OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki

OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki

OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki


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Files and Directories 61<br />

Open Filename For Input As FileNo<br />

' Check whether file end has been reached<br />

Do While not eof(FileNo)<br />

' Read line<br />

Line Input #FileNo, CurrentLine<br />

If CurrentLine "" then<br />

Msg = Msg & CurrentLine & Chr(13)<br />

end if<br />

Loop<br />

' Close file<br />

Close #FileNo<br />

Msgbox Msg<br />

The individual lines are retrieved in a Do While loop, saved in the Msg variable, and<br />

displayed at the end in a message box.<br />

Source: http:/ / <strong>wiki</strong>. services. openoffice. <strong>org</strong>/ w/ index. php? title=Documentation/ <strong>BASIC</strong>_<br />

<strong>Guide</strong>/ Files_ and_ Directories_ (Runtime_ Library)&oldid=105645<br />

Principal Authors: Fpe, Ccornell, TJFrazier<br />

Message and Input Boxes<br />

<strong>OpenOffice</strong>.<strong>org</strong> Basic provides the MsgBox and InputBox functions for basic user<br />

communication.<br />

Displaying Messages<br />

MsgBox displays a basic information box, which can have one or more buttons. In its<br />

simplest variant the MsgBox only contains text and an OK button:<br />

MsgBox "This is a piece of information!"<br />

The appearance of the information box can be changed using a parameter. The parameter<br />

provides the option of adding additional buttons, defining the pre-assigned button, and<br />

adding an information symbol. The values for selecting the buttons are:<br />

• 0 - OK button<br />

• 1 - OK and Cancel button<br />

• 2 - Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons<br />

• 3 - Yes, No, and Cancel buttons<br />

• 4 - Yes and No buttons<br />

• 5 - Retry and Cancel buttons

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