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OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide - OpenOffice.org wiki

OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide - OpenOffice.org wiki


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isEndOfSentence ()<br />

returns True if the TextCursor is at the end of a sentence.<br />

gotoStartOfParagraph (Expand)<br />

jumps to the start of the current paragraph.<br />

gotoEndOfParagraph (Expand)<br />

jumps to the end of the current paragraph.<br />

gotoNextParagraph (Expand)<br />

jumps to the start of the next paragraph.<br />

gotoPreviousParagraph (Expand)<br />

jumps to the start of the previous paragraph.<br />

isStartOfParagraph ()<br />

returns True if the TextCursor is at the start of a paragraph.<br />

isEndOfParagraph ()<br />

returns True if the TextCursor is at the end of a paragraph.<br />

Editing Text Documents<br />

The text is divided into sentences on the basis of sentence symbols. Periods are, for example, interpreted as<br />

symbols indicating the end of sentences. (In English, at least, they must be followed by a space, tab, or return for<br />

this to work.)<br />

The Expand parameter is a Boolean value which specifies whether the area passed over during navigation is to be<br />

highlighted. All navigation methods furthermore return a Boolean parameter which specifies whether the<br />

navigation was successful or whether the action was terminated for lack of text.<br />

The following is a list of several methods for editing highlighted areas using a TextCursor and which also<br />

support the com.sun.star.text.TextCursor service:<br />

collapseToStart ()<br />

resets the highlighting and positions the TextCursor at the start of the previously highlighted area.<br />

collapseToEnd ()<br />

resets the highlighting and positions the TextCursor at the end of the previously highlighted area.<br />

isCollapsed ()<br />

returns True if the TextCursor does not cover any highlighting at present.<br />

Formatting Text with TextCursor<br />

The com.sun.star.text.TextCursor service supports all the character and paragraph properties that were presented<br />

at the start of this chapter.<br />

The following example shows how these can be used in conjunction with a TextCursor. It passes through a<br />

complete document and formats the first word of every sentence in bold type.<br />

Dim Doc As Object<br />

Dim Cursor As Object<br />

Dim Proceed As Boolean<br />

Doc = ThisComponent<br />

Cursor = Doc.Text.createTextCursor<br />

Do<br />

Cursor.gotoEndOfWord(True)<br />

Cursor.CharWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD<br />

Proceed = Cursor.gotoNextSentence(False)<br />

Cursor.gotoNextWord(False)<br />

Loop While Proceed<br />

The example first creates a document object for the text that has just been opened. Then it iterates through the<br />

entire text, sentence by sentence, and highlights each of the first words and formats this in bold.<br />

Chapter 6 · Text Documents 77

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