was<br />

considered the principal cause of any observed failure to recover. The recognition of<br />

PTSD reflected a diversion from the role of the group, in particular the "herd instinct",<br />

towards a greater appreciation of the individual's experience. From being the responsibility<br />

of the subject, traumatic illness became an external imposition and possibly a universal<br />

response to a terrifying and unexpected event. This shift from predisposition to the<br />

characteristics of the event itself reduced guilt and blame, while the undermining of<br />

secondary gain made it easier to award financial compensation.<br />

McHugh, Paul M.<br />

PTSD: A problematic diagnostic category / Paul M. McHugh, Glenn Treisman<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 211-222.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Stress<br />

Dissociatie<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Combat fatigue<br />

Neurosen<br />

Vietnam<br />

Since the publication of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-III,<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has become a remarkably dominant theme in<br />

mental health discourse and diagnostic practice. This development has been encouraged<br />

by the diagnosis being officially presumed to exist in acute, chronic, delayed, complex,<br />

subdromal, and even "masked" forms. Here, we present an historical and clinical review<br />

that indicates how, since 1980, the term PTSD (along with its dubious embellishments)<br />

replaced established views on mental responses to trauma to the detriment of patient care<br />

and psychiatric investigation. From this historical perspective, we review and evaluate the<br />

natural course of emotional and behavioral reactions to traumatic experiences, and as well<br />

their assessment, formulation, and therapeutic management in both civilian and military<br />

situations. From this we conclude that the concept of PTSD has moved the mental health<br />

field away from, rather than towards a better understanding of the natural psychological<br />

responses to trauma. A return to prior standards of diagnostic practice and therapeutic<br />

planning would greatly benefit patient care, rehabilitative services to veterans, and<br />

epidemiologic research.<br />

Rosen, Gerald M.<br />

Editorial: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database: The importance of scientific<br />

debate / Gerald M. Rosen, B. Christopher Frueh<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 161-163.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Statistieken<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

A special issue in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders on "Challenges to the PTSD construct<br />

and its database" comes at a time when the field of traumatic stress is reexamining itself<br />

and scholars are debating the validity of basic assumptions. Some have suggested that<br />


scientific debate concerning PTSD can be opposed to the interests of victims and to those<br />

who suffer the effects of severe trauma. Yet, scientific methods, and associated critiques,<br />

provide the best way to advance our knowledge, so that professionals can provide<br />

accurate information, sound advice, and non-harmful interventions to those in need.<br />

Spitzer, Robert L.<br />

Saving PTSD from itself in DSM-V / Robert L. Spitzer, Michael B. First, Jerome C.<br />

Wakefield<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 233-241.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

DSM<br />

Acute stress stoornis<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Papers in this special issue of the Journal of Anxiety Disorders concern critical issues and<br />

core assumptions that underlie the diagnostic construct of posttraumatic stress disorder.<br />

Rather than addressing specific points raised in these papers, we consider the issues and<br />

their implications for redefining PTSD and associated disorders in the DSM-V. Specific<br />

proposals are advanced to tighten definitional criteria for traumatic events and<br />

posttraumatic symptoms. We believe the more stringent criteria express the intent of the<br />

PTSD category and will promote more effective research on whether that intent was<br />

legitimate or based on misconceptions.<br />

Young, Allan<br />

Trouble memories: reflections on the future / Allan Young, Naomi Breslau<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 230-232.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Herinneringen<br />

DSM<br />

As represented in the DSMs, the PTSD syndrome coheres through cause and effect<br />

relations among diagnostic features. Research practices routinely ignore this essential<br />

characteristic, by atomizing the diagnostic features, especially the role of memory. The<br />

failure to confront this contradiction explains the failure of research to fully engage the<br />

pathological process that justifies the PTSD diagnostic classification. Several papers in<br />

this collection direct readers' attention to this fundamental problem. We are pessimistic<br />

that their insight will lead to positive results.<br />

Behandeling / Treatment<br />

Beek, Fiet van<br />

Werken met levensverhalen en levensboeken : praktische handleiding voor begeleiders /<br />

Fiet van Beek en Martin Schuurman. - Houten : Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 2007. - 242 p.<br />

; 25 cm Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-313-5170-1<br />


Theoretische en praktische achtergrondinformatie over het werken met levensverhalen in<br />

verschillende sectoren van de zorgverlening.<br />

Levensverhalen<br />


Hulpverlening<br />

Praktijkboeken<br />

Onderwijsleermiddelen<br />

Dit boek bevat drie onderdelen: 1. Achtergronden en basisprincipes, 2. Werken met<br />

levensverhalen en levensboeken in de praktijk en 3. Voorbeelden uit de praktijk (de<br />

Jeugdzorg, Verstandelijke Gehandicapten, GGZ en Ouderenzorg.)<br />

s7 BEE<br />

Blokland-Vos, Judith<br />

Je vak in schema's. Deel 1: Vaktherapie binnen een kader van schematherapie / Judith<br />

Blokland-Vos, Greta Günther, Connie van Mook<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie = ISSN 1871-5052: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 17-23.<br />

Creatieve therapie<br />

Dramatherapie<br />

Psychomotorische therapie<br />

Beeldende therapie<br />

Schematherapie<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Behandeling<br />

Hoe werk je als vaktherapeut concreet met schematherapie. In deel 1 wordt vanuit de drie<br />

disciplines dramatherapie, psychomotorische therapie en beeldende therapie de theorie<br />

van schematherapie in verband gebracht met vaktherapie.<br />

Bot, Hanneke<br />

Babel in behandeling : groepstherapie met asielzoekers, vluchtelingen en tolken /<br />

Hanneke Bot en Frits van Hest<br />

In: MgV = ISSN 0024 8576: vol. 63 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 388-399.<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Tolken<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Bot, Hanneke<br />

Meertalige groepstherapie met tolken : deel 2 / Hanneke Bot en Frits van Hest<br />

In: Groepen :tijdschrift voor groepsdynamica en groepstherapie = ISSN 1871-1146: vol. 3<br />

(20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 21-36.<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Tolken<br />

Grenzen<br />

Valkuilen<br />

Farr, A<br />

Religion, spirituality, and medicine: psychiatrists' and other physicians' differing<br />

observations, interpretations, and clinical approaches / A Farr, M.D. Curlin en meerdere<br />

auteurs...[et al.]<br />

In: The American Journal of Psychiatry = ISSN 0002-953x: vol. 164 (2007), issue 12<br />

(december), page 1825-1831.<br />

Religie<br />

Spiritualiteit<br />

Welzijn<br />


Gezondheid<br />

Psychiatrie<br />

Behandeling<br />

Onderzoek<br />

This study compared the ways in which psychiatrists and nonpsychiatrists interpret the<br />

relationship between religion/spirituality and health and address religion/spirituality issues<br />

in the clinical encounter.<br />

Guide<br />

A guide to treatments that work / ed. by Peter E. Nathan, Jack M. Gorman. - 3rd [ext. rev.]<br />

ed. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2007. - XXV, 758 p. : ill. ; 26 cm<br />

Oorspr. uitg.: 1998. - Met lit. opg. en index.<br />

ISBN 0-19-530414-4<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-530414-5<br />

PTSD<br />

Behandeling<br />

Therapieën<br />

Psychiatrie<br />

Psychotherapie<br />

Gedragstherapie<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />

Psychische stoornissen<br />

Depressie<br />

Dementie<br />

Handboek<br />

s8 GUI<br />

Gomperts, Wouter<br />

De verdubbeling van de wereld : weerstand in de therapie bij tweedegeneratie<br />

migratiegerelateerde identiteitsproblematiek / Wouter Gomperts<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor psychoanalyse = ISSN 1382 516x: vol. 14 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 83-96.<br />

Identiteit<br />

Migranten<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Psychoanalyse<br />

Hout, Ingrid van den<br />

Als de nood hoog is, is de aandacht nabij : Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction voor<br />

getraumatiseerde vluchtelingen / Ingrid van/den Hout en Pauline van Zon<br />

In: CMG = ISSN <strong>15</strong>72-5073: (2007), issue 3, page 130-140.<br />

Mindfullness<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Methodiek<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Effecten<br />

Meditatie<br />

Psycho-educatie<br />

Mindfulness als therapeutische methodiek is in opkomst. Een training op dit gebied is de<br />

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). In Nederland wordt het stressreductie door<br />


aandachttraining genoemd. Bij Equator, behandelprogramma voor getraumatiseerde<br />

vluchtelingen en asielzoekers van het AMC de Meren in Amsterdam, wordt voor deze<br />

doelgroep een aangepaste vorm van MBSR ontwikkeld<br />

Vamos, Marina<br />

Case Report: Survivor guilt and chronic illness / Marina Vamos<br />

In: Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry = ISSN 0004-8674: vol. 31 (1997),<br />

issue 4, page 592-596.<br />

Ziekteverschijnselen<br />

Comorbiditeit<br />

Overlevingsschuld<br />

Behandeling<br />

To examine the grief reactions that may result in patients after a death occurs within a<br />

treatment setting for chronic illness, and in particular to look at the applicability of the<br />

concept of survivor guilt in these situations. Clinical picture: Two patients with endstage<br />

renal disease are described. Both presented states of pathological grief for fellow patients.<br />

Vulnerability existed in both patients in terms of previous unresolved mourning and in<br />

terms of strong feelings of comradeship with the dead patients. Both demonstrated<br />

features reminiscent of what has been termed the 'survivor syndrome'. Treatment: The<br />

treatment involved supportive psychotherapy allowing exploration of grief and its<br />

relationship to current psychosomatic crises. Outcome: Supportive psychotherapy<br />

successfully aided the resolution in one patient and made some difference in the other.<br />

Conclusion: The impact of death within a treatment unit is emphasised. Surviving patients<br />

may have significant distress relating to such bereavement and may need appropriate<br />

intervention.<br />

Van den Bossche, Daan<br />

Developmental Transformations. Kennismaking met en implementatie van een<br />

dramatherapiemethode / Daan Van den Bossche, Marjo Baars<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie = ISSN 1871-5052: vol. 4 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 3-8.<br />

Creatieve therapie<br />

Dramatherapie<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Developmental Transformations<br />

Supervisie<br />

Dit artikel introduceert de methode en de voornaamste basiprincipes van Developmental<br />

Transformations. Dit is een op improvisatie gebaseerde methode, waarbij spel ontstaat via<br />

spontaan opkomende bewegingen, geluiden, woorden, beelden en scènes die volgens het<br />

proces van de vrije associatie voortdurend worden getransformeerd. Het gaat in op de<br />

hier-en-nu interacties tussen therapeut en cliënt. De methode is breed inzetbaar: van<br />

stemmingsstoornissen, persoonlijkheidsstoornissen, gedragsstoornissen, trauma tot<br />

schizofrenie.<br />

Kinderen / Children<br />

Lakho, Hameeda<br />

Geheim geweld / Hameeda Lakho ; [in samenw. met Siska Mulder ... et al.]. - [Amsterdam]<br />

: Arena, cop. 2005. - 236 p. ; 24 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-6974-712-X<br />


Via dit boek over haar persoonlijke ervaringen met kindermishandeling (zij werd als kind<br />

jarenlang ernstig mishandeld door haar vader en stiefmoeder) en kindermishandeling in<br />

het algemeen, vraagt de Pakistaans-Nederlandse auteur om meer aandacht voor en en<br />

openheid over kindermishandeling.<br />

Kindermishandeling<br />

Kinderen<br />

Egodocumenten<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen van Pakistaans-Nederlandse vrouw die in haar jeugd door haar<br />

vader werd mishandeld. Zij vertelt wat er gebeurde, wat de mishandeling met haar heeft<br />

gedaan en hoe ze er mee omgaat.<br />

s8.5 LAK<br />

Nader, Kathleen<br />

Understanding and assessing trauma in children and adolescents : measures, methods,<br />

and youth in context / Kathleen Nader. - New York [etc.] : Routledge, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,<br />

562 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Psychosocial stress ; 35)<br />

Met lit. opg. en index.<br />

ISBN 0-4<strong>15</strong>-96073-8<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-96073-1<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Kinderen<br />

Adolescenten<br />

Psychiatrie<br />

Psychopathologie<br />

Comorbiditeit<br />

Veerkracht<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

s8 NAD<br />

Perry, Bruce D.<br />

De jongen die opgroeide als hond en andere verhalen uit de praktijk van een<br />

kinderpsychiater / Bruce D. Perry & Maia Szalavitz ; [vert. uit het Engels: Marie-Christine<br />

Ruijs]. - Schiedam : Scriptum, cop. 2007. - 293 p. ; 21 cm. - (Scriptum psychologie)<br />

Vert. van: The boy who was raised as a dog and other stories from a psychiatrist's<br />

notebook : what traumatized children can teach us about life. loss and healing. - New York<br />

: Basic Books, 2007. - Met lit. opg., index.<br />

ISBN 978-90-5594-529-0<br />

Kindermishandeling<br />

Behandeling<br />

Verhalen<br />

Casuistiek<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Veerkracht<br />

Psychiatrie<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Hersenen<br />

Empathie<br />

Kinderpsychiater Perry geeft in dit boek inzicht in wat traumatische ervaringen kunnen<br />

doen met kinderen. Hij bespreekt wat hij de verschillende kinderen aan behandeling heeft<br />


geboden en wat volgens hem de voorwaarden zijn voor bijvoorbeeld de ontwikkeling van<br />

inlevingsvermogen. Perry gaat ook in op de effecten van mishandeling op de hersenen<br />

van het kind.<br />

s8.5 PER<br />

Samen<br />

Samen spelen. Samen helen! Dramatherapie ter preventie van psychopathologie bij<br />

kinderen die getuigen zijn geweest van een grootschalige schokkende gebeurtenis / L.<br />

Hendrickx. - [s.n. ; s.l.], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 60 p. ; 30 cm<br />

Met vragenlijsten. - Opleiding creatieve (drama)therapie, Hogeschool Zuyd Heerlen,<br />

Faculteit Gezondheid en Zorg. - Met lit. opg..<br />

Kinderen<br />

Traumatische ervaringen<br />

Stress-reacties<br />

Psychosociale hulpverlening<br />

Preventie<br />

Cultuur<br />

Creatieve therapie<br />

Dramatherapie<br />

Methoden en technieken<br />

Werkvormen<br />

Scripties<br />

s7.2 HEN-I<br />

Geen uitleen<br />


Ouderen / Elderly<br />

King, Deborah A.<br />

Het ontstaan van 'gezinsintegriteit' op latere leeftijd / Deborah A. King<br />

In: Gezinstherapie wereldwijd = ISSN <strong>15</strong>66-0206: vol. 18 (2007), issue 1, page 1-34.<br />

Levensfasen<br />

Volwassenen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Gezinnen<br />

Families<br />

Relaties<br />

Transformatie<br />

Zingeving<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Onderzoek<br />

In dit artikel wordt het concept 'gezinsintegriteit' geïntroduceerd, dat verwijst naar de<br />

uiteindelijke positieve uitkomst van het streven van ouderen naar zingeving, binding en<br />

continuïteit binnen hun multigenerationele gezin. Objectief gezien, op het niveau van<br />

waarneembare relationele processen, komt dit aan het licht in drie onderling<br />

samenhangende competenties van het gezin als systeem: 1. de transformatie van relaties<br />

in de loop van de tijd op een manier die dynamisch is en reageert op de veranderende<br />

behoeften in de levenscyclus van individuele gezinsleden; 2. het oplossen en aanvaarden<br />

van eerdere verliezen of gezinsconflicten, zowel met overlevenden als de levenden; 3.<br />

gezamenlijke zingeving door individueel erfgoed en dat van het gezin en tussen<br />

generaties door te geven. Met casussen en voorbeeldvragen om de gezinsintegriteit te<br />

beoordelen.<br />

Langen, Monique de<br />

Muziek op maat: werken met muziek in de psychogeriatrie / Monique de Langen<br />

In: Denkbeeld = ISSN 0926-7182: vol. 19 (2007), issue 6 (december), page 26-28.<br />

Ouderen<br />

Dementie<br />

Psychogeriatrie<br />

Muziektherapie<br />

Voorkeursmuziek<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Mantelzorgers<br />

Vragenlijsten<br />

Muziek kan van grote invloed zijn op het welbevinden van ouderen met dementie. Hoe zit<br />

het met de muzikale wensen en voorkeuren van ouderen? Monique de Langen<br />

onderzocht hoe hulpverleners en mantelzorgers de voorkeursmuziek van dementerende<br />

ouderen kunnen achterhalen en hiervan gebruik kunnen maken.<br />


Rampen - ongelukken / Disasters - accidents<br />

Kilpatrick en meerdere auteurs, Dean G.<br />

The serotonin transporter genotype and social support and moderation of posttraumatic<br />

stress disorder and depression in hurricane-exposed adults / Dean G. Kilpatrick en<br />

meerdere auteurs[et al.]<br />

In: The American Journal of Psychiatry = ISSN 0002-953x: vol. 164 (2007), issue 11<br />

(november), page 1693-1699.<br />

Rampen<br />

PTSD<br />

Depressie<br />

Volwassenen<br />

Erfelijkheid<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Disasters are associated with increased risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and<br />

major depression, but no study, to the authors' knowledge, has determined whether<br />

genotype interacts with disaster exposure and social support to moderate risk of these<br />

phenotypes. The authors tested the hypothesis that a polymorphism in the serotonin<br />

transporter gene (locus, SLC6A4; variant, serotonin 5-HTTLPR) moderates risk of<br />

posthurricane PTSD and major depression given high hurricane exposure and low social<br />

support. Method: The authors interviewed a household probability sample of adults 6-9<br />

months after the 2004 hurricanes about hurricane exposure, social support, and posthurricane<br />

PTSD and major depression. DNA was collected from a subset of participants.<br />

Participants were 589 adults ages 18 and older from 38 Florida counties who provided<br />

valid DNA samples. Outcome measures were DSM-IV diagnoses of post-hurricane PTSD<br />

and major depression derived from structured interviews. Results: The low-expression<br />

variant of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism increased risk of post-hurricane PTSD and major<br />

depression but only under the conditions of high hurricane exposure and low social<br />

support after adjustment for sex, ancestry (as determined by Bayesian clustering of<br />

genotypes), and age. Similar effects were found for major depression. High-risk<br />

individuals (high hurricane exposure, the low-expression 5-HTTLPR variant, low social<br />

support) were at 4.5 times the risk of developing PTSD and major depression of low-risk<br />

individuals. Conclusions: The low-expression variant of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism<br />

modifies risk of postdisaster PTSD and major depression under conditions of high<br />

hurricane exposure and low social support, confirming and extending previous research.<br />

(Seksueel) geweld / (Sexual) violence<br />

Klonsky, E. David<br />

Childhood sexual abuse and non-suicidal self-injury: meta-analysis / E. David Klonsky,<br />

3001<br />

In: The British Journal of Psychiatry = ISSN 0007-1250: vol. 192 (20<strong>08</strong>), page 166-170.<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Kinderen<br />

Zelfverwonding<br />

Volwassenen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

A meta-analysis was conducted to determine systematically the magnitude of the<br />

association between childhood sexual abuse and the self-injurious behaviour.<br />


Veteranen / Veterans<br />

Aiken, L.J.<br />

Memories of three wars: a nurse's story / L.J. Aiken<br />

In: Critical care nursing clinics of North America = ISSN <strong>08</strong>99-5885: vol. 20 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

1, page 67-71.<br />

Verpleegsters<br />

Vietnam<br />

Golfoorlog<br />

Irak<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

This is the personal story of a civilian critical care nurse who has worked for several<br />

decades with war casualties. It begins with her memories of the Vietnam era and her<br />

reflections on that war. It then describes how the National Naval Medical Center in<br />

Bethesda, Maryland, prepared for the Desert Storm War and continues through the<br />

current war in Iraq. The article provides a glimpse of a long and meaningful nursing career<br />

and expresses the joy and satisfaction of caring for the wounded warriors of today's<br />

conflict.<br />

KOC<br />

Al-Turkait, F.A.<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder among wives of Kuwaiti veterans of the first Gulf War / F.A.<br />

Al-Turkait and J.U. Ohaeri<br />

In: Journal of anxiety disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 22 (2007), issue 1, page 18-31.<br />

PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Partners<br />

Golfoorlog<br />

Koeweit<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

OBJECTIVES: To assess post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among wives of Gulf War<br />

Kuwaiti military men, divided into four groups according to degree of combat exposure: the<br />

retired, an active-in-the-army group (AIA) (involved in duties at the rear); an in-battle group<br />

(IB) (involved in combat); and a prisoners-of-war (POWs) group. To assess the<br />

relationship between wives' PTSD and indices of family adjustment, husbands' level of<br />

combat exposure, and PTSD status. METHOD: One hundred and seventy-six wives were<br />

assessed with the PTSD Checklist for DSM-IV, the family adjustment device, and for<br />

anxiety/depression. RESULTS: Fifty (28.4%) fulfilled criteria for probable PTSD. The<br />

prevalence was significantly associated with husbands' combat exposure, her presence in<br />

Kuwait, but not with husbands' PTSD status. Wives' PTSD was mostly predicted by their<br />

depression/anxiety scores. CONCLUSION: The findings support the salience of effective<br />

social support, and the need for women empowerment issues in psychosocial intervention<br />

for this group.<br />

KOC<br />

Al-Turkait, F.A.<br />

Prevalence and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder among Kuwaiti military men<br />

according to level of involvement in the first Gulf War / F.A. Al-Turkait and J.U. Ohaeri<br />

In: Depression and anxiety = ISSN 1091-4269: (2007) (oct).<br />


PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Golfoorlog<br />

Koeweit<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

First, to compare the prevalence and intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)<br />

among Kuwaiti military men, divided into four groups (50 subjects each) according to<br />

degree of exposure to war trauma: (1) the retired (retired before the invasion); (2) an<br />

active-in-the-army group (AIA) (involved in duties at the rear only); (3) an in-battle (IB)<br />

group (involved in combat); and (4) prisoners of war (POWs-captured during combat).<br />

Second, to compare the severity of impact of event, comorbid depression, and anxiety<br />

among the groups. Third, to evaluate the contribution of self-esteem and locus of control<br />

(LOC). Subjects were interviewed once, 6 years after the war, using: the Clinician<br />

Administered PTSD Scale; the Impact of Event Scale (IES); the Hopkins Symptom<br />

Checklist-25; the Internal-External LOC; and The Self-Esteem Scale. Subjects were aged<br />

24-71 years (mean 37.9). Sixty-three subjects (31.5%) fulfilled criteria for PTSD, with the<br />

rate significantly higher among the POWs (48%) than the retired (24%) and IB (22%),<br />

reflecting the severity of IES. Avoidance symptoms were the most pronounced. Selfesteem<br />

was significantly lowest among the POWs and those with PTSD. External LOC<br />

was associated with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Self-esteem was the only covariate<br />

of PTSD scores. LOC was a significant covariate for anxiety. The characteristics of PTSD<br />

in these veterans showed similarity with those from elsewhere. The prominence of selfesteem<br />

and avoidance symptoms implies that they should be part of focus for<br />

interventions. Focus on LOC should be from the perspective of anxiety.<br />

KOC<br />

Ambler, D.M.<br />

Military families: opportunities and challenges / D.M. Ambler<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 59-61.<br />

Gezinnen<br />

Militairen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

KOC<br />

Andres, M.<br />

Uitzendervaringen van partners / M. Andres en R. Moelker<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 30 (2007), issue 7-8, page <strong>15</strong>-19.<br />

Thuisfront<br />

Militairen<br />

Partners<br />

Kinderen<br />

Thuisfrontzorg is een heel bijzonder stukje personeelszorg. Het is belangrijk dat partners<br />

hun militairen op uitzending een hart onder de riem steken, maar even belangrijk is het dat<br />

het met de thuisblijvers ook goed gaat, want zij hebben het soms nog zwaarder dan de<br />

uitgezonden militairen.<br />

KOC<br />

Ang, D.C.<br />

Predictors of incident chronic widespread pain among veterans following the First Gulf<br />

War / D.C. Ang...[et al.]<br />


In: Clinical Journal of Pain = ISSN 0749-8047: vol. 22 (2006), issue 6, page 554-563.<br />

Pijn<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Objective: We sought to determine the predictors of incident chronic widespread pain<br />

(CWP), specifically, the effect of preexisting symptoms, stress, and psychosocial factors in<br />

the subsequent development of CWP among veterans from the first Gulf War (GW).<br />

Methods: We conducted a structured telephone survey (baseline) of military personnel<br />

originally from Iowa who were either eligible for or deployed to Operation Desert<br />

Shield/Desert Storm, approximately 5 years postconflict. We conducted a follow-up,<br />

clinical, in-person study of those who met a priori-defined outcomes of symptoms of<br />

cognitive dysfunction, depression, or CWP, and also a sample of those who did not meet<br />

any of the outcomes of interest. Results: A total of 370 of 602 evaluated GW veterans<br />

were free of CWP 5 years postconflict. At follow-up, 69 (19%) of these had developed<br />

CWP. A positive family history of medically unexplained persistent symptoms [odds ratio<br />

(OR)=4.8 (2.3, 13.2)] was strongly associated with CWP. At baseline, individuals who<br />

reported preexisting symptoms of bronchitis [OR=4.9 (1.9, 12.3)] and cognitive dysfunction<br />

[OR=2.1 (1.1, 4.2)] were more likely to develop CWP. Alcohol use [OR=0.2 (0.1, 0.7)] was<br />

protective against CWP. Rather than combat-related exposure per se, the perception of<br />

stress at the time of the GW [OR=1.6 (1.1, 2.3)] correlated with CWP. Discussion: Among<br />

the GW veterans evaluated longitudinally in this study, family history, predeployment<br />

symptoms, and the level of perceived stress during the GW were associated with<br />

subsequent development of CWP.<br />

KOC<br />

Artiss, K.L.<br />

The combat soldier / K.L. Artiss<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 165 (2000), issue 1, page 33-40.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Sociologie<br />

The Gulf War illness problem is seen as a postwar syndrome related to veteran discontent<br />

rather than as a new phenomenon. K. L. Artiss proposes that application of social<br />

psychiatric thinking and workmen's compensation experience can help in understanding<br />

the problem. Social psychiatry has been neglected in the training of many psychiatrists so<br />

that they fail to understand the Army as a community and to recognize that a community's<br />

parts may develop symptom neuroses. Most psychiatrists know that a symptom neurosis<br />

will not disappear until it no longer serves its purpose. The young soldier may know that<br />

he is being trained for combat duty but manages to distance himself from the realities of<br />

military combat by creating a psychic reality that protects him. Social psychiatric emphasis<br />

is used to describe the soldier's response when brought face to face with himself as a<br />

combatant with overwhelming responsibilities and genuine lethal danger.<br />

KOC<br />

Axelrod, B.N.<br />

Gulf War illness research: separating the wheat from the chaff / B.N. Axelrod and I.B.<br />

Milner<br />

In: Clinical Neuropsychologist = ISSN 1385-4046: vol. 14 (2000), issue 3, page 344-348.<br />


Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Overzichtartikelen<br />

Clinical research of veterans' illnesses from the neuropsychology and medical literature<br />

are reviewed. Some studies reveal no significant findings, while others indeed detect a<br />

higher incidence of clinical and laboratory abnormalities in veterans of Operations Desert<br />

Storm and Desert Shield. It is noted that neuropsychological deficits are negligible and<br />

more often associated with affective, than cognitive, disruption. Some explanations of the<br />

results are offered, as are recommendations regarding the utility of clinical research.<br />

KOC<br />

Baker, F.M.<br />

Establishing a geriatric psychiatric consultation in a VA medical center / F.M. Baker and B.<br />

Chrismer<br />

In: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry = ISSN 1064-7481: vol. 3 (1995), issue 4,<br />

page 348-352.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Evaluaties<br />

Describes the establishment of a geriatric psychiatry consultation-liaison team (GPCLT) at<br />

a VA medical center (VAMC) that previously had no organized geriatric psychiatric<br />

service. Geriatric psychiatric consultation was required by 3 intermediate-care units<br />

treating older, chronically medically ill veterans with psychiatric symptoms or disorders.<br />

The GPCLT comprised a Black female geriatric psychiatrist and a White male social<br />

worker. This combination of disciplines maximized skills, and the ethnic-gender<br />

differences of team members addressed questions of racial tension and gender issues<br />

between patients and VAMC staff. The compliance with recommendations of the GPCLT,<br />

its selection as a clinical site for a university affiliated geriatric psychiatry fellowship<br />

program, and the increase in the total hours of social work time assigned to the GPCLT<br />

documented the positive perception of the team by both the VAMC and the affiliated<br />

university.<br />

KOC<br />

Barber, J.A.<br />

Monitoring the Dissemination of Peer Support in the VA Healthcare System / J.A.<br />

Barber...[et al.]<br />

In: Community mental health journal = ISSN 0010-3853: (20<strong>08</strong>) (may).<br />

Zelfhulpgroepen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Evaluaties<br />

This study illustrates a monitoring system for peer support programs, focusing on Vet-to-<br />

Vet, a program for veterans with chronic psychiatric disorders. The sample consisted of<br />

1,847 anonymous surveys from 38 veteran peer support programs. Program satisfaction<br />

and recovery orientation were positively associated with duration and frequency of<br />

participation in peer support. Program satisfaction was also associated with the Vet-to-Vet<br />

model and location at a VA medical center (vs. other model & location types). Payment for<br />

peer facilitators was positively associated with recovery orientation, spirituality, and<br />


engagement in meaningful activity. Additional research using experimental design<br />

methods is needed to determine the impact of peer support on mental health outcomes.<br />

KOC<br />

Batten, S.V.<br />

Integrative outpatient treatment for returning service members / S.V. Batten and S.J.<br />

Pollack<br />

In: Journal of clinical psychology = ISSN 0021-9762: (20<strong>08</strong>) (jun).<br />

Militairen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Irak<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Veterans returning from Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) frequently<br />

present with multiple psychological and physical symptoms. The authors propose an<br />

innovative approach in which primary care providers, polytrauma specialists, vocational<br />

rehabilitation specialists, and mental health clinicians work together to provide care that is<br />

not simply concurrent, but truly integrated. All members of this interdisciplinary team must<br />

provide a consistent message that supports treatment engagement and progress. The<br />

authors illustrate this approach with a case report of a soldier deployed to both OEF and<br />

OIF, requiring subsequent treatment for joint pain, headaches, mild traumatic brain injury,<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance abuse. Despite the emphasis on<br />

early intervention, treatment engagement and retention remain challenges in this<br />

population.<br />

KOC<br />

Beckham, J.C.<br />

Preliminary findings from a clinical demonstration project for veterans returning from Iraq<br />

or Afghanistan / J.C. Beckham...[et al.]<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 173 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 448-451.<br />

Stoppen met roken<br />

Veteranen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Irak<br />

Military veterans are at high risk for nicotine dependence. This clinical demonstration<br />

project used invitational letters, referral to the National Cancer Institute's Smoking Quitline,<br />

and local Veteran Affairs prescriptions for tobacco cessation to evaluate whether this lowcost<br />

method would potentially reduce smoking in separated veterans who served in<br />

Afghanistan and Iraq. Three cohorts (500 each) of recently separated veterans from<br />

Afghanistan and Iraq were contacted by survey letters. Interested veterans received<br />

follow-up telephone calls using standardized scripts. They were referred to the National<br />

Cancer Institute's Smoking Quitline (1-877-44U-QUIT) and offered local Veteran Affairs<br />

pharmacologic treatment for smoking cessation. Forty-three percent of respondents who<br />

were smokers were interested in the clinical program; of these, 77% participated. At 2<br />

months follow-up, 38% of participants self-reported maintained smoking abstinence.<br />

Results suggested that the intervention was feasible and assisted the small number of<br />

veterans who participated.<br />

KOC<br />


Bell, I.R.<br />

Cognitive dysfunction and disability in geriatric veterans with self-reported intolerance to<br />

environmental chemicals / I.R. Bell<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 3 (1997), issue 3, page<br />

<strong>15</strong>-42.<br />

Chemische stoffen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Golfoorlogssyndroom<br />

The symptom of sensitivity or intolerance to low levels of environmental chemicals (CI) is<br />

a characteristic of several clinical conditions, such as multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic<br />

fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and the "Persian Gulf Syndrome." This study examined<br />

the prevalence and health patterns of CI in 160 elderly veterans. 37% of the sample<br />

endorsed the screening question asking whether they considered themselves "especially<br />

sensitive to certain chemicals." The CI group reported a significantly higher rate of<br />

physical disability, an increased susceptibility to becoming sick, and decreased rates of<br />

cigarette smoking and alcohol use. The groups did not differ in depression level or in past<br />

occupational chemical exposures. However, the CI group scored significantly lower on a<br />

cognitive dysfunction screening test and showed verbal memory performance consistent<br />

with early dementia. Subdividing the Ss by depression, the depressives without CI<br />

reported the highest rate of prior occupational exposure to pesticides. The subgroup with<br />

both CI and depression performed most poorly on the attention/concentration screening.<br />

