fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen

fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen

fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen


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<strong>fine</strong> <strong>art</strong> + <strong>antiques</strong><br />

International auction 841

F ine arT + anT iques<br />

International auction 841<br />

auCTion<br />

4 - 13 June 2013<br />

preview<br />

Thursday 30 May 3 pm - 6 pm<br />

Friday 31 May 11 am - 5 pm<br />

saturday 1 June 11 am - 4 pm<br />

sunday 2 June 11 am - 4 pm<br />

Monday 3 June 11 am - 5 pm<br />

or by special appointment<br />

Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112<br />

info@bruun-rasmussen.dk · bruun-rasmussen.com

Lot 98. Paintings, 4 June

days of sale<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>fine</strong> <strong>art</strong> + <strong>antiques</strong><br />

Tuesday 4 June<br />

4 pm Paintings and drawings 1 - 184<br />

Wednesday 5 June<br />

constitution day closed<br />

Thursday 6 June<br />

2 pm russian sale 185 - 227<br />

silver and ceramics 228 - 265<br />

furniture, clocks and bronzes 266 - 384<br />

oriental carpets 385 - 448<br />

Friday 7 June<br />

2 pm oriental sale 449 - 553<br />

Monday 10 June<br />

3 pm Wristwatches 554 - 630<br />

jewellery 631 - 846<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

modern <strong>art</strong> + nordic design<br />

Tuesday 11 June<br />

4 pm modern paintings and sculptures<br />

Wednesday 12 June<br />

2 pm modern paintings and sculptures<br />

Prints and ceramics<br />

silver<br />

Thursday 13 June<br />

3 pm nordic design - furniture and ceramics<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

deadline for claiming items: 26 june<br />

Items bought at Auction 841 must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice<br />

and claimed on Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 26 June at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved<br />

to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and<br />

risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100<br />

per item per week VAT included.

Lot 273. Furniture, 6 June

M alerier + anT i K viT e T er<br />

International auktion 841<br />

auKT ion<br />

4. - 13. juni 2013<br />

e FTersyn<br />

Torsdag 30. maj kl. 15 - 18<br />

Fredag 31. maj kl. 11 - 17<br />

lørdag 1. juni kl. 11 - 16<br />

søndag 2. juni kl. 11 - 16<br />

Mandag 3. juni kl. 11 - 17<br />

Danske katalogtekster kan ses på bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112<br />

info@bruun-rasmussen.dk · bruun-rasmussen.dk

Lot 468. Oriental sale, 7 June

auktionskalender<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

k unst + antikviteter<br />

Tirsdag 4. juni<br />

kl. 16 Malerier og tegninger 1 - 184<br />

Onsdag 5. juni<br />

grundlovsdag lukket<br />

Torsdag 6. juni<br />

kl. 14 russisk auktion 185 - 227<br />

sølv og keramik 228 - 265<br />

Møbler, ure og bronzer 266 - 384<br />

orientalske tæpper 385 - 448<br />

Fredag 7. juni<br />

kl. 14 orientalsk auktion 449 - 553<br />

Mandag 10. juni<br />

kl. 15 armbåndsure 554 - 630<br />

smykker 631 - 846<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

M oderne kunst + nordisk design<br />

Tirsdag 11. juni<br />

kl. 16 Moderne malerier og skulpturer<br />

Onsdag 12. juni<br />

kl. 14 Moderne malerier og skulpturer<br />

grafik og keramik<br />

sølv<br />

Torsdag 13. juni<br />

kl. 15 nordisk design - møbler og keramik<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

sidste frist for afhentning: onsdag den 26. juni<br />

Effekter købt på auktion 841 skal være betalt senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet<br />

i Bredgade 33 senest onsdag den 26. juni. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong>s lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko.<br />

Transporten koster 100 kr. pr. effekt inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. effekt pr.<br />

påbegyndt uge inkl. moms.

velkommen til sommerauktion i Bredgade!<br />

Man kan nærmest høre de badende drenges plasken og glade tilråb i det værk, der<br />

udgør sommerauktionens højdepunkt. Der er tale om et blændende sollys, en smuk<br />

blålig farveskala, hvirvlende vand og børn i lystig leg på skagen strand – alt det, der<br />

står som indbegrebet af dansk sommer. Den eminente øjebliksskildring er malet af p.s.<br />

Krøyer i 1892 og er et forstudie til et i dag forsvundet maleri (kat.nr. 33, vurdering<br />

2-3 mio. kr.).<br />

guldalderen er fint repræsenteret på auktionen, og fra sommerlivet i skagen tager vi<br />

turen til udkanten af København med et gyldent efterårsmotiv med græssende får<br />

fra 1836 af Christen Købke, der yndede at hente sine motiver på grænsen mellem<br />

storbyen og landet (kat. nr. 21). et af periodens andre store navne er Johan Thomas<br />

lundbye, og han byder på iskold vinterstemning i det mesterlige maleri fra 1838, der<br />

skildrer svenskere med deres hestetrukne slæder på vej ud over isen ved skovshoved<br />

med kursen mod hven (kat. nr. 8).<br />

vi markerer desuden 400-året for kroningen af den første zar af romanov-slægten i<br />

1613 med en særauktion over russiske kunstværker og antikviteter. Det gælder blandt<br />

andet et par guldmanchetknapper, der har tilhørt storfyrst Mikhail alexandrovich af<br />

rusland. under et besøg i Danmark forærede han manchetknapperne til en stationsforstander<br />

i Klampenborg, hvis efterkommere har ejet dem lige siden (kat. nr. 202).<br />

vores orientalske auktion omfatter hovedsageligt kinesiske effekter, heriblandt en<br />

stor forgyldt bronzefigur fra Mingdynastiet, der forestiller godheden og medfølelsens<br />

buddha ”avalokiteshvara” siddende på sin lotustrone. Buddhaen har tilhørt den<br />

tidligere direktør for Østasiatisk Kompagni og store kinasamler, henrik v. Jacobsen<br />

(kat. nr. 468).<br />

auktionens store sølvbestik på 233 dele har været ejet af haile selassie, etiopiens<br />

kejser fra 1930-74. han fik stor betydning for etiopiens modernisering og landets forbindelser<br />

til den vestlige verden. i 1954 modtog han elefantordenen på amalienborg<br />

under et statsbesøg i Danmark (kat. nr. 244).<br />

sidste del af kataloget indeholder auktionens armbåndsure og smykker. her tæller<br />

højdepunkterne et vacheron Constantin herrearmbåndsur af 18 kt. rødguld, der<br />

kommer fra iT Factory (kat. nr. 603), og ikke mindst en hvidguldsring med en stor<br />

ubehandlet cushion-cut mandarinsafir (kat. nr. 690).<br />

Med ønsket om en god auktion,<br />

Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> rasmussen

welcome to the summer auction at Bredgade!<br />

you can almost hear the boys splashing in the water and their shrieks of joy in the work<br />

which is the highlight of the summer auction. Bright sunlight, beautiful shades of blue,<br />

swirling water and children playing happily on skagen Beach – the epitome of Danish<br />

summer! This wonderful “snapshot” was painted by p.s. Krøyer in 1892 and is a preliminary<br />

study for a painting, the current whereabouts of which is unknown (cat. no. 33, estimate<br />

DKK 2-3 million).<br />

The golden age is well represented at the auction, and from summer life in skagen, we are<br />

taken to the outskirts of Copenhagen; to a golden autumn scene with grazing sheep from<br />

1836 by Christen Købke, who liked to draw inspiration for his motifs in the border area<br />

between the city and the country (cat. no. 21). another of the well-known names of this<br />

period is Johan Thomas lundbye, and he offers icy-cold winter ambience in his masterful<br />

painting from 1838, depicting swedes making their way across the ice at skovshoved,<br />

heading for hven in horse-drawn sleighs (cat. no. 8).<br />

we also mark the 400th anniversary of the coronation of the first tsar of the romanov<br />

Dynasty in 1613 with a special auction of russian <strong>art</strong> and <strong>antiques</strong>. a pair of gold cufflinks<br />

had once belonged to grand Duke Mikhail alexandrovich of russia. During a visit to<br />

Denmark, he gave the cufflinks to a stationmaster in Klampenborg, and they have remained<br />

in his family ever since (cat. no. 202).<br />

our oriental auction mainly features Chinese items, including a large gilt bronze figure from<br />

the Ming Dynasty, depicting “avalokiteshvara”, the Bodhisattva of goodness and compassion,<br />

seated on a lotus throne. The Bodhisattva belonged to the former director of east<br />

asiatic Company and avid collector of Chinese <strong>art</strong>, henrik v. Jacobsen (cat. no. 468).<br />

The auctions 233-piece set of silver cutlery was owned by haile selassie, emperor of<br />

ethiopia from 1930–74. he played a key role in the modernisation of ethiopia and in the<br />

development of its relations with the western world. in 1954, he received the Danish order<br />

of the elephant on a state visit in Denmark (cat. no. 244).<br />

The last p<strong>art</strong> of the catalogue features the auction’s wristwatches and jewellery. in this<br />

section, the highlights include a vacheron Constantin men’s wristwatch of 18 ct. red gold<br />

(cat. no. 603), and not least a white gold ring with a large, natural cushion-cut mandarin<br />

sapphire (cat. no. 690).<br />

i hope you will enjoy the sale!<br />

Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> rasmussen

Jewellery, 10 June

speC ialisT s in F ine arT anD anT iques<br />

Director of sales<br />

Kasper nielsen<br />

+45 8818 1121<br />

kn@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Paintings<br />

Birte stokholm<br />

+45 8818 1122<br />

bst@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Paintings and russian <strong>art</strong><br />

M<strong>art</strong>in hans Borg<br />

+45 8818 1128<br />

mhb@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Professor<br />

elena nesterova<br />

russia@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Jewellery<br />

Katrin Mikkelsen sørensen<br />

+45 8818 1174<br />

kms@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Jewellery<br />

lise Jacobsen<br />

+45 8818 1175<br />

lij@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Wristwatches<br />

Kristian haagen<br />

+45 8818 1168<br />

kha@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Paintings and furniture<br />

Frederik <strong>Bruun</strong> rasmussen<br />

+45 8818 1003<br />

fbr@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Ceramics, glass and Oriental <strong>art</strong><br />

ralph lexner<br />

+45 8818 1161<br />

rl@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Ceramics, glass and Oriental <strong>art</strong><br />

Charlotte hviid<br />

+45 8818 1162<br />

chv@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Silver, ceramics and glass<br />

heidi schophuus Jensen<br />

+45 8818 1163<br />

hsj@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Ceramics, glass and Oriental <strong>art</strong><br />

alexandra nilsson<br />

+45 8818 1166<br />

ani@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Chinese representative<br />

li guan<br />

chinese@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Furniture and carpets<br />

henrik schleppegrel<br />

+45 8818 1145<br />

hsc@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Furniture, bronzes and clocks<br />

anders Fredsted<br />

+45 8818 1142<br />

afr@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Q-park offers <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> clients a 50% discount when parking at the Dr. Tværgade garage.<br />

Discount tickets are available at the catalog sale and not to be used until exit.<br />

Q-Park tilbyder <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s kunder 50% rabat ved parkering i garagen på Dronningens Tværgade 4.<br />

Rabatbillet rekvireres ved <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s katalogsalg og benyttes først ved udkørsel.

Lot 8. Johan Thomas Lundbye

paintings and drawings<br />

Tuesday 4 June 4 pm<br />

Lot 1 - 184

1<br />

WiL heL m m arsT rand<br />

b. copenhagen 1810, d. s.p. 1873<br />

1<br />

the square at san antonio the abbot in rome. study for "sct. antoniusfesten i rom", (the<br />

Feast of st. antonio the abbot in rome). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 20 x 31 cm.<br />

Provenance: Office manager Herman Gram's collection, the estate auction, Winkel & Magnussen<br />

121, 1932 no. 41, reproduced p. 7. ABR auction 463, 1984 no. 6, reproduced p. 39.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

2<br />

PainT er unknoW n, earL y 19T h cenT ury<br />

aqueduct near the Mediterranean, italy. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 37 x 65 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

2<br />

14 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

3<br />

WiL heL m Bendz<br />

b. Odense 1804, d. Vicenza 1832<br />

"Vandfald ved Kochelsoe". waterfall at Kochelsee.<br />

1831. signed with monogram and inscribed<br />

"wandfald" (waterfall). Oil on paper laid on canvas.<br />

25 x 16 cm.<br />

Kochelsee is located south of Munich in the Bavarian<br />

Alps.<br />

This painting was executed during Wilhelm Bendz'<br />

travels in 1831, where he visited Germany and Italy.<br />

During a stay in Munich he immediately, with his<br />

painter friend Christian Morgenstern, set off to find<br />

new subjects, among others the landscape around Kochelsee,<br />

because "the new unknown Nature interests<br />

me so much," as he wrote to C. W. Eckersberg.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

4<br />

a dam m ü LLer<br />

b. copenhagen 1811, d. s.p. 1844<br />

"En slumrende Harpespiller". a dozing harpist. signed<br />

and dated a. M. 1832. Oil on canvas. 43 x 53 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1833 no. 98.<br />

Provenance: War commissioner P. Saabye. Sold at auction<br />

1853 to wine merchant J. B. Sandberg for 195<br />

rigsdaler. Sold at auction 1871 to book printer L. Klein<br />

for 160 rigdaler. Sold at auction 1877 to master joiner<br />

F. Oxelberg. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

4<br />

3<br />


5<br />

c hrisT ian m orgensT ern<br />

b. Hamburg 1805, d. Munich 1867<br />

From Hardanger in norway, summer. Unsigned. inscribed<br />

on the back Morgenstern Hardanger. Oil on<br />

canvas. 22 x 26 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

6<br />

d ankvarT dreyer<br />

b. assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852<br />

View of "Mariendal ved assens". View of Mariendal<br />

near assens. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 19 x 21 cm.<br />

Suzanne Ludvigsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the<br />

Works of Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer lot G, reproduced vol. II p.<br />

115. Here as presumably painted by Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer<br />

or his elder brother.<br />

Suzanne Ludvigsen has afterwards examined the<br />

painting and declares it for a genuine work by<br />

Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer.<br />

Provenance: Winkel & Magnussen 174, 1935 no. 92.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

5<br />

7<br />

d ankvarT dreyer<br />

b. assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852<br />

in the woods. "Fra Ordrup dyrehave". 1844. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 22 x 29,5 cm.<br />

Leo Swane, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer no. 155. Suzanne Ludvigsen, A Catalogue<br />

Raisonné of the Works of Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer no.<br />

176, reproduced vol. II p. 81.<br />

Provenance: The collection of Johan Hansen, Consul<br />

General, 1917 no. 116. 1921 no 180. 1927 no. 285 and<br />

1931 no. 296 with the title "Fra Ordrup Dyrehave".<br />

His estate auctions, p<strong>art</strong> X, Winkel & Magnussen 143,<br />

1943 no. 32. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000<br />

16 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

6<br />

7<br />


18 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

8<br />

Johan Thomas LundB ye<br />

b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848<br />

swedish sledges on their way back after having sold<br />

goods in copenhagen. the slope at skovshoved.<br />

painted in nyboder in the winter 1837-1838.<br />

signed with monogram Kbh. and dated Mrtz 38. Oil<br />

on canvas. 70 x 93 cm.<br />

Karl Madsens, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of J.<br />

Th. Lundbye no. 43.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 158. Sold to Count Bille<br />

Brahe, Hvedholm for 80 Rigsdaler.<br />

Kunstforeningen: "Arbejder af Johan Thomas Lundbye",<br />

1893 no. 24.<br />

Odense, "Udstilling fra fynske herregårde", 1904 no. 45.<br />

Kunstforeningen: "Malerier af Johan Thomas Lundbye",<br />

1931 no. 23.<br />

Literature: Kunst i Privat Eje, vol. II, mentioned p. 52<br />

and reproduced p. 47. Among other things the author<br />

brings out the composition and the freshness and the<br />

lightness of the painting: "Det er fortræffeligt komponeret;<br />

Skrænterne med de tre Taarbækkere, der ser<br />

Svenskerne med deres Slæder sætte Kurs over Sun-<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

