Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews

Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews

Defris Partners: ÖSTSAM – Regional Development ... - WebNews


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<strong>Defris</strong> <strong>Partners</strong>:<br />

<strong>ÖSTSAM</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Council of Östergötland, SE<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Council of Central Finland, FI<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Council of Pohjois <strong>–</strong> Savo, FI<br />

Kaunas County Governor´s Administration, LT<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Authority of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship, PL<br />

<strong>Defris</strong> <strong>–</strong> DEVELOPMENT OF FIRST DIVISION REGIONS<br />

A project part-financed by the European Union<br />

(European <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Fund)<br />

within the BSR INTERREG III B Programme

Authors of Report:<br />

Ewa Birek<br />

Zbigniew Brenda<br />

Ewa Kurowska<br />

Rafał Modrzewski<br />

Adam Stańczyk<br />

Julian Ziemkowski<br />


Contents<br />

Introduction 4<br />

Description of strategic projects 5<br />

Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area as the development zone 6<br />

Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre 26<br />

The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River<br />

Valley<br />

Dissemination 48<br />

Transnationality 51<br />

Conclusions 55<br />

Appendix <strong>–</strong> The Strategic Projects Formulas<br />

3<br />

38<br />


Introduction<br />

The following report is an attempt to summarise a two-year long co-operation of First<br />

Division regions i.e. medium-sized regions, striving to encourage their competitiveness<br />

against stronger national “partners”, through adopting an appropriate strategy of<br />

development. The report is an element of a larger work of interregional character<br />

(Common Report) dealing with the execution of strategic development projects within<br />

the territory of <strong>Defris</strong> partner states. The form of a Partner report has been engaged<br />

in order to facilitate a proper depiction of final results of analytic and planning efforts,<br />

made within selected fields of interest, on a more detailed i.e. regional and local level.<br />

The report is inevitably fed with the information obtained during the execution of<br />

previous work packages. Both WP1 and WP2 reports provided the participants of the<br />

project with vital information on characteristics of particular regions dissecting their<br />

socio-economic background which conditions their further development. The<br />

information gathered in this way proved invaluable in the process of selecting future<br />

key projects.<br />

The <strong>Regional</strong> Authority of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship put forward three strategic<br />

projects of development during the implementation process of WP3 (the total number<br />

of projects by <strong>Defris</strong> partners amounts to 15). The function of these projects within<br />

<strong>Defris</strong> is of dual character; they have the role of, so called, voivodship development<br />

zones (the growth poles), as well as, a supporting one e.g. activating the neighbouring<br />

or peripheral areas with a significant socio-economic potential.<br />

The selected projects are:<br />

1. Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metroplitan Area as the development zone<br />

2. The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River Valley<br />

3. Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre<br />

The conclusions concerning the execution of strategic projects that are suggested in<br />

the report present in great detail the planning process, the adopted methodology and<br />

analyses of selected development aspects including, among others, the areas of<br />

transport, communications, services, entrepreneurship, tourism and social issues.<br />

Furthermore, in drive to achieve an improved international co-operation resulting in<br />

measurable effects, the subject areas were narrowed down to merely project<br />

activities. Thus, each one of the above-mentioned projects reflects one or two (in case<br />

of BTMA <strong>–</strong> Bydgoszcz Toruń Metropolitan Area) activities, raised also by those partners<br />

from other regions who remain interested in these issues. For more information on<br />

this subject refer to chapter “Transnationality”.<br />

The lay-out of the Partner report reflects the requirements imposed on all partners in<br />

the project. Its contents is supplemented with elaborations in the form of graphic<br />

attachments and information formulas which are the original form of information about<br />

the implemented strategic development projects.<br />





Objectives and Assumptions of the Project<br />

Bydgoszcz-Torun Metropolitan Area is of primary importance for the shaping of the<br />

potential and development opportunities of the whole Kujawsko-Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship. Both capital cities of the region <strong>–</strong> Bydgoszcz and Toruń <strong>–</strong> as well as, the<br />

rural counties of Bydgoszcz and Torun are included in BTMA (altogether BTMA<br />

comprises as many as 19 communes). The dominating role of BTMA in proper<br />

functioning of the whole voivodship is marked by: its unchallenged role in catering for<br />

higher-level services associated with BTMA’s regional and supraregional functions<br />

largely being the key to the level of competitiveness and innovativeness of the whole<br />

region (university level education, science, culture, medical care, media, business<br />

environment); its being the communication hub for both regional and interregional<br />

communication routes (the region’s main communications junction concentrating all<br />

routes vital for appropriate functioning of the region and its contact with other<br />

regions); and finally, a remarkable demographic potential (despite BTMA taking up as<br />

little as approximately 16% of the region’s total area, over 36% of the population live<br />

there; the real ratio of population concentration is even higher due to the fact that the<br />

level of forestation largely exceeds the average figures).<br />

The primary objective of the analyses of the potential of BTMA is determination of the<br />

extent to which this area, vital for the functioning of the whole region, is capable of<br />

catering also for local needs connected with everyday life of the residents and with<br />

appropriate functioning of socio-economic systems, especially including:<br />

- the demographic description necessary for forecasting the scale of demographic<br />

development and future demographic structure;<br />

- description of the settlement system and servicing potential;<br />

- description of economy (entrepreneurship, agriculture, tourism);<br />

- description of the communications system both internal and external.<br />

It has been agreed in the assumptions to the project that the works will result in<br />

creation of text elaborations and detailed maps (1: 50 000 scale) to be used for The<br />

Plan of <strong>Development</strong> and Spatial Management of Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area<br />

as the study stage of the conducted analyses. The potential target group of these<br />

analyses should also be county and commune self-governments with public service<br />

and transport tasks remaining within their remit.<br />


Methodology<br />

The project is a study devoted to a wide range of issues associated with the evaluation<br />

of various preconditions influencing the following areas:<br />

a) the optimal socio-economic development;<br />

b) encouraging competitiveness and attractiveness of BTMA against other Polish<br />

metropolises.<br />

The complexity and exceptionally vast scope of issues covered by such a generallystated<br />

subject matter resulted in 2 detailed issues coming into focus, which was<br />

decided on the early stages of works. These issues were then analysed and discussed<br />

internationally:<br />

1. preconditions for the socio-economical development (within the Activity<br />

„Determinants of services and business development”);<br />

2. preconditions for the transport system development regarded both as an internal<br />

system functioning within BTMA, and as a system with interregional connections<br />

(within the Activity „Transport systems in BTMA - abilities and problems”).<br />

Both issues were considered as 2 separate types of Activities within the project.<br />

The work schedule in case of both Activities included:<br />

1. Gathering all necessary input information for the project (these included:<br />

statistical data, regional elaborations prepared to the point, data and<br />

information gathered from communes included in BTMA, data and information<br />

received from the administrators of communications networks and transport<br />

services providers, external experts’ opinions commissioned concerning<br />

transport).<br />

2. The analysis of the above-mentioned data.<br />

3. Consultations of activities being carried out <strong>–</strong> including both consultations with<br />

partners during seminars (TNS) and work group meetings (WGM) within <strong>Defris</strong>,<br />

as well as consultations with regional authorities.<br />

4. Preparing the results of the analyses <strong>–</strong> in the form of thematic booklets and<br />

synthetic maps scale 1:50 000 (for a detailed list of books prepared see the<br />

attachment hereto).<br />

The analyses being a part of the project were in their entirety customised to suit the<br />

requirements of The Plan of <strong>Development</strong> and Spatial Management of Bydgoszcz-<br />

Toruń Metropolitan Area being drafted as an updating document to this Plan. The<br />

analyses were of crucial importance for the larger-scale diagnosis of the preconditions<br />

of socio-economic and transport issues. The final stage of the elaboration of the “Plan”<br />

concerning the determination of the conceptions, objectives, directions and rules of<br />

the development of BTMA (due to discrepancies in schedules between the <strong>Defris</strong><br />

project and BTMA Plan and due to the need of considering a much larger spectrum of<br />

issues) is not prepared within the Derfis project.<br />

One must not disregard the fact that an important added value of the activities<br />

performed for the development Plan of BTMA within an international project, is the<br />

possibility of exploiting (both on the stage of diagnosing the status quo, as well as<br />

determining the directions) the knowledge and experience previously gained<br />

elsewhere.<br />

The pattern underlying the adopted methodology and work schedule is presented in<br />

the drawing.<br />


The Results of Analyses within the Activity „Determinants<br />

of services and business development”<br />

The scope of activities<br />

The analyses which were carried out have resulted in 9 thematic booklets devoted to:<br />

the description of the settlement network, providing services to local residents,<br />

demographic issues, entrepreneurship, tourism, agriculture, spatial management,<br />

cultural heritage, the position of BTMA against other Polish MA’s. Some of the issues<br />

analysed are accompanied with branch thematic maps, scale 1:50 000.<br />

Yet another result of the analyses is a synthetic map concerning socio-economic issues<br />

(1:50 000).<br />

The above-mentioned materials were utilised in their entirety for the creation of the<br />

study phase (diagnosis of preconditions) of the Plan of <strong>Development</strong> and Spatial<br />

Management of Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area.<br />

Considering the most vital issues (those having a crucial impact on further<br />

development of BTMA) the following <strong>–</strong> most important <strong>–</strong> preconditions were identified:<br />

The Results: demographic preconditions<br />

As far as demographics is concerned, the suburban areas of Bydgoszcz and Toruń are<br />

classic examples of highly-urbanised areas, and the cities of Bydgoszcz and Toruń<br />

themselves undergo a typical-of-large-cities processes of ageing of the population.<br />

The population of Bydgoszcz and Toruń is slowly yet consistently decreasing. The<br />

number of inhabitants at the post-productive age is larger, while the number of<br />

inhabitants at the pre-productive age against the total number of inhabitants is<br />

dramatically lower (a decrease of 16% within a 4-year span).<br />

Table. The changes in number of population in particular age groups between 2000-04<br />

City<br />

Pre-productive<br />

group<br />

Productive<br />

group<br />

Postproductive<br />

group<br />

Pre-productive<br />

group<br />

Productive<br />

group<br />

Postproductive<br />

group<br />

Change expressed in numbers Change expressed in percentage<br />

Bydgoszcz -12833 2154 3238 -16,1 0,9 5,6<br />

Toruń -7777 3693 2168 -16,9 2,7 7,9<br />

Source: Own work based on data from the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz and from GUS (General Statistical<br />

Office).<br />

The suburban areas are rather attractive migration destinations for a great number of<br />

people including those living in Bydgoszcz and Toruń up do date. As a result the<br />

population in many communes within the period of 4 years increased by more than<br />

10%, and in two communes <strong>–</strong> by more than 20%. Another point worth mentioning is<br />

the fact that in other rural areas of the voivodship, the population is stagnant or<br />

decreasing. Thus, it is evident that the BTMA area stands out from the remaining<br />

territory in the matter of the character and intensity of migration processes. The<br />

people flowing into the suburban communes are predominantly well educated, of<br />

better-than-average financial status and socially active.<br />


Table. Migration flow within BTMA (outside Bydgoszcz and Toruń) between<br />

2000-2004<br />

Parameter 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

in-flow 3522 3558 4089 4909 5310<br />

out-flow 1975 1875 2124 2226 2142<br />

net migration 1547 1683 1965 2683 3168<br />

Source: Own work based on data from the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz and from GUS (General Statistical<br />

Office).<br />

Suburban areas are not of homogeneous nature <strong>–</strong> some of them have had suburban<br />

functions for tens of years and, as a result, they are highly urbanised and display all<br />

social and economic features of such kind of areas. There is a group of communes,<br />

however, that due to their favourable agricultural features and/or their less convenient<br />

transport connection with Bydgoszcz or Toruń have not been subjected to strong<br />

influence of the cities, therefore displaying fewer characteristics of typical suburban<br />

areas nowadays.<br />

The population of the communes which are strongly urbanised is characterised by<br />

favourable <strong>–</strong> young <strong>–</strong> age structure, favourable <strong>–</strong> pro-developmental <strong>–</strong> sex structure,<br />

and, as opposed to the remaining rural areas, a high percentage of inhabitants<br />

employed outside agricultural sector (especially those who run their own business),<br />

and finally, a much more favourable structure of education.<br />

One must notice that a long term demographic forecast for BTMA assumes a<br />

remarkable decrease in the number of inhabitants <strong>–</strong> as much as 10% until 2030,<br />

however, the predicted internal “shifts” of population are of much bigger importance <strong>–</strong><br />

the population of Bydgoszcz and Toruń will plummet by approximately 20% (in 2030<br />

the population of Bydgoszcz will stand at 290 thousand people, and that of Toruń will<br />

amount to 171 thousand), whereas the population of suburban areas will increase by<br />

more than 20% (the increase is bound to be much higher in case of some selected<br />

communes).<br />

The Results: the analysis of the settlement system and services<br />

The communes included in BTMA are generally characterised by an uneven number of<br />

villages. It is a result of both varied sizes of the communes and of varied natural<br />

conditions (especially the level of forestation or amount of soil suitable for agricultural<br />

purposes). The number of villages in communes is between 10 and 54. The indicators<br />

describing the average size of villages in suburban areas are decidedly higher than the<br />

average for the whole voivodship <strong>–</strong> the average size of a village in the analysed area is<br />

330 inhabitants (the mean value for the voivodship without the counties of Bydgoszcz<br />

and Toruń stands at 207). A number of communes in BTMA exceeds the value of 380,<br />

and the communes of Białe Błota and Lubicz <strong>–</strong> over 800.<br />

The figures expressing the density of the settlement system stand between 5 and<br />

25/100 km 2 (the average of 16, most communes reach the value of 10 <strong>–</strong> 20), yet, in<br />

reference to forestless areas the values are considerable higher (the average of 25,<br />

the maximum of above 60/100km 2 ). Highly forested communes are characterised by a<br />

big number of small settlements (hamlets, forestries), with number of inhabitants<br />

frequently does not exceed 10.<br />


The distinctive feature of suburban areas is the presence of numerous villages with a<br />

very high number of inhabitants. The origins of the process of a rapid growth of these<br />

villages are to be sought in their night-dwelling character (mass commuting to work in<br />

Bydgoszcz and Toruń), which was very much true up to the 80’s of the last century. A<br />

large share of those villages suffered from an underdeveloped trade and service<br />

facilities, as these were Bydgoszcz and Toruń that catered for these needs. The realm<br />

of material services and craftsmanship was on relatively low level as well. It was not<br />

until the 90’s when the large suburban villages experienced a rapid wide-scale<br />

development of trade, material services, craftsmanship, and they even had large retail<br />

outlets, wholesale outlets or manufacturing plants built and located within their limits.<br />

The mid-nineties saw an increase in popularity of housing construction (including high<br />

standard one <strong>–</strong> mansion-like). The increase in the population of these villages, apart<br />

from the in-flow of new residents, was a result of a halt to (and subsequently the<br />

reversal of the trend) the city-bound migration, which took place in the 80’s and 90’s.<br />

Nowadays, the largest villages of the analysed area as far as the number of<br />

inhabitants is concerned, outscore the smallest towns in the region( e.g. the village of<br />

