Getting Started with OpenOffice.org 3.3 - OpenOffice.org wiki

Getting Started with OpenOffice.org 3.3 - OpenOffice.org wiki

Getting Started with OpenOffice.org 3.3 - OpenOffice.org wiki


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Figure 217 is a record <strong>with</strong> data inserted in its fields.<br />

Figure 217: Sample record of the Vacation form and subform<br />

Creating queries<br />

Queries are used to get specific information from a database. Query results are<br />

special tables <strong>with</strong>in the database.<br />

To demonstrate the use of queries, we will use two different methods:<br />

• Using our CD-Collection table, we will create a list of albums by a particular<br />

artist. We will do this using the Wizard.<br />

• The information we might want from the Fuel table includes what our fuel<br />

economy is. We will do this using the Design View. (Queries that require<br />

calculations are best created <strong>with</strong> the Design view.)<br />

Using the Wizard to create a query<br />

Queries created by the wizard provide a list or lists of information based upon what<br />

one wants to know. It is possible to obtain a single answer or multiple answers,<br />

depending upon the circumstances.<br />

In the main database window (Figure 175), click the Queries icon in the Databases<br />

section, then in the Tasks section, click Use Wizard to Create Query. The Query<br />

Wizard window opens (Figure 218). The information we want is what albums are by a<br />

certain musical group or individual (the album’s author). We can include when each<br />

album was bought.<br />

Note<br />

When working <strong>with</strong> a query, more than one table can be used. Since<br />

different tables may contain the same field names, the format for naming<br />

fields in a query is Table name.field name, <strong>with</strong> a period (.) between the<br />

table name and the field name. For example, The Lunch field of the<br />

Vacation table used in a query has the name Vacation.Lunch.<br />

Chapter 8 <strong>Getting</strong> <strong>Started</strong> <strong>with</strong> Base 237

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