OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki

OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki

OpenOffice.org BASIC Guide.pdf - OpenOffice.org wiki


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The Structure of Drawings 162<br />

In addition to the FillTransparence property, the<br />

com.sun.star.drawing.FillProperties<br />

service also provides the FillTransparenceGradient property. This is used to define a<br />

gradient that specifies the transparency of a fill area.<br />

Line Properties<br />

All drawing objects that can have a border line support the<br />

com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle<br />

service. Some of the properties that this service provides are:<br />

LineStyle (Enum)<br />

line type (default values in accordance with<br />

com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle<br />

)<br />

LineColor (Long)<br />

line color<br />

LineTransparence (Short)<br />

line transparency<br />

LineWidth (Long)<br />

line thickness in hundredths of a millimeter<br />

LineJoint (Enum)<br />

transitions to connection points (default values in accordance with<br />

com.sun.star.drawing.LineJoint<br />

)<br />

The following example creates a rectangle with a solid border (LineStyle = SOLID) that is 5<br />

millimeters thick (LineWidth) and 50 percent transparent. The right and left-hand edges of<br />

the line extend to their points of intersect with each other (LineJoint = MITER) to form a<br />

right-angle.<br />

Dim Doc As Object<br />

Dim Page As Object<br />

Dim RectangleShape As Object<br />

Dim Point As New com.sun.star.awt.Point<br />

Dim Size As New com.sun.star.awt.Size<br />

Point.x = 1000<br />

Point.y = 1000<br />

Size.Width = 10000<br />

Size.Height = 10000

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