Białe Błota has a larger population than 20 towns in the voivodship; its population is<br />

almost the same as the population of the smallest town being a county seat). As many<br />

as 19 villages have the population between 1000 and 2000, 8 villages between 2000<br />

and 3500, and the largest one has 5.7 thousand inhabitants.<br />

Currently, the character of the largest villages is varied. Some of them are welldeveloped<br />

seats of communes <strong>–</strong> with a high potential of institutions servicing their<br />

residents and agriculture, with basic business servicing institutions, at the same time<br />

being a place of work for many people (high level of entrepreneurship) and having<br />

favourable spatial potential and general level of attractiveness for the development of<br />

housing construction. Some of the largest villages are dwelling places as well as<br />

production-storing-craftsmanship ones, but they are not major residents servicing<br />

centres. Another category of villages are those, whose large population is down to<br />

their residential character (high standard housing) as the predominant function. A<br />

relatively small proportion of villages are those situated in the areas characterised by<br />

favourable preconditions for agricultural development, representing a typical rural <strong>–</strong><br />

not urbanised character with typically agricultural function.<br />

The size structure of the settlement system is an important precondition for the<br />

development of communes <strong>–</strong> including especially the share of inhabitants dwelling in<br />

the largest villages (it is connected with the problem of providing services within<br />

technical and social infrastructure, this being remarkably easier and cheaper if the<br />

inhabitants of big villages make up a big proportion of the total number of residents).<br />

As much as more than 1/3 of the total number of rural residents live in villages with<br />

the population exceeding 1000 (despite the fact that these villages make up merely<br />

8% of the total number of settlements), and as little as 10% of the total number of<br />

rural inhabitants live in villages with the population of up to 200 (such villages make<br />

up more than 44% of the total number of settlements).<br />

A substantial number of suburban villages are characterised by a rapid increase in the<br />

population. They make an attractive location for settling down, and the increase is<br />

largely attributed to the appearance of new housing constructions <strong>–</strong> frequently of<br />

residential character. Out of over 80 villages whose population in 2006 exceeded 500,<br />

only 12 observed a decrease in the number of inhabitants in the period 2000-06<br />

(several of them observed a minute decrease), and 36 experienced a growth in the<br />

population of more than 10% (21 of which had an increase of more than 20%). As<br />


many as 11 villages observed an increase in the population of 40% - the maximum<br />

increase was doubling of the population within the 6-year period.<br />

If we express the values in numbers, we can observe than 21 villages experienced an<br />

increase in the population of more than 200 persons, 7 of which of more than 500,<br />

with the maximum figure standing at more than 900 persons.<br />

We can observe a clearly-cut hierarchy in the settlement system of BTMA in the field<br />

of service provision:<br />

- Bydgoszcz and Toruń <strong>–</strong> the serve the functions of their region’s seats with<br />

numerous supraregional functions,<br />

- The seats of communes are meant to be servicing the residents of communes <strong>–</strong><br />

the town commune seats display better facilities as far as the number and<br />

character of the services provided are concerned; the rural commune seats are<br />

in a less favourable situation in this respect. These centres are bound to have<br />

developed a wide array of market services (especially trade and repairs),<br />

primary and lower-secondary education (also upper-secondary one in towns),<br />

healthcare, agriculture-directed services, basic financial services,<br />

administration with related institutions and public utility services,<br />

- Centres of supplementary character to rural commune seats (27 such villages<br />

have been identified) <strong>–</strong> large villages with highly-developed services sector <strong>–</strong><br />

they have an important role especially in large communes, where the distance<br />

to the commune seat is significant,<br />

- Other places <strong>–</strong> the remaining 320 villages and hamlets have been included into<br />

this category. Most of them do not possess any services, or they offer services<br />

catering only for the needs of local residents (they have no impact on the<br />

neighbouring villages).<br />

A specific character of particular public services must be mentioned. Primary schools<br />

are among the most common services and they are present in as many as 69 villages<br />

and towns; lower-secondary schools are significantly less numerous <strong>–</strong> they are to be<br />

found in 35 villages and towns. Community centres also make a frequent category<br />

(present in 96 villages), as well as libraries (in 47). Healthcare units (GP’s) along with<br />

their affiliates are present in 38 villages and towns (in more than 2 places in a<br />

commune on average).<br />

Despite negative changes in recent years (closing down some units) post offices are<br />

still relatively accessible. There are 37 post offices including agent’s units and<br />

affiliates.<br />

Less frequent services, present only in larger villages and towns, include:<br />

- upper-secondary education (present in only 6 places including 3 towns and 3<br />

villages),<br />

- nursery schools (17 villages and towns),<br />

- culture centres (14 towns and villages),<br />

- police stations (15 towns and villages),<br />

- banks (20 towns and villages).<br />

Welfare centres offer services of a specialised character (9 towns and villages). The<br />

distribution of fire brigade stations (not related to the hierarchy of the settlement<br />

system) is of a completely different character. There are as many as 72 fire stations<br />

(almost exclusively they are volunteer brigades).<br />

There are significant discrepancies in the level of execution of so called “own tasks” by<br />

commune authorities, which especially evident in the number of culture units<br />

supported by them. Moreover, one should notice that the residents of the suburban<br />


areas enjoy easy access to a wide range of services owing to the vicinity of Bydgoszcz<br />

and Toruń which have a very well developed social infrastructure.<br />

The Results: economic analyses (entrepreneurship, agriculture,<br />

tourism)<br />

BTMA is the most prominent area in the voivodship as far as the issue of the level of<br />

development and importance of the economy is concerned. Both Bydgoszcz and Toruń<br />

are specialised industrial centres on a nationwide scale. Numerous plants seated in<br />

these cities are among the biggest and most important in the country <strong>–</strong> a lot of them<br />

are owned by large international co-operations and operate globally. The most<br />

important branches of industry present in both cities include: electrical machinery<br />

industry (including the production of means of transport), food and chemical<br />

industries. A relatively new, yet very dynamic branch is printing.<br />

In the suburban areas, small carpentry workshops and small manufacturing plants are<br />

dominant forms. The operate mostly in the following branches: food, metal<br />

processing, machine, chemical, construction, carpentry, transport and horticulture<br />

(vegetable growing, flower growing and a variety of seedlings production). The<br />

suburban zone has been popular with warehouse and storing business activity for<br />

several years. It is now also a popular location for large-area outlets. The newest<br />

business activities undergoing a rapid development in suburban zones is high-tech<br />

branch <strong>–</strong> an industrial park has been in operation for a few years now, and currently a<br />

large Japanese-owned electronics manufacturing complex is being constructed.<br />

The total number of business entities seated in Bydgoszcz exceeds 45 thousand, and<br />

in Toruń the figure approximates 26 thousand. The suburban zones of both cities host<br />

almost 14 thousands companies.<br />

Among the indicators describing the level and character of business operation in the<br />

counties of Bydgoszcz and Toruń the most outstanding ones include:<br />

- for general indicators <strong>–</strong> the number of business entities against the number of<br />

inhabitants is remarkably high <strong>–</strong> several communes within BTMA are among<br />

those characterised by the highest index of entrepreneurship (6 out 8<br />

communes with the highest entrepreneurship index are included in BTMA) <strong>–</strong> in<br />

the most successful communes the index of companies per 1000 persons at the<br />

productive age exceeds 200, with the rural average for the whole voivodship<br />

standing at 92,<br />

- several types of business activities connected with the large cities’ markets:<br />

manufacturing, storing, trade, transport, real estate and business servicing,<br />

- high interest from the foreign investment capital,<br />

- business activities requiring easy access to highly-qualified personnel.<br />

BTMA is characterised by varied agricultural conditions and uneven development of<br />

this sector. A number of communes have very unfavourable soil conditions, whereas<br />

in others the conditions are good or very good (high-volume production in on the<br />

increase, largely crops, in relatively modern, large farms). Some of the communes in<br />

BTMA (especially the communes of Koronowo and Chełmża) are among the biggest<br />

food producers in the region.<br />

BTMA’s big horticultural production (fruit, vegetables) is a vital characteristics of this<br />

region and generally, production for the city market is very well developed. The local<br />


production and processing of fruit, vegetables, milk, meat etc. represents quite a high<br />

level and the processing plants are numerous.<br />

The preconditions for tourism are of special character <strong>–</strong> both Bydgoszcz and Toruń are<br />

the major centres of the business and other activities related to organising a variety of<br />

social, sport or cultural events. The cities host traditional, widely-renowned<br />

international music, opera or theatre festivals. Bydgoszcz is the most important centre<br />

for athletics meetings in Poland, but it is also famous for other international sport<br />

events, particularly in speedway, rowing or volleyball. Toruń is the region’s most<br />

important, and one of the most prominent in Poland, tourist centre (it is reflected in<br />

the city’s dominant position in catering for foreign tourists). Bydgoszcz is an important<br />

centre for trade fairs.<br />

The suburban areas of Bydgoszcz (the commune of Koronowo, in particular) are<br />

among those most attractive for stay-in leisure in the region (it is associated largely<br />

with the natural features <strong>–</strong> including a large lake). There are more than 25 thousand<br />

weekend-holiday houses in BTMA.<br />

Accommodation conditions, as far as the number of beds available is concerned, in<br />

Bydgoszcz and Toruń is comparable, with the figure standing at approximately 1.8<br />

thousand in each city. In the county of Bydgoszcz the figure exceeds 2.5 thousand,<br />

and in the county of Toruń <strong>–</strong> 0.5 thousand. The number of tourist staying in Bydgoszcz<br />

over the night is approximately 95 thousand a year, in Toruń <strong>–</strong> almost 140 thousand,<br />

in the suburban areas <strong>–</strong> the combined figure for both cities areas exceeds 67<br />

thousand. The number of beds occupied at night <strong>–</strong> almost 540 thousand a year (in<br />

2004).<br />

The Results of Analyses for the Activity “Transport systems<br />

in BTMA - abilities and problems”<br />

Road infrastructure<br />

Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area is situated on the route and in the vicinity of<br />

European systems:<br />

- The Paneuropean Transport Corridor No. VI, established during a meeting of<br />

the European Conference of Transport Ministers in Helsinki in 1997, as the<br />

North-South transport axis on the territory of Poland, and<br />

- TINA system regarded by the European Commission as the basic national<br />

transport system (apart from the routes of the corridors, no. 10 national road<br />

was also marked).<br />

These establishments are treated by the European Commission as a temporary<br />

counterpart of the TEN-T system, which was confirmed in the Accession Treaty, where<br />

the shape of the TEN-T system in the new member states was determined by adapting<br />

the existing systems<strong>–</strong> the paneuropean one and TINA.<br />

The earlier-mentioned transport corridors include: the motorway A1 and DK 1, as well<br />

as DK 1 5 and 10, the future express roads labelled with the same numbers.<br />

The motorway A1 (Gdańsk <strong>–</strong> Świecie <strong>–</strong> Toruń <strong>–</strong> Łódź <strong>–</strong> Katowice <strong>–</strong> Cieszyn <strong>–</strong> the<br />

boarder) is situated on the route of the international road E-75. Trespassing the<br />

eastern end of the area, in the direct vicinity of Toruń, it will connect the BTMA with<br />

the motorway system ensuring its coherence with other regions in Poland and with<br />

other EU members. In particular it will provide access to ports in Gdańsk and Gdynia,<br />

as well as to central and southern voivodships.<br />

1 DK (Polish „droga krajowa”) means „national road”<br />


No. 5 national road (S-5) (Świecie <strong>–</strong> Poznań <strong>–</strong> Wrocław <strong>–</strong>the boarder) is at the same<br />

time the international road labelled E-261. Like A1 it also provides direct connection<br />

with the ports and the voivodships situated in western Poland (Dolnośląskie<br />

Voivodship and Wielkopolskie Voivodship).<br />

No. 10 national road (S-10) connects Warsaw (Płońsk) with Szczecin. In its part from<br />

Płońsk to Toruń it runs within the TEN-T corridor determined in the Accession Treaty<br />

(classifying the road as a part of TEN-T system confirms the importance of the road<br />

for the EU cohesion). The part of the road which is labelled DK 10 between Bydgoszcz<br />

and Toruń is a key one for BTMA because of the assumed class of the road and its<br />

location linking two major centres <strong>–</strong> Bydgoszcz and Toruń.<br />

Other national roads are:<br />

- DK 15 Gniezno <strong>–</strong> Olsztyn <strong>–</strong> this is a supplementary connection of Wielkopolska<br />

with Warmia and Mazury, with high tourist-based traffic, the assumed class of<br />

the road is GP, it crosses Toruń,<br />

- DK 25 Oleśnica <strong>–</strong> Koszalin of the same class and importance, it runs through<br />

Bydgoszcz,<br />

- DK 80 Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong>Toruń <strong>–</strong> the character of this road is strictly regional, it links<br />

to centres of the Metropolitan Area, the assumed class <strong>–</strong> GP a dual-carriage<br />

way.<br />

The system described above is administered by the state bodies and is supplemented<br />

by roads remaining under the local self-governments’ administration (of the following<br />

ranks: voivodship, county, commune).<br />

Railway infrastructure<br />

The major railway routes have a well-established localisation crossing the stations<br />

Bydgoszcz-Toruń and no changes are foreseen in this respect.<br />

The railway system includes the lines of national importance:<br />

Line no. 131 double-track railway, electrified, Chorzów Batory <strong>–</strong> Inowrocław <strong>–</strong> Tczew <strong>–</strong><br />

Gdańsk (so called coal railway line),<br />

The line is included in the system of railways AGTC as CE 65 (the European agreement<br />

on combined railway transport in freight transfer).<br />

Line no. 201, double-track railway, electrified, Nowa Wieś Wielka <strong>–</strong> Maksymilianowo, it<br />

is a freight “ring road” of Bydgoszcz for the 131 line;<br />

Line 18, double track, electrified, Kutno - Toruń <strong>–</strong> Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong> Piła, it has a crucial<br />

importance for BTMA as it links Bydgoszcz and Toruń;<br />

Line no. 353 double-track, electrified, Poznań <strong>–</strong> Inowrocław <strong>–</strong> Toruń <strong>–</strong> Skandawa;<br />

Line no. 209 single-track, not electrified, East Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong> Unisław <strong>–</strong> Chełmża,<br />

Kowalewo Pomorskie <strong>–</strong> the service is suspended<br />

Line no. 207 single-track, not electrified, Toruń <strong>–</strong> Chełmża - Grudziądz <strong>–</strong> Malbork.<br />

Other lines:<br />

Line no. 356 single-track, not electrified, Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong> Kcynia <strong>–</strong> Wągrowiec <strong>–</strong> Poznań;<br />

Line no. 27 single-track, not electrified, Toruń <strong>–</strong> Nasielsk.<br />

The railway system encircles major cities going through their peripheries, generally<br />

out of strictly residential areas.<br />

Air transport<br />

There are two airports on the analysed area of BTMA: the international airport in<br />

Bydgoszcz and the sports-recreational airport in Toruń. The Bydgoszcz airport is<br />


conveniently linked with the national roads DK 5, DK 10 and DK 25, and it has its own<br />

railway siding.<br />

Ignacy Jan Paderewski Airport in Bydgoszcz was created on the basis of a military<br />

airport using its runways. It is a regional port with a modern terminal offering the<br />

whole range of services in both domestic and international transit. The runway is<br />

2500m long and 60m wide and it can take most types of aircraft. The airport is<br />

additionally equipped with a modern, computerised aircraft balancing system and<br />

contact system, as well as electronic passenger and luggage monitoring system. The<br />

terminal is a three-storey building of the area exceeding 7 000 m 2 and with the<br />

capacity of dealing with more than 200 000 passengers a year. At present, there are<br />

about 30 000 passengers and 3000 tonnes of cargo dealt with per year. Reaching the<br />

maximum capacity of the terminal is predicted for 2015.<br />

The airfield in Toruń has runways of 1200 m in length and 55 m in width. It does not<br />

possess a terminal or regular domestic or international connections.<br />

Water transport<br />

The analysed area is crossed by water routes the Noteć <strong>–</strong> the Bydgoszcz Channel <strong>–</strong> the<br />