8<br />

det til Hveen i en skraa Linie ud over Isen, under den<br />

pragtfuld malede Sky, der på Vinterhimmelen strækker<br />

sig ind over Sjællands Kyst.......". "Billedet virker stærkt<br />

med sin iskolde Vinterstemning. Beretningen om<br />

Svenskerne, der i den strenge Vinter kørte over Isen til<br />

Sjælland, satte Lundbyes Fantasi i Sving.....".<br />

(The painting is very well composed; the slopes with the<br />

three local people from Taarbæk watching the Swedes<br />

on their way crossing the ice to Hveen in a diagonally<br />

line, under the splendid painted cloud that reaches<br />

Sjælland's coast.... The painting sends out an ice cold<br />

winter expression. Lundbye was inspired by the very<br />

strong winter, where it was possible for the Swedes to<br />

cross the Øresund. It stirred his imagination).<br />

Provenance: Count Bille Brahe til Hvedholm, Count<br />

Henrik Bille-Brahe, Count Preben Bille-Brahe-Selby,<br />

sold to Johan Hansen Consul General, his collection no.<br />

1058, his estate auction , Winkel & Magnussen, 1933,<br />

p<strong>art</strong> IV, no. 121, reproduced p. 4. Shipbroker Hjalmar<br />

Bruhn's collection, reproduced in the catalogue of his<br />

<strong>art</strong> collection. Descendants after shipbroker Hjalmar<br />

Bruhn till now.<br />

DKK 1,000,000-1,500,000 / € 135,000-200,000<br />


9<br />

P. c . s kovgaard<br />

b. ringsted 1817, d. copenhagen 1875<br />

coastal scene with a path leading down to houses<br />

at the sea. On the back the following inscription:<br />

"at dette Billede ganske sikkert er malet af Fader<br />

prof. p. c. skovgaard bevidnes 7/2 1918. Joakim<br />

skovgaard" and "Malet af prof. p. c. skovgaard bevidnes<br />

14/3 1918 af sysette c. Holten f. skovgaard".<br />

p. c. skovgaard's two children, the painters Joakim<br />

skovgaard and sysette c. Holten, née skovgaard,<br />

witness that the painting is by their father. Oil on<br />

canvas. 37 x 58 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

10<br />

Johan Thomas LundB ye<br />

b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848<br />

"allé med abbed. Villa Borghese". an abbot in the<br />

park of Villa Borghese. signed with monogram Villa<br />

Borghese and dated sept. 45. Oil on cardboard.<br />

28 x 43 cm.<br />

Karl Madsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

J. Th. Lundbye no. 199 a.<br />

Provenance: Dagmar Weis, f. Rosencrone. Merchant H. C.<br />

Broge. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />

9<br />

11<br />

Johan Thomas LundB ye<br />

b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848<br />

Farm scene with an anxious foal approaching a<br />

cock. June 1847. Unsigned. study. Oil on canvas.<br />

41 x 60 cm.<br />

Karl Madsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

J. Th. Lundbye no. 235.<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder af Johan Thomas<br />

Lundbye", 1893 no. 146. "Rådhusudstillingen af Dansk<br />

Kunst til 1890", 1901, no. 1183. Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder<br />

af Johan Thomas Lundbye", 1931 no. 101.<br />

Literature: Karl Madsen,"Johan Thomas Lundbye",<br />

1949, mentioned p. 274, reproduced p. 270.<br />

Provenance: Major Peter Bauditz. Sofie Bauditz. Office<br />

manager Gustav Bauditz. Mrs Hedvig Bauditz.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

20 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

10<br />

11<br />


12<br />

12<br />

Jens Juel, workshop,<br />

18th century<br />

Portræt of a woman in a blue dress with a green bow.<br />

Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 68 x 56 cm. Louis XVI frame.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />



13<br />

13<br />

Jens Juel<br />

b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. copenhagen 1802<br />

Portrait of christiane Magdalene Harboe, née Jacobi (1732-<br />

1804), in a white dress with purple loops, married 1765 to<br />

Frederik carl Harboe She was chaperon for Queen Juliane Marie.<br />

Early 1780's. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. Oval. 69 x 55 cm. gilt<br />

Louis XVI frame.<br />

Repetition of no. 250 in Ellen Poulsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the<br />

Works of Jens Juel. That one work reproduced p. 171, vol. 2.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />


15<br />

h ermann WiL heL m Bissen<br />

b. schleswig 1798, d. copenhagen 1868<br />

Jørgen Hansen Koch (1829-1919) as a child, later senior<br />

teacher in randers and decorated with the silver cross of<br />

the Order of dannebrog. Executed 1836. Unsigned. white<br />

marble bust. H. 39 cm.<br />

Haavard Rostrup, A Catalogue of the Works of H. W. Bissen<br />

no. 111.<br />

Exhibited: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, "H. W. Bissen. Portrætter.<br />

Tegninger. Skitser", 1941 no. 13.<br />

Literature: Haavard Rostrup,"Billedhuggeren H. W. Bissen<br />

1798-1868", 1948, mentioned vol. I p. 167 ff.: "...et fornemt<br />

stykke skulptur; drengen ligner en prins i det julisk-claudiske<br />

hus", (...an outstanding piece of sculpture, the boy looks like a<br />

prince of the Julian-Claudian house").<br />

Jørgen Hansen Koch was the son of building inspector and<br />

Councillor Jørgen Hansen (1787-1860) and Ida, née Wulff<br />

(1806-1876). The family Koch belonged to the closer circle<br />

around Hans Christian Andersen.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />

14<br />

14<br />

h ermann WiL heL m Bissen<br />

b. schleswig 1798, d. copenhagen 1868<br />

the danish titular privy councillor, advocate of the<br />

supreme court, politician Frederik willum treschow<br />

(1786-1869). Executed 1842-1843. Unsigned.<br />

white marble bust. H. 58 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1843 no. 240, 241 or 242<br />

(Three busts after nature, in marble).<br />

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, "H. W. Bissen. Portrætter.<br />

Tegninger. Skitser", 1941 no. 35.<br />

Provenance: The Treschow family till now.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

24 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

16<br />

16<br />

Frederik r ohde<br />

b. copenhagen 1816, d. Frederiksberg 1886<br />

View of Helsingør and Kronborg castle seen from<br />

Marienlyst castle. in the foreground children playing<br />

on a terrasse. 1855. signed with monogram. Oil on<br />

paper laid on panel. 24 x 35 cm.<br />

Provenance: Privy councillor Frederik Schlegel, his<br />

widow Regine Schlegel, neé Olsen, who was Søren<br />

Kierkegaard's fiancée, before she married Frederik<br />

Schlegel. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />


17<br />

c . W. e ckersB erg<br />

b. Blåkrog near aabenraa 1783, d. copenhagen 1853<br />

17<br />

seascape with sailing boats off the danish coast. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas 49 x 67 cm.<br />

The painting has been examined and identified by Jørgen Wadum,<br />

Chief Museum Conservator, and Miriam Have Watts, mag.<strong>art</strong>.<br />

(Master of Arts), Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National<br />

Gallery). The painting dates from the second p<strong>art</strong> of the 1820's or<br />

the first half of the 1830's. In this period C. W. Eckersberg gave<br />

priority to the marine painting. The ships, the sky and the sea are<br />

not so scientifically painted as in his later marines.<br />

DKK 300,000-500,000 / € 40,000-67,000<br />

26 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


18<br />

i . L. Jensen<br />

b. copenhagen 1800, d. s.p. 1856<br />

Flowers and grapes on a stone sill. signed and dated<br />

i. L. Jensen roma 1834. Oil on canvas. 36 x 47 cm.<br />

period bobinet frame with corner ornamentation.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

18<br />

28 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

19<br />

19<br />

i . L. Jensen<br />

b. copenhagen 1800, d. s.p. 1856<br />

dahlias in a basket. signed and dated i. L. Jensen<br />

1840. Oil on canvas. 43 x 58 cm.<br />

DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500<br />


20<br />

Jens JueL<br />

b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. copenhagen 1802<br />

20<br />

a pair of portraits of brother and sister Hannibal Vilhelm Ludvig Maaløe<br />

(1761-1841) and wilhelmine Maaløe (1763-1799. He is 4 years old, with long<br />

fair hair, smiling, wearing a green jacket with golden buttons and holding a<br />

pear. she is 2 years old, with short sandy hair decorated with flowers, smiling,<br />

wearing a blue and brown dress with white ruffles and holding a basket with<br />

cherries. she is signed and dated J. Juel pinx. 1765. Oil on panel. He 22 x 15 cm<br />

and she 23 x 17.5 cm. Frames in the style of Louis XVi, 19th century. (2).<br />

two exhibition catalogues and "slægtsregister for Familien Maaløe" (genealogical<br />

table of the Maaløe family) are enclosed.<br />

30 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

Ellen Poulsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Jens Juel no. 21 and 22, both<br />

mentioned vol. 1 p. 33, both reproduced vol. 2 p. 24 and 25.<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Jens Juels Arbejder", 1909 no. 203 and 204. Fyns<br />

Stiftsmuseum Odense, "Jens Juel", 1960 no. 9 and 10.<br />

Provenance: Always with the family of the portrayed children.<br />

The children's parents were Mads Pedersen Maaløe, vicar in Gamborg (1759-<br />

1789), and his first wife Boel Marie Lind (died 1765). The boy was named after<br />

Hannibal Wedell of Wedellsborg who gave the vicar his living and the girl's name<br />

was Wilhelmine after countess Wedell, née Moltke.<br />

These are very <strong>fine</strong> and early children's portraits executed by a young Jens Juel at<br />

the age of 20. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000<br />

20<br />


32 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

21<br />

c hrisT en k ø B ke<br />

b. copenhagen 1810, d. s.p. 1848<br />

Landscape with haystack, tall trees, grazing sheep.<br />

in the vicinity of copenhagen. c. 1836. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 14.5 x 22 cm.<br />

Mario Krohn, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

Christen Købke no. 28 (under missing works).<br />

Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, A Catalogue Raisonné<br />

of the Works of Christen Købke no. 103 a.<br />

Exhibited: København,"Rådhusudstillingen af Dansk<br />

Kunst til 1890", 1901 no. 1069 a.<br />

Kunstforeningen: "Christen Købke", 1953 no. 111.<br />

Statens Museum for Kunst: "Christen Købke 1810-<br />

1848", 1996 no. 103 a.<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

21<br />

Provenance: Stockbroker Johannes Henriques (1901);<br />

later said to be stolen. Iron founder K. Brandt, the estate<br />

auction, Winkel & Magnussen 77, 1930 no. 75.<br />

Here bought by butcher Kallesøe. Sold by his widow in<br />

the 1940ies. Mrs. Alice Reyn, (née Lønberg) (1953), the<br />

estate auction, ABR 517, 1988 no. 25.<br />

The Golden Age painter Christen Købke was a Copenhagener<br />

born and bred, he preferred to paint near his<br />

home instead of the distant world. Købke created a<br />

rather romantic setting with a delicate colour scheme<br />

in his many landscape studies painted in the outskirts<br />

of Copenhagen. As in this <strong>fine</strong> painting.<br />

DKK 800,000-1,000,000 / € 105,000-135,000<br />


22<br />

c . F. s ørensen<br />

b. samsø 1818, d. copenhagen 1879<br />

"stille Formiddag i sundet; Kullen i Baggrunden".<br />

Quiet morning in the sound, in the background<br />

Kullen. signed and dated c. Frederik sørensen 1867.<br />

Oil on canvas. 74 x 107 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1868 no. 243.<br />

DKK 75,000-125,000 / € 10,000-17,000<br />

22<br />

34 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

23<br />

23<br />

c . W. e ckersB erg<br />

b. Blåkrog near aabenraa 1783, d. copenhagen 1853<br />

a frigate and a sloop. 1835. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

24 x 33 cm.<br />

Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C.<br />

W. Eckersberg no. 505.<br />

Provenance: The estate auction of the late C. W. Eckersberg,<br />

1854 no. 111. Mrs. Ferslew, née Damborg. ABR auction 161,<br />

1964 no. 60, reproduced p. 13. ABR auction 243, "Fortegnelse<br />

over en samling Dansk Guldalderkunst m.m.", 1970 no.<br />

11, reproduced p. 11.<br />

DKK 150,000-175,000 / € 20,000-23,500<br />


24<br />

a nna a ncher<br />

b. skagen 1859, d. s.p. 1935<br />

"Højtlæsning for den lille patient". reading stories for the sick child.<br />

1893. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 42 x 31 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Anna Ancher 1859-1935. Retrospektiv<br />

udstilling", 1963 no. 32.<br />

Arken, Museum for Moderne Kunst, "Anna Ancher", 2011 no. 12, reproduced<br />

p. 90..<br />

The model for the woman in the green dress was Maren Brems, also<br />

known from "Pigen med solsikkerne", (the girl with the sunflowers),<br />

dated 1889, owned by Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National<br />

Gallery). DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500<br />

24<br />

36 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

25<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

a fisherman and his wife on skagen sønderstrand,<br />

in the background the lighthouse. signed and dated<br />

M. a. Juni 23. Oil on panel. 35 x 60 cm.<br />

DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-16,500<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

25<br />

26<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

a couple from skagen on the beach. signed and<br />

dated M. a. 99. Oil on canvas. 36 x 46 cm.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 538, 1990, no. 40 reproduced in<br />

colours p. 45. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500<br />

26<br />


27<br />

27<br />

a nna a ncher<br />

b. skagen 1859, d. s.p. 1935<br />

sørine Møller knitting, skagen. signed a.<br />

ancher. Oil on panel. 36 x 22 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Kvindemuseet, Aarhus, "En plads i<br />

solen - kvindelige kunstnere født mellem 1830<br />

og 1930", 2009-2010 and Sophienholm, 2011<br />

no. 22. DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />

28<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

interior with two women painting ane Brøndum,<br />

the painter's mother-in-law. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas laid on board. 25.5 x 38.5 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

38 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

28<br />

29<br />

a nna a ncher<br />

b. skagen 1859, d. s.p. 1935<br />

a blind woman ane in her room. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 35 x 29 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Niedersächsisches Landes-museum,<br />

Forum des Landesmuseums, "Anna Ancher

Ausstellung", Hannover, 8th of November<br />

1994-5th of February 1995 no<br />

31. Den Hirschsprungske Samling (The<br />

Hirschsprung Collection) 18th February-<br />

14th March 1995 no. 31. Skagens Museum<br />

and Helga Ancher's Foundation,<br />

Michael og Anna Anchers Hus, Skagen<br />

25th of May-13th of August 1995 no 31.<br />

Arken, Museum for Moderne Kunst,<br />

“Anna Ancher”, 2011 no. 12, reproduced<br />

p. 30 and pp. 31- 39 a thoroughgoing examination<br />

by Lilian Munk Rösing, “Portræt<br />

af kunstneren som blind kvinde”,<br />

(Portrait of the <strong>art</strong>ist as a blind woman).<br />

DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050<br />

30<br />

a nna a ncher<br />

b. skagen 1859, d. s.p. 1935<br />

Mother and child. signed a. a. Oil on<br />

canvas. 28 x 40 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum,<br />

Forum des Landesmuseums, "Anna<br />

Ancher Ausstellung", Hannover, 8. November<br />

1994 -5. February, 1995 no. 57.<br />

DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

30<br />

29<br />


31<br />

LauriT s Tuxen<br />

b. copenhagen 1853, d. s.p. 1927<br />

Young woman sunbathing, skagen sønderstrand.<br />

signed and dated L. t. 09. Oil on canvas. 42 x 98 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Skagens Museum,"Skagen Guld/Værker i privateje",<br />

2011, the museum's registration number p. 160,<br />

reproduced p. 20 and p. 76.<br />

Provenance: In the same family since 1946.<br />

DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000<br />

40 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

32<br />

32<br />

LauriT s Tuxen<br />

b. copenhagen 1853, d. s.p. 1927<br />

girl skinny-dipping on a sunny day in July. signed and<br />

dated L. t. 3/7 08. Oil on panel. 35 x 26 cm.<br />

Laurits Tuxen worked several times with the motif of the<br />

bathing nude in the sea. Both in more daily life depictions<br />

of bathing girls as well as in mythological representations<br />

of "Venus Anadyomene" (Venus Rising From the Sea).<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />


42 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

33<br />

P. s . k røyer<br />

b. stavanger 1851, d. skagen 1909<br />

"En Flok drenge ude i det solglitrende Vand".<br />

a group of boys in the glinting water. signed<br />

and dated s. Krøyer skagen 92. Oil on canvas.<br />

38.5 x 60.5 cm.<br />

H. chr. christensen, a catalogue raisonné of the<br />

works of p. s. Krøyer no. 508, a study for no. 510<br />

in the catalogue raisonné with the title: "En Flok<br />

drenge ude i det solglitrende Hav. inde ved strandkanten<br />

er tre, og paa sandet en dreng i Løb ud mod<br />

de andre" (a group of boys in the glinting water.<br />

three on the beach and one in the sand running<br />

towards the others). the numbers 502 to 509 are all<br />

studies from 1892 for no. 510. the last one exhibited<br />

at charlottenborg in 1893, here with the shorter<br />

title "Badende drenge" (Boys bathing).<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "P. S. Krøyer 1851-1909",<br />

1910 no. 221.<br />

Provenance: Merchant, factory owner Chr. Hasselbalch<br />

(1923).<br />

The painting here is one of several different studies for<br />

the final work from 1892. This one with the measure-<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