The data suggest that CI as a symptom is extremely common in older male veterans and<br />

may be a marker for increased risk of further cognitive decline.<br />

KOC<br />

Bergen, L. van<br />

De waarde van historische kennis voor medisch-polemologische kwesties / L. van Bergen<br />

In: Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift = ISSN 0369-4844: vol. 61 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

3, page 100-104.<br />

Geneeskunde<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Polemologie<br />

Het belang van geschiedkundige kennis is en wordt heden ten dage vaak onderstreept<br />

door een bonte stoet van mannen en vrouwen van fikse (inter)nationale en<br />

onderwijskundige statuur - al dan niet omdat zij ons met ge- dan wel misbruik van die<br />

geschiedenis ervan willen overtuigen dat zij het bij het rechte eind hebben. Zonder kennis<br />

van de geschiedenis, zo houden zij ons voor, weten we niet waar we vandaan komen en<br />

hoe we zijn geworden wat we zijn. Een volk of land zonder historische kennis is een volk<br />

of land dat zichzelf niet kent. Zonder kennis van historische wortels van een bepaalde<br />

situatie, kan die situatie niet worden gekend en begrepen. Problemen die er mee<br />

samenhangen of uit voortkomen, kunnen dan niet worden opgelost.<br />

KOC<br />

Bieliauskas, L.A.<br />

What Persian Gulf War Syndrome? / L.A. Bieliauskas and R.S. Turner<br />

In: Clinical Neuropsychologist = ISSN 1385-4046: vol. 14 (2000), issue 3, page 341-343.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />


Overzichtartikelen<br />

Reviews reports of physical and neuropsychological syndromes putatively associated with<br />

service in the Persian Gulf War and ostensibly providing evidence for Gulf War Syndrome<br />

(GWS). Major methodological weaknesses are identified in the studies and it is contended<br />

that there is no solid evidence for GWS at this time. Suggestions are given for future<br />

investigations of symptoms associated with service during the Gulf War which may<br />

accurately lead to a tangible identification of a war-related illness entity.<br />

KOC<br />

Bijkerk, Rein<br />

Veteranen met een missie : humanitaire initiatieven door oud-militairen in voormalige<br />

uitzendgebieden / Rein Bijkerk en Fred Lardenoye. - Doorn : <strong>Stichting</strong> het<br />

Veteraneninstituut ; Amsterdam : Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking<br />

en Duurzame Ontwikkeling, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 23 p. : ill. ; 21± Ë24 cm<br />

Omslagtitel. - Een verkennend onderzoek in opdracht van <strong>Stichting</strong> Veteraneninstituut<br />

(SVi) en de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame<br />

Ontwikkeling (NCDO). - Eindrapport juni 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

Ontwikkelingssamenwerking<br />

Humanitaire hulpverlening<br />

Veteranen<br />

Militairen<br />

s8.2 BIJK<br />

KOC<br />

Binder, L.M.<br />

Comparison of MMPI-2 profiles of Gulf War veterans with epileptic and nonepileptic<br />

seizure patients / L.M. Binder...[et al.]<br />

In: Assessment = ISSN 1073-1911: vol. 7 (2000), issue 1, page 73-78.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

As part of a larger study of illnesses related to service in the Gulf War, Minnesota<br />

Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) profiles of epileptic seizure patients;<br />

nonepileptic seizure (NES) patients; Gulf War veterans with unexplained cognitive,<br />

psychological, musculoskeletal, fatigue, or dermatologic symptoms; and asymptomatic<br />

Gulf War veterans were analyzed. There were 70 people in each group. Seizure diagnosis<br />

was based upon intensive EEG monitoring. Gulf War cases were mildly abnormal on<br />

MMPI-2 Scales Hs and D and significantly higher than controls on 8 of 10 MMPI-2 clinical<br />

scales, but they were significantly lower than NES patients on several scales including Hs<br />

and Hy.<br />

KOC<br />

Binder, L.M.<br />

Medically unexplained symptoms and neuropsychological assessment / L.M. Binder and<br />

K.A. Campbell<br />

In: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology = ISSN 1380-3395: vol. 26<br />

(2004), issue 3, page 369-392.<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Syndromen<br />


Golfoorlog-syndroom<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Several illnesses expressed somatically that do not have clearly demonstrated<br />

pathophysiological origin and that are associated with neuropsychological complaints are<br />

reviewed. Among them are nonepileptic seizures, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,<br />

Persian Gulf War unexplained illnesses, toxic mold and sick building syndrome, and<br />

silicone breast implant disease. Some of these illnesses may be associated with objective<br />

cognitive abnormalities, but it is not likely that these abnormalities are caused by<br />

traditionally defined neurological disease. Instead, the cognitive abnormalities may be<br />

caused by a complex interaction between biological and psychological factors.<br />

Nonepileptic seizures serve as an excellent model of medically unexplained symptoms.<br />

Although nonepileptic seizures clearly are associated with objective cognitive<br />

abnormalities, they are not of neurological origin. There is evidence that severe stressors<br />

and PTSD are associated with immune system problems, neurochemical changes, and<br />

various diseases; these data blur the distinctions between psychological and organic<br />

etiologies. Diagnostic problems are intensified by the fact that many patients are poor<br />

historians. Patients are prone to omit history of severe stressors and psychiatric problems,<br />

and the inability to talk about stressors increases the likelihood of suffering from<br />

physiological forms of stress.<br />

KOC<br />

Binder, L.M.<br />

Neurobehavioral deficits associated with chronic fatigue syndrome in veterans with Gulf<br />

War unexplained illnesses / L.M. Binder...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society = ISSN 1355-6177: vol. 7<br />

(2001), issue 7, page 835-839.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Notes that Gulf War unexplained illnesses (GWUI) are a heterogeneous collection of<br />

symptoms of unknown origin known to be more common among veterans of the Gulf War<br />

than among nonveterans. This study focused on 1 of these unexplained illnesses. The<br />

authors tested the hypothesis that in a sample of Persian Gulf War veterans chronic<br />

fatigue syndrome (CFS) was associated with cognitive deficits on computerized cognitive<br />

testing after controlling for the effects of premorbid cognitive differences. Armed Forces<br />

Qualification Test (AFQT) data acquired around the date of induction into the military was<br />

obtained for 94 veterans of the Gulf War, 32 with CFS (mean age 28.78 yrs) and 62<br />

healthy controls (mean age 29.55 yrs). Results indicate that controls performed better<br />

than Ss diagnosed with CFS on the AFQT. Cognitive deficits were associated with CFS on<br />

3 of 8 variables after the effect of premorbid AFQT scores was removed with ANCOVA.<br />

KOC<br />

Binneveld, Hans<br />

Beter worden op bevel. De psychisch gewonde soldaat en het ontstaan van de militaire<br />

psychiatrie / Hans Binneveld<br />

In: Kleio = ISSN 0165-6449: vol. 48 (2007), issue 8 (december), page 30-33.<br />

Eerste Wereldoorlog<br />

Militairen<br />

Shell shock<br />

Militaire psychiatrie<br />


Therapieën<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Overzichtsartikel over de gevechtssituatie en de spanningen in de loopgraven tijdens de<br />

Eerste Wereldoorlog, de psychische problemen die daarmee gepaard gingen en het<br />

ontstaan van de militaire psychiatrie.<br />

Bormann, J.E.<br />

A spiritually based group intervention for combat veterans with posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder: feasibility study / J.E. Bormann...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of holistic nursing = ISSN <strong>08</strong>98-0101: (20<strong>08</strong>) (mar).<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Spiritualiteit<br />

Purpose: To assess the feasibility, effect sizes, and satisfaction of mantram repetition-the<br />

spiritual practice of repeating a sacred word/phrase throughout the day-for managing<br />

symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans. Design: A two group<br />

(intervention vs. control) by two time (pre- and postintervention) experimental design was<br />

used. Methods: Veterans were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 14) or delayedtreatment<br />

control (n = <strong>15</strong>). Measures were PTSD symptoms, psychological distress,<br />

quality of life, and patient satisfaction. Effect sizes were calculated using Cohen's d.<br />

Findings: Thirty-three male veterans were enrolled, and 29 (88%) completed the study.<br />

Large effect sizes were found for reducing PTSD symptom severity (d = -.72),<br />

psychological distress (d = -.73) and increasing quality of life (d = .70). Conclusions: A<br />

spiritual program was found to be feasible for veterans with PTSD. They reported<br />

moderate to high satisfaction. Effect sizes show promise for symptom improvement but<br />

more research is needed.<br />

KOC<br />

Brandwijk, Klazien van<br />

'Kom heel terug!': hoe krijgen ouders hun kinderen terug na een uitzending? / Klazien van<br />

Brandwijk<br />

In: Checkpoint = ISSN <strong>15</strong>67-8210: vol. 9 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3 (april), page 18-20.<br />

Vredesmissies (VN)<br />

Veteranen<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Cambodja-veteranen<br />

Uruzgan<br />

Thuisfront<br />

Ouders<br />

Angst<br />

Hoe kijken ouders naar hun kinderen die uitgezonden zijn (geweest) en hoe wordt er<br />

tegen ouders aangekeken? Een overzichtsartikel vanaf de Tweede Wereldoorlog tot nu.<br />

Van onbegrip tot betere communicatiemiddelen en erkenning.<br />

Broek, Patricia van den<br />

Liefde onder vuur : gesprekken met soldaten en hun geliefden: van Nederlands-Indië tot<br />

Afghanistan / Patricia van den Broek. - [Tilburg] : Nieuwland, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>15</strong>0 p. ; 22 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />


ISBN 978-90-8645-028-2<br />

Nederlandse militairen en hun partners vertellen hoe de uitzending naar een<br />

oorlogsgebied hun relatie heeft beïnvloed.<br />

Militairen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Vredesmissies<br />

Relaties<br />

Partners<br />

Thuisfront<br />

Interviews<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Psychosociale gevolgen<br />

s8.2 BRO<br />

Brown, T.M.<br />

Gulf War syndrome: polysomnographic study of eight cases / T.M. Brown, S.A. Fleishman<br />

and M.F. Casanova<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 2 (1996), issue 1, page<br />

41-51.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Examined whether patients complaining of the "Gulf War Syndrome" might have hidden<br />

sleep disorders, or psychiatric disorders, similar to what has been described in patients<br />

with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Eight consecutive Gulf War veterans<br />

(aged 28-49 yrs) from the VA Gulf War Registry and Evaluation program complaining of<br />

fatigue and other symptoms, were psychiatrically and polysomnographically screened.<br />

One S was found to have major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),<br />

while another had PTSD alone. The sleep diagnoses assigned to the 8 Ss were as<br />

follows: 3 Ss had sleep apnea syndrome, one of whom also had periodic limb movements<br />

of sleep disorder. Four Ss met criteria for periodic limb movements of sleep disorder. Four<br />

Ss had clinically significant sleep state-misperceptions. All of the patients' symptoms were<br />

reported as occurring subsequent to Gulf War deployment, and not prior to deployment. It<br />

is concluded that as with the classic fatigue syndromes such as chronic fatigue syndrome<br />

and fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome patients may benefit from a more thorough<br />

investigation of their sleep and psychiatric status.<br />

KOC<br />

Calhoun, P.S.<br />

Interpersonal trauma, war zone exposure, and posttraumatic stress disorder among<br />

veterans with schizophrenia / P.S. Calhoun...[et al.]<br />

In: Schizophrenia research = ISSN 0920-9964: vol. 91 (2007), issue 1-3, page 210-216.<br />

PTSD<br />

Schizofrenie<br />

Veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

The present study examined the prevalence of war zone exposure, interpersonal trauma<br />

and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans with primary schizophrenia<br />

hospitalized on a VA inpatient psychiatric unit. Data were collected on a sample of male<br />


veterans (N=165) with a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder,<br />

who were consecutively admitted to a VAMC inpatient psychiatric unit. The prevalence of<br />

interpersonal trauma exposure and comorbid PTSD were assessed. Analyses also<br />

explored differences between those patients who had been identified with PTSD to those<br />

who screened positive but had not been previously identified as having PTSD. Ninety-six<br />

percent of the sample endorsed interpersonal trauma or exposure to a war zone. The<br />

prevalence of PTSD was 47% (n=78), although only 14% (n=11) of those who screened<br />

positive for PTSD had a diagnosis of PTSD in their medical record. Among those<br />

screening positive, having a chart diagnosis of PTSD was associated with more severe<br />

PTSD symptoms and combat exposure. Results suggest that PTSD is highly prevalent<br />

and under-diagnosed among veterans with schizophrenia. Increased assessment of<br />

trauma and PTSD in this population is warranted.<br />

KOC<br />

Campion, B.H.<br />

Psychological morbidity during the 2002 deployment to Afghanistan / B.H. Campion...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps = ISSN 0035-8665: vol. <strong>15</strong>2 (2006), issue 2,<br />

page 91-93.<br />

Geestelijke gezondheid<br />

Militairen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Questionnaires were completed by military personnel on arrival (n=1,696) in Kabul,<br />

Afghanistan and then again on departure (n=1,134). Analysis of the 113 personnel who<br />

completed both the arrivals and departures questionnaire revealed a lower alcohol use<br />

score after deployment (AUDIT mean difference (post-deployment - pre-deployment) = -<br />

0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI) = - 1.25 - +0.47) and no significant change to mental<br />

health (GHQ mean difference = 0.55, 95% CI = -0.07 - +1.17). An increase in<br />

psychosomatic symptoms (GHQ A mean difference = 0.22, 95% CI = -0.03 - +0.47) is<br />

considered to result from the adverse conditions, but it is not supported by other mental ill<br />

health markers. In conclusion, there appeared to be no negative effect on mental health<br />

from deployment to Afghanistan.<br />

KOC<br />

Casarett, D.<br />

A nationwide VA palliative care quality measure: the family assessment of treatment at the<br />

end of life / D. Casarett...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of palliative medicine = ISSN 1096-6218: vol. 11 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 68-75.<br />

Ouderen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Pallatieve zorg<br />

Evaluaties<br />

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the FATE (Family Assessment of Treatment at End of Life)<br />

Survey for use as a nationwide quality measure in the VA health care system. DESIGN:<br />

Nationwide telephone survey. SETTING: Five VA medical centers. PARTICIPANTS:<br />

Eligible patients received inpatient or outpatient care from a participating VA facility in the<br />

last month of life. One respondent/patient was selected using predefined eligibility criteria<br />

and invited to participate. MEASUREMENTS: The FATE survey consists of 32 items in 9<br />

domains: Well-being and dignity (4 items), Information and communication (5 items),<br />


Respect for treatment preferences (2 items), Emotional and spiritual support (3 items),<br />

Management of symptoms (4 items), Choice of inpatient facility (1 item), Care around the<br />

time of death (6 items), Access to VA services (4 items), and Access to VA benefits after<br />

the patient's death (3 items). RESULTS: Interviews were completed with 309 respondents.<br />

The FATE showed excellent psychometric characteristics, with good homogeneity (e.g.,<br />

Cronbach (alpha = 0.91) and no evidence of significant ceiling effects. The FATE also<br />

demonstrated good discriminant validity. For instance, FATE scores varied across<br />

facilities (range 44-72; Kruskal Wallis test p < 0.001). Patients who were seen by a<br />

palliative care service had better scores (mean 66 versus 52; rank sum test p < 0.001), as<br />

did patients who were referred to hospice (67 versus 49; rank sum test p < 0.001).<br />

CONCLUSIONS: The FATE survey offers an important source of quality data that can be<br />

used to improve the end-of-life care of all veterans, regardless of the type of care they<br />

receive or their site of death.<br />

KOC<br />

Chalder, T.<br />

Prevalence of Gulf war veterans who believe they have Gulf war syndrome: questionnaire<br />

study / T. Chalder...[et al.]<br />

In: British Medical Journal = ISSN 0959 8138: vol. 323 (2001), issue 7311, page 473-476.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Determined how many veterans who served in the Gulf war believe they have "Gulf war<br />

syndrome" (GWS), examined factors associated with this belief, and compared the health<br />

status of Ss who believe they have GWS with those who do not. 2,961 Ss completed a<br />

questionnaire asking whether Ss believe they have GWS and about symptoms, fatigue,<br />

psychological distress, post-traumatic stress, physical functioning, and Ss' perception of<br />

their health. Results show that 17.3% of the respondents believed they had GWS. Ss<br />

belief was associated with having poor health, not serving in the army when responding to<br />

the questionnaire, and having received a high number of vaccinations before deployment<br />

to the Gulf. The strongest association with Ss' belief that they had GWS was knowing<br />

another person who also thought they had GWS. The authors conclude that substantial<br />

numbers of British Gulf war veterans believe they have GWS. It is concluded that a<br />

combination of biological, psychological, and sociological factors are associated with the<br />

belief of having GWS, and that these factors should be addressed in clinical practice.<br />

KOC<br />

Ciccone, D.S.<br />

Chronic fatigue syndrome in male gulf war veterans and civilians: a further test of the<br />

single syndrome hypothesis / D.S. Ciccone, L. Weissman and B.H. Natelson<br />

In: Journal of health psychology = ISSN 1359-1053: vol. 13 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4, page 529-536.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Chronische-vermoeidheidssyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Burgers<br />

Vergelijkend onderzoek<br />

Different modes of fatigue onset in male Gulf War veterans versus male civilians raise the<br />

possibility that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may not be a single disease entity. We<br />

addressed this issue by comparing 45 male veterans with CFS to 84 male civilians who<br />


satisfied identical case criteria. All were evaluated for fibromyalgia (FM), multiple chemical<br />

sensitivity and psychiatric comorbidity. CFS was more likely to present in a sudden flu-like<br />

manner in civilians than veterans (p < .01) and comorbid FM was more prevalent in<br />

civilians (p < .01). These findings question the assumption that all patients with CFS suffer<br />

from the same underlying disorder.<br />

KOC<br />

Clark, M.E.<br />

Pain and combat injuries in soldiers returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and<br />

Iraqi Freedom: implications for research and practice / M.E. Clark...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of rehabilitation research and development = ISSN 0748-7711: vol. 44 (2007),<br />

issue 2, page 179-194.<br />

Gewonden<br />

Pijn<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) have resulted in a<br />

growing number of seriously injured soldiers who are evacuated to the United States for<br />

comprehensive medical care. Trauma-related pain is an almost universal problem among<br />

these war-injured soldiers, and several military and Department of Veterans Affairs<br />

initiatives have been implemented to enhance pain care across the continuum of medical<br />

services. This article describes several innovative approaches for improving the pain care<br />

provided to OEF and OIF military personnel during acute stabilization, transport, medicalsurgical<br />

treatment, and rehabilitation and presents summary data characterizing the<br />

soldiers, pain management services provided, and associated outcomes. We also identify<br />

some of the pain assessment, classification, and treatment challenges emerging from<br />

work with this population and provide recommendations for future research and practice<br />

priorities.<br />

KOC<br />

Clark, M.E.<br />

Post-deployment pain: a need for rapid detection and intervention / M.E. Clark<br />

In: Pain Medicine = ISSN <strong>15</strong>26-2375: vol. 5 (2004), issue 4, page 333-334.<br />

Pijn<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Pain, typically of musculoskeletal or unexplained origin, was one of the most common<br />

symptoms reported by military personnel deployed to the Persian Gulf prior, during, and<br />

following the 1991 Gulf War. Despite the brief duration of armed conflict and the limited<br />

number of casualties, almost <strong>15</strong>% of US Persian Gulf War (PGW) veterans have pursued<br />

treatment for Gulf War-related problems. We examined summary medical data for 619<br />

post-deployment personnel enrolling for treatment at a large southeastern VA medical<br />

center from 2002 to the present. Over 50% of those reporting some pain (23.1% of the<br />

total) had scores exceeding the VA's national trigger for significant pain (pain > 4). The<br />

high rate of pain problems in this sample is consistent with the report that the most<br />

frequent diagnoses among all AIW veterans are diseases of the musculoskeletal system<br />

which affect approximately 30% of those enrolling in VA healthcare services. As we<br />


improve in our success in the early identification of pain-related problems we also must<br />

expect increased demands on pain care resources. By anticipating the needs of returning<br />

AIW military personnel and implementing corresponding changes in healthcare systems<br />

responsible for their care we may be able to minimize their suffering while maximizing<br />

their potential for improvement.<br />

KOC<br />

Coleman, P.G.<br />

Identity loss and recovery in the life stories of Soviet World War II veterans / P.G.<br />

Coleman and A. Podolskij<br />

In: The Gerontologist = ISSN 0016-9013: vol. 47 (2007), issue 1, page 52-60.<br />

Identiteit<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Veteranen<br />

Rusland<br />

Oekraine<br />

PURPOSE: We examined the adjustment to societal change following the fall of<br />

communism in a group of Soviet war veterans from Russia and the Ukraine. The focus of<br />

the study was on the dynamics of identity development, and especially generativity, in a<br />

period of intense social upheaval. DESIGN AND METHODS: We administered measures<br />

of self-esteem, life satisfaction, and generativity to 50 World War II veterans from five<br />

distinct areas of the former Soviet Union. We also conducted life-history interviews and<br />

made a thematic analysis of the transcripts. RESULTS: Despite the loss of the system of<br />

government and values that had dominated their lives, most participants demonstrated<br />

positive well-being, and especially a high sense of generativity. They described their<br />

experience of societal change as having disturbed their past, present, and future sense of<br />

self. Most, however, had found ways of reaffirming a generative identity. For some, this<br />

meant maintaining a Soviet identity; for others, it meant taking a critical view of the history<br />

through which they had lived. The principal sustaining element among the participants as<br />

a whole was hope in their own families' future. IMPLICATIONS: Major societal change of<br />

the kind experienced by Soviet war veterans in later life poses a challenge to a continued<br />

sense of generativity. These elderly veterans were able to meet this challenge, providing<br />

evidence of their resilience and the continuing strength of family bonds in the former<br />

Soviet Union at this time of debate about national identity.<br />

KOC<br />

Cook, D.B.<br />

Perceived exertion in fatiguing illness: Gulf War veterans with chronic fatigue syndrome /<br />

D.B. Cook...[et al.]<br />

In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise = ISSN 0195-9131: vol. 35 (2003), issue 4,<br />

page 569-574.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Bewegingsinspanning<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

It has been reported that ratings of perceived exertion are elevated in chronic fatigue<br />

syndrome. We have challenged this notion by examining perceived exertion in civilian<br />

females with CFS and expressing the data relative to exercise capacity. The purpose of<br />

the present investigation was to further examine RPE during exercise in a unique<br />


population of CFS patients. Gulf veterans. Thirty-four GV performed a maximal exercise<br />

test on a cycle ergometer. After a 3-min warm-up, exercise intensity increased by 30 W<br />

every minute until exhaustion. RPE were obtained during the last <strong>15</strong> s of each minute<br />

using Borg's CR-10 scale. With the exception of peak VE, there were no significant<br />

differences in any peak exercise variables. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed<br />

significantly higher RPE at each power output examined. Both group main effects and the<br />

interaction were eliminated when self-reported fatigue symptoms were controlled for in the<br />

analyses. Power functions for RPE as a function of relative oxygen consumption were not<br />

different between groups and were significantly greater than a linear value of 1.0. Our<br />

results show that RPE are greater in GV with CFS regardless of whether the data were<br />

expressed in terms of absolute or relative exercise intensity.<br />

KOC<br />

Cooper, D.F.<br />

Home-based primary care: the care of the veteran at home / D.F. Cooper, O.R. Granadillo<br />

and C.M. Stacey<br />

In: Home healthcare nurse = ISSN <strong>08</strong>84-741X: vol. 25 (2007), issue 5, page 351-322.<br />

Thuiszorg<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

Home-Based Primary Care is a program designed by the Department of Veteran Affairs<br />

(VA) to care for frail, medically complex, elderly veteran patients in their home setting.<br />

Unique to the VA, the program has similarities and differences in relation to typical<br />

Medicare/Medicaid home health and hospice programs. The VA has demonstrated<br />

success in maintaining the patients' independence and quality of life as well as<br />

exceptional management of chronic disease and prevention.<br />

KOC<br />

Coy, J.<br />

Peacetime clinical experience with 'fracticide': a veterans hospital experience / J. Coy and<br />

K. Steinweg<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 161 (1996), issue 11, page 701-703.<br />

Eigen vuur (Friendly fire)<br />

Gewonden<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

It is very important for those involved in military medicine to understand the difference<br />

between fratricide, accidents, and other causes of wounding. The military medical care<br />

provider is often considered an authority on wounding. This is usually not the case. The<br />

three examples discussed in this paper illustrate some of the basic misconceptions about<br />

"friendly fire" and the appropriate use of the term "fratricide."<br />

KOC<br />

Crombie, H.D.<br />

Limb loss in war: historical perspective / H.D. Crombie<br />

In: Connecticut medicine = ISSN 0010-6178: vol. 72 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 39-40.<br />

Gehandicapten<br />

Gewonden<br />

Militairen<br />


Geschiedenis<br />

KOC<br />

David, A.S.<br />

Cognitive functioning and disturbances of mood in UK veterans of the Persian Gulf war: a<br />

comparative study / A.S. David...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychological Medicine = ISSN 0033 2917: vol. 32 (2002), issue 8, page 1357-1370.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Notes that complaints of poor memory and concentration are common in veterans of the<br />

1991 Persian Gulf War as are other symptoms. Despite a large research effort, such<br />

symptoms remain largely unexplained. A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological<br />

tests and rating scales was administered to 341 UK servicemen (aged 22-62 yrs) who<br />

were returnees from the Gulf War and peace keeping duties in Bosnia, plus non-deployed<br />

military controls. All were drawn from a large randomized survey. Most were selected on<br />

the basis of impaired physical functioning defined operationally. Group comparisons<br />

reveal an association between physical functioning and symptoms of depression, posttraumatic<br />

stress reactions, increased anger and subjective cognitive failures. Poorer<br />

performance on some general cognitive measures, sequencing and attention was also<br />

seen in association with being 'ill', but virtually all differences disappeared after adjusting<br />

for depressed mood or multiple comparisons. Deployment was also associated with<br />

symptoms of post-traumatic stress and subjective cognitive failures, independently of<br />

health status, as well as minor general cognitive and constructional impairment.<br />

KOC<br />

Dekel, R.<br />

Marital relations among former prisoners of war: contribution of posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder, aggression, and sexual satisfaction / R. Dekel and Z. Solomon<br />

In: Journal of family psychology = ISSN <strong>08</strong>93-3200: vol. 20 (2006), issue 4, page 709-712.<br />

PTSD<br />

Agressie<br />

Relaties<br />

Partners<br />

Krijgsgevangenen<br />

In this study, the authors examined the marital adjustment, spousal aggression, and<br />

sexual satisfaction of prisoners of war (POWs) 3 decades after their release. More<br />

specifically, the authors examined the extent to which impaired marital relations among<br />

former POWs are an outcome of their captivity or of the posttraumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD) that some of them developed. The authors compared 25 former POWs with<br />

PTSD, 85 former POWs without PTSD, and 104 control veterans. The findings reveal that<br />

the marital problems of former POWs are more related to PTSD than to their captivity.<br />

PTSD is related to decreased marital satisfaction, increased verbal aggression, and<br />

heightened sexual dissatisfaction among former POWs.<br />

KOC<br />


Dohrenwend, B.P.<br />

War-related posttraumatic stress disorder in Black, Hispanic, and majority White Vietnam<br />

veterans: the roles of exposure and vulnerability / B.P. Dohrenwend...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of traumatic stress= ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 133-141.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Rassenverschillen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Elevated prevalence rates of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been<br />

reported for Black and Hispanic Vietnam veterans. There has been no comprehensive<br />

explanation of these group differences. Moreover, previous research has relied on<br />

retrospective reports of war-zone stress and on PTSD assessments that fail to distinguish<br />

between prevalence and incidence. These limitations are addressed by use of recordbased<br />

exposure measures and clinical diagnoses of a subsample of veterans from the<br />

National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS). Compared with Majority White,<br />

the Black elevation is explained by Blacks' greater exposure; the Hispanic elevation, by<br />

Hispanics' greater exposure, younger age, lesser education, and lower Armed Forces<br />

Qualification Test scores. The PTSD elevation in Hispanics versus Blacks is accounted for<br />

mainly by Hispanics' younger age.<br />

KOC<br />

Druss, B.G.<br />

Depressive symptoms and health costs in older medical patients / B.G. Druss...[et al.]<br />

In: American Journal of Psychiatry = ISSN 0002-953x: vol. <strong>15</strong>6 (1999), issue 3, page 477-<br />

479.<br />

Depressie<br />

Ouderen<br />

Kosten<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Veterans Administration (VA)<br />

Assessed the association between depressive symptoms and health costs for a national<br />

Veterans Administration (VA) sample. The Rand Depression Index was administered to<br />

1,316 medical or surgical inpatients over the age of 60 at 9 VA hospitals. Scores were<br />

merged with utilization, demographic, and hospital data from national VA inpatient and<br />

outpatient files. Medical costs for respondents with the highest quartile of symptoms were<br />

approximately $3,200-or 50%-greater than medical costs for those in the least<br />

symptomatic quartile. Depressive symptoms were not associated with any statistically<br />

significant mental health expenditures. The study extends previous reports of the high<br />

medical costs associated with depressive disorders to an older, public sector population.<br />

The mechanisms underlying increased medical costs associated with depressive<br />

symptoms, while the subject of much speculation in the literature, still remain largely<br />

unknown.<br />

KOC<br />

Dumas, Vincent<br />

Een man van Sta-Vast : de inzet voor vrijheid en veiligheid / Vincent Dumas. -<br />

[Soesterberg] : Contour, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 258 p. : ill. ; 22 cm<br />

Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-5911-729-8<br />

ISBN 978-90-5911-729-7<br />


Leven, gedachtegoed en werk van Prosper Ego, oprichter en voorman van het Oud<br />

Strijders Legioen.<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Oud-Strijders Legioen (OSL)<br />

Internationale politiek<br />

Biografieën<br />

s8.2 DUM<br />

Edlund, M.J.<br />

Beliefs about depression and depression treatment among depressed veterans / M.J.<br />

Edlund...[et al.]<br />

In: Medical care = ISSN 0025-7079: vol. 46 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 581-589.<br />

Depressie<br />

Veteranen<br />

Behandeling<br />

INTRODUCTION: Because of the misunderstanding and stigmatization of mental health<br />

disorders and treatment, health beliefs may be important in treatment seeking for<br />

depression. It is important to understand patients' beliefs about mental health disorders<br />

and mental health treatment to improve systems of care. METHODS: We studied beliefs<br />

about depression and depression treatment among patients in a randomized trial of a<br />

chronic care intervention to improve depression treatment in the Veterans Administration<br />

healthcare system (n = 395). The Depression Beliefs Inventory was used to assess beliefs<br />

regarding: (1) perceived need for depression treatment, (2) the efficacy of depression<br />

treatment, and (3) treatment barriers, including stigma, at baseline and 6 months. We<br />

calculated descriptive statistics on patients' baseline beliefs, and used multiple regression<br />

to investigate the extent to which beliefs changed in intervention and treatment as usual<br />

patients between baseline and 6-month assessments. We used logistic regression to<br />

investigate the relationship between beliefs and antidepressant initiation, adherence and<br />

clinical response. RESULTS: At baseline, 73% of our sample believed that they had<br />

depression, and 66% believed that taking antidepressants would be helpful for their<br />

depression. However, the depression intervention had few effects on beliefs, and<br />

individual beliefs were generally not associated with taking medication or clinical<br />

response. However, a summary measure of beliefs was found to have predictive validity<br />

with respect to initiating and adhering to antidepressant treatment. DISCUSSION: Our<br />

results highlight the potential difficulty in modifying individuals' attitudes regarding<br />

depression and depression treatment in chronic care models for depression interventions.<br />

KOC<br />

Ellis, N.<br />

Compensation and wellness: a conflict for veterans' health / N. Ellis, A. Mackenzie and R.<br />

Mobbs<br />

In: Australian health review = ISSN 0<strong>15</strong>6-5788: vol. 32 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 3<strong>08</strong>-312.<br />

Vergoedingen<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

Veteranen<br />

Australië<br />

Beleid<br />

In Australia greater attention is being given to health determinants, and the dominance of<br />

treatment in health policy and budgets is giving away some ground to prevention, health<br />

promotion, rehabilitation and disability management. This creates a dilemma for<br />


compensation systems: should the inclusion criteria be broadened to match the new<br />

thinking or should a narrower definition of "disease, injury or death" be retained? This<br />

issue is explored in the context of war syndromes among veterans. While veterans<br />

experience symptoms more frequently and more severely than military and community<br />

controls, their patterns of symptoms are not unique. Current compensation and benefit<br />

programs can create iatrogenic effects. It is concluded that compensation systems should<br />

be kept as safety nets while resources are provided to improve the capacity of primary<br />

health care caregivers, community organisations and veterans with war syndromes and<br />

their families to better deal with these problems. Adapting compensation systems to<br />

promote wellness through self-management health partnerships is one way of directing<br />

resources to individuals and their families. Action research at the community level with<br />

veterans, their families, their organisations, primary health care organisations, policy<br />

makers and researchers would allow this sector to work out the best way to apply existing<br />

efficacious tools to these modern health problems.<br />

KOC<br />

Elnitsky, C.<br />

Veterans Health Administration's pain research portfolio and publications / C. Elnitsky, M.<br />