Vistula River. There are river ports in Bydgoszcz and Toruń which are virtually notused<br />

at the moment.<br />

Recent years have seen a revival of tourism on the water routs, especially on the<br />

Bydgoszcz Channel. A water tram has been created in Bydgoszcz. Apart from the<br />

winter time, the ship is shuttle on the Brda River connecting the Fish Market and<br />

Tesco hypermarket, with one service a day being extended up to the Higher Economic<br />

School. It takes several minutes for the tram to cover the whole way. This means of<br />

transport is a highly seasonal one in its nature, and it must be regarded more in terms<br />

of a tourist attraction than a vital way of catering for the residents’ transport needs.<br />

Conclusions<br />

The analyses carried out within both Activities result in a few general conclusions:<br />

1. BTMA is different from the rest of the voivodship in respect of most areas being<br />

analysed.<br />

2. BTMA is characterised by a strong internal variation in many analysed areas.<br />

3. Bydgoszcz and Toruń are regional centres focusing an overwhelming majority of<br />

social and economic potential.<br />

4. Bydgoszcz and Toruń are two major communication hubs for both intra- and<br />

interregional transport <strong>–</strong> the concentrate most roads and railway lines of<br />

interregional importance, they are the meeting point for the few existing water<br />

ways, Bydgoszcz possesses an airport, both cities are also the junctions of<br />

interregional connections.<br />

The analysis of the existing preconditions unveils the following problem areas for<br />

transport and communications:<br />

- lack of motorway and express roads system (A-1, S-5, S-10) as a developmentboosting<br />

factor in BTMA at present,<br />

- lack of final decisions concerning the location of the S-5 road in the vicinity of<br />

Bydgoszcz,<br />

- no binding decisions concerning the main communication connection in N-S<br />

direction in Toruń,<br />

- the role of the national road no.80 as the main transport connection in BTMA <strong>–</strong><br />

problems with routing, servicing the adjacent areas, protection against the<br />

building process,<br />


- the industrial park in Łysomice <strong>–</strong> a new element of spatial planning <strong>–</strong> problems<br />

with communications with the planned motorway, with Toruń and with<br />

Bydgoszcz,<br />

- lack of activities related to modernisation of railways, line no.18 in particular<br />

which is a major rout for inter-BTMA communication,<br />

- it is necessary to establish the connection between the airport in Bydgoszcz and<br />

the remaining transport systems (railways, roads), no cargo terminal.<br />

All the areas mentioned above require taking action in drive to solve the existing<br />

problems.<br />

5. The analyses provided a vast range of data necessary for implementing the next<br />

phase of the elaboration (planning).<br />

A multi-aspect analysis of socio-economic preconditions for the development and<br />

potential related to transport services on both intraregional and interregional scale<br />

confirm that BTMA may well be a driving force for the region’s development in the<br />

years to come. Moreover, the importance of this region for the whole voivodship will<br />

be increasing.<br />


Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

pow. pow. tucholski<br />

tucholski<br />

Śliwice<br />

Śliwice<br />

Osie<br />

Osie<br />

Jeżewo<br />

Jeżewo<br />

Grudziądz<br />

Grudziądz<br />

Rogóźno<br />

Rogóźno Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Lniano Lniano<br />

Dragacz<br />

Dragacz<br />

m.Grudziądz<br />

m.Grudziądz<br />

Gruta<br />

Gruta<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

n.Osą<br />

n.Osą<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Chełmno<br />

Jabłonowo<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Jabłonowo<br />

Radzyń Radzyń Radzyń Chełmiński<br />

Chełmiński<br />

Chełmiński<br />

Pomorskie<br />

Pomorskie<br />

m.Chełmno<br />

m.Chełmno<br />

m.Chełmno Stolno<br />

Zbiczno<br />

Stolno<br />

Stolno Płużnica<br />

Zbiczno<br />

Płużnica<br />

Zbiczno<br />

Płużnica<br />

Płużnica<br />

Książki<br />

Książki<br />

Brzozie<br />

Brzozie<br />

Lisewo<br />

Lisewo m.Wąbrzeźno<br />

m.Wąbrzeźno<br />

Kijewo<br />

Kijewo<br />

Bobrowo<br />

Grążawy<br />

Papowo<br />

Bobrowo<br />

Bobrowo<br />

Grążawy<br />

Papowo<br />

m.Brodnica<br />

Grążawy<br />

Papowo<br />

Papowo<br />

m.Brodnica<br />

m.Brodnica<br />

Królewskie<br />

m.Brodnica<br />

Królewskie<br />

Królewskie Biskupie<br />

Biskupie<br />

Dębowa<br />

Dębowa<br />

Unisław<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Unisław<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Łąka<br />

Unisław<br />

Unisław<br />

Wąbrzeźno Łąka<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Sicienko<br />

m.Chełmża<br />

Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

m.Chełmża<br />

m.Chełmża<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Kowalewo<br />

Kowalewo Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

Wąpielsk<br />

Wąpielsk<br />

Osiek<br />

Pomorskie<br />

Osiek<br />

Pomorskie m.Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

Osiek<br />

Chełmża Pomorskie<br />

Pomorskie m.Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

m.Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

m.Golub-Dobrzyń<br />

Świedziebnia<br />

Świedziebnia<br />

Nakło<br />

Nakło<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

Bydgoszcz<br />

Bydgoszcz<br />

Zławieś Zławieś Zławieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Białe Białe Błota<br />

Błota<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Lubicz Lubicz Ciechocin Radomin<br />

Radomin<br />

Radomin m.Rypin<br />

Ciechocin<br />

m.Rypin<br />

Ciechocin<br />

Ciechocin<br />

m.Rypin Skrwilno<br />

Brzuze<br />

Skrwilno<br />

Brzuze<br />

Skrwilno<br />

Skrwilno<br />

Solec<br />

Brzuze<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

Toruń<br />

Toruń<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Zbójno<br />

Zbójno<br />

Nowa Nowa Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

Chrostkowo<br />

Chrostkowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Wielka Wielka Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Rojewo<br />

Kikół<br />

Kikół<br />

Rojewo<br />

Kikół<br />

Rojewo<br />

Rojewo<br />

Czernikowo Kikół<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Złotniki Złotniki Kujawskie<br />

Kujawskie<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo m.Aleks. m.Aleks. Kuj.<br />

Kuj.<br />

Barcin<br />

m.Lipno<br />

Barcin<br />

Aleksandrów Raciążek<br />

m.Lipno<br />

Barcin<br />

Aleksandrów Raciążek<br />

m.Lipno<br />

Aleksandrów<br />

Żnin<br />

Barcin<br />

Aleksandrów Raciążek<br />

Żnin<br />

Barcin<br />

Raciążek<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Raciążek<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Kujawski<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Kujawski Nieszawa<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Waganiec<br />

Waganiec Bobrowniki Bobrowniki Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Dąbrowa Biskupia<br />

Lipno<br />

m.Inowrocław<br />

m.Inowrocław Dąbrowa Dąbrowa Biskupia<br />

Biskupia Koneck<br />

Koneck<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Janowiec<br />

Tłuchowo<br />

Janowiec<br />

Janowiec<br />

Gąsawa<br />

Gąsawa Dąbrowa<br />

Wielgie<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Wielgie<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Wielgie<br />

Wielkopolski<br />

Zakrzewo<br />

Wielkopolski<br />

Wielkopolski<br />

Zakrzewo<br />

Lubanie<br />

Lubanie<br />

Janikowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Rogowo<br />

Bądkowo<br />

Bądkowo<br />

Fabianki<br />

Fabianki<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Dobre<br />

Dobre<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

m.Radziejów<br />

m.Radziejów<br />

m.Radziejów<br />

Osięciny<br />

Osięciny Brześć<br />

Brześć<br />

Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

Włocławek<br />

Włocławek<br />

Dobrzyń Dobrzyń n.Wisłą<br />

n.Wisłą<br />

n.Wisłą<br />

Włocławek<br />

Włocławek<br />

Drzycim<br />

Kamień Kamień Krajeński<br />

Krajeński<br />

Kęsowo<br />

Kęsowo<br />

Cekcyn<br />

Cekcyn pow. pow. świecki<br />

świecki<br />

pow. pow. grudziądzki<br />

grudziądzki<br />

Sępólno Sępólno Krajeńskie<br />

Krajeńskie<br />

Gostycyn<br />

Gostycyn<br />

Lubiewo<br />

Lubiewo<br />

Drzycim<br />

Drzycim<br />

Świe-<br />

Bukowiec<br />

Świe- Świe- Świe-<br />

Bukowiec<br />

katowo<br />

katowo<br />

Sośno<br />

Sośno<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Pruszcz<br />

Pruszcz<br />

pow. pow. pow. chełmiński<br />

chełmiński<br />

chełmiński<br />

pow. pow. bydgoski<br />

bydgoski<br />

pow. Dobrcz<br />

pow. Dobrcz<br />

pow. pow. wąbrzeski<br />

wąbrzeski<br />

Dobrcz<br />

pow. Mrocza<br />

pow. Mrocza<br />

pow. pow. brodnicki<br />

brodnicki<br />

Mrocza<br />

Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />

Sadki<br />

Sadki<br />

pow. pow. golubsko<br />

golubsko<br />

pow. pow. pow. toruński<br />

toruński<br />

toruński<br />

- - dobrzyński<br />

dobrzyński<br />

pow. rypiński<br />

Kcynia<br />

pow. pow. rypiński<br />

rypiński<br />

Kcynia<br />

pow. pow. inowrocławski<br />

inowrocławski<br />

pow. pow. lipnowski<br />

lipnowski<br />

pow. pow. żniński<br />

żniński<br />

żniński<br />

pow. pow. aleksandrowski<br />

aleksandrowski<br />

pow. pow. pow. sępoleński<br />

sępoleński<br />

sępoleński<br />

pow. pow. nakielski<br />

nakielski<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Shaping the function Metropolitan of Włocławek Area as a the regional development centrezone<br />

0 10 20<br />

30 km<br />

pow. pow. pow. mogileński<br />

mogileński<br />

mogileński<br />

Jeziora Jeziora Wielkie<br />

Wielkie<br />

Warlubie<br />

Warlubie<br />

Piotrków<br />

Piotrków<br />

Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

border of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

borders of districts<br />

borders of communes<br />

BTMA against Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

pow. pow. radziejowski<br />

radziejowski<br />

Bytoń<br />

Bytoń<br />

border of Bydgoszcz - Toruń Metropolitan Area<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Topólka<br />

Topólka<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Boniewo<br />

Boniewo<br />

Izbica Izbica Kujawska<br />

Kujawska<br />

Choceń<br />

Choceń<br />

pow. pow. pow. włocławski<br />

włocławski<br />

włocławski<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

m.Kowal<br />

m.Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Baruchowo<br />

Baruchowo<br />

Lubień<br />

Lubień<br />

Kujawski<br />


Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Białe<br />

Białe<br />

Błota<br />

Błota<br />

0 20 km<br />

Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Białe<br />

Białe<br />

Błota<br />

Błota<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Shaping the function Metropolitan of Włocławek Area as a the regional development centrezone<br />

Changes of number of population (1997-2003)<br />

Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />



Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />



Dobrcz<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Ostromecko<br />

Ostromecko<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

Nowa<br />

Nowa<br />

Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Ostromecko<br />

Ostromecko<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

Nowa<br />

Nowa<br />

Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Zławieś<br />

Zławieś<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Zławieś<br />

Zławieś<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Demography<br />

Nawra<br />

Nawra<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

Nawra<br />

Nawra<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Lubicz<br />

Lubicz<br />

Density of rural population (on areas without forest, meadows and pastures)<br />

0 20 km<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

Lubicz<br />

Lubicz<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />

10 to 23 %<br />

5 to 10 %<br />

0 to 5 %<br />

- 5 to 0 %<br />

- 12 to 5%<br />

100 to 300<br />

75 to 100<br />

55 to 75<br />

35 to 55

(<br />

(((((((((((((((((<br />

Mąkowarsko<br />

Wierzchucin Królewski<br />

(<br />

(<br />

Wtelno<br />

((<br />

Maksymilianowo<br />

(( Żołędowo ( Czarże<br />

Wojnowo<br />

Mochle<br />

Sicienko<br />

Kruszyn<br />

(<br />

(<br />

Łochowo<br />

(<br />

(((((((((((<br />

Białe Błota<br />


0 20 km<br />

( ((((((((((((((( ((((((((( (<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Shaping the function Metropolitan of Włocławek Bez Area okna as a the regional development centrezone<br />

(<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((<br />

(<br />

(<br />

((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Osielsko<br />

Dąbrowa Cheł.<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((<br />

(<br />

Ostromecko (<br />

(<br />

Głuchowo<br />

Brąchnowo CHEŁMŻA<br />

((((((((((((((((((( (<br />

Rzęczkowo<br />

((((((((((((((((((( Zławieś Wielka<br />

Łubianka<br />

((((((((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((((((<br />


Brzoza<br />

Wudzyn<br />

Kotomierz<br />

Nowa Wieś Wielka<br />

Dobrcz<br />

regional and metropolitan centres,<br />

capitals of voivodship<br />

urban capitals of communes<br />

rural capitals of communes<br />

supplementary centres of services<br />

Hierarchy of settlement system<br />

(<br />


(<br />

Górsk<br />

M. Nieszawka<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

(((((((((((((((((<br />

(<br />

Cierpice<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((<br />

((((<br />

Turzno<br />

(((((((<br />

Zelgno<br />

Pluskowęsy<br />

(((((((<br />

((((((((((((((((<br />

Łysomice<br />

Grębocin<br />

(<br />

Lubicz D.<br />

(((((((((((((((((( (<br />

Lubicz G. (<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Obrowo<br />

(<br />

Osiek nad Wisłą<br />

Dobrzejewice<br />

(((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((<br />

Czernikowo<br />

(<br />


Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Białe Białe Błota<br />

Błota<br />

0 20 km<br />

(As of 31.XII.2004)<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area as the development zone<br />

Shaping the function of Włocławek Bez okna as a regional centre<br />

Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />



Dobrcz<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Dąbrowa Dąbrowa Dąbrowa Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

Zławieś Zławieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

Nowa Nowa Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

180 to 201<br />

120 to 160<br />

100 to 119<br />

74 to 100<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

7,4 to 10,0<br />

10,1 to 13,0<br />

13,1 to 17,0<br />

17,1 to 18,9<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Wielka Wielka Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Rate of entrepreneurship Rate of unemployment<br />

(entities of national economy<br />

per 1000 inh. in working age)<br />

Entrepreneurship and uneployment<br />

(unemployed persons<br />

per 1000 inh. in working age)<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Lubicz<br />

Lubicz<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />







251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

251<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

33<br />

33<br />

33<br />

3 33<br />

33<br />

33<br />

33<br />

33<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

245<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

1818<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

1818<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

209<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18 18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

215<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

208<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

131<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

201<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

353<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

239<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

231<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

206<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

356<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18 18<br />

18 18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

240<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

281<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Górzno<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Brodnica<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Rypin<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Lipno<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Skępe<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />










Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Kowal<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Jabłonowo Pom.<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Łasin<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Radzyń Chełm.<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Golub Dobrzyń<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Kowalewo Pom.<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Chodecz<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Brześć Kuj.<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Ciechocinek<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />

Nieszawa<br />










Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Świecie<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Nowe<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Chełmno<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Radziejów<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Gniewkowo<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Solec Kuj.<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />










Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Tuchola<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />










Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Nakło n/Notecią<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Więcbork<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Janowiec Wlkp.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Sępólno Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

Kamień Kraj.<br />

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A-1<br />

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10<br />

10<br />

Mława<br />

Mława<br />

Ostróda<br />

Płońsk<br />

Bielsk<br />

Płock<br />

Lubawa<br />

Anusin<br />

(dr. nr 19)<br />

Płock<br />

Gostynin<br />

Gorzyczki<br />

gr. państwa<br />

Rozdroże<br />

Skandawa<br />

Augustów<br />

Cieszyn<br />

gr. państwa<br />

Kutno<br />

Nowy Dwór<br />

Gdański<br />

Tczew<br />

Gdańsk<br />

Gdańsk<br />

Koło<br />

Szczerkowo<br />

Chorzów<br />

Łeba<br />

Oleśnica<br />

Konin<br />

Szyszłowo<br />

Trzebnica<br />

Poznań<br />

Czersk<br />

Chojnice<br />

Wrocław<br />

Wągrowiec<br />

Kaliska<br />

Bobolice<br />

Jastrowie<br />

Falmierowo<br />

Szczecin<br />

Piła<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

¿¿¿¿<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿´<br />

´<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿´<br />

´<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

( ((<br />

(((<br />

( ((<br />

(((<br />

( ((<br />

( ((<br />

( ((<br />

( ((<br />

((<br />

( ((<br />

(½½½½½½½½½½½½½<br />

(((<br />

(((<br />

(((<br />

(((<br />

planned junctions<br />

state roads<br />

regional roads<br />

main railways<br />

other railways<br />

planned highway<br />

highway under construction<br />

Bydgoszcz Airport<br />

¿<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

´<br />

((( (((<br />

½½½½½½½½½½½½<br />

Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area as the development zone<br />

BTMA against transport network of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

0 10 30 km<br />

20<br />

airfilelds for sport and services (small cargo, air taxi, etc.)<br />

special airfileds (only for military using)<br />

waterways - international importance<br />

waterways - regional importance<br />

river port<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek

Piła<br />

Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

Poznań<br />

Tuchola<br />

18 18 18 18 18 18 18<br />

241<br />

241<br />

241<br />

(((<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

Białe Białe Błota<br />

Błota<br />

(((<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

´<br />

201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201<br />

Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />

½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½<br />



¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿´<br />

131 131 131 131 131 131 131<br />

0 20 km<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

´<br />

((( (((<br />

½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½<br />

201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201<br />

Nowa Nowa Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Dobrcz<br />

201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201<br />

Maksymilianowo<br />

( ((<br />

131 131 131<br />

131 131<br />

Chorzów<br />

Batory<br />

main railways - state's importance<br />

Tczew<br />

( ((<br />

Dąbrowa Dąbrowa Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

(((<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

other railways - regional importance<br />

railways used only for cargo transport<br />

closed railways<br />

Bydgoszcz Airport<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Shaping the function Metropolitan of Włocławek Bez Area okna as a the regional development centrezone<br />

Transport issues I (railways, waterways, airport)<br />

Zławieś Zławieś Zławieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

( ((<br />

Trzebnica<br />

209<br />

209<br />

airfilelds for sport and services (small cargo, air taxi, etc.)<br />

special airfileds (only for military using)<br />

waterways - international importance<br />

waterways - regional importance<br />

river port<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Wielka Wielka Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

Malbork<br />

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353<br />

18 18 18 18 18<br />

Lubicz<br />

Lubicz<br />

( ((<br />

Kutno<br />

209<br />

209<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

(<br />

( (<br />

Skandawa<br />

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />


Mrocza<br />

Mrocza<br />

Bobolice<br />

Szczecin<br />

(Lubieszyn<br />

- gr. państwa)<br />

Sicienko<br />

Sicienko<br />

10 10 10 10 10 10 10<br />

Wrocław<br />

(Lubawka<br />

- gr. państwa)<br />

237 237 237<br />

237 237<br />

237 237<br />

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243<br />

5<br />

Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk Czersk<br />

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25<br />

Koronowo<br />

Koronowo<br />

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25<br />

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80<br />

223 223<br />

223<br />

223 223<br />

Białe Białe Błota<br />

Błota<br />

Wylatowo Wylatowo Wylatowo<br />

Wylatowo Wylatowo Wylatowo<br />

Wylatowo Wylatowo Wylatowo<br />

254 254 254<br />

254 254 254<br />

254 254 254<br />

0 20 km<br />

planned highway<br />

planned junctions<br />

The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Shaping the function Metropolitan of Włocławek Bez Area okna as a the regional development centrezone<br />

56 56 56 56 56 56 56<br />

Osielsko<br />

Osielsko<br />



Nowa Nowa Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

25 25 25 25 25<br />

Dobrcz<br />

Dobrcz<br />

244 244 244<br />

244 244 244<br />

244 244 244<br />

256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256<br />

Oleśnica<br />

5<br />

Dąbrowa Dąbrowa Chełmińska<br />

Chełmińska<br />

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249<br />

551 551<br />

551<br />

551 551<br />

Solec Solec Kujawski<br />

Kujawski<br />

state roads - planned express roads<br />

state roads<br />

regional roads<br />

Transport issues II (roads)<br />

Świecie<br />

Zławieś Zławieś Zławieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394<br />

597 597<br />

597<br />

597 597<br />

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80<br />

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10<br />

Trzebnica<br />

551 551 551<br />

551 551 551<br />

551 551 551<br />

Gdańsk<br />

Łubianka<br />

Łubianka<br />

546 546<br />

546<br />

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200<br />

553 553 553<br />

553 553<br />

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551<br />

273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273<br />

Łysomice<br />

Łysomice<br />

552<br />

552<br />

552<br />

Chełmża<br />

Chełmża<br />

TORUŃ<br />

TORUŃ<br />

Wielka Wielka Nieszawka<br />

Nieszawka<br />

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250<br />

589<br />

589<br />

589<br />

111<br />

Gdańsk<br />

499 499 499<br />

499 499<br />

552 552 552 552 552 552 552 552 552<br />

Służewo Służewo Służewo<br />

Służewo Służewo Służewo<br />

Służewo Służewo Służewo<br />

A-1<br />

654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654<br />

1<br />

551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551<br />

649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649<br />

Lubicz<br />

Lubicz<br />

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15<br />

Obrowo<br />

Obrowo<br />

Gorzyczki<br />

gr. państwa<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Wąbrzeźno<br />

Sierakowo<br />

Sierakowo<br />

258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258<br />

Cieszyn<br />

(-gr. państwa)<br />

Ostróda<br />

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10<br />

Czernikowo<br />

Czernikowo<br />


Aims and Assumptions of the Project<br />

Włocławek with its population of more than 120 thousand is included in the Strategy<br />

and in the spatial development plan for Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship as a regional<br />

sustainable development centre supportive for the Bydgoszcz-Toruń metropolitan<br />

area. The function derives from both demographic and economic potential of the town.<br />

Włocławek is an important industrial and service centre, a seat of numerous business<br />

and economy-related institutions, as well as, a centre of higher education.<br />

The town has a clearly-developed functional area covering the neighbouring<br />

communes counties. In view of the stipulations of the above-mentioned documents,<br />

and the on-going socio-economic processes, the further development of the town as a<br />

regional centre is crucial from the point of view of regional policy.<br />

The basic objective of the project is to determine the directions of development of<br />

those functions of the city which have supra-local importance, thus being beneficial<br />

also for the residents of the functional area. Additional aims are of educational and<br />

practical nature. The first one not only allows to enrich the knowledge about the town<br />

and its surroundings, but it will also enable its promotion. The other aim is connected<br />

with practical use of the knowledge and conclusions from the project for the sake of<br />

making particular administrative and economic decisions by the local selfgovernments.<br />

Methodology<br />

The elaboration comprises three parts. The first one covers the analysis of<br />

preconditions of the functioning of the city and its surroundings against the whole<br />

region and the analysis of connections with the rest of the country in the field of<br />

communications, nature and economy. The second part is the evaluation of the city’s<br />

potential and its impact on the surrounding area, as well as of its competitiveness<br />

against other urban centres situated in the radius of approximately 60 km. The<br />

analyses conducted in this area covered the major functions and services. Businessrelated<br />

services, healthcare and education were particularly in the focal point of the<br />


analyses. The third part of the project deals with the directions of development of the<br />

town within the functions which are perceived as being socially demanded and, at the<br />

same time, cost-effective.<br />

The available statistical data concerning the social and economic issues in the town<br />

and the region was utilised in course of works on the project. In order to supplement<br />

some data and to gather the evaluation and opinions of the local society of the<br />

functional region a questionnaire survey was carried out. A specially-prepared<br />

questionnaire was distributed among 41 commune self-governments. As many as 28<br />

self-government managed to return the questionnaire with answers. The information<br />

received in this way made it possible to evaluate the scope of bonds between<br />

Włocławek and its vicinity, and to determine the importance of the city for the<br />

residents of adjacent communes for satisfying their needs for services in a range of<br />

fields. The analysis of the information retrieved from the questionnaires facilitated also<br />

the evaluation of the level of competitiveness of Włocławek in comparison with other<br />

centres, and determination of the expectations of residents of the functional region as<br />

far as the development of various services is concerned.<br />

One of the methods utilised during the process of gathering the information necessary<br />

for determining the directions of development of supra-local functions of the city were<br />

meetings with the representatives of the local authorities of towns and communes<br />

included in the functional region.<br />

Moreover, a number discussions, symposiums and conferences attended by<br />

representatives of various business and social organisations, as well as the academic<br />

environment of Włocławek were held. The co-operation with the local authorities of<br />

Włocławek was of special importance. The local self-government of Włocławek was<br />

simultaneously working on the strategy of development of the city, and started to<br />

elaborate the study of preconditions and directions for spatial management<br />

development.<br />

The Results<br />

Delimitation of the Functional Area of the City and the<br />

Scope of Internal Connections<br />

The basis for carrying out any analysis was determining the zone of impact of<br />

Włocławek on the neighbouring areas. The data on this subject was taken from<br />

available statistics, information included in the questionnaires returned from<br />

communes and social consultations. Delimitation of the area was carried out on the<br />

basis of the main functions of and forms of influencing the vicinity by the town which<br />

were identified beforehand. The following issues were the basis of the delimitation<br />

process:<br />

Employment<br />

Shuttle-like migrations connected with local residents of communes and neighbouring<br />

counties commuting to their work places in Włocławek constituted the subject of the<br />

analysis. On the basis of the number of monthly travel cards for both bus and railway<br />

transport the main directions of migration, as well as, the number of regular<br />

commuters was established. In this way, the range and intensity of travels were<br />

assessed, which resulted in identifying the zone of the town’s influence in the field.<br />


The zone covers 26 communes within four counties: Włocławek, Lipno, Aleksandrów<br />

and Radziejów, from where as many as approximately 8 thousand persons commute<br />

daily to work. It is worth remembering, though, that the presented data by no means<br />

represents the entire phenomenon. Research carried out in communes neighbouring<br />

Włocławek have revealed that a substantial number of commuters travel by their own<br />

car rather than by public transport. It particularly concerns the communes located in<br />

the direct vicinity of the town; the estimate figures stand at 1000 <strong>–</strong> 1500 persons.<br />

Education, culture and sport<br />

Higher-level and secondary education are a vital factor influencing the functioning and<br />

the extent of the zone in which the town affects its neighbouring areas. There are four<br />

higher education school in Włocławek at the moment: Higher School of Humanities<br />

and Economics, State Higher Vocational School, Higher School of Techniques and<br />

Entrepreneurship, and Higher School of Information Technology in Łódź Włocławek<br />

Affiliate. A total of approximately 9 thousand students attend the classes in these<br />

schools both on normal and extramural basis. Over 60% of the students come from<br />

the Włocławek region and other regions in Poland.<br />

Włocławek is also home to numerous secondary schools both of general education and<br />

vocational ones. They are very popular with students from outside of the town, which<br />

particularly true for vocational schools where the percentage of students from the<br />

neighbouring communes and counties reaches as high as 30%.<br />

Włocławek Scientific Society is an important centre of science in the city. The society<br />

organises numerous scientific conferences of both regional and national character, it<br />

also initiates many scientific researches and projects connected Kujavy and Ziemia<br />

Dobrzyńska area. Włocławek Scientific Society is the biggest publisher of scientific and<br />

regional literature in the city. Through its members and the affiliate in Rypin the<br />

society has a great impact on local societies of the intelligentsia in the neighbouring<br />

communes and counties.<br />

A number of educational and training centres are present in Włocławek offering<br />

services to the residents of the whole functional area. They include among others the<br />

Voivodship Centre for Drivers’ Training and Testing which trains and tests future<br />

drivers from the area of five counties: Włocławek, Aleksandrów, Lipno, Rypin and<br />

Radziejów. Foreign language schools and other educational institutions organising<br />

further vocational training courses are also numerous.<br />

The cultural life of the city and its level as well as the quality of cultural events<br />

organised have a crucial impact on the surroundings. Włocławek is home to numerous<br />

cultural and culture-related institutions offering services to the residents of the<br />

neighbouring areas. The Impresario Theatre, where the best Polish actors appear on<br />

stage, the concerts organised in the largest arenas in town, exhibitions of modern art<br />

by renowned artists both Polish and foreign make up an offer widely accepted not only<br />

by the residents of Włocławek. Research proves that the residents of the communes in<br />

the following counties eagerly take advantage of the cultural offer of the city:<br />

Włocławek, Radziejów, Lipno, and partially Aleksandrów.<br />

The cultural resources such as monuments of material culture, numerous museums<br />

(seven) are a rich offer for residents of other areas. The offer is used by school groups<br />

from neighbouring communes and counties visiting Włocławek during excursions.<br />

The importance of the city and its influence on the vicinity is also marked by the fact<br />

that it’s the seat of two local daily newspapers: Gazeta Kujawska and Nowości<br />

Włocławskie. The city is also home to two radio stations of overlocal range: Radio Gra<br />

and Radio Hit.<br />


Good technical facilities and a high level of sport result in a big interest in this area of<br />

life. Basketball matches played by the Polish Champion, and many times Vice<br />

Champion <strong>–</strong> Anwil <strong>–</strong> gather thousands of spectators and fans from all around the<br />

region. Perfect technical parameters and high functionality of the largest sports facility<br />

<strong>–</strong> The Champions’ Arena make it possible to organise many national and international<br />

events in Włocławek. A substantial part in creating this function of Włocławek is played<br />

by the Włocławek Aeroclub. Not only does it train pilots, but it is also an organiser of<br />

numerous important sports events of both national and international range. One of the<br />

examples might be the European Championships of flying models, or championships of<br />

hot air balloons.<br />

Owing to the aforementioned factors, the zone of influence of the city spans a long<br />

way behind its closest vicinity.<br />

Trade<br />

The period of the last 5 years has seen the emergence of Włocławek as an important<br />

trade centre. Numerous factors have contributed to this process with erection of three<br />

big shopping malls connected with hypermarket chain outlets (Real, Tesco, Kaufland)<br />

being the most important. A substantial number of customers are attracted to these<br />

shops by their wide assortment, and aggressive promotional campaigns. Analyses<br />

conducted in July 2005 revealed that residents of neighbouring counties make up<br />

approximately 35% of the total number of customers. Nearly a half of them visit<br />