33<br />

ments 132 x 198 cm and owned by count Julius<br />

Andrassy in Budapest in both 1910 and 1923. The<br />

painting later disappeared, while studies for the iconic<br />

work from time to time are sold at auctions, like the<br />

present one. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Auctioneers has sold<br />

some of these, most recently "Nøgen Dreng, set fra<br />

højre Side i Løb paa Sandet ud mod Vandet" (Naked boy<br />

running on the beach towards the sea) which fetched<br />

a price of 1.000.000 DKK at BR auction 815, 2009 no.<br />

15. The studies in the Catalogue Raisonné are almost<br />

all studies of details, focusing on special p<strong>art</strong>s of the<br />

final composition, like for instance a running boy. The<br />

present work is different, being a more complete and<br />

balanced scene with the many boys playing in the<br />

sun. Besides, the painting has the unparalleled qualities<br />

that you expect from a good work by Krøyer: It is a<br />

motif from Skagen with the sun and the sea, the light<br />

is breathtaking, almost blinding, his beautiful bluish<br />

colour scale is used and in total it is an eminent evocation<br />

of a moment, catching the boy's movements here<br />

and now in the glinting whirling water. Unsurprisingly,<br />

some of the studies can be seen at Danish museums,<br />

such as Skagens Museum, Den Hirschsprungske<br />

Samling and Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.<br />

DKK 2,000,000-3,000,000 / € 270,000-400,000<br />


34<br />

44 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

34<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

"Manden med Flaskerne". the man with the bottles.<br />

a smiling old fisherman has got new supplies.<br />

signed and dated M. ancher 1898. Oil on canvas.<br />

100 x 50 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1898 no. 9.<br />

DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

35<br />

35<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

a fisherman's son looking through a doorway.<br />

signed with monogram. Oil on canvas. 103 x 66 cm.<br />

DKK 60,000 / € 8,050<br />


36<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

"Fra Haven i skagen, ung pige læser avisen". in the<br />

garden, skagen, young girl reading the paper. signed<br />

M. a. Oil on canvas. 42 x 57 cm.<br />

DKK 125,000-175,000 / € 17,000-23,500<br />

36<br />

46 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

37<br />

P. s . k røyer<br />

b. stavanger 1851, d. skagen 1909<br />

"Badende dreng vadende ind mod Land. Han holder<br />

armene balancerende ud fra Kroppen". Bathing boy<br />

walking back to shore. Holding his arms out for ba-<br />

lance. study for "sommeraften ved skagens strand",<br />

(summer evening, skagen), 1899, that one owned<br />

by statens Museum for Kunst (the danish national<br />

gallery). signed and dated s. K. skagen 93. Oil on<br />

canvas. 33 x 24 cm.<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

37<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works<br />

of P. S. Krøyer no. 528.<br />

Exhibition label from Kunstsalon Keller and Reiner in<br />

Berlin.<br />

Provenance: Merchant Emil August Bloch, his sale<br />

1920 no. 70, sold to shipbroker Hjalmar Bruhn, reproduced<br />

in the catalogue of his <strong>art</strong> collection.<br />

DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />


38<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

Young girl in a white dress walking on skagen sønderstrand.<br />

signed M. a. Oil on canvas. 37 x 58 cm.<br />

Young girls in long light, white dresses on Skagen Sønderstrand<br />

are among the Skagen painters most familiar and popular motifs.<br />

DKK 300,000-350,000 / € 40,000-47,000<br />

38<br />

48 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


39<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

39<br />

naked boy on horseback on the beach. study for<br />

"drenge ride Heste til Vands. skagen 1900", (Boys<br />

riding horses into the sea). signed Michael ancher<br />

on an exhibition label on the back. Oil on panel.<br />

46 x 37 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

40<br />

a nna a ncher<br />

b. skagen 1859, d. s.p. 1935<br />

Young girl with her laundry near a red house, skagen.<br />

signed a. ancher and invisible date 1911? Oil on<br />

canvas. 44 x 30 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

41<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

"Et rustent anker ved stranden". a rusty anchor<br />

on the beach. women and children on the beach.<br />

signed paul Fischer. Oil on canvas. 27 x 40 cm.<br />

Provenance: The estate auction of the late Paul Fischer,<br />

1934 no. 112. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

50 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

41<br />

40<br />


43<br />

42<br />

42<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

Breaking the waves with two seagulls. signed and<br />

dated Michael ancher 85. Oil on canvas. 63 x 80 cm.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />

43<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

the painter's wife anna with a straw hat. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 29 x 24 cm.<br />

Provenance: The estate auction of the late Helga<br />

Ancher, ABR 193, 1966 no. 45. ABR auction 561, 1991<br />

no. 43, reproduced p. 30. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

52 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

44<br />

44<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

three fishermen on skagen Beach. signed and dated<br />

Michael ancher 17. Oil on canvas. 142 x 111 cm.<br />

DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />


45<br />

c arL Locher<br />

b. Flensburg 1851, d. skagen 1915<br />

summer day with ships in the horizon off skagen.<br />

signed and dated carl Locher 1885. Oil on canvas.<br />

60 x 97 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

46<br />

c arL Locher<br />

b. Flensburg 1851, d. skagen 1915<br />

the lifeboat is on its way out into the rough see to<br />

rescue a beached ship. signed carl Locher. Oil on<br />

canvas. 45 x 70 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700<br />

47<br />

c arL Locher<br />

b. Flensburg 1851, d. skagen 1915<br />

Fishermen on the beach. signed carl Locher. Oil on<br />

canvas. 56 x 82 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

45<br />

54 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

46<br />

47<br />


48<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

48<br />

"L'heure bleu", a bike ride to Hornbæk Beach on a summer<br />

evening. signed and dated paul Fischer 1900. Oil on canvas.<br />

43 x 64 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Marienlyst Slot in Helsingør, "Hornbæk i kunsten",<br />

1997 no. 8.<br />

Literature: Helsingør Museumsforening's magazine, "Forening<br />

& Museum", 2003, reproduced on the cover. Reproduced in Lars<br />

Bjørn Madsen, "Nordkystens Kulturhistorie".<br />

Paul Fischer visited Paris several times and the French naturalism<br />

influenced him to paint with a lighter palette. The French<br />

painter James Tissot gave Paul Fischer inspiration to paint the<br />

elegant young women in the latest fashion.<br />

DKK 700,000-900,000 / € 94,000-120,000<br />

56 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


49<br />

50<br />

58 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

49<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

Vesterbro square in copenhagen with the Heracles'<br />

fountain in the middle of the square. signed paul<br />

Fischer. Oil on canvas. 25 x 32 cm.<br />

DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500<br />

50<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

Fishermen's wifes selling fish on an overcast day<br />

with circling seagulls. signed paul Fischer. Oil on<br />

panel. 25 x 32 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

51<br />

51<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

the corner of strøget and Købmagergade with<br />

storkespringvandet (the stork's Fountain), Landmandsbanken<br />

and christiansborg. an elegant<br />

woman is walking down the street. signed paul<br />

Fischer. Oil on canvas. 57 x 74 cm.<br />

DKK 300,000-400,000 / € 40,000-53,500<br />


52<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

"solbad". sunbathing. Motif from Hornbæk Beach<br />

with two young women enjoying the sun. signed paul<br />

Fischer. Oil on canvas. 50 x 57 cm.<br />

Provenance: The estate of the late Paul Fischer, Winkel &<br />

Magnussen auction 156, 1934 no. 31.<br />

DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000<br />

52<br />

60 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

53<br />

k risT ian z ahrT mann<br />

b. rønne 1843, d. copenhagen 1917<br />

53<br />

"En Forgaard i ravello. En mængde store Urtepotter med planter og Blomster<br />

ere stillede sammen til en stor gruppe midt i Billedet." a forecourt in ravello.<br />

several flowerpots are arranged in a group in the center of the painting. to<br />

the left in the back an old woman with her handicraft. a young couple is<br />

seen in silhouette. signed with monogram and dated 1891. Oil on canvas.<br />

70 x 76 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Kristian Zahrtmann<br />

no. 389. S. Danneskjold-Samsøe, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Kristian<br />

Zahrtmann no. 692.<br />

Exhibited: Den Frie, 1892 no. 127.<br />

Provenance: Sold at auction 1896 to goldsmith Sally P. Hertz, his widow Thyra<br />

Hertz. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />


54<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

interior with the painter's wife reading at the window.<br />

signed c. Holsøe. Oil on canvas. 47 x 49 cm.<br />

DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />

54<br />

62 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

55<br />

55<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

interior with the painter's wife reading at the window, sunshine.<br />

signed c. Holsøe. Oil on canvas. 75 x 65 cm.<br />

On the back exhibition label from Commeter's Kunstausstellung<br />

Hamburg no.150? DKK 400,000 / € 53,500<br />


56<br />

Theodor PhiL i P sen<br />

b. copenhagen 1840, d. s.p. 1920<br />

"Ved Kildesøen i dyrehaven. sildig Efteraar". at Kildesøen<br />

in the deer garden. signed with monogram and dated<br />

1889. Oil on canvas. 66 x 96 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1890 no. 372. Kunstforeningen, "Th.<br />

Philipsen Udstilling", 1911 no. 182.<br />

Literature: Karl Madsen, "Maleren Theodor Philipsen", 1912,<br />

reproduced p. 42.<br />

Provenance: Arkitect L. Vold (1911). Merchant I. H. Melchior,<br />

his auction Winkel & Magnussen 246, 1939 no. 85. ABR 119,<br />

1960 no. 175. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

64 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


57<br />

Theodor PhiL i P sen<br />

b. copenhagen 1840, d. s.p. 1920<br />

a road near the gardener's lodge at Meilgaard.<br />

1886-1887. signed with monogram. Oil on canvas.<br />

70 x 88 cm.<br />

Vibeke Skov, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

Theodor Philipsen no. 316 (under 1887).<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Theodor Philipsen", 1911<br />

no. 169 (under 1886?). Stockholm, "Vilhelm Hammershøi.<br />

Theodor Philipsen. L. A. Ring", 1930 , no. 48 (under<br />

1886).<br />

Literature: Karl Madsen, "Maleren Theodor Philipsen",<br />

1912, mentioned p. 35: "Herregården Meilgaards<br />

Omgivelser havde en yppig Frodighed og venlig Hygge,<br />

som Philipsen har karakteriseret smukt i sit Billede af<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

57<br />

Alléen forbi G<strong>art</strong>nerboligen". (The surroundings of the<br />

manor house had a luxuriant lushness and a cheerful<br />

atmosphere, that Philipsen so nicely has depicted in<br />

the present painting with the road passing the gardener's<br />

lodge).<br />

Reproduced in Hjalmar Bruhn's catalogue of his <strong>art</strong><br />

collection.<br />

Provenance: A present to advocate to the Supreme<br />

Court Octavius Hansen, heritated by his son, advocate<br />

to the Supreme Court Ulf Hansen and his widow 1927.<br />

Shipbroker Hjalmar Bruhn, 1947. Descendants after<br />

shipbroker Hjalmar Bruhn till now.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />


58<br />

h . a . BrendekiL de<br />

b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942<br />

58<br />

"L. a. ring maler ved aasum smedje". L. a. ring painting<br />

near aasum smithy. signed and dated H. a. Brendekilde 93.<br />

Oil on canvas. 107 x 140 cm.<br />

Literature: Gertrud Hviberg-Hansen, "Brendekildes Verden -<br />

stemning og skæbne", 2001, mentioned and reproduced p. 20.<br />

Provenance: The painting has for several years been deposited<br />

first at Odense Bys Museer, then Odense Slot and latest<br />

Odense Håndværker- og Industriforening.<br />

L. A. Ring's is painting the old "rytterskole" (primary school for<br />

children of peasants who served in the royal horse regiment)<br />

in Aasum. The school teacher Lars Ebbesen is pointing at the<br />

building with his pipe. The building with the red tilted roof and<br />

the posters is the smithy, in the background the church.<br />

DKK 250,000-350,000 / € 33,500-47,000<br />

66 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


59<br />

60<br />

68 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

59<br />

L. a . r ing<br />

b. ring 1854, d. roskilde 1933<br />

"støvet landevej ved en Bakke med popler. nogle<br />

røde tage og en Kirke i Baggrunden". dusty road<br />

near a hill with poplars. in the background red roofs<br />

and a church. signed and dated L. a. ring 95. Oil<br />

on panel. 42 x 50 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the<br />

Works of L. A. Ring no. 329.<br />

Provenance: Danish painter Fritz Syberg.<br />

The motif presumably from the vicinity of Frederiksværk.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

60<br />

L. a . r ing<br />

b. ring 1854, d. roskilde 1933<br />

two children on a road with melting snow, early<br />

spring. signed and dated L. a. ring 85. Oil on canvas.<br />

50 x 66 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

61<br />

61<br />

h . a . BrendekiL de<br />

b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942<br />

"Udenfor et Bondehus". Outside a farmhouse, an<br />

old woman with toothache is talking to a bearded<br />

man. signed and dated H. a. Brendekilde 86. Oil on<br />

canvas. 76 x 100.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1886 no. 563 (supplement).<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 164, 1964 no. 21, reproduced<br />

p. 11. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />


63<br />

62<br />

62<br />

L. A. Ring<br />

b. Ring 1854, d. Roskilde 1933<br />

Smallholders in the village of Ring. "Polske-Niels"<br />

(Polish Niels) is making paper bags, while his wife is<br />

knitting in front of the stove. Signed and dated L. A.<br />

Ring 87. Oil on cardboard. 28 x 36 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Rønnebæksholm Kunst- og Kulturcenter, "L.<br />

A. Ring 150 år - motiver fra Sydsjælland", 2004 no. 8.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 567, 1991 no 75. ABR auction<br />

608, 1995 no. 108. Concertmaster Kai Laursen.<br />

Handed down from Kai Laursen to the present owner.<br />

A painting with a similar motif from the same year is<br />

in Fyns Kunstmuseum: "Husmandsfolk klistrer papirsposer"<br />

(Smallholders are making paper bags).<br />

"Polske-Niels" (Polish Niels) was the plumber in the village<br />

of Ring. He supplemented his earnings by making<br />

paper bags for seeds which he sold to the villagers.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />


63<br />

JuL ius e xner<br />

b. copenhagen 1825, d. s.p. 1910<br />

a little girl in her national costume from amager island,<br />

presumably grith geert Jansensdatter. signed<br />

E. Oil on paper laid on canvas. 26 x 18 cm.<br />

At the girl's right ear is a so-called "sølvøre" ("silverear",<br />

a buckle) with the initials of the girl's name. In<br />

this case the letters GGJD and the girl is presumably<br />

Grith Geert Jansensdatter (1850-1915) from the farm<br />

"Tvillingegaard" in Store Magleby. She later married<br />

Theis Jan Jacobsen Huck.<br />

We thank Dragør Local Archive for researching in the<br />

church books etc. in the period 1840-1870, which<br />

showed only one result based on the four letters,<br />

namely the above mentioned.<br />

DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

64<br />

64<br />

c arL B L och<br />

b. copenhagen 1834, d. s.p. 1890<br />

"Et Bryggers". En pige stænker Vand paa en lille<br />

dreng, der staar udenfor døren og rækker tunge,<br />

refnæs. the scullery. a maid is sprinkling water on<br />

a boy, who is standing outside the door sticking out<br />

his tongue, refnæs. signed and dated carl Bloch<br />

1854. Oil on canvas. 35 x 34 cm. period frame.<br />

Rikard Magnussen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works<br />

of Carl Bloch no. 27 under the year 1855.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1855 no. 13.<br />

Literature: Rikard Magnussen, "Carl Bloch", 1931,<br />

reproduced p. 25.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />


65<br />

72 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


65<br />

c arL Ludvig Jessen<br />

b. dedsbøl 1833, d. s.p. 1917<br />

three bathing beauties. signed c. L. Jessen. Oil on<br />

canvas. 98 x 86 cm.<br />

Literature: E. Schlee og Sigurd Schoubye, "Carl Ludwig<br />

Jessen", 1976 figure 17: "Young girls bathing in a forest<br />

lake", owned by Tønder Museum. The girl with the long<br />

bright hair is the same model in both paintings and she<br />

is also standing in a nearly identical position.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

66<br />

Lorenz FrøL ich<br />

b. copenhagen 1820, d. Hellerup 1908<br />

interior with cardplayers. signed with monogram<br />

(on the cradle). Oil on canvas. 62 x 74 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

67<br />

WiL heL m m arsT rand<br />

b. copenhagen 1810, d. s.p. 1873<br />

"stående nøgen kvinde". standing female nude.<br />

Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 32 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Udstillingsbygningen (the exhibition building)<br />

at Charlottenborg, "Kunstforeningens Marstrandudstilling",<br />

1898 no. 579 (supplement).<br />

Provenance: Phd., book printer Frederik Knudtzon.<br />

DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500<br />

68<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

67<br />

68<br />

Frederik v isB y<br />

b. tikøb 1839, d. risskov 1926<br />

"den første Foraarshilsen". an interior with a young<br />

woman reading an Easter letter (gækkebrev). signed<br />

and dated F. Visby 1864. Oil on canvas. 95 x 74 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1864 no. 151.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />


69<br />

k risT ian z ahrT mann<br />

b. rønne 1843, d. copenhagen 1917<br />

"struensee og caroline Mathilde ved dronning sofie Magdalenes<br />

lig". struensee and caroline Mathilde at the dead body of Queen<br />

sofie Magdalene. struensee to the right in a blue riding coat,<br />

long riding boots and horsewhip in his hand. caroline Mathilde<br />

in a red riding coat standing to the left watching the dead body<br />

of the Queen. in the background a full-length portrait of King<br />

christian Vi. signed with monogram and dated 1910. Oil on<br />

canvas. 84 x 102 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Kristian<br />

Zahrtmann no. 636. S. Danneskjold-Samsøe, A Catalogue Raisonné<br />

of the Works of Kristian Zahrtmann no. 1028, reproduced<br />

p. 473, mentioned p. 437-438.<br />

Exhibited: Den Frie 1911 no. 352.<br />

Literature: F. Hendriksen, "En Mindebog", 1919, reproduced p. 548.<br />

F. Hendriksen, "En dansk Kunstnerkreds", reproduced p. 455.<br />

Provenance: Hotel owner C. P. Christensen. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

69<br />

70<br />

e rik h enningsen<br />

b. copenhagen 1855, d. s.p. 1930<br />

"rivaler". the competitors. to young<br />

men after a fight. signed and dated Erik<br />

Henningsen 1912. Oil on canvas.<br />

80 x 102 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1912 no. 224.<br />

DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500<br />

71<br />

Lucien Tanquerey<br />

b. Frankrig 1865, d. 1938, French painter<br />

Elegant people in summer dresses drinking<br />

tea on the pier. signed L. tanquerey.<br />

Oil on canvas. 39 x 56 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

74 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

70<br />

71<br />


72<br />

a gnes sLo TT- m ø LLer<br />

b. copenhagen 1862, d. Funen island 1937<br />

"Ebbe skammelsen i bryllupsgaarden". Ebbe skammelsen arriving home, where a<br />

wedding is going to take place between his girlfriend and his brother. signed agnes<br />

slott-Møller McMViii-iX (1908-09). Oil on canvas. 135 x 205 cm. Original carved<br />

and gilt wood frame. presumably made by her husband Harald slott-Møller.<br />

a danish folksong about the knight Ebbe skammelsen gave agnes slott-Møller<br />

inspiration for this painting.<br />

the knight Ebbe is serving the King to earn money and honour; at home his brother<br />

tempts Ebbe's girlfriend to marry, lying that Ebbe is dead.<br />

the scene shows Ebbe arriving home on the evening of the wedding in his father's<br />

farm, Ebbe being greeted by his sisters.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1910 no. 433.<br />

Charlottenborg, "Slott-Møller Udstilling", 1917 no. 4.<br />

Literature: Smaa Kunstbøger no. 24, reproduced p. 54.<br />

DKK 200,000-300,000 / € 27,000-40,000<br />

72<br />

76 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


73<br />

74<br />

73<br />

d ankvarT dreyer<br />

b. assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852<br />

"p<strong>art</strong>i foran en kirke; kirkegængere i det XVi<br />

århundredes dragter". churchgoers in 16th<br />

century costumes. 1840's. Unsigned. Oil on<br />

panel. 35 x 30 cm.<br />

Leo Swane, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works<br />

of Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer no. 99. Suzanne Ludvigsen,<br />

A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Dankv<strong>art</strong><br />

Dreyer no. 197, reproduced p<strong>art</strong> II p. 89.<br />

Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Udstilling af<br />

Dankw<strong>art</strong> Dreyers Arbejder", 1912 no. 47.<br />

Literature: Leo Swane, "Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer 1816-<br />

1852", 1921 p. 127.<br />

Provenance: Furrier Chr. Hansen (1912). The collection<br />

of Johan Hansen, Consul General, 1921<br />

no. 179. 1927 no. 292. 1931 no. 302. The estate<br />

of Johan Hansen, Consul General, his auctions,<br />

p<strong>art</strong> X, Winkel & Magnussen 143, 1933 no. 34.<br />

The church in the painting is Saint Hans' Church<br />

in Odense, Funen. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

74<br />

h einrich h ansen<br />

b. Haderslev 1821, d. Frederiksberg 1890<br />

"i roslyn-chapel ved Edinburg". the roslyn<br />

chapel in Edinburgh. signed H. H. Oil on<br />

canvas. 50 x 40.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1861 no. 64.<br />

Proveniens: Mr. N. Gerson. Mr Bull.<br />

The chapel appears in Dan Brown's, "The Da<br />

Vinci Code". DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

78 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

75<br />

d ankvarT dreyer<br />

b. assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852<br />

"dronning dagmar og Valdemar sejr". Queen dagmar<br />

and Valdemar sejr. c. 1841. Unsigned. Oil on<br />

canvas. 65 x 46 cm.<br />

Leo Swane, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer no. 93. Suzanne Ludvigsen, A Catalogue<br />

Raisonné of the Works of Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer no<br />

119, reproduced p<strong>art</strong> II p. 89.<br />

Exhibited: Fyns Stiftsmuseum Odense, "Mindeudstilling<br />

for Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer 1816-1852", 1952 no. 42.<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

75<br />

Literature: Lorenz Frölich, "Egne Optegnelser", 1920, p.<br />

55. Leo Swane, "Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer 1816-1852", 1921, p.<br />

126. Suzanne Ludvigsen, "Maleren Dankv<strong>art</strong> Dreyer",<br />

2008, p. 155-157.<br />

Provenance: Stockbroker L. Palsby, Copenhagen (1921,<br />

1952). The painter Thorvald Niss, BR auction Vejle 72,<br />

2000 no. 976. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />


76<br />

c arL Locher<br />

b. Flensburg 1851, d. skagen 1915<br />

Quiet evening in the north sea with the frigate "Jylland"<br />

surrounded by ships. signed and dated carl<br />

Locher paris 1876. Oil on canvas. 75 x 125 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

77<br />

c . F. s ørensen<br />

b. samsø 1818, d. copenhagen 1879<br />

the corvette "galathea" off the coast. in the foreground<br />

a rowing boat with men, fruit and vegetables.<br />

signed and dated c. Frederik sørensen 1861.<br />

Oil on canvas. 29 x 43 cm.<br />

The subject is from the first scientific expedition with<br />

the corvette "Galethea". The corvette left Copenhagen<br />

on the 24th of June 1845 and returned on the 31th of<br />

August 1847. The journey went south of Africa, India,<br />

up to Japan over the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii, then<br />

south of South America and over the Atlantic Ocean<br />

back to Europe. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

76<br />

78<br />

c . F. s ørensen<br />

b. samsø 1818, d. copenhagen 1879<br />

"corvetten Valkyrien, capt. M. p. secher, bugseret<br />

af dampskibet Hertha forlader Kjøbenhavn paa<br />

reise til Ostindien i Januar 1848". the corvette<br />

"Valkyrien" is leaving copenhagen in January 1848.<br />

signed and dated c. Frederik sørensen 1849. Oil on<br />

canvas. 37 x 58 cm.<br />

Presumably a study or preliminary work for no. 114 in<br />

Mona Christensen and Jan Faye, A Catalogue Raisonné<br />

of the Works of C. F. Sørensen, with the title "Korvetten<br />

"Valkyrien" går igennem isen ved København" (The corvette<br />

"Valkyrien" sailing through the ice, Copenhagen),<br />

that one exhibited at Charlottenborg 1849 no. 186.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

80 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

77<br />

78<br />


79<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

79<br />

the painter's wife reading in a corner in the living room.<br />

signed c. Holsøe. Oil on canvas. 63 x 55 cm.<br />

DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000<br />

82 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

80<br />

80<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

Mother and child at the window in the living room.<br />

signed c. Holsøe. Oil on canvas. 97 x 92 cm.<br />

DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000<br />


81<br />

Ferdinand r ichardT<br />

b. Brede 1819, d. Oakland, california 1895<br />

niagara river view with visitors on the hotel veranda.<br />

signed and dated F. richardt 57. Oil on canvas.<br />

42 x 60 cm.<br />

Melinda Young Stu<strong>art</strong>, co-author on "Danske herregårde<br />

og Amerika", 2003 suggests that the location<br />

can be identified as "View of the German Hotel and<br />

Bath House in Niagara town". That one exhibited in<br />

Nygade 7, Copenhagen, "Prospecter af amerikanske<br />

Egne og Steder" no. 25, (Views from American vicinities<br />

and places). DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

82 cd<br />

h ugo Larsen<br />

b. copenhagen 1875, d. s.p. 1950<br />

a man seen in profile, st. thomas, the danish west<br />

indies. signed and dated Hugo Larsen st. thomas<br />

1905. Oil on canvas. 40 x 32 cm.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />

81<br />

84 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


83<br />

a . r iis c arsT ensen<br />

b. sennels near thisted 1844, d. Helsingør 1906<br />

View from st. John the danish west indies. signed<br />

and dated a. riis carstensen st. Jan 1903. Oil on<br />

canvas. 49 x 76 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

83<br />

84<br />

84<br />

a . r iis c arsT ensen<br />

b. sennels near thisted 1844, d. Helsingør 1906<br />

View from st. thomas the danish west indies.<br />

signed a. riis carstensen. Oil on canvas. 45 x 77 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />


85<br />

85<br />

c arL Johan Bonnesen<br />

b. aalborg 1868, d. copenhagen 1933<br />

"Hunneren med Kineserpigen". a Hun with a chinese girl. signed and<br />

dated c. J. B. 1917. patinated bronze sculpture. H. 65 cm. L. 65 cm.<br />

w. 16 cm.<br />

As a sculptor, Carl Johan Bonnesen was specialised in animal motifs<br />

and exotic, primitive subjects. Bonnesen became successful at an early<br />

age. He sold some of his works to Heinrich Hirschsprung, the founder of<br />

"Den Hirschprungske Samling" in Copenhagen and some to brewer Carl<br />

Jacobsen, who became his most important patron.<br />

The full-size sculpture can be seen in Aalborg. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350<br />

86 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

86<br />

86<br />

eLisaB e T h Jerichau Baumann<br />

b. warsaw 1819, d. copenhagen 1881<br />

an Egyptian woman with a child in the desert. c. 1870.<br />

Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 168 x 119 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />


87<br />

k nuT ekvaLL<br />

b. säby (småland) 1843, d. s.p. 1912<br />

interior with an elegant woman in a white evening<br />

dress, long white gloves and a fan in her hand.<br />

signed with monogram. Oil on canvas. 100 x 135 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

88<br />

Leis s chJ e L deruP<br />

b. Kristiansand 1856, d. roskilde 1933<br />

Young woman in a lilac dress sitting on a bench in<br />

the garden. signed with monogram and dated 88.<br />

Oil on canvas. 27 x 34 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Baroniet (The Barony) Rosendal, Norway,<br />

2004.<br />

Leis Schellerup was related to the Barony Rosendal<br />

through family. Her father was Georg Elias Schellerup,<br />

a judge in Bergen and a friend of Marcus Gerhard Hoff<br />

Rosencrone, who became her patron and helped her<br />

economically during the years.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

87<br />

89<br />

PauL Fischer<br />

b. copenhagen 1860, d. s.p. 1934<br />

the painter's wife dagny resting in a hammock<br />

during a holiday in Hvidsten, norway. signed and<br />

dated paul Fischer Juli 1892. Oil on canvas.<br />

37 x 46 cm.<br />

After Paul Fischer married the Norwegian Dagny<br />

Grønneberg, the family spent several holidays in<br />

Norway in the 1890ies.<br />

DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000<br />

88 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

88<br />

89<br />


90<br />

91<br />

90 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

90<br />

PauL B L ondeau<br />

French painter, 19. årh.<br />

castle ruins on a cliff near the river. signed paul<br />

Blondeau paris and indistict date 95? watercolour<br />

on paper laid on canvas. 115 x 88 cm.<br />

DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350<br />

91<br />

n arcisse v irgiL e d iaz<br />

de La Pena<br />

b. Bordeaux 1807, d. Menton 1876<br />

woman walking in the Fontainebleau forest. c.<br />

1850. signed n. diaz. Oil on paper laid on canvas.<br />

19 x 25 cm.<br />

A typical work by Diaz, who was an important<br />

member of the Barbizon school. In Denmark he is<br />

represented at The Glyptotek and Ordrupgaard.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

92 cd<br />

h ans z a T zka<br />

b. Vienna 1859, d. 1945<br />

Venus and amor standing near a fountain surrounded<br />

by flowers. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

95 x 58 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

93<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

92<br />

93<br />

g a B rieL Puig-r oda<br />

b. tirig (castellon) 1865, d. Vinaroz (castellon) 1919<br />

a laundry girl is taking a rest. signed g. puig roda<br />

with dedication to "al sigr. dtr. w. Bull zu aff.mo amico"<br />

(to my friend...). watercolour on paper. Visible size<br />

54 x 32 cm.<br />

Bachelor of Medicine William Bull (1844-1922) settled<br />

down in Cairo 1872 and worked as general practitioner.<br />

In 1882 he moved to Rome and became a close friend to<br />

many, including the Scandinavian <strong>art</strong>ists staying there.<br />

Provenance: In the Bull family till today.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />


94<br />

c hrisT ian m ø L s T ed<br />

b. dragør 1862, d. s.p. 1930<br />

danish privateers intercepting an enemy vessel during the<br />

napoleonic wars. signed and dated chr. Mølsted 1888. Oil<br />

on canvas. 67 x 110 cm.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 491, 1987 no. 203, reproduced p. 37.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

95<br />

e dvard s kari<br />

b. Hadeland 1839, d. Kristiania 1903<br />

the British royal yacht is received by the danish royal yacht<br />

and vessels of the danish navy, presumably in Øresund with<br />

Helsingborg in the background. signed Edv. skari. Oil on<br />

canvas. 53 x 93 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

96<br />

c arL Baagøe<br />

b. copenhagen 1829, d. snekkersten 1902<br />

94<br />

seascape with a ships off the pier. signed and dated carl<br />

Baagøe 1858. Oil on canvas. 54 x 71 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

92 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

95<br />

96<br />


97<br />

k arL Jensen,<br />

b. Holstebro 1851, d. Hillerød 1933<br />

97<br />

(aFTer c hrisT en k ø B ke)<br />

"Frederiksborg slot. p<strong>art</strong>i fra ved Møntbroen". Frederiksborg<br />

castle. 1912. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 65 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A catalogue Raisonné of the Works of<br />

Karl Jensen no. 2. Hanna Nielsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the<br />

Works of Karl Jensen no. 2 (under copies).<br />

Exhibition: Holstebro Museum, "Karl Jensen udstilling", 1995.<br />

Provenance: Commissioned work. Kunsthallen auction 409,<br />

1992 no. 67.<br />

The original painting belongs to Statens Museum for Kunst<br />

(The Danish National Gallery).<br />

DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000<br />

94 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

98<br />

98<br />

François v erheyden<br />

b. Louvain 1806, d. Brussels 1890<br />

at the poultry shop. signed FVerheyden f. (in one<br />

word). Oil on canvas. 48 x 36 cm.<br />

DKK 50,000-750,004 / € 6,700-100,000<br />


99<br />

c hrisT ian e ckardT<br />

b. copenhagen 1832, d. s.p. 1914<br />

coastal scene with sailing ships and a fishing boat<br />

with three men in the foreground. presumably from<br />

the bay at cattaro in the adriatic. signed and dated<br />

c. Eckardt 1881. Oil on canvas. 50 x 80 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

100<br />

c hrisT ian B L ache<br />

b. aarhus 1838, d. copenhagen 1920<br />

"Kastellet ved ischia". the citadel, ischia. signed<br />

chr. Blache. Oil on canvas. 81 x 125 cm.<br />

Presumably exhibited Charlottenborg 1874 no. 21.<br />

DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700<br />

101<br />

s amueL PhiL i P s Jackson<br />

b. Bristol 1830, d. 1904<br />

"ruins of dunstanborough castle. a calm Evening".<br />

signed and dated s. p. Jackson 1856. Oil on canvas.<br />

85 x 137 cm.<br />

Dunstanborough Castle is situated on the coast of<br />

Northumberland in the North of England between the<br />

villages of Craster and Embleton.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

99<br />

96 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

100<br />

101<br />


102<br />

Ferdinand gJøs, ascriB ed T o<br />

b. christiania (Oslo) 1790, d. copenhagen 1852<br />

102<br />

norwegian fiord with traffic at sea, presumably off Frederikshald<br />

(Halden). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 53 x 76 cm.<br />

It has been suggested by one who is very well-versed in Norwegian<br />

<strong>art</strong>, that the painter is Ferdinand Gjøs and the place is<br />

Frederikhald, where the painter stayed on and off for several<br />

years. J. Flintoe was his teacher and Gjøs was inspired by<br />

C. A. Lorentzen's Norwegian landscapes.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

98 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

103<br />

103<br />

h ans a ndreas d ahL<br />

b. düsseldorf 1881, d. Oslo 1919<br />

norwegian fiord landscape with a young girl and a goat, summertime.<br />

signed Hans andreas dahl. Oil on canvas. 135 x 102 cm. impressive<br />

English period frame. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-16,500<br />


104<br />

105<br />

104<br />

PeT er k ornB eck<br />

b. copenhagen 1837, d. s.p. 1894<br />

View of duomo di sant'andrea (the cathedral<br />

of st. andrew) seen from piazza del<br />

duomo, amalfi. signed p. K. Oil on canvas.<br />

47 x 34 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

105<br />

n . v . d orP h<br />

b. Haderslev 1862, d. copenhagen 1931<br />

Landscape from tyrol, presumably from<br />

Meran/Merano in northern italy. signed<br />

and dated n. V. dorph tirol 1907. Oil on<br />

canvas. 99 x 193 cm. period mahogany<br />

frame carved with foliage.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

106<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

sunny mountain landscape with grazing<br />

cows at stazersee, st. Moritz, switzerland.<br />

signed and dated p. Mønsted st. Moritz<br />

1883. Oil on canvas. 42 x 69 cm.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />

100 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

106<br />

107<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

winter landscape with a stream in sils at Engadin, switzerland.<br />

signed and dated p. Mønsted sils Engadin 1930. Oil on canvas.<br />

40 x 62 cm. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050<br />

107<br />


108 cd<br />

Johannes Larsen<br />

b. Kerteminde 1867, d. s.p. 1961<br />

"skarver ved røjle Klint". cormorants along the coast of røjle cliff.<br />

signed with monogram and dated 46. Oil on canvas. 62 x 78 cm.<br />

Provenance: Purchased directly from the painter by the present owner's<br />

family.<br />

Røjle Klint (Cliff) is situated in the north-western p<strong>art</strong> of Funen.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

109<br />

WrighT Barker<br />

b. Bradford, 19th century<br />

the blacksmith shoes the horse before the hunt. the dogs are excited<br />

to go. signed wright Barker. Oil on canvas. 93 x 135 cm.<br />

DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500<br />

110 cd<br />

Johannes Larsen<br />

b. Kerteminde 1867, d. s.p. 1961<br />

108<br />

"svaner og blishøns, Fiilsø, i baggrunden Henne kirke". swans and<br />

coots, Fiilsø, in the background Henne church. signed with monogram<br />

and dated 29. Oil on canvas. 74 x 100 cm.<br />

DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500<br />

102 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

109<br />

110<br />


111<br />

s imon s imonsen<br />

b. Munich 1841, d. copenhagen 1928<br />

"gæslinger". goslings and hens at the pond. signed<br />

and dated simon simonsen 1902. inscribed on the<br />

stretcher "simon simonsen malede i nørrevang ved<br />

rørvig" (simon simonen painted in nørrevang near<br />

rørvig). Oil on canvas. 67 x 62 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

