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where subscript c denotes continuous time, h c(t;T) is the<br />

convolution of the spectral pulse f c (tr) (t), the TV impulse response<br />

f c (ch) (t;τ ), the receive-filter fc (rec) (t), s(l) is the sequence of input<br />

symbols, and vc(t) is the noise process. h c(t;T) can be truncated to<br />

an order L, which is common practice in communication<br />

applications. On approach in characterizing the variation of the<br />

impulse response h(n;l) is to consider it as a stochastic process in<br />

the time index n. In communication, tracking the variations of the<br />

channel taps is of importance. To this end, linear TV channel is<br />

assumed in [6].<br />


In this paper, we model the doubly selective channel h(n;v)<br />

using a basis expansion model (BEM). In this BEM, the channel is<br />

modeled as a TV FIR filter, where each tap is expressed as a<br />

superposition of complex exponential basis functions with the<br />

frequencies on a DFT grid, as described next.<br />

Let us first make the following assumptions:<br />

A1) The delay spread is bounded by τ max.<br />

A2) The Doppler spread is bounded by fmax.<br />

Under assumption A1) and A2), it is possible to accurately<br />

model the doubly selective channel h(n;v) for n∈{0,1,..., N −1}<br />

as<br />

(see Fig.2)<br />

h(<br />

n;<br />

v)<br />

=<br />

L<br />

∑ v−l<br />

Q / 2<br />

j 2πqn<br />

/ N<br />

∑e<br />

hq,<br />

l<br />

l=<br />

0 q=<br />

−Q<br />

/ 2<br />

δ (4)<br />

where L and Q satisfy the following conditions:<br />

C1) LT≥τ max;<br />

C2) Q/(NT) ≥2f max;<br />

h− Q /2,0 h− Q /2,1 h− Q /2,2<br />

Q/2, L<br />

j2 Q/2 n/ N<br />

h Q /2,0 h Q /2,1 h Q /2,2 hQ/2, L e π<br />

h −<br />

Fig. 2. BEM channel.<br />

e<br />

− j2 πQ/2<br />

n/ N<br />

where T is the symbol period. In this expansion model, L<br />

represents the discrete delay spread (expressed in multiples of T,<br />

the delay resolution of the model), and Q/2 represents the discrete<br />

Doppler spread (expressed in multiples of 1/(NT), the Doppler<br />

resolution of the model). Note that the coefficients h q,l remain<br />

invariant for n∈{0,1,..., N −1}<br />

and hence are the BEM<br />

coefficients of interest[7].<br />


The discrete-time baseband equivalent model of the OFDM<br />

system under consideration is shown in Fig. 3. In the transmitter,<br />

the transmitted high-speed data is first converted into parallel data<br />

of N subcarriers by the serial-to-parallel converter (S/P). After<br />

each symbol is modulated by the corresponding subcarrier, it is<br />

sampled and D/A converted. The sampled symbols, implemented<br />

by an inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT), can be expressed as<br />

follows:<br />

x<br />

∑ −<br />

=<br />

=<br />

1 N<br />

n<br />

m 0<br />

X<br />

e<br />

j 2πnm<br />

/ N<br />

m<br />

, 0 ≤ n ≤ N<br />

(5)<br />

where xn represents the nth sample of the output of the IFFT[6].<br />

Input Bit<br />

Stream<br />

Output Bit<br />

Stream<br />

S/P<br />

P/S<br />

X m<br />

~<br />

IFFT<br />

Equalizer<br />

Y m<br />

Xm<br />

FFT<br />

yn<br />

P/S<br />

xn<br />

D/A<br />

S/P A/D<br />

AWGN<br />

wn<br />

Multipath<br />

Channel<br />

Fig. 3. A baseband block diagram for an OFDM system.<br />

Assuming that the multipath fading channel consists of L<br />

discrete paths, the received signal can be written as<br />

L−1<br />

∑<br />

y = h x + ω = h x + h x + ... + h x 1+ ωn<br />

n n, l n−l n n,0 n n,1 n−1 n, L−1 n− L+<br />

l=<br />

0<br />

where hn,l and ω n represent the complex random variable for the<br />

lth path of the CIR and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) at<br />

time n, respectively. For reason of simplicity, a cyclic extension of<br />

length N G, used to avoid ISI and to preserve the orthogonality of<br />

subcarriers, is not shown in Fig.4 and not used in this paper’s<br />

simulation. The demodulated signal in the frequency domain is<br />

obtained by taking the FFT of y n as<br />

m<br />

N−1 L−1<br />

∑∑<br />

k= 0 l=<br />

0<br />

k<br />

( m−k) l<br />

− j2 πlk/<br />

N<br />

Y = X H e + W<br />

L−1<br />

⎡ 0 − j2 πlm/<br />

N⎤<br />

∑ He l Xm<br />

l=<br />

0<br />

= ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ ⎦<br />

N−1 L−1<br />

∑∑<br />

+ XH e + W<br />

k≠ m l=<br />

0<br />

( m−k) − j2 πlk/<br />

N<br />

k l m<br />

= α X + β + W , 0≤m≤ N −1<br />

m m m m<br />

( m k)<br />

where Wm denotes the FFT of wn . Also, H represents the<br />

l<br />

−<br />

FFT of a time-variant multipath channel hn,l<br />

, which is modeled<br />

using BEM. It can be represented by<br />

1<br />

H h e<br />

N −1<br />

( m−k) − j2 π n( m−k)/ N<br />

l = ∑ n, l<br />

N n=<br />

0<br />

N −1<br />

Q /2 ⎡<br />

∑ ∑<br />

j2 πqn/ N⎤ − j2 πn(<br />

m−k)/ N<br />

hql , e e<br />

n= 0 q=−Q/2 1<br />

= ⎢ ⎥<br />

N ⎣ ⎦<br />

m<br />

+<br />

(6)<br />

(7)<br />


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