Bryan and R.D. Kerns<br />

In: Journal of rehabilitation research and development = ISSN 0748-7711: vol. 44 (2007),<br />

issue 2, page xi-xviii.<br />

Pijn<br />

Veteranen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

KOC<br />

Engel, C.C.<br />

"Mirror, mirror..." whose explanation is the fairest?: evolving notions of somatization and<br />

idiopathic physical symptoms / C.C. Engel<br />

In: CNS Spectrums = ISSN 1092-8529: vol. 11 (2006), issue 3, page 187-188.<br />

Syndromen<br />

Golfoorlog-syndroom<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Somatization disorder, multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome,<br />

fibromyalgia, Gulf War syndrome, neurasthenia, irritable bowel syndrome, conversion<br />

disorder... diopathies one and all. These syndromes and the many others like them have<br />

perhaps one overriding commonality: enormous unexplained heterogeneity. Patients and<br />

clinicians gaze into the suffering and impact of these symptoms and see as many potential<br />

causes as there are symptom combinations. Some clinicians decide to ignore idiopathic<br />

symptoms entirely, pretending they are inconsequential. This view flies in the face of<br />

evidence; idiopathic symptoms occur in a third of all primary care patients, routinely<br />

extend doctors' clinic day, are associated with mental disorders, and limit patient<br />

functioning. Psychiatry has entered a unique period of reflection, openness, and serious<br />

calls for the dissolution of somatoform disorders as diagnostic entities. This issue of CNS<br />

Spectrums charts a similar course, offering several cutting-edge syntheses on idiopathic<br />

physical symptoms.<br />

KOC<br />


Engel Jr., C.C.<br />

Post-war syndromes: illustrating the impact of the social psyche on notions of risk,<br />

responsibility, reason, and remedy / C.C. Engel Jr.<br />

In: The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry =<br />

ISSN <strong>15</strong>46-0371: vol. 32 (2004), issue 2, page 321-334.<br />

Syndromen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Sociologie<br />

The 20th century offered many examples of post-war syndromes such as Da Costa's<br />

syndrome, irritable heart, shell shock, effort syndrome, medical evacuation syndrome,<br />

post-traumatic stress disorder, and Gulf War syndrome. These post-war syndromes occur<br />

under conditions of substantial medical and scientific uncertainty, conditions that<br />

potentially magnify the impact of social context on clinical care for these syndromes. This<br />

article reviews the social circumstances surrounding four postwar syndromes. The case is<br />

made that social context has significantly impacted professional and lay perceptions of<br />

causal mediators, relevant risk factors, defining symptoms, and appropriate therapies for<br />

these syndromes. Furthermore, it is argued that social context influences what parties are<br />

held responsible for post-war syndromes, and what clinical disciplines are ultimately<br />

deemed appropriate to provide legitimate post-war illness care.<br />

KOC<br />

Engelhard, I.M.<br />

Memory consistency for traumatic events in Dutch soldiers deployed to Iraq / I.M.<br />

Engelhard, M.A. van den Hout and R.J. McNally<br />

In: Memory = ISSN 0193-4511: vol. 16 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 3-9.<br />

PTSD<br />

Geheugen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Nederland<br />

Retrospective accounts of traumatic events are consistently associated with symptoms of<br />

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This has often been interpreted as causal impact<br />

of such events on psychological functioning, but recent studies suggest that the causal<br />

direction is (partly) reversed: high levels of PTSD symptoms may be associated with<br />

amplified recollections of precipitating traumatic events. The aim of this prospective study<br />

was to index the consistency with which Dutch Army soldiers reported traumatic stressors<br />

and nontraumatic stressors on their deployment to Iraq, and to examine to what extent<br />

PTSD symptoms and pre-existing reporting biases, such as that arising from neuroticism,<br />

affect memory inconsistency. Retrospective accounts of stressors were highly variable<br />

over time. Individuals with higher levels of PTSD symptoms and neuroticism, lower levels<br />

of extraversion, and fewer prior missions, were more prone to increased reporting over<br />

time.<br />

KOC<br />

Engelhard, I.M.<br />

Nadere toelichting op het posttraumatische stress-stoornis / I.M. Engelhard<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 44-46.<br />

PTSD<br />

Leeftijd<br />

Militairen<br />


Irak<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

KOC<br />

Engelhard, I.M.<br />

Stress en trauma na een militaire uitzending in Irak / I.M. Engelhard, M.A. van den Hout<br />

en J. Weerts<br />

In: De Psycholoog = ISSN 0033-31<strong>15</strong>: vol. 42 (2007) (dec), page 649-653.<br />

PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Nederland<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

In onderstaand onderzoek werd gekeken of Nederlandse militairen door een uitzending in<br />

Irak posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) opliepen, en, zo ja, hoe groot dit probleem nu<br />

werkelijk is. Dit blijkt vijf maanden na de uitzending meet te vallen wanneer men rekening<br />

houdt met het feit dat mensen PTSS-symptomen kunnen hebben, zonder hier echt last<br />

van te hebben, en dat klachten die mensen aangeven niet altijd te maken hebben met<br />

ervaringen tijdens de uitzending.<br />

KOC<br />

Everitt, B.<br />

Searching for a Gulf war syndrome using cluster analysis / B. Everitt...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychological Medicine = ISSN 0033 2917: vol. 32 (2002), issue 8, page 1371-1378.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Examined whether Gulf and non-Gulf veterans could be distinguished by their patterns of<br />

symptom reporting. A k-means cluster analysis was applied to 500 randomly sampled<br />

veterans from each of 3 United Kingdom military cohorts of veterans; those deployed to<br />

the Gulf conflict between 1990 and 1991; to the Bosnia peacekeeping mission between<br />

1992 and 1997; and military personnel who were in active service but not deployed to the<br />

Gulf (Era). Sociodemographic, health variables and scores for 10 symptom groups were<br />

calculated. The gap statistic indicates the 5-group solution as 1 that provided a particularly<br />

informative description of the structure in the data. Cluster 1 consisted of low scores for all<br />

symptom groups. Cluster 2 had veterans with highest symptom scores for musculoskeletal<br />

symptoms and high scores for psychiatric symptoms. Cluster 3 had high scores for<br />

psychiatric symptoms and marginally elevated scores for the remaining 9 symptom<br />

groups. Cluster 4 had elevated scores for musculoskeletal symptoms only and cluster 5<br />

was distinguishable from the other clusters in having high scores in all symptom groups,<br />

especially psychiatric and musculoskeletal.<br />

KOC<br />

Ferguson, E.<br />

Gulf War and illness by association / E. Ferguson and H.J. Cassaday<br />

In: British Journal of Psychology = ISSN 0007-1269: vol. 90 (1999), issue 4, page 459-<br />

475.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />


Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

Reviews the evidence for the construct of Gulf War Syndrome(s) (GWS). The authors then<br />

explore the evidence for one of the main theories of GWS, chronic organophosphateinduced<br />

delayed polyneuropathy (R. Haley and T. Kurt, 1997). Finally, the authors present<br />

a psycho-neuroendocrine model that can account for the variability in symptoms (following<br />

S. Maier and L. Watkins, 1998) and show how associative processes could account for<br />

the persistence of symptoms on return from the Gulf. The symptoms of GWS closely<br />

correspond to the physiological and behavioral sequelae of an interleukin-1 (IL-1)<br />

mediated sickness response. The authors propose that this response can account for the<br />

variability in its symptomatology. Furthermore, the persistence of GWS can be accounted<br />

for by an associative process, whereby the smells/tastes of war become linked with the<br />

physiological reaction to environmental stressors encountered in the Gulf and/or the<br />

"cocktail" of drugs given to the soldiers. As required, the IL-1 response is conditionable.<br />

KOC<br />

Ferguson, E.<br />

Individual differences in the temporal variability of medically unexplained symptom<br />

reporting / E. Ferguson...[et al.]<br />

In: British Journal of Health Psychology = ISSN 1359-107X: vol. 9 (2004), issue 2, page<br />

219-240.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Non-specific or medically unexplained symptoms account for up to 35% of outpatient<br />

referrals. In contrast to the literature on affect, little is known about how people frame daily<br />

symptoms and how these patterns are influenced by individual differences. Three fixed<br />

occasion diary studies over an 8-day period (one on ill veterans of the Gulf War and two<br />

on healthy undergraduates) and a single cross-sectional survey (on ill Gulf War veterans)<br />

were conducted. The severity and frequency of daily symptoms were assessed in all daily<br />

diary samples, together with the Big 5 personality domains in one of the undergraduate<br />

samples and in the survey of veterans. The data were analysed using auto-correlations<br />

and hierarchical multivariate linear modelling. In all the chronically ill and healthy samples,<br />

the data suggested potential cyclical patterns for symptom severity reporting. With regard<br />

to the frequency of symptom reporting, the veterans showed a pattern of constant<br />

symptom reporting. Finally, the relationship between the reported severity of symptoms<br />

was attenuated by intellect and surgency. There is evidence that daily experiences of<br />

symptom severity are framed relative to each other and this relationship is influenced by<br />

personality.<br />

KOC<br />

Ferguson, E.<br />

Odors and sounds as triggers for medically unexplained symptoms: a fixed-occasion diary<br />

study of Gulf War veterans / E. Ferguson, H.J. Cassaday and P.A. Bibby<br />

In: Annals of Behavioral Medicine = ISSN <strong>08</strong>83-6612: vol. 27 (2004), issue 3, page 205-<br />

214.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />


Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Background: Both laboratory studies on healthy volunteers and epidemiological evidence<br />

from patient samples indicate that odor can act as a trigger for the reporting of medically<br />

unexplained symptoms (MUSs). Purpose: The relationship between concurrent<br />

experiences of odor and MUSs has not been explored in a patient sample. Methods: This<br />

study used an 8-day fixed-occasion diary study, in which 17 veterans of the Persian Gulf<br />

War completed diary assessments of (a) the intensity and duration of odor and sound and<br />

(b) MUS severity. Results: The results showed that the intensity of odor was positively<br />

associated with the severity on the same day and subsequent days' symptoms, whereas<br />

the duration of odor was negatively related to the severity of MUS reporting on the same<br />

day. Conclusions: These results are consistent with an associative mechanism underlying<br />

symptom reporting in veterans. By contrast, the duration, but not the intensity, of sound<br />

was related to the severity of MUS reporting on the same day.<br />

KOC<br />

Ferguson, E.<br />

Theoretical accounts of Gulf War Syndrome: from environmental toxins to<br />

psychoneuroimmunology and neurodegeneration / E. Ferguson and H.J. Cassady<br />

In: Behavioural Neurology = ISSN 0953-4180: vol. 13 (2001), issue 3-4, page 133-147.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

Reviews evidence suggesting that nonspecific illness behavior symptoms can be<br />

explained more parsimoniously as a single symptom cluster than as a set of separate<br />

illnesses such as Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) and chronic fatigue syndrome. This<br />

superordinate syndrome could have its biological basis in the activity of pro-inflammatory<br />

cytokines (particularly interleukin-1), that give rise to the 'sickness response.' It is further<br />

argued that the persistence of non-specific illness in chronic conditions like GWS may be<br />

(in part) attributable to a bio-associative mechanism (1999). Such associative<br />

mechanisms could be mediated through the hypothalamus and limbic system via vagal<br />

nerve innervation and would provide an explanation for the persistence of a set of<br />

symptoms that should normally be short lived and self-limiting. The authors also present<br />

evidence that the pattern of symptoms produced by the pro-inflammatory cytokines<br />

reflects a shift in immune system functioning towards a (T-helper-1) Thl profile. This<br />

position contrasts with other immunological accounts of GWS that suggest that the<br />

immune system demonstrates a shift to a Th2 (allergy) profile.<br />

KOC<br />

Forbes, D.<br />

A field test of group based exposure therapy with 102 veterans with war-related<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder / D. Forbes...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of traumatic stress= ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page <strong>15</strong>0-<strong>15</strong>7.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Group-based exposure therapy (GBET)<br />

Evaluaties<br />


Group-based exposure therapy (GBET) was field-tested with 102 veterans with warrelated<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nine to 11 patients attended 3 hours of<br />

group therapy per day twice weekly for 16-18 weeks. Stress management and a minimum<br />

of 60 hours of exposure was included (3 hours of within-group war-trauma presentations<br />

per patient, 30 hours of listening to recordings of patient's own war-trauma presentations<br />

and 27 hours of hearing other patients' war-trauma presentations). Analysis of<br />

assessments conducted by treating clinicians pre-, post- and 6-month posttreatment<br />

suggests that GBET produced clinically significant and lasting reductions in PTSD<br />

symptoms for most patients on both clinician symptoms ratings (6-month posttreatment<br />

effect size delta = 1.22) and self-report measures with only three dropouts.<br />

KOC<br />

Forbes, D.<br />

Mechanisms of anger and treatment outcome in combat veterans with posttraumatic<br />

stress disorder / D. Forbes...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of traumatic stress= ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 142-149.<br />

PTSD<br />

Woedeaanvallen<br />

Agressie<br />

Alcoholmisbruik<br />

Behandeling<br />

Research has identified anger as prominent in, and an influence on, treatment outcome<br />

for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study examined<br />

factors influencing the relationship between anger and outcome to improve treatment<br />

effectiveness. Participants comprised 103 veterans attending PTSD treatment. Measures<br />

of PTSD and comorbidity were obtained at intake and 9-month follow-up. Measures also<br />

included potential mediators of therapeutic alliance, social support,<br />

problematic/undermining relationships and fear of emotion. Path analyses supported<br />

anger as a predictor of treatment outcome, with only fear of anger and alcohol comorbidity<br />

accounting for the variance between anger and outcome. To improve treatment<br />

effectiveness, clinicians need to assess veterans' anger, aggression, and alcohol use, as<br />

well as their current fear of anger and elucidate the relationship between these factors.<br />

KOC<br />

Ford, J.D.<br />

Posttraumatic stress symptomatology is associated with unexplained illness attributed to<br />

Persian Gulf War military service / J.D. Ford...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychosomatic Medicine = ISSN 0033-3174: vol. 63 (2001), issue 5, page 842-849.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Determined if war zone trauma or posttraumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) is<br />

associated with illnesses reported by Gulf War veterans that were documented by medical<br />

examination but not attributable to a medical diagnosis. 1,119 veterans were screened<br />

and 237 cases and 113 controls were identified by medical examination for a case-control<br />

study comparing US Persian Gulf War military veterans with or without medically<br />

documented, but unexplained, symptoms. Multivariate logistic regression and crossvalidation<br />

analyses examined self-report measures of demographics, subjective physical<br />


symptoms and functioning, psychiatric symptoms, stressors, war zone trauma, and PTSS,<br />

to identify correlates of case-control status. PTSS and somatic complaints were<br />

independently associated with case status, as were war zone trauma and depression.<br />

Age, education, and self-reported health, stress-related somatization, pain, energy/fatigue,<br />

illness-related functional impairment, recent stressors, and anxiety were univariate<br />

correlates of case status. PTSS related to war zone trauma warrants additional research<br />

study and attention in clinical screening and assessment as a potential contributor to the<br />

often debilitating physical health problems experienced by Persian Gulf War veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Frances, A.J.<br />

Identifying illness: pitfalls and discoveries / A.J. Frances and J.C. Beckham<br />

In: Psychosomatic Medicine = ISSN 0033-3174: vol. 60 (1998), issue 6, page 669-670.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Comments on the article by M. J. Roy et al (see record 1998-11685-001) which addressed<br />

the question of whether Gulf War Syndrome is a distinct disorder caused by toxic<br />

exposure. The authors consider this research to be a useful corrective against the<br />

possibly overinclusive subsuming within the Gulf War rubric of all psychiatric<br />

symptomatology that arises in its veterans. However, one study cannot make a conclusive<br />

case against the possibility of this syndrome, especially given the state of the evidence<br />

and the inherent methodological complexity of the question.<br />

KOC<br />

Frank, J.D.<br />

Demoralization and unexplained illness in two cohorts of American soldiers overseas /<br />

J.D. Frank and J.B. Frank<br />

In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease = ISSN 0022 3018: vol. 184 (1996), issue 7,<br />

page 445-446.<br />

Stress<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Tweede wereldoorlog<br />

Militairen<br />

Examines the unexplained illnesses that were documented in both veterans of the Persian<br />

Gulf War and in soldiers stationed in the Philippines during World War II. In both groups,<br />

patients exhibited similar symptoms (including weakness, fatigue, and headaches) that<br />

could not be attributed to any one source. Because troops in both settings also<br />

experienced intensely confusing and threatening information about their personal safety,<br />

the authors suggest that the symptoms represent physiological reactions to a demoralizing<br />

stress.<br />

KOC<br />

Frayne, S.M.<br />

Gender disparities in Veterans Health Administration care: importance of accounting for<br />

veteran status / S.M. Frayne...[et al.]<br />

In: State legislatures = ISSN 0147-6041: vol. 46 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 549-553.<br />

Sekseverschillen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />


Veterans Health Administration (VHA)<br />

BACKGROUND: In an effort to assess and reduce gender-related quality gaps, the<br />

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has promoted gender-based research. Historically,<br />

such appraisals have often relied on secondary databases, with little attention to<br />

methodological implications of the fact that VHA provides care to some nonveteran<br />

patients. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether conclusions about gender differences in<br />

utilization and cost of VHA care change after accounting for veteran status. DESIGN:<br />

Cross-sectional. SUBJECTS: All users of VHA in 2002 (N = 4,429,414). MEASURES:<br />

Veteran status, outpatient/inpatient utilization and cost, from centralized 2002<br />

administrative files. RESULTS: Nonveterans accounted for 50.7% of women (the majority<br />

employees) but only 3.0% of men. Among all users, outpatient and inpatient utilization and<br />

cost were far lower in women than in men, but in the veteran subgroup these differences<br />

decreased substantially or, in the case of use and cost of outpatient care, reversed.<br />

Utilization and cost were very low among women employees; women spouses of fully<br />

disabled veterans had utilization and costs similar to those of women veterans.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: By gender, nonveterans represent a higher proportion of women than of<br />

men in VHA, and some large nonveteran groups have low utilization and costs; therefore,<br />

conclusions about gender disparities change substantially when veteran status is taken<br />

into account. Researchers seeking to characterize gender disparities in VHA care should<br />

address this methodological issue, to minimize risk of underestimating health care needs<br />

of women veterans and other women eligible for primary care services.<br />

KOC<br />

Frayne, S.M.<br />

Medical profile of women veterans administration outpatients who report a history of<br />

sexual assault occurring while in the military / S.M. Frayne...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine = ISSN <strong>15</strong>24-6094: vol. 8<br />

(1999), issue 6, page 835-845.<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Militairen<br />

Vrouwen<br />

To profile differences in current physical symptoms and medical conditions among women<br />

users of Veterans Administration (VA) health services with and without a self-reported<br />

history of sexual assault sustained during military service, a cross-sectional analysis of a<br />

nationally representative, random sample of 3,362 women veterans was conducted. A<br />

self-administered survey asked whether women had sustained sexual assault while in the<br />

military and requested information about a spectrum of physical symptoms and medical<br />

conditions. A history of sexual assault while in the military was reported by 23% of women<br />

VA users and was associated with current physical symptoms and medical conditions in<br />

every domain assessed. Among women reporting a history of sexual assault while in the<br />

military, 26% endorsed >12 of 24 symptoms/conditions, compared with 11% of women<br />

with no reported sexual assault history. Clinicians need to be attuned to the high<br />

frequency of sexual assault occurring while in the military reported by women VA users<br />

and its associated array of current physical symptoms and medical conditions and should<br />

consider screening patients for a sexual violence history, especially patients with multiple<br />

physical symptoms.<br />

KOC<br />


French, L.M.<br />

Assessing and treating veterans with traumatic brain injury / L.M. French and G.W.<br />

Parkinson<br />

In: Journal of clinical psychology = ISSN 0021-9762: (20<strong>08</strong>) (jun).<br />

Hersenletsel<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Behandeling<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in greater proportions of service members<br />

with traumatic brain injury than in prior conflicts. These brain injuries range from the mild<br />

(concussion) to severe, and have enormous implications for clinical practice with these<br />

soldiers. The highly stressful and dangerous context in which these injuries are sustained<br />

set them apart in significant ways from brain injuries seen in civilian settings. The<br />

associated emotional toll of the environment and comorbid injuries, often resulting from<br />

blast exposure, complicates the clinical picture. In this article, the authors describe the<br />

complex presentations in this population of traumatically brain injured combat veterans<br />

and illustrate with case vignettes.<br />

KOC<br />

Gabriel, R.<br />

Gulf war syndrome may be post-conflict dysfunction / R. Gabriel...[et al.]<br />

In: British Medical Journal = ISSN 0959 8138: vol. 324 (2002), issue 7342, page 914.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Comments on the article by T. Chalder, et al (see record 2001-11410-003) which found<br />

that 17% of the 2961 Gulf war veterans surveyed believe themselves to be suffering from<br />

Gulf war syndrome. The veterans' belief was reinforced if they knew someone with similar<br />

symptoms. The current authors argue that this represents post-conflict dysfunction<br />

expressed according to health beliefs prevailing at the time the questionnaire was<br />

administered. The current authors also maintain that a major omission in Chalder at al's<br />

discussion was a lack of consideration of the role of the media in reporting Gulf veterans'<br />

illnesses.<br />

KOC<br />

Gamma, A.<br />

The spectra of neurasthenia and depression: course, stability and transitions / A.<br />

Gamma...[et al.]<br />

In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience = ISSN 0940-1334: vol.<br />

257 (2007), issue 2, page 120-127.<br />

Neurasthenie<br />

Depressie<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Background: Neurasthenia has had a chequered history, receiving changing labels such<br />

as chronic fatigue or Gulf war syndrome. Neurasthenia is recognized by ICD-10, but not<br />

by DSM-IV. Its course, longitudinal stability and relationship to depression is not well<br />


understood. Methods: In a stratified community sample (n = 591), representative of 2600<br />

persons of the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, neurasthenia and depression were assessed<br />

in six structured interviews between ages 20 and 41. Course, stability and comorbidity<br />

were examined. A severity spectrum of neurasthenia and depression from symptoms to<br />

diagnosis was taken into account. Results: The annual prevalence of a neurasthenia<br />

diagnosis increased from 0.7% to 3.8% from age 22-41, while mere symptoms became<br />

less prevalent. Intra-individual courses improved in 40% and deteriorated in about 30% of<br />

symptomatic cases. The most frequent symptoms overall, besides criterial exhaustion,<br />

were increased need for sleep, over-sensitivity, nervousness and difficulty concentrating.<br />

Cross-sectional associations and overlap with depression were strong. Longitudinal<br />

stability of ICD-neurasthenia was low. Conclusions: Neurasthenia is intermittent, overlaps<br />

significantly with depression, and shows improvement and deterioration over time to<br />

roughly equal measures.<br />

KOC<br />

Gerardi, M.<br />

Virtual reality exposure therapy using a virtual Iraq: case report / M. Gerardi...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of traumatic stress= ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 209-213.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Behandeling<br />

Virtual reality exposure (VRE)<br />

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been estimated to affect up to 18% of returning<br />

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans. Soldiers need to maintain constant vigilance to<br />

deal with unpredictable threats, and an unprecedented number of soldiers are surviving<br />

serious wounds. These risk factors are significant for development of PTSD; therefore,<br />

early and efficient intervention options must be identified and presented in a form<br />

acceptable to military personnel. This case report presents the results of treatment<br />

utilizing virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy (virtual Iraq) to treat an OIF veteran with<br />

PTSD. Following brief VRE treatment, the veteran demonstrated improvement in PTSD<br />

symptoms as indicated by clinically and statistically significant changes in scores on the<br />

Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS; Blake et al., 1990) and the PTSD Symptom<br />

Scale Self-Report (PSS-SR; Foa, Riggs, Dancu, & Rothbaum, 1993). These results<br />

indicate preliminary promise for this treatment.<br />

KOC<br />

Geuze, E.<br />

Neural correlates of associative learning and memory in veterans with posttraumatic<br />

stress disorder / E. Geuze, E. Vermetten, M. Ruf, C.S. de Kloet and H.G. Westenberg<br />

In: Journal of psychiatric research = ISSN 0022-3956: vol. 42 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 8, page 659-<br />

669.<br />

PTSD<br />

Geheugen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

Impaired attention and memory are symptoms frequently associated with posttraumatic<br />

stress disorder (PTSD). Although patients with PTSD frequently report memory difficulties<br />

and empirical research provides support for a memory deficit in PTSD, as of yet, no fMRI<br />

study has adequately investigated the neural correlates of learning and memory of neutral<br />


(i.e. not trauma related) material in patients with PTSD compared to controls. Twelve male<br />

veterans with PTSD, and twelve male veterans without PTSD, were recruited, and<br />

matched for age, region and year of deployment. Encoding and retrieval of 12 word-pair<br />

associates was assessed during fMRI in both experimental groups. Compared to controls<br />

veterans with PTSD revealed underactivation of the frontal cortex, and overactivation of<br />

the temporal cortex during the encoding phase. Retrieval of the paired associates resulted<br />

in underactivation of right frontal cortex, bilateral middle temporal gyri, and the left<br />

posterior hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus in patients with PTSD. Deficits in memory<br />

performance in PTSD appear to be related to altered activity in fronto-temporal areas<br />

during both the encoding and retrieval phase of memory processing.<br />

KOC<br />

Geuze, E.<br />

Reduced GABAA benzodiazepine receptor binding in veterans with post-traumatic stress<br />

disorder / E. Geuze, B.N. van Berckel, A.A. Lammertsma, R. Boellaard, C.S. de Kloet, E.<br />

Vermetten and H.G. Westenberg<br />

In: Molecular psychiatry = ISSN 1359-4184: vol. 13 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 74-83.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA(A)) receptors are thought to play an important role in<br />

modulating the central nervous system in response to stress. Animal data have shown<br />

alterations in the GABA(A) receptor complex by uncontrollable stressors. SPECT imaging<br />

with benzodiazepine ligands showed lower distribution volumes of the benzodiazepine-<br />

GABA(A) receptor in the prefrontal cortex of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD) in one, but not in another study. The objective of the present study was to assess<br />

differences in the benzodiazepine-GABA(A) receptor complex in veterans with and without<br />

PTSD using [(11)C]flumazenil and positron emission tomography (PET). Nine drug naive<br />

male Dutch veterans with deployment related PTSD and seven male Dutch veterans<br />

without PTSD were recruited, and matched for age, region and year of deployment. Each<br />

subject received a [(11)C]flumazenil PET scan and a structural magnetic resonance<br />

imaging scan. Dynamic 3D PET scans with a total duration of 60 min were acquired, and<br />

binding in template based and manually defined regions of interest (ROI) was quantified<br />

using validated plasma input and reference tissue models. In addition, parametric binding<br />

potential images were compared on a voxel-by-voxel basis using statistical parametric<br />

mapping (SPM2). ROI analyses using both template based and manual ROIs showed<br />

significantly reduced [(11)C]flumazenil binding in PTSD subjects throughout the cortex,<br />

hippocampus and thalamus. SPM analysis confirmed these results. The observed global<br />

reduction of [(11)C]flumazenil binding in patients with PTSD provides circumstantial<br />

evidence for the role of the benzodiazepine-GABA(A) receptor in the pathophysiology of<br />

PTSD and is consistent with previous animal research and clinical psychopharmacological<br />

studies.<br />

KOC<br />

Geuze, E.<br />

Thinner prefrontal cortex in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder / E. Geuze, H.G.<br />

Westenberg, A. Heinecke, C.S. de Kloet, R. Goebel and E. Vermetten<br />

In: NeuroImage = ISSN 1053-8119: (20<strong>08</strong>) (mar).<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />


Neurobiologie<br />

Structural neuroimaging studies in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have focused<br />

primarily on structural alterations in the medial temporal lobe, and only a few have<br />

examined grey matter reductions in the cortex. Recent advances in computational<br />

analysis provide new opportunities to use semi-automatic techniques to determine cortical<br />

thickness, but these techniques have not yet been applied in PTSD. Twenty-five male<br />

veterans with PTSD and twenty-five male veterans without PTSD matched for age, year<br />

and region of deployment were recruited. All the subjects were scanned using MRI.<br />

Subjects' brains were aligned using cortex-based alignment in a region of interest based<br />

approach. Individual cortical thickness maps were calculated from the MR images.<br />

Regions of interest examined included the bilateral superior frontal gyri, bilateral middle<br />

frontal gyri, bilateral inferior frontal gyri, bilateral superior temporal gyri, and bilateral<br />

middle temporal gyri. In a large number of patients and controls, IQ scores and memory<br />

scores were also obtained. Individual cortical thickness maps were calculated from the<br />

MR images. Veterans with PTSD revealed reduced cortical thickness in the bilateral<br />

superior and middle frontal gyri, the left inferior frontal gyrus, and the left superior temporal<br />

gyrus. Veterans with PTSD performed significantly worse on memory measures compared<br />

to control veterans. Cortical thickness correlated with memory measures in the veterans<br />

without PTSD, but not in the veterans with PTSD. Cortical thinning in these regions may<br />

thus correspond to functional abnormalities observed in patients with PTSD.<br />

KOC<br />

Goldberg, K.C.<br />

The epidemiology of health problems in returning Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation<br />

Enduring Freedom veterans: a national and North Carolina-based summary / K.C.<br />

Goldberg<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 31-34.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Operation Enduring Freedom<br />

Epidemiologie<br />

KOC<br />

Golier, J.A.<br />

Enhanced cortisol suppression to dexamethasone associated with Gulf War deployment /<br />

J.A. Golier...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychoneuroendocrinology = ISSN 0306 4530: vol. 31 (2006), issue 10, page 1181-<br />

1189.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Objective: To examine whether PTSD or post-deployment health symptoms in veterans of<br />

the first Gulf War (Operation Desert Shield/Storm) are associated with enhanced<br />

suppression of the pituitary-adrenal axis to low-dose dexamethasone (DEX). Method:<br />

Plasma cortisol and lymphocyte glucocorticoid receptor (GR) number were measured at<br />

<strong>08</strong>:00 h on two consecutive days, before and after administration of 0.5 mg of DEX at<br />

23:00 h in 42 male Gulf War veterans (14 without psychiatric illness, 16 with PTSD only,<br />


and 12 with both PTSD and MDD) and 12 healthy male veterans not deployed to the Gulf<br />

War or another war zone. Results: In the absence of group differences in basal cortisol<br />

levels or GR number, Gulf War veterans without psychiatric illness and Gulf War veterans<br />

with PTSD only had significantly greater cortisol suppression to DEX than non-deployed<br />

veterans and Gulf War veterans with both PTSD and MDD. Gulf War deployment was<br />

associated with significantly greater cortisol suppression to DEX controlling for weight,<br />

smoking status, PTSD, and MDD; PTSD was not associated with response to DEX.<br />

Among Gulf War veterans musculoskeletal symptoms were significantly associated with<br />

cortisol suppression and those who reported taking anti-nerve gas pills (i.e.,<br />

pyridostigmine bromide) during the war had significantly greater DEX-induced cortisol<br />

suppression than those who did not. Conclusions: The data demonstrate that alterations in<br />

neuroendocrine function are associated with deployment to the Gulf War and postdeployment<br />

musculoskeletal symptoms, but not PTSD. Additional studies are needed to<br />

examine the relationship of enhanced glucocorticoid responsivity to deployment<br />

exposures and chronic unexplained medical symptoms in Gulf War veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Golier, J.A.<br />

Twenty-four hour plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone in Gulf War veterans:<br />

relationships to posttraumatic stress disorder and health symptoms / J.A. Golier...[et al.]<br />

In: Biological Psychiatry = ISSN 0006 3223: vol. 62 (2007), issue 10, page 1175-1178.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Background: We aim to characterize the baseline functioning of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal<br />

(HPA) axis in Gulf War veterans (GWV) and examine the extent to which<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and unexplained health symptoms--which commonly<br />

co-occur--have similar or different biological correlates. Methods: Thirty-one GWV, 20 with<br />

current PTSD and 11 without current or lifetime PTSD, and 16 healthy nondeployed<br />

subjects not exposed to the Gulf War theater underwent medical and psychiatric<br />

examination followed by blood sampling every half-hour over 24 hours for the<br />

measurement of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Results: Gulf War<br />

veterans without PTSD or another psychiatric disorder had significantly lower 24-hour<br />

plasma ACTH levels, a significantly higher cortisol:ACTH ratio, and no difference in<br />

cortisol levels compared to nondeployed subjects and to GWV with PTSD, controlling for<br />

body mass index (BMI). Among GWV, health symptoms (mood and cognitive symptoms)<br />

were positively associated with, and hyperarousal symptoms were negatively associated<br />

with, the cortisol: ACTH ratio. Additionally, the self-reported acute effects of pesticides and<br />

of pyridostigmine bromide during deployment were associated with lower ACTH levels,<br />

controlling for BMI and PTSD. Conclusions: The data provide evidence of HPA axis<br />

dysregulation in Gulf War veterans, which may be related to Gulf War deployment<br />

exposures. Despite the overlap of chronic unexplained health symptoms and PTSD in<br />