112<br />

c . F. a agaard<br />

b. Odense 1833, d. copenhagen 1895<br />

111<br />

Forest lake with swans and cygnets in the nest.<br />

signed c. F. aagaard. Oil on canvas. 144 x 105 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050<br />

104 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

112<br />


113<br />

114<br />

106 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

113<br />

h ans Brasen<br />

b. Hillerød 1849, d. copenhagen 1930<br />

"den Fremmede". the intruder. two bathing girls<br />

are frightened by cows. signed and dated H. Brasen<br />

1913. Oil on canvas. 80 x 110 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1914 no. 69.<br />

DKK 20,000 / € 2,700<br />

114<br />

Janus L a c our<br />

b. ringkøbing 1837, d. Odder 1909<br />

Begtrup inlet between Mols and aarhus, Jutland.<br />

signed and dated J. la cour 28. Juli 187? Oil on<br />

canvas. 45 x 75 cm.<br />

The date is difficult to read, it could be 1873, 75 or 78.<br />

A letter from la Cour dated 14. sept. 1898 describes<br />

the landscape, is enclosed. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

115<br />

115<br />

Janus L a c our<br />

b. ringkøbing 1837, d. Odder 1909<br />

"stille sommerdag ud over Havet". Quiet summer<br />

day at sea. signed and dated J. la cour 1884. Oil on<br />

canvas. 127 x 190 cm. period frame.<br />

Rikard Magnussen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works<br />

of Janus la Cour no. 549.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1884 no. 65. Foreningen<br />

for National Kunst, "Jubilæumsudstilling 1900-1970",<br />

1970 no. 17, owned by landowner, chamberlain I. Iuel.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />


117<br />

116<br />

116<br />

g usT av WiL heL m PaL m<br />

b. Härlöv 1810, d. stockholm 1890<br />

norwegian landscape with mountains with snow. a<br />

man is crossing a bridge with a mile stone with an<br />

inscription "Hir fra till Bergen 50 mil. trondheim 50<br />

mil. christiania 51 mil. 1819." (From here to Bergen<br />

50 miles, trondheim 50 miles and christiania (Oslo)<br />

51 miles. 1819). signed and dated g. w. palm pinx<br />

1835. Oil on canvas. 59 x 80 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

117<br />

PeT er iLs T ed<br />

b. sakskøbing 1861, d. copenhagen 1933<br />

"tre unge piger". interior with three young girls.<br />

signed and dated peter ilsted 1890. Oil on canvas.<br />

41 x 33 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1890 no. 592 (supplement).<br />

The surplus from the sale of the present work goes to<br />

Kræftens Bekæmpelse and Dyreinternatet i Aarhus.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

108 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

118<br />

Frederick g oodaLL<br />

b. London 1822, d. s.p. 1904<br />

"a Village Festival". signed Fred. goodall. Oil<br />

on canvas. 25.5 x 35.5 cm.<br />

DKK 25,000-35,000 / € 3,350-4,700<br />

119<br />

e dvard Lehmann<br />

b. copenhagen 1815, d. s.p. 1892<br />

a nanny with two children, a girl with a doll<br />

and a boy in a pram. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

56 x 48 cm.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 446, 1983 no. 219, reproduced<br />

p. 73.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

118<br />

119<br />


120<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

120<br />

View of Lake Esrum, sunset. signed and dated p. Mønsted<br />

Fredensborg 1890. Oil on canvas. 57 x 93 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050<br />

121<br />

121 cd<br />

e miL krause<br />

b. copenhagen 1871, d. Farum 1945<br />

"Færinger. Myggenæs". Men from Myggenæs on<br />

the Faro isles gathering in the grass. signed E. K. Oil<br />

on canvas. 118 x 206 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1943 no. 269, here with the<br />

measurement 133 x 114 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

110 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

122<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

sunset over a danish fiord. at dusk. signed and<br />

dated p. Mønsted 1901. Oil on canvas. 54 x 95 cm.<br />

DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

122<br />

123<br />

123<br />

LauriT s Tuxen<br />

b. copenhagen 1853, d. s.p. 1927<br />

two women collecting mussels on the beach in the<br />

evening, Brittany. signed and dated L. tuxen 1881.<br />

Oil on canvas. 29 x 48 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />


124<br />

JuL ius PauL sen<br />

b. Odense 1860, d. copenhagen 1940<br />

124<br />

"dobbeltportræt". the painter's daughters Merete<br />

and inger. signed and dated Jul. paulsen 1929. Oil<br />

on canvas. 130 x 120 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1929 no. 381.<br />

Exhibition labels from Toronto (1929) and Oslo.<br />

Provenance: Julius Paulsen.<br />

DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700<br />

125<br />

PeT er iLs T ed<br />

b. sakskøbing 1861, d. copenhagen 1933<br />

the white bench under a blooming tree in the garden.<br />

Unsigned. Oil on canvas laid on board. 55 x 58 cm.<br />

Provenance: Earlier in the painter's family. ABR auction<br />

561, 1991 no. 618.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

126<br />

PeT er iLs T ed<br />

b. sakskøbing 1861, d. copenhagen 1933<br />

"Udsigt fra Lundeskolen til Horbelev Kirke". View<br />

from Lunde school towards Horbelev church.<br />

c. 1903. signed with monogram. Oil on canvas.<br />

34 x 42 cm.<br />

Horbelev is a small village in the north-eastern p<strong>art</strong> of<br />

Falster. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

112 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

125<br />

126<br />


127 cd<br />

oLe r ing<br />

b. Baldersbrønde 1902, d. 1972<br />

Early spring in the village. two women chatting.<br />

signed Ole ring. Oil on canvas. 70 x 100 cm.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 439, 1982 no. 170, reproduced<br />

p. 41. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

127<br />

128<br />

c hrisT ian z acho<br />

b. grenaa 1843, d. Hellerup 1913<br />

sunny winter day with sledge riding. signed and<br />

dated chr. Zacho 1895. Oil on canvas. 58 x 84 cm.<br />

Presumably exhibited Charlottenborg 1895 no. 361<br />

with the title "Vej langs Skovbrynet. Klar Vinterdag",<br />

(Road along the edge of the wood. Clear winter day).<br />

DKK 20,000 / € 2,700<br />

114 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


129<br />

L. a . r ing<br />

b. ring 1854, d. roskilde 1933<br />

"Lyngbakker greve strand. Bakkerne<br />

tilvenstre; Mark med modent Korn tilhøjre.<br />

i Midten et højt hvidt Hus med<br />

rødt tag. Optrækkende mørke skyer fra<br />

Baggrunden". Heather landscape near<br />

greve. Hills to the left, a field with with<br />

ripe grain crop to the right. in the middle<br />

a house with a red roof. signed and<br />

dated L. a. ring 1911. Oil on canvas.<br />

83 x 124 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1912 no. 450.<br />

Provenance: Merchant J. H. Melchior.<br />

DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000<br />

130<br />

h . a . BrendekiL de<br />

b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942<br />

spring day in the village. signed and<br />

dated H. a. Brendekilde 1918. Oil on<br />

canvas. 55 x 76 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

129<br />

130<br />


131<br />

131<br />

a n T onio<br />

m unoz-d egrain<br />

b. Valencia 1843, d. Malaga 1927<br />

two small spanish kids. signed<br />

degrain. Oil on panel. 41 x 32 cm.<br />

DKK 50,000 / € 6,700<br />

116 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

132<br />

132<br />

oTTo Bache<br />

b. roskilde 1839, d. copenhagen 1927<br />

"scirococo". sleeping farm labourers<br />

on a c<strong>art</strong> in the midday heat.<br />

c. 1920. signed Otto Bache. Oil on<br />

canvas. 55 x 70 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1920 no.<br />

944 (supplement).<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700

133<br />

a n T on d orP h<br />

b. Horsens 1831, d. copenhagen 1914<br />

"Ung fiskerkone, der venter sin mands hjemkomst<br />

fra søen". a young fisherwoman waiting for her<br />

husband's return from the sea. signed and dated<br />

a. dorph 1905. Oil on canvas. 70 x 51 cm. period<br />

frame with a portal-shaped gilt frame.<br />

The subject was popular and Dorph painted it several<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

133<br />

times. For instance Den Hirschsprungske Samling (The<br />

Hirschsprung Collection) owns one.<br />

The popularity is understandable. The painting has a<br />

speciel atmosphere and light with the young mother<br />

seated next to her child's cradle looking out of the window,<br />

where she recognizes her husband's sailing boat<br />

homeward bound. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />


135<br />

134<br />

134 cd<br />

v i L heL m a rnesen<br />

b. Flensburg 1865, d. copenhagen 1948<br />

View from the port of copenhagen towards<br />

nyhavn. signed Vilh. arnesen 1934. Oil on<br />

canvas. 75 x 112 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

135 cd<br />

s vend h ammershøi<br />

b. Frederiksberg 1873, d. s.p. 1948<br />

View over rooftops, copenhagen, in the foreground<br />

rundetårn. signed with monogram.<br />

Oil on canvas. 82 x 72 cm.<br />

Svend Hammerhøi went to Zahrtmann's school<br />

of painting, and later he travelled to England<br />

and visited Oxford, Winchester and Wells. Here<br />

he developed his personal atmospheric architectual<br />

paintings in greyish and golden nuances<br />

with a hazy air. Svend Hammerhøi was<br />

influenced by his brother Vilhelm Hammershøi.<br />

Svend Hammershøi was also a well-known potter,<br />

he even got a gold medal under the World's<br />

Fair in Paris in the year 1925.<br />

DKK 20,000 / € 2,700<br />

118 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

136 cd<br />

v i L heL m a rnesen<br />

b. Flensburg 1865, d. copenhagen 1948<br />

prince carl and princess Maud of denmark arriving<br />

in Oslo Fiord on board the danish royal Yacht<br />

dannebrog as King Haakon Vii and Queen Maud of<br />

norway. signed and dated Vilh. arnesen 1905. Oil<br />

on canvas. 50 x 79 cm.<br />

When Norway seceded from Sweden in 1905, Prince<br />

Carl (1872-1957) and Princess Maud (1869-1938) of<br />

Denmark were elected King and Queen of the independent<br />

Norway.<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

136<br />

The couple were both grandchildren of King Christian<br />

IX of Denmark, and he himself received the Norwegian<br />

deputation, who asked for permission to appoint the<br />

young couple to be King and Queen of Norway. They<br />

then sailed to Oslo on the Danish Royal Yacht Dannebrog,<br />

which is shown on this painting, along with a<br />

convoy of warships and other vessels with flags.<br />

A painting of the dep<strong>art</strong>ure from Copenhagen, also<br />

painted by Vilhelm Arnesen, is owned by the Norwegian<br />

Royal Family.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />


137<br />

138<br />

137<br />

JuL ius PauL sen<br />

b. Odense 1860, d. copenhagen 1940<br />

"portræt af Violinistinden Frk. Karen<br />

Bramsen". portrait of violinist Karen<br />

Bramsen. signed and dated Jul. paulsen<br />

1900. Oil on canvas. 81 x 61 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1900 no. 347.<br />

Literature: Grete Zahle, "Julius Paulsen",<br />

1992, reproduced. p. 47.<br />

Provenance: Mr. Alfred Bramsen (1900).<br />

Among other things known for his work<br />

about Vilhelm Hammershøi produced together<br />

with Sophus Michaelis.<br />

Karen Bramsen (1877-1970) was daughter<br />

of the author, dentist and <strong>art</strong> collector<br />

Alfred Bramsen (1851-1932). She married<br />

Gustav Falck, Art Historian and Director<br />

of Statens Museum for Kunst (The<br />

Danish National Gallery).<br />

Another portrait of Karen Bramsen with<br />

her instrument was painted by Vilhelm<br />

Hammershøi 1898 in London.<br />

DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

138<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

Evening interior with a candle illuminating<br />

an etching on the wall. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on panel. 73 x 68 cm.<br />

On the reverse exhibition labels from<br />

Kunstnernes Efteraarsudstilling 1914 and<br />

Foreningen for National Kunst.<br />

Provenance: Iron founder K. Brandt's collection<br />

of paintings, his estate auction,<br />

Winkel & Magnussen 77, 1930 no. 32.<br />

ABR auction 447, 1983 no. 99.<br />

DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

120 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

139<br />

m ichaeL ancher<br />

b. Bornholm 1849, d. skagen 1927<br />

christiane <strong>Bruun</strong> de neergaard (b.<br />

1888) in a black evening dress decorated<br />

with a red rose. signed and<br />

dated Michael ancher 1912. Oil on<br />

canvas. 70 x 60 cm.<br />

DKK 60,000 / € 8,050<br />

140<br />

c arL ho L søe<br />

b. aarhus 1863, d. asserbo 1935<br />

interior with an open door.<br />

signed carl Holsøe. Oil on canvas.<br />

50 x 45 cm. DKK 60,000-75,000 /<br />

€ 8,050-10,000<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

139<br />

140<br />


141<br />

i . P. m ø LLer<br />

b. Faaborg 1783, d. copenhagen 1854<br />

"søgaard. dyrehavemosen". signed and dated i. p.<br />

Møller 1852. Oil on canvas. 56 x 80 cm.<br />

Exhibited in Køge 1938 according to a label on the<br />

stretcher.<br />

Provenance: Peter B. Scavenius. Jacob Scavenius.<br />

Birgitte Scavenius. In the same family till now.<br />

Søgaard is a farm placed on the grounds of the manor<br />

house Gjorslev, Stevns, in the southern p<strong>art</strong> at of<br />

Sjælland (Sealand).<br />

Peter B. Scavenius was a friend of many of the Golden<br />

Age painters and he owned several paintings by I. P.<br />

Møller. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

141<br />

142<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

"Halleby aa. (strids Mølle)". summer day at Halleby<br />

stream near strids Mill. signed and dated p. Mønsted<br />

1925. Oil on canvas. 32 x 52 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

143<br />

ThorvaL d n iss<br />

b. assens 1842, d. Frederiksberg 1905<br />

"Funkedammen ved Frederiksborg". the Funkedammen<br />

(pond), Frederiksborg, with water lilies. signed<br />

with monogram and dated 1881. Oil on canvas.<br />

59 x 90 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1881 no. 189.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />

122 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

142<br />

143<br />


144<br />

c . F. a agaard<br />

b. Odense 1833, d. copenhagen 1895<br />

144<br />

ancient columns, italy. in the background italians at<br />

the well. signed and dated c. F. aagaard 74. Oil on<br />

canvas. 110 x 75 cm.<br />

DKK 75,000-125,000 / € 10,000-16,500<br />

145<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

"salò ved gardasøen". View from salò at Lake<br />

garda. springtime. signed and dated p. Mønsted<br />

salò 1908. Oil on canvas 32 x 52 cm.<br />

Salò is located in the centre of a beautiful gulf under<br />

Mount Saint Bernardo, and it is considered the "capital"<br />

of the higher p<strong>art</strong> of Garda's area of Brescia.<br />

DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000<br />

124 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841


145<br />

146<br />

Peder Mønsted<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

Italian women at a fountain on a square in San Remo. Signed and<br />

dated P. Mønsted San Remo 1906. Oil on canvas. 33 x 44 cm.<br />

DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000<br />

146<br />


147<br />

k risT ian z ahrT mann<br />

b. rønne 1843, d. copenhagen 1917<br />

147<br />

"En abbedisse siddende under Vinløv med<br />

en Bog i Haanden". an abbess seated under<br />

vine leaves with a book in her hands.<br />

signed with monogram and dated 1906.<br />

Oil on canvas. 77 x 71 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of<br />

the Works of Kristian Zahrtmann no. 600. S.<br />

Danneskjold-Samsøe, A Catalogue Raisonné<br />

of the Works of Kristian Zahrtmann no. 986.<br />

Provenance: Art dealer C. Larsen.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

148<br />

k risT ian z ahrT mann<br />

b. rønne 1843, d. copenhagen 1917<br />

"pilgrimme paa Vandring. i civita d'antinos Byport holder en<br />

del Bønder Hvil". travelling pilgrims taking a rest at the town<br />

gate in civita d'antino. signed with monogram and dated<br />

1905. Oil on canvas. 71 x 85 cm.<br />

H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Kristian<br />

Zahrtmann no. 576. S. Danneskjold-Samsøe, A Catalogue<br />

Raisonné of the Works of Kristian Zahrtmann no. 962.<br />

Exhibited: Den Frie 1906 no. 251. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

149<br />

h o L ger d rachmann<br />

b. copenhagen 1846, d. Hornbæk 1908<br />

Udsigt fra scaletta over Faro di Messina til calabrien". View<br />

from scaletta over Faro di Messina to calabria. signed and<br />

dated H. drachmann 1871. Oil on canvas. 40 x 58 cm.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1871 no. 97.<br />

Provenance: Sold at auction 1873 to merchant Bendixen for 37<br />

rigsdaler. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050<br />

126 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

148<br />

149<br />


150<br />

c arL Locher<br />

b. Flensburg 1851, d. skagen 1915<br />

clear summer day with ships off Hornbæk, brisk<br />

wind. signed and dated carl Locher Hornbæk 82. Oil<br />

on canvas. 45 x 68 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

151<br />

Peder m ønsT ed<br />

b. grenaa 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941<br />

the lionhead rocks, Bornholm. signed and dated p.<br />

Mønsted 1917. Oil on canvas. 70 x 95 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