Włocławek at least once a week to do shopping. The rest come to the town once a<br />

fortnight and a tiny percentage does it less frequently. Wholesale outlets are also an<br />

important element of the city’s commercial function. Many small retailers from the<br />

neighbouring towns and villages treat them as the main source of supplies for their<br />

outlets.<br />

Business-related services<br />

At present the city is home to numerous branches and affiliates of commercial banks<br />

operating in our country. The total number of financial institutions present on the<br />

Włocławek market reaches approximately 20. They also offer a wide range of services<br />

to persons living out of Włocławek. It particularly concerns Bank Ochrony Środowiska<br />

(Environment Protection Bank), Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej (Food Management<br />

Bank), Kredyt Bank (Credit Bank), PKO BP, BZWBK and PeKaO S.A., which widely<br />

cater for the needs of residents of other counties. Detailed determination of<br />

geographical distribution of these services is not possible due to lack of necessary<br />

data.<br />

There are also institutions dealing with the economic life and business servicing. One<br />

of them is the Kujavian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This organisation enlists<br />

more than 100 business entities from the city and the neighbouring counties offering a<br />

wide range of business-related services also to other entities.<br />

Specialised healthcare<br />

The Voivodship Hospital in Włocławek is a specialist healthcare centre for inhabitants<br />

of the counties of: Włocławek, Lipno, Radziejów, Aleksandrów and Rypin. The <strong>Regional</strong><br />

Oncology Centre in Włocławek has the same function serving the inhabitants of the<br />

town and the neighbouring regions. There are also a number of private units offering<br />

healthcare services frequently used by the residents of the neighbouring communes<br />

and counties.<br />


Administration<br />

Włocławek is a seat of numerous institutions of public and special administration. The<br />

town seats the Local Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Office, and the Local<br />

Office of the Marshal’s Office in Toruń. The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Planning covering the whole voivodship is also seated in the town. Moreover,<br />

there are the seats of District Court and District Prosecutor’s Office in Włocławek<br />

covering the counties of: Włocławek, Aleksandrów, Radziejów, Rypin and Lipno.<br />

The range of basic functions and services offered by the city to the functional area is<br />

depicted in the drawing.<br />

business<br />

environment<br />

institutions<br />

trade<br />

tourism<br />

and leisure<br />

upper-secondary<br />

education<br />

sport<br />

Recreation and the suburban zone<br />

university-level<br />

education<br />

culture<br />

out-of-school<br />

adult education<br />

specialized<br />

healthcare<br />

administration<br />

mass<br />

transport<br />

The recreational relations of the town and its neighbouring areas are an important<br />

factor influencing wide-range changes in the rural regions. In case of Włocławek, these<br />

relations are evident and derive from the richness of natural environment surrounding<br />

the town. Forest complexes of Gostynin-Włocławek Nature Park or the Włocławek<br />

Reservoir are excellent examples. The inhabitants of Włocławek explore these areas,<br />

which is visible through a rising number of recreation buildings erected there. The<br />

town has a well-developed tourist infrastructure with numerous hotels, two of which<br />

are four-star hotels (Młyn Hotel and Aleksander Hotel). This feature helps to develop<br />

the town’s function as a tourist centre based on rich natural and cultural background.<br />

The effect of the economic development of Włocławek and of the improving material<br />

status of some part of its inhabitants are the deconcentration processes and constant<br />

migration to the surrounding areas. This phenomenon is evident in the communes<br />

remaining in the direct vicinity of the town, such as the communes of: Włocławek,<br />


Brześć Kujawski, Fabianki and Lubanie. In these communes as many as approximately<br />

100 new houses built by the residents of Włocławek appear every year. Additionally, it<br />

worth mentioning that these areas are also a destination for inhabitants of other<br />

regions to settle down. As a result, a suburban zone with all its characteristics is<br />

emerging.<br />

The analysis of the presented subject matter makes it possible to determine the<br />

influence area of Włocławek. It is possible to point 3 zones (levels) of bonds. The first<br />

one covers tight relations of high frequency such as business and economic relations<br />

(the town as a market for farming products, place of work and education).<br />

Geographically, these are the communes in the direct vicinity of Włocławek: Fabianki,<br />

Włocławek, Lubanie, Brześć Kujawski, Bobrowniki, Dobrzyń n/W, Kowal, Bądkowo,<br />

Osięciny, Choceń, Lubraniec.<br />

The second zone is characterised by looser, bonds based on less frequent contacts:<br />

major shopping, dealing with administrative matters, further professional training,<br />

taking part in cultural and sports events and, in relatively small proportion, commuting<br />

to work and school. This level comprises such communes as: Lubień Kujawski,<br />

Baruchowo, Boniewo, Izbica Kujawska, Chodecz, Bytoń, Waganiec, Lipno.<br />

Functional-spacious relations in the third zone are less intensive than in the previous<br />

ones. The contacts with the town are limited to handling administrative matters in<br />

some voivodship-level offices and institutions in the town, specialist medical treatment<br />

and extramural studies in one of the town’s schools of higher education. This zone<br />

covers such communes like: Dobre, Radziejów, Piotrków Kujawski, Aleksandrów<br />

Kujawski, Koneck, Zakrzewo, Chrostkowo, Rogowo, Rypin, Skrwilno, Kikół and Brzuze.<br />

The functional area of Włocławek is also the zone influencing the city. The<br />

neighbouring communes more often then never are place of work for the residents of<br />

Włocławek. They are also a direct supply of food and resources for the food processing<br />

industry located in the city. These are also areas of high recreational values as well as<br />

spas. The communes directly neighbouring the city are the development areas for the<br />

suburban zone.<br />

The Evaluation of the City’s Potential within its Functions and<br />

Connections with the Functional Area<br />

The analysis of mutual relations between the city and its surroundings leads to the<br />

following conclusions:<br />

1. Włocławek has a clearly-shaped functional area comprising 41 communes. This<br />

region is internally diversified due to various strength of the town’s influence.<br />

As a result it possible to distinguish 3 zones with a different level of strength of<br />

bonds with the city. The strongest bonds are to be noticed in the first zone<br />

comprising 26 communes located in the direct vicinity of the city.<br />

2. The most important services offered by the town to its surroundings include:<br />

education, employment, trade and business-related services.<br />

3. Włocławek is not competitive in relation to other neighbouring urban centres<br />

(Toruń, Płock).<br />

4. The feeling of majority of residents of the functional region is that the city does<br />

not meet their requirements in catering for higher-level needs.<br />

5. The city does not use its development potential connected with the natural and<br />

cultural resources and its favourable geographical location.<br />

6. The co-operation between the town’s self-government and the local authorities<br />

of the communes in the functional region in drive to execute common projects<br />

is not sufficient.<br />


Main directions of development of the functions of the city as<br />

regional centre<br />

The further development of Włocławek as a regional centre depends on many external<br />

and internal factors. The most important external factors include the changing<br />

economic situation of the country and of the European Union, social and economic<br />

policy of the Government, and policies of regional authorities. All these factors are<br />

mainly objective ones, so the local self-government has limited possibilities to<br />

influence them. With the internal factors the situation looks different. They are mostly<br />

connected with the activity of local community and of the town’s self-government. A<br />

high level of activity from the local community combined with good decisions about<br />

the functions of the town to be developed, offer a chance for the growth of the town<br />

and improvement in its competitiveness in servicing the whole region. The analysis of<br />

services offered by Włocławek, including the expectations and needs of the people<br />

living in the region, as well as the evaluation by the local authorities of the town, point<br />

out that the town should develop the following services:<br />

Specialised healthcare and hospital healthcare<br />

Necessary activities to be taken:<br />

• expanding the function of Wieniec Zdrój Spa, including the introduction of new<br />

kinds of services as a spa;<br />

• development of the voivodship hospital in Włocławek towards specialised<br />

healthcare (cardiology, oncology, ophthalmology),<br />

• development of private clinical hospitals.<br />

Meeting these objectives will take strong lobbying actions and close co-operation of<br />

the local authorities of the town with the voivodship authorities and the Ministry of<br />

Health. The authorities of the town should create conditions for establishing non-public<br />

healthcare units by offering preferential conditions for real estate purchase, tax<br />

incentives etc.<br />

Culture<br />

One of the most basic and important tasks to be done to upgrade the level of cultural<br />

services should be the improvement of the image and beauty of the town. To do this<br />

the following actions must be taken:<br />

• revitalising the oldest part of town including the area of 3 Maja Street, the Old<br />

Market and the Embankment,<br />

• improving the technical condition of important monuments of material culture;<br />

• re-organising the buildings in the city centre.<br />

Meeting these objectives will take serious financial support from the city budget and<br />

other resources. The self-government should create a system of preferences and<br />

incentives for the owners of buildings that must be renovated and redecorated.<br />

Moreover, the development of cultural services will require:<br />

• support by the local authorities of all initiatives connected with organising<br />

major cultural events such as: exhibitions, concerts, theatre performances, film<br />

festivals etc.<br />

• improving the technical condition and looks of cultural premises (the building of<br />

the Impresario Theatre, the open-air theatre);<br />

• support for artists.<br />


Sport<br />

The development of services in the field of sport will take the following actions:<br />

• improving the technical condition of and upgrading the existing sports<br />

facilities. It mostly concerns the football stadium;<br />

• building new sports facilities for organising big national and international<br />

sports events. It is necessary to build a complex of swimming pools, including<br />

a full-size one;<br />

• supporting the existing sports clubs, especially those that have top-level<br />

disciplines (basketball, judo);<br />

• financial support of major sports events.<br />

Tourism and recreation<br />

The main asset for developing the services in the sector of tourism and recreation is<br />

the Włocławek Reservoir. It has a huge potential for satisfying all needs of the people<br />

of Włocławek and the region in the field of sport and recreation. Meeting this objective<br />

will take:<br />

• building the facilities that would help to use the Włocławek Reservoir. The local<br />

self-government of Włocławek, together with the authorities of communes<br />

located by the reservoir should attract investors to build the infrastructure<br />

connected with water sports and recreation;<br />

• making the most of the Gostynin-Włocławek Landscape Park. This objective<br />

should be pursued together with the local authorities of the communes where<br />

the Park is;<br />

• intensive promotion of the tourist and recreational assets of the town and its<br />

surroundings.<br />

Trade and basic support services<br />

According to the residents of the region, this is one of the most important areas of<br />

services. The development of these services will upgrade the level of competitiveness<br />

of the city. Meeting this objective will take creating attractive conditions for building a<br />

large shopping centre, offering a wide choice of services. To do this, proper planning<br />

documents must be prepared to facilitate the issuing of all necessary permissions and<br />

localisation decisions, and to prepare the technical infrastructure necessary to start<br />

the construction works.<br />

Business environment services<br />

The business environment institutions are mostly banks, credit funds, financial<br />

institutions, insurance institutions as well as counselling and book keeping institutions.<br />

These are also some organisations of entrepreneurs and businessmen. The local<br />

authorities should do everything to make sure that there are a lot of such institutions<br />

in Włocławek. The following actions should be taken, then:<br />

• establishing a close co-operation with the existing organisations (mostly with<br />

the Kujavian Chamber of Commerce and Industry);<br />

• organising lobbying actions to create such institutions in Włocławek;<br />

• creating good organisational and material conditions attracting such<br />

institutions to the town.<br />

Taking and executing the suggested investment and organisational tasks should result<br />

in achieving a satisfactory level of these services and a wide-range of their influence.<br />


Conclusions<br />

Executing the drafted directions of development of some of the town’s functions<br />

combined with its general socio-economic development will allow to achieve the<br />

following aims:<br />

1. Strengthen the position of the town in the settlement system of the voivodship<br />

as a regional development centre.<br />

2. Increase the importance of Włocławek as a service centre, and make it more<br />

competitive in relation to other centres.<br />

3. Strengthen the economic bonds between the town and its surroundings.<br />

4. Make the most of the internal development preconditions connected with the<br />

natural environment and cultural assets.<br />

5. Develop the city economically through new investments in the field of services<br />

and production.<br />

6. Create new places of work for the residents of Włocławek and the functional<br />

region.<br />

7. Improve the general image of the city.<br />

One of the key issues conditioning the achievement of these objectives is a close and<br />

wide co-operation between the local self-government of the town of Włocławek and<br />

local authorities in the functional region.<br />


Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre<br />

The Structure of the Settlement System of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />



)<br />




)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

ŻNIN<br />

ŻNIN<br />



)<br />



)<br />

)<br />

0 25 50 km<br />


)<br />

)<br />



)<br />

voivodship seats - cities of potential<br />

European significance<br />

) )<br />

)<br />

)<br />





)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />



) )<br />

) ) ) ) )<br />




) )<br />

) )<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />





) )<br />

)<br />

) )<br />

) )<br />

)<br />




)<br />

RYPIN<br />

RYPIN )<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

TORUŃ<br />


)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />




KUJAWSKI )<br />

) ) )<br />



) )<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

LIPNO<br />

LIPNO<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

regional development sustaining centres<br />

subregional development sustaining centres<br />

transregional development sustaining centres<br />

other towns<br />

rural gminas (commune) centres<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />




) ) )<br />



higher education<br />

development of service institutions<br />

secondary education<br />

tourist service<br />

- business service (of regional<br />

and transregional significance)

zone III<br />

zone II<br />

zone I<br />

Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre<br />

Delimitation of the functional area<br />

Dobre<br />

Radziejów<br />

Piotrków Kuj.<br />

0 10 20 km<br />

Aleksandrów Kuj.<br />

Zakrzewo<br />

Bytoń<br />

Koneck<br />

Topólka<br />

Osięciny<br />

Waganiec<br />

Bądkowo<br />

Lubraniec<br />

Izbica Kuj.<br />

Lubanie<br />

Brześć<br />

Kuj.<br />

Boniewo<br />

Bobrowniki<br />

Choceń<br />

Chodecz<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Fabianki<br />

Włocławek<br />

Chrostkowo<br />

Kikół<br />

Lipno<br />

Wielgie<br />

Dobrzyń n/Wisłą<br />

m. WŁOCŁAWEK<br />

Kowal<br />

Lubień Kuj.<br />

Brzuze<br />

Skępe<br />

Baruchowo<br />

Rypin<br />

Rogowo<br />

Tłuchowo<br />


Aims and Asumptions of the Project<br />

The main objective of the elaboration titled: “The conception of the economic<br />

development of the Noteć River Valley within Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship” is to<br />

establish the directions of activities to be undertaken for the economic revival of the<br />

areas situated along the Noteć River, especially those included in the borders of<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship. The elaboration is of key importance in the process<br />

of promoting of the Noteć River Valley <strong>–</strong> the analysis is also meant to promote the<br />

statutory needs of social organisations dealing with such problems like environment<br />

protection, promotion of tourism etc. The guidelines for spatial development plans<br />

drafted by local self-governments will also be of primary importance.<br />

Methodology<br />

A dual-phase approach was applied while preparing the “The conception of the<br />

economic development of the Noteć River Valley” project:<br />

1. the analysis of the status quo,<br />

2. arriving at relevant conclusions, suggestions and directions of actions to be<br />

taken on the basis of the analyses.<br />

Two types of data constitute the starting point for the analyses i.e.:<br />

a) indirect data:<br />

- statistical;<br />

- thematic elaborations,<br />

- expert opinions,<br />

- studies of preconditions and spatial development.<br />

b) direct data:<br />

- trips aimed at gathering documentation (e.g. photographic<br />

documentation),<br />

- survey in the area (among local societies and authorities).<br />

Due to a specific type of entry data it is mainly the statistical methodology (statistical<br />

indexes etc.) which is applied for the data analysis. Those phenomena which are not<br />

measurable by means of statistical methods are analysed with the use of descriptive<br />


characteristics. A comparative analysis of the studies of preconditions and spatial<br />

development of communes included in the elaboration was carried out.<br />

The results of the spatial analyses are largely presented in a text form accompanied<br />

by graphics (maps, cartograms, diagrams). The photographic documentation of the<br />

area is also meant to be regarded as display and presentation material.<br />

Results of analyses<br />

As many as 21 administrative units within Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship situated<br />

along the Noteć River make up the area covered by this elaboration, and their total<br />

area equals 3 484 square kilometres. They include one urban commune (Inowrocław),<br />