GWV, these symptom constellations appear to be biologically distinct.<br />

KOC<br />


Golomb, B.A.<br />

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and Gulf War illnesses / B.A. Golomb<br />

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America =<br />

ISSN 0027-8424: vol. 105 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 11, page 4295-3000.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Chemische middelen<br />

Increasing evidence suggests excess illness in Persian Gulf War veterans (GWV) can be<br />

explained in part by exposure of GWV to organophosphate and carbamate<br />

acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEis), including pyridostigmine bromide (PB),<br />

pesticides, and nerve agents. Evidence germane to the relation of AChEis to illness in<br />

GWV was assessed. Many epidemiological studies reported a link between AChEi<br />

exposure and chronic symptoms in GWV. The link is buttressed by a dose-response<br />

relation of PB pill number to chronic symptoms in GWV and by a relation between avidity<br />

of AChEi clearance and illness, based on genotypes, concentrations, and activity levels of<br />

enzymes that detoxify AChEis. Triangulating evidence derives from studies linking<br />

occupational exposure to AChEis to chronic health symptoms that mirror those of ill GWV.<br />

Illness is again linked to lower activity of AChEi detoxifying enzymes and genotypes<br />

conferring less-avid AChEi detoxification. AChEi exposure satisfies Hill's presumptive<br />

criteria for causality, suggesting this exposure may be causally linked to excess health<br />

problems in GWV.<br />

KOC<br />

Gould, M.<br />

The war at home / M. Gould<br />

In: Health service journal = ISSN 0952-2271: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 3-12.<br />

Gewonden<br />

Militairen<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

The Royal Centre tor Defence Medicine at Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, is the main<br />

receiving unit for military casualties. Six Ministry of Defence hospitals treat elective military<br />

and civilian cases. Since November 2007, veterans with service-related conditions have<br />

been entitled to priority NHS treatment. Priory Group hospitals provide care for 350<br />

military patients a year. Gaps in NHS services are filled by charities such as the exservices<br />

mental welfare society Combat Stress.<br />

KOC<br />

Grassman, D.<br />

Wounded warriors: their last battle / D. Grassman<br />

In: Home healthcare nurse = ISSN <strong>08</strong>84-741X: vol. 25 (2007), issue 5, page 299-304.<br />

Gewonden<br />

Militairen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Overzichtsartikelen<br />

KOC<br />


Gross, M.L.<br />

Why treat the wounded?: warrior care, military salvage, and national health / M.L. Gross<br />

In: American journal of bioethics = ISSN <strong>15</strong>26-5161: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 3-12.<br />

Gewonden<br />

Militairen<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

Verenigde Staten<br />

Beleid<br />

Because the goal of military medicine is salvaging the wounded who can return to duty,<br />

military medical ethics cannot easily defend devoting scarce resources to those so badly<br />

injured that they cannot return to duty. Instead, arguments turn to morale and political<br />

obligation to justify care for the seriously wounded. Neither argument is satisfactory. Care<br />

for the wounded is not necessary to maintain an army's morale. Nor is there any moral or<br />

logical connection between the right to health care (a universal human right) and the duty<br />

to defend one's nation (a local political duty). Once badly wounded, soldiers enjoy the<br />

same right to medical care as any similarly ill or injured individual. National health care<br />

systems grasp this point and offer few additional health care benefits to veterans. In the<br />

United States, however, lack of universal health coverage skews the debate to focus on<br />

special entitlements for veterans without considering the health care rights that other<br />

citizens enjoy.<br />

KOC<br />

Haigh, S.<br />

The Veterans Affairs health care system in North Carolina / S. Haigh<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 27-30.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

North Carolina<br />

Beleid<br />

KOC<br />

Haley, R.W.<br />

Use of structural equation modeling to test the construct validity of a case definition of Gulf<br />

War syndrome: invariance over developmental and validation samples, service branches<br />

and publicity / R.W. Haley, G.D. Luk en F. Petty<br />

In: Psychiatry Research = ISSN 0165-1781: vol. 102 (2001), issue 2, page 175-200.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

To replicate the syndrome-like structure identified by exploratory factor analysis of<br />

symptom reports from 249 Gulf War veterans of a Naval reserve battalion (the<br />

developmental sample), the authors administered a symptom questionnaire to 335 Gulf<br />

War veterans who served primarily in active-duty US Army units living in North Texas (the<br />

validation sample). On the basis of goodness-of-fit criteria, a structural equation model<br />

(Model 1) with 4 symptom scales loading on each of 3 1st-order latent syndrome factors<br />

(impaired cognition, confusion-ataxia, central pain) fit both samples well and was invariant<br />

across both samples. Additional models validated a higher-order latent factor (a single<br />

Gulf War syndrome) explaining the variances and covariances of the 1st order factors, 4<br />


additional symptom scales loading on the higher order factor, and 4 possible secondary<br />

factor loadings that also fit the data well. All structural models were invariant across the<br />

cohorts of the validation sample surveyed before and after intense publicity following<br />

publication of the case definition. These findings suggest that the apparent syndrome<br />

structure of a single Gulf War syndrome with 3 variants may be found widely and justify a<br />

confirmatory sample survey of Gulf War era veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Hallarman, L.<br />

The military history as a vehicle for exploring end-of-life care with Veterans #<strong>15</strong>2 / L.<br />

Hallarman and C. Kearns<br />

In: Journal of palliative medicine = ISSN 1096-6218: vol. 11 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 104-<br />

105.<br />

Militaire geschiedenis<br />

Oral history<br />

Ouderen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Pallatieve zorg<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

KOC<br />

Hetebrij, B.<br />

Terugkeerconferenties Dutchbat III 1996/2006: The war at home: who pacifies the<br />

peacekeepers? / B. Hetebrij<br />

In: Kernvraag = ISSN 0924-4468: (2006), issue 2, page 37-55.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Dutchbat<br />

Srebrenica<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

KOC<br />

Hetebrij, B.<br />

Van isolement naar verbondenheid: voor de werkelijkheid kan men de ogen sluiten, maar<br />

niet voor de herinnering / B. Hetebrij<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek = ISSN <strong>15</strong>67-7117: vol. 8 (2007) (apr-mei), page 79-90.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Srebrenica<br />

Voormalig-Joegoslavië<br />

KOC<br />

Hetebrij, B.<br />

Van isolement naar verbondenheid: voor de werkelijkheid kan men de ogen sluiten, maar<br />

niet voor de herinnering / B. Hetebrij<br />

In: Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek = ISSN <strong>15</strong>67-7117: vol. 8 (2007), issue 29, page 79-90.<br />

Bosnië-veteranen<br />

Srebrenica<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Casuïstiek<br />


KOC<br />

Hetebrij, L.W.A.<br />

Een humanistisch perspectief op werken met veteranen (1) / L.W.A. Hetebrij<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page 14-17.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

De geestelijke verzorging heeft zich via een convenant laten opnemen in het landelijke<br />

zorgsysteem van veteranen. Humanistisch raadsman drs. L.W.A. hetebrij legt uit hoe hij<br />

daar in zijn regio vorm aan geeft en van welke wetenschappelijke basis hij uit gaat. Het<br />

belang van de zorg voor veteranen ligt volgens Hetebrij niet in de mobilisering van<br />

aandacht voor het "grote leed", maar in de erkenning van hun grote prestaties.<br />

KOC<br />

Hetebrij, L.W.A.<br />

Een humanistisch perspectief op werken met veteranen (2) / L.W.A. Hetebrij<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page 11-13.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

De geestelijke verzorging heeft zich via een convenant laten opnemen in het landelijke<br />

zorgsysteem van veteranen. Humanistisch raadsman drs. L.W.A. hetebrij legt uit hoe hij<br />

daar in zijn regio vorm aan geeft en van welke wetenschappelijke basis hij uit gaat. Van<br />

belang is zijn aantekening dat het belang van de zorg voor veteranen niet ligt in de<br />

mobilisering van aandacht voor het "grote leed", maar in de erkenning van hun grote<br />

prestaties. Het eerste deel van dit artikel verscheen in Carré nr. 3.<br />

KOC<br />

Hinton, D.E.<br />

Orthostatic panic attacks among Vietnamese refugees / D.E. Hinton...[et al.]<br />

In: Transcultural Psychiatry = ISSN 1363-46<strong>15</strong>: vol. 44 (2007), issue 4, page 5<strong>15</strong>-544.<br />

Orthostatische hypotensie<br />

Syndromen<br />

Golfoorlog-syndroom<br />

Vluchtelingen<br />

Vietnam<br />

Viewed historically and cross-culturally, orthostatic-induced dizziness, i.e., dizziness<br />

caused by standing up from a sitting or a lying position, forms a key aspect of many<br />

syndromes: irritable heart (American Civil War), effort syndrome (World War I and World<br />

War II), chronic fatigue syndrome (contemporary USA), Gulf War syndrome<br />

(contemporary USA), and orthostatic dysregulation (contemporary Japan). Among<br />

Vietnamese refugees attending a psychiatric clinic, this study documents a high rate of<br />

orthostatic panic (OP), as well as certain processes seemingly generating these panic<br />

attacks, viz., flashbacks and culturally specific catastrophic cognitions. Case examples are<br />

used to demonstrate OP's phenomenology and relevance to clinical care. To illustrate the<br />

mechanisms producing OP, we adduce the multiplex model of panic generation. Culturally<br />

appropriate care of Vietnamese refugees should include assessment and treatment of OP.<br />

KOC<br />


Hoare, T.<br />

Caring for veterans / T. Hoare<br />

In: Australian Nursing Journal = ISSN 1320-3185: vol. 14 (2007), issue 7, page 37.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Australië<br />

KOC<br />

Hoejenbos, M.J.J.<br />

Een missie voor Defensie: veteranen en overtollig geneeskundig materieel / M.J.J.<br />

Hoejenbos<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 256-262.<br />

Ontwikkelingssamenwerking<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Militairen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Veteranen met een missie<br />

Binnen de doelstellingen van de ministers van Defensie, Buitenlandse Zaken en<br />

Ontwikkelingssamenwerking is een breder gebruik van militair-geneeskundige kennis en<br />

overtollig militair geneeskundig materieel mogelijk. Het zwaartepunt hoeft niet louter bij<br />

CIMIC (Civil-Military Cooperation) te liggen, want ook v¢¢r of na een missie kunnen er<br />

betrekkingen zijn met een land. Soms door persoonlijke contacten, soms door specifieke<br />

activiteiten in 'focuslanden' die op de agenda staan van Defensie/Internationale Militaire<br />

Samenwerking (IMS). Het ondersteunen van deze projecten kan leiden tot een betere<br />

psychosociale verwerking van een missie bij defensiepersoneel, terwijl sommige landen<br />

op den duur een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan Nederlandse (defensie-)activiteiten in het<br />

kader van ontwikkelingssamenwerking.<br />

KOC<br />

Hom, J.<br />

Neuropsychological correlates of Gulf War Syndrome / J. Hom, R.W. Haley and T.L. Kurt<br />

In: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6177: vol. 12 (1997), issue 6, page<br />

531-544.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Compared the neuropsychological and psychological performances of 26 ill Gulf War<br />

veterans to 20 well veterans from the same military unit. Neurocognitive functions<br />

assessed included intelligence, abstraction and problem-solving, attention and<br />

concentration, memory and learning, language and visual-spatial function, and<br />

sensorimotor abilities. Psychological function was measured by self-report questionnaires.<br />

Results indicate global and consistently poorer intellectual and neurocognitive function<br />

among the ill veterans compared to the control veterans. A generalized pattern of<br />

neuropsychological deficit was evident for the ill veterans. Psychological profiles of the ill<br />

veterans were similar to those in general medical patients.<br />

KOC<br />


Hoof, E. van<br />

The symptoms and psychiatric status of the Bijlmermeer plane crash disaster: similarities<br />

with chronic fatigue syndrome and gulf war syndrome / E. van Hoof...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 11 (2003), issue 3, page<br />

3-21.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)<br />

Bijlmermeerramp<br />

Vergelijkend onderzoek<br />

On October 4,1992, the El Al Boeing crashed in the residential quarter 'Bijlmermeer' in<br />

Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In the years after the plane crash, local residents and<br />

assistance personnel began reporting a variety of unusual symptoms not unlike those<br />

reported by patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).<br />

The aim of this study was to define the symptom constellations reported by the patients<br />

and assess the possible causes of the illness. Standardized psychological questionnaires<br />

(MMPI-II, SCL-90, KPS and a complaints checklist) were used to screen for psychological<br />

changes and to describe the symptoms reported by the patients. Differences between<br />

local residents and assistance personnel, gender differences, Mycoplasma-infected and<br />

Mycoplasma non-infected patients were monitored. The major symptoms reported were<br />

extreme fatigue, non-restorative sleep, concentration-problems, memory problems and<br />

muscle and joint pains. Similar to patients with Gulf War Syndrome and CFS, a<br />

deregulation of the immune-competence through a combination of toxic material exposure<br />

and psychological stressors associated with increased opportunistic infections may be the<br />

most likely etiological hypothesis.<br />

KOC<br />

Horner, R.D.<br />

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among 1991 Gulf War veterans: evidence for a time-limited<br />

outbreak / R.D. Horner<br />

In: Neuroepidemiology = ISSN 0251-5350: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 28-32.<br />

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Background: In follow-up to recent reports of an elevated risk of amyotrophic lateral<br />

sclerosis (ALS) among 1991 Gulf War veterans, we analyzed the distribution of disease<br />

onset times to determine whether the excess risk was time limited. Methods: This<br />

secondary analysis used data from a population-based series of ALS cases identified<br />

between 1991 and 2001 among the 2.5 million military personnel who were on active duty<br />

during the 1991 Gulf War. Annual standardized incidence ratios (SIR) were calculated for<br />

all cases and for those with disease onset before age 45 years. Results: Forty-eight of 124<br />

cases occurred among those deployed to the Persian Gulf region during the war. The<br />

annual SIR for deployed military personnel did not demonstrate a monotonically<br />

increasing trend for either all cases (chi(2) = 0.11, d.f. = 1, p = 0.74) or for cases under 45<br />

years of age at onset (chi(2) = 2.41, d.f. = 1, p = 0.12). The highest risk was observed in<br />

1996, declining thereafter. Among military personnel who were not deployed to the Gulf<br />

region, the level of risk remained fairly constant during the 11-year period. Conclusions:<br />

The excess risk of ALS among 1991 Gulf War veterans was limited to the decade<br />

following the war.<br />

KOC<br />


Horowitz, M.J.<br />

A prediction of delayed stress response syndromes in Vietnam veterans / M.J. Horowitz<br />

and G.F. Solomon<br />

In: Journal of Social Issues = ISSN 0022-4537: vol. 31 (1975), issue 4, page 67-80.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Posits that over the next years civilian mental health professionals will (a) encounter<br />

stress response syndromes in Vietnam veterans, (b) misread etiological factors, and (c)<br />

be unable to treat such persons effectively. This paper attempts to describe the types of<br />

problems which may be expected (e.g., nightmares, moods and emotional storms, and<br />

direct or symbolic behavioral repetitions) and suggests special approaches (e.g.,<br />

conceptual labeling) which will be required and may assist the treatment process.<br />

KOC<br />

Hotopf, M.<br />

Gulf war illness-better, worse, or just the same?: a cohort study / M. Hotopf...[et al.]<br />

In: British Medical Journal = ISSN 0959 8138: vol. 327 (2003), issue 7428, page 1370-<br />

1372.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Bosnië-veteranen<br />

Cohort studies<br />

Seeks to describe changes in the health of Gulf war veterans studied in a previous<br />

occupational cohort study and compare outcome with comparable non-deployed military<br />

personnel, and to determine whether differences in prevalence between Gulf veterans and<br />

controls at follow up can be explained by greater persistence or greater incidence of<br />

disorders. Ss were military personnel who served in the 1991 Persian Gulf war, personnel<br />

who served on peacekeeping duties to Bosnia, and military personnel who were deployed<br />

elsewhere ("Era" controls). Results indicated that Gulf war veterans experienced a modest<br />

reduction in prevalence of fatigue and psychological distress but a slight worsening of<br />

physical functioning on the SF-36. Compared with the other cohorts Gulf veterans<br />

continued to experience poorer health on all outcomes, although physical functioning also<br />

declined in Bosnia veterans. Era controls showed both lower incidence of fatigue than Gulf<br />

veterans, and both comparison groups showed less persistence of fatigue compared with<br />

Gulf veterans. Gulf war veterans remain a group with many symptoms of ill health. The<br />

excess of illness at follow up is explained by both higher incidence and greater<br />

persistence of symptoms.<br />

KOC<br />

Hotopf, M.<br />

Risk factors for continued illness among Gulf War veterans: A cohort study / M.<br />

Hotopf...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychological Medicine = ISSN 0033 2917: vol. 34 (2004), issue 4, page 747-754.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Cohort studies<br />

We aimed to test the hypotheses that Gulf War veterans who were older; had more severe<br />

symptoms; had more exposures during deployment; had increased psychological distress<br />

and believed they had 'Gulf War syndrome' would experience greater fatigue and poorer<br />


physical functioning at follow-up. Gulf War veterans who responded to an earlier<br />

retrospective cohort study were followed with a postal survey. Outcome was measured on<br />

the Chalder fatigue questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire and the Medical<br />

Outcome Study Short-Form 36. Of those surveyed, 73.8% responded. Officer status was<br />

associated with a better outcome. A similar lack of association was found for exposures<br />

and physical functioning and GHQ-12 score. 'Gulf War syndrome' attribution was<br />

associated with a worse outcome for GHQ-12 and physical functioning even after<br />

controlling for severity of symptoms at baseline. This study suggests that while multiple<br />

vaccination and military exposures are important risk factors for the onset of symptoms in<br />

Gulf War veterans, these are not important risk factors for persistence of such symptoms.<br />

Instead the severity of the initial symptoms; psychological distress and attributions may be<br />

more important determinants of outcome.<br />

KOC<br />

Hout, W. in 't<br />

Geestelijke verzorging betekent veel voor militairen en veteranen / W. in 't Hout<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 28 (2005), issue 6, page 34-37.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Welke vragen komen er op je af? Wat is kenmerkend voor de geestelijke begeleiding van<br />

(oud-)militairen die gediend hebben tijdens vredesoperaties en van uitgezonden militairen<br />

in oorlogssituaties? In dit artikel een eerste antwoord, gebaseerd op eigen<br />

uitzendervaringen en impressies uit de dagelijkse praktijk van het veteranenpastoraat.<br />

Geestelijke zorg heeft baat bij het tijdig onderkennen van de kernvragen van deze (oud-<br />

)militairen en hun thuisfront.<br />

KOC<br />

Hout, W. in 't<br />

Pastorale zorg voor uitgezonden militairen en veteranen: een algemene beschouwing<br />

over diagnostiek en begeleiding / W. in 't Hout<br />

In: Kernvraag = ISSN 0924-4468: (2006), issue 2, page 29-35.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

KOC<br />

Huiting, E.<br />

Ruimte bieden om het echte verhaal te vertellen: Dominee Wim in 't Hout neemt afscheid<br />

als geestelijk verzorger voor de veteranen / E. Huiting<br />

In: Dubbel Accent = ISSN 0168-227x: vol. 27 (2007), issue 4, page 3-5.<br />

Geestelijke verzorging<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

KOC<br />

Hull, L.<br />

Self-reported health of Persian Gulf war veterans: a comparison of help-seeking and<br />

randomly ascertained cases / L. Hull...[et al.]<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 167 (2002), issue 9, page 747-752.<br />


Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Groot-Brittannië<br />

Examined the degree to which Persian Gulf War veterans present for clinical assessment,<br />

and compared findings with a subset of veterans voluntarily attending a medical<br />

assessment program (MAP). 3,529 United Kingdom Armed Forces personnel (aged 25-58<br />

yrs) who served in the Persian Gulf conflict completed questionnaires concerning<br />

demographic characteristics, symptoms, health perceptions, physical functioning,<br />

psychological distress, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and health attributions. 173 of<br />

these Ss had previously attended a MAP. Results show that MAP Ss were more likely to<br />

be female, older, and working part time or not working at all. MAP Ss exhibited poorer<br />

health perceptions and reported higher levels of illness, and they differed in terms of their<br />

health attributions. The perception of having Gulf War syndrome and attributing health<br />

problems to Gulf War service were the most powerful predictors of MAP attendance, even<br />

when controlling for physical functioning level. It is concluded that health beliefs rather<br />

than symptoms are more important predictors of attendance of MAPS, and that Gulf War<br />

veterans who attend MAPs have different characteristics than those who do not. MAP<br />

patients are unrepresentative of the wider deployment to the Persian Gulf.<br />

KOC<br />

Humphreys, K.<br />

Do enhanced friendship networks and active coping mediate the effect of self-help groups<br />

on substance abuse?/ K. Humphreys...[et al.]<br />

In: Annals of behavioral medicine = ISSN <strong>08</strong>83-6612: vol. 21 (1999), issue 1, page 54-60.<br />

Zelfhulpgroepen<br />

Drugsmisbruik<br />

Alcoholmisbruik<br />

Veteranen<br />

Evaluaties<br />

Self-help groups are the most commonly sought source of help for substance abuse<br />

problems, but few studies have evaluated the mechanisms through which they exert their<br />

effects on members. The present project evaluates mediators of the effects of self-help<br />

groups in a sample of 2,337 male veterans who were treated for substance abuse. The<br />

majority of participants became involved in self-help groups after inpatient treatment, and<br />

this involvement predicted reduced substance use at 1-year follow-up. Both enhanced<br />

friendship networks and increased active coping responses appeared to mediate these<br />

effects. Implications for self-help groups and professional treatments are discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Hunt, S.C.<br />

Clinical management of Gulf War veterans with medically unexplained physical symptoms<br />

/ S.C. Hunt, R.D. Richardson and C.C. Engel Jr.<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 167 (2002), issue 5, page 414-420.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Discusses a model for the clinical management of medically unexplained physical<br />

symptoms (MUPS) in Persian Gulf War veterans. The model identifies predisposing,<br />


precipitating, and perpetuating factors contributing to the emergence and clinical course of<br />

MUPS. Predisposing factors, which render individuals more susceptible to MUPS, include<br />

heredity, biological diathesis, early-life adversity, chronic illness, and chronic distress or<br />

mental illness. Precipitating factors include biological stress, acute physical illness,<br />

psychological stressors, acute psychiatric disorders, and epidemic health concerns.<br />

Perpetuating factors include harmful illness beliefs, labeling effects, misinformation,<br />

workplace and social support factors, negative health habits, chronic illness, and poor<br />

integration in the treatment system. It is concluded that the collaborative model for<br />

managing MUPS reduces distress and assists in the rehabilitation of Gulf War veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Hyer, L.<br />

Posttraumatic stress disorder: silent problem among older combat veterans / L. Hyer[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training = ISSN 0033-3204: vol. 32<br />

(1995), issue 2, page 348-364.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Examines posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among older Vietnam combat veterans. It<br />

is suggested that PTSD among these veterans is generally chronic, silent, and<br />

exacerbated by the problems of aging. These Ss with PTSD can be divided into those with<br />

full PTSD and those with partial PTSD. Studies are cited showing prevalence rates for<br />

PTSD. The difficulties in measuring PTSD are described. Several moderating variables<br />

influence the expression of trauma problems at later life, including the presence of other<br />

stressors, health status, social support, and comorbidity. Several forms of therapy are<br />

considered, including cognitive behavioral therapy, reminiscence, and relaxational<br />

desensitization. Also, several treatment suggestions are given, advocating interventions of<br />

a stuck narrative in an aging population.<br />

KOC<br />

Hynes, D.M.<br />

Veterans' access to and use of Medicare and Veterans Affairs health care / D.M.<br />

Hynes...[et al.]<br />

In: Medical care = ISSN 0025-7079: vol. 45 (2007), issue 3, page 214-223.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

Medicare<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

OBJECTIVES: We examined the impact of access to care characteristics on health care<br />

use patterns among those veterans dually eligible for Medicare and Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

services. METHODS: We used a retrospective, cross-sectional design to identify veterans<br />

who were eligible to use VA and Medicare health care in calendar year 1999. We<br />

analyzed national VA utilization and Medicare claims data. We used descriptive and<br />

multivariable generalized ordered logit analyses to examine how patient, geographic, and<br />

environmental factors affect the percent reliance on VA and Medicare inpatient and<br />

outpatient services. RESULTS: Of the 1.47 million veterans in our study population with<br />

outpatient use, 18% were VA-only users, 36% were Medicare-only users, and 46% were<br />

both VA and Medicare users. Among veterans with inpatient use, 24% were VA only, 69%<br />


were Medicare only, and 6% were both VA and Medicare users. Multivariable analysis<br />

revealed that veterans who were black or had a higher VA priority were most likely to rely<br />

on the VA. Patient with higher risk scores were most likely to rely on a combination of VA<br />

and Medicare health care. Patients who lived farther from VA hospitals were less likely to<br />

rely on VA health care, particularly for inpatient care. Patients living in urban areas with<br />

more health care resources were less likely to rely on VA health care. CONCLUSIONS:<br />

VA health care provides an important safety net for vulnerable populations. Targeted<br />

approaches that carefully consider the simultaneous impacts of VA and Medicare policy<br />

changes on minority and high-risk populations are essential to ensure veterans have<br />

access to needed health care.<br />

KOC<br />

Jackson, G.L.<br />

Detecting traumatic brain injury among veterans of Operations Enduring and Iraqi<br />

Freedom / G.L. Jackson, N.S. Hamilton and L.A. Tupler<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 43-47.<br />

Hersenletsel<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Operation Enduring Freedom<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

KOC<br />

Jakupcak, M.<br />

Posttraumatic stress and its relationship to physical health functioning in a sample of Iraq<br />

and Afghanistan War veterans seeking postdeployment VA health care / M. Jakupcak...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: The Journal of nervous and mental disease = ISSN 0022-3018: vol. 196 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

5, page 425-428.<br />

PTSD<br />

Fysieke gezondheid<br />

Veteranen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Irak<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

The relationship between posttraumatic stress and physical health functioning was<br />

examined in a sample of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans seeking postdeployment VA<br />

care. Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans (N = 1<strong>08</strong>) who presented for treatment to a<br />

specialty postdeployment care clinic completed self-report questionnaires that assessed<br />

symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chemical exposure, combat exposure,<br />

and physical health functioning. As predicted, PTSD symptom severity was significantly<br />

associated with poorer health functioning, even after accounting for demographic factors,<br />

combat and chemical exposure, and health risk behaviors. These results highlight the<br />

unique influence of PTSD on the physical health in treatment seeking Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan War veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Johnson, K.M.<br />

Frequency of mastalgia among women veterans: association with psychiatric conditions<br />

and unexplained pain syndromes / K.M. Johnson...[et al.]<br />


In: Journal of General Internal Medicine = ISSN <strong>08</strong>84-8734: vol. 21 (2006), issue 3, page<br />

S70-S75.<br />

Mastalgia<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Psychische stoornissen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Objective: To determine the prevalence and frequency of mastalgia and its association<br />

with psychiatric conditions and unexplained pain syndromes. Design, Setting, and<br />

Participants: Cross-sectional mailed survey completed by 1,219 female veterans enrolled<br />

at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in 1998. Measurements: Breast pain in the<br />

past year, unrelated to pregnancy, was categorized as infrequent (= weekly) mastalgia. Surveys assessed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),<br />

depression, panic disorder, and alcohol misuse with validated screening tests, as well as<br />

self-reported past-year chronic pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome.<br />

Results: The response rate was 63%. Fifty-five percent of the respondents reported pastyear<br />

mastalgia. Of these, <strong>15</strong>% reported frequent mastalgia. Compared to women without<br />

mastalgia, women reporting frequent mastalgia were more likely to screen positive for<br />

PTSD (odds ratio [OR] 5.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.2 to 8.4), major depression (OR<br />

4.2, 2.6 to 6.9), panic disorder (OR 7.1, 3.9 to 12.8), eating disorder (OR 2.6, 1.5 to 4.7),<br />

alcohol misuse (OR 1.8, 1.1 to 2.8), or domestic violence (OR 3.1, 1.9 to 5.0), and to<br />

report fibromyalgia (OR 3.9, 2.1 to 7.4), chronic pelvic pain (OR 5.4, 2.7 to 10.5), or<br />

irritable bowel syndrome (OR 2.8, 1.6 to 4.8). Women with infrequent mastalgia were also<br />

more likely than women without mastalgia to screen positive for PTSD, depression, or<br />

panic disorder, or report pelvic pain or irritable bowel syndrome, although associations<br />

were weaker than with frequent mastalgia. Conclusions: Like other unexplained pain<br />

syndromes, frequent mastalgia is strongly associated with PTSD and other psychiatric<br />

conditions. Clinicians seeing patients with frequent mastalgia should inquire about anxiety,<br />

depression, alcohol misuse, and trauma history.<br />

KOC<br />

Jones, E.<br />

Post-combat syndromes from the Boer war to the Gulf war: a cluster analysis of their<br />

nature and attribution / E. Jones...[et al.]<br />

In: British Medical Journal = ISSN 0959 8138: vol. 324 (2002), issue 7333, page 321-324.<br />

Oorlogssyndromen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Investigated whether post-combat syndromes have existed after modern wars and what<br />

relation they bear to each other. Medical and military records were reviewed for 1,856<br />

veterans randomly selected from war pension files awarded from 1,872 and from the<br />

Medical Assessment Programme for Gulf war veterans. The authors examined<br />

characteristic patterns of symptom clusters and their relation to war, diagnosis,<br />

predisposing physical illness, and exposure to combat. Servicemen's changing attributions<br />

for post-combat disorders were also studied. Three varieties of post-combat disorder were<br />

identified--a debility syndrome (associated with the 19th and early 20th centuries), somatic<br />

syndrome (related primarily to WWI), and a neuropsychiatric syndrome (associated with<br />

WWII and the Gulf conflict). The era in which the war occurred was overwhelmingly the<br />

best predictor of cluster membership. The authors conclude that all modern wars have<br />

been associated with a syndrome characterized by unexplained medical symptoms. The<br />

form that these assume, the terms used to describe them, and the explanations offered by<br />


servicemen and doctors seem to be influenced by advances in medical science, changes<br />

in the nature of warfare, and underlying cultural forces.<br />

KOC<br />

Kalra, H.<br />

Caregiver burden in anxiety disorders / H. Kalra...[et al.]<br />

In: Current opinion in psychiatry = ISSN 0951-7367: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 70-73.<br />

Angststoornissen<br />

PTSD<br />

Overdracht<br />

Gezinnen<br />

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Family burden research has primarily focused on severe mental<br />

disorders. Despite the high prevalence and chronic disabling nature of anxiety disorders,<br />

family burden has been relatively neglected in our understanding of their impact on<br />

caregivers. The paper reviews the available evidence on caregivers' burden in different<br />

anxiety disorders. FINDINGS: Obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder are the only anxiety disorders that have been studied in this regard, while there is<br />

a significant lack of data about other anxiety disorders. Caregiver burden in obsessivecompulsive<br />

disorder is equivalent to that of severe mental disorders like schizophrenia<br />

and affective disorders. Spouses/partners and children experience a significant degree of<br />

burden in looking after their relatives with posttraumatic stress disorder. SUMMARY:<br />

Available limited data indicates an adverse impact on families looking after their relatives<br />

with anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder. There is an urgent need for further research to increase our understanding of<br />

family burden and, accordingly, to support families involved in the care of patients with<br />

anxiety disorders. The impact of caregiver burden on disease and recovery in anxiety<br />

disorders also needs to be addressed in future research.<br />

KOC<br />

Karczmar, A.<br />

Anticholinesterases: dramatic aspects of their use and misuse / A. Karczmar<br />

In: Neurochemistry International = ISSN 0197-0186: vol. 32 (1998), issue 5-6, page 401-<br />

411.<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

While the lore of anticholinesterases (antiChEs), particularly physostigmine and its natural<br />

source, the Calabar bean predates our scientific era, the pharmacological development of<br />

physostigmine analogues and related agents and of the antiChEs of the<br />

organophosphorus (OP) type, is a matter of the last 2 centuries; this development has<br />

reached an exponential character in the last 50 years. This review relates some of the<br />

uses and misuses of these drugs. First, the author focuses on the clinical applications of<br />

antiChEs in the treatment of Senile Dementia of Alzheimer's Type (SDAT) and on the<br />

uses and misuses of antiChEs in this area. Second, the author discusses the applied use<br />

of antiChEs as insecticides. Their employment may mean the difference between life and<br />

starvation but there are notable dangers with this application of OP drugs. Finally, there is<br />

the significant and tragic development of the OP drugs as warfare agents and tools for<br />

terrorists and rogue states; the author discusses the several types of toxicity of OP agents<br />

and their mechanisms. The enigma of the Persian Gulf War Syndrome is stressed.<br />

