Mar 2011

Mar 2011

Mar 2011


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United States Army Warrant Officers Association<br />

3 <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>2011</strong><br />

Sun City Chapter Meeting Minutes<br />

Location: Bulldog Inn, 4IBCT Dining Facility, Fort Bliss, TX<br />

Time: 7:00 to 9:00AM<br />

Agenda: Attached<br />

• Meeting Called to Order by the Chapter President at 7:30AM.<br />

• The President led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Secretary confirmed a quorum was present<br />

with 3 Chapter Officers, 7 Chapter Members and 4 guests present.<br />

• The President welcomed all attendees and noted the passing of our Chapter Treasurer,<br />

Eugene Calabro. The President requested the members to donate toward the flowers that the<br />

chapter purchased for the funeral services. The success of the WOA social at Buffalo Wild<br />

Wings was discussed. The President invited the members to attend the EXCOM monthly<br />

meetings and stated the EXCOM meetings would be posted on the website regarding time and<br />

location.<br />

• The reading of the previous minutes was suspended by the President as everyone present<br />

was at the previous meeting and the minutes are posted on the chapter website.<br />

• The Secretary presented his report regarding assumption of the duties as Treasurer. Chapter<br />

pens, coins and shirts were discussed with new ideas for shirts presented. The addendum to<br />

the meeting package was reviewed concerning the new law on commissioning of WO1,<br />

warrant officer recruiting and current vacancies.<br />

• The financial report (bank statement) will be attached to the minutes. All expenditures were<br />

approved by the EXCOM<br />

• The President asked for volunteers to assume the Treasurer’s responsibilities. CW4<br />

Christopher Farmer volunteered and was appointed as Chapter Treasurer.<br />

• The Vice Presidents report; as of the last report our membership is 48 affiliated and 38 nonaffiliated<br />

members but we are waiting for an update from National.<br />

The VP thanked all the Senior Warrant Officers for attending today’s meeting and reviewed<br />

attendance at past meetings with regard to participation of the senior warrants.<br />

The VP reviewed the chapter process of disseminating information among the warrant officers<br />

on post and the move to place all information on the chapter website and Facebook versus<br />

using emails that end up in the spam files. This includes posting information regarding chapter<br />

meetings and EXCOM meetings locations and dates. The VP also discussed the intent to<br />

create Professional Development topics for each chapter meeting. The VP asked for feedback<br />

on the members desires regarding chapter operations; to conduct fundraisers or community<br />

services to raise operating funds for the chapter. The VP discussed the creation of<br />

committees or “clubs” to participate in running events around El Paso. WO1 Johnny Sanchez<br />

is the current run coordinator. Please contact Mr. Sanchez to participate in the upcoming El<br />

Paso <strong>Mar</strong>athon.<br />

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

There was a question about charters for each committee. The VP stated there would be some<br />

type of charter or rules for participation in each of the committees.<br />

The VP stated there was a committee established for the Chapter Logo competition and he<br />

wanted to establish a sponsorship committee to sponsor chapter activities such as a Warrant<br />

Officer run. Sponsorship from local commercial companies would allow the chapter to<br />

establish and coordinate our own event.<br />

There is also a desire to create Branch Rally Points to facilitate increased mentorship within<br />

the specific branch areas.<br />

Again, a desire to move the chapter meeting to more professional development and less the<br />

boring reporting process. The WOPD planned for <strong>Mar</strong>ch for the Ordinance Warrants was<br />

cancelled. CW5 Tom Green has volunteered to present another WOPD on individual<br />

personnel files.<br />

• President’s report: The President wanted to know if there was actual interest in forming a run<br />

committee in the chapter. The short term requirements to register for the Susan Komen run<br />

were discussed.<br />

The Chapter Logo competition was discussed and members were encourage to participate<br />

with their designs. Only chapter members will be able to vote on the logo and the winning<br />

design will receive a $25 Chili’s gift card.<br />

The President stated there is a potential to make significant funds by sponsoring an open run<br />

in El Paso sometime in May or June before the Warrant Officer birthday. The chapter would<br />

be working the support for the event versus participating in the run. There is a need for<br />

sponsors for such events. The chapter does not have the funds to sponsor the event without<br />

outside funding. The following discussion raised the issues of low participation within the<br />

chapter and lack of funds to undertake such an expensive and intensive activity. In addition,<br />

the on-post brigades are going through intensive train-up periods and equipment fielding which<br />

limits participation from the warrants in those units.<br />

• The members discussed the level of participation and what actions could be taken to promote<br />

participation in the USAWOA and Sun City Chapter among the Senior Warrant Officers<br />

considering the mission requirements of the 1AD brigades. Many attendees stated they<br />

expected a better turn out from Senior Warrants based on the email traffic before the meeting.<br />

It was suggested that the senior leaders on post be approached concerning creating/allowing<br />

senior warrant officers to conduct meetings monthly to better support the missions as well as<br />

the Association.<br />

• The meeting was adjourned at 9AM with discussions continuing for some time after.<br />

• The chapter meetings will be the first Thursday of each month for breakfast at a location<br />

posted on the website.<br />

Jim Carpenter<br />

Secretary<br />

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906





7:00-8:30, 10 February <strong>2011</strong><br />

Bulldog Inn, Fort Bliss, TX<br />













A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

A Not for Profit, Military Service Related Organization;<br />

not a part of Fort Bliss or the Department of Defense.<br />

US Army Warrant Officers Association, Sun City Chapter, P.O. Box 6747, El Paso, Texas 79906

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