12 urban-rural communes and 8 rural ones. The river crosses twelve communes,<br />

seven are adjacent to the river, and two communes are not situated in the direct<br />

vicinity of it. The area concerned includes thirteen towns, seven of which are directly<br />

associated with the river (the river flows through them): Kruszwica, Pakość, Barcin,<br />

Łabiszyn, Nakło, and Inowrocław, Janikowo are situated in the direct vicinity of the<br />

river. In its northern part the area borders with the urban county of Bydgoszcz. The<br />

population of the area concerned exceeds 347 thousand, which is 16,8% of the total<br />

population of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship.<br />

The Noteć River, with its 388,5 km, is the seventh longest river in Poland, and the<br />

area of its basin approximates 17 thousand square kilometres. The river has enjoyed<br />

its important position ever since the Bydgoszcz Canal connected the basins of two<br />

largest rivers in Poland in 1774. Extensive utilisation of the Noteć River as well as the<br />

whole system of canals for transport purposes in the 19 th and 20 th centuries allowed<br />

the development of the city of Bydgoszcz. Even today the Noteć River along with the<br />

Bydgoszcz Water Junction is a part of the E-70 transnational water route linking Berlin<br />

with Kaliningrad. The length of the Noteć River within Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

amounts to 127 km, which is a third of its total length.<br />

The natural values of the area are highlighted by the existence of: the Goplo<br />

Millennium Landscape Park, 10 natural reserves, 8 protected landscape areas and<br />

numerous natural monuments. Moreover, the area concerned encloses two areas of<br />

special protection of birds being a part of the European Ecological Programme “Nature<br />

2000”: the Goplo Wildlife Site on the area of the communes of Kruszwica, Jeziora<br />

Wielkie, Piotrków Kujawski), the Valley of Central Noteć and Bydgoszcz Canal on the<br />

area of communes of Nakło nad Notecią, Sadki, Kcynia, Sicienko, Szubin, the city of<br />

Bydgoszcz.<br />

The climate of this area is characterised by high changeability with significant yearly<br />

temperature amplitudes as for Polish conditions. The southern end of the Noteć River<br />

Valley is where the annual average temperature tends to be the highest in the whole<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship.<br />

The analysed area is characterised by the existence of excellent soils for agriculture,<br />

with one of the best conditions in the whole Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship in this<br />

respect. The Noteć River Valley area is generally characterised by a low share of<br />

forests and wooded land. A low level of forestation along with the low level of rainfall<br />

in central and southern part of the area lead to the shortage of water in the soil.<br />

The birth rate, which is the difference between births and deaths on the area, is<br />

moderate and stands at 0,9 births per one thousand inhabitants. The geographical<br />

distribution of the phenomenon is fairly variable. The northern part of the region is<br />

characterised by the highest value of birth rate. By contrast, seven administrative<br />


units (four towns and three communes) situated in the southern end of the region<br />

display a negative birth rate.<br />

The migration rate <strong>–</strong> the balance between incoming and outgoing population in the<br />

area of the Noteć River Valley is also variable. The total value for the whole region is<br />

1,4 persons/one thousand inhabitants, which means that the number of incoming<br />

people slightly exceeds that of the outgoing population. Unfortunately, the spatial<br />

distribution of this phenomenon has a negative character as more than a half of<br />

administrative units (towns and rural areas) display a negative migration balance.<br />

The entrepreneurship rate (expressed as the total number of businesses per 1 000<br />

inhabitants at the productive age) for the whole area takes the value of 121. For all<br />

cities in the region this figure stands at 137,2. The rate in the rural areas is 101,7 on<br />

average. The presence of two rural communes in the set of units with the highest<br />

entrepreneurship rate (additionally the commune of Białe Błota occupying the first<br />

position) indicates their outstanding economic potential deriving from the vicinity of a<br />

large centre (the city of Bydgoszcz) and their roles as suburban communes.<br />

On 2004-12-31 as many as 41 320 persons were registered as unemployed on the<br />

analysed area. 18 799 of which were on rural areas (45,5%) and 22 521 in towns<br />

(54,5%). The unemployment rate expressed as the ratio of the jobless persons and<br />

the total population at the productive age on the area equals 18,6%, with rural areas<br />

18,6% and towns 18,7%. The suburban communes in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz are<br />

characterised by the lowest unemployment rate. The spatial distribution of<br />

unemployment on the area of the Noteć River Valley does not display a clear<br />

concentration, it has a “belt” character: from north-west to south-east.<br />

The analysed area of the Noteć River Valley present features which make it one of the<br />

most agriculturally attractive areas in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship. Nevertheless,<br />

the human impact on the environment has transformed the picturesque Noteć River<br />

Valley into a densely-populated area with highly-developed industry. The area hosts<br />

factories of both regional and national importance in the following branches: chemical,<br />

food, mining and cement (Inowrocław, Kruszwica, Janikowo, Wapienno). The Noteć<br />

River Valley is one of the most polluted areas in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship.<br />

The demographic situation in the area is moderate, especially if the basic indicator of<br />

the birth rate is taken into account. A negative phenomenon that should not be<br />

neglected, however, is the extensive migration process from rural areas, which<br />

weakens the demographic potential of selected communes.<br />

The economic aspect of the Noteć River Valley evades an unambiguous evaluation. On<br />

the one hand, entrepreneurship is relatively high and equally distributed on the whole<br />

area. On the other hand, however, a high unemployment rate must be perceived in<br />

very negative terms <strong>–</strong> the figure stands at, at least, 18% on a bigger part of the<br />

region.<br />

Conclusions<br />

To recapitulate, the realisation of the project will enable an improved management of<br />

the Noteć River Valley area through identifying the supraregional indicators adding to<br />

a better quality of space management. Perceiving the area from the perspective of the<br />

membership in the European economic area requires a multi-layer approach to the<br />

problem, especially taking into account the fact that this region is a potential support<br />

area. The spatial development plan for Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship drafted on<br />


2003 assumes the continuation of co-existence of various functions on the analysed<br />

area: the agricultural, industrial and tourist function.<br />

As far as tourism is concerned, the following preconditions are of key importance:<br />

- The development of tourism should be based on anthropogenic values (more than<br />

800 years’ history), as well as, on natural landscape values;<br />

- The distance of 250 km from the German border creates possibilities for<br />

development of foreign tourism;<br />

- Creating a leisure infrastructure for weekend tourism for Bydgoszcz-Toruń<br />

Metropolitan Area and bigger towns in the communes by the Noteć River;<br />

- Water tourism on the Noteć River is a chance for the area and for the Kujawsko-<br />

Pomorskie and the neighbouring voivodships.<br />

At present the elaboration is being continued, the analyses of thematic areas covering<br />

natural, tourist, economic, social etc. issues are under way. The results of these<br />

analyses were presented during local working meetings within <strong>Defris</strong> Project, and they<br />

were discussed on by international <strong>Partners</strong>, which greatly facilitated the exchange of<br />

planning experiences. The works also included a photographic documentation covering<br />

the areas along the river. Further on, we are going to continue the studies. The<br />

elaborations titled:<br />

- “The Noteć River Valley. The Cultural Values as an Activating Element of Tourism<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Movement.”<br />

- The Noteć River Valley. The Outline of <strong>Development</strong> of the Water Route along with<br />

the Associated Technical and Tourist Infrastructure” are finished.<br />

These works, and especially their results, were presented during the <strong>Defris</strong> conference<br />

in Bydgoszcz in December 2006.<br />

The results of the elaboration will be published and distributed among all authorities in<br />

the Noteć River Valley area. The project will be a very important tool for regional and<br />

local authorities and for their development strategy and local area development plans.<br />

In order to create a tourist product based on the assets offered by the Noteć River, it<br />

is necessary to develop a proper tourist infrastructure. The basic elements of this<br />

infrastructure are meant to be relatively small, modern ports offering tourist<br />

information, accommodation, food, fuel for vessels or leisure facilities. The alreadyexisting<br />

hydro-technical facilities, now used for transport purposes, could be the basis<br />

for development of the network of such ports.<br />

Developing tourist infrastructure on the Noteć River requires taking a number of steps,<br />

of which, on the early stages, the most important are: achieving and maintaining an<br />

appropriate level of water cleanness, flood protection, protection of landscape in the<br />

vicinity of the river, development of the technical infrastructure, connecting the water<br />

route with other forms of tourism and recreation and a widely-understood education<br />

and tourist information supported by marketing activities. The analyses reveal all<br />

necessary activities meant to lead to the revival of water tourism and its optimal use<br />

for both tourists and local society. All necessary localisations of marinas, river ports,<br />

camp sites with appropriate infrastructure have been suggested.<br />

A system of marinas in this area might become one of the elements of the water way.<br />

The marinas should offer a wide range of services: docking cruiser vessels and<br />

motorboats, car park services, mechanical and boatbuilding services, accommodation<br />

for canoeists, water and food supply, taking advantage the natural assets and tourist<br />

attractions of the communes situated by the Noteć River.<br />

The projects directly associated with the Noteć River, or the canals, must necessarily<br />

be connected with widening the scope of tourist offer of the region by the forms of<br />

recreation strictly connected with the water route or generally drawing from the<br />


increased tourists’ interest. The studies describe the creation of a system of walking or<br />

cycling routes crossing with the water ones, organising various events combining<br />

water tourism with other forms of activities, building recreational facilities along the<br />

water routes <strong>–</strong> horse riding clubs, swimming facilities, sports facilities, angling<br />

facilities.<br />

In the first place, however, it necessary to secure this area in spatial development<br />

plans and then, the successive execution of the plans. The proposal of works<br />

associated with constructing a system of ports and riverside hostels by the Noteć River<br />

has already been prepared.<br />

The Noteć River Valley, its natural landscape assets offer a potential possibilities for<br />

the development of towns and communes located by the river. The development of<br />

tourism is bound to bring measurable benefits for the local residents by creating new<br />

work places, which a crucial issue for this region.<br />

At present, the key task seems to be an intensive promotion of water tourism, and a<br />

wide-scale lobbying in all institutions, bodies of local authorities and nongovernmental<br />

organisations for the sake of “turning the society to rivers”. The<br />

elaboration is an element of actions taken and it is meant to help in gaining allies and<br />

supporters.<br />


Szczecin<br />

appr. 210 km<br />

The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River Valley<br />

Transport network and connection<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

KCYNIA<br />

KCYNIA<br />

NAKŁO<br />

NAKŁO<br />

Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

SZUBIN<br />

SZUBIN<br />

ŻNIN<br />

ŻNIN<br />

Poznan<br />

appr. 80 km<br />

0 10 20 km<br />

state roads<br />

voivodship roads<br />

powiat roads<br />

Poznan<br />

appr. 70 km<br />

Bydgoszcz<br />

city centre appr. 10 km<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />



Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

BARCIN<br />

BARCIN<br />





PAKOŚĆ<br />

PAKOŚĆ<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

main railway routes important for state's transport<br />

railway routes with suspended passenger trains<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />




Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />





Torun<br />

appr. 40 km<br />


KUJ.<br />

Wloclawek<br />

appr. 50 km<br />

Warsaw<br />

appr. 220 km<br />

Cracow / Katowice (Upper Silesia Region)<br />

appr. 250 - 300 km

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River Valley<br />

Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Canal<br />

Canal<br />

Canal<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Analysing area against kujawsko - pomorskie voivodship<br />

r = 40 km<br />

r = 25 km<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />

Bydgoszcz<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Toruń<br />

Area - 3 486 sq. km<br />

(19% of total voivodship's area)<br />

Population - 346,4 thous.<br />

(17% of total voivodship's population)<br />

of which 54% in cities<br />

Gminas - 21 (of 144 in voivodship)<br />

Cities - 13 (of 52 in voivodship)<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Grudziądz<br />

r = 25 km<br />

r = 40 km<br />


Sadki<br />

Sadki<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Nakło<br />

Nakło<br />

pow. pow. nakielski<br />

nakielski<br />

Kcynia<br />

Kcynia<br />

Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz Canal<br />

Canal<br />

Canal<br />

Żnin<br />

Żnin<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Szubin<br />

Szubin<br />

0 10 20 km<br />

pow. pow. żniński<br />

żniński<br />

The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River Valley<br />

Analysing area against the administrative division<br />

pow. pow. bydgoski<br />

bydgoski<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

Noteć<br />

pow. pow. żniński<br />

żniński<br />

border of the elaboration<br />

area of a district<br />

border of a commune<br />

Noteć river<br />

Białe Białe Białe Błota<br />

Błota<br />

Błota<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Łabiszyn<br />

Barcin<br />

Barcin<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Dąbrowa<br />

Mogilno<br />

Mogilno<br />

Nowa Nowa Wieś Wieś Wielka<br />

Wielka<br />

Złotniki Złotniki Złotniki Kuj.<br />

Kuj.<br />

Kuj.<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

pow. pow. inowrocławski<br />

inowrocławski<br />

Pakość<br />

Pakość<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Noteć Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal Canal<br />

Janikowo<br />

Janikowo<br />

Strzelno<br />

Strzelno<br />

pow. pow. pow. mogileński<br />

mogileński<br />

mogileński<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Plannig in Włocławek<br />

Rojewo<br />

Rojewo<br />

m. m. m. Inowrocław<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Noteć Noteć Noteć<br />

Noteć Noteć<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Kruszwica<br />

Jeziora Jeziora Wlk.<br />

Wlk.<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Inowrocław<br />

Piotrków Piotrków Kuj.<br />

Kuj.<br />

pow. pow. radziejowski<br />



Being a key stage of the execution of <strong>Defris</strong> project, WP3 required an appropriate level<br />

of promotion and information about the activities conducted within its scope. The<br />

promotion of individual strategic development projects (SDP) was carried out on local,<br />

regional and national levels. However, it was also present, and visible, on the<br />

international level. As a result of the fact that each Partner in the <strong>Defris</strong> project had<br />

their own marketing and promotion budget at disposal, separate information<br />

spreading strategies were applied in each region.<br />

Below the most crucial elements of SDP promotion in 2005-2006 are presented.<br />

Conferences, seminars, meetings<br />

• The Meeting of Information-Counselling Network, Toruń, 04.03.2005<br />

• A conference “Big Importance of Small Metropolises”, Toruń, 20-21.04.2005<br />

• III Transnational <strong>Defris</strong> Seminar, Toruń, 19-21.06.2005<br />

• IV Transnational <strong>Defris</strong> Seminar, Włocławek, 24-25.11.2005<br />

• A scientific symposium on spatial-economic and environmental problems of the<br />

functional region of Włocławek, Włocławek, 24.04.2006<br />

• A conference “A-1 Motorway between Czerniewice and Stryków”, Włocławek,<br />

3.11.2006<br />

• A meeting with the representatives of local administration of Ukrainian regions,<br />

