Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews

Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews

Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews


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areas enjoy easy access to a wide range of services owing to the vicinity of Bydgoszcz<br />

and Toruń which have a very well developed social infrastructure.<br />

The Results: economic analyses (entrepreneurship, agriculture,<br />

tourism)<br />

BTMA is the most prominent area in the voivodship as far as the issue of the level of<br />

development and importance of the economy is concerned. Both Bydgoszcz and Toruń<br />

are specialised industrial centres on a nationwide scale. Numerous plants seated in<br />

these cities are among the biggest and most important in the country <strong>–</strong> a lot of them<br />

are owned by large international co-operations and operate globally. The most<br />

important branches of industry present in both cities include: electrical machinery<br />

industry (including the production of means of transport), food and chemical<br />

industries. A relatively new, yet very dynamic branch is printing.<br />

In the suburban areas, small carpentry workshops and small manufacturing plants are<br />

dominant forms. The operate mostly in the following branches: food, metal<br />

processing, machine, chemical, construction, carpentry, transport and horticulture<br />

(vegetable growing, flower growing and a variety of seedlings production). The<br />

suburban zone has been popular with warehouse and storing business activity for<br />

several years. It is now also a popular location for large-area outlets. The newest<br />

business activities undergoing a rapid development in suburban zones is high-tech<br />

branch <strong>–</strong> an industrial park has been in operation for a few years now, and currently a<br />

large Japanese-owned electronics manufacturing complex is being constructed.<br />

The total number of business entities seated in Bydgoszcz exceeds 45 thousand, and<br />

in Toruń the figure approximates 26 thousand. The suburban zones of both cities host<br />

almost 14 thousands companies.<br />

Among the indicators describing the level and character of business operation in the<br />

counties of Bydgoszcz and Toruń the most outstanding ones include:<br />

- for general indicators <strong>–</strong> the number of business entities against the number of<br />

inhabitants is remarkably high <strong>–</strong> several communes within BTMA are among<br />

those characterised by the highest index of entrepreneurship (6 out 8<br />

communes with the highest entrepreneurship index are included in BTMA) <strong>–</strong> in<br />

the most successful communes the index of companies per 1000 persons at the<br />

productive age exceeds 200, with the rural average for the whole voivodship<br />

standing at 92,<br />

- several types of business activities connected with the large cities’ markets:<br />

manufacturing, storing, trade, transport, real estate and business servicing,<br />

- high interest from the foreign investment capital,<br />

- business activities requiring easy access to highly-qualified personnel.<br />

BTMA is characterised by varied agricultural conditions and uneven development of<br />

this sector. A number of communes have very unfavourable soil conditions, whereas<br />

in others the conditions are good or very good (high-volume production in on the<br />

increase, largely crops, in relatively modern, large farms). Some of the communes in<br />

BTMA (especially the communes of Koronowo and Chełmża) are among the biggest<br />

food producers in the region.<br />

BTMA’s big horticultural production (fruit, vegetables) is a vital characteristics of this<br />

region and generally, production for the city market is very well developed. The local<br />


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