KOC<br />


Kelly, M.M.<br />

Effects of military trauma exposure on women veterans' use and perceptions of Veterans<br />

Health Administration care / M.M. Kelly...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of general internal medicine = ISSN <strong>08</strong>84-8734: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)<br />

Veteranen<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Beleid<br />

BACKGROUND: Few studies have addressed how military trauma exposure, particularly<br />

sexual assault and combat exposure, affects women veterans' use and perceptions of<br />

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) care. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study<br />

was to evaluate the effects of military sexual assault and combat exposure on women<br />

veterans' use and perceptions of different aspects of VHA care. DESIGN: Cross-sectional<br />

telephone survey of a national sample of women veterans. PARTICIPANTS: Women from<br />

the VA's National Registry of Women Veterans. MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic<br />

characteristics, VHA care utilization, perceptions of care. RESULTS: Women veterans<br />

with histories of military sexual assault reported more use of VHA services, but less<br />

satisfaction, poorer perceptions of VHA facilities and staff, and more problems with VHA<br />

services compared to women veterans without histories of sexual assault. Combat<br />

exposure was related to more problems with VHA staff, although few other differences<br />

were observed for women with and without histories of combat exposure.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Findings provide information on areas that can be targeted with respect<br />

to caring for women veterans exposed to military sexual trauma and combat exposure,<br />

including improving interactions with VHA staff and the ease of using VHA services.<br />

KOC<br />

Kerns, R.D.<br />

Research on pain and pain management in Veterans Health Administration: promoting<br />

improved pain care for veterans through science and scholarship / R.D. Kerns<br />

In: Journal of rehabilitation research and development = ISSN 0748-7711: vol. 44 (2007),<br />

issue 2, page vii-x.<br />

Pijn<br />

Veteranen<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

KOC<br />

Kilshaw, S.<br />

Gulf War syndrome: a reaction to psychiatry's invasion of the military? / S. Kilshaw...[et al.]<br />

In: Culture, medicine and psychiatry = ISSN 0165-005X: (20<strong>08</strong>) (mar).<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Interviews<br />

Following the 1991 Gulf War, a number of soldiers who fought there began to complain of<br />

various symptoms and disorders, the collection of which came to be known as Gulf War<br />

syndrome (GWS). A debate has raged about the nature and cause of this illness, with<br />

many suggesting that it is a psychiatric condition. GWS continues to be a contested<br />

illness, yet there is no disputing that many Gulf veterans are ill. This article considers the<br />


way in which GWS sufferers understand their illness to be physical in nature and the way<br />

in which they negotiate and resist psychological theories of their illness. Based on 14<br />

months of ethnographic fieldwork in the United Kingdom, data for this article were<br />

collected mainly by in-depth, semistructured interviews with GWS sufferers, their family<br />

members, doctors, and scientists, as well as healthy Gulf veterans. A total of 93<br />

informants were interviewed, including 67 UK Gulf veterans, most of whom were ill. The<br />

paper argues that despite the increasing presence of psychiatry in military discourse,<br />

GWS reveals the way that people are able to transform, negotiate and even negate its<br />

power and assumptions.<br />

KOC<br />

Kilshaw, S.<br />

Toxic emissions: the role of semen in GWS narratives / S. Kilshaw<br />

In: Anthropology & Medicine = ISSN 1364-8470: vol. 14 (2007), issue 3, page 251-258.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Mannelijkheid<br />

Sociologie<br />

Etnografie<br />

Interviews<br />

Narratives about Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) contain discussions of sex and reproduction<br />

and there is a high level of anxiety about these subjects. Although similar to other<br />

medically unexplained conditions, GWS has distinctive features. The most salient of these<br />

is its contagious nature, with the main vehicle for contamination being semen. GWS<br />

sufferers believe their semen to be affected by their participation in the Gulf War. This<br />

paper focuses on a number of specific symptoms described by Gulf veterans including:<br />

Burning Semen Syndrome, low libido, impotence and birth defects and aims to interpret<br />

why certain symptoms became powerful markers of the condition. Furthermore, the paper<br />

looks at the meaning conveyed by such symptom reporting. Data were generated from 14<br />

months ethnographic fieldwork in the UK including participant observation, semi-structured<br />

interviews and document analysis. Concerns about lack of potency, toxicity and quality<br />

suggest that semen itself is a substance in which social concerns are enacted. The paper<br />

argues that such a focus on and anxiety about semen suggests that GWS narratives<br />

express concerns about masculinity, or, more precisely a loss of masculinity.<br />

KOC<br />

Kimerling, R.<br />

Evaluation of universal screening for military-related sexual trauma / R. Kimerling...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychiatric services = ISSN 1075-2730: vol. 59 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 635-640.<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Veteranen<br />

Militairen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

OBJECTIVES: In response to growing concerns about sexual violence as an<br />

underrecognized traumatic consequence of military service, Veterans Health<br />

Administration policy requires universal screening for sexual trauma sustained during<br />

military service. This prospective study, the first to evaluate national efforts to screen for<br />

military sexual trauma, investigated whether sexual trauma screening is associated with<br />

increased utilization of mental health services. METHODS: This study examined data for<br />

all male (N=540,381) and female (N=33,259) veterans who had valid responses to<br />


screens for military sexual trauma in 2005. The use of mental health services during the<br />

three months after screening was examined for persons who screened positive for military<br />

sexual trauma and for those who screened negative. Findings were stratified by use of<br />

mental health services in the six months before the screening. RESULTS: Compared with<br />

negative screens, positive screens were associated with significantly increased rates of<br />

postscreen mental health treatment. A more than twofold increase was observed for<br />

patients without previous use of mental health treatment (women: relative risk [RR]=2.52,<br />

95% confidence interval [CI]= 2.38-2.66; men: RR=2.47, 95% CI=2.34-2.61). In this group,<br />

the number of positive screens needed for one additional patient to access treatment was<br />

5.5 for women and 7.2 for men. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that detection via<br />

screening is associated with increased rates of mental health treatment. An effective<br />

screening program that promotes detection of sexual trauma and access to mental health<br />

care can help to reduce the burden of psychiatric illness for those who have experienced<br />

military sexual trauma.<br />

KOC<br />

Kirby, A.C.<br />

Smoking in help-seeking veterans with PTSD returning from Afghanistan and Iraq / A.C.<br />

Kirby...[et al.]<br />

In: Addictive behaviors = ISSN 0306-4603: (20<strong>08</strong>) (may).<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Roken<br />

Zelfhulpgroepen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Irak<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Past research has shown that veterans and individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD) have increased rates of smoking. However, the rates of smoking in younger helpseeking<br />

veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, and possible correlates of smoking<br />

among this population are unknown. In this study, we evaluated the rate of lifetime and<br />

current smoking among a sample of 90 returning male veterans diagnosed with PTSD.<br />

Fifty-nine percent reported a lifetime history of smoking including 32% that were current<br />

smokers. Current smokers were significantly younger than non-smokers. Current smokers<br />

(mean age=31) reported a mean age of smoking onset as <strong>15</strong>.86 with a pack year history<br />

of 8.89. These smokers reported on average five previous quit attempts. According to a<br />

stages of change model, one-half of the smokers were in the contemplation phase of<br />

stopping smoking (50%), 29% were in the pre-contemplation phase and 21% were in the<br />

preparation phase. The results are placed in the context of non-psychiatric and psychiatric<br />

smokers.<br />

KOC<br />

Kiser, K.<br />

Coming home / K. Kiser<br />

In: Minnesota medicine = ISSN 0026-556X: vol. 90 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 12, page 10-11.<br />

Nazorg<br />

Militairen<br />

Verenigde Staten<br />

KOC<br />


Klaassens, E.R.<br />

Mental health of Dutch Peacekeeping Veterans 10-25 years after deployment / E.R.<br />

Klaassens, T. van Veen, J.M.P. Weerts and F.G. Zitman<br />

In: European psychiatry = ISSN 0924-9338: (20<strong>08</strong>) (may).<br />

Geestelijke gezondheid<br />

Veteranen<br />

Nederland<br />

Lange-termijn effecten<br />

OBJECTIVE: This report describes the mental health of Dutch peacekeeping veterans,<br />

10--25 years after deployment, and its association with deployment-related traumatic<br />

events. METHOD: We randomly selected a group of 1046 peacekeeping veterans, who<br />

participated in military missions in Lebanon, former Yugoslavia, and various other<br />

missions between 1979 and 1997. We sent a questionnaire assessing current levels of<br />

psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventory -- BSI), and a questionnaire assessing<br />

trauma related to deployment. RESULTS: Psychological data were available for 729<br />

veterans. In 83% of the veterans, no significant psychological distress was found, whereas<br />

17% scored above the BSI cut-off for psychopathology. Interestingly, this percentage was<br />

equal to that in a non-patient norm group. CONCLUSION: From this finding we concluded<br />

that 10--25 years post-deployment, Dutch peacekeeping veterans do not show more<br />

psychological distress than the general Dutch population. In addition, we did not find a<br />

significant association between trauma exposure 10--25 years ago and current BSI<br />

scores. Moreover, trauma-exposure explained only 9% of the variance in psychological<br />

distress. Thus, although military peacekeeping operations may have a strong impact on<br />

the lives of soldiers, in this group of veterans they do not seem to have caused severe<br />

psychological distress10--25 years after deployment.<br />

KOC<br />

Koenig, H.G.<br />

Depressive symptoms and nine-year survival of 1,001 male veterans hospitalized with<br />

medical illness / H.G. Koenig...[et al.]<br />

In: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry = ISSN 1064-7481: vol. 7 (1999), issue 2,<br />

page 124-131.<br />

Depressie<br />

Mortaliteit<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Examined the effects of depressive symptoms on after-discharge survival of hospitalized<br />

medically ill male veterans. Psychosocial and physical health evaluations were performed<br />

on a consecutive sample of 1,001 patients aged 20-39 (16%) and 65-102 yrs (84%). Ss or<br />

surviving family members were later contacted by telephone, and Cox proportionalhazards<br />

regression modeled the effects of depressive symptoms on time-to-death,<br />

controlling for demographics and social, psychiatric, and physical health. Follow-up was<br />

obtained on all 1,001 patients (average observation time, 9 yrs), during which 667 patients<br />

died (67%). Patients with depressive symptoms were significantly less likely to survive.<br />

For every 1-point increase on the 12-item Brief Carroll Depression Rating Scale, the<br />

hazard of dying increased by 10%. Age did not significantly affect the association between<br />

depressive symptoms and mortality. Depressive symptoms during acute hospitalization<br />

are a predictor of shortened survival.<br />

KOC<br />


Kremen, W.S.<br />

Genes, environment, and time: the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA)/ W.S.<br />

Kremen...[et al.]<br />

In: Twin research and human genetics = ISSN 1832-4274: vol. 9 (2006), issue 6, page<br />

1009-1022.<br />

Tweelingen<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Cognitie<br />

The Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA) is a large-scale investigation of cognitive<br />

aging from middle to later age. The intended sample of 1440 twin subjects is recruited<br />

from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry (VETR), a registry of middle-aged male-male twin<br />

pairs who both served in the military during the Vietnam conflict (1965-1975). VETSA<br />

employs a multitrait multimethod approach to cognitive assessment to focus on the<br />

genetic and environmental contributions to cognitive processes over time, as well as the<br />

relative contributions to cognitive aging from health, social, personality, and other<br />

contextual factors. The cognitive domains of episodic memory, working memory, abstract<br />

reasoning, and inhibitory executive functioning are assessed through neuropsychological<br />

testing. In addition, VETSA obtains the participant's score on the Armed Forces<br />

Qualification Test, taken at the time of induction into the military around age 20 years, and<br />

re-administers the test. Two other projects--VETSA Cortisol and VETSA Magnetic<br />

Resonance Imaging--are also in progress using subsamples of the VETSA twins. Prior<br />

waves of data collection by VETSA investigators using the VETR have provided historical<br />

data on physical and mental health, while future waves of VETSA data collection are<br />

planned every 5 years. These methods will provide data on multiple phenotypes in the<br />

same individuals with regard to genetic and environmental contributions to cognitive<br />

functioning over time, personality and interpersonal risk and protective factors, stress and<br />

cortisol regulation, and structural brain correlates of aging processes.<br />

KOC<br />

Kremer, W.S.<br />

Pretrauma cognitive ability and risk for posttraumatic stress disorder: a twin study / W.S.<br />

Kremer...[et al.]<br />

In: Archives of general psychiatry = ISSN 0003-990X: vol. 64 (2007), issue 3, page 361-<br />

368.<br />

PTSD<br />

Cognitie<br />

Tweelingen<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

CONTEXT: Cognitive deficits are associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),<br />

but whether such deficits reflect sequelae or risk factors is not fully resolved. OBJECTIVE:<br />

To determine, in a representative sample, whether preexposure cognitive ability is<br />

associated with risk for PTSD, and whether that risk is genetically mediated. Design,<br />

Setting, and PARTICIPANTS: The co-twin-control study involved 2386 male Vietnam-era<br />

twin veterans with a mean (SD) age of 41.9 (2.7) years, a population-based sample of<br />

men who were in military service during this era. Cognitive ability scores were obtained<br />

just before military induction at a mean (SD) age of 19.7 (1.5) years. Participants included<br />

only individuals who were exposed to potentially traumatic events and underwent<br />

preexposure cognitive testing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Armed Forces Qualification<br />

Test (of cognitive ability) percentile scores and PTSD diagnosed by means of structured<br />

interviews. RESULTS: We found a significant dose-response relationship between<br />


preexposure cognitive ability and risk for PTSD. After controlling for confounders, the<br />

highest cognitive ability quartile had a 48% lower risk than the lowest ability quartile<br />


Lange, G.<br />

Cognitive functioning in Gulf War Illness / G. Lange...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology = ISSN 1380-3395: vol. 23<br />

(2001), issue 2, page 240-249.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Cognitie<br />

A comprehensive neuropsychological battery was administered to 48 veterans (mean age<br />

35.5 yrs) with Gulf War Illness (GWI) characterized by severe fatigue (GV-F) and 39<br />

healthy veterans (GV-H; mean age 34.3 yrs). Subjects were matched on intelligence and<br />

did not differ on age, gender, race, and alcohol consumption. Compared to GVs-H, GVs-F<br />

were significantly impaired on four tasks: three attention, concentration, information<br />

processing tasks and one measure of abstraction and conceptualization. After considering<br />

the presence of post-war Axis I psychopathology, GWI remained a significant predictor of<br />

cognitive performance on one of the attention, concentration, and information processing<br />

tasks and one abstraction and conceptualization measure. Performance on the remaining<br />

two attention, concentration, and information processing tasks was only significantly<br />

predicted by Axis I psychopathology with post-war onset. The results suggest that Gulf<br />

War Illness is associated with some aspects of cognitive dysfunction in Gulf Veterans,<br />

over and above the contribution of psychopathology.<br />

KOC<br />

Lange, G.<br />

Psychiatric diagnoses in Gulf War veterans with fatiguing illness / G. Lange...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychiatry Research = ISSN 0165-1781: vol. 89 (2000), issue 1, page 39-48.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Psychische stoornissen<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Determined whether Gulf War Illness (GWI) could be explained by the presence of<br />

psychiatric disorders as assessed by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental<br />

Disorders-III-Revised (DSM-III-R). To reduce the heterogeneity amongst Persian Gulf War<br />

veterans with GWI (PGV-F), only those were studied who presented with severe fatigue<br />

as a major complaint and also fulfilled clinical case definitions for Chronic Fatigue<br />

Syndrome, Idiopathic Chronic Fatigue, and/or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. A total of 95<br />

Registry PGVs were examined; 53 presented with GWI and 42 did not report any post-war<br />

health problems (PGV-H). All Ss were assessed for the presence of DSM-III--R Axis I<br />

psychiatric disorders. Compared to PGV-Hs, 49% of PGV-Fs had similar post-war<br />

psychiatric profiles: either no, or only one, psychiatric disorder was diagnosed. Psychiatric<br />

profiles of the remaining 51% of PGV-Fs were significantly different from PGV-Hs in that<br />

most of these veterans suffered from multiple post-war psychiatric diagnoses. The<br />

presence of psychiatric disorders as assessed by DSM-III--R criteria cannot explain<br />

symptoms of Gulf War Illness among all Persian Gulf veterans with severe fatiguing<br />

illness.<br />

KOC<br />

Larson, G.E.<br />

Psychiatric diagnoses in historic and contemporary military cohorts: combat deployment<br />

and the healthy warrior effect / G.E. Larson, R.M. Highfill-McRoy and S. Booth-Kewley<br />

In: American journal of epidemiology = ISSN 0002-9262: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Psychische stoornissen<br />


Veteranen<br />

Mariniers<br />

Irak<br />

Operation Enduring Freedom<br />

Cohortstudies<br />

Research studies have identified heightened psychiatric problems among veterans of<br />

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). However, these<br />

studies have not compared incidence rates of psychiatric disorders across robust cohorts,<br />

nor have they documented psychiatric problems prior to combat exposure. The authors'<br />

objectives in this study were to determine incidence rates of diagnosed mental disorders<br />

in a cohort of Marines deployed to combat during OIF or OEF in 2001-2005 and to<br />

compare these with mental disorder rates in two historical and two contemporary military<br />

control groups. After exclusion of persons who had been deployed to a combat zone with<br />

a preexisting psychiatric diagnosis, the cumulative rate of post-OIF/-OEF mental disorders<br />

was 6.4%. All psychiatric conditions except post-traumatic stress disorder occurred at a<br />

lower rate in combat-deployed personnel than in personnel who were not deployed to a<br />

combat zone. The findings suggest that psychiatric disorders in Marines are diagnosed<br />

most frequently during the initial months of recruit training rather than after combat<br />

deployment. The disproportionate loss of psychologically unfit personnel early in training<br />

creates a "healthy warrior effect," because only those persons who have proven their<br />

resilience during training remain eligible for combat.<br />

KOC<br />

Lavretsky, H.<br />

Predictors of two-year mortality in a prospective "UPBEAT" study of elderly veterans with<br />

comorbid medical and psychiatric symptoms / H. Lavretsky...[et al.]<br />

In: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry = ISSN 1064-7481: vol. 10 (2002), issue 4,<br />

page 458-468.<br />

Depressie<br />

Angst<br />

Comorbiditeit<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Medical inpatients of nine VA medical centers (N=2,657) were screened for symptoms of<br />

depression, anxiety, and alcohol abuse and followed for 24 months. Survivors were<br />

compared with deceased subjects on the severity of symptoms of depression, anxiety,<br />

alcohol abuse, and self-rated health. Mortality was predicted by the length of<br />

hospitalization, as well as poor self-rated health at baseline. The severity of depressive<br />

symptoms and poor self-rated health measured at the time closest to the time of death<br />

also predicted mortality. Lack of improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety at 6<br />

months was associated with higher rates of mortality.<br />

KOC<br />

Lavretsky, H.<br />

Symptoms of depression and anxiety predict mortality in elderly veterans enrolled in the<br />

UPBEAT program / H. Lavretsky...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment = ISSN <strong>08</strong>82-2689: vol. 18<br />

(2003), issue 2, page 183-184.<br />

Depressie<br />

Angst<br />


Comorbiditeit<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

In this letter, the authors report on predictors of 24 mo mortality in a convenience sample<br />

of 94 male veterans, age 60 yrs and over. The depression and anxiety subscales of the<br />

Mental Health Index were used to measure the frequency and severity of anxiety and<br />

depression symptoms at screening and follow up. 24 mo mortality was high (21%) in the<br />

sample of severely medically ill veterans with comorbid depression and/or anxiety, when<br />

the 24 mo rate is compared to the 4% annual mortality in the general population 60 yrs<br />

and older. It is noteworthy that meeting threshold criteria for both depression & anxiety still<br />

predicted mortality.<br />

KOC<br />

Laylander, J.A.<br />

A nutrient/toxin interaction theory of the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pain-fatigue<br />

syndromes: Part I / J.A. Laylander<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 5 (1999), issue 1, page<br />

67-91.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Magnesium deficiency plus concomitant fluoride excess (MDFE)<br />

Recent research suggests that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia Syndrome<br />

(FMS), and Persian Gulf Syndrome (PGS) may represent the effects of dysfunctions<br />

involving the central and/or peripheral nervous system, neuroendocrine system,<br />

neuromuscular system, immune system, metabolism, or sleep patterns. Each systemic<br />

dysfunction is accepted here as being central to these syndromes but not causal. This<br />

review introduces the theory that the syndromes listed above represent finitely variable<br />

combinations of multiple systemic dysfunctions which all share a common underlying<br />

etiology at the subcellular level: magnesium deficiency plus concomitant fluoride excess<br />

(MDFE). Detailed evidence which supports the theory is presented in a companion review<br />

(see record 2000-05682-003), along with treatment suggestions and a call for clinical trials<br />

to test this theory.<br />

KOC<br />

Laylander, J.A.<br />

A nutrient/toxin interaction theory of the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pain-fatigue<br />

syndromes: Part II / J.A. Laylander<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 5 (1999), issue 1, page<br />

93-126.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Magnesium deficiency plus concomitant fluoride excess (MDFE)<br />

This review is a companion paper to a review (see record 2000-05682-002) which<br />

proposes that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and Persian Gulf<br />

Syndrome represent finitely variable combinations of multiple systemic dysfunctions which<br />

share a common underlying etiology at the subcellular level: magnesium deficiency plus<br />

concomitant fluoride excess (MDFE). This review covers the evidence in favor of the<br />


theory and lists treatment suggestions and calls for clinical trials to test the theory<br />

presented.<br />

KOC<br />

Lewis-Fern ndez, R.<br />

Elevated rates of current PTSD among Hispanic veterans in the NVVRS: True prevalence<br />

or methodological artifact?/ R. Lewis-Fern ndez...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of traumatic stress= ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 123-132.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Rassenverschillen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

The elevated rate of current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among Hispanic<br />

Vietnam veterans has been attributed to culturally based expressiveness that inflates<br />

symptom self-reports. To investigate this possibility, the authors conducted three<br />

hypothesis-driven analyses with National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS)<br />

data from the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID-) diagnosed subsample of<br />

male Vietnam Theater veterans (N = 260). First, persistence of the Hispanic elevation<br />

after adjusting for war-zone stress exposure initially suggested the effect of greater<br />

expressiveness. Second, symptom-based analyses isolated this effect to the self-report<br />

Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD and not to the clinician-rated SCID interview.<br />

Third, objective measures of functioning did not reveal a unique Hispanic pattern of lower<br />

impairment associated with current PTSD. These tests suggest that greater Hispanic<br />

expressiveness does not account for the Hispanic elevation in current PTSD in the<br />

NVVRS SCID-diagnosed subsample.<br />

KOC<br />

Lijn, J. van der<br />

Grenzen aan de Nederlandse capaciteit voor deelname aan vredesoperaties: het sturen<br />

van onze jongens en meisjes is complexer dan op het eerste gezicht lijkt / J. van der Lijn<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 28-32.<br />

Vredesoperaties<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Nederland<br />

Beleid<br />

Hoe komt het dat een krijgsmacht van 62.000 personeelsleden door internationale<br />

operaties waarbij 2000 militairen betrokken zijn, al op zijn tenen moet lopen? Het<br />

antwoord is niet ingewikkeld. Lees onderstaand artikel. Nader beschouwd is het al<br />

wonderbaarlijk dat Nederland 2000 mensen weet uit te zenden.<br />

KOC<br />

Lillis, J.<br />

Assessing spirituality/religiosity in the treatment environment: the Treatment<br />

Spirituality/Religiosity Scale / J. Lillis...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of substance abuse treatment = ISSN 0740-5472: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Alcoholmisbruik<br />

Drugsmisbruik<br />

Veteranen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Spiritualiteit<br />


Treatment Spirituality/Religiosity Scale (TSRS)<br />

Validaties<br />

There has been much interest in measuring and evaluating the role of spirituality/religiosity<br />

(S/R) in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. This study presents the initial evaluation<br />

of a new measure of S/R in the treatment environment: the Treatment<br />

Spirituality/Religiosity Scale (TSRS). The TSRS has 10 items and can be completed by<br />

both patient and staff to measure the emphasis on S/R in a given treatment program,<br />

which may have important implications for patient-program fit. Data on the TSRS were<br />

gathered from 3,018 patients and 329 staff members from <strong>15</strong> residential SUD treatment<br />

programs within the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System. The TSRS<br />

showed good internal consistency (alpha = .77), a single-factor structure, close agreement<br />

between patients and staff members (r = .93), and good discriminant validity. The TSRS<br />

appears to be a brief, easily administered, and potentially useful measure of the emphasis<br />

on S/R in residential SUD treatment programs.<br />

KOC<br />

Lincoln, A.E.<br />

The war-related illness and injury study centers: a resource for deployment-related health<br />

concerns / A.E. Lincoln...[et al.]<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 171 (2006), issue 7, page 577-585.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Combat veterans often return from deployment having experienced a wide range of<br />

exposures, symptoms, and medical conditions. The Department of Veterans Affairs<br />

established war-related illness and injury study centers to serve combat veterans with<br />

unexplained illnesses. We report the exposures, clinical status, and utilization of 53<br />

combat veterans who participated in the National Referral Program (NRP) from January<br />

2002 until March 2004. Participants were primarily male (81%) and served in the Persian<br />

Gulf War (79%). Common diagnoses were chronic fatigue syndrome (n = 23, 43%),<br />

neurotic depression (n = 21, 40%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (n = 20, 38%). Selfreported<br />

exposures related to weaponry, disease prophylaxis, environmental hazards,<br />

stress, and poor hygiene. A small increase in mean SF-36V mental component scores<br />

(2.8 points, p = 0.009) and use of rehabilitation therapies (1.6 additional visits, p = 0.018)<br />

followed the NRP referral. The small gain in mental function suggests that the NRP may<br />

benefit combat veterans with long and complex medical histories.<br />

KOC<br />

Lindem, K.<br />

Neuropsychological performance in Gulf War era veterans: motivational factors and effort /<br />

K. Lindem...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment = ISSN <strong>08</strong>82-2689: vol. 25<br />

(2003), issue 2, page 129-138.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />


Assuming that the underlying etiology of unexplained health-related symptoms in returning<br />

Gulf War (GW) veterans is multifactorial, the possible role of feigning or exaggeration of<br />

symptoms is worth consideration as a contributing factor. The present study assessed the<br />

relationship between motivation to perform well during neuropsychological assessment<br />

and objective neuropsychological test performance. Motivation was measured as the<br />

score on a visual memory task (Test of Memory Malingering, TOMM) of low difficulty.<br />

Participants included 77 veterans from the cohorts of GW- (n = 58) and Germanydeployed<br />

(n = 19) GW-era veterans described in two other papers in this issue who were<br />

administered the TOMM. Most veterans earned perfect or near-perfect scores on the<br />

TOMM (48-50/50). Scores

health effects for exposed veterans and nearby civilian populations. The study described<br />

in this paper used mathematical modeling to estimate health risks from exposure to DU<br />

during the 1991 Gulf War for both US troops and nearby Iraqi civilians. The analysis found<br />

that the risks of DU-induced leukemia or birth defects are far too small to result in an<br />

observable increase in these health effects among exposed veterans or Iraqi civilians. The<br />

analysis indicated that only a few ( approximately 5) US veterans in vehicles accidentally<br />

targeted by US tanks received significant exposure levels, resulting in about a 1.4%<br />

lifetime risk of DU radiation-induced fatal cancer (compared with about a 24% risk of a<br />

fatal cancer from all other causes). These veterans may have also experienced temporary<br />

kidney damage. Iraqi children playing for 500 h in DU-destroyed vehicles are predicted to<br />

incur a cancer risk of about 0.4%. In vitro and animal tests suggest the possibility of<br />

chemically induced health effects from DU internalization, such as immune system<br />

impairment. Further study is needed to determine the applicability of these findings for<br />

Gulf War exposure to DU. Veterans and civilians who did not occupy DU-contaminated<br />

vehicles are unlikely to have internalized quantities of DU significantly in excess of normal<br />

internalization of natural uranium from the environment.<br />

KOC<br />

Martin, E.M.<br />

Traumatic brain injuries sustained in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars / E.M. Martin...[et al.]<br />

In: The American journal of nursing = ISSN 0002-936X: vol. 1<strong>08</strong> (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4, page 40-<br />

47.<br />

Hersenletsel<br />

Militairen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Irak<br />

Verpleging<br />

Casuïstiek<br />

Because these injuries can go unrecognized, nurses stateside need to know how to<br />

recognize possible cases and how to help. OVERVIEW: When traumatic brain injury (TBI)<br />

occurs simultaneously with more obviously life-threatening wounds, it may go<br />

unrecognized. Civilians and military personnel working in or near combat zones are at risk<br />

for this injury. Blast-related and closed-head injuries, rather than penetrating injuries,<br />

constitute the majority of TBIs in this population. The authors describe the experiences of<br />

the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center team at Walter Reed Army Medical Center<br />

in Washington, DC, and present a composite case to illustrate the nurse's role in the<br />

assessment and care of the TBI patient.<br />

KOC<br />

Matthieu, M.M.<br />

Evaluation of gatekeeper training for suicide prevention in veterans / M.M. Matthieu...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Archives of suicide research = ISSN 1381-1118: vol. 12 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 148-<strong>15</strong>4.<br />

Zelfmoord<br />

Veteranen<br />

Preventie<br />

Evaluaties<br />

Clinical providers and "front line" nonclinical staff who work with veterans, families, and<br />

communities are natural gatekeepers to identify and to refer veterans at risk for suicide. A<br />

national cohort (n = 602) of community based counseling center staff from the U.S.<br />


Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) participated in an evaluation of a brief standardized<br />

gatekeeper training program and a scripted behavioral rehearsal practice session. A<br />

significant difference in knowledge and self efficacy was observed from pre to post (p <<br />

.0001) with the nonclinicians showing larger effect sizes for knowledge (0.96 vs. 0.42) and<br />

self efficacy (0.89 vs. 0.41). Gatekeeper training for suicide prevention shows promise for<br />

increasing the capacity of VA staff to work with at risk veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

McDiarmid, M.A.<br />

Health surveillance of Gulf War I veterans exposed to depleted uranium: updating the<br />

cohort / M.A. McDiarmid...[et al.]<br />

In: Health physics = ISSN 0017-9078: vol. 93 (2007), issue 1, page 60-73.<br />

Verarmd uranium<br />

Golfoorlogveteranen<br />

Gezondheid<br />

A cohort of seventy-four 1991 Gulf War soldiers with known exposure to depleted uranium<br />

(DU) resulting from their involvement in friendly-fire incidents with DU munitions is being<br />

followed by the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Biennial medical surveillance<br />

visits designed to identify uranium-related changes in health have been conducted since<br />

1993. On-going systemic exposure to DU in veterans with embedded metal fragments is<br />

indicated by elevated urine uranium (U) excretion at concentrations up to 1,000-fold higher<br />

than that seen in the normal population. Health outcome results from the subcohort of this<br />

group of veterans attending the 2005 surveillance visit were examined based on two<br />

measures of U exposure. As in previous years, current U exposure is measured by<br />

determining urine U concentration at the time of their surveillance visit. A cumulative<br />

measure of U exposure was also calculated based on each veteran's past urine U<br />

concentrations since first exposure in 1991. Using either exposure metric, results<br />

continued to show no evidence of clinically significant DU-related health effects. Urine<br />

concentrations of retinol binding protein (RBP), a biomarker of renal proximal tubule<br />

function, were not significantly different between the low vs. high U groups based on either<br />

the current or cumulative exposure metric. Continued evidence of a weak genotoxic effect<br />

from the on-going DU exposure as measured at the HPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine<br />

phosphoribosyl transferase) locus and suggested by the fluorescent in-situ hybridization<br />

(FISH) results in peripheral blood recommends the need for continued surveillance of this<br />

population.<br />

KOC<br />

McDonald, S.D.<br />

Factorial invariance of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms across three veteran<br />

samples / S.D. McDonald...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Traumatic Stress = ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page 309-317.<br />

PTSD<br />

DSM-IV<br />

Nosologie<br />

Research generally supports a 4-factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)<br />

symptoms. However, few studies have established factor invariance by comparing<br />

multiple groups. This study examined PTSD symptom structure using the Davidson<br />

Trauma Scale (DTS) across three veteran samples: treatment-seeking Vietnam-era<br />

veterans, treatment-seeking post-Vietnam-era veterans, and Operation Enduring<br />

Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veteran research participants. Confirmatory<br />


factor analyses of DTS items demonstrated that a 4-factor structural model of the DTS<br />