Toruń, 15.12.2006<br />

• Seminar “<strong>Defris</strong> <strong>–</strong> Executing the Strategic <strong>Development</strong> Projects”, Bydgoszcz,<br />

20.12.2006<br />

Press releases, publications<br />

• An article “We Take Part in the <strong>Defris</strong> Project”, Gazeta Pomorska, 25.04.2005<br />

• Information on the project execution, the calendar of “Space” magazine, issue no.<br />

18/2004/05<br />

• An article “The Foretaste of a Metropolis”, Gazeta Pomorska, 27.06.2005<br />

• An article “The Foretaste of a Metropolis” (reprint), Polish Regions in Europe,<br />

September 2005.<br />

• Information “A Planned <strong>Development</strong>”, Gazeta Kujawska, 25.11.2005<br />

• Information about the execution of the project, calendar of “Space” magazine,<br />

issue no. 19/2006.<br />

• A scientific dissertation “Transboarder Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region<br />

Illustrated by <strong>Defris</strong> Project”, Karolina Sadowska, Nicolas Copernicus University,<br />

Toruń, Scientific Works of the Academy of Economics in Wrocław, issue no. 1099,<br />

2006<br />

• An article “Bid for Documentation”, Gazeta Pomorska, 4.11.2006<br />

• An article “Motorway in 4 years’?”, Gazeta Pomorska, 6.11.2006<br />

• “Space” magazine devoted to <strong>Defris</strong> project, issue no. 20/2006, 2000 copies.<br />

• Information brochures for the members of the local Parliament of Kujawsko-<br />

Pomorskie Voivodship (including information of the execution of <strong>Defris</strong> project),<br />

2005, 10 brochures, 2006 <strong>–</strong> 9 brochures.<br />

Radio and television information<br />

• A conference “A conference “Big Importance of Small Metropolises”, Toruń, 20-<br />

21.04.2005r <strong>–</strong> information on regional television and Television Toruń.<br />

• III Transnational <strong>Defris</strong> Seminar, Toruń, 19-21.06.2005 - information on regional<br />

television and Television Toruń and Radio PIK.<br />

• IV Transnational <strong>Defris</strong> Seminar, Włocławek, 24-25.11.2005 - information on local<br />

television<br />


• A conference “A-1 Motorway between Czerniewice and Stryków”, Włocławek,<br />

3.11.2006 - information on local television<br />

• Seminary “<strong>Defris</strong> <strong>–</strong> Executing the Strategic <strong>Development</strong> Projects”, Bydgoszcz,<br />

20.12.2006 <strong>–</strong> information on regional radio.<br />

Promotional materials<br />

• Preparing and distributing promotional materials on <strong>Defris</strong> project: calendars,<br />

notebooks, pens, mugs, t-shirts, bags etc.<br />

• Preparing and distributing thematic leaflets concerning the strategic development<br />

projects.<br />

• Preparing and displaying promotional banners concerning the strategic<br />

development projects.<br />

Electronic information<br />

• Current information on the project on the website of Kujawsko-Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship www.kujawsko-pomorskie.pl<br />

• Updating the Internet website of <strong>Defris</strong> project www.defris.net (5 articles)<br />

• E-mail contact with the project <strong>Partners</strong> on regular basis.<br />

Promotion on regional and local level<br />

• Information and discussions on “The conception of the economic development of<br />

the Noteć River Valley” regularly provided to the Association of Towns and<br />

Communes by the Noteć River, to local authorities of the regions included in the<br />

project, and to the Municipal Urban Planning Office in Bydgoszcz (the Bydgoszcz<br />

Water Junction)<br />

• Providing the information on the Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area to the<br />

Municipal Urban Planning Offices in Bydgoszcz and Toruń, and to the Office of the<br />

General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways in Bydgoszcz.<br />

• Meetings with the representatives of the self-government of the town of<br />

Włocławek, and the self-governments of the functional region <strong>–</strong> discussing the<br />

existing preconditions and solutions suggested in the elaboration “Shaping the<br />

Function of Włocławek as a <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Centre”.<br />

• Meetings with the representatives of bodies of territorial self-government, nongovernmental<br />

organisations, associations, universities, businesspersons and other<br />

individuals interested in the subject of transnationality within the INTERREG<br />

projects.<br />

• Numerous meetings of the work group of <strong>Defris</strong> project (Bydgoszcz, Toruń,<br />

Włocławek).<br />

Other activities<br />

• The exhibition of works in the field of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Planning during the III<br />

Transnational <strong>Defris</strong> Seminar, Toruń, 19-21.06.2005<br />

• Preparing and distributing brochures and thematic booklets connected with the<br />

execution of SDP during transnational seminars and meeting of work groups.<br />

• Promotion of the project during conferences, seminars, forums, fairs and other<br />

cultural and economic events organised by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship.<br />



One of the main tasks of the <strong>Defris</strong> project is the exchange of information, data,<br />

experience and methods in the field of regional planning <strong>–</strong> both on the stage of<br />

evaluation of the preconditions of development and the analysis of the potential of<br />

regions and of planning their future development. Considerable differences between<br />

the countries of origins of the regions involved in the project - physical-geographical,<br />

socio-economic organisation and level, general organisation of state <strong>–</strong> make the<br />

methods and conditions of regional planning differ in many respects. The good<br />

practice of exchange of experiences and the opportunity to learn about the<br />

organisation of the bodies responsible for regional planning in other countries is an<br />

excellent way to considerably widen the array of own methods.<br />

The exchange of experiences in course of the project was facilitated through:<br />

a) presentations of projects and discussions during TNS and WGM <strong>–</strong> both during<br />

plenary sessions and in thematic groups,<br />

b) information bulletins “WP3 Newsletter”,<br />

c) e-mail contact,<br />

d) preparing information for partners (booklets and brochures with information on<br />

the project),<br />

e) carrying out thematic questionnaire surveys among the partners,<br />

f) offering answers to partners’ questions,<br />

g) possibility to learn about the methods in regional planning during TNS and<br />

WGM (presentations by <strong>Partners</strong>),<br />

h) possibility to learn practically about particular solutions in the field of regional<br />

planning and urban planning through getting to know the conduct of other<br />

planning offices and through study visits (related to spatial or regional<br />

planning) or sightseeing of towns/regions during seminars (presentations by<br />

<strong>Partners</strong>),<br />

The aforementioned aims, methods and scope of co-operation were characteristic of<br />

all projects executed by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship, although, they may have<br />

been of various specifics due to their thematic nature and internal variety of the<br />

projects put forward by <strong>Partners</strong>, which were the pool from which thematically-related<br />

projects were drawn. The basic assumption of <strong>Defris</strong> project is that each of strategic<br />

development project executed within WP3 be implemented in co-operation with at<br />

least one region <strong>–</strong> in practice this co-operation concerned at least 3 regions, and some<br />

subjects involved all <strong>Partners</strong>. Because of the need to establish a close co-operation<br />

between regions based on distributing and implementing the results of works of WP3,<br />

the projects (including <strong>Partners</strong>’ projects) were divided into project activities.<br />

The table presents the information about the co-operation of Kujawsko-Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship with <strong>Partners</strong> for particular project activities.<br />

One of the results of the co-operation was the creation of questionnaires prepared and<br />

distributed by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship. They made it possible to compare the<br />

issues in particular regions in a relatively objective manner; the questionnaires<br />

concerned:<br />

- the conditions of communication between the regions and the capital cities of states,<br />

- the character of the settlement system in the regions and the functioning of public<br />

services (the results of the questionnaire were presented during TNS 6 in Jyvaskyla<br />

and subsequently published in the report form,<br />

- potential for the development of tourism and the basic parameters of tourism in the<br />

region,<br />


- competences and influence of local self-governments on the functioning of services,<br />

especially market ones,<br />

- consumer behaviour, trends in retailing and the direction of development of shopping<br />

centres (on the regional level in Finland, on the national level in Poland).<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship also prepared materials in the form of brochures,<br />

booklets, presentations for all participants of each TNS and WGM <strong>–</strong> the total number of<br />

such materials for WP3 amounted to approximately 20 titles. Large-scale maps of<br />

BTMA presenting the final results of analyses were presented during the seminar in<br />

Kaunas.<br />

Table. International co-operation of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship within WP3.<br />

Strategic<br />

development<br />

project<br />

The Bydgoszcz-<br />

Toruń<br />

Metropolitan<br />

Area as the<br />

development<br />

zone<br />

Shaping the<br />

function of<br />

Włocławek as a<br />

regional centre<br />

The conception<br />

of the economic<br />

development of<br />

the Noteć River<br />

valley<br />

Activity Partner Areas of co-operation<br />

(Activities)<br />

Determinants of<br />

services and<br />

business<br />

development<br />

Transport system in<br />

BTMA <strong>–</strong> abilities and<br />

problems<br />

The importance<br />

of Włocławek<br />

as service centre<br />

Tourism as the<br />

factor of business<br />

and economical<br />

activation<br />

CF<br />

PS<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

PS<br />

O<br />

O<br />

CF<br />

K<br />

K<br />

CF<br />

PS<br />

O<br />

PS<br />

K<br />

O<br />

Commercial service network of Central<br />

Finland<br />

Commercial service network of Pohjois-<br />

Savo<br />

Service and communications<br />

Conditions in the development corridor<br />

Threats and opportunities with integration<br />

Promotion business parks<br />

New solutions for public transport<br />

Alternative rail transport solutions<br />

Road 9 development zone<br />

<strong>Development</strong> of communications and<br />

transport systems<br />

Opportunities of communication and<br />

transport systems in the periphery<br />

Commercial service network of Central Finland<br />

Commercial service network of Pohjois-Savo<br />

Service and communications<br />

Promotion of tourist centres<br />

Opportunities of service development in<br />

the periphery<br />

Service and communications<br />

Explanations: CF <strong>–</strong> Central Finland, PS <strong>–</strong> Pohjois Savo, O <strong>–</strong> Ostergotland, K - Kaunas<br />

Within WP3 the participants of seminars had a chance to learn about the planning<br />

methods applied in particular regions. During TNS 3 in Toruń, a preview of regional<br />

planning works was organised; the participants also had a chance to find out some<br />

information (during working visits) about the work of planning/regional development<br />

offices in Norrkoping, Jyvaskyla, Włocławek, Linkoping and Kaunas.<br />

To sum up, it is important to pay attention to several vital conclusions derived from<br />

the co-operation and experience exchange within WP3. Sweden and Finland are<br />


countries with much more developed post-industrial economies, therefore learning<br />

about the regional planning methods in these conditions was of particular use for<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (in the context of on-going changes in Poland). In<br />

many respects, Kujawsko-Pomorskie is similar to Kaunas, which is largely the effect of<br />

natural environment similarities, but it is remarkably different form the regions in<br />

Sweden and Finland. One should also indicate the substantial discrepancies in the<br />

quality, character and availability of data and information crucial for regional planning.<br />

Both Scandinavian countries present a considerably more advantageous situation than<br />

the other regions in this respect. The shortage of lack of data for numerous important<br />

issues, results in important aspects of analyses in Poland being neglected, while<br />

appropriate elaborations are routinely prepared in Finland and Sweden. The natural<br />

conditions, are obviously, the basic preconditions shaping the development of regional<br />

policy in all partner regions (they also determine the character of the settlement<br />

system). Nevertheless, the legal system and the organisation of state (competences<br />

and duties of authorities, administrative division) are also important modifying factors.<br />

Another important precondition, especially in case of transport infrastructure, is the<br />

level of the country’s wealth and their general socio-economic development, which<br />

results in Poland in the need to upgrade the transport network to generally-accepted<br />

standards, while scandinavian countries are able to implement the most modern<br />

trends in the field of safety and travel time shortening.<br />

Another field where remarkable differences are to be noticed is the management and<br />

character of tourism and recreation, and the conditions of development of agriculture<br />

(which implicates demographic consequences, as well). The system of financing and<br />

executing the responsibilities of local self-governments is also different. The local<br />

authorities in both Scandinavian countries have more freedom in shaping the structure<br />

of expenditures than is the case in Poland. The networks of co-operation between<br />

communes based on taking on various projects together, and common organisation of<br />

services (e.g. healthcare) are also common practice there.<br />



The report presented the result of over two-year long work done within the work<br />

package no. 3 (WP3) of <strong>Defris</strong> project. Having completed the work on package no.1<br />

(devoted to data gathering and exchange of experiences concerning the analysis<br />

methodology) and no. 2 (devoted to the analysis of regional planning systems and the<br />

organisation and competences of the administration in the partner countries and<br />

regions) the data and information gathered were the basis for the execution of<br />

projects of strategic importance for the development of the regions. The projects were<br />

subject to detailed and multi-layer co-operation between the partner-regions. These<br />

were 3 strategic development projects covering the fields of various specifics and<br />

objectives of development which were selected in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship:<br />

1. The Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area as the development zone.<br />

The achieved objective of the project was the diagnosis of socio-economic and<br />

communications preconditions, which was the basis for setting objectives and<br />

directions for further development. The elaboration has been used as an element of<br />

the Plan of development and spatial management of BTMA.<br />

2. Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre.<br />

The project enabled a complex analysis of the function of Włocławek as a<br />

supplementary centre of regional importance along with identifying the spatial<br />

scope and character of interactions between the town and its surrounding area. The<br />

study also resulted in drafting the directions of the city’s development, especially<br />

regarding the improvement of its function as a large service centre.<br />

3. The conception of the economic development of the Noteć River Valley.<br />

The project involved a multi-aspect analysis of a vast and varied south-western part<br />

of the voivodship, aimed at identifying the possibilities of its economic activation on<br />

the basis of its water-related assets <strong>–</strong> the Noteć River as the water road and tourist<br />

route. The elaboration refers to a similar study on the western part of Noteć River<br />

valley prepared in Wielkopolskie Voivodship.<br />

The elaborations prepared within WP3 are a new experience in regional planning in<br />

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship. These are first regional studies conducted with such<br />

close and wide co-operation with foreign regions. As many as approximately 20<br />

experts from Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bureau of Spatial and <strong>Regional</strong> Planning were<br />

involved in the project. About 10 of them participated in the activities of the work<br />

groups (WGM) and international seminars (TNS). The planning methods of the working<br />

team have been enriched by new knowledge, methods, data and information, the<br />

more valuable because they were gathered in regions of varied preconditions, but<br />

representing the features and problems important for the development of Kujawsko-<br />

Pomorskie Voivodship. One of the three strategic projects (“BTMA as the development<br />

zone”) has become an important element of the updated spatial management plan of<br />

the voivodship, so the results of work will have a direct impact on decision making<br />

concerning the development policy. The other subjects (“Shaping the function of<br />

Włocławek as a regional centre” and “The conception of the economic development of<br />

the Noteć River Valley”) enabled a complex diagnosis of the level of development<br />

(combined with identification of problems and suggested directions of activities) and<br />

they make an invaluable material for self-governments of all levels.<br />

Apart from the important advantage resulting from the execution of WP3 in the form<br />

of enriching the potential of the planning services of the voivodship marshal, the<br />

prepared elaborations are a measurable, useful product for conducting the regional<br />

policy, which clearly indicates the importance of continuing similar co-operation<br />

programmes based on inter-regional co-operation in the years to come.<br />





Project information formula<br />

The Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong> Torun Metropolitan Area<br />

as the development zone<br />

Name of <strong>Defris</strong> partner <strong>Regional</strong> Authority of Kujawsko <strong>–</strong> Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship<br />

Name of the project The Bydgoszcz <strong>–</strong> Torun Metropolitan Area<br />

as the development zone<br />

Contact person(s), contact information Adam Stańczyk<br />

Julian Ziemkowski<br />

Implementation time period 07.2005 <strong>–</strong> 12.2006<br />

Main objective, end result Main objectives:<br />

Assessment of determinants useful for setting the<br />

aims and trends for:<br />

1. optimal socio-economic development, functionalspatial<br />

and transport structures of BTMA<br />

2. establishing BTMA more attractive and competitive<br />

for investments to improving the position and role<br />

of BTMA among polish metropolitan areas.<br />

Particularly, two issues will be analysed:<br />

1. socio-economical preconditions of development of<br />

BTMA<br />

2. transport system of BTMA<br />

58<br />

Expected results:<br />

1. the product of the project will be the text including<br />

information and analyzes concerning socioeconomical<br />

preconditions of development and<br />

transport system as well as large scale maps<br />

(maps at a scale of 1:50 000) including outputs of<br />

analyzes.<br />

2. the project will cause better space management<br />

and creating the development. The study will be<br />

used as a part of diagnosis stage of “Plan of<br />

development and spatial development of BTMA”.