152<br />

L. a . r ing<br />

b. ring 1854, d. roskilde 1933<br />

a beach scenery with lyme grass. signed L. a. ring.<br />

Oil on canvas. 47 x 70 cm.<br />

Presumably H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné<br />

of the Works of L. A. Ring no. 197, with the title "Strandbillede<br />

fra Hellebæk" (Beach scene from Hellebæk).<br />

DKK 50,000 / € 6,700<br />

150<br />

128 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

151<br />

152<br />


153<br />

Theodor PhiL i P sen<br />

b. copenhagen 1840, d. s.p. 1920<br />

"Kalve og får ved et led". cattle and sheep at the<br />

gate. signed with monogram and dated 1868. Oil<br />

on canvas. 87 x 127 cm.<br />

Lise Skov, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Theodor<br />

Philipsen no. 32.<br />

Exhibited: Charlottenborg, "Th. Philipsen", 1946 no. 4.<br />

Provenance: The wife of titular councillor E. M. Larsen<br />

(1946). Kunsthallen auction 354, 1976 no. 167. Kunsthallen<br />

auction 380, 1989 no. 183. ABR/Børge Nielsen<br />

auction, 1, 1990 no. 524.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

154<br />

Theodor PhiL i P sen<br />

b. copenhagen 1840, d. s.p. 1920<br />

"skoven på saltholm. Kvæg ved vandhullet". cattle<br />

at the water hole, saltholm. signed with monogram<br />

and dated 1913. Oil on canvas. 93 x 132 cm.<br />

Lise Skov, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Theodor<br />

Philipsen no. 662.<br />

153<br />

Provenance: Den Frie: "Th. Philipsen auction", 1916<br />

no. 157. The actress Bodil Ipsen. ABR auction 208,<br />

1967 no. 412. Kunsthallen auction 291, 1970 no. 150.<br />

Kunsthallen auction 339, 1982 no 116. Børge Nielsen<br />

auction Vejle, October 1989 no. 660.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

155<br />

Theodor PhiL i P sen<br />

b. copenhagen 1840, d. s.p. 1920<br />

"Køer og heste på saltholm". cattle and horses on<br />

saltholm. signed with monogram and dated 12. Oil<br />

on canvas. 93 x 123 cm.<br />

Lise Skov, Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Theodor<br />

Philipsen no. 659 a.<br />

Exhibition label on the back.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 96, 1958 no. 177, reproduced<br />

p. 31. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

130 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

154<br />

155<br />


156<br />

i . T. h ansen<br />

b. randers 1848, d. s.p. 1912<br />

156<br />

From "casa di salustio, pompei". signed and dated<br />

i. t. Hansen casa di salustio pompei 1886. watercolour<br />

on paper. Visible size 23.5 x 34 cm.<br />

One of the walls in Sallust's house was decorated with<br />

a scene from the myth of Diana and Actaeon. It was<br />

destroyed during a bombardment in 1943.<br />

DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000<br />

157<br />

d anish g o L den a ge P ainT er,<br />

F irsT haLF<br />

o F T he 19T h cenT ury<br />

"castor and pollux". Unsigned. approved by c. w.<br />

Eckersberg. pencil on paper. Visible size 54 x 35 cm.<br />

The Castor and Pollux group, also called the San Ildefonso<br />

Group, is a Roman marble sculpture from the first<br />

century, belonging to the Prado Museum in Madrid.<br />

The work is drawn after a plaster cast in the collection<br />

of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.<br />

Provenance: According to seller's information the<br />

drawing comes from a collection of a total of four<br />

drawings deriving from the Constantin Hansen family.<br />

Two of the four drawings were signed Constantin<br />

Hansen. DKK 8,000-12,000 / € 1,050-1,600<br />

132 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

158<br />

158<br />

c . W. e ckersB erg<br />

b. Blåkrog near aabenraa 1783, d. copenhagen 1853<br />

archway in colosseum in rome. signed and dated E. roma 1813. pencil,<br />

drawing ink and watercolour on paper. Visible size 25 x 30 cm.<br />

The great amphitheatre Colosseum made a great impression on Eckersberg during<br />

his stay in Rome. He did many drawings and paintings of this monumental building.<br />

Well known is "Udsigt gennem tre af de nordvestlige Buer i Amphiteatrets<br />

3die Stokværk" (View through three of the north-western arches in the amphitheatre's<br />

third floor).<br />

C. W. Eckersberg mentions several visits to Colosseum in his diary, for instance on<br />

the 12th of December 1813: "Søndag været i Koliseet og i Badene af Titus, en overmaade<br />

skjön Dag" ("Sunday I visited Colosseum and the Baths of Titus, a beautiful<br />

day") and again on the 22th of December: "Den korteste Dag, et meget skjöndt<br />

Vejr, tegnet i Koliseet, om Eftermid. i Villa Borghese" ("The shortest day of the year,<br />

a rather beautiful day, made drawnings in the Colosseum, in the afternoon visited<br />

Villa Borghese"). DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />


159<br />

m arT inus r ørB ye<br />

b. drammen 1803, d. copenhagen 1848<br />

Four drawings from M<strong>art</strong>inus rørbye's long journey<br />

st<strong>art</strong>ing in May 1834.<br />

View from travemünde with the lighthouse and the<br />

church steeple. inscribed travemünde den 20 Maÿ<br />

1834.<br />

altona Harbour. inscribed altona 24. May.<br />

street scene with people on a bridge. inscribed<br />

wenchoten 27. May.<br />

street scene with people on a bridge near "the old<br />

guard" in amsterdam. inscribed "die alte wach<br />

Oude-Haag. amsterdam".<br />

Unsigned. pencil and wash on paper. Visible size 12<br />

x 18 cm each. Frame size 35 x 49 cm.<br />

Four drawnings in one frame.<br />

On the 19th of May 1834 M<strong>art</strong>inus Rørbye st<strong>art</strong>ed his<br />

long journey abroad. He was away for more than three<br />

years. He went through Germany, the Netherlands,<br />

Schwitzerland, Italy and further on to Greece and back.<br />

He was home in November 1837.<br />

DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350<br />

159<br />

160<br />

c hrisT en k ø B ke<br />

b. copenhagen 1810, d. s.p. 1848<br />

"Udsigt over neapel". View of naples. Unsigned.<br />

Lead on paper. sheet size 16.5 x 22 cm.<br />

Provenance: The sale of the estate of the late Christen<br />

Købke, 1848 no. 45 (Three Italian drawings).<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

161<br />

c . W. e ckersB erg<br />

b. Blåkrog near aabenraa 1783, d. copenhagen 1853<br />

"scene fra svenskekrigene". slaget i Køge Bugt.<br />

scene from the danish-swedish war 1677 in Køge<br />

Bay. Unsigned and inscribed 1. Juli 1677 and 327.<br />

pencil and lead on paper. 21.5 x 36.5 cm.<br />

A Study for the painting no. 499 in Emil Hannover, A<br />

Catalogue Raissonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

134 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

160<br />

161<br />


162<br />

162<br />

162<br />

136 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

162<br />

Johan JacoB <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

b. slagelse 1715, d. Hillerød 1789<br />

Four views of Frederiksborg, Frederiksborg Ladegård (workhouse), sorgenfri and<br />

Ledreborg. 1753. signed Johan Jacob <strong>Bruun</strong>. drawing ink and watercolour on paper.<br />

Visible size 27 x 43 cm each. period frames. (4).<br />

The four views are the original drawings for the engravings in Laurids de Thurah's set of<br />

books "Den Danske Vitruvius" (1746-1749).<br />

DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350<br />

163<br />

Johan Thomas LundB ye<br />

b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

162<br />

Landscape with grazing cows. signed with monogram. pencil and watercolour on<br />

paper laid on paper. Visible size 23 x 23 cm. DKK 5,000-7,000 / € 670-940<br />

163<br />


164<br />

164<br />

h einrich k rock<br />

b. Flensburg 1671, d. copenhagen 1738<br />

Mytological scene with a young girl being seduced. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 169 x 65 cm.<br />

Heinrich Krock's decorative paintings can been seen in several<br />

Danish castles and manor houses as Rosenborg, Frederiksberg<br />

Castle, Gaunø and Bregentved among others.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

165<br />

Jacques c ourT ois<br />

b. France 1621, d. rome 1675<br />

Battle scene outside the citywalls. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

50 x 105 cm. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500<br />

166<br />

BenoiT Le c o FFre, ascriB ed T o<br />

b. copenhagen 1671, d. s.p. 1722<br />

the five senses. in the middle "touch", a girl playing the<br />

flute, feeling the sound of the instrument by touching<br />

the flute. to the right "Hearing", a woman listening; and<br />

"sight", an old woman learning a child to read. to the left<br />

"smell", a censer; and "taste", two boys fighting to get the<br />

berries. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 80 cm.<br />

Study for a ceiling painting in the King's small cabinet at<br />

Frederiksberg Castle. DKK 25,000-35,000 / € 3,350-4,700<br />

167<br />

Léonard Bramer, ascriB ed T o<br />

b. delft 1596, d. s.p. 1674<br />

twelve year old christ in the temple. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

25 x 36 cm. period frame. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350<br />

165<br />

138 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

166<br />

167<br />


168<br />

a driaen BrouW er,<br />

b. Oudenaarde c. 1605, d. antwerp 1638<br />

ascriB ed T o<br />

the bitter tonic. inscribed with monogram. Oil on<br />

panel. wax seal on the reverse. 18 x 16 cm. period<br />

frame.<br />

Similar painting at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt.<br />

DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700<br />

169<br />

k areL van m ander (iii)<br />

b. delft 1609, d. copenhagen 1670<br />

168<br />

or W orkshoP , 17T h cenT ury<br />

an old man wearing spectacles. an allegorical representation<br />

of "the sight". Unsigned. inscribed<br />

with inventory no. - no 18 - in the lower right<br />

corner. Oil on canvas. 70 x 62 cm.<br />

From an allegorical representation of "The Five Senses",<br />

painted by Karel van Mander in 1639. "The Sight" and<br />

"The Hearing" are at Statens Museum for Kunst (The<br />

National Gallery of Denmark), both with the measurement<br />

58 x 44.5 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

140 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

170<br />

170<br />

k areL van m ander (iii) ,<br />

schooL o F , 17T h cenT ury<br />

nobleman in a yellow silk dress in a park with his dog. presumably Friedrich iii duke of<br />

schleswig-Holstein-gottorp (1597-1659), who was a keen gardener. in the park can be<br />

seen large greenhouses and two noblemen on a path. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 35 x 26 cm.<br />

The duke's mother was Princess Augusta, daughter of King Frederik II and sister to King<br />

Christian IV. The dog in the painting looks very much like the Danish breed "Broholmer".<br />

DKK 175,000-200,000 / € 23,500-27,000<br />


171 172<br />

171<br />

g érard Ter Borch,<br />

a FTer, 19T h cenT ury<br />

a young woman is offering a cavalier a glass of wine. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas laid on board. 67 x 55 cm.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

173<br />

172<br />

PieT er c orneL isz<br />

van sLingeL and, aFTer<br />

Young girl with a bird's cage at a window.<br />

Unsigned. Oil on panel. 24 x 18 cm.<br />

Similar painting by Slingeland at the Danish<br />

National Gallery.<br />

The subject with women and birds was very<br />

popular in the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th<br />

century, where a woman's virtue was concidered<br />

as flighthy as a bird. The position of the<br />

bird in or outside the cage tells us about the<br />

woman's virtue. So the young girl here is not<br />

quite innocent!<br />

Provenance: Margrethe Jacobsen, the estate<br />

auction ABR 141, 1962 no. 431.<br />

DKK 50,000 / € 6,700<br />

173<br />

d avid Teniers ii,<br />

b. antwerp 1610, d. Brussels 1690<br />

ascriB ed T o<br />

Men smoking pipes in an inn. Unsigned. Oil<br />

on canvas. 46 x 40 cm.<br />

Provenance: ABR auction 305, 1973 no. 8, reproduced<br />

p. 13.<br />

DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350<br />

142 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

174<br />

Jan Frans van B L oemen<br />

( L ’ o rizzonT e),<br />

b. antwerp 1662, d. rome 1749<br />

ascriB ed T o<br />

Landscape with two shepherds. Unsigned. Oil on<br />

canvas. 107 x 146 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

174<br />

175<br />

m einderT ho BBema,<br />

s T y L e oF , 17T h cenT ury<br />

Landscape with tall trees and people walking along<br />

the river. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 36 x 46 cm.<br />

DKK 30,000 / € 4,000<br />

175<br />


176<br />

176<br />

Pierre m ignard, aFTer, c. 1700<br />

Louis XiV with dark full-buttomed wig and armour. Unsigned.<br />

Oil on canvas. 110 x 84 cm.<br />

DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050<br />

144 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

177<br />

177<br />

F L emish P ainT er, 17T h cenT ury<br />

Elegant young woman arranging flowers in a basket, a young<br />

boy is watching. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 126 x 97 cm.<br />

DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500<br />


178<br />

179<br />

146 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

178<br />

d u T ch P ainT er,<br />

17T h cenT ury<br />

Flower still life with bouquet of tulips, roses, poppies<br />

and irises in a vase on a stone sill, also butter-<br />

flies, snail and spider. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

58 x 48 cm.<br />

The painting can be dated to the second half of the<br />

17th century. Stylistically the motif brings to mind<br />

painters like De Heem and Abraham Mignon.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

179<br />

a n T hony van d yck, sT y L e oF,<br />

17T h-18T h cenT ury<br />

the Holy Family. Unsigned. Oil on canvas.<br />

33 x 41 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000<br />

BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

180<br />

180<br />

Jean BaPTisT e m onnoyer<br />

den æL dre, ascriB ed T o<br />

b. Lille 1636, d. London 1699<br />

Flower still life with tulips, peonies and lilies among<br />

others. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 96 x 124 cm.<br />

At the moment Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish<br />

National Gallery) focuses on flowers with the exhibition<br />

"Blomster og Verdenssyn" (Flowers and the View of<br />

the World ). Here a p<strong>art</strong> of the museum's flower paintings<br />

are exhibited. In the introduction the Museum<br />

writes: "Så er en blomst ikke bare en blomst. Kunstneres<br />

gengivelser af blomster, frugter og planter er påvirket<br />

af historien og det herskende verdenssyn. Derfor<br />

er en blomst et billede af tiden". (A flower is not just<br />

a flower. The painter's way of depicting the flowers,<br />

fruit and plants is influenced by history and the predo-<br />

minant opinion about the world at the time of the<br />

individual painter.<br />

Provenance: A manor house, Sjælland (Sealand).<br />

DKK 125,000-150,000 / € 16,500-20,000<br />


181<br />

181<br />

iTa L ian P ainT er, 18T h cenT ury<br />

the meeting of Elisabeth and Maria and the infant christ<br />

depressing malice. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 100 x 141 cm each.<br />

(2). DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

148 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />


BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841<br />

181<br />

182<br />

a n T hony Jansz van der c roos (c roosT )<br />

b. before 1606, d. after 1662, dutch painter<br />

a pair of landscapes with mills and castle ruin at a river. Both signed on the back<br />

of the frames d. croos fec. Oil on panel. 28 x 36 cm each. period frames. (2).<br />

Provenance: Ledreborg, inventory numbers 137 and 138 on the reverse.<br />

DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700<br />

182<br />


184<br />

183<br />

183<br />

an italian gilt wood and gezzo frame with an<br />

oval relief of painted papier mâché. second<br />

p<strong>art</strong> of the 19th century. 124 x 149 cm.<br />

Provenance: A manor house north of Copenhagen.<br />

DKK 15,000 / € 2,000<br />

184<br />

s o P hie d u P raT<br />

b. paris c. 1810<br />

(aFTer Lodovico<br />

c ardi, caLLed c igoL i)<br />

"st. Francois d'assise en contemplant". st.<br />

Francis of assisi praying. signed sophie duprat.<br />

Oil on paper laid on cardboard. Visible<br />

size 11 x 9 cm. period gilt bronze frame.<br />

DKK 15,000 / € 2,000<br />

150 BrUUn rasMUssEn BrEdgadE aUctiOn 841

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index<br />

A<br />

Alexandrovna, Olga 185<br />

Ancher, Anna 24, 27, 29, 30, 40<br />

Ancher, Michael 25, 26, 28, 34<br />

35, 36, 38, 39<br />

42, 43, 44, 139<br />

Arnesen, Vilhelm 134, 136<br />

Audemars Piguet 579<br />

B<br />

Bache, Otto 132<br />

Barbedienne, Ferdinand 357<br />

Barker, Wright 109<br />

Befort Jeune, Mathieu, attributed<br />

331<br />

Bellangé, Alexander-Louis,<br />

attributed 359<br />

Bendz, Wilhelm 3<br />

Bissen, Hermann Wilhelm 14, 15<br />

Blache, christian 100<br />

Bloch, carl 64<br />

Bloemen (l’Orizzonte), J. F. van,<br />

ascribed to 174<br />

Blondeau, Paul 90<br />

Bonnesen, carl Johan 85<br />

Boudin, Leonard 368<br />

Bramer, Léonard 167<br />

Brasen, Hans 113<br />

Breitling 563, 596, 625<br />

Brendekilde, H. A. 58, 61, 130<br />

Brouwer, Adriaen, attributed to 168<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong>, Johan Jacob 162<br />