(reexperiencing, avoidance, numbing, and hyperarousal) was superior to five alternate<br />

models, including the conventional 3-factor model proposed by the Diagnostic and<br />

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric<br />

Association, 1994). Results supported factor invariance across the three veteran cohorts,<br />

suggesting that cross-group comparisons are interpretable. Implications and applications<br />

for DSM-IV nosology and the validity of symptom measures are discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

McFee, R.B.<br />

Gulf war servicemen and servicewomen: the long road home and the role of health care<br />

professionals to enhance the troops' health and healing / R.B. McFee<br />

In: Disease-a-month = ISSN 0011-5029: vol. 54 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 265-333.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlogveteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

KOC<br />

McNally, Richard J.<br />

Can we solve the mysteries of the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study? /<br />

Richard J. McNally<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 192-200.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Veteranen<br />

Epidemiologie<br />

Onderzoek<br />

The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS) researchers reported that<br />

30.9% of all men who served in that conflict developed posttraumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD) even though only about <strong>15</strong>% had been assigned to combat units. Scholars, mainly<br />

historians, have questioned the accuracy of the PTSD prevalence rate. The purpose of<br />

this article is to evaluate the merits of several hypotheses adduced to explain the high<br />

apparent PTSD prevalence in the NVVRS. Empirical and conceptual analysis suggests<br />

that malingering is unlikely to account for many cases. Also, deployment to Vietnam in the<br />

absence of exposure to classic traumatic stressors is likewise unlikely to account for many<br />

cases. There are three plausible explanations for the high prevalence rate of PTSD in the<br />

NVVRS. First, DSM-III-R PTSD criteria, used in the NVVRS, did not require that<br />

symptoms produce impairment. Accordingly, some PTSD-positive cases may actually<br />

have been leading productive lives, despite occasional nightmares, or other stress<br />

responses. Second, some men assigned to non-combat duty (e.g., medics) may have<br />

been exposed to PTSD-inducing stressors. Third, some respondents may have invoked<br />

the Vietnam-PTSD narrative to make sense of postwar psychological difficulties having<br />

diverse causes unrelated to their military service. These three factors likely contribute to<br />

the high PTSD prevalence rate in the NVVRS.<br />

McNally, R.J.<br />

Can we solve the mysteries of the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study? / R.J.<br />

McNally<br />


In: Journal of anxiety disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 192-200.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS)<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS) researchers reported that<br />

30.9% of all men who served in that conflict developed posttraumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD) even though only about <strong>15</strong>% had been assigned to combat units. Scholars, mainly<br />

historians, have questioned the accuracy of the PTSD prevalence rate. The purpose of<br />

this article is to evaluate the merits of several hypotheses adduced to explain the high<br />

apparent PTSD prevalence in the NVVRS. Empirical and conceptual analysis suggests<br />

that malingering is unlikely to account for many cases. Also, deployment to Vietnam in the<br />

absence of exposure to classic traumatic stressors is likewise unlikely to account for many<br />

cases. There are three plausible explanations for the high prevalence rate of PTSD in the<br />

NVVRS. First, DSM-III-R PTSD criteria, used in the NVVRS, did not require that<br />

symptoms produce impairment. Accordingly, some PTSD-positive cases may actually<br />

have been leading productive lives, despite occasional nightmares, or other stress<br />

responses. Second, some men assigned to non-combat duty (e.g., medics) may have<br />

been exposed to PTSD-inducing stressors. Third, some respondents may have invoked<br />

the Vietnam-PTSD narrative to make sense of postwar psychological difficulties having<br />

diverse causes unrelated to their military service. These three factors likely contribute to<br />

the high PTSD prevalence rate in the NVVRS.<br />

KOC<br />

McNally, R.J.<br />

Psychology: psychiatric casualties of war / R.J. McNally<br />

In: Science = ISSN 0193-4511: vol. 313 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5789, page 923-924.<br />

Psychiatrische stoornissen<br />

Oorlog<br />

KOC<br />

Meijler, Frits L.<br />

Mijn oorlog, mijn hart / Frits L. Meijler. - Houten : Sapienta, cop. 2007. - 390 p. : ill. ; 22 cm<br />

Met lit. opg. en reg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-8562-052-5<br />

Joden<br />

Onderduiken<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Medische beroepen<br />

Cardiologie<br />

Autobiografieën<br />

s8.2 MEIJ<br />

KOC<br />

Menon, P.<br />

Hippocampal dysfunction in Gulf War Syndrome: a proton MR spectroscopy study / P.<br />

Menon...[et al.]<br />

In: Brain Research = ISSN: vol. 1009 (2004), issue 1-2, page 189-194.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />


Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

The pathogenesis of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) is not clearly understood. Data exist to<br />

suggest that GWS may originate from a combination of chronic fatigue and sensitivity to<br />

the exposure of exogenous agents. Since the head region of hippocampus is highly<br />

vascularized and thus vulnerable to toxic substances in circulation, we postulated that<br />

hippocampal impairment occurs in GWS. To test this, single volume localized in vivo<br />

proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) studies of the left and right hippocampi of consenting Gulf<br />

War veterans (N=<strong>15</strong>; 10 with GWS, and 5 without GWS) and control Vietnam veterans<br />

(N=6) were conducted in accordance with approved human study protocols. The N-acetyl<br />

aspartate (NAA) to creatine and choline to creatine ratios were computed from the<br />

spectra. The NAA/creatine ratio of the GWS group (N=10) was found to be significantly<br />

lower than that of the entire control group (N=11) or the unaffected GW control group<br />

(N=5). No laterality differences were observed among any of the three groups. The<br />

choline/creatine ratio of the GWS group was not different from that for either control group.<br />

To check the existence of any relationship between age and the NAA/creatine ratios, the<br />

entire study population was grouped into those below or above the median age (44.3<br />

years). It was found that the NAA/Cre ratio of the younger group (only Gulf War veterans)<br />

was significantly lower than that of the older group. The lower NAA/creatine ratio for the<br />

GWS group points to the existence of hippocampal dysfunction.<br />

KOC<br />

Militaire<br />

Militaire psychiatrie in Nederland. De opvang van Nederlandse militairen tussen 1945-<br />

1965 / M.G.H. Slotboom. - [s.n. ; s.l.], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 60 p. ; 30 cm<br />

Mastertraject Medische Geschiedenis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. - Met lit. opg..<br />

Militairen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Indië-veteranen<br />

Vietnam<br />

Korea<br />

Korea-veteranen<br />

Terugkeer en opvang<br />

Nazorg<br />

PTSD<br />

Militaire psychiatrie<br />

Scripties<br />

s8.2 SLO<br />

Geen uitleen<br />

Miller, C.S.<br />

Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance / C.S. Miller<br />

In: Addiction = ISSN 0965-2140: vol. 96 (2001), issue 1, page 1<strong>15</strong>-139.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Discusses toxicant-induced loss of tolerance as appearing to bridge the gap between drug<br />

addiction and abdiction (multiple chemical intolerance), with the potential to explain<br />


illnesses such as certain cases of asthma, migraine headaches and depression, as well<br />

as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and Gulf War syndrome. The author argues that<br />

both addiction and chemical intolerance involve a fundamental breakdown in innate<br />

tolerance, resulting in an amplification of various biological effects, particularly withdrawal<br />

symptoms. While addicts seek further exposures so as to avoid unpleasant withdrawal<br />

symptoms, chemically intolerant individuals shun their problem exposures, but also to<br />

avoid unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These observations raise critical questions: do<br />

addictive drugs and environmental pollutants initiate an identical disease process? Once<br />

this process begins, can both addictants and pollutants trigger symptoms and cravings?<br />

Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance is seen as opening a new window between the fields of<br />

addiction and environmental medicine, one with the potential to transform neighboring<br />

realms of medicine, psychology, psychiatry and toxicology.<br />

KOC<br />

Miranda, M.L.<br />

Spatial analysis of the etiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among 1991 Gulf War<br />

veterans / M.L. Miranda...[et al.]<br />

In: Neurotoxicology = ISSN 0161-813X: (20<strong>08</strong>) (jun).<br />

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

BACKGROUND: Veterans of the 1991 Gulf War have an increased risk of amyotrophic<br />

lateral sclerosis (ALS), but the etiology is unknown. OBJECTIVES: This study sought to<br />

identify geographic areas with elevated risk for the later development of ALS among<br />

military personnel who served in the first Gulf War. METHODS: A unified geographic<br />

information system (GIS) was constructed to allow analysis of secondary data on troop<br />

movements in the 1991 Gulf War theatre in the Persian Gulf region including Iraq,<br />

northern Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. We fit Bayesian Poisson regression models to adjust<br />

for potential risk factors, including one relatively discrete environmental exposure, and to<br />

identify areas associated with elevated risk of ALS. RESULTS: We found that service in<br />

particular locations of the Gulf was associated with an elevated risk for later developing<br />

ALS, both before and after adjustment for branch of service and potential of exposure to<br />

chemical warfare agents in and around Khamisiyah, Iraq. CONCLUSIONS: Specific<br />

geographic locations of troop units within the 1991 Gulf War theatre are associated with<br />

an increased risk for the subsequent development of ALS among members of those units.<br />

The identified spatial locations represent the logical starting points in the search for<br />

potential etiologic factors of ALS among Gulf War veterans. Of note, for locations where<br />

the relative odds of subsequently developing ALS are among the highest, specific risk<br />

factors, whether environmental or occupationally related, have not been identified. The<br />

results of spatial models can be used to subsequently look for risk factors that follow the<br />

spatial pattern of elevated risk.<br />

KOC<br />

Mohamed, S.<br />

Pharmacotherapy of PTSD in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: diagnostic- and<br />

symptom-guided drug selection / S. Mohamed and R.A. Rosenheck<br />

In: Journal of clinical psychiatry = ISSN 0160-6689: (20<strong>08</strong>) (jun), page 1-7.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />


Behandeling<br />

BACKGROUND: Although increasing numbers of war veterans are seeking treatment for<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA),<br />

information on the role of psychotropic pharmacotherapy in their treatment has not been<br />

available. METHOD: Records of psychotropic prescriptions for all VA patients diagnosed<br />

with ICD-9 PTSD (N = 274,297) in fiscal year 2004 (October 1, 2003, to September 30,<br />

2004) were examined. Descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression were<br />

used to identify veteran characteristics and measures of service use that were associated<br />

with receipt of any psychotropic medication and, among users of such medications, with<br />

use of each of 3 medication classes: antidepressants, anxiolytics/sedative-hypnotics, and<br />

antipsychotics. RESULTS: Most veterans diagnosed with PTSD received psychotropic<br />

medication (80%), and among these, 89% were prescribed antidepressants, 61%<br />

anxiolytics/sedative-hypnotics, and 34% antipsychotics. Greater likelihood of medication<br />

use was associated with greater mental health service use and comorbid psychiatric<br />

disorders. Among comorbidities, medication-appropriate comorbid diagnoses were the<br />

most robust predictors of use of each of the 3 medication subclasses, i.e., depressive<br />

disorders were associated with antidepressant use, anxiety disorders with<br />

anxiolytic/sedative-hypnotic use, and psychotic disorders with antipsychotic use. Use of<br />

anxiolytics/sedative-hypnotics and antipsychotics in the absence of a clearly indicated<br />

diagnosis was substantial. CONCLUSION: Diverse psychotropic medication classes are<br />

extensively used in the treatment of PTSD in the VA. While disease-specific use for both<br />

PTSD and comorbid disorders is common, substantial use seems to be unrelated to<br />

diagnosis and thus is likely to be targeted at specific symptoms (e.g., insomnia, anxiety,<br />

nightmares, and flashbacks) rather than diagnosed illnesses. A new type of efficacy<br />

research may be needed to determine symptom responses to psychotropic medications<br />

as well as disorder responses, perhaps across diagnoses.<br />

KOC<br />

Monson, C.M.<br />

Change in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: do clinicians and patients agree? /<br />

C.M. Monson...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychological assessment = ISSN 1040-3590: vol. 20 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 131-138.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Patiënten<br />

This study assessed the longitudinal association between clinician and patient ratings of<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms over the course of 2 different randomized<br />

clinical trials of veterans with chronic PTSD. One trial, the Department of Veterans Affairs<br />

Cooperative Study 420 (CSP 420; N = 360) compared trauma-focused and presentcentered<br />

group therapies, and the 2nd trial compared cognitive processing theory and a<br />

waitlist control condition (N = 60). Linear mixed effects modeling revealed significant<br />

associations between clinician ratings (Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CAPS; D. D.<br />

Blake et al., 1990) and patient ratings (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist; PCL; F.<br />

W. Weathers, B. T. Litz, J. A. Herman, J. A. Huska, & T. M. Keane, 1993) in total and<br />

symptom clusters of PTSD. Contrary to hypothesis, the amount of change on the CAPS<br />

ranged from .75 to .82 standard deviations for every 1 standard deviation change on the<br />

PCL. The CAPS and PCL were more closely associated in the trauma-focused vs.<br />

present-centered treatment condition in CSP 420, and especially regarding hyperarousal<br />


symptoms. When comparing categorization of clinically significant change on the CAPS<br />

and PCL, the authors found no differences in the percentages of agreement between<br />

clinicians and patients in improvement and exacerbation. The value of multimodal<br />

assessment of PTSD treatment outcomes is discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Morrison, J.<br />

Our favorite tips for interviewing veterans / J. Morrison and J. Boehnlein<br />

In: The Psychiatric clinics of North America = ISSN 0193-953X: vol. 30 (2007), issue 2,<br />

page 269-273.<br />

Interviews<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Like many mental health patients, veterans often come to psychiatrists with their defenses<br />

raised by past experience with caregivers whom they perceive as lacking in<br />

understanding. Although health care professionals' own veteran and combat status<br />

sometimes can afford instant credibility, not all providers have wartime experience to use<br />

in developing rapport with their patients. To connect rapidly and effectively with their<br />

sometimes suspicious patients, they must find other ways to speed rapport. This article<br />

discusses the issues of establishing rapport, keeping an open mind, and dealing with<br />

questions about the clinician's own opinions that arise in interviewing veterans.<br />

KOC<br />

Nagelkirk, P.R.<br />

Aerobic capacity of Gulf War veterans with chronic fatigue syndrome / P.R. Nagelkirk...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 168 (2003), issue 9, page 750-755.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Bewegingsinspanning<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

A large overlap exists between the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and the<br />

unexplained symptoms reported by many Gulf War veterans (GV). Previous investigations<br />

have reported reduced aerobic capacity in civilians with CFS. The present investigation<br />

examined metabolic responses to maximal exercise in GVs with CFS compared with<br />

healthy GVs. Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses were recorded during a maximal<br />

exercise test on a cycle ergometer. The groups were not different in any demographic<br />

category or self-reported physical activity. No differences were observed between groups<br />

for maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, exercise time, or workload achieved. Likewise, no<br />

differences were observed at submaximal intensities. Compared with healthy controls,<br />

GVs who report multiple medically unexplained symptoms and meet criteria for CFS do<br />

not show a decreased exercise capacity. Thus, it does not appear that the pathology of<br />

the GVs with CFS includes a deficiency with mobilizing the cardiopulmonary system for<br />

strenuous physical effort.<br />

KOC<br />

Nelson, C.<br />

Veterans' mysterious maladies: studies continue to examine the effects of depleted<br />

uranium on returning soldiers / C. Nelson<br />


In: State legislatures = ISSN 0147-6041: vol. 34 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 28-29.<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Veteranen<br />

Verarmd uranium<br />

KOC<br />

Nelson, K.M.<br />

Veterans using and uninsured veterans not using Veterans Affairs (VA) health care / K.M.<br />

Nelson, G.A. Starkebaum and G.E. Reiber<br />

In: Public Health Reports = ISSN 0094-6214: vol. 122 (2007), issue 1, page 93-100.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

Verzekeringen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to: (1) examine veteran reliance on<br />

health services provided by the Veterans Health Administration (VA), (2) describe the<br />

characteristics of veterans who receive VA care, and (3) report rates of uninsurance<br />

among veterans and characteristics of uninsured veterans. METHODS: The authors<br />

analyzed data from the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Using bivariate<br />

and multivariate analyses, the association of veteran's demographic characteristics, health<br />

insurance coverage, and use of VA services were examined. Veterans not reporting VA<br />

coverage and having no other source of health insurance were considered uninsured.<br />

RESULTS: Among veteran respondents, 6.2% reported receiving all of their health care at<br />

the VA, 6.9% reported receiving some of their health care at the VA, and 86.9% did not<br />

use VA health care. Poor, less-educated, and minority veterans were more likely to<br />

receive all of their health care at the VA. Veterans younger than age 65 who utilized the<br />

VA for all of their health care also reported coverage with either private insurance (42.6%)<br />

or Medicare (36.3%). Of the veterans younger than age 65, 8.6% (population estimate: 1.3<br />

million individuals) were uninsured. Uninsured veterans were less likely to be able to<br />

afford a doctor or see a doctor within the last year. CONCLUSIONS: Veterans who utilized<br />

the VA for all of their health care were more likely to be from disadvantaged groups. A<br />

large number of veterans who could use VA services were uninsured. They should be<br />

targeted for VA enrollment given the detrimental clinical effects of being uninsured.<br />

KOC<br />

Nicolson, G.L.<br />

Gulf War illnesses: chemical, biological and radiological exposures resulting in chronic<br />

fatiguing illnesses can be identified and treated / G.L. Nicolson...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = ISSN 1057-3321: vol. 11 (2003), issue 1, page<br />

135-<strong>15</strong>4.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)<br />

Behandeling<br />

Gulf War illnesses involve multiple, complex chronic signs and symptoms that loosely fit<br />

the clinical criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)<br />

and/or Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). Most Gulf War illness patients had multiple<br />

exposures: (a) complex chemical mixtures, including organophosphate pesticides, antinerve<br />

agents, carbamates and possibly nerve and blister agents, (b) radiological sources,<br />


subjecting patients to both heavy metal and radiation effects, and (c) biological sources,<br />

including bacteria and toxins and the effects of multiple vaccines. Chemically exposed<br />

patients may benefit by removing offending chemicals and depleting toxic chemicals from<br />

the patient's system and other symptomatic treatments. Patients with systemic infections,<br />

including mycoplasma and other chronic bacterial infections, can be treated with<br />

antibiotics and additional nutritional supplementation. Some patients may have their<br />

illness linked to radiological exposures, and a minority to battlefield stress. The vaccines<br />

are a prime suspect for immune dysfunction and chronic infections. The multiple, complex<br />

exposures resulted in poorly defined chronic illnesses, but subsets of Gulf War illness can<br />

be identified and effectively treated using appropriate ...<br />

KOC<br />

Nye, E.C.<br />

Attachment organization in Vietnam combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder /<br />

E.C. Nye...[et al.]<br />

In: Attachment & human development = ISSN 1461-6734: vol. 10 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page<br />

41-57.<br />

PTSD<br />

Vietnam-veteranen<br />

Hechting<br />

Attachment organization in a combat-related PTSD sample was investigated and<br />

compared with previously published clinical and non-clinical samples. The association<br />

between insecure attachment and unresolved mourning classification (U-loss) and<br />

between U-loss and PTSD symptoms was investigated. Vietnam combat veterans<br />

diagnosed with PTSD and in treatment (N = 48) were administered the Adult Attachment<br />

Interview, the SCID-IV, and CAPS. The PTSD sample was like non-clinical samples in the<br />

incidence of secure attachment (50%), but were more commonly unresolved. Veterans<br />

with insecure attachment organizations were more likely than those with secure<br />

attachment to be classified U-loss. U-loss classification was associated with greater<br />

likelihood of comorbid anxiety disorders and PTSD avoidance/numbing symptoms. The<br />

results suggest that while insecure attachment organization is associated with unresolved<br />

mourning in response to loss, it is not differentially associated with combat-related PTSD.<br />

The relationship between U-loss and PTSD is discussed in light of current literature.<br />

KOC<br />

O'Brien, C.<br />

Difficulty identifying feelings predicts the persistence of trauma symptoms in a sample of<br />

veterans who experienced military sexual trauma / C. O'Brien...[et al.]<br />

In: The Journal of nervous and mental disease = ISSN 0022-3018: vol. 196 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

3, page 252-255.<br />

PTSD<br />

Alexithymia<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Militairen<br />

Veteranen<br />

The current study examined the prospective association between alexithymia and the<br />

persistence of trauma symptoms in a clinical sample of 175 male and female veterans<br />

who experienced sexual trauma during military service (military sexual trauma; MST).<br />

Trauma symptoms decreased significantly over the course of a specialized residential<br />

treatment program. Difficulty identifying feelings was related to persistence of the following<br />


trauma symptoms: overall symptoms, sexual abuse trauma symptoms, dissociative<br />

symptoms, and anxiety. Men exhibited more persistent symptoms overall, more persistent<br />

sexual problems, and more sexual abuse trauma symptoms compared with women (over<br />

and above controlling for symptoms at intake). The results speak to the significant role<br />

that difficulty identifying feelings has in the treatment of PTSD. In addition, the results<br />

suggest that MST has different implications for men compared with women. Specifically,<br />

men who were sexually abused in the military experienced greater persistence of<br />

symptoms compared with women, especially in the areas of sexual functioning.<br />

KOC<br />

Oddone, E.Z.<br />

Veterans Affairs Research and Development: using science to improve health care for<br />

veterans / E.Z. Oddone and S. Eisen<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 35-37.<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

Onderzoek<br />

Beleid<br />

VA has a rich tradition in supporting research in areas that span basic science to health<br />

system implementation. Its unique success is tied to the fact that researchers are focused<br />

on issues that arise from a unique population--our nation's veterans. Moreover, because<br />

VA is the largest integrated health system in the country and because the health system<br />

must manage an annual budget, there is a keen interest among VA health administrators<br />

to apply research that enhances quality and efficiency of care. Furthermore, because<br />

these findings overlap with the general population, VA Research & Development<br />

programs can be applicable on a much broader scale.<br />

KOC<br />

Odent, M.<br />

Primal health research: four essays. III. Vaccinations: prevention of disease can be a<br />

cause of ill health / M. Odent<br />

In: Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health = ISSN: vol. 16 (2002), issue 3,<br />

page 279-287.<br />

Vaccinaties<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Preventie<br />

The year 2000 will be remembered as a turning point in the history of vaccinations. Today<br />

the main question should concern the interactions between the great number of vaccines<br />

routinely offered to modern babies. Researchers, practitioners and parents should think<br />

first in terms of good health and bad health. This is not easy to do especially when you<br />

have been brainwashed with the dangerous concept of 'preventive medicine', which<br />

suggests that health is the absence of disease and that the longer the list of diseases you<br />

prevent, the healthier you are. The year 2000 has offered opportunities to realize that the<br />

prevention of disease may itself be a cause of ill health. On the one hand we have learned<br />

from studies of the 'Gulf war syndrome'. On the other hand we have learned from studies<br />

about child mortality in the third world. Today it would be ethical to start long term<br />

prospective randomized controlled studies. This is the most reliable method to evaluate<br />

the ratio of benefits to risks for any medical procedure. Where mass vaccinations are<br />

concerned, it would be unethical (or immoral) to continue the current programmes without<br />


starting prospective randomized controlled studies of the non-specific effects on health of<br />

different combinations of vaccines.<br />

KOC<br />

Oliver, A.<br />

Public-sector health-care reforms that work?: a case study of the US Veterans Health<br />

Administration / A. Oliver<br />

In: Lancet = ISSN 0140-6736: vol. 371 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 9619, page 1211-1213.<br />

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Beleid<br />

KOC<br />

Pavic, L.<br />

Smaller right hippocampus in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder / L.<br />

Pavic...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychiatry research = ISSN 0165-1781: vol. <strong>15</strong>4 (2007), issue 2, page 191-198.<br />

PTSD<br />

Hippocampus<br />

Veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

Chronic stress can putatively cause damage in the human hippocampus, but evidence of<br />

damage has not been consistently shown in studies on hippocampal morphology in<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We compared hippocampal volumes in PTSD<br />

patients and normal subjects. Using a 3D T1-weighted GRE magnetic resonance imaging<br />

sequence, we measured hippocampal volumes in <strong>15</strong> war veterans with combat-related<br />

chronic PTSD and <strong>15</strong> case-matched normal controls. Although war veterans, our PTSD<br />

subjects were not professional soldiers and were mobilized shortly before they were<br />

exposed to a very specific combat-related trauma over a 3-day period. In our study, the<br />

period between traumatic exposure and imaging was considerably shorter, on average, 9<br />

years, compared with at least two decades in previous studies on subjects with combatrelated<br />

PTSD. Moreover, our subjects were free of any comorbidity, treatment or<br />

medication. The right hippocampus was significantly smaller in PTSD subjects than in<br />

healthy controls. The left hippocampus was also smaller in PTSD subjects than in<br />

controls, but the difference was not significant. In all PTSD subjects, the right<br />

hippocampus was smaller than the left (on average, 7.88%). Our results show smaller<br />

volume of the right hippocampus in PTSD patients than in normal subjects.<br />

KOC<br />

Pearn, J.<br />

Traumatic stress disorders: A classification with implications for prevention and<br />

management combat soldier / J. Pearn<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 165 (2000), issue 6, page 434-440.<br />

PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Nosologie<br />

Preventie<br />

Beleid<br />

Management and prevention of acute and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSDs) are<br />

current themes of great importance to the defense health services of many nations.<br />


Currently, 2-8% of service members deployed on combat operations, UN peacekeeping<br />

tasks, and humanitarian and disaster relief operations present with one or more stress<br />

disorders within 3 yrs of deployment. The management of acute stress disorders and the<br />

prevention and management of PTSDs necessitate an understanding of the nosology of<br />

this group of illnesses. Research into some preventive options--such as critical incident<br />

stress debriefing--also necessitates the selection of syndrome-specific Ss during case<br />

finding if controversies about the efficacy of such interventions are to be resolved.<br />

Diagnostic features, a summary of the nosological evolution, and differential treatment<br />

options are presented for 5 acute operational stress disorders (acute combat stress<br />

disorder, conversion reactions, the counter-disaster syndrome, peacekeeper's acute<br />

stress syndrome, and the Stockholm syndrome) and for 11 post-traumatic disorders,<br />

including classic PTSD, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War syndrome, peacekeeper's<br />

stress syndrome, survivor's guilt syndrome, and the syndrome of lifestyle and cultural<br />

change.<br />

KOC<br />

Pessler, F.<br />

A histomorphometric analysis of synovial biopsies from individuals with Gulf War Veterans'<br />

Illness and joint pain compared to normal and osteoarthritis synovium / F. Pessler...[et al.]<br />

In: Clinical rheumatology = ISSN 0770-3198: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

Vergelijkend onderzoek<br />

We compared histologic, immunohistochemical, and vascular findings in synovial biopsies<br />

from individuals with Gulf War Veterans Illness and joint pain (GWVI) to findings in normal<br />

and osteoarthritis (OA) synovium. The following parameters were assessed in synovial<br />

biopsies from ten individuals with GWVI: lining thickness, histologic synovitis score, and<br />

vascular density in hematoxylin & eosin-stained sections; and CD68+ lining surface cells<br />

and CD<strong>15</strong>+, CD3+, CD8+, CD20+, CD38+, CD68+, and Ki-67+ subintimal cells and von<br />

Willebrand Factor+ vessels immunohistochemically. Comparisons were made to synovial<br />

specimens from healthy volunteers (n = 10) and patients with OA or RA (n = 25 each).<br />

Histologic appearance and quantitative assessments were nearly identical in the GWVI<br />

and normal specimens. Vascular density was between 25% (H & E stains; p = 0.003) and<br />

31% (vWF immunostains; p = 0.02) lower in GWVI and normal specimens than in OA.<br />

CD68+ macrophages were the most common inflammatory cells in GWVI (45.3 +/- 10.1<br />

SEM cells/mm(2)) and normal synovium (45.6 +/- 7.4) followed by CD3+ T cells (GWVI,<br />

<strong>15</strong>.1 +/- 6.3; normal, 27.1 +/- 9.2), whereas there were practically no CD20+, CD38+, and<br />

CD<strong>15</strong>+ cells. All parameters except lining thickness and CD<strong>15</strong> and CD20 expression were<br />

significantly higher in OA. Five (20%) OA specimens contained significant fractions of<br />

humoral immune cells in mononuclear infiltrates, although the overall differences in the<br />

relative composition of the OA mononuclear infiltrates did not reach statistical significance<br />

compared to GWVI and normal synovium. In summary, the GWVI and normal synovia<br />

were indistinguishable from each other and contained similar low-grade inflammatory cell<br />

populations consisting almost entirely of macrophages and T cells.<br />

KOC<br />

Peterson, A.L.<br />

Combat stress casualties in Iraq. Part 1: behavioral health consultation at an expeditionary<br />

medical group / A.L. Peterson, M.T. Baker and K.R. McCarthy<br />


In: Perspect Psychiatr Care = ISSN 0031-5990: vol. 44 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page 146-<strong>15</strong>8.<br />

PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

PURPOSE. We review the role of military mental health professionals in consulting with<br />

inpatient medical patients and staff at a combat hospital and aeromedical evacuation<br />

staging facility in Iraq. CONCLUSIONS. Behavioral health consultation with medical and<br />

surgical patients during hospitalization and prior to aeromedical evacuation can help<br />

identify patients with combat stress exposure that may require future mental health followup.<br />

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Extensive use of civilian mental health practitioners<br />

including nurse psychotherapists and psychiatric nurse practitioners will be needed to<br />

provide psychiatric care for the large number of U.S. veterans who return from deployment<br />

with combat stress related disorders.<br />

KOC<br />

Peterson, A.L.<br />

Combat stress casualties in Iraq. Part 2: psychiatric screening prior to aeromedical<br />

evacuation / A.L. Peterson, M.T. Baker and K.R. McCarthy<br />

In: Perspective in Psychiatric Care = ISSN 0031-5990: vol. 44 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page <strong>15</strong>9-<br />

168.<br />

PTSD<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

TOPIC. Exposure to combat-related trauma is a leading cause of posttraumatic stress<br />

disorder. Deployed military mental health practitioners serve important roles in the<br />

assessment, diagnosis, and aeromedical evacuation of psychiatric patients from the<br />

combat zone. PURPOSE. To review the role of military mental health professionals<br />

working with psychiatric patients at a combat hospital and aeromedical staging facility in<br />

Iraq. SOURCE OF INFORMATION. Military operating instructions, existing theoretical and<br />

research literature, and personal experiences of the authors while deployed to Iraq.<br />

CONCLUSIONS. Psychiatric screening can help reduce risk in potentially unstable mental<br />

health patients prior to aeromedical evacuation. Civilian nurse psychotherapists and<br />

advanced practice psychiatric nurses will be needed to provide psychiatric follow-up care<br />

for the large number of military veterans returning from combat.<br />

KOC<br />

Pukhalsky, A.L.<br />

HPA axis exhaustion and regulatory T cell accumulation in patients with a functional<br />

somatic syndrome: recent view on the problem of Gulf War veterans / A.L. Pukhalsky...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Journal of neuroimmunology = ISSN 0165-5728: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Neurobiologie<br />

The authors proceeded from the assumption that physical and mental symptoms of<br />

functional somatic syndromes (including those observed in Gulf War veterans) are based<br />

on both underactivity of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and excessive<br />

accumulation of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Permanent psychogenic stress coupled with<br />


high antigen loading leads to gradual depletion of HPA axis, which is manifested by the<br />

reduction of stress-induced cortisol response. Under stress hormone deficiency, Tregs<br />

begin to play a principal role in anti-inflammatory mechanisms and each new proinflammatory<br />

stimulus increases their number. Superfluous accumulation of active Tregs<br />

results in malfunction of Th1 cells in the brain that leads to the appearance of<br />

neurodegeneration foci, which seems to be an anatomic substance for various cognitive<br />

and psychological symptoms. New approaches to the treatment of such conditions are<br />

also discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Rademaker, A.R.<br />

Self-reported early trauma as a predictor of adult personality: a study in a military sample /<br />

A.R. Rademaker, E. Vermetten, E. Geuze, A. Muilwijk and R.J. Kleber<br />

In: Journal of clinical psychology = ISSN 0021-9762: vol. 64 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 7, page 863-<br />

875.<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Persoonlijkheid<br />

Militairen<br />

Exposure to early trauma has frequently been linked to adult psychopathology, including<br />

personality disorders. This cross-sectional study explored the relationship between<br />

personality and retrospectively rated levels of early trauma in 242 soldiers. Multiple<br />

regression analyses showed a significant relationship between early trauma and adult<br />

personality as exposure to emotional trauma predicted levels of self-directedness and<br />

cooperativeness on the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI; C. R. Cloninger, T.<br />

R. Przybeck, D. M. Svrakic, & R. D. Wetzel, 1994). Overall, these results suggest that<br />

early emotional trauma may be related to personality dimensions associated with poor<br />

impulse control and interpersonal behavior. These results are noteworthy considering that<br />

they were obtained in a healthy sample. They show that early trauma may become<br />

ingrained in personality and hamper the potential to effectively engage in social<br />

interactions, increasing the risk of emotional and cognitive problems.<br />

KOC<br />

Ravensbergen, Niek B.<br />

Groeten van Bronbeek / [tekst en samenstelling: Niek B. Ravensbergen ; red.: J.L.P. van<br />

den Akker ... et al.]. - Utrecht : Matrijs, cop. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 72 p. : ill. ; 22 cm<br />