Activities (per MS if possible) MS 3 (07-12.2005)<br />

1. collecting data<br />

2. collecting and preparing maps<br />

3. starting analyses of socio-economical and<br />

infrastructure (especially transport, business<br />

development and services) preconditions of<br />

development<br />

WP3 results and indicators<br />

• What are identified and<br />

established networks in the<br />

project<br />

• What are the key questions<br />

analyzed in the project for<br />

interregional and regional<br />

development<br />

• In what way the project shows<br />

how a region can develop in<br />

co-operation with other regions<br />

in interregional development<br />

zones.<br />

MS 4 (01-06.2006)<br />

1. continuing of analyses; completing some parts of<br />

the study<br />

2. preparing 1:50 000 maps with spatial<br />

presentations of analyzes’ outputs (map with<br />

socio-economical issues and map with<br />

infrastructure issues)<br />

59<br />

MS 5 (07-12.2006)<br />

1. completing analyses<br />

2. completing maps<br />

3. preparing general assumptions for conception of<br />

development and aims of development (for the<br />

next - plan - stage)<br />

4. finishing the project <strong>–</strong> booklets containing<br />

completed studies of socio-economical<br />

preconditions and transport system for BTMA are<br />

available<br />

Identified and established networks:<br />

o co-operation between regional and local<br />

authorities (authorities of voivodship, counties<br />

and communes)<br />

o co-operation between specialized units for<br />

regional planning (for Kujawsko-Pomorskie) and<br />

for urban planning (for Bydgoszcz and Toruń)<br />

o co-operation between working team and external<br />

experts (commissioned analyzes)<br />

Key questions analyzed in the project:<br />

o public and commercial services<br />

o transport system for internal and interregional<br />

connections<br />

o settlement system<br />

o demographic issues<br />

o entrepreneurship, tourism and agriculture as<br />

factors of economical development<br />

o strength and potential of metropolitan area<br />

Ways of region’s co operation in interregional zones:<br />

o co-operation in interregional zones should<br />

concern transport connections<br />

Implementation network (national) Authority of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

Authorities of communes and counties of BTMA (incl.<br />

authorities of Bydgoszcz and Toruń)<br />

Specialized units for urban planning for Bydgoszcz and<br />

Toruń<br />

The Board of BTMA<br />

External experts<br />

Expected support:<br />

- data, maps and documents support<br />

- opinions and comments for authors team<br />

- commissioned specialized analyses for the project

Co-operation with <strong>Defris</strong> partners<br />

(write shortly your closer co-operation<br />

activities)<br />

Utilization and dissemination of<br />

experiences and results<br />

Additional information and material<br />

Regions/Activities involved in co-operation:<br />

Central Finland<br />

- Commercial service network of Central Finland<br />

- Road 9 development zone<br />

Ostergotland<br />

- Service and communications<br />

- Conditions in the development corridor<br />

- Threats and opportunities with integration<br />

- New solutions for public transport<br />

- Alternative rail transport solutions<br />

Pohjois-Savo<br />

- Promotion business parks<br />

- Commercial service network of Pohjois-Savo<br />

Kaunas<br />

- <strong>Development</strong> of communications and transport<br />

systems<br />

- Opportunities of communication and transport<br />

systems in the periphery<br />

60<br />

Ways of co-operation:<br />

- exchange of studies<br />

- presentations of projects<br />

- discussing during common and group (thematic)<br />

sessions<br />

- completing thematic questionnaires<br />

- regular exchange of information (WP3 Newsletter)<br />

Utilization:<br />

The study will be used as a part of diagnosis stage of<br />

“Plan of development and spatial development of<br />

BTMA”. So, it will be the tool helping voivodship,<br />

counties and communes authorities to manage and<br />

create development, especially improving socioeconomical<br />

and transport conditions of BTMA<br />

The others benefits are:<br />

- collecting wide-range data concerning BTMA<br />

- the study will give the regional and over-regional<br />

directions for more detailed (local) land-using and<br />

management plans<br />

- creating network of co-operation in BTMA<br />

Results could be utilized in land use planning for<br />

communes.<br />

Dissemination:<br />

The results will be published and sent to all authorities<br />

in BTMA area.


Project information formula<br />

Shaping the function of Włocławek as a regional centre<br />

Name of <strong>Defris</strong> partner <strong>Regional</strong> Authority of Kujawsko <strong>–</strong> Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship<br />

Name of the project Shaping the functions of Włocławek<br />

as a regional centre<br />

Contact person(s), contact information Zbigniew Brenda<br />

Ewa Birek<br />

Implementation time period 07.2005 <strong>–</strong> 12.2006<br />

Main objective, end result 1. Main objective:<br />

1. Identifying regional services located in<br />

Włocławek<br />

2. Assessment of service potential of the town<br />

against the whole region<br />

2. Expected results:<br />

The studies should make it possible to evaluate the<br />

level of connections between the town and its<br />

surroundings. It will be possible to determine whether,<br />

and to what extent, the services offered by the town<br />

meet the requirements of the residents of the<br />

functional area. Moreover, the studies should provide<br />

information concerning the problem of how<br />

competitive Włocławek is towards neighbouring<br />

centers such as Płock, Toruń, Konin.<br />

Activities (per MS if possible) MS 3 (07-12.2005)<br />

- collecting data<br />

- preliminary delimitation of functional area<br />

- establishing co-operation with local authorities<br />

- starting analyses<br />

- preparing and sending questionnaires<br />

MS 4 (01-06.2006)<br />

- carrying out analyses<br />


WP3 results and indicators<br />

• What are identified and<br />

established networks in the<br />

project<br />

• What are the key questions<br />

analyzed in the project for<br />

interregional and regional<br />

development<br />

• In what way the project shows<br />

how a region can develop in<br />

co-operation with other regions<br />

in interregional development<br />

zones.<br />

MS 4 (01-06.2006)<br />

- carrying out analyses<br />

- collecting and analysing questionnaires <strong>–</strong><br />

results<br />

- consultations with local authorities (direct<br />

meetings, conferences)<br />

- verifying the boarders of the functional area<br />

- identification of overlocal functions that the<br />

town has for its functional area<br />

MS 5 (07-12.2006)<br />

- completion of analysis<br />

- defining the directions of development of<br />

overlocal services in Włocławek<br />

- preparing final report<br />

62<br />

Identified and established networks:<br />

- co-operation between local authorities (county<br />

and communes) included in the functional<br />

area<br />

- co-operation between Authorities of the town<br />

of Włocławek, Kujavian Chamber of Commerce<br />

and Industry and other economic<br />

organisations, General Directorate of National<br />

Road and Motorways<br />

- co-operation between working team<br />

Key question analyzed in the Project:<br />

- public and commercial services, especially<br />

overlocal services - mainly: trade, secondary<br />

level education, higher level of education,<br />

cultural services, sport and tourism,<br />

healthcare services<br />

- potential of city of Włocławek<br />

- raising of attractiveness and competitiveness<br />

of city<br />

Implementation network (national) Authorities of communes and county, u Authorities of<br />

the town of Włocławek, Kujavian Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry, other economic<br />

organisations<br />

Co-operation with <strong>Defris</strong> partners<br />

(write shortly your closer co-operation<br />

activities)<br />

Utilization and dissemination of<br />

experiences and results<br />

Receiving support:<br />

- statistical data<br />

- opinions and comments for author team<br />

Regions/Activities involved in co-operation:<br />

Central Finland<br />

- Commercial service network of Central Finland<br />

Pohjois-Savo<br />

- Commercial service network of Pohjois-Savo<br />

Östergötland<br />

- Service and communications<br />

Ways of co-operation:<br />

- exchange of studies<br />

- presentations of projects<br />

- discussing during common and group<br />

(thematic) sessions<br />

- regular exchange of information (WP3<br />

Newsletter)<br />

Utilization:<br />

The project may prove helpful in the local economic<br />

and spatial policy creation

Additional information and material<br />

63<br />

The other benefits are:<br />

- collecting wide-range data concerning<br />

Włocławek and its functional area<br />

- taking notice of necessity of close co-operation<br />

between the municipal self-government of<br />

Włocławek and the local self-governments of<br />

towns and communes included in the<br />

functional area<br />

Dissemination:<br />

The results will be published in the form of a report<br />

and distributed among relevant local governments and<br />



Project information formula<br />

The conception of the economic development<br />

of the Noteć River Valley<br />

Name of <strong>Defris</strong> partner <strong>Regional</strong> Authority of Kujawsko <strong>–</strong> Pomorskie<br />

Voivodship<br />

Name of the project The conception of the economic development of the<br />

Noteć River Valley<br />

Contact person(s), contact information Julian Ziemkowski<br />

Ewa Kurowska<br />

Dawid Mądrzyński<br />

Implementation time period 07.2005 <strong>–</strong> 12.2006<br />

Main objective, end result Main objectives:<br />

1. The assessment of the Noteć River Valley’s<br />

potential for development. There are complicated<br />

preconditions and functional conflicts in this area<br />

(the environment protection, the agriculture, the<br />

industry).<br />

2. Setting the aims and trends of development for<br />

economic activation of the Noteć River Valley<br />

(especially the tourist aspect) sticking to rules of<br />

sustainable development.<br />

Expected results:<br />

1. The product of the project will be the text which<br />

comprises of information and analyses’ results,<br />

aims and development trends for the economic<br />

activation and creation of tourist product as well<br />

as large scale maps (maps at a scale of 1:50 000)<br />

comprise the information base, determinants of<br />

development and the spatial presentation of<br />

development trends.<br />

2. The project will cause better management of the<br />

Noteć River Valley by recognizing of determinants in<br />

over-regional scale which improve the quality of the<br />

space management; the project will have the great<br />


significance in the Noteć River Valley promotion <strong>–</strong><br />

the study will be also for promotion and statutory<br />

needs of social organizations which take up<br />

problems of the Noteć River Valley, the protection of<br />

environment, the tourism promotion, etc.<br />

Activities (per MS if possible) MS 3 (07-12.2005)<br />

1. collecting and preparing data<br />

2. collecting maps<br />

3. starting analyses of environmental, socio-economic<br />

(especially business development) and<br />

infrastructure conditions of development<br />

4. starting analyses of tourism values and tourism<br />

establishments, arrivals to the area, etc.<br />

WP3 results and indicators<br />

• What are identified and<br />

established networks in the<br />

project<br />

• What are the key questions<br />

analyzed in the project for<br />

interregional and regional<br />

development<br />

• In what way the project shows<br />

how a region can develop in<br />

co-operation with other regions<br />

in interregional development<br />

zones.<br />

MS 4 (01-06.2006)<br />

1. finishing analyses of environmental, socioeconomic<br />

(especially business development) and<br />

infrastructure conditions of development<br />

2. finishing analyses of tourism values and tourism<br />

establishments, arrivals to the area, etc.<br />

65<br />

MS 5 (07-12.2006)<br />

1. The first draft of conception of Noteć River Valley<br />

economic activation is available<br />

Identified and established networks:<br />

- co-operation with regional and local authorities<br />

(of voivodship, counties and communes)<br />

- co-operation with The Association of Towns and<br />

Communes in Noteć Basin<br />

- co-operation with external experts<br />

- co-operation with Wielkopolskie Voivodship<br />

where similar elaboration considering Noteć<br />

River Valley was made<br />

- the project is connected with Bydgoszcz Water<br />

Junction, which is one of the most valuable<br />

heritages of Bydgoszcz and the main element of<br />

the international water highway that connects<br />

Eastern and Western Europe.<br />

Key questions analyzed in the project:<br />

- the assessment of Noteć River Valley’s potential<br />

for development<br />

- economic activation of the Noteć River Valley<br />

(especially the tourist aspect):<br />

· modernization of the existing infrastructure and<br />

service areas<br />

· creating and promoting new places for tourist to<br />

visit and stay<br />

- demographic, agricultural, cultural and natural<br />

issues<br />

- entrepreneurship, unemployment and migration<br />

rate<br />

Way’s of region’s co-operation in interregional zones:<br />

- co-operation with Wielkopolskie Voivodship<br />

- co-operation with tourist companies<br />

Implementation network (national) Authorities of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship<br />

Authorities of gminas (communes) and powiats<br />

(counties) of Noteć River Valley and depending<br />

units of local management

Co-operation with <strong>Defris</strong> partners<br />

(write shortly your closer co-operation<br />

activities)<br />

Utilization and dissemination of<br />

experiences and results<br />

The Association of Towns and Communes in Noteć<br />

Basin<br />

- data, maps and documents support<br />

- opinions and comments for authors team<br />

Water Economy <strong>Regional</strong> Management<br />

- data, maps and documents support<br />

66<br />

External experts<br />

Regions/Activities involved in co-operation:<br />

- Őstsam<br />

Service and communications<br />

- Pohjois-Savo<br />

Promotion of tourist centres<br />

- Kaunas County<br />

Opportunities of service development in the periphery<br />

Ways of co-operation:<br />

- exchange of studies, information<br />

- presentations and discussions during common<br />

and group sessions<br />

- questionnaire concerning tourism created and<br />

sent to <strong>Defris</strong> partners<br />

- exchanged information with Central Finland and<br />

Kaunas region during work in group-sessions<br />

concerning tourism at Extra WGM in Jyvaskyla<br />

Utilization:<br />

The main benefit is helping voivodship, powiats<br />

(counties) and gminas (communes) authorities to<br />

manage and create development, especially<br />

improving socio-economic conditions of Noteć River<br />

Valley area.<br />

The others are:<br />

- establishing Noteć River Valley more attractive for<br />

tourism<br />

- collecting wide-range data concerning Noteć River<br />

Valley<br />

- the study will give directions for local strategies,<br />

land-using and management plans<br />

- creating network of co-operation in Noteć River<br />

Valley area<br />

Dissemination:<br />

The results will be published and send to all<br />

authorities in Noteć River Valley area and to The<br />

Association of Towns and Communes in Noteć Basin<br />

Seminars for local authorities were and will be<br />

organized.<br />

Additional information and material The project has over-regional character, because the<br />

scope of research refers to very similar study made<br />

for part of the Noteć River Valley located in<br />

neighbouring Wielkopolskie Voivodship.<br />

The area of the project is also connected with<br />

Bydgoszcz Water Junction which is very important<br />

element in the strategy of Bydgoszcz development.<br />

The project will be very important „tool” for the<br />

regional and local authorities and their strategies of<br />

development, and local plans.<br />

Results will be utilized in the regional land use plan.

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