Bvlgari 559, 567, 568, 652<br />

653, 681, 687, 689<br />

737, 739, 761, 780<br />

Baagøe, carl<br />

C<br />

96<br />

cardi, Lodovico, after 184<br />

carstensen, A. Riis 83, 84<br />

c<strong>art</strong>ier 568, 570, 571, 574<br />

576, 577, 578, 619<br />

620, 621, 622, 688, 764<br />

cazzaniga 639<br />

chanel 575<br />

chelmonski, Józef Marian 186<br />

chopard 569, 740, 762<br />

clodion, claude, after 275<br />

courtois, Jacques 165<br />

croos (croost), A. J. van der 182<br />

d<br />

dahl, Hans Andreas 103<br />

dasson, Henri 302<br />

delafosse, Jean-charles 364<br />

diaz de La Pena, Narcisse Virgile 91<br />

dorph, Anton 133<br />

dorph, N. V. 105<br />

drachmann, Holger 149<br />

dreyer, dankv<strong>art</strong> 6, 7, 73, 75<br />

duprat, Sophie 184<br />

dydyshko, Konstantin Vikentievich<br />

187<br />

e<br />

Ebel 627<br />

Eckardt, christian 99<br />

Eckersberg, c. W. 17, 23, 158, 161<br />

Ekvall, Knut 87<br />

Enna, Magnus 679<br />

Exner, Bent 637<br />

Exner, Julius<br />

F<br />

63<br />

Falk, Robert Raphailovich 195<br />

Fischer, Paul 41, 48, 49<br />

50, 51, 52, 89<br />

Frølich, Lorenz 66<br />

G<br />

gjøs, Ferdinand, ascribed to 102<br />

goodall, Frederick 118<br />

grabar, Igor Emmanuilovich<br />

H<br />

193<br />

Hammershøi, Svend 135<br />

Hansen, Heinrich 74<br />

Hansen, I. T. 156<br />

H<strong>art</strong>mann’s 738<br />

Henningsen, Erik 70<br />

Hermés 845, 846<br />

Heuer 594<br />

Hobbema, Meindert, style of 175<br />

Holmsted, B. 755<br />

Holmstrup, V. 669, 731<br />

Holsøe, carl 54, 55, 79<br />

80, 138, 140<br />

Hopper, Humphrey 348<br />


i<br />

Ilsted, Peter 117, 125, 126<br />

IWc<br />

J<br />

582, 593, 624<br />

Jackson, Samuel Philips 101<br />

Jensen, georg 642<br />

Jensen, georg & Wendel 632, 663<br />

Jensen, I. L. 18, 19<br />

Jensen, Karl 97<br />

Jerichau Baumann, Elisabeth 86<br />

Jessen, carl Ludvig 65<br />

Juel, Jens 13, 20<br />

Juel, Jens, workshop 12<br />

Jørgensen, Ragner R.<br />

K<br />

684<br />

Kampmann, Hack 319<br />

Kivshenko, Alexei danilovich<br />

Klementiev (Klem),<br />

196<br />

Alexei Nikolaevich 194<br />

Klever, Julius Sergius von or studio<br />

190<br />

Kløve, Jytte 771<br />

Kornbeck, Peter 104<br />

Krause, Emil 121<br />

Krock, Heinrich 164<br />

Krøyer, P. S. 33, 37<br />

Købke, christen 21, 160<br />

Købke, christen, after<br />

L<br />

97<br />

la cour, Janus 114, 115<br />

Larsen, Hugo 82<br />

Larsen, Johannes 108, 110<br />

Le coffre, Benoit, ascribed to 166<br />

Lehmann, Edvard 119<br />

Lieberich, Nicolai Ivanovich 197<br />

Locher, carl 45, 46, 47, 76, 150<br />

Lundbye, Johan Thomas 8, 10<br />

11, 163<br />

Lynggaard, Ole<br />

M<br />

643, 678, 680<br />

730, 741, 766<br />

769, 784, 790, 812<br />

Mander (III), Karel van or workshop<br />

169<br />

Mander (III), Karel van, school of<br />


index<br />

Marstrand, Wilhelm 1, 67<br />

Michelsen, A. 635, 742<br />

Mignard, Pierre, after 176<br />

Monnoyer den ældre, Jean Baptiste,<br />

ascribed to 180<br />

Morgenstern, christian 5<br />

Muller, Franck 581<br />

Munoz-degrain, Antonio 131<br />

Møller, I. P. 141<br />

Mølsted, christian 94<br />

Mønsted, Peder 106, 107<br />

Müller, Adam<br />

n<br />

120, 122, 142<br />

145, 146, 151<br />

4<br />

Nelson, Henri 289<br />

Nielsen, Harald 785<br />

Nielsen, Lorenz 293, 294<br />

Niss, Thorvald 143<br />

Notkin, Rebekka<br />

O<br />

685, 686<br />

770, 774, 781<br />

Omega 554, 556, 583<br />

595, 611, 612, 613<br />

Ortmann, Mathias 283<br />

Ortmann, style, Mathias 282<br />

P<br />

P. Ipsens Enke 253<br />

Palm, gustav Wilhelm 116<br />

Panerai 589, 590<br />

Paulsen, Julius 124, 137<br />

Philippe, Patek 584, 585, 608<br />

609, 610, 630<br />

Philipsen, Theodor 56, 57<br />

153, 154, 155<br />

Puig-Roda, gabriel<br />

R<br />

93<br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong>, chr. 661<br />

Raulin, Victor 292, 306, 363<br />

Reymond, Pierre 272<br />

Richardt, Ferdinand 81<br />

Ring, L. A. 59, 60, 62, 129, 152<br />

Ring, Ole 127<br />

Robinson Sykes, charles 318<br />

Rohde, Frederik 16<br />


Rolex 555, 557, 558, 560, 561, 562<br />

564, 566, 572, 573, 586, 587, 588<br />

597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 605<br />

606, 607, 614, 615, 616, 623, 629<br />

Rosen, Karl 189<br />

Rørbye, M<strong>art</strong>inus 159<br />

Rørvig, John 720<br />

S<br />

Schjelderup, Leis 88<br />

Simonsen, Simon 111<br />

Skari, Edvard 95<br />

Skovgaard, P. c.<br />

Slingeland, Pieter cornelisz van,<br />

9<br />

after 172<br />

Slott-Møller, Agnes 72<br />

Sormani, Paul 352<br />

Ståhl, Ephraim 317<br />

Sørensen, c. F.<br />

T<br />

22, 77, 78<br />

Tanquerey, Lucien 71<br />

Teniers II, david 173<br />

Ter Borch, gérard, after 171<br />

Tiffany & co. 665, 666<br />

Tuder 580, 617, 618<br />

Tuxen, Laurits<br />

V<br />

31, 32, 123<br />

Vacheron, constantin 603, 628<br />

van cleef & Arpels 626<br />

van dyck, Anthony, style of 179<br />

Verheyden, François 98<br />

Visby, Frederik 68<br />

Vyssotsky, Konstantin Semenovich<br />

188, 191<br />

Y<br />

Yurman, david 636<br />

Z<br />

Zacho, christian 128<br />

Zahrtmann, Kristian 53<br />

69, 147, 148<br />

Zatzka, Hans 92<br />

Å<br />

Aagaard, c. F. 112, 144<br />


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11-13 June 2013<br />

Edvard Weie: Still life, late 1920s. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 78 x 65 cm.<br />

Estimate: DKK 400,000-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000<br />


Søren<br />

Kierkegaard’s<br />

200th anniversary<br />

auction<br />

At the forthcoming international auction in<br />

September we celebrate the 200th anniversary<br />

of the famous Danish philosopher Søren Kierke—<br />

gaard with a special selection of his works.<br />

Right now we are seeking consignments for<br />

this special anniversary auction.<br />

Kierkegaard’s works were only published in<br />

few copies, hence his first editions are very<br />

rare and highly sought after. For this auction<br />

we are interested in bibliophile first editions<br />

by Kierke gaard in contemporary bindings,<br />

presentation copies as well as manuscript<br />

pieces, letters or other material related directly<br />

to Kierkegaard.<br />

Please contact the book dep<strong>art</strong>ment at<br />

+45 88181215 or books@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

if you have consignments for this auction.<br />


Unique collection of presentation<br />

copies by Søren Kierkegaard ...<br />

As the highlight of the auction celebrating Søren Kierkegaard we present a unique<br />

collection of presentation copies by Søren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard was very p<strong>art</strong>icular<br />

about his presentation copies. Compared to his contemporary Hans Christian Andersen,<br />

Kierkegaard only made very few presentation copies. They were given to people<br />

of importance or close relation to him and he had them bound in <strong>fine</strong><br />

bindings, mostly in black glazed paper with all edges gilt.<br />

The collection presented at the forthcomming auction consists<br />

of four presentation copies given to some of the most<br />

important men of Denmark in the mid 19th century, e.g.<br />

minister A.S. Ørsted and lawyer and patron of the <strong>art</strong>s Jonas<br />

Collin. Kierkegaard mostly gave his works to men of<br />

importance, but among the presentation copies are also<br />

a rare exception, ”Christelige Taler” given to Mrs. Spang.<br />

The four works in this extraordinarily important collection<br />

includes two of Kierkegaard’s original rare gift bindings.<br />

Estimate 400,000-500,000 DKK<br />



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indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses<br />

at overstige forfalden gæld.<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en<br />

køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over<br />

for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den<br />

pågældendes vegne, ligesom <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> er berettiget til at<br />

kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud.<br />

§ 3. FORTRYdeLSeSReT<br />

For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om<br />

fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle<br />

omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra<br />

køber, betales af køber selv.<br />

Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> betalingen umiddelb<strong>art</strong> efter, at varen er sendt<br />

retur og modtaget af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> gør<br />

opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne,<br />

hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto.<br />

§ 4. AFGiFTSFRiTAGeLSe<br />

Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler<br />

henholdsvis 24% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på traditional<br />

auktion og 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på<br />

net-auktion, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter.<br />

A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land:<br />

Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages<br />

for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres<br />

over for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, som skal påføre momsnummeret<br />

på fakturaen.<br />

B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU:<br />

1. Forsendelse gennem speditør:<br />

Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift.<br />

2. Udførsel som rejsegods:<br />

der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv<br />

medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende<br />

betingelser er opfyldt:<br />

Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af<br />

fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />

a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet,<br />

så sn<strong>art</strong> <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> har modtaget købsfakturaen<br />

retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige<br />

lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings-afgiftsområdet<br />

kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger dKK 1.200.<br />

b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den<br />

danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været fore-<br />

vist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra<br />

EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> efter<br />

at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis<br />

købet overstiger dKK 300. dette gælder også for Færøerne og<br />

grønland.<br />

§ 5. AFGiFTSBeTALinG<br />

A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre<br />

brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms<br />

på lige fod med private købere. dette skal meddeles<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag.<br />

B. Momsregistrerede i danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms<br />

med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger.<br />

dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag.<br />


§ 6. udLeVeRinG<br />

Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til<br />

køberen. det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning<br />

og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget,<br />

vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko.<br />

Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive<br />

videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden.<br />

§ 7. FORSendeLSe<br />

Såfremt <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig at emballere og fremsende<br />

købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på<br />

købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser.<br />

§ 8. KunSTneRAFGiFT TiL COPY-dAn cd<br />

Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves<br />

følgeretsvederlag for værker af nyere danske og visse udenlandske<br />

kunstnere, som enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde<br />

i mere end 70 år. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

på vegne af kunstnernes organisation copydan. disse værker<br />

er mærket (cd) for copydan ud for katalognummeret.<br />

den såkaldte copydan-afgift tillægges hammerslagsprisen inkl.<br />

salær, når beløbet overstiger €300.<br />

copydan-afgiften er:<br />

• 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl.<br />

moms), der udgør indtil €50.000.<br />

• 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl.<br />

moms), der ligger mellem €50.000 euro og €200.000.<br />

• 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl.<br />

moms), der ligger mellem €200.000 euro og €350.000.<br />

• 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der<br />

ligger mellem €350.000 euro og €500.000.<br />

• 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der<br />

ligger over €500.000.<br />

copydan-afgiften kan ikke overstige 12.500 euro for det enkelte<br />

kunstværk.<br />

Euro-kursen er fastsat af copydan i 2012 til kurs 743,30 pr. €100.<br />

§ 9. eKSPORTTiLLAdeLSe<br />

Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor<br />

dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier<br />

i danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive<br />

meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelb<strong>art</strong> efter hammerslaget.<br />

derefter vil <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på<br />

købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. gives eksporttilladelse ikke,<br />

er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den<br />

opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber.<br />

§ 10. BeSKRiVeLSe AF eMneR<br />

Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde<br />

og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere<br />

offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer.<br />

Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under<br />

anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper.<br />

de solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en <strong>art</strong>, der bevirker,<br />

at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller<br />

beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på<br />

hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er<br />

blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af<br />

effekternes stand.<br />

Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på<br />

de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede<br />

effekters stand.<br />

Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde<br />

og eksperter herskende opfattelse.<br />

Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller<br />

dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles<br />

til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />


Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller<br />

såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der<br />

har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt<br />

beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget<br />

til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum<br />

tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet<br />

køber.<br />

Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes<br />

kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen.<br />

Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb<br />

kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> og er betinget af, at krav om annullering<br />

fremsættes skriftligt over for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> inden 2 år efter<br />

købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som<br />

det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet.<br />

Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling<br />

af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve<br />

anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste,<br />

dækket.<br />

Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser,<br />

såfremt:<br />

a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen<br />

var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt<br />

gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter.<br />

b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et<br />

falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis<br />

gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som<br />

ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller<br />

uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt.<br />

I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler<br />

i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen<br />

omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong>, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen.<br />

KOMMiSSiOneR<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner<br />

Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, Auktionsholder<br />

Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere,<br />

der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. det er en forudsætning,<br />

at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens st<strong>art</strong>, så om nødvendigt<br />

bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden<br />

er denne deadline 3 timer. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig intet<br />

ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af<br />

denne service<br />


<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere<br />

nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. dette er ment som<br />

en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn<br />

at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. det understreges, at de<br />

givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer;<br />

her henvises til beskrivelsen.<br />


Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog<br />

eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*).<br />

Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande,<br />

køber hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> og videresælger til private, skal der<br />

ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der<br />

gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret.<br />

det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder.<br />


COndiTiOnS OF PuRCHASe<br />

§ 1. BiddinG<br />

The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any<br />

person bidding on behalf of a third p<strong>art</strong>y shall be liable in surety<br />

for completion of the sale.<br />

At the request of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner (hereinafter<br />

called <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>), all bidders, whether they wish to make<br />

bids in person at the place of auction or commission bids by<br />

letter, fax or the homepage direct telephone bids or the homepage,<br />

should be able to document their ability to pay and be<br />

able to provide proof of identity at any time. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

is entitled to refuse to accept a bid if, when requested, adequate<br />

security or adequate payment on account has not been rendered.<br />

Bids should be made by the bidder in person at the place of auction<br />

or by written commission by letter, fax or the homepage.<br />

For online auctions alle bids are submitted via the homepage.<br />

Telephone bidding is possible within certain conditions made<br />

out by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> is not to be held<br />

responsible for any errors that may occur using this service. The<br />

auctioneer shall have absolute discretion as to the increment of<br />

the bids. The auctioneer will also make decisions in all cases of<br />

doubt regarding the bidding.<br />

credit/debit card information must be registered with <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> before bids can be submitted.<br />

§ 2. PAYMenT<br />

Purchases made at all <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> online auctions are subject<br />

to a 25% fee, which covers 20% buyer’s premium and VAT<br />

of the premium.<br />

Purchases made at all <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> traditional salesroom auctions<br />

are subject to a 30% fee (for wines, coins and stamps 25%),<br />

which covers 24% buyer’s premium plus VAT of the premium.<br />

certain lots are sold in accordance with specific rules on normal<br />

VAT arrangement (hereinafter called normal VAT), so that the<br />

purchase price is the hammer price plus an additional 24% (for<br />

online auctions, wines, coins and stamps 20%) in buyer’s premium<br />

and VAT of 25% levied on both the hammer price and the<br />

buyer’s premium. The lots subject to Full VAT are indicated as<br />

such in the catalogue and on the homepage with an asterisk (*).<br />

danish VAT registered buyers shall provide <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

with documentation of their SE-/cVR -number (VAT No.) as this<br />

has to be quoted on the invoice for goods bought at full VAT.<br />

For some foreign buyers, specific VAT-exemption rules apply (cf.<br />

Article 3). VAT-exemption does not apply to private buyers from<br />

the EU who are considered as danish buyers (cf. current danish<br />

legislation on Special VAT Scheme for Sales of Works of Art,<br />

collectors’items and Antiques by Public Auction).<br />

The purchase price falls due for payment when the goods have<br />

been knocked down. Payment may be made in cash up to dKK<br />

100,000, by dankort, banker’s cheque, traveller’s cheque, Visa-,<br />

Master-, diners club- or Eurocard. Personal foreign cheques may<br />

only be used for payment by prior arrangement.<br />

Payment may be made during or immediately after the auction.<br />

Under all circumstances payment must be made no later than<br />

eight days from the date of the invoice. With online auctions,<br />

payment takes place when the items are prepared for dispatch<br />

(circa 12 hours after the purchase has been made) using the<br />

banking details (credit/debit card and bank account) submitted<br />

by the purchaser. At the same time an invoice and dispatch<br />

information will be sent to the purchaser.<br />

Should the purchase price not be paid by the due date, interest<br />

at 1.5 % per new month will be charged.<br />

If the purchase price and interest are not paid within eight<br />

days after <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has sent its demand to the buyer,<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to rescind the sale and resell<br />

the goods at a <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> auction or privately, and to<br />

demand reimbursement of any related losses from the defaulting<br />

buyer. Any further profit on the sale shall be payable to the person<br />

who had deposited the goods for sale by auction.<br />

If the defaulting buyer is entitled to proceeds from a sale of goods<br />

by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to set off<br />

its receivables against its payables to the defaulting buyer.<br />

If the defaulting buyer has deposited other goods for sale, <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to sell such goods at a <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> auction without being bound by the reserve stipulated<br />

by the defaulting buyer. The defautling buyer shall not be<br />

entitled to demand the surrender of goods deposited for sale as<br />

long as the debt payable to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has not been discharged,<br />

regardless of whether the value of such goods may be<br />

deemed to exceed the debt payable.<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to refuse a bid made by a<br />

buyer who is in default in respect to his payment obligations<br />

to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, as well as a bid made by a third p<strong>art</strong>y on<br />

behalf of such a defaulting buyer. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall further<br />

be entitled to demand a deposit as a condition of accepting any<br />

future bids from such a purchaserr.<br />

§ 3. MOneY-BACK GuARAnTee<br />

Online purchase of items by private individuals is subject to danish<br />

consumer law, which extends 14 days of money-back guarantee.<br />

The purchaser is liable for any costs related to the transport of<br />

returned items.<br />

Should a purchaser seek to avail himself or herself of the moneyback<br />

guarantee, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> will refund the payment on<br />

receiving the returned items. Please note that the date on which<br />

accounts are debited is subject to the policy of the purchaser’s<br />

bank/credit card company.<br />

§ 4. exeMPTiOn FROM VAT<br />

International purchasers, who fulfill the conditions stipulated below,<br />

must pay a fee of 24% of the auction price at traditional salesroom<br />

auctions and a 20% fee of auction prices for items purchased<br />

online. They are exempt from the payment of danish VAT.:<br />

A. Buyers residing in another EU Member State:<br />

Buyers are exempt from paying danish VAT as long as they<br />

have provided <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> with documentation of their<br />