Uitg. door de <strong>Stichting</strong> Matrijs. - Met lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 978-90-5345-363-6 geb.<br />

Verzorgingstehuizen<br />

Bronbeek<br />

Veteranen<br />

Prentbriefkaarten<br />

s0.7 RAV<br />

KOC<br />

Rees Vellinga, N. van<br />

Rapport Nazorg Thuisfront: de ervaringen van het thuisfront met uitzending en zorg in<br />

2007 / N. van Rees Vellinga. - Den Haag : Gedragswetenschappen, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 p. : tab. ;<br />

30 cm<br />

GW-rapport 07-143.<br />

Nazorg<br />


Thuisfront<br />

Partners<br />

s8.2 REE<br />

KOC<br />

Riddle, M.S.<br />

Self-reported combat stress indicators among troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan: an<br />

epidemiological study / M.S. Riddle...[et al.]<br />

In: Comprehensive psychiatry = ISSN 0010-440X: vol. 20 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 131-138.<br />

Geestelijke gezondheid<br />

Militairen<br />

Irak<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Epidemiologie<br />

Evident mental health needs among combat veterans after their return from combat have<br />

been described, whereas available data describing the mental health status of military<br />

personnel during deployment are few. Data were collected from personnel systematically<br />

selected from current combat regions participating in a rest and recuperation program in<br />

Doha, Qatar. Overall, 40620 troops completed a clinic screening form between October<br />

2003 and January 2005. Rates of self-reported depression among troops in Afghanistan<br />

were lower than those of Iraq (32.3 vs 69.7 per 10000, P < .0001). Feelings of depression<br />

and self-harm were inversely correlated with rank (4-level ordinal grouping) (beta(Coef) = -<br />

.21, P = .0006; beta(Coef) = -0.49, P < .00001, respectively). Distinct temporal trends<br />

found in reported combat stress and monthly mortality rates were noted. These data<br />

support previous reports of higher mental health problems among troops in Iraq as<br />

compared with troops in Afghanistan and lower health care-seeking behavior overall. In an<br />

effort to remove barriers to care and minimize combat stress effects, it is critical to<br />

recognize mental health needs and initiate services during combat deployments.<br />

KOC<br />

Riep, N.C.<br />

Evaluatie personeelszorg: rondom uitzendingen 2006 en 1ste kwartaal 2007 / N.C. Riep. -<br />

Den Haag : Gedragswetenschappen, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 21 p. : tab. ; 30 cm<br />

GW-rapport 07-122.<br />

Nazorg<br />

Militairen<br />

Defensie<br />

s8.2 RIE<br />

KOC<br />

Riep, N.C.<br />

Rapportage: Evaluatie adaptatie / N.C. Riep. - Den Haag : Gedragswetenschappen, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 57 p. : tab. ; 30 cm<br />

GW-rapport <strong>08</strong>-042.<br />

Nazorg<br />

Militairen<br />

Defensie<br />

s8.2 RIE<br />

KOC<br />


Rivera, P.A.<br />

Problem-solving training for family caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injuries: a<br />

randomized controlled trial / P.A. Rivera...[et al.]<br />

In: Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation = ISSN 0003-9993: vol. 89 (20<strong>08</strong>),<br />

issue 5, page 931-941.<br />

Trainingen<br />

Mantelzorg<br />

Hersenletstel<br />

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that a problem-solving training program would lower<br />

depression, health complaints, and burden, and increase well-being reported by<br />

community-residing family caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).<br />

DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: General community. PARTICIPANTS:<br />

Of the 180 people who expressed interest in the study, 113 did not meet eligibility criteria.<br />

A consenting sample of family caregivers were randomized into a problem-solving training<br />

group (4 men, 29 women; average age, 51.3y) or an education-only control group (34<br />

women; average age, 50.8y). Care recipients included 26 men and 7 women in the<br />

intervention group (average age, 36.5y) and 24 men and 10 women in the control group<br />

(average age, 37.2y). INTERVENTION: Problem-solving training based on the D'Zurilla<br />

and Nezu social problem-solving model was provided to caregivers in the intervention<br />

group in 4 in-home sessions and 8 telephone follow-up calls over the course of their yearlong<br />

participation. Control group participants received written educational materials and<br />

telephone calls at set intervals throughout their 12 months of participation. MAIN<br />

OUTCOME MEASURES: Caregiver depression, health complaints, well-being, and social<br />

problem-solving abilities. RESULTS: Hierarchical linear models revealed caregivers<br />

receiving problem-solving training reported significant decreases in depression, health<br />

complaints, and in dysfunctional problem-solving styles over time. No effects were<br />

observed on caregiver well-being, burden, or constructive problem-solving styles.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Problem-solving training provided in the home appears to be effective in<br />

alleviating distress and in decreasing dysfunctional problem-solving styles among family<br />

caregivers of persons with TBI. Methodologic limitations and the implications for<br />

interventions and future research are discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Rizzo, A.A.<br />

Virtual Iraq: initial results from a VR exposure therapy application for combat-related<br />

PTSD / A.A. Rizzo...[et al.]<br />

In: Studies in health technology and informatics = ISSN 0926-9630: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 132,<br />

page 420-425.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Behandeling<br />

Virtual reality exposure (VRE)<br />

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by traumatic events that<br />

are outside the range of usual human experience including (but not limited to) military<br />

combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage and terrorist attacks.<br />

Initial data suggests that at least 1 out of 6 Iraq War veterans are exhibiting symptoms of<br />

depression, anxiety and PTSD. Virtual Reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for PTSD<br />

has been used with reports of positive outcomes. The aim of the current paper is to<br />

present the rationale and brief description of a Virtual Iraq PTSD VR therapy application<br />


and present initial findings from its use with PTSD patients. Thus far, Virtual Iraq consists<br />

of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle<br />

Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy<br />

environment. User-centered design feedback needed to iteratively evolve the system was<br />

gathered from returning Iraq War veterans in the USA and from a system deployed in Iraq<br />

and tested by an Army Combat Stress Control Team. Clinical trials are currently underway<br />

at Ft. Lewis, Camp Pendleton, Emory University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Walter<br />

Reed Army Medical Center, San Diego Naval Medical Center and 12 other sites.<br />

KOC<br />

Rombouts, B.<br />

Omgang met stressvolle gebeurtenissen: verschillen tussen veteranen van het Korps<br />

Mariniers & veteranen van andere krijgsmachtdelen in probleemgerichte en<br />

emotiegerichte coping / B. Rombouts en M. Tjon. - S.l. : [Rombouts, Tjon], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 44 p. :<br />

tab. ; 30 cm<br />

Masterprogramma Klinische Psychologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht.<br />

Stress<br />

Veteranen<br />

Korps Mariniers<br />

Coping<br />

s8.2 ROM<br />

KOC<br />

Rosen, Gerald M.<br />

Pseudo-PTSD / Gerald M. Rosen, Steven Taylor<br />

In: Journal of Anxiety Disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 2, page 201-210.<br />

Special issue on: Challenges to the PTSD construct and its database.<br />

PTSD<br />

Pseudo-PTSD (geveinsde PTSD)<br />

Simulatie<br />

Zelfverwonding<br />

Veteranen<br />

Psudo-posttraumatic stress disorder (Pseudo-PTSD) refers to cases in which patients<br />

presentation is but a simulation of the actual clinical syndrome. The problem of pseudo-<br />

PTSD has been neglected by many clinicians and researchers, who often rely on the<br />

assumption that a patients reported symptoms can be accepted as valid. The purpose of<br />

this article is to (a) consider the divers causes of Pseudo-PTSD, (b) emphasize the<br />

importance of the DSM-IVs guideline to rule out malingering, and (c) discuss the<br />

implications that pseudo-PTSD has for research and clinical practice.<br />

Ross, J.S.<br />

Use of recommended ambulatory care services: is the Veterans Affairs quality gap<br />

narrowing? / J.S. Ross...[et al.]<br />

In: Archives of internal medicine = ISSN 0003-9926: vol. 168 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 9, page 950-<br />

958.<br />

Kwaliteit<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Veterans Affairs medical centers (VAMCs)<br />

Evaluaties<br />


BACKGROUND: Veterans Affairs medical centers (VAMCs) provide better preventive and<br />

chronic disease care when compared with other health care organizations, although<br />

recent health care quality improvement initiatives outside the VAMC sector may have<br />

narrowed quality differences. METHODS: Using the nationally representative 2000 and<br />

2004 surveys of the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System, which included <strong>15</strong>2,310<br />

community-dwelling insured adults in 2000 and 251,570 in 2004, we compared selfreported<br />

use of 17 recommended ambulatory care services for cancer prevention,<br />

cardiovascular risk reduction, diabetes mellitus management, and infectious disease<br />

prevention among insured adults receiving and not receiving care at VAMCs. RESULTS:<br />

A total of 2852 insured adults (1.9%) received care at VAMCs in 2000 and 7<strong>15</strong>5 (2.4%)<br />

received care at VAMCs in 2004. Use of 9 of the 17 services was greater in 2004 when<br />

compared with 2000 (P < or = .05). In 2000, receiving VAMC care was associated with<br />

greater use of 6 of the 17 services; in 2004, receiving VAMC care was associated with<br />

greater use of 12 of the 17 services (P < or = .05). In 2004, greater use among these 12<br />

services ranged from 10% greater use of cholesterol screening to 40% greater use of<br />

colorectal cancer screening. For 13 of the 17 services, the likelihood of service use among<br />

adults receiving VAMC care when compared with adults not receiving VAMC care was not<br />

significantly different in 2004 than in 2000. However, this likelihood was significantly<br />

greater (for VAMC vs non-VAMC use) in 2004 than in 2000 for breast cancer screening<br />

(relative risk [RR], 1.21 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.<strong>15</strong>-1.25] vs 0.80 [95% CI, 0.58-<br />

0.98]; P < .001), dilated eye examination among adults with diabetes (RR, 1.12 [95% CI,<br />

1.07-1.<strong>15</strong>] vs 1.01 [95% CI, 0.88-1.09]; P = .04), and influenza (RR, 1.30 [95% CI, 1.24-<br />

1.36] vs 1.06 [95% CI, 0.89-1.21]; P = .006) and pneumococcal (RR, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.23-<br />

1.31] vs 1.04 [95% CI, 0.86-1.21]; P = .005) vaccinations. CONCLUSION: Despite<br />

increasing emphasis on quality of care and improved performance throughout the US<br />

health care system, adults receiving VAMC care remain more likely to receive<br />

recommended ambulatory care.<br />

KOC<br />

Sacks, M.B.<br />

Self-mutilative behaviors in male veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder / M.B.<br />

Sacks...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Psychiatric Research = ISSN 0022-3956: vol. 42 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 487-<br />

494.<br />

PTSD<br />

Zelfmutulatie<br />

Veteranen<br />

Self-mutilative behaviors (SMB) were examined in a sample of male veterans with<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The primary objective was to determine the<br />

prevalence of SMB and any physical, cognitive, or affective antecedents and correlates for<br />

these behaviors. Participants included 509 male veterans with PTSD and levels of PTSD,<br />

depression, alcohol use, hostility, and impulsivity were evaluated to determine if these<br />

variables were related to SMB. Antecedents and sequelae of SMB were also examined to<br />

generate hypotheses regarding the functions of these behaviors. A second type of habit<br />

behavior, body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB), was also examined as part of the<br />

study. Findings indicated that veterans who engaged in either type of habit behavior were<br />

younger than those who did not engage in SMB or BFRB. Veterans reporting SMB also<br />

reported higher levels of PTSD, depression, hostility, and impulsivity compared to the<br />

BFRB and no-habit groups. Examination of habit antecedents and sequelae showed<br />

support for the automatic-positive reinforcement function of SMB. These findings are<br />


discussed in the context of research and treatment involving male veterans with PTSD<br />

who engage in SMB.<br />

KOC<br />

Sarac-Hadzihalilovic, A.<br />

Stress, memory and Bosnian war veterans / A. Sarac-Hadzihalilovic, A. Kulenovic and A.<br />

Kucukalic<br />

In: Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences = ISSN <strong>15</strong>12-8601: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2,<br />

page 135-140.<br />

Stress<br />

Geheugen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Voormalig Joegoslavië<br />

The aim of this study was to analyze cognitive dysfunction in PTSD. The testing included<br />

79 Bosnian Army veterans, who participated in Bosnian war from 1992 to 1995. Out of 79<br />

tested war veterans, 45 of developed PTSD while 34 did not. The veterans without PTSD<br />

where included in the control group. All the war veterans were of the same education level<br />

(secondary education) and between 30 and 50 years of age. Rivermead Behavioral<br />

Memory Test - RBMT was applied to all the subjects. The test was originally developed for<br />

the purpose of everyday memory problems identification. Clear goal of the 10 RBMT<br />

subtests is simulation of everyday life situations. PTSD group achieved significantly lower<br />

results than the control group. Results of the total score showed highly significant<br />

difference between PTSD and control group. Value of the t-test is t=10,056 with<br />

significance level of p

environmental factors (36%, 42%, and 58%, respectively). After accounting for variance<br />

common to PTSD, no residual genetic and environmental variance overlapped between<br />

combat and ND, combat and AD, and combat and MD. Combat exposure is not<br />

independently associated with lifetime ND, AD, and MD. The association of combat<br />

exposure with these 3 disorders is due to genetic and unique environmental contributions<br />

in common with PTSD. These findings suggest comorbid PTSD may represent a<br />

genetically mediated vulnerability to psychopathology after trauma.<br />

KOC<br />

Schneiderman, A.I.<br />

Understanding sequelae of injury mechanisms and mild traumatic brain injury incurred<br />

during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: persistent postconcussive symptoms and<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder / A.I. Schneiderman, E.R. Braver and H.K. Kang<br />

In: American journal of epidemiology = ISSN 0002-9262: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Hersenletsel<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

A cross-sectional study of military personnel following deployment to conflicts in Iraq or<br />

Afghanistan ascertained histories of combat theater injury mechanisms and mild traumatic<br />

brain injury (TBI) and current prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and<br />

postconcussive symptoms. Associations among injuries, PTSD, and postconcussive<br />

symptoms were explored. In February 2005, a postal survey was sent to Iraq/Afghanistan<br />

veterans who had left combat theaters by September 2004 and lived in Maryland;<br />

Washington, DC; northern Virginia; and eastern West Virginia. Immediate neurologic<br />

symptoms postinjury were used to identify mild TBI. Adjusted prevalence ratios and 95%<br />

confidence intervals were computed by using Poisson regression. About 12% of 2,235<br />

respondents reported a history consistent with mild TBI, and 11% screened positive for<br />

PTSD. Mild TBI history was common among veterans injured by bullets/shrapnel, blasts,<br />

motor vehicle crashes, air/water transport, and falls. Factors associated with PTSD<br />

included reporting multiple injury mechanisms (prevalence ratio = 3.71 for three or more<br />

mechanisms, 95% confidence interval: 2.23, 6.19) and combat mild TBI (prevalence ratio<br />

= 2.37, 95% confidence interval: 1.72, 3.28). The strongest factor associated with<br />

postconcussive symptoms was PTSD, even after overlapping symptoms were removed<br />

from the PTSD score (prevalence ratio = 3.79, 95% confidence interval: 2.57, 5.59).<br />

KOC<br />

Schnurr, P.P.<br />

Physician-diagnosed medical disorders in relation to PTSD symptoms in older male<br />

military veterans / P.P. Schnurr, A Spiro III and A.H. Paris<br />

In: Health Psychology = ISSN 0278-6133: vol. 19 (2000), issue 1, page 91-97.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Veteranen<br />

Ouderen<br />

Huisartsen<br />

The association between physician-diagnosed medical disorders and combat-related<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms was examined in 605 male combat<br />


veterans of World War II and the Korean conflict. Physician exams were performed at<br />

periodic intervals beginning in the 1960s. PTSD symptoms were assessed in 1990. Cox<br />

regression was used to examine the onset of each of 12 disorder categories as a function<br />

of PTSD symptoms, controlling for age, smoking, alcohol use, and body weight at study<br />

entry. Even with control for these factors, PTSD symptoms were associated with<br />

increased onset of arterial, lower gastrointestinal, dermatologic, and musculoskeletal<br />

disorders. There was only weak evidence that PTSD mediated the effects of combat<br />

exposure on morbidity. Possible mediators of the relationship between combat exposure,<br />

PTSD, and physical morbidity are discussed.<br />

KOC<br />

Schoeman, J.R.<br />

Meer plicht dan passie: Nederland over zijn krijgsmacht en veteranen / J.R. Schoeman<br />

In: Militaire Spectator = ISSN 0026-3869: vol. 177 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 6, page 320-330.<br />

Publieke opinie<br />

Krijgsmacht<br />

Militairen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Nederland<br />

Wat zijn de opvattingen en beelden die Nederland heeft van zijn krijgsmacht, zijn militairen<br />

en zijn veteranen? Voor een deel blijken die opvattingen en beelden geruststellend<br />

rotsvast te zijn, maar voor een ander deel zijn ze zorgwekkend onjuist. Er is nadrukkelijk<br />

sprake van simplificering of misschien beter gezegd: stereotypering. De maatschappelijke<br />

opvattingen over veteranen in de loop der jaren worden opgelijnd en toegelicht. Wat is de<br />

relatie tussen een verminderde presentie van de krijgsmacht en ons collectieve denken?<br />

Ook wordt nagegaan welke plaats hedendaagse militairen en hun optreden hebben<br />

gekregen in de moderne populaire cultuur.<br />

KOC<br />

Schüssler, Bert<br />

Naar eer en geweten / door Bert Schüssler. - Diemen : De Bookmakers, 1998. - 242 p. :<br />

ill. ; 21 cm<br />

Ondertitel op omslag: Kroniek van een bewogen militair leven. - Auteursnaam op omslag:<br />

G.J. Schüssler.<br />

ISBN 90-804045-3-5 pbk.<br />

Militairen<br />

Nederlands-Indië<br />

Korea<br />

Suriname<br />

Veteranen<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Autobiografieën<br />

s3.4 SCH<br />

Servatius, R.J.<br />

Mild interoceptive stressors affect learning and reactivity to contextual cues: toward<br />

understanding the development of unexplained illnesses / R.J. Servatius and K.D. Beck<br />

In: Neuropsychopharmacology = ISSN <strong>08</strong>93-133X: vol. 30 (2005), issue 8, page 1483-<br />

1491.<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />


Golfoorlog-syndroom<br />

Psychofarmaca<br />

Muizenstudies<br />

Contextual learning is evident with repeated experiences with agents and treatments that<br />

induce frank illness and interoceptive stress. Here, we examined whether acute treatment<br />

with mild interoceptive stressors (low doses of pyridostigmine bromide (PB), neostigmine<br />

bromide (NB), and interleukin (IL)-1beta ) may serve as unconditional stimuli supporting<br />

contextual learning. Rats were exposed to interoceptive and exteroceptive stressors in<br />

contexts distinguished by visual or olfactory cues. Acoustic startle responses (ASRs) were<br />

measured the day following exposure and 2 weeks thereafter, without delivery of the<br />

unconditional stimuli. The appearance, form, and duration of startle potentiation depended<br />

on the distinguishing features of the context and the nature of the interoceptive stressor.<br />

Rats given cholinesterase inhibitors (PB and NB), but not IL-1beta or exposed to an<br />

exteroceptive stressor, exhibited exaggerated ASRs in a novel context distinguished by<br />

visual cues. Treatment with either PB or IL-1beta led to potentiated ASRs in the presence<br />

of odors congruent with those experiences during exposure to the stressor. Startle<br />

potentiation by odor was still apparent 2 weeks after treatment. For contexts differentiated<br />

by visual stimuli, cholinomimetics transiently alter reactivity within novel contexts. In the<br />

case of contexts differentiated by odors, learning is apparent at least 2 weeks after acute<br />

treatment of cholinomimetics and IL-1beta . Contextual learning and changes in reactivity<br />

consequent to mild interoceptive stressors such as PB may play a role in the development<br />

of nonspecific symptoms typical of unexplained illnesses, such as Gulf War Illness.<br />

KOC<br />

Shipherd, J.C.<br />

Veterans seeking treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder: what about comorbid<br />

chronic pain? / J.C. Shipherd...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of rehabilitation research and development = ISSN 0748-7711: vol. 44 (2007),<br />

issue 2, page <strong>15</strong>3-166.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Chronische pijn<br />

Comorbiditeit<br />

Behandeling<br />

Our primary aim was to document the rate of comorbidity of physician-diagnosed chronic<br />

pain conditions in veterans who were seeking treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder<br />

(PTSD). Chronic pain diagnoses (e.g., chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis) were<br />

examined with retrospective chart review. Of the patients with PTSD, 66% had chronic<br />

pain diagnoses at pretreatment. These findings are consistent with previous studies that<br />

documented the high comorbidity of chronic pain and PTSD using samples of pain<br />

patients. Our secondary aim was to examine pain ratings before, during, and after PTSD<br />

treatment. Using data that were a part of clinical practice, we found that patients with more<br />

pain before treatment reported reductions in pain over the course of PTSD treatment and<br />

in the 4 months following treatment. While our results must be interpreted cautiously<br />

because of multiple confounding factors and the absence of experimental manipulation,<br />

they highlight the importance of PTSD and pain comorbidity.<br />

KOC<br />


Shriver, T.E.<br />

Managing the uncertainties of Gulf War illness: the challenges of living with contested<br />

illness / T.E. Shriver and D.D. Waskul<br />

In: Symbolic Interaction = ISSN 0195-6<strong>08</strong>6: vol. 29 (2006), issue 4, page 465-486.<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpzoekgedrag<br />

Interviews<br />

Based on observation and in-depth interviews with fifty-five respondents, we provide a<br />

detailed analysis of the Gulf War illness experience. All chronically ill people experience<br />

troublesome physical symptoms, but most reasonably expect to receive medical answers<br />

and treatment, in addition to the support of family, friends, employers, and coworkers. This<br />

research addresses a circumstance where neither sick people nor the medical<br />

establishment has clear answers to the basic etiology and treatment of illness.<br />

Consequently, many veterans endure doubt, threats to their credibility, and intensified<br />

stigma. The resulting ambiguity and stigma initiate efforts to redefine and renegotiate the<br />

illness experience. Drawing heavily from the thick descriptions provided by Gulf War<br />

veterans and their spouses, we document assaults on the physical body, emotional<br />

stability, social status, and selfhood, as well as negative effects on social relations. We<br />

also examine how institutional barriers influence the contested illness experience.<br />

KOC<br />

Shriver, T.E.<br />

Women's work: women's involvement in the Gulf War Illness movement / T.E. Shriver,<br />

A.C. Miller and S. Cable<br />

In: Sociological Quarterly = ISSN 0038-0253: vol. 44 (2003), issue 4, page 639-658.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Lotgenotencontact<br />

Vrouwen<br />

Interviews<br />

Sociologie<br />

We use in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis to examine<br />

women's involvement in the Gulf War Illness movement. We find that women's cumulative<br />

grievances of health concerns, financial hardships, and emotional problems opened them<br />

to movement recruitment as they surfed the Internet for information and support. The<br />

movement's division of labor was influenced not by gender but by health status. Women<br />

used the Internet to provide medical information and emotional support to geographically<br />

dispersed veterans. Activism transformed women activists by endowing them with a sense<br />

of empowerment and a somewhat broadened concern for social justice. Although their<br />

transformations disposed the women to become active on related issues, it did not extend<br />

to concerns about gender discrimination. We suggest that the next research step is to<br />

investigate gender differences in movement processes by surveying activists across a<br />

variety of movements to test propositions and to identify the characteristics of other social<br />

contexts that structurally instigate a departure from traditional gender roles.<br />

KOC<br />


Sillanpaa, M.C.<br />

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 validity patterns: An elucidation of gulf war<br />

syndrome / M.C. Sillanpaa, L.M. Agar and B.N. Axelrod<br />

In: Military Medicine = ISSN 0026-4075: vol. 164 (1999), issue 1, page 261-263.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)<br />

Evaluated the potential effects of psychological distress on physical symptoms observed<br />

in 48 Persian Gulf War veterans (aged 21-56 yrs) using a neuropsychological evaluation<br />

that included personality assessment. Cluster analysis of the validity scales resulted in a<br />

solution with 2 viable subgroups. Members of cluster 1 had significantly higher scores on 5<br />

MMPI-2 clinical scales, a measure of trait anxiety, and a number of subjective complaints,<br />

including lower scores on a task of attention. Neuropsychological functioning did not<br />

otherwise differ between the groups. Contributions of personality style in coping with<br />

physical and mental health stressors were indicated. Experience of distress appeared to<br />

be attributable to individual differences rather than factors that have been associated with<br />

the elusive Gulf War syndrome. It is suggested that Persian Gulf War veterans' emotional<br />

reactions to clinical laboratory findings, perceptions of exposure risks, war experience,<br />

and stress may represent a variation of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).<br />

KOC<br />

Solomon, Z.<br />

The contribution of stressful life events throughout the life cycle to combat-induced<br />

psychopathology / Z. Solomon...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of Traumatic Stress = ISSN <strong>08</strong>94-9867: vol. 21 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 3, page 318-325.<br />

PTSD<br />

Levensgebeurtenissen<br />

Veteranen<br />

Israël<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

This study examines the contribution of prewar life events, war exposure, and postwar life<br />

events to combat-induced psychopathology among 425 Israeli War veterans from the<br />

Lebanon War. Data was collected at two time points (1983 and 2002). The sample<br />

included veterans with and without combat stress reaction (CSR). Battle intensity and<br />

subjective experience of risk in war were associated with CSR. Negative childhood life<br />

events, CSR, PTSD in 1983 and postwar negative life events were associated with PTSD<br />

in 2002. Furthermore, a path analysis revealed that CSR mediated the relation between<br />

battle intensity and PTSD in 2002. Our findings suggest that stressful life events<br />

throughout the life cycle contribute significantly to veterans' posttraumatic<br />

symptomatology, above and beyond combat exposure.<br />

KOC<br />

Spaulding, D.J.<br />

Gulf War Syndrome: are campus health officials prepared to cope with Persian Gulf<br />

veterans? / D.J. Spaulding<br />

In: College Student Journal = ISSN 0146-3934: vol. 31 (1997), issue 3, page 317-322.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Hulpverleners<br />


Beleid<br />

The Department of Defense is undergoing a large reduction-in-force because of the<br />

closure of the Cold War. This downsizing, or drawdown as they term it within the defense<br />

establishment, is resulting in and will result in an increase in college enrollment as many<br />

of these former soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and women head for<br />

the college campus. Many of these former military personnel are veterans of the Gulf War.<br />

While the evidence is still not fully conclusive, many of these potential students claim to<br />

suffer from a mysterious illness termed Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). Are campus health<br />

officials, medical and psychological, prepared to treat these veterans? The authors<br />

surveyed 98 campus health officials to determine whether student-veterans with GWS can<br />

expect and obtain the health care necessary to enable them to complete their higher<br />

education. About one-half indicated that clinic personnel were not familiar with symptoms<br />

of GWS. The remaining institutions indicated "familiar." None indicated "extremely<br />

familiar." It is concluded that universities and colleges seem ill-prepared to treat and refer<br />

students who complain or may yet report symptoms associated with GWS.<br />

Recommendations are offered.<br />

KOC<br />

Spiegel, D.<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder: medicine or politics (not both) / D. Spiegel and E.<br />

Vermetten<br />

In: Lancet = ISSN 0140-6736: vol. 369 (2007), issue 9556, page 992.<br />

PTSD<br />

Maatschappij<br />

Beleid<br />

KOC<br />

Stein, D.J.<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder: medicine and politics / D.J. Stein...[et al.]<br />

In: Lancet = ISSN 0140-6736: vol. 369 (2007), issue 9556, page 139-144.<br />

PTSD<br />

Maatschappij<br />

Beleid<br />

Overzichtsartikel<br />

Regrettably, exposure to trauma is common worldwide, and can have serious adverse<br />

psychological results. The introduction of the notion of post-traumatic stress disorder has<br />

led to increasing medicalisation of the problem. This awareness has helped popular<br />

acceptance of the reality of post-traumatic psychiatric sequelae, which has boosted<br />

research into the pathogenesis of the disorder, leading to improved pharmacological and<br />

psychological management. The subjective experience of trauma and subsequent<br />

expression of symptoms vary considerably over space and time, and we emphasise that<br />

not all psychological distress or psychiatric disorders after trauma should be termed posttraumatic<br />

stress disorder. There are limits to the medicalisation of distress and there is<br />

value in focusing on adaptive coping during and after traumas. Striking a balance between<br />

a focus on heroism and resilience versus victimhood and pathological change is a crucial<br />

and constant issue after trauma for both clinicians and society. In this review we discuss<br />

the advantages and disadvantages of medicalising trauma response, using examples from<br />

South Africa, the Armed Services, and post-disaster, to draw attention to our argument.<br />

KOC<br />


Stein, H.H.<br />

Combat veterans: impressions of an analytic observer in a non-analytic setting / H.H.<br />

Stein<br />

In: The journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry =<br />

ISSN <strong>15</strong>46-0371: vol. 35 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 4, page 575-589.<br />

Psychotrauma<br />

Veteranen<br />

Psychoanalyse<br />

The hallmark presentation of combat trauma-nightmares, waking hallucinations, intrusive<br />

traumatic memories, and extreme affective reactions to environmental triggers-may best<br />

be conceptualized as part of an adaptive mechanism intended to protect the individual<br />

against a repetition of trauma. Combat veterans continuously must cope with the extreme<br />

affects that combat induced. Fear, rage, guilt, and grief predominate. Their mental and<br />

emotional life is complicated by a conscience split between war zone and civilian morality<br />

and by the special group dynamics of combat. Optimal clinical understanding of combatrelated<br />

trauma, whether in a psychoanalytic or general mental health setting, requires an<br />

awareness of the interaction of the personal dynamics of each individual with the specific<br />

characteristics of their combat situation.<br />

KOC<br />

Stein, P.K.<br />

Sex effects on heart rate variability in fibromyalgia and Gulf War illness / P.K. Stein...[et<br />

al.]<br />

In: Arthritis & Rheumatism: Arthritis Care & Research = ISSN 0004-3591: vol. 51 (2004),<br />

issue 5, page 700-7<strong>08</strong>.<br />

Fibromyalgie<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Sekseverschillen<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

Objective: To investigate autonomic abnormalities in male and female fibromyalgia (FM)<br />

and Gulf War illness (GWI) patients by comparing heart rate variability (HRV) with that of<br />

age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Methods: Subjects included 26 (19 women, 7<br />

men) with FM, 11 (6 men, 5 women) with GWI, and 36 (18 men, 18 women) healthy<br />

controls. HRV was determined from Holter recordings obtained in the Clinical Research<br />

Center. Analysis of variance compared 24-hour, daytime, and nighttime HRV by sex within<br />

groups and by group within sex. Results: In women with FM or GWI, HRV was<br />

significantly lower than in men with FM or GWI. HRV was similar in male and female<br />

controls. When HRV was compared by group within sex, HRV was significantly decreased<br />

in women with FM or GWI and no significant differences were seen for men with these<br />

conditions. Conclusion: Decreased HRV in FM and GWI appears to be sex dependent.<br />

Results suggest that different mechanisms may be operative in symptom expression in<br />

men and women with this spectrum of illness.<br />

KOC<br />

Stetler, C.B.<br />

An organizational framework and strategic implementation for system-level change to<br />

enhance research-based practice: QUERI Series / C.B. Stetler...[et al.]<br />

In: Implementation science = ISSN 1748-59<strong>08</strong>: vol. 3 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1 (may), page 30.<br />

Evidence-based medicine<br />

Veteranen<br />


Hulpverlening<br />

U.S. Veterans Health Administration (VA)<br />

BACKGROUND: The continuing gap between available evidence and current practice in<br />

health care reinforces the need for more effective solutions, in particular related to<br />

organizational context. Considerable advances have been made within the U.S. Veterans<br />

Health Administration (VA) in systematically implementing evidence into practice. These<br />

advances have been achieved through a system-level program focused on collaboration<br />

and partnerships among policy makers, clinicians, and researchers. The Quality<br />

Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) was created to generate research-driven<br />

initiatives that directly enhance health care quality within the VA and, simultaneously,<br />

contribute to the field of implementation science. This paradigm-shifting effort provided a<br />

natural laboratory for exploring organizational change processes. This article describes<br />

the underlying change framework and implementation strategy used to operationalize<br />

