Manual Model 2010 - Caliber Europe

Manual Model 2010 - Caliber Europe

Manual Model 2010 - Caliber Europe


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1.Before Operation<br />

1.1 Glossary<br />

PBC(playback control)<br />

Thisisasignal(menu)recorded inthe discwithSVCD orVCD2.0<br />

format usedfor theplaybackcontrol.For thediscscontaining PBC,It can<br />

playbackinteractivesoftwarewith the menudisplayed onmonitor screen.<br />

If thedisccontainsstillimages,itcanplaybackhighdefinitionstillimages.<br />

Title<br />

Generally, the titleisthe importantpartofDVD disc.for example,the<br />

theme partof movieis title 1,the partdescribed howtomake movieis title<br />

2, the cast istitle3,etc.Every titlecontains aserialnumber that is easyto<br />

lookup.<br />

Chapter<br />

Atitle can bedivided intoseveral blocks, sothat everyblockcanbeoperated<br />

asaunit, theunitiscalledachapter. The chaptercontainsatleastoneunit.<br />

Track<br />

It isthebiggestcomponent ofVCD.Generally, everysong ofkaraoke disc<br />

isatrack.<br />

1.2 Precautions<br />

Safety<br />

1.PowerSource: The unit should be connected to powersupply only of<br />

the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on the unit.<br />

2.The unit is designed fornegative terminal of the battery which is<br />

connected to the vehicle earth.Please confirm before installation.<br />

3.Do not allowthe speaker wiresto be shorted togetherwhen the unit is<br />

switched on. Otherwise it may overload or burn out the poweramplifier.<br />

4.Do not install the detachable panel before connecting all the wire.<br />

Environment<br />

1.Do not use this unit when waterand moisture is nearit.<br />

2.If moisture formsinside the Lens, it maynot operate properly.Tocorrect<br />

this problem, wait about one hourfor the moisture to evaporate.<br />

3.If the car interior is extremely hot, do not use the player until the carhas<br />

been driven for awhile to cool off the interior.<br />

5.20 The Parental Control<br />

Q:After insertingDVDdiscintodisc compartment, adialogue window will appear<br />

askingfor apassword of 4digits. Why ?<br />

A:This isbecause thatthedisc movie youare playingwas rated with the Parental<br />

Control,and the current rating level of DVD playeris lower than one of current<br />

disc.You mustinput rightpassword and enteritto entryParentalControl setup<br />

menuandthen set aequalor higherrating levelthan oneofcurrent disc. So that<br />

youcan playbackthe disc.<br />

!<br />

NOTE<br />

* If youhave not changed the password,the factorypresetpasswordfor the DVD<br />

player will be empty. Sothatyou should input adesired password and input it<br />

againto verify it toenterthe Parental Controlsetup menu.<br />

* Forthe rating level setup of Parental Control of the DVDplayer, please referto<br />

the relative contentofLOCK setup menu for details.<br />

Accessories: Parental Control<br />

The ParentalControlfunctionofaDVD playercan control theplayback ofmovie<br />

rated levelinadisc.Canset the DVD player(include software playerinPC)to bea<br />

certain rating levelwithSETUPMENU on TV screen.If theratinglevel set inthe<br />

disc ishigher than one setin the DVD player, the DVDplayercan notplayback the<br />

disc. SometimestheParental Controlsequences insomediscs aredifferentfrom<br />

each other.Therating levelsetupcan be protected bythe password.Therein, if you<br />

selectUnlock item, the ParentalControl function willbe invalid,thecontent ofdisc<br />

willbeplayedtotally.<br />

The discmovie can bedesigned asthat the DVD playerwill playbackthedifferent<br />

versionofcontent ofasame movieaccording to the differentratinglevel set by<br />

ParentalControl.Dependon the DVD feature of seamlessswitching described above,<br />

thescenes thatarenotfitting for children will be cleared or replacedbythe other<br />

fittingscene automatically.<br />

All ratinglevels ofParental Control are as follows:<br />

Unlock<br />

1 KidSafe<br />

2 G<br />

3 PG<br />

4 PG 13<br />

5 PG R<br />

6 R<br />

7 NC 17<br />

8 Adult

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