VAT registration. The VAT number will then be quoted on<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>’s invoice.<br />

B. Buyers residing outside the EU:<br />

1 dispatch through forwarding agent: Lots exported through a<br />

forwarding agent approved by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> are exempt<br />

from VAT.<br />

2 Export as personal luggage: goods may be exempt from<br />

danish VAT when the buyer personally takes the goods out<br />

of the country as luggage, provided the following conditions<br />

have been met:<br />

The invoice must have been paid and the danish duty of<br />

25% of the invoice amount must have been deposited with<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />

a Buyers residing in Norway will be refunded the danish VAT<br />

as soon as the invoice of sale has been returned to <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> endorsed by the customs authorities of the country<br />

in question or by any other authority with jurisdiction<br />

over matters of purchase tax with respect to official imports<br />

of goods into the country in question if the purchase price<br />

exceeds dKK 1,200.<br />

b Buyers residing in other countries outside the EU will be<br />

refunded the danish VAT after the goods have been presented<br />

for customs clearance in connection with the dep<strong>art</strong>ure of the<br />

buyer from the EU. The exporter’s form should be returned<br />

to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> after being endorsed with the customs<br />

authorities’export certificate if the purchase price exceeds dKK<br />

300 This also applies to the Faroe Islands and greenland.<br />

§ 5. PAYMenT OF TAxeS And duTieS<br />

A. Buyers with VAT-registration in other EU member states who<br />

do not wish to make use of Article 3 may instead choose to<br />

purchase items subject to Special VAT/Normal VAT in the<br />

same manner as private buyers. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> must be<br />

notified of this before 10 a.m. on the following auction day.<br />

B. Buyers with VAT-registration in denmark may choose to purchase<br />

subject to Normal VAT at 25% of the hammer price<br />

plus premium. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> must be notified of this<br />

before 10 a.m. on the following auction day.<br />


§ 6. COLLeCTiOn OF PuRCHASeS<br />

The purchase price must be paid in full before the purchased lot<br />

can be passed over to the buyer. From the time of the lot being<br />

knocked down to the buyer, until its collection, the purchased lot<br />

will be held at the buyer’s own expense and risk.<br />

A storage fee will be charged for lots which have not been collected<br />

according to agreement. Lots which have been paid for but not collected<br />

will be storaged at buyers expense. Lots not collected within<br />

1 year will be resold at auction or privately at the buyer’s expense.<br />

§ 7. diSPATCH<br />

Should <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> undertake the packaging and forwarding<br />

of purchased goods, this shall be done at the buyer’s own<br />

expense and risk. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall thus not be held liable<br />

neither for any damage caused to purchased goods during dispatch<br />

nor for any missing consignments.<br />

§ 8. dROiT de SuiTe<br />

In accordance with danish copyright law, an additional royalty fee<br />

is to be paid for the purchase of works by contemporary danish <strong>art</strong>ist<br />

and some international <strong>art</strong>ists who are either still alive or who<br />

have been dead for less than 70 years. The additional royalty fee will<br />

be collected by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> on behalf of copydan, which is a<br />

danish-based joint collecting society. Such works are marked with<br />

(cd) for copydan next to the lot number.<br />

The copydan royalty fee is added to the auction price including the<br />

buyer’s premium when the total exceeds €300.<br />

copydan royalty fees:<br />

• 5% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding vAT)<br />

totalling up to €50,000.<br />

• 3% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding vAT)<br />

of totals between €50,000 and €200,000.<br />

• 1% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding vAT)<br />

of totals between €200,000 and €350,000.<br />

• 0.5% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding<br />

VAT) of totals between €350,000 and €500,000.<br />

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KOMMiSSiOnSBud<br />

COMMiSSiOn BidS BRedGAde<br />

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BRuun RASMuSSen KunSTAuKTiOneR A/S<br />

AUKTION NR AuCTIoN No: 841<br />

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KOMMiSSiOnSBud<br />

COMMiSSiOn BidS BRedGAde<br />

Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Bud kr.<br />

Lot. No. description Bid dKK<br />


Max +15% +25%<br />


Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2013 <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner<br />

Foto: Bent Lange Tryk: cool gray<br />

grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo & Lene Søbo


VAT And COPY-dAn inFORMATiOn<br />


30% - BRuGT MOMS<br />

1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende<br />

moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunstgenstande,<br />

samler objekter og antikviteter, der nu kan<br />

handles til brugt moms.<br />

Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der<br />

skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde<br />

pris. I auk tionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget<br />

moms.<br />

FuLd MOMS *<br />

anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt<br />

moms. disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal<br />

betale 24% i auk tionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25%<br />

moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne.<br />

ReduCeRede<br />

AuKTiOnSOMKOSTninGeR 24%<br />

betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser:<br />

1. danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale<br />

24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele<br />

(fuldmoms). Moms beløbet kan køber modregne, og<br />

betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger.<br />

2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at<br />

anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms<br />

og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger.<br />

3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der<br />

op fylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse<br />

med eksport, betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger<br />

(se købskonditioner, §4, Afgiftsfritagelse).<br />

KunSTneRAFGiFT TiL COPY-dAn cd<br />

Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal<br />

der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen<br />

med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% excl. moms<br />

på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske<br />

kunstnere. disse værker er mærket cd for copy-dan ud<br />

for katalognummeret.<br />

For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne.<br />


BuYeR’S STAndARd PReMiuM<br />

30% AuCTiOneeRS’ MARGin SCHeMe<br />

As of 1 January 1995 new Ec regulations came into<br />

effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of<br />

<strong>art</strong>, collector’s items and <strong>antiques</strong>; these items may now<br />

be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme.<br />

Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium<br />

only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted<br />

from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth<br />

include non-refundable VAT.<br />

FuLL VAT *<br />

will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under<br />

the Auc tioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked<br />

with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of<br />

24% plus 25% VAT on the hammer price as well as the<br />

buyer’s premium.<br />

BuYeR’S ReduCed PReMiuM 24%<br />

is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions:<br />

1. danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay<br />

the 24% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total<br />

amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT<br />

refunded and thus pays 24% in buyer’s premium only.<br />

2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may<br />

avoid danish VAT by using their VAT registration<br />

number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 24%<br />

only.<br />

3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the<br />

danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding<br />

the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 24%<br />

only (see conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from<br />

VAT).<br />


PAYABLe TO COPY-dAn cd<br />

Pursuant to current danish legislation on copyright an<br />

<strong>art</strong>ists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT<br />

(i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 24%) shall be<br />

collected on works of modern <strong>art</strong> by all danish and most<br />

foreign <strong>art</strong>ists. These works are marked cd for copy-dan<br />

next to the lot number.<br />

For further information please refer to the conditions of<br />

Purchase.<br />



AFHenTninG<br />

Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel<br />

auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste<br />

auktionsdag.<br />

Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden<br />

yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring<br />

for købers reg ning og risiko.<br />


Hammerslagspriser fra de seneste auktioner<br />

kan ses på vores hjemmeside:<br />

bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

FOTO<br />

Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores<br />

hjemmeside: bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

euRO<br />

der bydes og faktureres i danske kroner.<br />

Ved omregning fra dKK til Euro er anvendt<br />

Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på<br />

tids punktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget.<br />

Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der<br />

efter <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s skøn fremtræder<br />

på en præsentabel måde i forhold til<br />

beløbet i dKK.<br />

BeVARinGSTiLSTAnd<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> henleder opmærksomheden<br />

på, at katalognumrene som<br />

udgangs punkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger<br />

om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes<br />

§ 10). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores<br />

hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk,<br />

hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer<br />

ofte er oplysninger om bevarings tilstand,<br />

reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger<br />

ikke tilstrække lige kan én af afdelingens<br />

sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer.<br />

BAnKFORBindeLSe<br />

danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638<br />

IBAN: dK4130004310970638<br />

Swift-BIc dABAdKKK<br />


cVR-nr. dK25472020<br />

diSPATCH<br />

collection of purchases bought at<br />

traditional auctions must be no later than<br />

2 weeks after the last auctionday.<br />

Uncollected items will without further<br />

notice be sent into storage at the expence<br />

and risk of the buyer.<br />

SALeS ReSuLTS<br />

Sales results from the latest auctions are<br />

available at our website:<br />

bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

PHOTO<br />

Photos of all items are available at our<br />

website: bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

euRO<br />

Bids and invoicing are made in dKK.<br />

For the conversion from dKK into Euro,<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has used the official rate<br />

of exchange from denmarks Nationalbank<br />

(the danish National Bank) at the time of<br />

preparation of the catalogue.<br />

The amount in Euro is, in <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>'s<br />

judgment, roughly adjusted to<br />

presentable figures.<br />

COndiTiOn<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> draws attention to the<br />

fact that, as a rule, no information is<br />

provided regarding the condition of the lots<br />

(cf. conditions of purchase § 10).<br />

However, we refer to our website:<br />

www.bruun-rasmussen.dk where information<br />

regarding condition, repairs, etc.<br />

can usually be found for the individual lot.<br />

Should this information be insufficient,<br />

further details can be obtained by contacting<br />

one of the experts of the dep<strong>art</strong>ment.<br />

BAnKeRS<br />

danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638<br />

IBAN: dK4130004310970638<br />

Swift-BIc dABAdKKK<br />

BuSineSS ReGiSTRATiOn<br />

cVR-nr. dK25472020<br />


The representative of<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> in<br />

France, Peter Koch, is<br />

cooperating with the<br />

real-estate agency HMJ<br />

France, who deals with<br />

sales and purchases of<br />

exclusive ap<strong>art</strong>ments,<br />

villas and holiday homes<br />

on the French Riviera.<br />

Therefore, the expertises<br />

within the markets of<br />

auction and real-estate<br />

are united.<br />

HMJ France is a branch<br />

of HMJ Group, which<br />

has 30 years experience<br />

in the sectors of sales,<br />

investment, property<br />

management and rentals<br />

in France.<br />

HMJ France is managed<br />

by a Danish / French<br />

state-authorized estate<br />

agent, Morten Andersen,<br />

who has been employed<br />

since 2004.<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

property transactions on<br />

the French Riviera will<br />

guarantee you a safe,<br />

efficient and secured<br />

transaction.<br />

Peter Koch<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

Morten Andersen<br />

HMJ France<br />

Antibes - France<br />


<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> on the French Riviera<br />

If you are considering buying a property in the South of France,<br />

whether it is a penthouse in Cannes, a chalet in Courchevel 1850<br />

or a villa by the sea in St. Tropez, Peter Koch can help you find your<br />

dream home.<br />

If you are considering selling a property on the French Riviera, we<br />

can offer a wide international exposure of your property through<br />

both the printed and digital media, including the exclusive auction<br />

catalogues of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, which are dispatched to a quality<br />

conscious and wealthy clientele all over the world.<br />

Peter Koch will handle not only the purchase and sale of properties<br />

on the French Riviera, but also all household effects at the international<br />

auction market. He has been living in the South of France<br />

since 2003 and has a great knowledge of both the auction market<br />

and the real-estate market on the French Riviera.<br />

As the leading auction house in the North of Europe, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

sells about 100,000 lots at the traditional live auctions<br />

held eight times a year along with the daily online auctions. Here,<br />

one can purchase and sell everything from <strong>art</strong>, <strong>antiques</strong>, modern<br />

design and furniture, to books, coins, stamps, wine and weapons.<br />

Please call or write to Peter Koch, if you wish to have a valuation<br />

(with no obligation) regarding selling your property, or if you are<br />

considering buying a new property on the French Riviera. All enquiries<br />

will be dealt with full discretion.<br />

For further information, please contact Peter Koch :<br />

Tel: +33 6 2200 3722 – E-mail: p.koch@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />


Peter Koch<br />

p.koch@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Sainte Maxime: Beautiful sea view<br />

for this south facing property in a quiet area<br />

Located in the Gulf of St Tropez, the little town of Les Issambres is a delightful<br />

sea resort with 8km of sandy beaches, close to Sainte Maxime.<br />

Numerous sport and leisure activities can be practiced in the close area.<br />

This recently built villa enjoys beautiful panoramic sea views, thanks to its<br />

position on a hilltop.<br />

The area is residential and very quiet, the main shops and beaches are<br />

located only 10 min walk away.<br />

The villa includes a beautiful modern swimming pool, 110m² of terraces,<br />

a bright living room of 50m², 4 bedrooms and a large basement of 75m².<br />

An ideal property for a large family or a secondary home for your holidays.<br />

Location: Sainte Maxime<br />

Living area: 160 m²<br />

Land size: 1596 m²<br />

Price: 1,250,000 €<br />

Ref: VV-00533<br />

www.hmj-france.com<br />


Peter Koch<br />

p.koch@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />


One of the most beautiful views of Cannes<br />

– luxurious and exclusive estate<br />

Provencal villa located on one of the most sought-after addresses in Cannes<br />

- Secure estate with 24h guardian.<br />

The villa is very private, with no vis-a-vis, and enjoys stunning views over<br />

the bay of Cannes, the Lerins Islands and the Esterel Mountains. It is set<br />

on a beautiful garden with a very original swimming pool .<br />

Includes: Hallway, guest toilet, cloakroom, fully-equipped kitchen with bay<br />

window overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, living room with bar area, high<br />

ceilings & large sliding doors with direct access to terrace / garden, 1 bedroom,<br />

1 bathroom (with washbasin, bidet, toilet, bath tub and shower).<br />

Upstairs there is a loft, which includes an office, hallway, toilet, cupboards,<br />

2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom (with washbasin, bidet, bath tub and WC).<br />

Double garage and cellar.<br />

Location: Cannes<br />

Living area: 180 m²<br />

Land size: 950 m²<br />

Price: 3,750,000 €<br />

Ref: VV-00547<br />

www.hmj-france.com<br />


Peter Koch<br />

p.koch@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Lovely Provencal villa with pool, excellent<br />

condition, quiet location close to centre<br />

With a typical provence style architecture, this delightful villa is built on a<br />

lovely plot facing South/West with a swimming pool and several century old<br />

olive trees. It enjoys beautiful open view over the green countryside. The<br />

neighborhood is very quiet and residential.<br />

The interior of the house is in excellent condition and has a lot of charm.<br />

It includes:<br />

Entry level: spacious living room with fireplace, huge kitchen with table for 8<br />

people, 1 bedroom with ensuite bathroom, a shower room.<br />

Garden level: 1 bedroom with direct access to garden, 1 bathroom, laundry<br />

room.<br />

1st floor: 3 bedrooms.<br />

Garage.<br />

Location: Vence<br />

Living area: 200 m²<br />

Land size: 1600 m²<br />

Price: 949,000 €<br />

Ref: VV-00487<br />

www.hmj-france.com<br />


Peter Koch<br />

p.koch@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />


Ap<strong>art</strong>ment in historic castle, with pool<br />

and beautiful view of provence<br />

Situated on a hilltop in the village of Tourrettes, the castle “Le Puy” was built<br />

by Napoleon’s famous engineer - Jacques Alexandre Fabre.<br />

The castle enjoys breathtaking panoramic views over the Provence landscape.<br />

The location is very quiet, yet only 2 minute walk to shops, restaurants and<br />

cafes in the village. It is about 10 minutes drive from the golf course “Four<br />

Seasons Terre Blanche”.<br />

The ap<strong>art</strong>ment has a fantastic atmosphere, with high ceilings and numerous<br />

large windows which bring wonderful light...<br />

This property is perfect for you, if you are looking for: majestic ambiance, easy<br />

maintenance, beautiful views, peace and quietness.<br />

Location: Tourrettes<br />

Living area: 258 m²<br />

Terrace size: 32 m²<br />

Price: 1,280,000 €<br />

Ref: VA-00553<br />

www.hmj-france.com<br />


ANTIqueS<br />


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