QUERI. Strategic approach to organizational change QUERI used an evidence-based<br />

organizational framework focused on three contextual elements: 1) cultural norms and<br />

values, in this case related to the role of health services researchers in evidence-based<br />

quality improvement; 2) capacity, in this case among researchers and key partners to<br />

engage in implementation research; 3) and supportive infrastructures to reinforce<br />

expectations for change and to sustain new behaviors as part of the norm. As part of a<br />

QUERI Series in Implementation Science, this article describes the framework's<br />

application in an innovative integration of health services research, policy, and clinical<br />

care delivery. CONCLUSION: QUERI's experience and success provide a case study in<br />

organizational change. It demonstrates that progress requires a strategic, systems-based<br />

effort. QUERI's evidence-based initiative involved a deliberate cultural shift, requiring<br />

ongoing commitment in multiple forms and at multiple levels. VA's commitment to QUERI<br />

came in the form of visionary leadership, targeted allocation of resources, infrastructure<br />

refinements, innovative peer review and study methods, and direct involvement of key<br />

stakeholders. Stakeholders included both those providing and managing clinical care, as<br />

well as those producing relevant evidence within the health care system. The<br />

organizational framework and related implementation interventions used to achieve<br />

contextual change resulted in engaged investigators and enhanced uptake of research<br />

knowledge. QUERI's approach and progress provide working hypotheses for others<br />

pursuing similar system-wide efforts to routinely achieve evidence-based care.<br />

KOC<br />

Storzbach, D.<br />

Psychological differences between veterans with and without Gulf War unexplained<br />

symptoms / D. Storzbach...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychosomatic Medicine = ISSN 0033-3174: vol. 62 (2000), issue 5, page 726-735.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Assessed measures of psychological and neurobehavioral functioning to determine their<br />

association with unexplained symptoms in Gulf War veterans. Persistent symptoms with<br />

no medical explanation associated with service in the Persian Gulf (e.g., fatigue, muscle<br />

pain, and memory deficits) that began during or after the war qualified respondents as<br />

cases. The 241 veterans (mean age 34.3 yrs) with unexplained symptoms were classified<br />

as case Ss, and the 113 veterans without symptoms were classified as control Ss. All<br />

veterans completed a battery of computerized assessment tests consisting of 12<br />


psychosocial and 6 neurobehavioral tests. Case Ss differed substantially and consistently<br />

from control Ss on diverse psychological tests in the direction of increased distress and<br />

psychiatric symptoms. Case Ss had small but statistically significant deficits relative to<br />

control Ss on some neurobehavioral tests of memory, attention, and response speed. The<br />

results revealed that Gulf War veterans who report symptoms associated with that conflict<br />

differed on multiple psychological measures in the direction of increased distress and<br />

performed more poorly on neurobehavioral measures when compared with control Ss who<br />

did not report symptoms.<br />

KOC<br />

Sullivan, G.<br />

Translating clinical training into practice in complex mental health systems: toward<br />

opening the 'Black Box' of implementation / G. Sullivan, D. Blevins and M.R. Kauth<br />

In: Implementation science = ISSN 1748-59<strong>08</strong>: (20<strong>08</strong>) (jun), page 33.<br />

Trainingen<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Veteranen<br />

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Implementing clinical training in a complex health care<br />

system is challenging. This report describes two successive trainings programs in one<br />

Veterans Affairs healthcare network and the lessons we drew from their success and<br />

failures. The first training experience led us to appreciate the value of careful<br />

implementation planning while the second suggested that use of an external facilitator<br />

might be an especially effective implementation component. We also describe a third<br />

training intervention in which we expect to more rigorously test our hypothesis regarding<br />

the value of external facilitation. RESULTS: Our experiences appear to be consonant with<br />

the implementation model proposed by Fixsen. In this paper we offer a modified version of<br />

the Fixsen model with separate components related to training and implementation.<br />

CONCLUSION: This report further reinforces what others have noted, namely that<br />

educational interventions intended to change clinical practice should employ a multilevel<br />

approach if patients are to truly benefit from new skills gained by clinicians. We utilize an<br />

implementation research model to illustrate how the aims of the second intervention were<br />

realized and sustained over the 12-month follow-up period, and to suggest directions for<br />

future implementation research. The present report attests to the validity of, and<br />

contributes to, the emerging literature on implementation research.<br />

KOC<br />

Swoboda, D.A.<br />

The social construction of contested illness legitimacy: a grounded theory analysis / D.A.<br />

Swoboda<br />

In: Qualitative Research in Psychology = ISSN 1478-<strong>08</strong>87: vol. 3 (2006), issue 3, page<br />

233-251.<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten (OLK)<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpzoekgedrag<br />

Interviews<br />

This study examines the social influences that shape how individuals come to believe they<br />

have a contested illness and the explanations of illness legitimacy that result. Chronic<br />

fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, and Gulf War syndrome have all been<br />

identified as contested illnesses because their etiology, diagnosis, and prevalence are<br />


controversial. Narratives from in-depth interviews with 22 individuals who identified<br />

themselves as having these illnesses were analysed using a grounded theory approach.<br />

Findings indicate that claiming medical legitimacy for a contested illness involves a difficult<br />

and protracted process in which sufferers develop social representations of the etiology,<br />

diagnostic criteria, trajectory, and treatment of their illnesses. Study results shed light on<br />

the role of sufferers in the social construction of the medical and cultural legitimacy of<br />

emerging illnesses.<br />

KOC<br />

Tan, E.C.T.H.<br />

Twee medische specialisten op missie in Uruzgan / E.C.T.H. Tan en M. Bussink<br />

In: Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift = ISSN 0369-4844: vol. 61 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

4, page 117-120.<br />

Medisch personeel<br />

Militairen<br />

Uruzgan<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Gedurende de periode 3 juni t/m 1 augustus 2007 waren de auteurs, samen met twee OKassistenten<br />

en een anesthesiemedewerker uit Nijmegen, twee IC-verpleegkundigen uit<br />

Den Haag, een radiodiagnostisch laborant uit Utrecht en een analist uit Leiden, als<br />

medisch specialistisch team werkzaam in het ziekenhuis van Kamp Holland. De medische<br />

teams bieden waar nodig medisch specialistische zorg aan zowel Nederlandse militairen,<br />

leden van de coalitietroepen, milities van de Afghan National Police of de Afghan National<br />

Army, leden van de Opposing Military Forces (Talibanstrijders) en Afghaanse burgers.<br />

KOC<br />

Tantau, C.<br />

Commentary on VanDeusen Lukas et al's "Implementation of a clinical innovation":<br />

improving implementation strategies for clinical innovations / C. Tantau<br />

In: The Journal of ambulatory care management = ISSN 0148-9917: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

2, page 109-110.<br />

Gezondheidszorg<br />

Veteranen<br />

Innovaties<br />

Beleid<br />

The ability to successfully implement clinical innovation is a significant and critical<br />

challenge for all healthcare organizations. The Department of Veterans Affairs has<br />

provided insight into isolating those factors that are most strongly associated with<br />

successful implementation. Using their experience with spreading advanced clinic access<br />

to multiple clinics at multiple sites, they were able to study key components of successful<br />

implementation in a variety of settings. Advanced clinic access is a complex set of<br />

principles that require widespread involvement and support. The goal of advanced clinic<br />

access is to dramatically reduce waits and delays for appointments. In using this particular<br />

example to study, the VA provided a rigorous case study.<br />

KOC<br />

Tate, S.R.<br />

Health problems of substance-dependent veterans with and those without trauma history /<br />

S.R. Tate...[et al.]<br />


In: Journal of substance abuse treatment = ISSN 0740-5472: vol. 33 (2007), issue 1, page<br />

25-35.<br />

PTSD<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Drugsmisbruik<br />

Veteranen<br />

Vergelijkend onderzoek<br />

Substance use disorders (SUDs) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are<br />

associated with an increased risk for health problems. We examined whether trauma<br />

history and PTSD were related to physical health in patients with an SUD. We compared<br />

health stressors, health service utilization, and self-rated health status in three groups of<br />

male veterans receiving SUD treatment: (1) no trauma exposure (SUD-only group), n =<br />

55; (2) with PTSD (SUD-PTSD group), n = 32; and (3) trauma exposure without PTSD<br />

(SUD-trauma group), n = 34. The veterans were assessed quarterly for 1 year. Groups<br />

differed in their likelihood of experiencing chronic health stressors at all time points. The<br />

SUD-only group consistently had the lowest rates of chronic health stressors, the SUD-<br />

PTSD group had the highest rates, and the SUD-trauma group fell in between. In contrast,<br />

groups did not differ in rates of acute health problems. Chronic health stressors appear to<br />

be associated with trauma exposure and psychologic response to the trauma. Substance<br />

use disorder interventions may benefit from incorporation of primary care services.<br />

KOC<br />

Tiersky, L.A.<br />

Functional status and mood in Persian Gulf veterans with unexplained fatiguing illness /<br />

L.A. Tiersky...[et al.]<br />

In: Military Psychology = ISSN <strong>08</strong>99-5605: vol. 12 (2000), issue 4, page 233-248.<br />

Gezondheid<br />

Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

In this investigation, the effects of unexplained fatiguing illness and psychiatric disturbance<br />

on functional status and quality of life in Gulf War veterans (GWVs) was examined. 29<br />

GWVs with unexplained fatigue (K. Fukuda et al., 1994) and an Axis I psychiatric<br />

diagnosis (mean age 34.8 yrs), 19 GWVs with fatigue and no Axis I psychiatric disorder<br />

(mean age 35.5 yrs), and 45 healthy GWVs (mean age 34.1 yrs) were evaluated.<br />

Measures included the SF-36, the Profile of Mood States, the Multi-Dimensional Fatigue<br />

Inventory, and a symptom severity scale. GWVs with unexplained fatigue suffered from<br />

significant functional decline and decreased well-being in all spheres, relative to healthy<br />

GWVs. Veterans with comorbid psychiatric illnesses demonstrated the most impaired<br />

functioning on measures of life quality that emphasized psychological well-being, but they<br />

did not demonstrate reduced physical functioning relative to other fatigued veterans. Thus,<br />

reduced physical functioning and well-being in GWVs cannot be attributed to psychiatric<br />

disturbance but seems to result from unexplained fatiguing illness.<br />

KOC<br />

Toomey, R.<br />

Invited commentary: how healthy is the "healthy warrior"? / R. Toomey<br />

In: American journal of epidemiology = ISSN 0002-9262: vol. 167 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 11, page<br />

1277-1280.<br />

Gezondheid<br />


Militairen<br />

Mariniers<br />

Irak<br />

Operation Enduring Freedom<br />

Epidemiologie<br />

In this issue of the Journal, Larson et al. (Am J Epidemiol 20<strong>08</strong>;167:1269-1276) report<br />

incidence rates of 11.8% for any mental disorder and 1.6% for post-traumatic stress<br />

disorder among US Marines deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation<br />

Enduring Freedom. Various methodological reasons can help explain why these rates are<br />

lower than those found in previous wars. One primary reason is varying methods of<br />

diagnosis. Other reasons include differences in percentages of active-duty personnel,<br />

windows of observation, and methods of calculating rates. In addition, comorbidity for<br />

some mental disorders and specific risks for developing certain disorders complicate<br />

interpretation of rates. Nevertheless, Larson et al. document evidence for the "healthy<br />

warrior" effect-namely that deployed Marines have fewer mental disorders than<br />

nondeployed Navy and Marine Corps personnel, with the exception of stress disorders.<br />

Suggestions are made for directions of future research into this effect.<br />

KOC<br />

Tussenbroek, B. van<br />

Beleven en verwerken van oorlog: Deh Rawod juli-december 2007, door de ogen van de<br />

psycholoog / B. van Tussenbroek<br />

In: Carré = ISSN 0165-7437: vol. 31 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 5, page 14-17.<br />

Nazorg<br />

Militairen<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Persoonlijke ervaringen<br />

Hulpverleners<br />

Hoe reageer je op een plotselinge omslag van wederopbouw naar vechten? Je kwam toch<br />

om op te bouwen? Hoe leer je van teleurstellingen, oplossingen en succes? Hoe ga je om<br />

met de voortdurende dreiging? Waar vind je kracht als je nauwelijks kan rusten? Een<br />

ervaringsverhaal uit Deh Rawod, de laatste maanden van 2007, geeft antwoorden.<br />

KOC<br />

Utter, G.H.<br />

Microchimerism decades after transfusion among combat-injured US veterans from the<br />

Vietnam, Korean, and World War II conflicts / G.H. Utter...[et al.]<br />

In: Transfusion = ISSN 0041-1132: (20<strong>08</strong>) (may).<br />

Bloedtransfusies<br />

Militairen<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Korea<br />

Vietnam<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

BACKGROUND: Blood transfusion after traumatic injury can result in microchimerism<br />

(MC) of donor white cells (WBCs) in the recipient as late as 2 to 3 years postinjury, the<br />

longest prospective follow-up to date. The purpose of this study was to determine how<br />

long transfusion-associated MC lasts after traumatic injury. STUDY DESIGN AND<br />

METHODS: A group of US combat veterans who received transfusions who responded to<br />

a recruitment notice was retrospectively evaluated. Their blood was sampled, and MC was<br />


assessed by quantitative allele-specific polymerase chain reaction detection of differences<br />

at the HLA-DR locus or a panel of insertion-deletion polymorphism loci. Results of<br />

veterans were compared to those from an age- and gender-matched blood donor control<br />

group, from whom WBCs were retrieved from leukoreduction filters. RESULTS: Among<br />

163 combat veterans who received transfusion and <strong>15</strong>0 control subjects who did not<br />

receive transfusions, 16 (9.8%) of the veterans and 1 (0.7%) control subject had evidence<br />

of MC (relative risk, 14.7; 95% confidence interval, 2.0-110). The veterans with MC<br />

included 3 who served in WWII (7% of subjects from that conflict), 5 in Korea (18%), and 6<br />

in Vietnam (7%). CONCLUSIONS: Transfusion for combat-related injury can result in MC<br />

that lasts for 60 years, suggesting that it may involve permanent engraftment. MC is rare<br />

among male blood donors who did not receive transfusions, who are probably<br />

representative of individuals who have not had postnatal allogeneic exposures.<br />

KOC<br />

Verret, C.<br />

Reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes among French gulf war veterans / C.<br />

Verret...[et al.]<br />

In: BMC public health = ISSN 1471-2458: vol. 8 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 141.<br />

Golfoorlogsyndroom<br />

Golfoorlog-veteranen<br />

Geboorteafwijkingen<br />

Frankrijk<br />

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Since 1993, many studies on the health of Persian Gulf<br />

War veterans (PGWVs) have been undertaken. Some authors have concluded that an<br />

association exists between Gulf War service and reported infertility or miscarriage, but that<br />

effects on PGWV's children were limited. The present study's objective was to describe<br />

the reproductive outcome and health of offspring of French Gulf War veterans.<br />

METHODS: The French Study on the Persian Gulf War (PGW) and its Health<br />

Consequences is an exhaustive cross-sectional study on all French PGWVs conducted<br />

from 2002 to 2004. Data were collected by postal self-administered questionnaire. A casecontrol<br />

study nested in this cohort was conducted to evaluate the link between PGWrelated<br />

exposures and fathering a child with a birth defect. RESULTS: In the present<br />

study, 9% of the 5,666 Gulf veterans who participated reported fertility disorders, and 12%<br />

of male veterans reported at least one miscarriage among their partners after the PGW.<br />

Overall, 4.2% of fathers reported at least one child with a birth defect conceived after the<br />

mission. No PGW-related exposure was associated with any birth defect in children<br />

fathered after the PGW mission. Concerning the reported health of children born after the<br />

PGW, 1.0% of children presented a pre-term delivery and 2.7% a birth defect. The main<br />

birth defects reported were musculoskeletal malformations (0.5%) and urinary system<br />

malformations (0.3%). Birth defect incidence in PGWV children conceived after the<br />

mission was similar to birth defect incidence described by the Paris Registry of Congenital<br />

Malformations, except for Down syndrome (PGWV children incidence was lower than<br />

Registry incidence.) CONCLUSIONS: This study did not highlight a high frequency of<br />

fertility disorders or miscarriage among French PGW veterans. We found no evidence for<br />

a link between paternal exposure during the Gulf War and increased risk of birth defects<br />

among French PGWV children.<br />

KOC<br />


Vogt, D.S.<br />

Validation of scales from the Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory in a sample of<br />

Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans / D.S. Vogt...[et al.]<br />

In: Assessment = ISSN 1073-1911: (20<strong>08</strong>) (apr).<br />

Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory (DRRI)<br />

Validaties<br />

Veteranen<br />

Irak<br />

The Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory (DRRI) is a suite of scales that can be<br />

used to assess deployment-related factors implicated in the health and well-being of<br />

military veterans. Although initial evidence for the reliability and validity of DRRI scales<br />

based on Gulf War veteran samples is encouraging, evidence with respect to a more<br />

contemporary cohort of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans is not available.<br />

Therefore, the primary goal of the present study was to validate scales from the DRRI in a<br />

large sample of OIF army personnel diversified in occupational and demographic<br />

characteristics. In general, results supported the use of these DRRI scales in this<br />

population. Internal consistency reliability estimates were quite strong. Additionally,<br />

support was obtained for criterion-related validity, as demonstrated by associations with<br />

mental and physical health measures, and discriminative validity, as demonstrated by<br />

differences between key military subgroups.<br />

KOC<br />

Wahab, M.A.<br />

Elevated chromosome translocation frequencies in New Zealand nuclear test veterans /<br />

M.A. Wahab...[et al.]<br />

In: Cytogenetic and genome research = ISSN 1424-8581: vol. 121 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page<br />

79-87.<br />

Nucleaire tests<br />

Straling<br />

Veteranen<br />

Nieuw Zeeland<br />

In 1957/58 the British Government conducted a series of nuclear tests in the mid-Pacific<br />

codenamed Operation Grapple, which involved several naval vessels from Britain and<br />

New Zealand. Two New Zealand frigates with 551 personnel onboard were stationed at<br />

various distances between 20 and <strong>15</strong>0 nautical miles from ground zero. In the present<br />

study we applied the cytomolecular technique mFISH (multicolour fluorescent in situ<br />

hybridisation) to investigate a potential link between chromosome abnormalities and<br />

possible past radiation exposure in New Zealand nuclear test veterans who participated in<br />

Operation Grapple. Compared to age matched controls, the veterans showed significantly<br />

higher (P < 0.0001) frequencies of chromosomal abnormalities (275 translocations and 12<br />

dicentrics in 9,360 cells vs. 96 translocations and 1 dicentric in 9,548 cells in the controls),<br />

in addition to a significant excess of CCRs (complex chromosomal rearrangements) in the<br />

veterans. A Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test showed that the distributions of translocations for<br />

the two groups were significantly different.<br />

KOC<br />

Watson, P.B.<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in the files of Australian servicemen hospitalized<br />

in 1942-1952/ P.B. Watson and B. Daniels<br />

In: Australasian psychiatry = ISSN 1039-8562: vol. 16 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 13-17.<br />


PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Australië<br />

OBJECTIVE: To investigate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology in<br />

servicemen hospitalized 1942-1952. METHOD: Hospital files of servicemen (n = 590)<br />

were studied and PTSD symptoms in groups, based on service experience, were<br />

compared. RESULTS: Based on their hospital files, 19% of servicemen were classified as<br />

having partial PTSD. No full cases of PTSD were identified, due primarily to the small<br />

number of recorded avoidance symptoms and the limited information in relation to the<br />

stressor criterion. Prisoners of war had the highest reported avoidance and lowest<br />

intrusive symptoms compared with other combatants. CONCLUSIONS: PTSD symptoms<br />

may have been common during and after World War II. At that time avoidance was not<br />

considered a symptom of disorder. Intrusive and arousal symptoms may be the core<br />

symptoms of PTSD and avoidance symptoms need to be reconsidered.<br />

KOC<br />

Westermeyer, J.<br />

Reliability of sleep log data versus actigraphy in veterans with sleep disturbance and<br />

PTSD / J. Westermeyer...[et al.]<br />

In: Journal of anxiety disorders = ISSN <strong>08</strong>87-6185: vol. 21 (2007), issue 7, page 966-975.<br />

Slaapstoornissen<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

The goal of the study was to assess inter-rater reliability of the daily sleep log (a selfrating)<br />

with actigraphy (an objective measure of sleep based on activity) in veterans with<br />

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This analysis focused on time asleep and number<br />

of awakenings during bedtime. Study participants consisted of 21 veterans with a lifetime<br />

diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and current sleep disturbance symptoms. Data<br />

collection included study participants' daily charting of sleep logs and actigraphy (utilizing<br />

study participants' activity level). Data analysis included the following: (1) interrater<br />

reliability for the tabulation of self-reported sleep logs by two trained raters using 99 nights<br />

of sleep from 10 cases; (2) comparison of sleep log data versus actigraphic findings for<br />

sleep time during 241 bedtimes; (3) comparison of sleep log data versus actigraphic<br />

findings for awakenings during 241 bedtimes. Findings showed that the two raters had<br />

intraclass correlation scores of .801 for time spent asleep and .602 for time spent in bedacceptable<br />

scores for tabulation of the sleep logs. Comparison of patients' sleep logs<br />

versus actigraphy for 241 nights showed that 10 out of 21 study participants had<br />

acceptable intraclass correlations of 0.4 or above for duration of sleep. However, sleep<br />

logs and actigraphic data on number of sleep awakenings showed poor intraclass<br />

correlation, with only 1 subject having an intraclass correlation greater than .30. In<br />

conclusion, these data strongly suggest that sleep logs do not reproduce actigraphic<br />

records in patients with PTSD even though the sleep logs were reliably quantified. Sleep<br />

logs especially under-count awakenings in PTSD patients with sleep complaints.<br />

KOC<br />

Williams Jr., J.W.<br />

Serving the health needs of our military and veterans / J.W. Williams Jr.<br />

In: North Carolina medical journal = ISSN 0029-2559: vol. 69 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 23-26.<br />

Veteranen<br />


Hulpverlening<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)<br />

North Carolina<br />

Beleid<br />

KOC<br />

Wind Wardell, D.<br />

Commentary on "a spiritually based group intervention for combat veterans with<br />

posttraumatic stress disorder: feasability study" / D. Wind Wardell<br />

In: Journal of holistic nursing = ISSN <strong>08</strong>98-0101: vol. 26 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 2, page 117-118.<br />

PTSD<br />

Veteranen<br />

Behandeling<br />

Groepstherapie<br />

Spiritualiteit<br />

KOC<br />

Wissel, M.J.M. de<br />

Lichamelijk letsel door gevechtshandelingen bij Nederlandse militairen in de jaren 1992-<br />

2007: een retrospectief onderzoek naar militaire revalidatiezorg / M.J.M. de Wissel, A. van<br />

der Meer, W.J. Wertheim en P. van der Wurff<br />

In: Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift = ISSN 0369-4844: vol. 61 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue<br />

4, page 134-138.<br />

Gewonden<br />

Militairen<br />

Nederland<br />

Revalidatie<br />

Achtergrond en doel: Nederlandse militairen die uitgezonden worden, lopen het risico<br />

ernstig gewond te raken door gevechtshandelingen. Een deel van deze gewonde<br />

militairen heeft revalidatiezorg nodig en wordt behandeld in het Militair Revalidatie<br />

Centrum 'Aardenburg' (MRC) in Doorn. Het doel van dit onderzoek is een beschrijving te<br />

geven van deze patiënten en de militaire revalidatiezorg. Methode: Een retrospectieve<br />

beschrijvende studie. Door analyse van de gegevens uit de medische dossiers over<br />

demografische kenmerken, het type letsel, de lokalisatie van de letsels en de geboden<br />

revalidatiezorg. Resultaten: In de periode 1992 tot en met 2007 werden 20 militairen met<br />

lichamelijk letsel ten gevolge van gevechtshandelingen behandeld in het MRC. Het betrof<br />

19 mannen en 1 vrouw met een gemiddelde leeftijd bij opname van 27,5 jaar. De<br />

militairen raakten gewond tijdens missies in Cambodja (n=3), Ex-Joegoslavië (n=7) en<br />

Afghanistan (n=10). De militairen waren werkzaam bij de landmacht (n=16) en de marine<br />

(n=4). Penetrerende wonden (80%), fracturen (60%) en amputaties (35%) werden het<br />

meest frequent gezien. Letsels aan de onderste extremiteiten kwamen (75%) het meest<br />

voor gevolgd door letsels aan de bovenste extremiteiten (40%). Letsels aan de romp<br />

kwamen het minst frequent voor (10%). Bij alle patiënten bestond de revalidatiezorg uit<br />

een vorm van bewegingstherapie (100%) en bijna alle patiënten kregen ADL training<br />

(95%) en psychosociale hulpverlening (85%). Conclusies: 20 militairen met ernstige<br />

lichamelijk letsel ten gevolge van gevechtshandelingen ontvingen revalidatiezorg in het<br />

MRC. Het betrof een groep jonge, voornamelijk mannelijke militairen van de landmacht<br />

met letsels van de extremiteiten. In de meeste gevallen was sprake van wonden, fracturen<br />

en amputaties ten gevolg van explosies. Een exponentiële toename van het aantal<br />

behandelde gewonde militairen is waarneembaar sinds de missie in Afghanistan.<br />


KOC<br />

Yano, E.M.<br />

The role of organizational research in implementing evidence-based practice: QUERI<br />

Series / E.M. Yano<br />

In: Implementation science = ISSN 1748-59<strong>08</strong>: vol. 3 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1 (may), page 29.<br />

Evidence-based medicine<br />

Veteranen<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

U.S. Veterans Health Administration (VA)<br />

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Health care organizations exert significant influence on the<br />

manner in which clinicians practice and the processes and outcomes of care that patients<br />

experience. A greater understanding of the organizational milieu into which innovations<br />

will be introduced, as well as the organizational factors that are likely to foster or hinder<br />

the adoption and use of new technologies, care arrangements and quality improvement<br />

(QI) strategies are central to the effective implementation of research into practice.<br />

Unfortunately, much implementation research seems to not recognize or adequately<br />

address the influence and importance of organizations. Using examples from the U.S.<br />

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI),<br />

we describe the role of organizational research in advancing the implementation of<br />

evidence-based practice into routine care settings. METHODS: Using the six-step QUERI<br />

process as a foundation, we present an organizational research framework designed to<br />

improve and accelerate the implementation of evidence-based practice into routine care.<br />

Specific QUERI-related organizational research applications are reviewed, with discussion<br />

of the measures and methods used to apply them. We describe these applications in the<br />

context of a continuum of organizational research activities to be conducted before, during<br />

and after implementation. RESULTS: Since QUERI's inception, various approaches to<br />

organizational research have been employed to foster progress through QUERI's six-step<br />

process. We report on how explicit integration of the evaluation of organizational factors<br />

into QUERI planning has informed the design of more effective care delivery system<br />

interventions and enabled their improved "fit" to individual VA facilities or practices. We<br />

examine the value and challenges in conducting organizational research, and briefly<br />

describe the contributions of organizational theory and environmental context to the<br />

research framework. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the organizational context of<br />

delivering evidence-based practice is a critical adjunct to efforts to systematically improve<br />

quality. Given the size and diversity of VA practices, coupled with unique organizational<br />

data sources, QUERI is well-positioned to make valuable contributions to the field of<br />

implementation science. More explicit accommodation of organizational inquiry into<br />

implementation research agendas has helped QUERI researchers to better frame and<br />

extend their work as they move toward regional and national spread activities.<br />

KOC<br />

Young, A.L.<br />

A conflict between science and social concerns: Agent Orange / A.L. Young<br />

In: Environmental science and pollution research international = ISSN 0944-1344: vol. <strong>15</strong><br />

(20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 1-2.<br />

Chemische oorlogsvoering<br />

Agent Orange<br />

KOC<br />


Zalihic, A.<br />

Case-control study: posttraumatic stress disorder and habits of war veterans / A.<br />

Zalihic...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychiatria Danubina = ISSN 0353-5053: vol. 20 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1, page 75-79.<br />

PTSD<br />

Drugsgebruik<br />

Alcoholgebruik<br />

Roken<br />

Veteranen<br />

Voormalig Joegoslavië<br />

Diagnostiek<br />

AIM: To correlate habits (abuse of tobacco, alcohol, psychoactive substances and drugs)<br />

of war veterans and the frequency of symptoms in persons with PTSD and those without<br />

it. METHODS: We have carried out a prospective research (case-control study) over the<br />

period between September of 2005 and June 2006. The sample consisted of two groups<br />

of examinees: 60 males, war veterans with PTSD and 60 males, war veterans without<br />

PTSD. The group of war veterans without PTSD was formed using matching criteria<br />

(same age, level of education). Both groups included married males. Research was<br />

performed using a questionnaire designed for this study. RESULTS: A higher number of<br />

war veterans without PTSD were employed compared to war veterans with PTSD<br />

(chi(2)=45.753; df=4; p

noting that research may not be able to find any cause for these diseases/conditions;<br />

hence, it may be necessary to embrace medical uncertainty, and also to accept patient<br />

experience in order to facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and recovery process. Such a<br />

change can alter patients' expectations and taken-for-granted assumptions about<br />

medicine, and perhaps in turn reduce the frequency with which dissatisfied individuals<br />

form illness groups that mobilize to challenge what they see as an unresponsive medical<br />

system.<br />

KOC<br />

Zinzow, H.M.<br />

Sexual assault, mental health, and service use among male and female veterans seen in<br />

Veterans Affairs primary care clinics: a multi-site study / H.M. Zinzow...[et al.]<br />

In: Psychiatry research = ISSN 0165-1781: vol. <strong>15</strong>9 (20<strong>08</strong>), issue 1-2, page 226-236.<br />

Seksueel geweld<br />

Geestelijke gezondheid<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Veteranen<br />

This study examined the nature and prevalence of sexual assault (SA), as well as its<br />

relationship to psychiatric sequelae and service use, among the veteran population. We<br />

performed a secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional dataset consisting of 643 male<br />

and 173 female veterans seen in four Veterans Affairs (VA) primary care clinics. Original<br />

data were obtained through semi-structured clinic assessments, structured telephone<br />

interviews, and medical chart reviews. Analyses included descriptive statistics, chi-square,<br />

analysis of variance (ANOVA), and logistic regression. The lifetime prevalence of SA was<br />

38% among women and 6% among men. Of veterans reporting a history of SA, most<br />

experienced child sexual abuse and sexual revictimization. SA victims also had a more<br />

extensive trauma history and demonstrated greater psychological impairment in<br />

comparison to veterans reporting other types of trauma. However, only 25% of male SA<br />

survivors and 38% of female SA survivors used mental health services in the past year.<br />

These findings suggest that VA primary care clinics may benefit from expanding the<br />

current mandated screen for military sexual trauma to include lifetime experiences and<br />

trauma-related symptoms, thereby connecting more veterans with needed mental health<br />

services.<br />

KOC<br />

Tweede generatie / Second generation<br />

De<br />

De Joodse na-oorlogse generatieproblematiek anno 2007. Rapportage van een<br />

onderzoek naar aard en omvang / Drs. A.J. Agsteribbe, Drs. C.M. Kooyman. - Joods<br />

Maatschappelijk Werk : Amsterdam, 2007. - 54 p. ; 24 cm<br />

Holocaust<br />

Joden<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Psychosociale problematiek<br />

Hulpverlening<br />

Joods Maatschappelijk Werk (JMW)<br />

s8.1.2 AGS<br />


Himmler, Katrin<br />

Katrin Himmler ; vertaling (uit het Duits) Marion Wilbrink<br />

Lezing Vught, 9 december 2007 / Katrin Himmler ; vertaling (uit het Duits) Marion Wilbrink<br />

In:Neuengamme Bulletin = ISSN <strong>15</strong>74-9746: (20<strong>08</strong>), issue maart (maart), page 19-28.<br />

Duitsland<br />

Kinderen van foute ouders<br />

Heinrich Himmler<br />

Families<br />

Geschiedenis<br />

Zwijgen<br />

Daders<br />

Verwerkingsproces<br />

Lezing door Katrin Himmler, achternicht van Heinrich Himmler, gehouden op uitnodiging<br />

van Kamp Vught. Zij vertelt over haar boek dat zij geschreven heeft over de geschiedenis<br />

van haar familie en hoe het is om het zwijgen te doorbreken.<br />

Scheub, Ute<br />

Het valse leven : over het Nazi-verleden van mijn vader / Ute Scheub ; uit het Duits vert.<br />

door Hans Hom. - Amsterdam : Meulenhoff, cop. 2006. - 302 p. ; 22 cm. - (Meulenhoff<br />

editie ; 2168)<br />

Vert. van: Das falsche Leben : eine Vatersuche. - München [etc.] : Piper, cop. 2006. - Met<br />

lit. opg.<br />

ISBN 90-290-7745-X<br />


Een Duitse journaliste/schrijfster onderzoekt het naziverleden van haar vader die in 1969<br />

zelfmoord pleegde.<br />

Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

Duitsland<br />

Nazisme<br />

Vaders<br />

Schuldgevoelens<br />

Zwijgen<br />

Tweede generatie<br />

Biografieën<br />

s8.1.2 SCH<br />


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